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5 Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Dramatically Improve One’s Wellbeing, With Dr. William Seeds & Kate Swoboda – Thrive Global
Posted: March 3, 2020 at 6:49 am
Id love to see a worldwide shift to providing access to fruits and vegetables for absolutely everyone. I know that there are many people who would love to eat a healthier diet and the foods they need are out of reach. No one who is barely getting by is going to spend $5 on a salad when theres a $1 burger at the local fast food place, so I want to support those who dont have the resources to get what they need to support their health.
As a part of my series about 5 Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Dramatically Improve Ones Wellbeing, I had the pleasure of interviewing Kate Swoboda. Kate is creator of, Director of the Courageous Living Coach Certification at and author ofThe Courage Habit: How to Accept Your Fears, Release the Past, and Live Your Courageous Life. She helps individuals, teams, and companies see where old, fear-based habits have kept people stuck or started to limit whats possible for an organization, and then start creating more courageous lives by getting into the courage habit, a four-part process for behavioral and organizational change. Kate has appeared in MindBodyGreen, Entrepreneur, USA Today, Forbes, Lifetime Moms, The Intelligent Optimist, Business Insider, and more, and her website Your Courageous Life was named a top-50 blog for happiness by Greatist. Shes spoken at conferences and seminars on the topic of courage as it relates to personal development, releasing overwhelm, business and marketing, money mindset, wellness, increasing emotional resilience, and healthy goal-setting using habit-formation techniques.
Thank you so much for doing this with us Kate! Our readers would love to get to know you a bit better. Can you share with us the story about how you first got involved in fitness and wellness?
Ihad always taken reasonable care of my health and had been a runner, but in 2012, I was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease and thats when I got really serious about looking at my health and how to improve it. I overhauled my diet and began training for triathlons. After a few years of triathlon training that included finishing two half-Ironman distance events, I found that it was taking a ton of my time, and while I loved the events themselves, the grind of training from week to week wasnt fun. I was curious about CrossFit and tried it outthat first week, I remember immediately being hooked. It was like finding my soulmateWhere have you been, my whole life? Now, CrossFit is my jam. Ive never had so much fun plus seen such great health results from any other physical activity.
Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career?
I think the story I referencedthe autoimmune diagnosisis that story. Ill add to it that I had a period of feeling extremely depressed about the diagnosis and the symptoms that I was experiencing, and one day, I got really angry because I felt that what I was experiencing was unfair given that I had tried to take care of my health. Something in me felt backed into a corner, and I made a decision that day: this diagnosis would neither define me nor limit my life. I decided that no matter how hard it was, I was going to live a regular life. While this was not my intent behind the declaration, interestingly, my symptoms pretty much disappeared after that experience.
Can you share a story with us about the most humorous mistake you made when you were first starting? What lesson or take-away did you learn from that?
I was at a store struggling to get into a triathlon wetsuit for the first time. The phrase, stuffed sausage comes to mind. The person kept knocking on the door asking if I needed help because I was taking so long. I now realize that I just didnt understand the mechanics of how to put on a wetsuit, but at the time? At the time I thought, I am such an idiot. It was embarrassing.
Can you share with our readers a bit about why you are an authority in the fitness and wellness field? In your opinion, what is your unique contribution to the world of wellness?
Im interested in how people shift habits and stay authentic to their habits around wellness from a place of nurturing who they arenot subscribing to rigid dogma, particularly around weight loss. I want people to trust who they are, internally, and that means trusting that their bodies are okay and good as they are, even if their bodies are different or differently abled. I am a stand for people defining who they are and how they live, defying the odds, and creating their own particular authentic wellness.
None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?
In the fitness realm, Im extraordinarily grateful to Holly Wick, a world-ranked masters triathlete who also owns Athletic Soles in my hometown of Petaluma, California. Holly took time out of her day to help a newbie like me get up and going with triathlon training, and her passionate commitment to You can do this! championed me so many times when I was full of doubt. A bonus? She teaches spin at the local gym and her classes are not only challenging, theyre also a ton of fun.
Ok thank you for all that. Now lets move to the main focus of our interview. We all know that its important to eat more vegetables, eat less sugar, exercise more, and get better sleep etc. But while we know it intellectually, its often difficult to put it into practice and make it a part of our daily habits. In your opinion what are the 3 main blockages that prevent us from taking the information that we all know, and integrating it into our lives?
The three main things that block us from taking information that we know and putting it into action are:
Can you please share your 5 Non-Intuitive Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Dramatically Improve Ones Wellbeing? (Please share a story or an example for each, and feel free to share ideas for mental, emotional and physical health.)
Make a habit out of befriending your inner critic. Most people want to get rid of their criticbut thats actually impossible to do. Your critic is a wounded part of you that will do whatever it takes to prevent future wounding, which is why it criticizes you so harshly when you try new things or take risks. It just wants to prevent you from failing, being rejected, etc. The critic doesnt realize that these experiences are necessary parts of growth and change. The more you can do to befriend this internal voice, rather than avoid ithear it and understand itthe better. This doesnt mean you have to do what it says. Listening to why its so afraid will help you to make different choices around managing your fear.
Turn off all notifications on your phoneandnever have your phone in your bedroom. We know the research into how phones disrupt sleep, social media brings your mood down, etc., but people have trouble figuring out how to stop being so addicted to their phones. Its actually pretty easy if you disable the notifications and never have your phone in your bedroom (which means not staying up late surfing the internet).
Decide what your purpose is and live that. Purpose isnt a destination. Purpose is how you live, every day. People really need to understand that someday, we all diewe all die, we are done, we are gone, we are off the planet. Do you really want to spend the days leading up to that moment surfing the internet? Checking your phone notifications? Feeling the effects of poor health choices? Not feeling fully alive, connected, happy? I want us all to aspire to something more. Bringing presence to your purpose in this world is something anyone can do at any time. Make the choice to decide what your purpose is, and live that.
Understand habit-formation. When you understand how habits work, its easier to take charge of your life. Habits run on a cue, routine, reward loop. Its powerful to decide that when you feel the cue of fear, youll respond with a routine that is all about facing fear. Its powerful to decide that when youre stuck in a routine of negativity, that youll stop allowing negative cues into your life in the form of, for instance, spending time on social media when people are being negative. Understanding that habits are part of how we live life, and consciously choosing which habits we want to reinforce and those we want to shift, is powerful.
As an expert, this might be obvious to you, but I think it would be instructive to articulate this for the public. Aside from weight loss, what are 3 benefits of daily exercise? Can you explain?
Daily exercise is an investment in your long-term health. We dont get the benefits from doing it once. If you want to be as able as possible when youre older, daily exercise now is critical.
Daily exercise is a huge mood booster. I can be in a terrible mood, and after a short CrossFit workout, I feel completely different. I joke that its not possible to be in a bad mood when you feel like a badass!
