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Jessica Simpson’s Nutritionist Shares the Diet That Helped Her Lose 100 Pounds – NewBeauty Magazine
Posted: February 15, 2020 at 9:43 pm
Theres no denying that celebrity weight-loss stories can be totally inspiring, especially since Adeles recent 100-pound weight loss story has inspired us to finally commit to our own health goals this year.
And now, Jessica Simpson seems to be the latest celebrity to share her weight loss success story, as her nutritionist Liz Josefburg recently shared with Hollywood Life that the singer dropped an impressive 100 pounds of baby weight in just six months.
So how did she do it? Josefburg credits Simpsons weight loss success to practicing moderation and mindful eating by eating regular meals (three meals a day) throughout the day, including a snack. And aside from choosing walking as a form of exercise, Jessica's nutritionist also credited her weight loss to drinking a lot of water.
While Josefburgs plan definitely helped Simpson shed weight quickly, registered dietitian Brittany Modell, MS, RD, CDN, says that it might not be suitable for everyone, especially since celebrities like Jessica Simpson often have personal chefs, personal trainers, and health coaches around-the-clock to make losing weight easier.
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But thats not to say that she is agreeance with Josefburgs approach to indulging mindfully, as its something she recommends to her own clients in order to create a sustainable lifestyle. Among ways to practice mindfulness: learning to enjoy what you are eating, and practicing not to use terms of guilt (good foods or bad foods) when it comes to food. Rather than saying a certain food item is bad, try to reframe your mindset and think about it a different way, Modell says. Try asking yourself how will this food make me feel in an hour (or two hours), and if this food will give me energy, or make me feel tired later on in the day?
Modell is also in agreeance Josefburgs approach to upping your water while embarking on any kind of weight loss journey loss, as she says that consuming water (alongside a high-fiber diet) can definitely keep you satiated throughout the day. However, she strongly advises against filling yourself up water just to lose weight, as calories are very crucial to human health.
In short, Modell says that there are positive takeaways from Simpsons diet. These include having three meals and a snack throughout the day (a great way to keep energy up and metabolism running efficiently, she explains), along with hydrating yourself with a sufficient amount of water. However, she reiterated the importance of remembering that just because a diet plan worked for a celebrity, doesnt mean it will automatically work for you. Drastic weight loss can be associated with concerning low-calorie plans, she adds, which can leave you deficient in important nutrients.
In order to lose 100 pounds in six months, one must be on a very restrictive, low-calorie plan, she says. My concern with rapid weight loss is that if it is not done healthfully or sustainably, it might result in malnutrition or nutrient deficiencies, as a person experiencing it may not be meeting their nutritional needs. Instead, she advises losing weight gradually by focusing on whole foods, eating enough calories to sustain your metabolism and body, hydrating your body and incorporating some form of movement into your life. Plus, youll always want to be remember to be patient with yourself, she adds, as drastic weight loss doesnt happen overnight.
Small changes that take place over a long period of time are often more sustainable, so be patient, she suggests.
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Jessica Simpson's Nutritionist Shares the Diet That Helped Her Lose 100 Pounds - NewBeauty Magazine
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Yep, Its TrueStaying Positive Can Actually Help You Maintain Weight Loss – Yahoo Lifestyle
Posted: February 15, 2020 at 9:43 pm
From Bicycling
It should go without saying that no cyclist needs to lose weight, and cyclists indeed come in all shapes and sizes. But the reality is that many people get into cycling to lose weight, which is a challenging process, and those who are successful face an even harder road ahead: keeping the pounds off.
While theres no single strategy that works best for everyone, new research highlights certain tactics that many weight loss maintainers have in common, providing at least a roadmap for the maintenance journey.
Published in the journal Obesity, the study surveyed almost 5,000 members of WWformerly known as Weight Watcherswho lost an average of 50 pounds and didnt regain the weight for at least three years. Researchers looked at 54 behaviors related to weight management, encompassing strategies related to goal-setting, attitudes, food tracking, and type of food consumed.
In terms of habits around food, the most prevalent behaviors of the weight loss maintainers were keeping healthy, lower-calorie food accessible, setting daily consumption goals, recording actual food consumed, and continuing to measure or weigh foods.
Also important for those who kept the weight off for years is an emphasis on outlook. These participants focus on remaining positive and often think about past successes, said lead study author Suzanne Phelan, Ph.D., a kinesiology and public health professor at California Polytechnic State University.
Focus on building these skills first, she told Runners World. The more these skills are practiced, the more they become habitual.
And while there are often unhealthy temptations and distractions all around us, putting consistent habits in place can counteract this environment, Phelan added.
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What the weight loss maintainers did not do was beat themselves up for regaining a few pounds or feel negative about themselves or the behaviors that had led to being overweight or obese.
Practicing self-kindness and mindfulness are connected to being self-aware, and to understanding that eating and activity are part of a process, Phelan said. There will be days of excess eating and low activity. How people respond to these days makes a difference.
Preventing weight regain isnt important just for a sense of emotional wellbeing. Recent studies have highlighted the health hazards of yo-yo dieting, since the weight thats regained is often fat, which raises heart disease risk and increases systemic inflammationa potential cause for many health issues, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
For those who are on a weight loss track right now, it may be helpful to look past that goal weight moment and think about implementing strategies that will boost maintenance efforts, too. Above all, obsessing over every single calorie or every single pound can quickly result in an unhealthy mindset so focusing on awareness, positivity, and healthy habits is key.
