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20 Reasons Why You’re Just Not Losing Weight – Women’s Health
Posted: March 17, 2020 at 12:47 am
At some point in your life, you may have tried to drop a few pounds but noticed your bod isnt changing in spite of all your hard weight-loss efforts. Im eating healthy! Im not snacking on chips! I walked three miles every day this week! Seriously...what gives?!
As it turns out, there are a slew of factors that affect weight lossdiet and exercise are only two of them. It also depends on your starting weight, your age, and your gender, says obesity expert Matthew Weiner, MD, bariatric surgeon at Tucson Bariatric. Dr. Weiner explains that the best way to predict how much weight you can reasonably lose with basic dietary and exercise adjustments "is by calculating 10 percent of your total body weight."
For example, if youre starting weight is 150 pounds, you can expect to lose about 15 pounds at first through diet and exercise alone. Beyond that, weight loss can become a tad tougher (though not hopeless!). Your body naturally will begin to resist losing much more weight than around 10 percent thanks to its caveman impulses, explains Dr. Weiner. It will work to maintain your fat and energy stores to preserve your body.
Dr. Weiner notes that younger adults can sometimes lose up to 20 percent of their body weight through straightforward diet and exercise. But for postmenopausal women, for example, it might only be 5 to 7 percent.
Weight loss is also generally less speedy for women compared to men, alas. Men do tend to lose weight faster than women, but when you look at the total amount of weight loss [over time] its not as different as you might think, Dr. Weiner explains. It might take men two to three months to lose 10 percent, while it takes women five to six months. (*Glares.*)
Now that you understand those major physiological influencing factors, here are 20 possible behavioral reasons for why your weight just isn't changingand what you can do to overcome each one. (Psstt, you may be doing one or even a few of these!)
Raise your hand if youve ever thought something like the following after weighing yourself: Im still losing fat, Im just strength training really hard and gaining muscle.
Most of us have done it, but the problem is, Dr. Weiner says it doesnt work that way: Muscle is similar in density to water (while fat has a higher density) so its not an apples-to-apples exchange. In other words, refusing to reevaluate your weight-loss strategy because youre working on building muscle can result in your fat composition staying put.
A good thought experiment is comparing one pound of muscle to a 16-oz. can of soda [which has a similar density], Dr. Weiner explains. Imagine adding that much muscle to your bodyyou would see it.
In other words, you would notice yourself actively building enough muscle to tip the scale toward a higher if you basically look the same, think about something other than muscle gain. Consider tweaking your diet a bit to create a caloric deficit to move the needle, or try HIIT workouts to get your heart rate up and burn fat.
If you consume fewer calories than you expend, Dr. Weiner says its definitely possible to lose about 10 percent of your total body weight through dieting alone. But if you want to lose more, you cant just keep cutting calories. You have to change the type of food you eat, he says, focusing more on the quality of calories versus the quantity.
For example, if you order in delivery for dinner every night, eating fewer restaurant-prepared meals every week for lunch will probs help you shed some pounds at first...but eventually, the weight loss is going to stop unless you make the switch to even healthier lunches (like made with fewer oils, dressings, etc.) on a consistent basis. Once youve changed the quality of your caloriesand are consuming better-for-you foods with more satiating poweryoull also naturally eat less calories, which can make weight loss continue past the 10 percent point.
Dr. Weiner says that its human nature to judge ourselves favorably, dismissing or underestimating our bad decisions and emphasizing our good ones.
Translation? Youre likely to pat yourself on the back for eating a salad on Tuesday, while overlooking the fact that you ate two bowls of B&J for dessert (and then still wonder why youre not losing weight). Tracking your caloric intake in a visible, tangible waylike in a food journal or on an appcan help keep you accountable, and help you eliminate the bias we all have toward ourselves, says Dr. Weiner.
Generally speaking, protein has benefits: it fills you up (which means youll eat less food over time) and also helps you build muscle, skin, and healthy bones. But when it comes to weight loss, not all protein is created equal. Dr. Weiner warns about over-consuming animal proteinand the fat that typically comes with itbecause too much can lead to weight gain, and other health problems like diabetes.
Plant-based protein, on the other hand, is different (think: legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains). Dr. Weiner says you can eat higher amounts of these foods without worrying about negative effects on your health. Ive literally never seen a study suggesting that [sources of plant protein like nuts] cause weight gain, he adds.
