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Top 10 Best Weight Loss Pills List of 2020 – Buyer’s Guide

Posted: March 16, 2020 at 3:44 am

When it comes to losing weight, many people think that the sooner the better. If you have this idea, then it is wrong, even very dangerous.

Although there are many fast weight loss pills on the market, they all have side effects, Even harmful to our body!

What are the consequences of unsafe diet pills?

So what is a healthy diet pill?

Accelerate fat burning and reduce fat absorption, this is healthy!

Today we will recommend 12 diet pills for you. They extract plant extracts without chemical ingredients and will not harm our body while losing weight.

Although the weight loss effects of these diet pills or supplements are not very obvious, they are extracted plant extracts, without any chemical ingredients, they are safe!

This may be one of the most concerned issues for users!

In general, we recommend long-term diet pills, not only that, but you also need to pay attention to eating habits in normal life, not overeating. If you do this, you can lose 5 to 10 pounds in 3 months.

Garcinia Cambogia is a tropical fruit, also commonly known as Malabar tamarind, which is a very popular weight loss supplement.

It can prevent your body from gaining weight, suppress your appetite, and help control blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Initially in 2012, after Dr. Oz showed it to the public for the first time, Garcinia Cambogia extracts became popular all over the world. This is a small, green fruit that resembles a pumpkin.

The fruit peel of garcinia cambogia contains hydroxy citric acid (HCA) the active ingredient in the extract, which is extracted by professional researchers and then sold as a diet pill.

PrincipleEffectSide effects

There was an experiment that involved 130 people. These subjects were divided into 2 groups, one group taking real pills and one group taking fake pills. The results of the experiment showed that the weight of the group taking the true pill was only a small part of that of the other group.

In 2011, there was a review based on 12 studies of extracts of Garcinia Cambogia, which led to the conclusion that on average, the extract can help you reduce your approx. 1 month or so. 1 kg of body weight.

No serious side effects were reported, and only a small percentage of users had slight digestive problems.

Leanbean is much higher than any other burner we have encountered.

This is because manufacturers have developed an ultra-efficient formula for women.

In general, women eat more snacks than men.

However, Leanbean contains several effective appetite suppressants to really bring these cravings underground.

Another benefit of lean beans is that it contains good doses of turmeric, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.

So like our other favorite fat burners, Leanbean has a very powerful formula that includes the most effective ingredients.

Pros /Cons

Cellucor is a well-known brand in the fitness and sports supplement industry.

Super HD is a high-definition directional fat burner from Cellucor.

It combines ingredients to locate all aspects of weight loss, Ultra HD promotes fat reduction, while giving you energy, and more.

And the unique ingredient in its formula is SlimPro, Cellucors appetite suppression combination.

Whats more, it is a stimulant-based fat burning.

Which means it contains ingredients that help stimulate the central nervous system and accelerate the fat burning process.

It is important to note that the Cellucor Super HD lacks many of the best fat burning ingredients.

Although some herbal ingredients in Super HD are known to have a positive effect on body composition, the SlimPro mixture lacks research and the remaining formula is a basic mixture of B vitamins and caffeine.

Pros /Cons

Hydroxycut is a nutritional supplement brand that sells as a dieting aid.

Since 2013, the main components of this product line include caffeine, capegrass extract, wild olive extract, cumin extract, wild mint extract, and green coffee bean extract. At present, it has become one of the most popular weight loss supplements in the world.

There are several different types of weight loss agents, but the most common one is the Hydroxycut that we are now introducing.

PrincipleEffectSide effects

Hydroxycut contains a variety of ingredients that help to lose weight, such as caffeine and some plant extracts.

A study showed that in the 3-month period, Hydroxycut testers lost 9.5 kg.

If you are sensitive to caffeine, you may experience anxiety, nausea, diarrhea, and irritability.

There is a relatively small number of studies on this supplement and there are no long-term follow-up data on effectiveness. We need more research results.

