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This is a perfect snack option when trying to lose weight – Times of India
Posted: May 2, 2020 at 3:42 am
Snacks are an important part of a weight loss diet plan, which you cannot miss out at any cost. Mindless and unplanned snacking can easily sabotage your weight loss goal and ruin all your efforts. Snacks help to keep you fuller between meals and prevent you from eating unhealthy food items. But deciding what to have to curb your evening hunger pangs can be a tricky task. You will have weird cravings, which would be hard to resist and at the same time you would be worried about your calorie count. If you often get stuck in such a dilemma, have some popcorn. Popcorn the healthiest snack This might come as a surprise to you, but popcorn can be an excellent snack option when trying to lose weight, especially when you are on a low-carb diet. By popcorn we mean the air-popped popcorn, not the butter drenched one. Light and fluffy popcorn are extremely low in calories. Air-popped popcorn has only 30 calories per cup.
As per a study published in the journal Antioxidants, popcorn is loaded with polyphenols, an antioxidant that can help to reduce inflammation. 75 grams of air-popped popcorn contains up to 300 mg of polyphenols. How much popcorn you can eat depends on the number of calories you have consumed throughout the day. You surely do not want to go overboard, so eat mindfully.
Other benefits of eating popcorn Popcorn is not only low in calories, it has other health benefits as well.
-It can prohibit the growth of cancerous cells in the body.
This is a perfect snack option when trying to lose weight - Times of India
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Why wearing a weighted vest could help people lose weight, according to scientists – iNews
Posted: May 2, 2020 at 3:42 am
NewsScienceResearchers say the study may also help to explain why spending long periods of time sitting down increases the risk of obesity
Thursday, 30th April 2020, 11:50 am
Wearing a weighted vest could help people lose weight by making them burn more calories and by tricking their body into reducing a person's appetite so that they eat less, a new study has found.
The research suggests that when a persons weight suddenly increases their bones register the change and attempt to restore the bodys long-term equilibrium.
They believe that the bones do this by reducing the persons appetite so they eat less and their weight comes down - although its not exactly clear how the process works.
The researchers call the bones in-built bathroom scales a "gravitostat", which is triggered by changes in the body weight bearing down on the bones.
The experiments
Scientists from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, conducted experiments on 69 people with a body mass index (BMI) of 30-35, the lowest obesity category. Each wore a weighted vest eight hours a day for three weeks, and otherwise lived as usual.
One group wore light vests weighing 1 kg, while the other donned heavy 11 kg vests. After three weeks those with the heavier vests had lost 1.6 kg in weight, while those wearing the light vests had lost 0.3 kg.
The weight loss cannot just be explained by increases in physical exertion from carrying the additional weight, the researchers said.
"The effect on fat mass exceeded what's usually observed after various forms of physical training, said Professor Claes Ohlsson, of the University of Gothenburg.
Not clear what kind of fat is lost
But we weren't able to determine whether the reduction was in subcutaneous fat - found just under the skin - or the dangerous visceral kind, or belly fat, in the abdominal cavity that's most strongly associated with cardiovascular diseases and diabetes," added Professor John-Olov Jansson, also of University of Gothenburg.
The researchers say the study may also help to explain why spending long periods of time sitting down increases the risk of obesity.
Apart from the fact that people arent exercising when they sit, our understanding of the gravitostat suggests that sitting could have the opposite effect of weighted vests, they suggest.
Why sitting may fuel obesity
Thats because the reduction in weight experienced by the bones as the seat takes much of the strain could increase our appetite, as the bones instruct the body to regain the equilibrium by eating more and putting on weight.
Many questions about how the gravitostat works remain for the researchers to answer. The scientists also want to see whether the weight reduction continues for the vest wearers over periods longer than three weeks, and whether the dangerous visceral fat is reduced by the treatment.
The study is published in the journal EClinicalMedicine.
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Should you stop having dairy if you want to lose weight? We tell you – Times of India
Posted: May 2, 2020 at 3:41 am
Is it necessary to ditch dairy to lose weight? is a a common query among weight watchers. Most people on a mission to lose weight shun dairy products as it is widely believed that milk and milk products can lead to weight gain. Dairy products have gained a bad reputation as they contain fats which are considered bad while on a weight loss plan. Well, completely eliminating dairy from the diet have proven to be beneficial when trying to shed kilos. However, it is not absolutely necessary to do so. If you love dairy products, there is no harm in consuming it. You just have to make some healthy swaps as per your fitness goal. Debunking the myth Milk does contain saturated fat, but it is also a great source of calcium and protein. Calcium keeps our bones and teeth strong and protein helps to repair damaged tissue and muscles. The dairy itself doesnt lead to weight gain. The actual problem arises when you overindulge or consume unhealthy dairy products. Not all dairy products are good for health and you have to choose the one that suits your requirement and at the same time practice mindful eating.