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Yep, Its TrueStaying Positive Can Actually Help You Maintain Weight Loss - Yahoo Lifestyle
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He means a lot to a lot of people Longtime coach Glenn Gardner fighting tough battle with ALS –
Posted: February 15, 2020 at 9:43 pm
Glenn Gardner knew something was wrong last spring.
Routine things had become difficult for the longtime Fairhaven junior varsity softball coach.
Normally, Id hit the ball into the outfield with no problem, he said. But I would crank it and it would barely go into the outfield. I knew something was up. I didnt know what it was. I thought it was old age. I thought I was becoming an old man.
Rapid weight loss 26 pounds of muscle and severe muscle spasms prompted Gardner to go to the doctors to get checked out.
I did the blood tests and all that, and they said everything was fine, said the 64-year-old Fairhaven resident. Still, I knew something was wrong.
So Gardner went back for more testing and his second electromyography (EMG) this time at Mass General and in mid January, he got the dreaded diagnosis: he had ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis).
Also known as Lou Gehrigs disease, it causes the death of neurons controlling voluntary muscles. While a person keeps their cognitive functions, their body deteriorates to the point they can no longer move. There is no cure and medication is expensive and often experimental.
Its tough because coaching now I cant project my voice, said Gardner just minutes after coaching the JV teams final game of the season, a 30-26 win over Bourne on Friday. I have the kids and my assistant yelling for me. I cant do what I used to do easily. I cant breath. Your diaphragm is a muscle so I'm going to lose my voice. Right now I cant breath. I have to sleep on my side. Whenever I eat, I feel full because your lungs push up to your stomach.
Still, Gardner continues to coach.
Hell push himself through it, said Old Rochester senior Jill Higgins. You can tell it's harder for him. When he needs to be out here coaching us or rebounding balls for us, hell push himself. That's the kind of person he is.
With each day Gardner has grown weaker and weaker, but he wanted to finish out the year at Old Rochester.
There was no talking him out of it, said Old Rochester head coach Bob Hohne. He wanted to finish it.
I wouldnt have expected anything different from him," ORR athletic director Bill Tilden added. "It wasnt even a thought that crossed through his mind to not finish. Hes always been a guy that finishes something that he starts. I dont think he thought of ever taking a break from this to deal with it and I dont think theres much you can do. You just have to face it and deal with it and thats what hed want the kids to see him do too.
Gardner chose to keep his diagnosis under wraps until just recently, when his symptoms began to worsen.
We have so much respect for him, said Old Rochester senior Mary Butler, who works on her post moves with Gardner, a varsity assistant. I think one of the reasons he didnt tell anyone at first is because he didnt want to be thought of differently because hes so strong and I dont think he ever wanted us to think otherwise. Hes so respected by all of us and he means so much to all of us.
I think about how much hes been through and how much he has still contributed. He hasnt stopped contributing to our program. It shows how strong and tough of a person he is.
Higgins knows firsthand the impact ALS can have on someone as her grandmother, Elizabeth Ferria, battled the disease.
I was younger, but I understand how it goes, she said of watching her grandmother. Its not easy. Its hard for the person because their mind will stay sane throughout all of it, but sometimes you cant move and you cant talk. You know what you want to say, but it wont come out. Its terrible.
We just wanted to show him that we support him and his wife throughout everything.
When news broke of Gardners condition, the girls basketball program quickly began fundraising efforts. At both home games this week, they held a bake sale and also sold bracelets they created that said: #gardnerstrong and BOX OUT ALS.
We wanted to make sure that he felt he was loved by us and that we were here for him, said Higgins, who played two years under Gardner on JV. Hes a really good coach and a really good guy in general. Its really sad that he got this disease.
Gardner has also received an outpouring of support from his hometown of Fairhaven, where he was a former teacher at Hastings Middle School. A comedy night fundraiser, which features Frank O'Donnell as the headliner, is slated for March 13 at the Century House in Acushnet. Tickets to the fundraiser cost $50 and include food. The show will start at 6:30 p.m., and comedians will go on stage at 8:45 p.m.
When youve been around a long time, you make a lot of connections, said Gardner, who coached three sports at Fairhaven High over two decades. I get to see kids from both schools and theyve all been great.
He means a lot to a lot of people," Tilden noted.
Gardner was Fairhavens varsity field hockey coach for more than a decade, while also coaching the girls varsity basketball team for seven or eight years. He was the varsity softball coach before Cathy Silva took over the program and he moved down to the junior varsity level. He also has maintained the grounds for various Fairhaven sports for several years.
"Glenn has been with me for 17 years and has been a staple in my program," Silva said. "He is an incredible guy who has given so much of himself to the sport and to all the athletes who have come through the program. He has impacted me as both a coach and a friend."
Gardner has had a big influence on Old Rochester basketball for the past seven or eight years as the JV coach and varsity assistant.
Glenn is simply the last in a long line of great assistant coaches Ive had over the 43 years, Hohne said. The game films, the scouting, his knowledge of fundamentals when the kids come to me, they know the game of basketball.