Frustrated because youve been on your diet for three months and youve only lost, like, eight pounds? Before you freak out and try some new fad diet, think about whether your goal is just to lose as much weight as possible right this second, or to slim down healthfully over time, so you can keep the weight off permanently.
We tend to look at weight loss in the short-term, when its actually a long-term problem, says Dr. Weiner. There will be individual ups and downs every day, just like there are in the stock market.
Instead of taking a short-term POV on weight loss, consider looking at how your weight has changed over the last several years and how you would like to feel several years from now, too.
If youre blowing off diets focused on eating whole, clean foods (think: the Mediterranean diet) you might want to reconsider. Nutrition experts have known for a long time that diets full of whole foods, like fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein, are associated with better weight-loss results than diets packed with processed foods (like cereal, crackers, and prepackaged meals).
A 2019 study in Cell Metabolism further emphasized the benefits of a whole food diet; when participants ate diets similar in nutrients (e.g., similar amounts of protein, fat, sugar, and fiber), the group consuming processed foods showed higher levels of caloric intake and weight gain than the group consuming whole foods.
Yes, sometimes too much of a good thing can be not so good. Just because you swapped your nightly bowl of ice cream for Greek yogurt doesnt mean you can eat twice as much. The basic rule of "fewer calories in, more calories out" still applies, even when what youre eating is healthy.
The one exception? Dr. Weiner says you really cant overeat vegetables (seriously, the more you eat, the better). If you ate a pound of them every day, you would still lose weight because it would change your other eating behaviors, he explains, referring to the fact that if you filled up on veggies, you would reduce your appetite for other less healthy foods.
Remember the info about quality and quantity of calories above? The same applies to exercise, says Dr. Weiner, who suggests focusing on intensity versus duration when youre trying to lose weight by incorporating exercise.
If you want to walk for weight loss, you would have to walk 10 to 12 miles per day, he explains. Walking one or two miles, like so many people do, is good for you in a million waysbut weight loss isnt one of them.
Instead, if you want your exercise to yield weight loss, you could benefit from choosing activities that will boost your heart rate like boot camps, cycling classes, CrossFit sessions, or other high-intensity workouts that maximize cardio.
Gonna hit you with something totally shocking here: If youre drinking even one soda per day, you will never lose weight, says Dr. Weiner. Ummm, back up for a soda really that bad for you? Sorry, but yes: Dr. Weiner says when you drink sugar it drives up weight gain far more than when you eat it.
If youre hungry and eat a cookie you will be less hungry, or youll eat less at lunch; but when you drink 150 calories it doesnt impact your hunger at all, he explains. So you drink a soda, then you still eat a normal lunch, and all youve done is add 150 calories to your daily intake (versus splurging on a cookie and naturally course-correcting by eating 150 calories less later on).
Dr. Weiner also says working the night shift puts you at a major disadvantage. The disruption to your circadian rhythm, he explains, can lead to weight gainand switching back and forth between night and day shifts, like many people do in order to spend more time with family, is the worst of all. Its just nonstop disruption to an otherwise healthy, normal sleep-wake pattern.
For example, a 2019 study in the International Journal of Obesity observed weight loss over the course of 12 months in nearly 2,000 participants and found that those with less variability in sleep patterns were more likely to be more successful in their weight loss efforts.
Of course, not everyone has the luxury of choosing their work schedule or having a flexible boss. But if you are able to tweak your work schedule or work with your manager to avoid this, you should.
Never underestimate the power of keeping your body moving regularly throughout the day. Overly sedentary lifestyles make it harder to lose weight, says Dr. Weiner. If you wake up every morning and then sit at a desk for work, then come home and sit on the couch to watch TV, [weight loss] won't happen.
There was a time when eating frequent, small portions of food throughout the day was promoted as a way to lose weight, but science is beginning to show that the whole concept behind intermittent fasting might lead to better results. Dr. Weiner agrees, saying that getting the right amount of calories in a short period of time followed by a longer period of time where you get little to no calories can be more beneficial to your health than eating all day long (even if its small, healthy meals or snacks).
You should talk to your doctor or a nutritionist before trying an intermittent fasting diet, this way they can help you figure out a schedule that makes sense for you. There are also some groups of people for which intermittent fasting is not recommended, like anyone with blood-sugar regulation issues (e.g., diabetes) and pregnant people.