Caffeine is the most commonly used refreshing substance in the world. It helps you stay awake by stimulating the brain and the central nervous system to prevent fatigue from attacking.

It is widely added to many processed foods and beverages, so it is present in a variety of foods such as green tea and dark chocolate that we often eat.

Once you take caffeine, it is quickly absorbed from the intestine into the bloodstream and spread to the liver, and break down into compounds that can affect various organ functions.

Of course, the main influence is your brain. Normally, adenosine levels will continue to increase throughout the day, keeping you awake and consuming energy continuously.

PrincipleEffectSide effects

Short-term studies show that caffeine can speed up your metabolism by about 3 to 11%, and it can also increase fat burning by about 29%.

Some studies show that caffeine can help you lose weight

For some people, a lot of caffeine can cause anxiety, insomnia, irritability, nausea, and diarrhea. In addition, caffeine is also addictive and may reduce your sleep quality.

Caffeine can promote metabolism and increase fat burning in the short term. However, the longer it is used, the worse the effect may be.

Orlistat is a drug designed to treat obesity. Alli is the familiar diet pills Alli.

It is a long-acting, specific gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor that prevents the hydrolysis of triglycerides into absorbable free fatty acids and monoacylglycerols, thereby reducing caloric intake and controlling your weight.

The effect on weight loss is certain, and it can also moderately lower blood pressure and prevent the occurrence of type 2 diabetes.

However, it may cause gastrointestinal diseases such as steatorrhea (oily, loose stools), however, over time, they will decrease and are the most common adverse drug reactions.

PrincipleEffectSide effects

It inhibits the decomposition of fat in the intestines, thereby reducing the amount of heat absorbed.

Based on 11 relevant studies, it was concluded that orlistat can reduce body weight by about 2.7 kg compared to other diet pills.

Intestinal bloating, intestinal discomfort, incontinence, etc., it may also cause you to lack some fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A/D/E/K.

Doctors recommend taking Orlistat while taking some low-fat diets to minimize the effects of side effects.

Raspberry ketone is a chemical substance made from red raspberry, kiwifruit, peaches, grapes, apples, other berries, rhubarb and other vegetables, yew, maple and pine bark, and has a unique smell.

Why is it chemically synthesized? Because the extraction of raspberry ketone from raspberries is very expensive. If you want to get a single dose of ketones, then you have to consume 90 pounds of raspberries.

People use the raspberry ketone to lose weight, or apply it to the skin for hair removal. A synthetic version of raspberry ketone can be used as a weight loss supplement.

PrincipleEffectSide effects

Increases the breakdown of fat, in addition, it also increases the production of a hormone that can lose weight.

Insist on taking it, it will have a significant effect.

When you snore, your tone may smell like raspberry.

The main component of green coffee beans is chlorogenic acid, which has the functions of blood pressure reduction, anti-tumor, kidney-invigorating, anti-oxidation, etc., and can also be used as a health food.

They contain two substances that help to lose weight caffeine and chlorogenic acid.

In general, manufacturers will sell the extract as a pill, which you can see online or in a health food store.

PrincipleEffectSide effects

Caffeine can increase fat burning, and chlorogenic acid can slow the breakdown of carbohydrates in the intestine.

A report on three studies found that green coffee beans can help people lose about 2.5 kg.

Caffeine is allergic and chlorogenic acid can cause diarrhea.

Glucomannan is a water-soluble polysaccharide that is a hemicellulose component in the cell walls of some plants and therefore is also considered dietary fiber, and it is generally used as an additive for emulsifiers and thickeners.

Various glucomannan-containing products are also sold as nutritional supplements for constipation, obesity, high cholesterol, acne vulgaris, and type 2 diabetes.

As for the source, glucomannan accounts for 40% of the weight of dried konjac roots or dry balls. In addition, it is also abundantly present in the wood of conifers, and is less in the wood of dicots.

In terms of weight loss, glucomannan is usually sold as a slimming aid.