Eliminating an entire food group from your diet may have some adverse effect on your health. As per a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, dairy products do not lead to inflammation in the body, which is said to be the reason for weight gain. This only happens when you are lactose intolerant.
Here are the 3 best dairy products you can have
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Should you stop having dairy if you want to lose weight? We tell you - Times of India
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The best acupressure points for effective weight loss – Times of India
Posted: May 2, 2020 at 3:41 am
The ancient Chinese practice of acupressure is known to have multiple health benefits. Pressure is applied on particular points of the body with the help of your fingers and thumbs. It is known to heal headaches, backaches, sleep problems and a plethora of other physical and mental problems.Acupressure is also known to work wonders for weight loss. It may not directly cause weight loss but has positive effects on your appetite, digestion and metabolism. The practise of acupressure is effective and easy and can be done at home with no side effects. Special pressure points are known to help you lose weight. Be calm and relaxed before you begin and apply pressure on these body parts for effective weight loss.EarThis pressure point is located at the front of the ear, near the highest point of the jaw. To locate the point, move your jaw up and down. The point with the most movement is where you need to put pressure. Pressing this point for a minute or two everyday helps in controlling your appetite.Inner ElbowLocate this point an inch below the crease of your inner elbow. Massage this point for 2-3 minutes daily to help stimulate the intestines.
AnkleThis pressure point is located just above the ankle. It lies four-finger widths above the ankle, just behind the inside border of the tibia. Use your thumb to press this point for five minutes, providing pressure for six seconds with a rest of two seconds in between. This increases blood circulation.
CalfThis point is located on the outer calf, about four finger width under the knee. This pressure point strengthens the digestive system. You need to apply pressure using your thumb. Keep a steady pressure till you feel a little soreness and numbness.
WristTo find the pressure point on the wrist, measure two finger widths below the palm at the center of the wrist. Pressing this point with your thumb and forefinger helps prevent digestive disorders.
The best acupressure points for effective weight loss - Times of India
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Were exercising less during the coronavirus pandemic heres why – The Boston Globe
Posted: May 2, 2020 at 3:41 am
Theyre zooming with Pilates instructors, running stairs, getting full body workouts using a hair elastic for resistance. When the pandemic is called off, their jeans will not be a stress point.
But the rest of us? Between homeschooling the kids, sanitizing incoming groceries, working if were lucky and trying to avoid crowded outdoor spaces for fear of this potentially lethal virus were scared and busy.
Its a sedentary tale told in Fitbit data for Boston. The company looked at its users step counts through mid-April, and, big surprise, were becoming one with our couches.
The largest drop-off in movement was among 18-29 year-olds. Why? Its likely because they were moving the most before, according to Fitbit, but also because, based on personal anecdotal evidence, theyre the ones whove swapped campus life for Fortnite in my basement.
These young adults walked or ran about a mile and a half less per day this April than last April, or, to put it in step terms, thats 7,504 daily steps in April 2020 compared with 10,742 daily steps in April 2019.
The people whove lost the fewest steps are the 65+ crowd, dropping from 8,238 daily steps in April of 2019 compared with 7,289 this April.
Its not that people have just given up on exercise. In fact, Fitbits numbers show an actual increase in deliberate workouts people walking or running for more than 10 minutes at a time.
The big difference is all the moving around we used to do without thinking about it, back when going to work meant GOING TO work, and included a dash to the bus and two flights of stairs, and coffee was a walk down the street, and meetings were in distant conference rooms, and the bathroom and kitchen werent each feet from your desk.
In Belmont, Michele Vincent, 37, a mother of four (one of whom has the chutzpah to be 16 months old), has not only been robbed of her own steps to and from yoga, around the office, out running errands shes also losing secondhand steps.
Her three older kids soccer has been canceled, which means shes not walking across fields, not kicking a ball around at halftime, not hustling back to the SUV to change the baby.
Because Im still working, its not like I have nothing to do all day, she said, but by the time evening comes, and I finally have time to myself, all I want to do, honestly, is relax.
Not to make excuses.
Its a similar story in Medford, where Kerri Babish, 39, who used to do most of her errands on foot, is losing coffee-shop-related incidental exercise.
Theres nowhere to go, she said. No destinations.
