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Fans are really concerned about MAFS’ Elizabeth Sobinoff’s drastic weight loss – Who
Posted: February 17, 2020 at 3:41 am
They have expressed their concern online.
Married At First Sighthave expressed their concern for Elizabeth Sobinoff's dramatic weight loss.
WATCH: Karl Stefanovic slams MAFS experts over joke about Lizzie
The 28-year-old reality-TV star posted a photo of herself enjoying a cup of tea, when fans took to social media to express their concerns.
"Way toooo thin now," one person wrote.
"You so thin!" another added.
"Are you well? another asked.
This picture of Elizabeth has fans concerned.
Elizabeth has shed a whopping 10kg since first appearing on the show.
"I've thought that when I weighed 49kg and when I've weighed 90kg. I want women to realise that we're all so much more than a number on a scale," she revealed.
"So, yes, I've lost some weight since I was a 'huge' size 10 when I was onMAFS, but that doesn't mean I'm any 'better' now, just because I'm slimmer."
She has lost a whopping 10kg since first appearing on the show.
However Elizabeth maintains that her drastic weight loss is the result of illness not dieting.
Speaking previously to an Australian magazine, the MAFS star said she had lost weight because of an auto-immune condition similar to lupus.
This means Lizzie needs to follow a strict eating plan and adheres to a high-carbohydrate diet.
She also says no to coffee, tea and alcohol.
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Fans are really concerned about MAFS' Elizabeth Sobinoff's drastic weight loss - Who
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‘This Is Us’: Why Kate’s Weight Isn’t the Real Issue With Marc, According to an Expert – Showbiz Cheat Sheet
Posted: February 17, 2020 at 3:41 am
Many can relate Chrissy Metzs portrayal of Kate Pearson on NBCs This Is Us. As one of The Big Three siblings, Kates journey is a complex one. Her formative years are marred by tragedy, grief, and her potentially toxic boyfriend, Marc (Austin Abrams). Viewers know Kates weight is a heavy burden in her marriage and life, but whatever number the scale reads, Kates troubles go far beyond that, according to an expert.
[Warning: Spoilers from a recent episode of This Is Us ahead]
This Is Us star, Chrissy Metz, has been an open book in regards to her own weight and self-love journey. She even wrote extensively about the pressure to be a certain size to find success in the industry.
I think, as we evolve as human beings or in our particular life, we realize, Oh, you know, this isnt serving me anymore, she previously told The Wrap.
Or, if we, God forbid, come across medical issues or problems that, Oh, maybe I just wanna be a little more active. And some people knock the girls that lose weight and say like, Why did you guys do that? Youre selling out. And thats not necessarily true.
Metz referenced her character, Kate, saying, Oh, no, shes finally contending with the things that she was eating over. I think its more about the behavior around what youre doing, Metz said.
And it could be social media, gambling, sex, drinking, food it could be anything, fill in the blank how is my behavior around that and how do I want to change that behavior? Because its the stinking thinking of obsessing about something.
The actress said for her, she often wonders if shes eating for health or if its something bigger.
And whether I lose weight or I dont, I dont really hold on to a number. I dont think thats important, cause whos to say what? she said.
She continued: People are like, Wait, what? You got your blood work done and you have like great, perfect cholesterol? Like, it doesnt make sense. Im like, I want you to know its real, she continued. Like, contrary to popular belief or what were told about what looks healthy or what doesnt look healthy.
In an earlier interview with Yahoo, Metz revealed a panic attack put her in the hospital. It was her 30th birthday and shed just lost 100 pounds. She landed a role in American Horror Story with one caveat: don a fat suit.
I was thrilled to find out that I wasnt big enough, she said. It was a first in my life. It was liberating.
She went on to discuss the difficulties wearing the suit in her trailer saying she became stuck in the doorway.
I had to suck it in, squish it, knead it, hold the dress, and slowly pull it through until I stumbled down the stairs. I almost wish someone had been there to see because they would have been laughing their butt off, she said.
She elaborated in another interview with People, comparing the experience to real life.