PrincipleEffectSide effects

When glucomannan absorbs water, it becomes gelatinous and stays in your intestines, giving you a feeling of fullness that helps you reduce calorie intake.

Lose weight 3.6~4.5 kg in 5 weeks.

May cause bloating, flatulence and soft stools.

A mixture of Meratrim fluffy grass and Garcinia Cambogia, in the finished product of Meratrim, their natural extracts are mixed in a 3:1 ratio.

After extensive research and experiments, Meratrim has a weight loss effect. It reduces the amount of fat that fat cells absorb from the blood and helps fat cells burn the stored fat.

PrincipleEffectSide effects

It inhibits the breakdown of fat cells and it also helps fat burning.

Lose 5.2 kg within 8 weeks, while reducing blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides in the body.

May have a loss of appetite.

Overall, The 10 kinds of best weight loss pills were introduced in the front, they all have their own characteristics and deficiencies.

If you plan to lose weight, you can choose your own weight loss pills, and pay attention to your eating habits, in order to achieve the desired results, you can contact us if you have any questions, or leave a message.

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Top 10 Best Weight Loss Pills List of 2020 - Buyer's Guide

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loseit – Lose the Fat – reddit

Posted: March 16, 2020 at 3:44 am

My friends and I were talking about types of people at the gym-the good and bad. We're all extremely, extremely fit, having worked out for years and being military.

Any way, most of the guys at military gyms are huge, tattooed monsters, most SOF types. Yet, when we go to civilian gyms, we see a different population that aren't roided up.

We see people struggling at cardio and working out in general. Our agreement was unanimous: seeing people struggling with weight push themselves is much, much more impressive than seeing fit guys/gals cruising through a workout.

If you're overweight, yet still pushing yourself and not quitting, that is significantly more impressive than some PT stud cruising through his third workout. So, I guess our message is don't worry about being judged at the gym, cause' most of y'all are pushing yourselves more than we ever would. And if someone does give you shit, they can screw off.

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loseit - Lose the Fat - reddit

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Weight Loss Date Calculator | Goal Weight Calculator

Posted: March 16, 2020 at 3:44 am

Step 1: Your Profile






Current Weight


Goal Weight



How hard do you want to work?

Days needed to acheive weight loss:

There is lots of advice out there on how to cut calories. We've found one of the clearest and widely agreed-to sources of information is from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the official health organization of the United States. Start with their article on Cutting Calories.

Starting an exercise program is simpler, but there are still some useful guidelines. Try the CDC's Physical Activity for a Healthy Weight.

While losing weight involves many variables that change from person to person, there is still a core science that can be the basis behind planning a weight loss strategy. The widely-accepted science behind the weight loss calculator is:

The math behind the body weight color coding, something called Body Mass Index (BMI), is applicable and useful for about 95% of the population. It is not useful for highly fit people (who won't be using this calculator anyway). It is also not useful for very tall people. Use the color coding as a guideline for evaluating your body weight. Don't use it as a medical diagnosis.

This is a reduction compared to your estimated nominal calorie consumption, meaning the amount of calories you consume while staying the same weight. If you are currently gaining weight, you need to reduce your calories even further.

Keeping track of how many calories you consume is not easy. WebMD has a good food calorie list.

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Weight Loss Date Calculator | Goal Weight Calculator

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3 Free Weight Loss Programs that Work –

Posted: March 16, 2020 at 3:44 am

Want to lose weight without draining your bank account? No worries! Shedding fat and feeling fit doesnt need to come with a hefty price tag! Check out these 3 free weight loss programs that work.

Ready to lose up to 10 pounds in 30 days? If youre committed to the plan, youll likely want to make it a lifestyle and not a temporary fix. The plan was created to cover all aspects of weight loss, including suggestions for incorporating fitness, how to eliminate added sugar, using portion control, and drinking lots of water.