Gardners impact goes beyond the fundamentals of basketball.
Hes kind of the bridge between coach and the kids, said Kate Butler, Marys mother. He leads the JV team, but he also works with the varsity girls. Hes the one that pulls them aside and can coach them up during the game and help them work on things in practice that coach doesnt have time because hes doing the big picture stuff.
Hes just an amazing person. Hes got a way with the kids. Hes calm and hes patient and hes caring and passionate about the game. He means a lot to the program.
Gardner has been able to relate to the players through his sense of humor.
"He's always joking around," Butler said.
When I swung (between levels) freshmen year, he always kept my mind off of it, Higgins said. He would make me laugh when I was nervous.
Gardners personality and approach has made him a favorite among many players.
He sets standards for you and he has goals he wants you to meet, but you always have fun doing it, Mary Butler said. He always makes it enjoyable.
Gardner found a creative way to motivate Meg Hughes in a matchup against 2018-19 Standard-Times Player of the Year Jayda Fortin.
I held Jayda Fortin to under six points so he bought me Riccardis pizza, Hughes recalled with a smile on her face. It was the greatest thing.
Hughes is hoping to make this a memorable curtain call for Gardner.
He wants to finish it out, she said. He wants to go to the Garden with us because thats where were going. Were doing this for him.
Follow Laurie Los Lee on Twitter @LaurieLosSCT.
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Bryce Fernandes is the heart and soul of the red-hot Wareham Vikings –
Posted: February 15, 2020 at 9:43 pm
WAREHAM He may not score as smoothly as Destine Haywood-Gomes. He may not have state championship game pedigree like Joey Silvia. He may not dominate the paint like Dom Labelle or tower over every opponent like Josh Vargas. He doesn't have the small-space explosiveness of Darien Gibson or the deadly shooting of Kaemon Thomas.
But there may not be a more important Viking this season than Bryce Fernandes.
Every night, he bodies up the opposing teams best player. He grabs rebounds. He gets his hands in passing lanes. He scores on putbacks and in transition. Hes rarely out of position and hes never one to hang his head when things arent going well.
Simply put, hes the heart and soul of the Vikings, who enter the final week of the regular season riding a six-game winning streak and having already locked up a South Coast Conference Small Division championship.
Hes very important to us and what we do, Wareham coach Steve Faniel said after an 84-66 home win over GNB Voc-Tech. Bryce has been guarding the opposing teams best player since he was 10 years old. Every game hes ever played, he guarded the other teams best player. When you have a weapon like that who can neutralize a dominant scorer, that gives you a chance to win every night.
We rarely get blown out (the Vikings losses have been by 3, 7, 10 and 13 points). Even if we dont come out on top, its a close game. Thats because of the energy he brings, the leadership he brings, the communication he brings to us.
On Friday, Fernandes scored 12 points with six boards, good for the teams third-highest point total and second-highest rebounding total. But its never been the stats that differentiate Fernandes.
Theres not a lot of people like him, said fellow senior Joey Silvia, who scored a game-high 23 points. Bryce is a great basketball player. He does a lot for this team. Hes a great leader for us. It doesnt matter how much he scores, he plays defends, he gets boards, he does all the dirty work for us. Hes great to have on the team.
Beyond his status as the teams best one-on-one defender, Fernandes leadership may be his most necessary attribute on this years Wareham team, which features an embarrassment of scoring, shooting, athleticism and size up and down the roster.
I feel like I have a leadership role on this team, he said. I do all the nitty-gritty stuff. I let them get their points, but I try to work the hardest and do what I need to do to keep the team together and moving forward.
Theres only one column in the scorebook Fernandes worries about. The win column.
Thats why hes a captain and hes our only captain, Faniel said. Hes always been a weight room kid. He puts in the work in the offseason. He brings us together and does all the little things. Hes the glue guy who holds us together.
GNB Voc-Tech came out firing from deep, likely in an attempt to make up for a lack of size against Warehams imposing frontcourt. The Bears shot well enough in the first quarter to stay in the game, starting the game 4-for-10 from deep to finish the first quarter down 22-15.
Wareham, meanwhile, spent much of the first half taking advantage of the Bears lack of shot blockers. The Vikings were consistently able to get to the rim, making 10-of-11 two-point attempts in the first half. When they werent converting layups, they were drawing fouls, shooting 16 free throws in the first half (and hitting 11 of them).
They were playing good defense, Silvia said. Theyre athletic. We were just trying to take it to the rack and run on them.
The Bears hung around in the second quarter despite going 0-for-7 from 3-point land, and Wareham took a 44-32 lead into halftime. The Vikings quickly extended their lead in the third quarter. A Haywood-Gomes steal and dunk and a Silvia free throw with 5:51 left in the third pushed the advantage to 20, but the Bears had one last run in them.
Colin Wildrick got hot from deep, hitting four 3-pointers in a four-minute stretch, and suddenly Voc-Tech entered the games final eight minutes only down 10.
But a quick 6-0 spurt early in the fourth quarter, capped by a putback from Fernandes, extended the lead to 16 and the Vikings never looked back.
We wanted to keep attacking them and keep our energy up, Fernandes said. Our energy went down when they went on their run, so I tried to keep everyones energy up and we started to come together in the fourth quarter.