Daily exercise helps with sleep. We all know that we feel crappy when we dont sleep well, and when things that typically help with sleep just dont seem to work? It might seem counterintuitive, but exercise is probably the missing link.
For someone who is looking to add exercise to their daily routine, which 3 exercises would you recommend that are absolutely critical?
Im big into functional fitnessthings that people may need to do in everyday life. Air squats, for instance, are an exercise that tie into a functional movement that people need to do daily, which is sit down or get up from a chair. Raising some kind of weight overhead, and the ability to bend over, are also important, so Id say some kind of overhead press or dumbbell press, and some kind of deadlifting or leaning over to pick something up, will be really helpful.
In my experience, many people begin an exercise regimen but stop because they get too sore afterwards. What ideas would you recommend to someone who plays sports or does heavy exercise to shorten the recovery time, and to prevent short term or long term injury?
Magnesium is really helpful for recovery. Theres a powdered brand called CALM that Ive used that has been helpful. Rolling out with a Grid foam roller is great for working out the kinks in hips and legs. One of the reasons I love the CrossFit model is that functional fitness doesnt get into repetitive movements that cause overuse injuries. Youre doing something different every single day, and most workouts are only around 20 minutes.
There are so many different diets today. Can you share what kind of diet you follow? Which diet do you recommend to most of your clients?
Its important for me to first say that I dont believe in dieting in the prototypical sense, and I definitely dont think that women should be trying to get into a thin body. I think that were all different, mostly due to different microbiome profiles, so it makes sense that we may need different things, and its not healthy for anyone to strive to change their body in order to be accepted by others. With that having been saidthere are certain things that we all need, and the diet misinformation out there is a real head-shaker. For example, yes, everyone needs protein, but that protein does not need to come from animals. In fact, for the health of our planet, I recommend that your protein doesnt come from animals because animal agriculture is a huge source of not just CO2, but also methane, which accelerates the impact of CO2 in our atmosphere.
Im a vegetarian. CrossFit promotes a pretty meat-heavy diet, which is the only aspect of the sport that I dont endorse. Ive made incredible gains while eating vegetarian and know that theyll keep on coming. I dont count calories or count macros or do any diet monitoring, and yet Ive had incredible results (which I define for myself personally as having visible muscles, which I love). I can eat a wide variety of foods and love the plant-based meat alternatives that have emerged, but mostly I focus on eating plants. Thats it. Super simple yet super effective, and also better for the planet. The bookEating Animalsby Jonathan Safran Foer helped me realize how critical our individual roles are in changing the tide of climate change. Yes, there are corporate polluters, and yes the transportation industry plays a huge role, but every single day we all have at least three opportunities to cast our vote for the kind of world that we want to live in when we sit down to eat.
Is there a particular book that made a significant impact on you? Can you share a story?
Pema ChodronsWhen Things Fall Apartrocked my world 15 years ago, and I re-read it all the time. Its a series of short lectures on different times when life hands us a shit-sandwich and we dont know what to doso Chodron encourages us to use those times as opportunities to learn more about who we are, what we want, what were really about.
You are a person of enormous influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.
Id love to see a worldwide shift to providing access to fruits and vegetables for absolutely everyone. I know that there are many people who would love to eat a healthier diet and the foods they need are out of reach. No one who is barely getting by is going to spend $5 on a salad when theres a $1 burger at the local fast food place, so I want to support those who dont have the resources to get what they need to support their health.
Can you please give us your favorite Life Lesson Quote? Do you have a story about how that was relevant in your life?
Have compassion for everyone you meet, even when they dont want it. What seems conceit, bad manners, or cynicism is always a sign of things no ears have heard, no eyes have seen. You do not know what wars are going on down there where the spirit meets the bone. Miller Williams
I first saw this hand-lettered at a coffee shop. I was so taken with it, I think because I was in a difficult period in my own life and saw how some people were rejecting me for the ways in which I was showing up with cynicism and negativity. I wasnt intending to be that way; I was just struggling. To me, this quote is the essence of what it means to have compassion for others.
We are very blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this if we tag them
Greg Glassman, Ben Bergeron, and Katrin Davidsdottir would be a blast to have lunch withGlassman is the founder of CrossFit; Bergeron wrote the bookChasing Excellence,and I love his podcast of the same name; and Davidsdottir is a two-time CrossFit Games Fittest on Earth winner, and I love her story and what shes up to.
I recently read Jerry Colonnas bookReboot, and Im so in love with what hes up to. I think he is leading the way for all of us to bring more compassion and humanity to the corporate sector.
It would be the honor of a lifetime to meet Pema Chodron, whose work has lit up my life in so many positive ways.
What is the best way our readers can follow you on social media?
Im on Instagram @katecourageous and on Facebook @yourcourageouslife
Thank you for these fantastic insights. We wish you only continued success in your great work!
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5 Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Dramatically Improve One's Wellbeing, With Dr. William Seeds & Kate Swoboda - Thrive Global
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Want to lose weight? These are the things you should NOT do – HOLA! USA
Posted: March 3, 2020 at 6:48 am
Nowadays lots of people use diets to stay slim and healthy. However, to achieve the best results, you should make sure that you a follow nutritious diet, one that can help you lose weight by eating healthy plus doing some exercise.
Counting on the help of a nutrition specialist is the key to avoid cutting out foods that contain essential nutrients necessary for our body to function properly. Remember that avoiding absolutely everything is not the way to get that bikini body, and some methods can be completely counterproductive.
1. Dont starve yourself
Dont get it into your head that to lose weight you need to stop eating. This is a frequent error people make, focusing on the idea that eliminating food groups like carbohydrates, fats, or sugars, and even proteins, which are all vital for our body. Eating a mere 800 to 1000 calories per day and drinking less water, is a monumental mistake.
2. Drinking smoothies or eating single-group food
Experts insist that getting nutrition exclusively from green smoothies or diets in which you repeatedly consume the same food, does not work. This can make people suffer from dehydration caused by the diuretic ingredients in many detox smoothies, as well as generating the loss of muscular mass because of the lack of quality protein.This low calorie level will make your body burn muscle to get energy, and lose liquid instead of fat, creating a rebound effect that will mean you will put weight back on twice as fast when you stop dieting.
3. Skipping meals
Respecting meal times is a vital aspect of keeping your metabolism activated and accelerated. Skipping meals can seem like a good way to reduce calorie intake, but it will actually slow your metabolism down. The best thing to do is to eat every four hours, eating snacks like fibrous fruits in between meals, that will fill you up more quickly. These will become nutritious allies in your daily diet.