Can drinking water really help with weight loss, or is that just an urban legend? Its for real: A 2014 review of studies published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found several links between water consumption and weight-loss results.
Basically? Yeah, you should be drinking more water.
Not to be a killjoy, but your bi-weekly happy hour could also be interfering with your goals. Alcohol is connected to weight gain for a few reasons: For one, it contains empty calories (which can grow astronomically high when you start drinking cocktails), and two, it changes your relationship to food.
People typically eat more when they drink because their appetite is increased and they stop paying close attention to calorie consumption. Drinking alcohol may also negatively change the way your body burns fat.
Any medical condition that affects your hormones (like hypothyroidism or polycystic ovary syndrome), your insulin levels (like diabetes), or your blood pressure (like heart disease) will make it more difficult to lose weight.
Dr. Weiner adds that any injury which results in limited mobility can also contribute to weight gain, partly because it can lead to muscle lossand less muscle means you are burning less when your body is at restand partly because it will reduce your ability to exercise regularly.
All the diet and exercise in the world wont cancel out the fact that its just plain harder to lose weight the older you are. In your 20s, you might be able to cut back on booze and cake for a few weeks when you want to lose five pounds, but in your 40s, its gonna take more effort.
Focus on resistance training to build muscle mass, which can ultimately help you burn more at rest, and in turn, jumpstart your weight loss if you're stuck.
Major life changes, like divorce or a death in the family, are often a trigger for weight gain. Stress-eating is a real thing, and when youre depressed youre typically not focused on counting calories or exercising (because it takes so much effort just to make it through the day).
Weiner recommends finding holistic ways to manage your stress, even if its simply low-impact cardio. And of course, if youre feeling depressed, dont hesitate to get help from a mental health provider.
While this is heavy stuff, it's important to be aware of the correlation between abuse and weight gain. A history of sexual abuse is often linked to weight gain, in particular, and the number of people who have been sexually abused, especially at young ages, is staggering: According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, one in three American women report experiencing some kind of sexual violence in their lifetime.
Whether youre a child or an adult (and whether or not your history is affecting your weight), there are resources that can help victims of sexual violence or other abuse.
A possibly hidden reason why youre struggling to lose weight: Youre on a medication that can cause weight gain as a side effect. This includes diabetes medications, antidepressants, and steroid medications, among others.
Dr. Weiner suggests talking to your physician about your medications; sometimes they can be adjusted to make weight loss more possible.
If you find yourself desperately craving food at all costsand its sabotaging your diet and exercise effortsyou could be dealing with a food addiction. This doesnt mean youre not motivated or strong enough to defeat your cravings and lose weight; you may have developed an emotional reliance on food.
If you are prone to binging or gorging, focus nonstop on food, have trouble functioning in your job or personal life, or suffer from anxiety, depression, or insomnia, reach out to a health-care provider ASAP to be evaluated for food addiction. Its a type of eating disorder, and there is help available.
The bottom line: Clearly, there are a ton of reasons you might be struggling to lose weight, even if you are dieting and exercising more. If you feel you're dealing with any of the issues above, it's worth talking to your doctor, a therapist, or a dietitian to get help so you can reach a weight you feel comfortable and healthy at.
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20 Reasons Why You're Just Not Losing Weight - Women's Health
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The Strangers Brandon Fellows reveals four and a half stone weight loss after cutting out takeaways and j – The Sun
Posted: March 17, 2020 at 12:46 am
THE Stranger's Brandon Fellows has revealed that he lost a staggering four and a half stone after cutting out takeaways and joining F45 classes.
The 25-year-old actor wowed fans when he took to his Instagram page to reveal the impressive transformation, comparing headshots from 2019 and this year.
And the star - who now weighs a trim 12 stone - has now told The Sun Online exactly how he did it, completely overhauling his lifestyle and feeling better both mentally and physically for it.
He told us: "After appearing in The Stranger, which was a 6 month job, I decided that I wanted to make a change to my lifestyle and that meant exercising more and controlling my portion sizes.
"My only hesitation was that I hated the thought of stepping into a gym on my own and not knowing what to to do.
"A close friend recommended F45 to me (high-intensity interval training classes) - F standing for functional and 45 standing for the duration of the class."