WHAT IT MEANS: Wareham improves to 16-4 and finishes 10-3 in the South Coast Conference. Voc-Tech falls to 6-13 and finishes 3-10 in the SCC. The Bears wrap up their season by hosting Middleboro on Tuesday. The Vikings compete in the Kuliga Classic, facing Marthas Vineyard at 4 p.m. on Monday at Apponequet.
GETTING HOT AT THE RIGHT TIME: On Jan. 17, Fairhaven beat the Vikings on Wareham's home court. It was the Vikings' third loss in a row and second-straight loss in the conference. They bounced back to win three in a row before another home loss, this time to Apponequet, which was sitting in the bottom half of the division standings. I think those losses helped us because we came together as a team, Silvia said. We knew we should have won those games, but we didnt play hard enough. It made us work harder in practice. Were playing a lot better now. Following the Apponequet loss, the Vikings managed a one-point win over Seekonk and a two-point win over Boston English, kicking off a six-game winning streak which has included a 37-point win over Case, a 19-point win over SCC Large champion Dighton-Rehoboth, an 11-point win over Fairhaven and Friday's 18-point win over Voc-Tech. It's fair to say the Vikings, who have won nine of their last 10 games, are playing their best ball of the season at the right time. This past week weve been able to get more shots and cut down on the open 3-pointers weve given up, Faniel said. I think our rotations have been a little bit better. The kids are buying in on defense and communicating with each other. They understand now that we have to share the ball and get stops. Our talent doesn't necessarily going to win all the time. If we keep playing as a team offensively and defensively its a fun way to play.
SENIOR SALUTE: Friday was the last regular-season home game for the Vikings, who honored their six seniors, five of whom Silvia, Haywood-Gomes, Fernandes, Labelle and Vargas combined for 66 points on a night the team equaled its second-highest point total of the season. We really wanted to get this one, Fernandes said. Its a big win at the end of the day. We had to win this one to keep our momentum going and defend our home court, which is something weve had trouble doing. This was a big win. Faniel added: These guys were in eighth grade when I started, so its kind of a special class to me. When I first started I saw these eighth graders and thought that when they were older wed be pretty good. I think that came to fruition. These guys have given a lot to the program. A lot of them have been with us for three or four years. Theyve been dreaming about this. Wareham has always had a great basketball tradition and I think these kids came to see Senior Night when they were in third or fourth grade and they picture what its going to be like. I hope it went well for them. I think it did. They all played pretty well and went out with a bang.
WAREHAM STATS: Haywood-Gomes finished with 17 points, four 3-pointers and five rebounds. Labelle added nine points and a team-high seven rebounds. Jett Gorman chipped in six points and four boards and Kaemon Thomas nabbed three steals. The Vikings shot 52.7% from the floor (29-for-55), 31.8% from deep (7-for-22) and 62.9% from the line (17-for-27) while turning the ball over 20 times, eight of which came in the fourth quarter.
GNB VOC-TECH STATS: Wildrick scored a team-high 17 points. Brennen Rosa had 15 points and eight rebounds, while Poitras was quiet with five points but filled up the stat sheet with eight boards and a game-high five steals. Connor Dreher added five rebounds. The Bears shot 35.4% from the field (23-for-65), 26.3% from deep (10-for-38) and 77.7% from the line (14-for-18) while turning the ball over 18 times.
NOTES: Warehams highest point total in a game this season was 86, which it scored against Somerset Berkley on Jan. 21. It also scored 84 in a win over Case on Feb. 4. Both teams played a surprising amount of zone. GNB Voc-Techs first substitution of the game featured five players, and with their first 10 shots being 3-pointers, this reporter thought they might be trying out the Grinnell system. Soon the Bears went cold from deep, missing nine-straight 3-pointers between the first and second quarters.
Follow Brendan Kurie on Twitter @BrendanKurieSCT
Joey Silvia 23 (2), Destine Haywood-Gomes 17 (4), Bryce Fernandes 12, Dom Labelle 9, Darien Gibson 7, Jett Gorman 6, Kaemon Thomas 5 (1), Josh Vargas 5
GNB Voc-Tech
Colin Wildrick 17 (5), Brennen Rosa 15, Alex Polanco 10 (2), Payton Leandre 7 (1), Ethan Almeida 6 (2), Shane Poitras Jr. 5, Connor Dreher 4, Mason Gomes 1, Elijah Rodriguez 1
GNB Voc-Tech;15;17;23;1166
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Guest post: How close is the West Antarctic ice sheet to a ‘tipping point’? – Carbon Brief
Posted: February 15, 2020 at 9:43 pm
Between its east and west ice sheets and its peninsula, Antarctica holds enough ice to raise global sea levels by around 60m.
The West Antarctic ice sheet (WAIS) is a relatively small part, containing an amount of ice equivalent to 3.3m of sea level rise. Yet, most of it sits in a precarious position and is considered theoretically unstable.
As a result, how the WAIS will change in response to human-caused warming is generally thought to be the largest source of uncertainty for long-term sea level projections.
Tipping points
The most pressing aspect of this uncertainty is understanding whether instability thresholds of ice have been crossed, whether the retreat we are now measuring is destined to continue, and whether ice that appears unchanging today will remain that way in the future.