Shes 15 weeks pregnant with her third child, and her midwife is urging her to exercise. But between the need to mask-up before taking a walk, and the stress of keeping herself and her grade schoolers 6 feet away from passing walkers and runners, strolling has gotten mentally exhausting.
Once you run through three or four scenarios [of what could go wrong], you run out of energy to do the thing you were considering doing in the first place, she said.
The extent of our inactivity has yet to be fully measured, but Mark Tremblay, founder of the Sedentary Behaviour Research Network (a real group) is seeing evidence to support his fears that many people have reduced movement.
In early April in Canada, TV time rose 66 percent among those age 15-49, and video gaming rose 35 percent.
One likely factor driving sedentary behavior is job loss, he said. Almost all employment involves some sort of movement. If youre making submarine sandwiches it involves standing and moving, whereas at home youll likely be sitting more.
Oh, we almost forgot to talk about yet another side effect of this pandemic: CNN has yet to start a tally of confirmed cases of quarantine-induced muffin top, but Lose It!, the weight-loss app, says that average weight loss is down 27 percent (although there has been a spike in new users).
And those are the people who are at least brave enough to enter their calories.
So low are expectations for fitness and weight maintenance that a company that makes wearable trackers and other monitors sent out a press release positioning negative markers for health as positives simply because the numbers werent as bad as they might have been.
Americans are not piling on the pounds!! beamed the release from Withings, a French consumer electronics company. The great news? In the US, only 37 percent of Withings consumers have gained more than a pound.
So far.
In Milton, real estate agent Larry Lawfer, 69, has not yet gained the Covid 19 (as in 19 pounds), but he has put on 4 well, 7 really, but hes dropped 3. Thats thanks to a strategy that includes carrying, not rolling, garbage and recycling bins to the curb, and forcing himself to drink up to 110 ounces of water a day, and then running to a bathroom on a distant floor of his three-story home.
Its bizarre, he said.
True, but these days what isnt?
Beth Teitell can be reached at Follow her on Twitter @bethteitell.
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Were exercising less during the coronavirus pandemic heres why - The Boston Globe
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Some Republicans Demand That Governor Reopen More Businesses In Texas – North Country Public Radio
Posted: May 2, 2020 at 3:41 am
Emerging data suggest that though people altered their habits during the first month of America's response to the pandemic, that cooperation has since leveled off and eventually decreased.
The authorization, announced by President Trump, comes days after preliminary results from a study of the drug showed it can help patients recover faster.
Dr. Fauci's testimony had been requested by the House Appropriations Committee as part of an investigation into the the COVID-19 response. The White House called the request "counter-productive."
Workers at Amazon, Target and other companies walked off the job on Friday to demand safer working conditions and transparency about how many front-line workers have gotten sick during the pandemic.
North Korean media, cited by South Korea's Yonhap News Agency, said he attended a ceremony marking the completion of a fertilizer plant in a town just north of the capital, Pyongyang.
Of more than 3.2 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 globally, more than a million people have recovered including some 154,000 in the U.S.
For the first time, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee has personally responded to an allegation of sexual assault from a former Senate staffer.
State leaders implemented sweeping measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Many are now deciding when and how to lift various restrictions.
Kayleigh McEnany, Trump's fourth press secretary, took her first turn behind the lectern in the cramped confines of the James S. Brady briefing room Friday.
A simple medical device has suddenly become a hot pic. Here's what doctors have to say about the pulse oximeter's possible role at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.
On this broadcast of The National Conversation, three essential workers share their experiences working through the pandemic. We'll also answer your questions about graduations and new treatments.
As hundreds of demonstrators, some armed, amassed Thursday, Republican lawmakers declined to extend a state of emergency, instead voting to sue Gov. Gretchen Whitmer over her response to COVID-19.
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Weight loss tips: Discover a tea with properties to help you lose weight effortlessly – Explica
Posted: May 2, 2020 at 3:41 am
Although over the last few months, many scientists and nutritionists have made efforts on social networks to try to spread the idea that there is no magic recipe to lose weight beyond that the only way to lose weight with health is to fall into a caloric deficit (consuming more calories than consumed), today some studies with proven efficacy have found that There are some infusions that can help you in a task that is not easy today and less if you take into account that we live in a moment of confinement in which it is more than complicated to take a single minute to exercise.
In this sense, several studies have shown in recent weeks how green tea can help you reduce fat and lose weight. Green tea is a type of infusion that, as explained in the latest issue of Mens Health magazine internationally, is made of the same ingredients as black but processed differently.