Brandon went on to admit that he was a complete amateur when it came to fitness as he urged others to not be too self-conscious to sign up.
He explained: "I first stepped into an F45 not even being able to do a push up let alone being able to make it through a whole class, but the trainers were so supportive and welcoming. I cannot recommend F45 enough.
"If youre looking at getting into fitness but have no idea where to start then getting into a class will help with your confidence and also meeting like minded people.
"PLEASE dont worry about what people think. I can assure you people dont care what you look like, how big you are, or how much experience you have."
Brandon added that he cut out "bad diet habits", including takeaways, and instead started to prep his meals in advance and educate himself on nutrition.
He told us: "After the first couple of weeks my body became used to the portion sizes and I noticed I definitely had more energy.
"Of course the benefits of losing weight is looking better, but I can honestly say that my mental well-being has improved massively. I am so much happier.
"I was 16 and a half stone to begin with and Ive lost four and half."
At the weekend, Brandon proudly showed off his shrinking frame with the comparison headshots, wearing a similar outfit in both pictures but noticeably slimmer in the second.
He captioned the post: "2019 vs 2020 headshots. Thanks so much for a brilliant session @ruthcrafer".
Fans were floored by the before and after pictures, with one commenting: "Wow, you look like a different!"
Another added: "This is mad, congrats man!"
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He previously opened up about the positive impact shedding the pounds has had on his well-being in another post, sharing a photo of himself beaming as he wrote: "Sometimes our lives have to be completely shaken up, changed, and rearranged to relocate us to place were meant to be. #weightlossjourney".
Brandon shot to fame playing erratic Mike on the suspense show, with his character most famously killing an alpaca when under the influence of drugs.
Mike appeared in all eight episodes of the series and was a popular character among fans for his witty one-liners and comical impatience for his dad.
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The Strangers Brandon Fellows reveals four and a half stone weight loss after cutting out takeaways and j - The Sun
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The ‘set point’: Why it can be so hard to maintain weight loss – Sydney Morning Herald
Posted: March 17, 2020 at 12:46 am
The current estimates are that about 80 per cent of people who lose weight will regain it about 20 per cent of people can successfully keep it off, he says.
Professor Cowley believes this is partly due to a set point, which he says is our bodies tendency to stick to a certain minimum weight, which drifts upwards with time.
Libby Oakes-Ash pictured before the surgery.
Its not a hard-coded set point ... but you have an innate tendency towards a weight thats determined by your genes and your epigenome, he says.
Then you have environmental pressures, whether thats how much activity youve got in your life and how much food you eat. Those three factors weigh against each other and create a point of balance that you go back to.
A major factor is the fact that as we age, we lose muscle which means we burn less energy, leading to weight gain if activity doesn't increase, Professor Cowley says.
While we generally can't change our body's "set point", we can of course alter how much we eat and move, he says.
"Its really clear people can successfully change their weight up and down. You cant change the set point, but what we can do is change the things that push against it."
And while you might assume that surgery would lower the body's "set point", that isn't the case, says Professor Cowley. However the surgery will likely decrease your hunger, and the amount of food you eat, leading to successful weight loss if food intake can be controlled.
He believes that gastric sleeve surgery surgery in which about two-thirds of the stomach is cut out, leaving just a narrow tube can be a very effective solution for many individuals, but only if a surgeon has a strong patient engagement program with adequate support
Professor Amanda Salis, of the University of Sydney, agrees that almost everyone regains weight, contributing to the fact that about two-thirds of Australians are obese or overweight. But Professor Salis says there are still tangible health benefits in losing weight, however temporarily.
Theres relief from the joints. Theres relief from arthritis. Even long term, theres a reduced risk of cardio metabolic disease if a person has lost weight even if theyve regained it all.
Oakes-Ash is now trying to lose weight again slowly through a healthy diet, counselling and exercise.
She believes psychological support is crucial for anyone battling extreme weight gain particularly for those who choose surgery.
As with many overweight people, her path shows the reasons for obesity are rarely just as simple as eating too much.
I was always very fit, very slim, very active but I married a man who had an addiction problem," she says.
Over the years I developed what they call co-dependent behaviours which happens to a lot of people that live with alcoholics or drug addicts, they develop their own addictions to something else to cope. For me it was food.
The tipping point for surgery was when she fell over her grandson and couldn't get off the floor. "I was just miserable really, very depressed."