The latest research says that the threshold for irreversible loss of the WAIS likely lies between 1.5C and 2C of global average warming above pre-industrial levels. With warming already at around 1.1C and the Paris Agreement aiming to limit warming to 1.5C or well-below 2C, the margins for avoiding this threshold are fine indeed.
According to the recent special report on the ocean and cryosphere (SROCC) by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), there are two main controls on how much global sea levels will rise this century: future human-caused greenhouse gas emissions and how warming affects the Antarctic ice sheet. The IPCC says:
Beyond 2050, uncertainty in climate change induced SLR [sea level rise] increases substantially due to uncertainties in emission scenarios and the associated climate changes, and the response of the Antarctic ice sheet in a warmer world.
The concern around the vulnerability of the WAIS principally lies in something called marine ice sheet instability (MISI) marine because the base of the ice sheet is below sea level and instability for the fact that, once it starts, the retreat is self-sustaining.
Ice sheets can be thought of as huge freshwater reservoirs. Snow accumulates in the cold interior, slowly compacts to become glacier ice and then begins to flow like a very thick fluid back toward the ocean.
In some places, the ice reaches the coast and floats on the ocean surface, forming an ice shelf. The boundary between ice resting on the land surface (or the sea floor in the case of a marine ice sheet) is called the grounding line. The grounding line is where water stored in the ice sheet returns to the ocean. And when it moves seaward, we say the ice sheet has a positive mass balance that is to say, it is gaining more ice mass than it is losing back to the sea.
But when the grounding line retreats, the balance is negative. A negative ice sheet balance means a positive contribution to the ocean and, thus, to global sea level.
This basic picture of ice sheet mass balance is all you need to understand why glaciologists are concerned about MISI.
Changes to the ice shelf on the floating side of the grounding line such as thinning can cause ice on the grounded side to lift off from the seafloor. As this ice floats, the grounding line will retreat. Because the ice flows more rapidly when it is floating than it does when grounded, the rate of ice flow near the grounding line will increase. Stretching caused by the faster flow becomes a new source of thinning near the grounding line.
This is illustrated in the figure below. As the newly floating ice flows and thins more quickly, it can cause more ice to lift off and float, driving the grounding line back.
In addition, the areas of the ice sheet at risk of MISI have a reverse, or retrograde gradient, which means it gets deeper further inland. As the grounding line retreats further into thicker parts of the ice sheet, the flow speeds up, further increasing ice loss. The reverse gradient makes this process self-sustaining as a positive feedback loop this is what makes MISI an instability.
It is not clear yet if the MISI threshold has been crossed anywhere in Antarctica. We do know that grounding lines are retreating along the Amundsen Sea coastline most spectacularly on the Thwaites Glacier. And the driver for the retreat appears to be relatively warm ocean water about 2C warmer than the historical average flowing toward the grounding line and causing stronger than usual melting.
Graphic: Carbon Brief. Credit: Quantarctica/Norwegian Polar Institute.
If the instability has not started and if the ocean warming stops, then the grounding line should find a new balancing point at a new location. But if it has started, then the retreat will continue no matter what happens next.
Even if the threshold has been crossed or even if it is crossed in the future the retreat can proceed at different rates depending on how hard we were pushing when it started.
Heres how that works. The instability depends on a balance of forces within the ice sheet. A force due to gravity causes the ice to flow at a speed that depends in part on its thickness and its surface slope.
A larger melt rate on the floating side and faster flow across the grounding line will draw down the surface of the ice more quickly than smaller rates will. The faster draw-down generates a steeper surface slope and, thus, faster flow and faster retreat.
A modelling study of this feedback, published last year, found that when MISI started with a larger push (a larger melt rate), it proceeded more quickly than when it started with a smaller push, even after the extra melting was removed.
This means that even if MISI is invoked, cutting global emissions and slowing warming will give more time to get ready for its consequences.
There appears to be a second source of instability for marine ice sheets one that comes into play if the ice shelves are lost entirely.
Some of the most spectacular images of glacier change are of iceberg calving in other words, breaking off from the heavily crevassed fronts of marine-terminating glaciers.
This calving is caused by melting of the underside of the ice shelf, as well as hydro-fracturing where meltwater forming on the surface of the ice shelf seeps into the ice and causes cracking or a combination of the two.
How quickly calving happens depends on the height of the ice cliff face above the waterline the higher the cliff stands above the water, the larger the calving rate.
As is the case for MISI, the declining gradient of seafloor beneath the WAIS means that as the ice cliff retreats into thicker ice it will continue to expose an ever-higher cliff to the ocean and the calving rate must increase.
This process, illustrated below, is called marine ice cliff instability (MICI). The theory suggests that where the height of a glacier face exceeds around 100m above the ocean surface, the cliff will be too tall to support its own weight. It will, therefore, inevitably collapse, exposing a similarly tall cliff face behind it, which, too, will collapse. And so on.
The IPCCs SROCC says that Thwaites Glacier is particularly important because it extends into the interior of the WAIS, where the bed is >2000m below sea level in places. (Although, the SROCC also notes that while MISI requires a retrograde bed slope to occur, MICI could even happen on a flat or seaward-inclined bed.)
This recently identified process is not as well studied as MISI, but this is sure to change in the years ahead, as scientists continue to observe fast-changing systems such as the Thwaites Glacier.