How do we know this program works? SkinnyMs. co-founder, Gale Compton decided to put it to the test. The Whole30 program is 30 days, and more if you choose. Whats most appealing about this program is that your body is cleansed of the junk that tends to put weight on us and make us feel sluggish and tired. There is no deprivation with this program. Added sweeteners of any kind are not allowed, but after the first week, you wont even miss them. Read about Gales experience and find the 100 Whole30 Snacks she munched on for the duration of the program. The Whole30 website provides all the information needed to made this program a success. A favorite discovery while on the program, Clean Mayo!

At SkinnyMs., our goal is to help women live a healthier lifestyle while maintaining a healthy weight. We develop and share recipes using clean eating ingredients, which means we use foods that are not overly processed. From whole grains to natural sweeteners, our recipes deliver the nutrients you need, without the junk.

If you plan your weight loss menu with our recipes and eat three small meals and two healthy snacks daily, youll start to see a difference in how you look and feel. Try recipes like:

Dark Chocolate Pumpkin Oatmeal5-Ingredient Healthy Stuffed Potato Skins4-Ingredient Roasted CauliflowerSalmon Teriyaki with Snow PeasSlow Cooker Chicken and Wild Rice Superfood StewSkinny Berry Parfait

Our free weight loss programsalso provide a ton of exercise resources, so you can find workouts that help you shed fat regardless of your fitness level. Check out:

How to Run for Beginners: 5 Running Programs that Work3 Top Essential Beginner Workouts9 Circuit Training Workouts for Beginners

Daily Morning Core WorkoutHIIT Arms & Shoulders Workout7-Minute Fat-Burning Workout Challenge

Is it time for a lifestyle reboot? Check out SkinnyMs. Clean Overhaul 30-Day Weight Loss Program ebook.

The SkinnyMs. kitchen is always cookinsubscribe to our newsletter for access to our latest clean-eating recipes.

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Best Weight Loss Supplements – Top 10 of 2019 Ranked!

Posted: March 16, 2020 at 3:44 am

Some people try out a new diet, others spend hours on a treadmill or bike, and some just try to make healthier changes in their lifestyle. Whatever your means, losing weight is a common goal that seems to elude the large majority of the general public.


Losing weight isnt easy, but it can have a wide range of benefits, from increased confidence to improved overall health. Supplements are becoming an increasingly popular way to try to speed up the weight-cutting process. They can provide a much-desired boost for your metabolism and other body functions to get you started on your weight-loss journey.

You can lose weight in a few ways. One of the biggest is decreasing the number of calories you consume each day. If you dont eat as many calories, your body will be forced to break down its own energy stores, mainly fats and carbohydrates, in order to power itself. This is known as living in a caloric deficit, and to a certain extent the larger the deficit, the more weight loss you will see.

Many weight loss supplements work to decrease feelings of hunger, helping you eat less each day. Supplements can also slow down digestion and make it more difficult for your body to absorb and digest fats and carbohydrates. This helps prevent new stores from being made by the body, ensuring that it can continue to break down that which it already has.

Weight loss supplements can also work by increasing metabolism. Your metabolism is a combination of all the processes within the body that break down nutrients to provide energy. Your metabolism can speed up or slow down based on a variety of factors, including physical activity level, the foods you eat, and the supplements you take.

Some supplements contain ingredients, mainly stimulants, which work to increase your metabolism. This helps the body to burn its fat stores more quickly and burn more calories daily. Both factors help to increase weight loss.

Weight loss supplements can be effective in many ways, and these effects can result in numerous health benefits.


Speeding up the metabolism is one of the best ways to help with weight loss. If you can burn more calories each day, you can lose more weight, even if you are eating the same amount for every meal. The opposite direction of this effect can be seen by most individuals between the ages of 25 and 30, when your metabolism takes a dive and it becomes so much easier to pack on those pounds. The effects of a faster metabolism can be even greater if you combine them with a regular exercise routine and healthy diet. Metabolism is often sped up with ingredients known as stimulants that can include caffeine, green tea, and several others.


Another great way to lose weight is by eating fewer calories each day. Many supplements include ingredients that help to limit your cravings and reduce overall feelings of hunger. Hunger is caused by a hormone known as ghrelin.