I thought,What if I become that heavy and cant walk around or get stuck in the doorframe?I was like, I dont want this for me,' she said.
Kari Anderson, a Certified Eating Disorders Specialist in Scottsdale, Arizona, wrote her thoughts about Kate Pearsons story via Psychology Today, suggesting the weight isnt the real issue at all.
She noted a fan group had a lot of questions and concerns about Kates weight and decided to break down Kates journey through an eating disorder case conceptualization model, through a few categories: Vulnerabilities in Childhood, Trauma Triggers, and Current Stressors.
Anderson noted Kates connection to food is through the bond she had with Jack (Milo Ventimiglia). Those times they got ice cream made Kate feel unconditional love which, according to Anderson, is classic emotional eating.
As far as Kates relationship with Rebecca (Mandy Moore), its more complicated. Rebecca served as a protector, hoping to keep Kate from weight bias and judgment from others. But, it manifested into a thin is ideal mantra.
Rebeccas food rules for Kate and not Kevin or Randall only drove Kate to forbidden: foods, creating insecurity and body shame. This only escalated when those girls at the pool made Kate believe boys wont like fat girls. Marc will only reinforce those ideations.
On a deeper level, Anderson said Kates first diet came just before Jacks death. Subconsciously, Kate connects that loss to being thin and protects herself by keeping the weight on. Anderson calls it post-weight-loss trauma, and explained in Kates mind, bad things happened when she lost the weight. It was her survival instinct to binge eat. Add Marc, sex, and body image to this arc and the traumas will come up again.
Current stressors in Kates life include having visually-impaired baby Jack after doctors warned of complications due to weight. That aside, her marital troubles with Toby are only escalating. Kate may return to stress eating to cope.
There are conflicting reports as to whether Metz has a clause in her contract to lose weight on This Is Us. In one interview with TV Line, Metz said she did sign a contract with a weight-loss clause.
That was a win-win for me because its one thing to try to do it on your own. But as human beings, its an ego thing: Were more likely to do something for someone else, she said.
However, in another interview with People, Metz insisted there isnt an explicit notation about weight-loss or surgery of any kind. She did add theres an understanding Kate will lose [at least some] weight.
The point is, Kate may have a long road ahead of her, but Metz is happy at any size as she should be.
There are some days where Im like, Oh, Im definitely eating my feelings. And then some days Im like, Yeah, when my heart is full, Im not hungry.So I want to take care of my body and live a healthy life? Absolutely. But that doesnt mean you cant do it at an unconventional size.
She continued: Whether or not I lose weight or stay the same, its purely a choice of mine for health, Not because I think that plus size, curvy voluptuous, big bodies arent attractive because I think theyre awesome and sexy, she said in 2016, adding that shes not selling out the big girls.
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'This Is Us': Why Kate's Weight Isn't the Real Issue With Marc, According to an Expert - Showbiz Cheat Sheet
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Friendships, pets, money, weight loss … what makes you feel happier? – The Sydney Morning Herald
Posted: February 17, 2020 at 3:41 am
Professor Robin Dunbar from the University of Oxford told The Guardian that at a psychological level, having friends just makes you happier. The kinds of things you do with other people are very good at triggering the endorphin system, which is part of the brains pain-management system.
Endorphins are opioids which are chemically related to morphine, and which flood our brains when we interact with others, including cuddling and stroking: It is central to the way primates in general bond in their social groups and relationships, he said.
The kinds of things you do with other people are very good at triggering the endorphin system, part of the brains pain-management system.
The 2018 annual report on adolescents by the Australian Institute of Family Studies also found that the average resilience scores were higher for adolescents who had at least one good friend than for those who did not, says one of the reports authors, Dr Constantine Gasser.
And while human relationships may be the best form of social interaction, experts say the company of animals should also not be underestimated.
Animals are a particular kind of relationship: less stressful and demanding they just like you, says Dr Janette Young, lecturer in health promotion and policy at the University of South Australia.
Theyre a social lubricant, Dr Young says. Animals facilitate connectivity between people and help break down social barriers, especially during dog walks, when people talk to the dog but are actually engaging with the person.