A Nature study in 2016 on MICI concluded that Antarctica has the potential to contribute more than a metre of sea level rise by 2100 and more than 15metres by 2500. More recent research concluded this is likely to be an overestimate, but noted it is not yet clear what role MICI could play this century. Another study has also suggested that rapid loss of ice through MICI may be mitigated by a slower loss of the ice shelves that hold the glaciers back.
Late last year, a large team of modellers assessed different studies of ice sheet response to the Paris climate target to keep global average warming well below 2C.
The models all point in the same direction. Namely, that the threshold for irreversible ice loss in both the Greenland ice sheet and the WAIS is somewhere between 1.5C and 2C global average warming. And we are already at a bit more than 1C warming right now.
This 1.5-2C window is key for the survival of Antarctic ice shelves, the review paper explained, and thus their buttressing effect on the glaciers they hold back.
Another threshold may lie between 2C and 2.7C, the authors added. Reaching this level of global temperature rise could trigger the activation of several larger systems, such as the Ross and Ronne-Filchner drainage basins, and onset of much larger SLR contributions.
The Ross and Ronne-Filchner are the two largest ice shelves in Antarctica. These could be substantially reduced within 100300 years, another study says, in scenarios where global emissions exceed the RCP2.6 scenario. This emissions pathway is generally considered to be consistent with limiting warming to 2C.
These findings imply that preventing substantial Antarctic ice loss relies on limiting global emissions to or below RCP2.6. As the paper concludes: Crossing these thresholds implies commitment to large ice-sheet changes and SLR that may take thousands of years to be fully realised and be irreversible on longer timescales.
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FDA In Brief: FDA Requests Voluntary Withdrawal of Weight-Loss Medication After Clinical Trial Shows an Increased Occurrence of Cancer – PRNewswire
Posted: February 14, 2020 at 11:44 am
SILVER SPRING, Md., Feb. 13, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The following quote is attributed to Janet Woodcock, M.D., director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research:
"Public health and safety of drugs that Americans rely on is a top priority at the FDA both before and after approval. We're taking steps to notify the public about a particular weight-loss medication and have requested that the company voluntarily withdraw the product from the market because our review of the full clinical trial results shows that the potential risk of cancer associated with the drug outweighs the benefit of treatment. The company has submitted a request to voluntarily withdraw the drug.
"As noted in a new Drug Safety Communication issued today, patients should stop using the medication Belviq and Belviq XR (lorcaserin) and talk to their health care professionals about other treatment options for weight loss.Health care professionals should stop prescribing and dispensing Belviq and Belviq XR.
"The FDA is not recommending special screening for patients who have taken Belviq. Standard screening recommendationsfor cancer should be implemented for any patient, regardless of prior Belviq treatment.
"The agency's actions follow our alert to the public earlier this year about the possible risk of cancer associated this medication based on preliminary analysis of the clinical trial data.
"We will continue to track safety issues with medications on the market and use science and data as our guide to act quickly when we have determined that the risks associated with drugs are greater than the benefits of treatment."
Additional Resources:
Media Contact:Monique Richards, 240-402-3014Consumer Inquiries: Email, 888-INFO-FDA
The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, protects the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness, and security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological products for human use, and medical devices. The agency also is responsible for the safety and security of our nation's food supply, cosmetics, dietary supplements, products that give off electronic radiation, and for regulating tobacco products.
SOURCE U.S. Food and Drug Administration
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Man who struggled to walk has life back thanks to huge weight loss – Daily Record
Posted: February 14, 2020 at 11:44 am
A inspirational Carluke man has an important piece of advice for people struggling to lose weight: Believe in yourself.
Gordon Davidson had been miserable after piling on the pounds and reaching his heaviest weight of 18 stone.
The 62-year-old could no longer enjoy his summer holidays and was struggling to walk around without getting breathless.
I never had the belief I could lose weight, said Gordon.
But Weight Watchers, attending workshops, walking and regular activity has now given me a belief in myself.
If I can do it, then others can do it. Believe in yourself.
It was after returning from a trip abroad that Gordon realised he needed to take some serious action to get back in shape.
While his holiday should have been a time to relax and enjoy himself, walking around sightseeing was difficult because he was so unfit and all the holiday food led to more weight gain.
Gordon said: I didnt enjoy my time abroad and when I came home and saw a picture of myself, I decided that it was finally time to do something about it.
I had been eating all the wrong things like lots of puddings, biscuits and cakes, so its no wonder my weight had gone up to 18st.
It was the heaviest I had ever been.
I was eating too much and portions were big, too big!
Gordon joined the Weight Watchers club that meets at Wishaw Volunteer Centre, and was warmly welcomed by slimming coach Barbara Graham.
She made me feel instantly at ease, said Gordon.
I settled into the my Weight Watchers plan quickly and easily and loved the choice of zero smartpoint foods, which really helped to fill me up without using too many points. I learned that I could eat lots of foods if I just changed what I was eating.
I was always satisfied and never hungry.
I was able to enjoy alcohol at the weekends and the occasional dessert, and I could mix and match different foods.
My weekly workshop was really beneficial and we all helped to motivate each other.
Now 70lbs lighter, I am fitter and healthier than ever before.