The first thing you have to be clear about is that if you start drinking infusions you will have fewer times to consume caloric and sugary drinks, so by subtracting those empty calories that you ingest with certain liquids, it will be easier for you to lose weight.
In addition, a recent study has shown that a fairly large number of overweight people who drank green tea or some of its extracts lost more weight than those who did not drink it. In the aforementioned article, it is commented, for example, that a recent study by the University of Oklahoma revealed that people who drank tea lost almost a kilo more than people who did not do so during the first month in which they began to control their diet. . In addition and what is almost more important for the scientific studies on weight loss, many of those who managed to reduce the numbers on the scale attacked obesity where they were most interested: in the abdominal fat that was the most reduced. of all.
If there is something that concerns both the female and the male sex when it comes to losing weight, that is undoubtedly the belly. It is there where many look when they want to lose weight Although this summer there is not too much beach to show off.
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Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How to Eat Dates (Khajur) to Lose Weight – LatestLY
Posted: May 2, 2020 at 3:41 am
Dates (Photo Credits: flickr)
Weight loss doesn't happen overnight, however, we need to include specific foods in the diet to expedite the process. The common hurdles face by the people during the weight-loss period is to overcome hunger and satisfy tastebud. Luckily, we have some yummy healthy fruits, dr-fruits and nuts which not only taste good but also fulfil the body with vital nutrients. Having said that let us speak about dates, also known as Khajur in Hindi, which can help in weight loss.Why Dates Are Eaten During Ramadan: The Religious Reason Why + Health Benefits of This Sacred Fruit.
Dates are considered to be a sacred fruit in the religion of Islam, as Muslims break their fast (Iftar), by dates during the month of Ramadan. However, this dry fruit is enjoyed and loved by people from different communities too.A study published in 2003 by the International Journal of Food, Sciences and Nutrition names dates as an ideal food, providing a wide range of essential nutrients and potential health benefits. Also, dates are relatively low in glycemic index (GI) value which makes the blood sugar rise at a steady rate and also keeps the stomach full for a longer time.Weight Loss Tip of the Week: How to Eat Cucumber to Lose Weight (Watch Video)
Dates are rich in micronutrients like iron, magnesium, potassium and are also high in fibres. The fibre-rich property of dates helps add bulks to the diet and smoothen up the digestive tract. Apart from this, khajur help in reducing inflammation which is linked to obesity. Dates come along with unsaturated fatty acid which makes it anti-inflammatory in nature. Lastly, dates are rich in protein which can help in preserving lean muscles which help in burning calories.
It must also be noted that dates are also high in calories, therefore eating them in excess can cause weight gain. Ideally, four dates a day would be enough to reap its benefits. Also, weight loss majorly depends upon the overall diet and regular exercise, dates can just be a helping hand in this process.
(This article is written for an informative purpose and should not be substituted for medical advice. Kindly consult your doctor before trying any tips.)
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Weight Loss and Weight Management Market Growth Opportunities, Challenges, Key Companies, Drivers and Forecast to 2026 Cole Reports – Cole of Duty
Posted: May 2, 2020 at 3:41 am
Golds Gym
Global Weight Loss and Weight Management Market: Competitive Landscape
This section of the report lists various major manufacturers in the market. The competitive analysis helps the reader understand the strategies and collaborations that players focus on in order to survive in the market. The reader can identify the players fingerprints by knowing the companys total sales, the companys total price, and its production by company over the 2020-2026 forecast period.
Global Weight Loss and Weight Management Market: Regional Analysis
The report provides a thorough assessment of the growth and other aspects of the Weight Loss and Weight Management market in key regions, including the United States, Canada, Italy, Russia, China, Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom United Kingdom, South Korea, France, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Mexico, India and Brazil, etc. The main regions covered by the report are North America, Europe, the Asia-Pacific region and Latin America.
The Weight Loss and Weight Management market report was prepared after various factors determining regional growth, such as the economic, environmental, technological, social and political status of the region concerned, were observed and examined. The analysts examined sales, production, and manufacturer data for each region. This section analyzes sales and volume by region for the forecast period from 2020 to 2026. These analyzes help the reader understand the potential value of investments in a particular country / region.
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Porters 5 Strength Rating shows how effective buyers and suppliers are in the industry.
The quantitative analysis of the Weight Loss and Weight Management world industry from 2020 to 2026 is provided to determine the potential of the Weight Loss and Weight Management market.