Now Oakes-Ash's main focus is on being able to do the things she enjoys, such as cycling or playing with her grandchildren.
"I dont do those things to make me thin I do those things because they give me joy and I cant do those if Im 50 kilos overweight," she says.
Insight airs on SBS on Tuesday at 8.30pm
Larissa is a reporter and producer
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The 'set point': Why it can be so hard to maintain weight loss - Sydney Morning Herald
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How winning The Biggest Loser was not the weight loss fix Craig thought it would be – SBS News
Posted: March 17, 2020 at 12:46 am
Preview above: How do we lose weight and keep it off? Keeping Weight Off, Tuesday March 17 at 8:30pm on SBS and On Demand.
When Craig Booby was crowned The Biggest Loser in 2014 he couldnt recognise himself; with just one follow-up phone call he was sent away only to eclipse his starting weight of 180 kilograms last year.
It all happened so quickly, that 80 kilos in six months, I didn't stop and take a breath and see myself changing,Craig says.
Craig lost almost half of his body weight on The Biggest Loser, but the weight crept back on a problem that impacts nearly 80 per cent of people who lose weight.
I kept thinking Ill get on top of this, Ill get on top of this, Craig says, but after four years of intense career focus and bad habits, he began to struggle with his mental health as the scales showed he was slowly undoing his hard work.
I was probably the lowest I'd ever been in my entire life, and yeah, I just honestly didn't see a point in what I had to live for.
Craig before he went on The Biggest Loser
Personal trainer and former The Biggest Loser trainer Michelle Bridges remembers Craig being quite a formidable force.
I remember him being very driven, very focused and really taking every opportunity that was presented to him, Michelle says.
The Biggest Loser competition provided Craig a distraction-free environment without phones, family contact or television, allowing him to focus entirely on developing healthy habits but the real world was a much more challenging place for him, something that Michelle acknowledges.
I would always have wanted to be able to go home with someone like Craig and say okay, everything that we did on the show we're now going to embed that into habits, routines and rituals in your life, Michelle says.
In your kitchen, in your lounge room, the way in which you eat in your dining room, let's go even further afield into the way in which you shop, the supermarket you go to."
But that didnt happen for Craig and in the one phone call he received after filming he said he was feeling lost and didnt know who he was anymore.
When I look at myself in the mirror I just don't feel myself and I was pretty much told Oh, you'll get used to it, make the most of the opportunity, and that was pretty much it and that was the last I heard.
Last year, Craig decided to take control of his weight gain and invest more time into his health than his career. Since then, he has lost 30 kilograms and hopes to reach a comfortable weight and learn good habits to keep the weight off.
How winning The Biggest Loser was not the weight loss fix Craig thought it would be - SBS News
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Greek Proudly Shows Off The Excessive Loose Skin From His Massive Weight Loss – TheGamer
Posted: March 17, 2020 at 12:46 am
Greekgodx went from 370 pounds to around 200, and its left him with a lot of excess skin that hes proud to show off on Twitch.
Doctors always tell obese people to lose weight in order to live healthier lives, but what they dont tell people is that losing that much weight can have some unintended side effects. One of those side effects is the loose, baggy skin.
Dimitri Greekgodx Antanonatos knows all about that problem, as he went from a peak weight of 369 pounds down to what is likely around 200 pounds after a two-year weight loss journey.
The name Greekgodx was initially a joke for the morbidly obese Twitch streamer. Greek is one of those shameless chubby guys that had no problem with showing some flubbery skin on camera, which is one of the reasons why he grew to such immense popularity on the streaming platform.
About two years ago, Greek peaked at 369 pounds and decided that enough was enough. He started working out and started eating better, losing about 70 pounds over the course of his first year. In his second year, he lost even more weight so that you basically wouldnt even recognize him from two years ago. Now the name isnt quite so much a joke anymore.
The only thing keeping Greek from actually having the body of a Greek god is all the loose skin hanging around his middle, which he showed off on Twitch yesterday.
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I can show you my loose skin, I dont care, he said before getting up from his chair and lifting up his shirt. You can see that his skin sort of hangs around the front and sides; because it was stretched out for such a long time, it still retains its original shape even though the fat underneath is all gone. This leaves Greek with some unfortunate excess that is really hard to get rid of.