As for social media, it appears that its positives (fostering connections and giving voice to the disenfranchised) may be slowly being overtaken by its negatives (such as cultivating feelings of inadequacy, encouraging addiction, exacerbating cyberbullying, providing easier access to psychologically dangerous content and a decreased attention span).
Social media use has also been linked to rising levels of anxiety and depression the more people use it.
But does it actually make us unhappy? It depends on who you ask, says Nicholas Carah, the University of Queenslands Associate Professor in the School of Communication and Arts.
These platforms are not designed in the interests of users they couldnt care less about what impact they have on users wellbeing
Theres a lot of popular debate about this question. [Some argue] theres a connection between the rise of the smartphone and a bunch of [negative] changes in the lives of young people that perhaps in the long term mean we are less happy because we are less resilient.
Then [others] point to a much more nuanced story, where social media on its own doesnt make us more or less happy, rather it is the way [platforms] are used, what we use them for, he says.
Based on his own work (which focuses on how social media platforms are designed to colonise our attention in order to sell it to advertisers), Professor Carah is less forgiving: These platforms are not designed in the interests of users which means that they couldnt care less about what impact they have on users wellbeing.
Another thing we tend to think, often incorrectly, will make us happy is losing weight. In our image-obsessed society, the idea of weight loss has become synonymous with wellbeing, yet experts say there is little to no evidence that losing a small amount of weight such as 5kg will actually increase our happiness.
While there are no studies that directly measure happiness and weight loss, there are reviews that look at losing weight and quality of life, says Clare Collins, Professor in nutrition and dietetics at the University of Newcastle.
For example, research looking at overweight and obese adults has found that while weight loss is associated with a better physical quality of life, there was no difference in the mental quality of life.
Professor Collins says that weight loss only discernibly improves a sense of wellbeing when it is huge: For example, studies show that people whove had bariatric surgery see a much bigger improvement in their quality of life but there doesnt seem to be much evidence directly for evidence for small weight loss.
There is little to no evidence that losing a small amount of weight such as 5kg will actually increase our happiness.
What does seem to make us happier is eating better. A 2016 HILDA survey that looked at the food diaries of 12,000 Australians in 2007, 2009 and 2013 found that over that time period, increased fruit and vegetable consumption increased happiness, life satisfaction and wellbeing.
What this suggests is that losing weight may be too hard a thing to pin your happiness on, Professor Collins says. You will get more return on your investment improving your vegetable and fruit intake than just wanting to lose a bit of weight.
Humans have a peculiar propensity to wrongly predict what will make them happiest.
Despite research showing that materialists tend to be less happy and satisfied with their lives, our consumer society continually strives to reinforce that happiness is rooted in purchasing bigger, better things which requires earning more money.
We know that up to a point, earning money does make you happier before it tapers off and even recedes, says Australian social psychologist Dr Brock Bastian, author of The Other Side of Happiness. Additional income doesnt really add much to happiness.
That said, to judge how much money we need to be happy can also be subjective to each individual: It's the amount that lets you afford things you feel are necessary for your life," says Dr Bastian.
Yet population studies show that when it comes to money, a significant indicator of happiness is what you choose to spend it on, rather than how much you earn.
We know that experiences rather than things are more important for happiness, and using money to access enjoyable, valuable experiences is when having money becomes important to happiness, he says.
This is also echoed in other research, which found that despite people initially predicting experiences to be lower value for money than things, most changed their minds after the fact and realised that doing things rather than acquiring them actually made them happier.
Caroline is a contributing writer to The Age and Sydney Morning Herald
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Friendships, pets, money, weight loss ... what makes you feel happier? - The Sydney Morning Herald
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Weight Loss Recipe: This 10 Minute Spinach Soup Is Sure To Be A Hit With Dieters – NDTV Food
Posted: February 17, 2020 at 3:41 am
There is something about a big bowl of hot comforting soup that makes us forget all our day's woes. Soup has been our go-to favourite in sickness and in health. There are reasons aplenty why it is such a hit with dieters. It is filling; the high-liquid content of soups imparts a sense of satiety. If you feel full, you would not give in to cravings so easily and maintain a safe distance from all things fried and fattening. You can also be super creative with your soup preparation too and make it healthier. Think herbs, spices, fresh veggies, mushrooms and greens. Unlike juicing, you do not lose a whole lot of fibre in 'souping', and fibre is a crucial component of a weight-loss diet.