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Weight Loss and Weight Management Market Growth Opportunities, Challenges, Key Companies, Drivers and Forecast to 2026 Cole Reports - Cole of Duty
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How to lose weight in lockdown: one thing has GOT to go from your diet or at least be reduced. Here’s all you need to know – T3
Posted: May 2, 2020 at 3:41 am
During lockdown weight gain is perhaps inevitable, and not necessarily the end of the world. But if you want to lose weight or at least not put on too much extra weight there is one thing you can do that is almost certain to help. It is very obvious when you think about it, and arguably not that easy, but it will give positive results, and perhaps it might not have occurred to you before.
So, you want to know how to avoid isolation weight gain at home? There is one item in a lot of people's diets that could be easily cut and would result in losing weight faster. You guessed it: alcohol, booze, and the drink. No one needs a lecture about why alcohol is bad for your health but I think a lot of you don't realise how consuming alcohol effects your diet and your weight loss. Or your weight gain, more accurately.
If Google Trends is anything to go by, everyone seems to be having more booze than usual now that we are in full lockdown. And in the case of the UK in particular, that is saying something.
Best protein shake blender: there are brands other than Nutribullet, you know
Let's get one thing out of the way right at the beginning: the best way to lose weight is not to exercise more, but to eat less. Especially now that we have to stay indoors almost all the time, eating the same amount of food as we used to will result in us putting on weight. Cutting back on calories of any sort will help you in your weight loss battle. No news there.
There are a lot of misconceptions about alcohol and as I mentioned above, I'm not here to lecture anyone about just how bad it is to consume alcoholic beverages. Sure, some types of alcohols contain certain micronutrients (like minerals) that can be beneficial for health, but this doesn't outweigh the negative effects of these drinks.
One very important thing to realise about alcohol is that it is basically pure carbohydrate. Carbs are one of the three main macronutrients your body needs to function; the other two are lipids (fats) and protein. This doesn't mean your body needs alcohol to function, on the contrary. Drinking alcohol adds nothing to your diet, alcohol calories are just 'empty calories'.
Shop low-calorie beer at Skinny Booze
Just how many calories, though? There are a few options that are considered 'low-calorie' drinks, like vodka and diet coke. Although diet coke can be considered free of calories (still pretty bad in every way) a double shot (50 ml) of vodka contains over 100 calories. You would have to run 10 minutes to burn off those calories and that is just one drink.
Shop alcohol-free beer at Amazon UK
How about beer? A small bottle (12 oz/355 ml) of Goose Island IPA is 208 calories, twice as much as what's in a double shot vodka plus diet coke combo. And whoever has only one small bottle of beer when they drink? That's right, no one.
Shop light beer at Walmart US
Maybe wine? A bottle (750 ml) of Cabernet Sauvignon is just under 600 calories, meaning that two medium glasses (approx. 175 ml) contain around 250-300 calories.
We used the Drinkaware Unit and Calorie Calculator to calculate the below numbers.
For the rest, we used MyfitnessPal's database and the manufacturers websites.
Promixx MiiXR X7 Performance Nutrition Food Blender 7 Piece Set Black | Buy it for 89.99 at Amazon UKThe Promixx MiiXR X7 is not just any blender; it is a performance blender with different mixer heads, two Tritan bottles and two no-leak lids so you can carry your freshly made smoothies with you. The 700w motor pulverises anything you put in this blended in a matter of seconds. The Promixx MiiXR X7 is dishwasher safe but also easy to hand-wash, too, thanks to the ergonomic shape of the bottles. Who needs a Nutribullet when you have blenders like the Promixx MiiXR X7?View Deal
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(Image credit: Getty Images)
The best idea, of course, is to keep your alcohol consumption to the minimum. As I mentioned in the 'how to lose weight at home' article, being mindful about your diet and food/drink intake can help. Before you pour yourself another drink, ask yourself: do I want another drink? Am I bored? Is there another task I'm putting off by drinking?
Admittedly, on some occasions, especially during social gatherings, it is pretty challenging to get out of drinking at least some alcohol. When everyone is having beers and wines around you, the social pressure on you to have one too could be immense. Even in these cases, there are ways to reduce consumption.
If you are a wine drinker, have a soda spritzer instead of just a glass of wine. You would still get the sensation of having a wine in a wine glass, but you also drink plenty of water, which dilutes the alcohol and makes it easier for your body to digest it more efficiantly.
If you are more of a beer drinker, see if there are any low calorie/alcohol-free beers in stock. A bottle of alcohol-free Holstein is only 8 calories (!) and there are plenty of low-cal options out there, especially if you live in the US.
And in any case, if you drink a glass of water after you had a drink, your stomach will fill up sooner and you will feel fuller sooner, making you less likely to drink too much alcohol. It also helps with hangovers, too.
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