Ghrelin increases a persons appetite, and its levels are often highest right before a meal. By limiting the release of this hormone and helping the stomach to feel fuller before, during, and after meals, you can reduce the total amount of food, and thus the number of calories, you eat each day and help with your weight loss goals.


In addition to reducing overall hunger, weight loss supplements may include various ingredients that work to limit the amounts of fats and carbohydrates that are absorbed by the body. These ingredients help to prevent new energy stores from being made.

One way that weight loss supplements can do this is by including fibrous ingredients. Most fibers are not soluble, meaning they cant be easily absorbed by the body. This causes the stomach to feel full for longer periods of time, reducing the urge to eat more and snack throughout the day.


Whether you had a stressful day or didnt get enough sleep the night before, dealing with low energy levels can be difficult and have a negative effect on your mood, motivation levels, and drive throughout the day. Taking weight loss supplements can help to boost your energy levels, making it easier to get through the day and increasing your motivation to keep up with the other aspects of your weight loss routine.


Weight loss supplements often contain many vitamins and minerals in addition to the other ingredients. These nutrients can come with a wide variety of benefits, ranging from better eye and skin health to improved nerve functioning and balanced hormone levels.

Weight loss supplements can contain a number of ingredients that can each have a different effect on your overall health and weight loss goals. Here are some of the more common ones.


Stimulants are some of the most commonly-used ingredients for weight loss supplements because of their ability to stimulate the metabolism. Two of the most commonly-used stimulants are caffeine and green tea extract.

Caffeine has been shown to have a large effect on both overall and fat metabolism. Studies have noted total metabolism increases as much as 11 percent and fat metabolism by as much as 29 percent with the use of a caffeine supplement.

Green tea extract has shown similar positive benefits. Green tea contains high amounts of caffeine and various other ingredients. Green tea has been shown to help increase weight loss, and one study found that participants were able to lose 20 pounds more over a three-month period than those who did not take a green tea supplement.


Garcinia cambogia is a fruit that contains hydroxycitric acid, which is found in the skin of the fruit. This acid is also known as HCA. HCA has been shown to play a role in decreasing the number of fat cells that are produced by the body. This can play a direct role in weight loss. HCA can also help regulate and increase your serotonin levels. The increase in this neurotransmitter can help to decrease feelings of hunger and slow the digestion process.


Fenugreek is a fibrous herb that can play a role in a persons appetite and digestion rate. Because it cant be absorbed easily by the body, it sits inside the stomach and intestines, helping to increase feelings of fullness. The slower digestion also helps to reduce the absorption of fats and carbohydrates, preventing the creation of new energy stores in the body.


Creatine is stored in the muscles and serves as an immediate energy source when the body is forced into high-intensity exercise. When these creatine stores are depleted, it can cause other sources in the body to be broken down. Creatine supplements help to increase these stores, providing the muscles with extra energy.

If you are also working out to help aid in your weight loss, creatine can help promote new muscle growth. This ingredient has also been shown to reduce the breakdown of muscle. This combination helps to speed up recovery time between workouts.


Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient for nerve health. Nerves are needed for transporting information to and from the brain and the muscles and organs in the body. If your nerves are not working correctly, it can cause messages to be transmitted slowly or incorrectly, resulting in numbness, pain, or other problems.


When the amino acid beta-alanine enters the body, it is turned into carnosine, which is responsible for getting rid of lactic acid that builds up in the body. Lactic acid is most prevalent after hard workouts. This is because the body uses the process of fermentation to produce energy to power your muscles without the use of oxygen, providing a short-term energy option. By reducing the levels of lactic acid, you can improve the overall functioning of your muscles and muscular endurance.

Weight loss supplements vary from product to product when it comes to dosage amounts. The doses of each product are generally determined based on the specific ingredients included and the ideal amounts of each one. It is often appropriate to use the recommended dosage to determine the correct amount to take.