(Also Read:Winter Special: A Healthy And Refreshing Spinach (Palak) Juice For Winter Detox)
One of the most preferred ingredients in a soup is spinach. Spinach is rich in fibre; it is the perfect example of a 'good carb'. It does not get digested too soon, it stays in your system for a while, giving you the feeling of fullness. Spinach is also super low in calories and replete with nutrition. Spinach is a rich source of iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, folate and vitamin A.
(Also Read:Wondering What to Do With Left-Over Spinach? Sneak Them in These Puffy Palak Puris! (See Video)
What sets this spinach soup apart is that it is super easy to make and requires bare minimum ingredients and time to put it together. Make sure you wash spinach well beforehand.
Ingredients of Spinach Soup
Recipe of Spinach Soup:
1. In a pan, slightly saute garlic and onion in butter.
2. Add spinach and saute for a minute.
3. Add the spinach with one glass of stock, cream, salt and pepper and blend on high speed.
4. Blend for a minute, until you achieve the desired consistency. If it is too thick, add more veg stock in the blender and blend again.
5. Take the soup out of the blender, serve with a squeeze of lime and garnish with coriander leaves.
Try making this soup and let us know how you liked it in the comments section below!
About Sushmita SenguptaSharing a strong penchant for food, Sushmita loves all things good, cheesy and greasy. Her other favourite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows.
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Weight Loss Recipe: This 10 Minute Spinach Soup Is Sure To Be A Hit With Dieters - NDTV Food
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Beverages to avoid if youre trying to lose weight in a better & more efficient way – Republic World – Republic World
Posted: February 17, 2020 at 3:40 am
Weight loss is one of the toughest tasks for an individual as cutting down on certain foods and beverages can be a challenging chore. The more you try to follow a diet, the more you crave for your favourite food. However, when on a diet it is important to know what to have and what to avoid. Here is a compilation of a few beverages you should avoid when trying to lose weight.
According to Natalie Rizzo (New York dietician),soda is loaded with unnecessary sugar and calories that slow down the process of weight loss. These drinks are not filling too, that is why it is better to avoid these during weight loss journey.
From diet soda to diet iced tea, these drinks instead of helping inweight loss, enhance your calorie intake which is bad for weight loss. According to Rizzo, instead of these, you can drink freshly prepared fruit juices without sugar.
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Sweetened tea can rack up about 100 calories and more than 20 grams of sugar per drink which is not a good thing when you are trying to lose weight. Instead of this, you can have green tea or chamomile tea or any kind of unsweetened tea.
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According to the dietician, when you are out and about to have coffee, try to avoid the tempting options like vanilla lattes or caramel macchiato. She said that the syrup that gives these drinks flavour has more sugar and calories than desserts. Instead of this, you can opt for a regular coffee with some milk.
Also Read|Winter soups: Hot tasty beverages to try out to stay healthy this cold season
Alcohol consumption can hinder your weight loss efforts on a very large scale. Fruity cocktails like Daiquiris, Pina Coladas and Mojitos have a huge amount of sugar that increases the calorie intake and hinders your weight loss.
Also Read|Mocktails: Best home made recipes for the refreshing beverages
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Digital diabetes prevention program use tied to weight reduction among low-income patients with prediabetes – MobiHealthNews
Posted: February 15, 2020 at 9:44 pm
A sample of low-income patients engaged with Omada Healths digital diabetes prevention program (DPP), achievedweight loss but no major difference in HbA1c levels after a year of use, according to study data recently highlighted by the company.
The results published late last year in the CDCs Preventing Chronic Disease journal and first previewed at a 2018 public health conference suggest an alternative approach to diabetes prevention for a population that more often has difficulty accessing in-person health services.