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Want to lose weight? These are the things you should NOT do - HOLA! USA
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The Best Diet to Try This Year Is the Mediterranean Diet, According to Our Registered Dietitian – Yahoo Lifestyle
Posted: March 3, 2020 at 6:48 am
From Good Housekeeping
With the new year far behind and thoughts of a trip to the beach on spring break soon approaching, you may have already tried your hand at changing your diet this year and maybe even failed spectacularly at it. The truth is, many of the popular diets currently being discussed on television shows and social media are truly restrictive: Keto dieters and those who attempted Whole30 can definitely tell you how hard it is to completely eradicate food groups from your daily routine. But losing weight isn't always about cutting things out; in fact, it might be about adding more foods into your line up, says Stefani Sassos, MS, RD, CDN, a registered dietitian in the Good Housekeeping Institute.
The best diets may not be as trendy as the worst diets on this list, but Sassos says they set you up for maintaining healthy weight loss over a longer period of time (possibly, for good!). Her top pick is more about adapting your lifestyle rather than following a regimen for a few months, but it could lead to even more weight loss than you'd experience on another program. Regardless of which diet you choose to try this year, you'll need to practice the following advice in order to truly reap all the benefits that sustained weight loss can offer:
Photo credit: Mike Garten
Sassos' top pick is one we've been hearing more about in the last few years: the Mediterranean diet. You won't be counting calories or stressing over a slip up on this diet because it's based on the atmosphere of life in nations like Greece, Spain, Italy, and the south of France. Instead, you'll be eating as many vegetables, fruits, pulses and legumes (including everything from beans to lentils), and many sources of whole grains (farro is your friend!). While you'll enjoy lean proteins such as salmon nearly every day, you can indulge in better-for-you sources of saturated fats (cheese and some cured meats included).
"It's an approach to cooking that emphasizes vegetables, naturally leading to a ton of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals in your diet," Sassos says, adding that the diet has been linked to weight loss and a reduction in disease risk, plus a boost in longevity overall. Many curious health experts first began exploring the benefits of the Mediterranean diet in the early 2010s, shortly after a team at the University of Barcelona demonstrated how effectively the diet transformed cardiovascular health for at-risk individuals. There are many pieces of evidence that point to the diet's effectiveness in preventing disease, but most recently, newly published results of a study in the journal Gut demonstrate how the Mediterranean diet may also vastly improve our digestive health.
"At its core, the diet is all about getting back to the basics and really enjoying whole foods," Sassos says. "Its role in fighting inflammation across the body and brain is just an added bonus."
Photo credit: Getty Images
"It's old school, and the saying is true: If it ain't broke, don't fix it," Sassos says of the Volumetrics diet, another favorite of health experts in years past. Developed by health experts at Pennsylvania State University, this diet stresses thinking of new, fun ways to eat more fruits and vegetables, and upping how much water you consume without thinking about it. Since it's based on the volume of your meals, people often feel like they're eating quite a lot, which is good for dieters who can't fight hunger pangs. "I am a type of person where I like to maximize my calories, and I don't want to feel starving," Sassos says, adding that the Volumetrics' approach also ups your fiber to maximize satiety. "Why would I have one tiny cookie when I could have this giant greek yogurt sundae? I like more, and feeling full."
Sassos says the evidence presented by Barbara Rollins, PhD, the author behind The Ultimate Volumetrics Diet, is more than solid. It'll help you eat more veggies naturally by targeting foods that keep you full and happy (without leaving you wishing you could have a piece of cheese at midnight).
Photo credit: Mike Garten
Notice that we aren't using the v-word here. "I often recommend going plant-based as much as possible versus going completely vegan, because adopting a vegan lifestyle can be very difficult for people who are simply hoping to lose weight and not address other health issues," Sassos says. "You shouldn't feel guilty if you can't fully go vegan or if you've failed in trying to do so in the past. Rather, you should empower yourself to adopt your meals to be as plant-forward as possible."
Being a flexitarian isn't like following other diets with strict regimens: It's about setting a schedule that fits your own needs and lifestyle, and there's not a set meal plan you need to adhere to. Flexitarian meal plans are best when focused on targeting certain meals to be as devoid of dairy and meat as possible, but it doesn't mean you can't enjoy these items throughout the week. "You can still have things like chicken, but flexitarian diets are at least 50% plants or more," Sassos says. "At my house, we do totally plant-based (true to vegan style) meals between two and three days a week, where I substitute dairy and meat for plant-based alternatives or omit altogether."
An important caveat, though: Being vegan or flexitarian doesn't mean you have carte blanche to eat "fake" vegan alternatives (like Impossible Burgers) all the time. "Vegan meals and snacks can also be unhealthy, too: Things like Oreos and chips may be considered vegan, but that doesn't mean they're healthy."
Photo credit: Danielle Occhiogrosso Daly
Just as the Mediterranean diet has enjoyed the spotlight as one of the healthiest diets in the last few years, the keto diet is equally publicized for promising results on a controversial meal plan. For most health professionals, understanding a diet's effectiveness boils down to why it was created in the first place. And the ketogenic diet was largely designed, interestingly enough, as a form of treatment for pediatric epilepsy in the 20th century, Sassos says. For those of you who don't know, manipulating your body into ketosis requires you to vastly restrict almost all sources of lean protein and almost all carbohydrates (fruits, veggies, and legumes included). But Sassos believes cutting out nutrient-dense veggies and other complex carbohydrates could do damage to much more than just your waistline. "The first thing that your brain needs to function are carbs. When you cut out carbs completely, you could be affecting regions of your body that you're not even aware of," Sassos says. "You need carbs; cooking the right kinds of healthy carbohydrates and watching your portion sizes are much more valuable tips that any kind of exclusion from your diet."
There's some science behind why you may lose weight during the first few weeks (mostly, water weight) and Sassos says that she appreciates the awareness that keto programs have brought to added sugar. "It does keep you away from candy and really sugary treats, but the fact of the matter is that you do need to eat natural sources of sugar," she argues. "Apples, Ezekiel bread, grains like farro and quinoa, beans; all of these things will contain natural sugars and complex carbs, and they're part of a wholesome, balanced diet."
Staving off all sources of carbohydrates in the long term isn't sustainable for most. Sassos says a failed attempt at the keto diet could end up in even more weight afterwards, or long-lasting damaging side effects from the increased dependency on fat. "If you're a normal healthy person and you're suddenly eating bacon, butter, and all of this red meat, it will affect your heart and overall cardiovascular system in not so great ways." Weight cycling, or the aspect of continuously dieting just to gain weight back later, has been shown to be severely damaging on our psyche and may even impact longevity, especially in young adults and teens and critics of the keto diet highlight this, as getting off the diet can often lead to rapid weight gain shortly thereafter.
There are too many harmful trendy diets to count, but sometimes the allure of a fad diet (often adopted by celebrities in a dramatic fashion) has to do with results. Sassos highlights the following three diets as being bad choices for long-term, sustained weight loss, but she also agrees that there are some lessons hiding beneath all of the glossy photos of their successes.