Greek can try and do some toning exercises to help, but the only real solution to getting rid of that much skin is surgery. However, surgery often leaves scars, so its a bit of a catch-22 situation.
Given how comfortable Greek seems to be in his body, it seems doubtful that hell go to the expense and risk of surgery. He really shouldnt have to anyway--his baggy skin is just a reminder of how far hes come in two years.
Source: Twitch
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Actually a collective of 6 hamsters piloting a human-shaped robot, Sean hails from Toronto, Canada. Passionate about gaming from a young age, those hamsters would probably have taken over the world by now if they didn't vastly prefer playing and writing about video games instead.The hamsters are so far into their long-con that they've managed to acquire a bachelor's degree from the University of Waterloo and used that to convince the fine editors at TheGamer that they can write "gud werds," when in reality they just have a very sophisticated spellchecker program installed in the robot's central processing unit.
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Greek Proudly Shows Off The Excessive Loose Skin From His Massive Weight Loss - TheGamer
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This High-Protein, Low-Cal Beans And Peas Sabzi Is Perfect For Your Weight Loss Diet – NDTV Food
Posted: March 17, 2020 at 12:46 am
This sabzi is light and healthy and perfect for weight loss diet.
There's nothing like simple home-cooked Indian meals for a healthy diet. Nutritionists and dietitians are profoundly advocating sticking to locally-grown foods and regular Indian meals that we have grown up eating. But, some of the dishes in Indian cuisine comprises high-fat foods that you must consume sparingly. If you are vying for weight loss and want to steer clear of meals loaded with oil and ghee, try to make simple, light sabzi to go with your roti. Pick vegetables that are low in calories and high in nutrition. This green beans and peas sabzi is something you must try.
Both green beans and peas (matar) are splendidly rich in proteins and fibre. They are low in calories, making them perfect for weight loss diet. The addition of urad dal amps up its protein value.This healthy sabzi made with green beans and peas is light, nutritious and also delicious. It can make for a great side dish to pair with curries like kadhi, rajma or dals. Cook the veggies and dal with common Indian spices; remember to use little oil for cooking. The dish is rounded up with a dash of lemon juice adding a zingy and fresh taste to the sabzi.
The recipe video for this protein-rich dish was shared by food vlogger Manjula Jain on her YouTube channel 'Manjula's Kitchen'. The sabzi can be made easily at home in few simple steps.
Watch the recipe video of green beans and peas sabzi here:
(Also Read:Turn Simple Patta Gobhi (Cabbage) Ki Sabzi Into Keto-Friendly Dish With This Recipe)
About Neha GroverLove for reading roused her writing instincts. Neha is guilty of having a deep-set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring out her nest of thoughts onto the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on coffee.
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This High-Protein, Low-Cal Beans And Peas Sabzi Is Perfect For Your Weight Loss Diet - NDTV Food
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Weight Loss: THIS cooking oil will help you to get rid of harmful belly fat – PINKVILLA
Posted: March 17, 2020 at 12:46 am
Weight Loss: Want to get rid of that harmful belly fat? Read on to find out which cooking oil will help you in the same.
If you want to lose those extra pounds and especially dreaded belly fat that one should keep a check on the foodstuff and its intake.Foodstuff laden in saturated fats, refined carbs, and sugar is the major reason why you have a protruding belly. Diet is of the utmost importance when it comes to losing visceral (dangerous) belly fat. For the unversed, Visceral fat is a build-up of intra-abdominal adipose tissue. This type of fat sits around the major organs including the liver, pancreas and kidneys. If the fat levels go way higher than it can lead to many life-threatening diseases such as heart attacks and stroke.mSo, the first and foremost step should be reducing or stopping the intake of processed foods, alcohol, smoking among others.
Today we are talking about how one cooking oil can come to your rescue and it is none other than very healthy and versatile: coconut oil. For the uninitiated, coconut and its all forms including oil fall under the category of a superfood as they proffer several health benefits. The content of vital fatty acids in coconut oil may have positive effects on our body including fat loss, heart health, better functions of other organs. The oils can help you to even lose belly fat and overall excess weight too.
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MCT factor
Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) increases the number of calories your body burns. Another good part of MCT based oils is that they also significantly reduce the hunger pangs thus keeping us away from unwanted calories.MCT oil leads to weight loss as the same leads to increased energy expenditure and lipid oxidation.