The Omada program lowers the barriers to access, and ultimately increases preventive health engagement among any population, Omada Director of Clinical Research Cynthia Castro Sweet, who was also an author on the paper alongside researchers from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, said in a statement. Our program was developed to serve the needs of participants from all backgrounds, and all walks of life. The results of this trial dispels the myth that people with economic or educational disadvantages cant or wont use technology to engage in their health care.
From the 227 participants recruited and evaluated at baseline, 111 completed a follow-up roughly around the half-year mark (T1), 104 completed a roughly 12-month follow-up (T2) and 76 completed both follow-ups. One hundred and nine participants who completed the T1 follow-up were also matched to an unenrolled control patient using de-identified records.
At baseline, 81.3% of the participants were women, 51.5% identified as Hispanic/Latino and 43% had limited proficiency in English. The average age was 48.2 years. All groups and subgroups within the trial demonstrated similar sociodemographic variables, with the exceptions that those eventually lost to follow-up were significantly less likely to have Medicaid at T1 and T2, and more likely to be working full-time at T1.
At the first and second check-in, 41% and 37% of reporting participants, respectively, had lost more than 5% of their weight. The average loss was significant at both check-ins, with mean weight loss reported as 4.2% at T1 and 4.4% at T2. Similarly, mean BMI also dropped significantly by 1.5 from baseline at T1, and 1.6 at T2.
At both check-ins, completion of nine or more lessons was significantly associated with increased weight loss. HbA1c levels mostly remained stagnant, however, with roughly similar proportions of participants falling within a prediabetic range. The only decline came at the T1 check-in (but not the T2 check-in) among participants who lost more than 5% of their baseline weight.
Between February 2016 and March 2017, researchers recruited adults enrolled in Medicaid or another safety-net insurance plan who had evidence of prediabetes within their EHR.
These participants were enrolled in Omadas digital DPP, which includes virtual group support, lessons, personalized support from a live health coach and other tools to track their progress. It was modified for the studys low-income target population by reducing the reading level of the curriculum, introducing Spanish translation and cultural components, and by featuring bilingual and bicultural coaches.
The researchers recorded patient outcomes of interest at baseline, at 24 to 35 weeks (T1) and at 47 to 65 weeks (T2). Controls were generated by searching de-identified EHRs with an algorithm that sought cases of a similar age and sex within 12 months prior to the beginning of enrollment.
Omada isnt the only digital diabetes program maker in town. Solera Health and Livongo both offer a variety of tech-driven programs aimed at managing or preventing diabetes, while Virta Health often boasts of its products ability to reverse Type 2 diabetes.
But digital DPPs are just one of Omadas offerings, which include hypertension management, mental health support and other chronic disease products. The company raked in $73 million in funding last summer, which it said at the time would help scale its digital care program efforts.
This study demonstrates that Omada achieves real outcomes with this difficult-to-reach population, Omada Health CEO Sean Duffy said in a statement. Digital health tools should be offered to all populations, especially when sufficient evidence shows that they can be as effective as in-person programs. By making virtual alternatives less accessible, we deny low-income patients an opportunity to lead healthier, more productive lives.
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Nation of Mike: Miracle 2-year weight loss plan – Daily Record-News
Posted: February 15, 2020 at 9:44 pm
Like many others, I set a weight-loss goal and then diligently set out to accomplish it.
The other day I stepped on the scale and let out a muted yes!
Lets be clear, I wasnt trying to drop a tremendous amount in the 10 to 15 pound range. Back in the day, I could lose that much in a month by thinking positive thoughts and skipping the second dish of ice cream after dinner.
But heres the deal, once the odometer clicks past 50, nothing comes easy.
Accomplishment requires a conscious, concerted effort. The flip side is, gains made over several months can be lost by slip-ups that last a week. Im not sure of the physics behind that phenomenon but its undeniably true.
So, no 30-day meal plan or 60-minute weight loss for me. What I like to think about, though, is how long it took the Colorado River to form the Grand Canyon a really long time, even longer than the last time the Mariners were in the playoffs.