The bottom line: Nearly all of the diets that health experts love encourage a variety of food groups and moderation, whereas diets that restrict what you eat or when you eat it could inhibit to keep weight off in the long run. Anything that seems questionable probably is, Sassos says case in point, the Dr. Sebi Diet, which is currently making rounds on the internet for fast weight loss. Try to look for any scientific credentials within the book or website in question, and see if the diet's name has been attached to any scientific research published in journals. If you've never heard of it, it's probably for good reason.
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The Best Diet to Try This Year Is the Mediterranean Diet, According to Our Registered Dietitian - Yahoo Lifestyle
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Different Types of Diet to Lose Weight & Lead a Happy & Healthy Life – Version Weekly
Posted: March 3, 2020 at 6:48 am
What are Types of Diet: Are you facing a lot of embarrassing situations with your bodyDo you want to become a fitness influencer Are you a newbie & looking for a diet guide, and many more are heading in your mind regarding diet plans, this page is for you, my dear friends.
After reading this article, you will get answers to all your questions on diets. Nowadays, people are suffering from so many health issues like weight loss, weight gain, due to a lack of healthy and good amounts of protein food. To avoid such things all are jumping into the diet.
There exist many weight-loss diets, health & fitness diets out there. Every diet type acts as a superior. But, it is hard to know the selected diet might work for you or not? Because the fact is that no-one diet is best for anybody. So, You have to choose any of the diets based on your body condition and start following it for a healthier life. To help you out from this situation, we have come up with the various best running types of diets that have been using by people globally.
Also Check: Simple 3-step Plan to Lose Weight Fast
Most of the diets are designed for weight loss issues and some for weight gain and fitness. In this article, we will see the reviews of the most popular weight-loss diets and the science behind each of them. First of all, check the list of famous types of diet that people are following across the world for their healthier life.
Love to be as a fitness freak and motivate others then try out the best & worthy diet from the list after inspecting the health benefits and major food items that it includes. If the details are enough to start your chosen diet then go for it and give your feedback via comments below.
Lets just dive in for more info about types of diet!
List of different types of Diet:
Are you ready to know the detailed review of the above types of diet? Then, below
A low-carb diet and high-fat diet is known as a Keto diet (Ketogenic Diet). It drops blood sugar and insulin levels. Also, it changes the bodys metabolism far from carbs and towards ketones and fat. You can observe the fat burning in the Ketogenic diet. A standard ketogenic diet (SKD), Cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD), Targeted ketogenic diet (TKD), and High-protein ketogenic diet are various kinds of Keto Diet.
Foods to Have on Keto Diet:
Majorly you have to base your ketogenic diet on healthy food like healthy oils, avocados, eggs, fatty fish, meat, cheese, condiments, low-carb veggies, nuts and seeds, butter and cream.
Foods to Avoid:
Any food item that is high in carbs should be evaded. Here are some of the eliminated foods on a keto diet: card-based foods such as Grains/Starches, Sugary foods, Beans/legumes, low-fat products, alcohol, root veggies and tubers, fruit, unhealthy fats, sugar-free diet foods, etc.
Health Benefits of Keto Diet:
Indeed, the Ketogenic diet is originated as a tool for neurological disease treatment. Many of the studies proved that keto diet consists of a wide range of benefits for various health conditions like Cancer, Brain injuries, Heart disease, Parkinsons disease, Acne, Epilepsy, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Alzheimers disease, etc.
The Mediterranean diet means eating the traditional food of cuisine countries bordering the mediterranean sea like France, Spain, Greece, and Italy. Studies and reports observed that folks in these countries had fewer rates of chronic disease, in comparison with the USA and Northern Europe. It contains more veggie foods instead of meat. Also, it is high in fruits, whole grains, and refined oils. In this diet, people take a huge amount of oil included food.
Foods to Eat on the Mediterranean Diet:
Enjoy some of these foods while on the Mediterranean diet such as vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fruits, nuts and seeds, eggs, poultry, healthy fats, seafood, herbs and spices, a limited quantity of beverages.
Foods to Evade while Mediterranean Diet:
People who are following the Mediterranean diet should limit or eliminate these foods like refined grains, processed foods & meats, added sugar, refined oils, and sugar-sweetened beverages.
Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet:
Some major health benefits that have been connected with the Mediterranean diet are:
Also Check: Merits Of A Mediterranean Diet
Feasible Mediterranean Diet Drawbacks:
The Mediterranean diet allows moderate amounts of alcohol, that doesnt fit for every person. Moreover, it is more expensive and some people might deem difficult than other diets.
Intermittent fasting is a diet treatment where cycles your body among periods of fasting and easting. People use this Intermittent Fasting for Weight loss. Because it might involve complete moderate, or permit a lower amount of food and beverages.
This Intermittent fasting diet plan can be easier to do than other types of fasting. The most common methods to follow Intermittent Fasting diets such as The Warrior Diet, 5:2 diet, eat-stop-eat method, and 16/8 method. IT diet is a very powerful tool for weight loss and fat loss.
Have these Healthy Foods & Beverages:
While Intermittent fasting people have to follow by eating and drinking these items like Water, coffee, and other noncaloric beverages, eat normal solid foods such as nuts, beans, fruits and vegetables, and high protein foods, including meat, fish, tofu, at the time of your eating window, but must consume in the eating periods only.
Avoid these Unhealthy Foods:
Advised to avoid foods while the IT fasting diet is processed meats, sugar, trans fats, and refined starches.
Intermittent Fasting Diet Health Benefits:
Some of the potential health benefits that include in Intermittent Fasting diet are weight loss, fat loss, reduction of markers of inflammation, heart health, anti-aging, cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, blood triglycerides, increases HGH levels, altered gene expressions, insulin sensitivity, and cellular repair.
The term Vegan was picked using a combination of first and last letters of Vegetarian. It is a form of vegetarian diet that excludes all kinds of meat and animal products for ethical, environmental, or health concerns. After eliminating animal products also it is more effective for weight loss.
So, follow this vegan diet by choosing a prominent veganism diet plan from various types based on your condition. It includes some important types of vegan dietary patterns like whole-food, raw food, dietary, junk-food, and low-fat raw-food vegans.
Foods to Avoid by Vegans:
Vegan Diet following people should restrict with all animal origin food products like meat, shellfish, eggs, chicken, fish, dairy, and honey along with many other items including animal-derived additives.
Foods to Consume while Vegan Diet:
The people who are following a vegan diet can eat these wide varieties of foods such as beans, lentils, tofu, seitan, tempeh, nuts, and seeds. And, it is easy to replace meat and dairy with plant-based substitutes, which gives flexibility to this diet.
Health Benefits of Plant-Based (Vegan) Diet
Healthy vegan diets are rich with vitamins B1, C, and E, magnesium, folic acid, and iron while also remain low in cholesterol and soaked fats. A plant-based vegan diet can reduce the risk of death from diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, heart diseases, etc.