The timing of doses is also an important factor. Because weight loss supplements often contain stimulants, if you take them too late in the day, you may notice some negative side effects, such as restlessness or insomnia, when you are trying to go to sleep.

These products are often designed to be taken in two separate doses each day, typically right before meals to make the slowed digestion and decreased feelings of hunger most effective. This means that you should take your doses before breakfast and lunch to see the greatest effects, unless the product specifically suggests you do otherwise.

Side effects are often minimal with weight loss supplements, and those that do occur are minor. Some potential side effects include gastrointestinal issues. These can be seen in the form of constipation, diarrhea, or bloating.

Other side effects often come from the stimulants included in them. These can include feelings of jitteriness, nervousness, or being on edge. Stimulants can also impact your blood pressure and heart rate by increasing them. If these levels become too high, it can cause other health issues.

In addition, due to the extra energy that stimulants provide, weight loss supplements can lead to issues with sleeping. These can include restlessness when trying to fall asleep or insomnia. If these issues continue, they can lead to further health issues, such as higher susceptibility to becoming ill or complete exhaustion.

Also, if you are pregnant or think you may become pregnant, you should avoid taking weight loss supplements. These products are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, and they have yet to be sufficiently tested to ensure that no pregnancy-specific negative side effects can be seen in these women.

Our top 10 list of weight loss supplements is organized to reflect what you most value in your supplements. First and foremost is quality. All of our top ten supplements meet high standards of quality and come from brands with a proven record in excellence and purity. Another important factor in deciding the top ten was cost. You dont have to pay through the nose to get a high-quality weight loss supplement. In addition, all the companies represented on our list have stellar records with customer service and prompt shipping. This ensures that your supplement experience is enjoyable from the first click to your final dose.

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Best Weight Loss Supplements - Top 10 of 2019 Ranked!

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Healthy Weight Loss

Posted: March 16, 2020 at 3:44 am

Some people lose weight on their own; others like the support of a structured program. Overweight people who are successful at losing weight, and keeping it off, can reduce their risk factors for heart disease. If you decide to join any kind of weight-control program, here are some questions to ask before you join.

There are other questions you can ask about how well a weight-loss program works. Because many programs don't gather this information, you may not get answers. But it's still important to ask them:

Remember, quick weight loss methods don't provide lasting results. Weight-loss methods that rely on diet aids like drinks, prepackaged foods, or diet pills don't work in the long run. Whether you lose weight on your own or with a group, remember that the most important changes are long term. No matter how much weight you have to lose, modest goals and a slow course will increase your chances of both losing the weight and keeping it off.

Methods for Voluntary Weight Loss and Control. National Institutes of Health Technology Assessment Conference. Annals of Internal Medicine. 119(7, Part 2), October 1, 1993.

Choosing a Safe and Successful Weight-Loss Program, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases, NIH Publication No. 08-3700, April 2008.

Choose weight-loss programs that encourage healthy behaviors that help you lose weight gradually and maintain your weight over time.

The Maintaining a Healthy Weight On the Go pocket guide includes information to help you make healthy decisions at restaurants, cafeterias, deli counters, or any time you're eating outside the home.

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Healthy Weight Loss

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Weight loss: From 125 to 80 kilos, this student lost a massive 45 kilos – Times of India

Posted: March 16, 2020 at 3:44 am

Toiling hard for his entrance exams, 20-year-old Anmol ended up ignoring his health for his studies. When he couldn't fit into the clothes of his choice, he realized it was time to take charge of his health.To know more about his inspiring weight loss story and gain some fitness motivation, read below:Name: Anmol KhandujaOccupation: Student

Age: 20

Height: 5 feet 10 inches

City: Faridabad

Highest Weight Recorded: 125.6 kilos

Weight lost: 45 kilos

Duration it took me to lose weight: 15 months

The turning point: I was preparing for my JEE entrance and completely focused on the same. I used to sit at the same place for hours and this shot up my weight. Even though I wasn't really ashamed of the same, the real turning point came when I couldn't find size 'M' clothes which could fit me. This shattered my confidence. On this very day, I decided it was time to ditch the excuses and start getting fitter.