Gordon now walks regularly throughout the week and loves to play badminton to stay fit.
His trouser size has dropped from a 38-inch to 32-inch waist, and hes ditched XXL tops for a standard medium size.
Five stone lighter and in much-improved health, Gordon is looking forward to jetting off and enjoying his holidays again.
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Everything you need to know about carbs – 9Honey
Posted: February 14, 2020 at 11:44 am
Thirty years ago, fat was the main diet demon and carbs fuelled the day with toast or cereal the standard breakfast, a simple sandwich at lunchtime. Back then, dinner wasn't dinner unless a potato or some rice or pasta graced the plate.
Now there are few food groups as tainted as the humble carbohydrate, especially when it comes to weight loss. So while many an extreme diet bans carbs completely, are they really that bad for us? Are some better than others? And how can you strike the right balance for you?
Carbohydrates are one of the three macro-nutrientsthat give the body energy (the other two are protein and fat). Carbs are primarily found in plant-based foods, including bread, rice, breakfast cereal, fruits, starchy vegetables and sugars and offer 17kJ (4 calories) of energy per gram.
The simplest form of carbohydrate is glucose, and carbohydrates range from mixes of simple sugars to hundreds of individual sugars that form more complex carbohydrates, such as breads and cereals.
Carbohydrates can also be grouped according to their glycaemic index. The glycaemic index refers to how quickly or how slowly a carbohydrate releases glucose into the bloodstream. Low GI foods such as wholegrains release the glucose relatively slowly, compared to higher GI foods such as white bread and rice.
Generally speaking, natural sources of carbohydrate, as found in whole, natural foods like fruit, starchy vegetables, and legumes, and wholegrains such as oats, barley and quinoa, are the best carbs to include in the diet on a daily basis.
When carbs are consumed as wholefoods, we get the added benefit other key nutrients, including fibre, vitamins and minerals. Wholegrain and low GI natural sources of carbohydrate are also far less likely to be overconsumed the way refined carbohydrates found in processed cereals, white breads, snack food, biscuits, juices and sugars are.
The amount of carb you need will depend largely on how active you are. If you spend all day on your feet and are already quite slim, you will need more than someone who sits all day does minimal exercise. And similarly, on days you train for an hour or more, you will need more than on a sedentary day when you barely leave the house.
Without shifting to a complete 'low carb' or keto approach, where carbs equate to less than 20 per cent of total calories or just 50-80g of total carbohydrates per day, the average adult will require 30-50 per cent of their daily calories from carbohydrates (you can see this is a wide range), equating to roughly 80-200g of carbohydrates each day, or 1-3 half cup serves at each meal.
As carbohydrate is the primary fuel for the muscles, it is a common belief that eating fewer carbs means that you automatically burn a greater amount of fat. While this is somewhat true, as the body prefers to burn carbs in the form of glucose as its primary energy source, if carbs are restricted to a great enough extent, even though the body will shift to burning fat it will also slow metabolic rate over time. This means that initially you will get good results from a strict low-carb approach, but over time metabolic rate will reduce and the body will begin burning fewer calories as a result. This effect can be observed in individuals who have great success initially using a low-carb diet but who find it difficult to maintain once they return to their usual carbohydrate intake.
The strongest sign that you're eating too much carbohydrate is if you're gaining weight, or not losing weight despite making a concerted effort to eat less and exercise. The easiest way to count your own carbs is to use an online monitoring app such as 'myfitnesspal'.
While extremely low-carb diets, or less than 50g of total carbs a day will support ketosis and rapid weight loss, for those not in keto, it is possible to eat too few carbs for the amount of activity you are doing.
Signs your carbs may be a little on the low side include constant sugar cravings and hunger and an inability to lose weight despite eating less and exercising more. This may suggest you need a little more carbs to successfully burn body fat. The minimum amount of carbs someone not in keto will require is roughly 80-100g plus another 20-30g for every hour of exercise.
Naturally every food that contains carbohydrates has a different amount and generally larger serves for example, larger slices of bread have more than smaller slices. As a general rule of thumb, cup of carbohydrate or one piece of fruit has about 20g of carbs per serve. For a more accurate analysis, simply check 'carbs per serve' on nutrition panels or use a monitoring program such as 'myfitnesspal'.
So carbs are not bad for us, rather it tends to be the types of carbs we commonly choose or are served. Large slices of sourdough or Turkish bread, the white rice in sushi and large serves of noodles and fries at night are when we get our carbs wrong.
On the other hand, fruit, vegetables and controlled portions of wholegrains have plenty to offer the key is to stick to natural, whole unprocessed carbs when you can. And if your goal is weight loss, keep a close eye on how much total carbohydrate you are consuming each day.
Susie Burrell is a leading Australian dietitian and nutritionist, founder of Shape Me, and prominent media spokesperson, with regular appearances in both print and television media commenting on all areas of diet, weight loss and nutrition.
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Greene County 911 caller: They came up to our window and had a gun pointed at my wifes head&rsqu – Dayton Daily News
Posted: February 14, 2020 at 11:44 am
The Greene County shooting that left two people dead Wednesday outside a million-dollar home near Yellow Springs involved a celebrity nutritionist who appeared on TV shows, his Hollywood stunt woman ex-wife and her current husband.