Also Check: Vegan For Healthy Living
Now, we are going to discuss a low carb diet plan for weight loss. Low card diet badly restricts crab intake and urges your body to take advantage of fat for fuel. It is the most effective and popular diet for weight loss people and also includes various health benefits. Do you have an idea about to consume how many carbs in a low carb diet? People who follow low carb diet plans should take carbs below 130 grams per day and it is best to eat 20-50 gms of carbs.
Low-Carb Diet Foods to Eat:
Eggs, Fish, Meat, Vegetables sprouting above ground and natural fats (like butter) are some of the major foods that recommended to eat while low-carb diet.
Foods to Avoid while Low Carb Diet:
Low carb diet following people is strictly advised to evade Sugar and starchy foods such as bread, pasta, rice, beans, and potatoes.
Advantages of Following Low-Carb Diet:
Here are the 10 health benefits of a low-carb diet plan:
An Ultra low-fat diet limits the day to day consumption of dietary fat from animal and plant sources. Ultra or Very Low-Fat Diet permits only less than or equal to 15% of calories from fat. Also, it tends to be low in protein and very high in carbs, about 10% and 80% of daily calories accordingly. It may result in great weight loss and might also have splendid benefits for heart health, multiple sclerosis (MS), type 2 diabetes, etc.
Foods to eat on Ultra Low-fat diet:
Healthy Fats, Dairy, Veggies, Protein, Fruits, Herbs and Spices, Beverages are some of the major food items that should take while following an ultra low-fat diet.
Foods not to eat on Ultra Low-fat diet:
Also, some avoidable food items must keep away from your diet plan are Cream Cheese, Packaged Beverages, Fatty parts of beef and pork, junk food, etc.
Benefits of an Ultra or Very Low-fat Diet:
By eliminating unhealthy facts will give the following health benefits:
The Atkins Diet Plan was initially promoted by the physician Dr. Robert C. Atkins, who drafted a best-selling book about the Atkins diet in 1972. Studies declare that it has a lead to more weight loss and better enhancement in blood sugar, Good HDL Cholesterol, triglycerides, and some more health markers compared to a low-fat diet.
The Atkins diet is the best known low-carb weight loss diet. Also, it is more effective in benefitting many other disease risk factors. The main reason behind all these low-carb diet plans is it reduces your appetite. The Atkins diet is separated into four various phases: Phase 1 (induction), Phase 2 (Balancing), Phase 3 (fine-tuning), and Phase 4 (maintenance).
Eat these Foods while Atkin Diet:
To kick off your weight loss program called Atkin 20 diet plan, you should consume some of the major foods like at first step veggies such as spinach, cucumbers, broccoli, and bok choy, protein-eggs, chicken, beef. All fish items along with Butter and olive oil, some cheeses like goat, parmesan, swiss and cheddar.
If you are on the Atkins 40 diet plan, then you should eat all the above items along with the following food items.
Foods to Avoid:
You must eliminate these following foods while doing the Atkins diet: Sugar, vegetable oils, Trans fats, Starches, Grains, Diet and low-fat foods, High crab fruits and vegetables, Legumes, and many more.
Benefits of the Atkins Diet Plan:
Many studies prove that low-carb diets like the Atkins diet can mitigate many risk factors for disease, as well as cholesterol, insulin, blood sugar, blood triglycerides, and blood pressure.
Are you looking for a high-protein, low-carb weight loss diet? Then, the Dukan Diet is an effective diet plan and it is split into four phases. It was established by Dr, Pierre Dukan, a French general practitioner who specialized in weight loss.
This Dukan Diet is stated to provide rapid weight loss without hunger. The four phases of the Dukan diet are the Attack phase, Cruise phase, the Consolidation phase, and the stabilization phase. And, this diet is split into two weight loss phases and two maintenance phases.
Beverages to Include on the Dukan Diet
People who are following the Dukan diet can have these beverages like coffee and tea without any added sugar. Also, you can have milk and other dairy drinks but they should be provided with fat-free and low in sugar and carbohydrates. Apart from these beverages, you can even drink diet beverages and sodas (sugar-free, no-calorie), sparkling water, club soda or seltzer.
Eliminated Food During Dukan Diet:
The food you cant eat while the Dukan diet depends on the phase you have chosen before. The following points explain what not to have on the Dukan diet. Have a look at the below lines.
Positive points about Dukan diet:
Should You Try The Dukan Diet?
The military diet is a low-calorie weight loss diet which is argued to encourage significant weight loss in just one week. It is also known as a 3-day military diet because the first 3 days of the diet have set a meal plan and include calorie restriction. Remaining four days have fewer restrictions. Still, you are promoted to eat healthily and restrict calories for the rest of four days. This diet is likely safe for healthy persons and it doesnt cause permanent weight loss.
Foods you can Eat on the Military Diet:
Here is the list of food items that you can consume while following the 3-day military diet plan.
Foods that you cant eat on the 3-day Military Diet:
The following foods are permitted to avoid or limit while doing the military diet. So, have a look at the list of eliminated foods below.
Health benefits of the Military Diet
The military diet aids to ensure your metabolism remains to adapt the change and functioning well. More than anything you can easily lose your weight by the 3-day military diet. It is not expensive and does not depend on changing your habits in the long run.
Paleolithic diet, Caveman diet, Primal Diet or Stone-age diet are some of the other names for the Paleo Diet which is a modern fad diet. There are various editions of the paleo diet. Most of them permit some modern foods that science implies are healthy. As a beginning point, you can also happily kick off your healthy diet by this paleo diet, because it is added up with a few healthy foods such as grass-fed butter and gluten-free grains.
Paleolithic humans diets vary according to location and availability. The primary vision of the paleo diet or short-age diet is to eat whole foods and eliminate processed foods & ingredients such as sugar, particular vegetable oils, trans fats, bread, and fake sweeteners.
Foods to Eat: Fish, meat, herbs & spices, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, healthy fats, and oils.
Health Benefits: The Short-age diet looks like more effective at diminishing risk factors for heart disease, like cholesterol, blood sugar, blood triglycerides, and blood pressure, Reduced allergies. Along with these diseases, it also benefits with weight loss.
The Blood Type diet should be followed based on your blood groups. Also, it is referred to as the blood group diet and it is supported by many authors, but the most popular among them is Dr. Peter DAdamo, a naturopathic physician. He wrote a book called Eat Right 4 Your Type became incredibly famous.
In this book, he says that the ideal diet for anyone separately depends on the persons ABO blood type. The basic concept of this blood type diet is if you follow a diet prepared for your blood type, then body digest food more efficiently. By this diet, you can easily and fairly lose weight, have more energy, and aid to stop the disease.