Increases good cholesterol
Coconut oil has natural saturated fats that increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels in the body and it may reduce the LDL (bad) cholesterol levels as well. And the same indirectly leads to fat loss.
Bottom line
Aside from including coconut oil in the diet, one should have a healthy and well-balanced diet and complement the same with at least 30 minutes of physical activity in order to bid bye to belly fat. One should also note that coconut oil like all fats is also high in calories. So, use it in small amounts and keep track of your calorie intake.
Note: Consult with your physician before you start including coconut oil in your diet.
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Weight Loss: THIS cooking oil will help you to get rid of harmful belly fat - PINKVILLA
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Holly Hagan shows off 16lb weight-loss in skinny jeans and black leather bra top for Manchester night out – The Irish Sun
Posted: March 17, 2020 at 12:46 am
HOLLY Hagan has showed off her 16lb weight-loss in skinny jeans and a black leather bra top for a night out in Manchester.
The former Geordie Star beauty headed to BLVD in the city on Saturday night and flashed her cleavage in the tiny top.
She also showed onlookers her toned midriff, while her skinny jeans clung to her curves as she confidently stepped out.
The 27-year-old completed her look with a pair of clear strapped heels and a black designer handbag.
Holly recently revealed she had shed 16lb in just 12 weeks with some before and after pictures.
Holly wrote alongside them on her Instagram page: "Ive been so nervous to post these because this has been so much more than just looking thinner.
"Im not saying 'go do this and youll get my body' Im simply showing my results from 12 weeks hard work at the gym.
"12 weeks, 16lb down and I can honestly say that @real_life_health_and_fitness has changed my life.
"I still have a long way to go and so many more fitness goals to hit but I feel confident that Ill get there."
Holly described her lifestyle at the beginning of the programme as "bad", admitting she had three takeaways a week and did no exercise.
It affected her mental health and she was unable to sleep.
The transformation has been stark, with Holly now much stronger and healthier.
She said: "I cant believe I can now do full press-ups, lift heavy weights, and feel confident in any gym.
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"What shocked me the most is that Ive done all this eating CARBS! So many carbs!! Daily pancakes and Coco Pops, potatoes, rice EVERYTHING!
"Ive spent my entire life crash dieting, starving, binging, making myself ill when I didnt need to.
"I FINALLY feel in control."
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Holly Hagan shows off 16lb weight-loss in skinny jeans and black leather bra top for Manchester night out - The Irish Sun
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Mayo Clinic Q and A: Long-term benefits and risks of intermittent fasting aren’t yet known – Greater Milwaukee Today
Posted: March 17, 2020 at 12:45 am
DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Is intermittent fasting for weight loss safe? What are the risks of short-term diets that are very low-calorie?
ANSWER: Recent research has found that using intermittent fasting for weight loss may have some benefits in the short term. But at this point, the long-term effects of this type of diet or other diets that severely restrict calories are not known. To lose weight and keep it off, the best strategy is to adopt healthy eating and exercise habits that you enjoy so you can stick with them over time.
Intermittent fasting currently is a popular trend in dieting. There are several fasting methods people employ for weight loss. Some dieters decrease the amount of time they eat each day to, for example, only six hours in a 24-hour period. Others fast every other day. Another approach is called the 5:2 diet, which involves gradually decreasing daily calories to the point that youre only consuming 500 calories a day for two days each week.
A recently published article assessed a variety of research on intermittent fasting. It found that there are some benefits, at least in the short term, to fasting as opposed to just decreasing calories overall. It appears that fasting for a short time can produce ketosis a process that occurs when the body doesnt have enough sugar for energy, so it breaks down stored fat instead, causing an increase in substances called ketones.
Fasting also affects metabolic processes in the body. These processes trigger a number of responses, including decreased inflammation, improved blood sugar regulation and better response to physical stress. The research shows intermittent fasting could have other health benefits, as well, but more study is needed.
It is crucial to note, however, that little long-term research has been done on intermittent fasting to examine how it affects people over time. So at this point, its unclear if there are any long-term health benefits or risks related to this diet technique. We do know that there are risks involved with certain types of intermittent fasting.