By applying an epoch time scale to personal weight loss it places it within the proper context.
Anyone who knows me, knows I dont play the blame game. Im not a finger-pointer. And, this nugget comes straight from all the self-help bibles, you cant stop blaming others until you stop blaming yourself.
Stand in front of a mirror and say, none of this is my fault, and I guarantee youll instantly feel like youve lost 100 if not 200 pounds.
Still, its useful to trace problems to their root cause. In my case I determined it was being a guy, and not just a guy but a guy on the bigger side.
If youre 6-2 with a decent frame and the Haggar Expandomatic slacks you can carry some weight. It may not be fair, but if a smaller person suddenly gains 15 pounds, its noticeable. When I was in my 20s and 30s, if I added that much weight, I might think that Id just forgotten to empty my pockets of loose change.
The other thing is coming to the realization that you are not in your 20s or 30s when you reach your 40s or 50s.
I was going to avoid getting too deep into the science because some people dont believe in that sort of factual mumble-jumble, but a guys eating habits are set for life based on what he consumed as a growing teen.
Seriously, if you see a 56-year-old man reaching across the dining room table for the mashed potatoes, rest assured in the deep recesses of his mind hes thinking, a growing boy has to eat. Its kind of cute, at least it is until he knocks over the gravy.
I gradually in the past two years became self-aware that I was no longer 18. Its a remarkable story the kind of stuff they use to make made-for-TV movies out of.
I had all these habits based on the calorie consumption rate of an 18-year-old male. You can look up the calorie consumption rate charts online, but basically theyll tell you that an 18-year-old male needs to consume about 2,600 calories a day but by age 56 that calorie requirement drops to 5, which you can get by adding cream to your coffee.
That three-meal a day, plus snacks every 15-minutes regimen that served you so well when you were growing four inches a month becomes a liability.
I went around for months asking myself if I was eating out of hunger or habit. The answer was usually habit so I set a goal of weaning myself of that habit.
Its an imperfect system given that the results accumulate at a rate not discernible to the naked eye, but if youre willing to work and wait, eventually you become the type of natural monument that people travel from across the globe to come see. And, you can fit into those slacks.
Nation of Mike: Miracle 2-year weight loss plan - Daily Record-News
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How to count calories for weight loss and health – CNET
Posted: February 15, 2020 at 9:44 pm
Counting calories is a good tool for weight loss and building muscle, but it's not the best fit for everyone.
There's some controversy about whether or not calorie-counting is a good way to get healthy or lose weight. Some experts argue that counting calories can lead to food restriction beyond what's healthy and encourage disordered eating. Other experts say that counting calories is an efficient and effective approach to weight loss.
If one thing is for certain, it's that there's no "best" approach to health or weight loss. Just like some people thrive on HIIT training while others find fitness through running -- and others don't like structured exercise at all -- some people will find success with calorie-counting and others will not.
This guide to counting calories covers how it can help with health goals, when it works and when it doesn't, and exactly how to get started.
Weight management is simply a game of calories in and calories out. A calorie is a unit of measurement that describes how much energy a given food or drink has. The same unit of measurement is used to describe how much energy you exert in a day (calories burned).
To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume, and to gain weight, you must consume more calories than you burn. If you're interested in changing your weight one way or the other, you'll need to create a calorie deficit or a calorie surplus -- and to make sure you stay in your desired surplus or deficit, you need to keep track of the calories you eat and burn. You can create the calorie balance you desire by counting the calories you eat and burn.
Say you want to lose 10 pounds over 10 weeks (one pound per week). One pound of body fat is roughly equal to 3,500 calories, though there is potential for variation among individuals depending on the density of body fat and how your body composition changes over time.
Based on the 3,500-calorie estimate, you need to create a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories each week to lose that one pound. You can do this in a few ways:
The bottom line of all weight-loss programs is a change in your calorie balance through dietary habits and exercise, though that bottom line might be disguised by other tactics, like intermittent fasting or food group exclusions.
Calorie counting can help you make healthier food choices.