What Foods You Can Eat While Following the Blood Type Diet
Based on your blood type only you can have to eat food. Hence, we have listed the details about the foods to eat while Blood Type Diet which was recommended by DAdamo for each type:
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Who We Are As Eaters? – Thrive Global
Posted: March 3, 2020 at 6:48 am
Most of us have been taught to believe that good nutrition is simply a function of eating the right food and taking the right supplements. Of course, this is true, but theres more to the equation. What we eat is only half the story of good nutrition.
The other half of the story is who we are as eaters. That is, what we think, feel, believe, as well as our levels of stress, relaxation, pleasure, awareness, and the inner stories that we live out all have a real, powerful, and scientific effect on nutritional metabolism.
Recent advances in the mind-body sciences have been proving what ancient wisdom traditions have been saying for eons that the mind and body exist on an exquisite continuum, and profoundly impact one another.
So the good news is simply this: you can powerfully change your health and your nutritional status without changing anything you eat, but by changing you the eater.
Consider some of these key secrets that I think everyone should know:
Stress can put weight on relaxation can take it offIts fascinating how stress, fear, anxiety, anger, judgment, and even negative self-talk can literally create a physiologic stress response in the body. This means that we generate more cortisol and insulin, two hormones that have the unwanted effect of signaling the body to store weight, store fat, and stop building muscle. Strange as it may sound, we quite literally change our calorie burning capacity when were stressed. Whats more incredible though, is that, as we learn to smile more, ease into life, and breathe more deeply, the body enters a physiologic relaxation response. In this state, we actually create our optimal day-in, day-out calorie-burning metabolism. So, you could be following the best weight loss diet in the world, but if youre an anxious mess, the power of your mind is limiting the weight loss of your body. Far too many people adopt stressful weight loss strategies; impossible-to-follow diets, overly intense exercise programs, tasteless food, and extremely low-calorie meal plans, all of which can create the kind of stress chemistry that ensures our weight will stay put. Its time to relax into weight loss.
Happiness is the best digestive aidCan you recall what happens when you eat during anxiety or stress? Many people report such symptoms as heartburn, cramping, gas, and digestive upset. During stress, the body automatically shifts into the classic fight-or-flight response. This feature of the nervous system evolved over millions of years as a brilliant safety mechanism to support us during life-threatening events. At the moment the stress response is activated, something very interesting happens the digestive system shuts down. It makes perfect sense that when youre fending off an angry gorilla, you dont need to waste energy digesting your breakfast. All the bodys metabolic energy is directed towards survival. So, you could be eating the healthiest food in the universe, but if you arent eating under the optimum state of digestion and assimilation, which happens to be relaxation, you literally and metabolically are not receiving the full nutritional value of your meal.
Overeating its simpler than you thinkMost people think they overeat because they have a willpower problem. If only I could control my appetite, then I would stop being such a willpower weakling and start losing weight. Well, heres the good news you dont have a willpower problem. The problem for the majority of overeaters is that they dont actually eat when they eat. What Im suggesting is that we arent always fully present to the meal, aware of its taste, eating it slowly, or simply feeling nourished by the food. When this happens, the brain, which requires taste and satisfaction, misses out on a key phase of the nutritional experience. The brain literally thinks it didnt eat or didnt eat enough. And it simply screams back at us Hungry! So, you can dramatically decrease your overeating by increasing your awareness and presence at every meal.
Slower eating means a faster metabolismOne of my favourite nutritional questions to ask a client or student is are you a fast eater, moderate eater, or slow eater? If the answer is fast, then its time for an overhaul. Thats because the act of eating fast is considered a stressor by the body. Humans are simply not biologically wired for high-speed eating. So when we do eat fast, the body once again enters the physiologic stress response, which results in decreased digestion, decreased nutrient assimilation, increased nutrient excretion, lowered calorie-burning rate, and a bigger appetite. The bottom line is that you can literally empower your nutritional metabolism simply by slowing down. Whats fascinating is that for many fast eaters, slowing down is quite a challenge. But try this dont just eat slow eat sensuously, feel nourished by your food, and take in all the sensations of your meal.
Make sure you have enough Vitamin P Pleasure!Far too many people are taught to believe that pleasure is something frivolous. Well, its actually required by our biology. All organisms on planet earth, be they lion, lizard, amoeba, or human, are programmed at the most primitive level of the nervous system to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Well, if youre eating and not paying attention, the brain will drive you to seek more pleasure via overeating. Whats worse, if youre stressed while eating, the excess cortisol in your system actually de-sensitises us to pleasure so youll need to eat more food in order to get the pleasure we are seeking. The bottom line is this: If you want more pleasure from food, you dont need to eat more of the ice cream. Simply breathe, relax, de-stress, enjoy, and pay attention and the body will naturally experience the pleasure it seeks. And the great news is, since pleasure catalyses a relaxation response, it actually fuels digestion and assimilation.
Emotional eating its not the enemyAt our core, we are emotional beings rich, complex, juicy, unpredictable, feeling-filled creatures. We love, we celebrate, we laugh, cry, we break down, we rise up So how could we NOT be emotional eaters? We love food. We love our favourite restaurant. We love how food makes us feel good. Some of us love cooking for others. Some of us are passionate about nutrition. Its time to get over it if youre human, you will bring emotionality to the table. Once we embrace the reality that were genetically hard-wired for emotional expression we can relax a little more. Underneath the quest to eradicate emotional eating from ones life is often found a hidden desire to eliminate uncomfortable feelings. We strive for the impossible; to attain goals that constantly leave us frustrated and in failure. Yes, this thing called emotional eating can be very painful. But its not the actual problem, its a symptom thats pointing to something deeper. Its an alert mechanism from our bodys wisdom thats calling us to check-in, and follow the flow of emotions within us to see where our soul is calling for more awareness and insight.
Get rid of toxic nutritional beliefsFinally, many of us have absorbed toxic nutritional beliefs that are as harmful and debilitating as any of the toxins in our food. Heres what I mean: its surprisingly common for people to believe that food is the enemy, or food makes me fat, or fat in food will become fat on my body or my appetite is the enemy or as soon as I have the perfect body, then Ill finally be happy. Such beliefs may seem harmless, yet they can create a relationship with food thats filled with tremendous suffering and pain. Think about it if food is the enemy, then we are constantly in a fight or flight stress response whenever we eat or even think about food. Such a powerful stressor can cause all the problems of a stress-induced digestive shutdown, decreased calorie-burning capacity, and an inner life thats seldom at peace. The question is: Is your relationship with food nourishing, or punishing?
Lets bring back the joy of food. And the more we include a well rounded nutritional profile Vitamin R relaxation, Vitamin P pleasure, Vitamin S slow, and Vitamin L love the more we can literally nourish ourselves on every level.
written by Marc David and adapted by Michele Chevalley Hedge, Published on A Healthy View
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Core training isn’t just a buzzwordit helps nurses at home and on the job – Atlanta Journal Constitution
Posted: March 3, 2020 at 6:48 am
So many aspects of a workout can help nurses stay fit for their work duties, fromrunning to stretching to lifting weights. But one form of fitness has extra benefits: core strength training.