For example, a technique called dry fasting that includes restricting fluid intake as well as food intake is dangerous because it can cause severe dehydration and pose serious health concerns. And if you take caloric restriction too far, that can lead to malnutrition. As you consider weight loss and diets, keep in mind that no one approach works for everyone. But there are some basic principles that you should follow as you decide how to best achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
At its core, your diet should support your health overall. There are a variety of diets that can do that, including the Mediterranean diet; the vegetarian diet; the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, or DASH diet; and the Mayo Clinic diet. All of these diets have similarities that are greater than their differences. They are based on real food and focus mainly on plant products, such as fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, whole grains, and healthy fats like olive oil.
In addition, as you incorporate a new diet into your life, it needs to be practical, so that you can sustain it over time. If it is drudgery, or if you feel like youre suffering, it wont work in the long run. Eventually, youre likely to slide back into old habits. If youre considering a new approach to your diet especially if its something that could be risky if you dont do it correctly, like intermittent fasting talk to your health care provider first for guidance on how you can manage it in a healthy way. Keep in mind, too, that choosing to adopt healthy lifestyle choices can and should be an enjoyable way to live.
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The Ins and Outs of the Dash Diet and Dieting – Grit Daily
Posted: March 17, 2020 at 12:45 am
Nowadays, there are many diets people use and try to get fit and stay healthy. There are diets to help lose weight, manage weight, control eating habits, and more. In addition to those diets, there is also a diet that is for the heart. We all know that staying healthy for your heart can be difficult with fast foods, sweets, and anything high in calories. New research through the National Institutes of Health the Dash Diet is a diet plan for the heart. The Dash Diet is a plan that helps with high blood pressure.
This diet was named one of thebest diets in the United States, but what makes it so different than other diets and has the stigma on diets changed in recent years? I spoke two dietitians Megan Kober (MK) and Deanna Dahlinger (DD), about the ins and outs of the Dash Diet and dieting.
Megan Kober: The Dash Diet stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Its a diet thats been around for MANY years and it was developed to help people lower blood pressure without medication. Its primary guidelines include reducing sodium and fat and increasing foods rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium. This is not meant to be a weight loss diet.
Deanna Dahlinger: The DASH diet was not designed to be a weight loss solution, but I often see clients lose weight along the way. This could be because we are restructuring their diet and creating new healthy eating habits.
MK: The DASH diet is used by medical professionals everywhere to help patients drop their blood pressure, but in my opinion, the guidelines are outdated. One of the most significant contributors to high blood pressure is high blood sugar and insulin resistance which is often caused by the overconsumption of carbs. However, it IS vitally important to increase potassium, calcium, and magnesium in your diet. I would also agree with the DASH diet than dairy is important for calcium and K2.
DD: As a dietitian, I believe the DASH diet is a great starting point for clients not only to contest hypertension but to structure an overall healthy diet. Since every person is unique, from their genetic makeup, lifestyle habits, and environmental exposure, this diet only scratches the surface with how much of an impact our nutrition can have on the prevention and treatment of chronic disease and reaching optimal weight goals.
Of course, finding and transitioning to another diet that is right for you can be difficult but do you wonder if another diet will work? Has the stigma on dieting altered?
MK: Most diets work, at least in the short term. The key phrase here is SHORT TERM. The most popular way to try to lose weight is to remain in a calorie deficit this means eating less calories and/or exercising to burn more calories. I like my clients to focus on increasing their metabolism, not decreasing their calories. So, eating in a way that turns off hunger hormones and keeps your body in fat-burning mode. The easiest way to do this is to simply make sure youre eating protein, healthy fat, and fiber at every meal. Not only have I seen initial weight loss success with this, but Ive seen long term success.
DD: First, eat REAL food. Focus on whole foods made from real ingredients. Second, dont look at what you need to take away from your diet, instead focus on what you can ADD IN. When youre ready to take things a step further, work with a Registered Dietitian who can work with you to create an individualized, maintainable approach to help you reach your nutrition goals.
MK: As far as influencers on social media who are promoting weight loss check their credentials. Is it a registered dietitian with 5+ years of nutrition education? Or is it a personal trainer with 0 seconds of nutrition education? Or is it an Instagram model that is getting paid to promote a certain product or diet? Final note fat burners dont work, ever, no matter what IG tells you!
DD: Many diet trends and fads seem so glamorous from the outside, promising instant weight loss or whatever outrageous claim its attempting to make. But, lets remember:
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The Ins and Outs of the Dash Diet and Dieting - Grit Daily
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