My breakfast: I start my day with a glass of warm water with some lemon and honey. Later I take 10 soaked almonds, raisins, walnuts, figs, raw peanuts followed by two slices of brown bread with peanut butter.

My lunch: I have one chapati, a bowl of mix vegetable and daal. I make sure I eat some curd and salad, to keep the gut healthy.

My dinner: A big bowl of dal/ grilled chicken along with some salad.

Pre-workout meal: I feel you need to have something which is easy on your stomach and at the same time provides good energy. I have a cup of black coffee with an apple.

Post-workout meal: One scoop of whey isolate protein and 6 eggs (5 whites and 1 whole)

My workout: The first 3-4 months, I mainly focussed on cardio, which is good for fat loss (cross trainer, cycling, jumping jacks and treadmill). Later I incorporated hardcore weight training in my workout. I used to follow push-pull and leg training plan back then. My main focus was used to be on deadlifts and weighted squats. I have a PR of 140kgs*2 in deadlift and 100 kgs*8 for squats. I work out 6 days a week.

Fitness secret I unveiled: The biggest revelation for me has been learning the nutritional facts of the food I ate. Carbs are not your enemy. I also realized that cardio can only help you till a certain stage but it is only weight training that makes a real difference in your waistline.

How do I stay motivated? Once you start losing water weight and see the changes in your body, that in itself is the biggest motivation for you. Also, I have to credit my trainer. He always supported and pushed me beyond my limits.

How do you ensure that you never lose focus: When you start getting acknowledged by your friends and family there is no turning back. They helped me make sure that I never miss a day on my diet or workout.

Whats the most difficult part of being overweight? When I was fat, I used to run out of breath and people around me started to criticize and shame me.

What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I want to maintain my body weight by maintaining a healthy lifestyle to stay fit. I also hope that I am able to tone up further and sport muscles:)

What are the lifestyle changes you made? The changes I made are as follows:-

-I kept a check on my weight-I controlled my portions

If you have a weight loss story to share, send it to us at

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Weight loss: From 125 to 80 kilos, this student lost a massive 45 kilos - Times of India

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Weight loss: How many steps do you need to climb to burn the right number of calories? – Times Now

Posted: March 16, 2020 at 3:44 am

Weight loss How many steps do you need to climb to burn the right number of calories  |  Photo Credit: Getty Images

New Delhi: Weight loss is a process that requires not just discipline in terms of diet, but also perseverance. However, when you include physical activity in your daily routine by making small changes, you can not only aid weight loss, but also keep your body healthy in general.

One of the most effective ways to slip exercise into your daily routine is to walk whenever you can and take the stairs at home, in office, or at shopping complexes. Climbing up and down the stairs is a very effective workout, and can also help in burning calories.

The answer to the question is subjective. How many calories you need to burn depends on how many calories you consume, how much physical activity is included in your routine, and what your lifestyle is. For people who consume fewer calories, they may use them all up in their routine activities, and may not need to burn a lot of them. For others who consume more calories, and have a sedentary lifestyle, including cardio exercises in their routine may be even more important in order to lose weight. According to Healthline, an average woman needs to consume about 2,000 calories in a day to maintain her weight, and 1500 calories per day in order to lose one pound of weight in a week. For men, the average consumption of calories stands at 2500 calories to maintain, and 2000 calories to lose one pound of weight per week. 2000 calories for women, and 2500 calories for men is the recommended amount of calorie intake. Therefore, if you consume the recommended amount of calories for weight maintenance, in order to lose weight, you have to burn about 500 calories in a day.

According to reports, climbing up a stair burns about 0.75 calories, while climbing down burns 0.25 calories. If an average flight of stairs has about 20 steps, you burn 15 calories climbing up, and 5 calories climbing down. Therefore, in order to burn 500 calories in a day, you need to climb 33.33 flights of stairs or come down 100 flights.