RELATED: 9 weight loss tips for busy nurses
Nurses encounter many of the common causes of back pain on the job described by theMayo Clinic. In particular, nurses may exert too much force on their backs and cause injury, "such as by lifting or moving heavy objects," according to Mayo. "Repeating certain movements, especially those that involve twisting or rotating your spine, can injure your back." An inactive job or a desk job can contribute... especially if you have poor posture or sit all day in a chair with inadequate back support."
The most recentstatistics drawn from Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2016 underline other physical issues for nurses on the job. According to that data, 51% of all injuries and illnesses to RNs resulted in sprains, strains, or tears and on average took seven off-work days for healing. Another 27.7% of lost-time cases resulted from RN back injuries.
Core strength is simply the best preventive for all of these possible injuries, and it helps nurses with their stamina and maintaining positive energy levels, too. "To think of the core's importance, think of its location," urged Robert Dothard, a professional trainer who particularly focuses on families and clients ages 35-60 atFit Family Smyrna. "Two of the worst injuries for nurses or any adult who wants to stay fit are the shoulder, which eliminates your ability to do all upper body exercises, or the hips, which eliminate all lower body exercises. Your core muscles link your shoulder muscle groups to the ones in the hips and thighs, so that core area is vital for your body to function."
RELATED:After losing 70 pounds, this nurse is ready for her first AJC Peachtree Road Race
A former trainer on "Biggest Loser" and the creator of Total Body Workout DVDs, Dothard has made core training a priority at Fit Family for more than a decade and urges nurses to focus on core strength to help them meet the physical demands of the job without courting injuries...
Astudy from the journal Sports Health also hailed the benefits of core stability, saying "multifaceted prevention programs including core stabilization exercises appear to be effective at reducing lower extremity injury rates.... Substantial evidence exists demonstrating core muscle recruitment alterations in low back pain (LBP) patients compared with healthy controls."
To tap those benefits for yourself, either with a trainer, in a class or on your own, first focus on understanding what the core is and how it affects your every motion,Harvard Medical School urged.
RELATED:Nursing and nutrition: How do you take care of yourself when you take care of others most of the time?
"Whether you're hitting a tennis ball or mopping the floor, the necessary motions either originate in your core, or move through it," the HMS health website explained. "Weak or inflexible core muscles can impair how well your arms and legs function. And that saps power from many of the moves you make. Properly building up your core cranks up the power. A strong core also enhances balance and stability. Thus, it can help prevent falls and injuries during sports or other activities. In fact, a strong, flexible core underpins almost everything you do."
And it's not only work that involves lifting, twisting or standing that becomes easier with core strength, HMS added. "Less obvious tasks like sitting at your desk for hours engage your core as well. Phone calls, typing, computer use, and similar work can make back muscles surprisingly stiff and sore, particularly if you're not strong enough to practice good posture and aren't taking sufficient breaks."
Core muscle strength comes to the rescue here, too, according to Harvard. "Weak core muscles contribute to slouching. Good posture trims your silhouette and projects confidence. More importantly, it lessens wear and tear on the spine and allows you to breathe deeply. Good posture helps you gain full benefits from the effort you put into exercising, too."
Yes, you'll still need aerobic exercise: Core strength training will never be a substitute for that. But the Mayo Clinic recommended combining such swimming or Zuumba classes "with exercises that strengthen and stretch your back muscles and abdomen."
A good place to start is with some of the exercisesfirefighters use for core conditioning. Firefighters share many job-related risks for injury and stress with nurses, and Wisconsin firefighter and training officerAaron Zamzowrecommended these exercises in Firehouse for people who want to build core strength and avoid back injuries and strengthen their spines:
Half-kneeling hip flexor stretch
"Always try to start workouts with this exercise," Firehouse recommended. "The hip flexors are a group of muscles that connect your femur (thigh bone) to your pelvis (hip bone) and lower back." Do this first, Milwaukee physical therapist Luis Rivera told Firehouse. Tight hips inhibit your glutes from firing, which puts a lot of strain on the back, he says. Stretching the hip flexor helps to activate the glutes and opens the hips.
Dead Bugs
The name is not coincidental. You will look like a dead bug flailing around, but it's important, Rivera added. "Often athletes cannot raise their arms overhead or move their hips without engaging or arching the muscles of the lower back, which places undo stress on the spine. The Dead Bug fixes these issues by teaching you to isolate movement at the hips and shoulders without moving your spine."
Glute Bridging
Don't overlook the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus when you're striving for core fitness, Rivera advised. "Individuals with weak glutes are more susceptible to back injury because the muscles of the low back must compensate. This compensation can lead to pain and injury if not addressed. Rivera explains: The muscles of the glutes ... help control movements of the torso, pelvis, hips and legs, so it is imperative that they are working properly.
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Core training isn't just a buzzwordit helps nurses at home and on the job - Atlanta Journal Constitution
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Healthier Foods to Eat for Weight Loss and Better CrossFit Training – BOXROX
Posted: March 3, 2020 at 6:48 am
When you train, without the right nutrition and healthier foods to assist recovery and fuel performance, you will simply not perform and developaccording to your full potential.
Often it can be counter-productive if people try to make too many unsustainable changes too quickly. It must be done in a way that allows new habits to genuinely form. This articles proposes additions, rather than negations, in your nutrition in order to support positive habits.
Try adding the following healthier foods into your nutrition.
Not just are they absolutely delicious, but they can help you take care of your aching muscles as well. They also help in the production of sleep hormones that help you rest better.
Who doesnt love a big bowl of colourful berries?!? Berries are regularly touted as a superfood and for good reason. They are full on anthocyanins, fibre, polyphenols and vitamins which help supercharge your recovery. Berries can be eaten anytime but may be of particular use when you are in an intense training cycle and need all the support you can get.
How to use
Vitamin C is critical for your skin, scar tissues, and blood vessels to heal themselves. Since the body cant make vitamin C on its own, consuming citrus fruits will ensure that you are pumping in enough of it for your body to fix itself.Vitamin C helps to strengthen the immune system, assist the rate at which we can absorb iron and is an important antioxidant that regenerates other antioxidants within the body. The reduction of stress is a side function, but this helps you to stay relaxed and recover from high intensity training.
Train hard and recover properly
You can easily cover your vitamin C demand with foods like:
Supplements are not necessarily required. The daily demand of vitamin C amounts 100 mg (equal to one kiwi). The human body can neither store vitamin C nor produce it, so it is absolutely essential as a part of your diet. Symptoms of a deficiency are easy bruising and bleeding, joint and muscle pain and a weakened immune system.