Calorie counting isn't for everyone. Nor is any sort of food-tracking or logging, for that matter. Some people just want to eat food and enjoy it without worrying about caloric value. Some people don't have the time or energy to count calories (that's most of us, probably), and others have health goals that don't involve counting calories.
Calorie counting works when:
Calorie counting isn't the best method if:
The first thing you need to do is determine how many calories you need each day. Counting them does you no good if you're eating too few or too many. The absolute best way to determine your daily calorie allowance is to work with a registered dietitian, physician or certified nutritionist who can take your weight, height, health history and goals into account for an ideal daily calorie number.
If seeing a pro isn't on the table, however, you can use an online calorie calculator, like this one from Mayo Clinic, to find out. Most calorie calculators use the same formula, the Mifflin-St Jeor equation, which accounts for gender, height, weight, age and activity level. Like the disclaimer on Mayo Clinic's calorie calculator says, other factors also influence your daily calorie needs. Pregnancy, illnesses and occupation contribute, too.
Once you have your number, you can start counting your calories. To create a deficit, eat fewer calories than your maintenance number, and to create a surplus, eat more. You can keep track in a pen-and-paper journal or use a calorie-counting app.
The See How You Eat food journal app focuses on taking photos, rather than logging words. This is a great approach to food journaling if you find yourself forgetting to write down the details.
Counting the calories in packaged foods is easy: Just look at the nutrition label and write down the calorie amount. Don't forget about serving sizes, though -- if you eat two servings, double the calorie count that's on the label.
Tracking fresh foods is a little harder than tracking packaged foods because there's typically no label. But it's easy to find calorie data online. You can search virtually any food on the FDA's FoodCentral database to find complete nutrition info. Most food-tracking apps have massive databases of foods, too, so don't let the lack of a nutrition label deter you from eating fresh foods.
Logging the calories in restaurant meals can be tricky if the restaurant isn't a chain. In 2018, the FDA mandated that all restaurants with more than 20 locations must disclose calorie information for all menu items, so it's easy enough if you're eating at a regional or national chain restaurant. Local restaurants aren't required to disclose calorie counts, but if you ask your server, there's a good chance they can find out.
Don't forget to log your coffee!
Don't forget to count the calories in the beverages you drink throughout the day. Unless you drink nothing but plain water and zero-calorie beverages (including black coffee and tea without sweeteners or milk), your drinks contribute to your daily calorie intake. Make sure to count the calories from the creamer in your coffee, sports drinks, alcohol, soda and juices.
While calories are useful for intentional weight loss or weight gain, they don't tell you anything in the way of micronutrients. The quality of your diet is arguably just as important as the number of calories you eat each day: Where your calories come from makes a big difference in your overall health. A calorie is more than a simple unit of measurement when assessing how foods influence your overall health.
A 100-calorie serving of almonds affects your body much differently than 100 calories worth of a Twinkie, for instance. Almonds have fiber, protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, whereas a Twinkie contains mostly sugar and saturated fat. A handful of almonds will give you sustained energy; a Twinkie will probably cause your blood sugar to spike and crash -- and those are only the short-term effects.
Long-term, almonds offer health benefits like blood sugar control and lower cholesterol levels. Many of the ingredients in Twinkies -- sugar, high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils, to name a few -- have been associated with increased risk of chronic diseases.
For the same number of calories in a candy bar, you can eat far more fruits and vegetables.
The great thing, though, is that filling your diet with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats should naturally curb your calorie intake. You'll get full on fewer calories because nutritious foods tend to be less calorie-dense than sugary, fatty or processed foods.
If you're interested in the pursuit of health, want to fend off chronic diseases, keep up your fitness and age healthfully, your best bet is to pay attention to both your calorie intake and the quality of the foods you eat.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.
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How to count calories for weight loss and health - CNET
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Adele Shows Off Impressive Weight Loss In Workout Clothes – HotNewHipHop
Posted: February 15, 2020 at 9:44 pm
There have been rumors circulating about Adele's recent weight loss, but this new photo may be fans' best look yet at the impressive progress the Grammy-winning singer has made, according to PageSix.