However, climbing up or climbing down so many stairs is also not recommended, as it may not be healthy for your knees. A combination of various workouts like brisk walking, running, climbing stairs, jogging, etc can help in burning the right number of calories, and aid weight loss.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.

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Weight loss: How many steps do you need to climb to burn the right number of calories? - Times Now

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The Five Secrets of Permanent Weight Loss at the Somers Library – HamletHub

Posted: March 16, 2020 at 3:44 am

Join us to learn about how to lose weight and feel great. The topics to be discussed are:

Presenter: Edward A. Markowitz D.C., D.A.C.B.O.H., received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 1979. He has been one of the Clinical Directors of Physicians Health and Injury Center, now Advanced Wellness and Injury Center. Dr. Markowitz is a member of the Foundation of Wellness Professionals and the Danbury Hospital Spinal Surgery Committee. He is a certified wellness instructor by the Foundation for Wellness Professionals. In addition, Dr. Markowitz lectures on the topics of Type 2 Diabetes Reversal, natural solutions to health problems, decreasing the harmful effects of stress, acupressure, chiropractic and holistic health.

The Five Secrets of Permanent Weight Loss at the Somers Library will be held on:

Saturday, March 28, from 10:30-12:00

Our programs are funded by The Friends of the Library - thanks for your support!The Somers Library ~ 914-232-5717

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Colson Smith weight loss how the Coronation Street star shed over a stone – The Irish Sun

Posted: March 16, 2020 at 3:44 am

COLSON Smith turned heads at The Television and Radio Industries Club Awards this week - as he showcased his impressive weight loss.

The Coronation Street star, 21, looked remarkably trim as he sported a fitted suit and waistcoat for the star-studded bash.



And many fans, desperate to follow in his footsteps, were left asking exactly how Colson, who plays fan favourite Craig Tinker in the ITV soap, managed to trim down.

In particular, Colson has been hitting the gym regularly to make sure he's fit for his storyline on Corrie.

His police officer character has taken up running after finding that he was out of breath while chasing shop lifters.

Craig told his Weatherfield pals that he was going to make an effort to get healthier after being bullied at work.



Despite overhauling his fitness, Colson also admits that food poisoning caused him to lose one and a half stone in December.

He ignored advice not to eat some seafood while holidaying in Thailand.

Speaking on his podcast Sofa Cinema Club - which he hosts with Jack P Shepherd, 31, and Ben Price, 47 - the star explained: "I was in Ko Lanta. I was sat on the beach and the waiter came over and was like, 'What would you like?' And I said, 'I'll have the prawns to start please.'

"I had avoided seafood but I was sat on the beach and I was like, 'How can you not have seafood on the beach?'


"I had avoided seafood [on Ben's advice] but I was sat on the beach and I was like, 'How can you not have seafood on the beach?'

"Well, anyway. I'm not doing that again. I've lost about a stone and a half."

Colson was only able to eat a banana and three slices of toast for a whole week before recovering.

The drop in Colson's natural daily calorie intake put his body in a calorie deficit state - a state which has been proven to help slimmers stimulate rapid weight loss.



Of course the way Colson lost weight was not a healthy way to shed pounds but to lose weight in a similar manner, a slimmer needs to also reduce their daily calorie intake.

Harry Thomas, owner of No1 Fitness and nutrition expert said: "So the first thing is to reduce calories and get yourself into a deficit, this means burning more than you are consuming.

"The best way is too create awareness on what you are currently consuming, including all food and liquids.

"This is a great way to learn about how much we are consuming."

Another simple way you can lose weight is by simply doing more exercise.

Harry added: "The best way is to move more - this will all help to burn more calories."Make it simple and pay attention to your step count.

"I recommend a minimum or 10000 per day, but if you are way short of that, aim to beat your average score. The more you move the better."

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Colson Smith weight loss how the Coronation Street star shed over a stone - The Irish Sun

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