A man who identified himself as Robert Lindsey Duncan can be heard in a 911 call alerting law enforcement that he had shot two people who he says came onto his property and threatened to kill him and his wife.
I shot them, they came up to our window and had a gun pointed at my wifes head, Duncan told a dispatcher while asking for authorities to get to his 3443 Grinnell Road home as quickly as possible.
Duncan is the founder and CEO of Genesis Today who appeared on the Dr. Oz Show and The View nearly a decade ago to talk about weight loss.
A phone message to Duncan wasnt returned Thursday evening.
Greene County Sheriff Gene Fischer declined to identify Duncan, who has not been charged with any crime.
FIRST REPORT:Shootout near Yellow Springs could have been ambush, sheriff says
Greene County Sheriff Gene Fischer identified the dead woman as Cheryl Sanders, 59, who was a spokeswoman and stunt woman who appeared on the cover of Healthy Living Magazine. Her current husband, Robert Reed Sanders, 56, also was killed in the shooting.
Sanders wrote online that she moved from martial arts and kickboxingto a career as a stunt womanin the 1980s. She said was the stunt double for Brooke Shields, Kathleen Turner, Sharon Stone and other A-list actresses.
Court records show that Duncan and Cheryl Sanders signed a prenuptial agreement in 1999, were married, then divorced in 2009.
Since the divorce, the records indicate their relationship remained sour.
According to a court filing in 2016, Duncan sued Cheryl Sanders and Robert Sanders for defamation, slander, libel and other accusations.
Defendant Cheryl provided a written statement to both boards of Genesis Pure and Genesis Today, as well as non-board members, employees and various members of the plaintiffs family, the suit says. This statement accused the Plaintiff of false, malicious, defamatory and vicious accusations, which defamed both the plaintiff and Genesis Today and Genesis Pure.
Exactly what was said isnt spelled out in the lawsuit. The lawsuit claims Duncan was subjected to numerous attempts at extortion and harassment.
Motions in the lawsuit have been filed as recently as September of last year. The most recent action came in November, according to online court records, when a sub or withdraw of counsel took place. The case status is labeled pending.
The Dayton Daily News has requested the documents in the case. The online court records list David Gottfried as the Sanders attorney. A message left at his office wasnt returned.
Duncans wife, who is identified as Molly in the 911 call, tells dispatchers during that call that Cheryl Sanders has been trying to kill them for years.
Fischer said during a press conference Thursday that his office is still looking at whether the shooting was a planned ambush of Duncan and his wife. He said the Sanderses were driving a car with fictitious Ohio temporary plates. He also said the two had set up a camera to view the incident.
Fischer also said during the press conference that Duncan had alerted his office about five years ago that he feared Cheryl Sanders had hired someone to kill him. Fischer said extra patrols were dispatched around the home at that time.
He said he didnt know what the motive of the shooting was but did say money could have played a role.
Money can be the root of all evil, he said. But I cant say its money, Im not sure exactly why this happened. Thats whats the investigation is for.
Officials said the investigation will take a long time and will be presented to a grand jury for review.
According to a Federal Trade Commission press release from 2015, Duncan and his companies faced charges from the commission for, in part, deceptively touting the supposed weight-loss benefits of green coffee bean extract through a campaign that included appearances on The Dr. Oz Show, The View, and other television programs.
The commission accused Duncan of misleading consumers by saying that green coffee bean extract would help them lose as much as 17 pounds and 16 percent of body fat in 12 weeks, without diet or exercise.
RELATED:What we know today about the double-fatal shooting near Yellow Springs
The commission said that claim wasnt true.
a clinical study does not show that GCBE causes substantial weight loss and fat loss, or rapid and substantial weight loss and fat loss, including 17 pounds in 12 weeks and 16 percent of body fat in 12 weeks, without diet or exercise, the complaint says.
In a settlement, Genesis Today, Pure Health LLC and Duncan agreed to pay $9 million to the commission and were barred from making deceptive claims about the health benefits of any dietary supplement or drug product, the press release says.
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Greene County 911 caller: They came up to our window and had a gun pointed at my wifes head&rsqu - Dayton Daily News
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Adele lost weight, but not in the hips or in the butt: Twitter calls her a & # 39; PAWG & # 39 ;! – Up News Info
Posted: February 14, 2020 at 11:44 am
Pop singer Adele has been making news lately for her dramatic weight loss. The singer born in the United Kingdom lost 120 pounds, all in the last year.
And now new photos of Adele in yoga pants: that she goes viral again.
Fans have noticed that while Adele has lost a lot of weight, she still maintains an hourglass figure.
Here is the image that is making it viral
On Wednesday, the paparazzi saw Adele, 31, and she looked thinner than ever when she left Los Angeles in black sportswear.
Twitter burst quickly. Not because of the weight loss, but because of the weight he retained, in the area of the hips and buttocks. The singer is called PAWG, or "a white girl **".
Here are some comments from Twitter, taken shortly after the images appeared online:
Adele Trynna be a PAWG. OK
I Adele a pawg ok or am i stumbling?
Adele it's definitely good PAWG lmao
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Adele lost weight, but not in the hips or in the butt: Twitter calls her a & # 39; PAWG & # 39 ;! - Up News Info
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