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Gemma Collins boasts about flying first class as she shows off three stone weight loss on Dubai holiday – The Sun
Posted: March 3, 2020 at 6:48 am
GEMMA Collins has boasted about flying first class as she shows off her three stone weight loss on a lavish Dubai holiday.
The reality TV queen posted a snap showing off her shrinking figure with the caption: "Do I look like I travel Economy?"
The 39-year-old - who claims to be worth 5million - treated herself to a luxurious holiday before she starts filming for series two of Diva Forever.
She has maintained her weight loss since using skinny jabs after her stint on Dancing On Ice last year.
And she looked more confident than ever wearing a floor-length dress that accentuated her smaller waist.
The star completed the summery look with gold shades, jewellery and sandals, and she showed off her newly cropped hair in a close-up selfie.
Her skin glowed with a healthy tan, and Gemma admitted she was feeling good when she posted the photos.
Towie star Gemma has recently lost two stone, which she puts down to her devotion to controversial Skinny jab injections.
And she unveiled a startling new look after undergoing an extreme makeover, showing off a very short haircut.
She looked almost unrecognisable and fans bombarded the star with praise on Instagram, with Love Island winner Amber Gill squealing: "Gemma!!."
Several others reckoned she looked like a member of America's most famous family, branding her "Khloe Karadashian U.K. ".
Gemma took her break to Dubai after filming an eventful appearance on The Big Narstie Show - but left because "the whole studio stank of weed".
A source told The Sun Online: Things took a strange turn when Big Narstie fell asleep and started laughing to himself.
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" The production team were forced to rush on to try and wake him up so filming could continue.
At this point Gemma was completely baffled by what was going on and so while all this madness was going on she decided to go outside for some fresh air.
Explaining she was on the show with Vinnie Jones, the insider added: "They are both big stars with busy lives so werent happy about hanging around for Big Narstie to wake up."
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Weight loss story: ‘My parents found it difficult to find the right match for me’ – Times of India
Posted: March 3, 2020 at 6:48 am
27-year-old Pallavi Gupta was at the receiving end of lots of negative comments and faced several health troubles owing to the excess weight. Determined to reverse this, this homemaker joined a gym, worked hard and lost 20 kilos in less than a year.To know how she did it, read the complete story below:Name: Pallavi GuptaOccupation: Homemaker (CA Finalist)
Age: 27
Height:5 feet 5 inches
City: Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh)
Highest weight recorded: 84 kilos
Weight lost: 20 kilos approximately
Duration it took me to lose weight:10 monthsThe turning point: I piled on weight quickly. I lost out on self-confidence and felt ignored by the people around me. After a point, my parents got tensed as they found it difficult to find a suitable match for me. This was when I decided to change my lifestyle and got better. With luck by my side, I was able to shed 19-20 kilos in less than a year.
My breakfast: For breakfast, I like having a vegetable sandwich (preferably brown bread/multigrain) or something filling like oats, chilla or poha, with a cup of coffee or tea.
My lunch: I like to have a simple homemade lunch. One chapati with a serving of subzi and daal (green moong/yellow urad/moong/beans/chickpeas). Salad and curd are optional.
In the evenings, I like to snack on makhane (foxnuts), chaane (Bengal gram) and a cup of green tea.
My dinner: I keep my dinner light. Usually, I have a bowl of fruit salad (with just some black pepper and lemon seasoning), or a big bowl of subzi, whatever's made at home.
Pre-workout meal: Black coffee
Post- workout meal: Handful of dry fruits( 4 soaked almonds, 2 raisins, 1 anjeer 1 and walnut )
My workout: I like to work out for 1.5 hours at a stretch, focussing on every individual muscle and start by doing cardio for 40 minutes daily. Then, I spend 30 minutes on the treadmill or the cross-trainer.
Planks are my favourite exercise to do and I also perform 200 reps of sides with bar, 3 sets of jumping jacks, mountain climber, step-ups. I also like to cycle, if and when I find the time.
I worked out under a gym trainer and focussed on a target area every day:
Monday :- Chest & bicepsTuesday:- LegsWednesday;- Back & tricepsThursday:- abs & shouldersFriday :- HIIT workout & cardioSaturday:- legs( calves/ hams/thighs)Sundays are my rest day.
Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Special cold coffee recipe (1 cup milk+ 2 soaked anjeer +2 soaked almonds+ 1 dry date + coffee powder) is a weight loss secret. I also like eating vegetable khichdi.
Fitness secrets I unveiled: Moderation is the key. I followed a variation of intermittent fasting. Changing my portion size greatly helped me.
How do I stay motivated? - I would like to credit my husband as the biggest motivator. We have been married for 4 months now and he helps me stick to my goals and not give up.
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Weight loss story: 'My parents found it difficult to find the right match for me' - Times of India
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Weight Loss Tips: Can Heavy Breakfast Help You Burn Double The Calories? Here’s The Answer – NDTV
Posted: March 3, 2020 at 6:48 am
A heavy breakfast can help you burn more calories
Breakfast is considered as the most important meal of the day. It is advised to consume maximum calories at breakfast as you are more likely to burn these throughout the day. Breakfast also affects your metabolism. Better metabolism results in effective weight loss. Studies have also highlighted that consuming a heavy break may help you prevent obesity and promotes healthy blood sugar levels as well. If you are skipping breakfast too often, you must make healthy changes in your diet immediately. To explain the importance of heavy breakfast, here are some details straight from our expert that will motivate you to consume a healthy breakfast daily.
Dietician, Priyanka Aggarwal explains, "A heavy and healthy breakfast is extremely healthy for you. It can burn double the calories. A heavy breakfast can help you burn more calories. Studies have also observed that people who consume heavy breakfast burn more calories than those who don't. This usually happens because at night you are at the fasting mode which makes you burn more calories in the morning. If you want to maintain a healthy weight you will burn more calories."
Add enough protein to your breakfastPhoto Credit: iStock
"But if you are working in nigh shifts then it is advised to follow the opposite routine. When working in night shifts you need to burn more calories at night as compared to the day. So, for such cases, a light breakfast and heavy dinner is recommended."
Also read:Weight Loss: Try These High Protein Breakfast Options Which Can Help You Lose Weight
"One should combine all the necessary nutrients on breakfast for optimum energy throughout the day. Add enough amount of protein and carbs so that you have enough energy to function throughout the day and you will burn more calories. You can also add more nuts and dried fruits to your breakfast," Dt. Priyanka adds.
Add nuts to your breakfast to make it rich in different nutrientsPhoto Credit: iStock
Also read:Did You Have Fresh, Homemade Breakfast Today? Why Rujuta Diwekar Recommends Doing This Daily
(Priyanka Aggarwal, Consultant, Dietetics, Max Multi Speciality Centre, Noida)
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
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