In a newly released photo, seeming to depict Adele on the way to the gym, she can be seen in a full-black, mostly Nike, workout fit. PageSix reports that she lost the weight through the combination of an intense workout routine and byfollowing the sirtfood diet. Thedietfocuses on sirtuins, proteins that specialize in cellular health and metabolism, and includeskale, extra-virgin olive oil, buckwheat, matcha, blueberries, arugula and more.
Adele recently ran into a fan in Anguilla, who says the singer mentioned losing 100 pounds: She said she lost something like 100 pounds, and that its such a crazy positive experience, a 19-year-oldfan named LexiLarsontoldPeople. She seemed so happy, and she looked amazing. She seemed really confident.
Back in October, Adele made headlines for an appearance at Drake's 33rd birthday party at Goya Studios in LA and mingled with other partygoers including Kylie Jenner, Chris Brown, Future, Fetty Wap, French Montana and Snoop Dogg.
Adele's last album,25,was released in 2015. Hopefully, fans can expect more music soon.
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Adele Shows Off Impressive Weight Loss In Workout Clothes - HotNewHipHop
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Weight Loss and Diet Management Market Major Segments, Strategic Assessment, Solutions, Product Analysis, Industry Insights, Outlook and Future…
Posted: February 15, 2020 at 9:44 pm
Global Weight Loss and Diet Management market research report is a base analysis of the recent and latest scenario of the industry. A detailed study of market done by our Weight Loss and Diet Management professional and research experts team. This Weight Loss and Diet Management market report offers company details, volume study, product scope, manufacturing cost and price, profit, supply and demand, import-export activities and consumption. It includes the main Weight Loss and Diet Management marketing tendencies that covering market restraining and driving factors, Weight Loss and Diet Management opportunities, risk/challenges, market share, leading players as well as Weight Loss and Diet Management major growing regions.
This allows our Weight Loss and Diet Management readers and viewers to flash at the report information an economic overview and strategical objective of the competitive world. The research report provides an isolate section specifying the Weight Loss and Diet Management major leading players that permits understanding the Weight Loss and Diet Management pricing format, cost, company profile, and their contact information.
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Major leading players included in the Weight Loss and Diet Management market report are:
Weight WatchersAbbott NutritionThe Coca-ColaPepsicoNutrisystemMedifastKraft FoodsKelloggHerbalife LtdGeneral MillsAmylin PharmaceuticalsAmer Sports CorpAlpro LtdAjinomoto CoAIDP IncAHD InternationalAcatris
The research report present a Weight Loss and Diet Management market overview on basis of key segments such as product type, application, key companies and countries. On the basis of type report presents the in depth analysis on price, growth rate, production and value analysis of the worldwide Weight Loss and Diet Management market.
The Weight Loss and Diet Management market report serves data analogous to market strategies, executives, and production capacity. This Weight Loss and Diet Management report offers a thorough information on the Weight Loss and Diet Management market with comprehensive analysis of the products involving various steps of development. The report assessed Weight Loss and Diet Management major leading players involved in the product growth.
Different product types include:
Better-for-You-Food & BeveragesWeight Loss SupplementsMeal ReplacementsLow-Calorie SweetenersOther
worldwide Weight Loss and Diet Management industry end-user applications including:
Supermarkets and HypermarketsHealth & Beauty StoresIndependent RetailersOnline Distribution
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* What are the major risks involved, and Weight Loss and Diet Management opportunities for the competitive market in the global Weight Loss and Diet Management industry?
The Weight Loss and Diet Management market report evaluates growth ratio, and the market frequency depending upon the strategies of Weight Loss and Diet Management market, and the influencing factors relevant to the Weight Loss and Diet Management market. The complete report is based on the latest Weight Loss and Diet Management trend, current news updates, and technological advancement. The worldwide Weight Loss and Diet Management industry offers SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threat) of the major players.
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The Weight Loss and Diet Management report permits you to study each segments opportunities and growth structure
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Weight Loss and Diet Management Market Major Segments, Strategic Assessment, Solutions, Product Analysis, Industry Insights, Outlook and Future...
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