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Im gobsmacked: Government criticised for calorie-shaming weight loss poster – The Independent

Posted: February 13, 2020 at 12:43 am

The government has been criticised over new eat a little less posters which state: Just 100 extra calories a day could mean 10lbs of weight gain a year.

The poster, commissioned by the Public Health Agency (PHA)in Northern Ireland, shows what 100 calories looks like in four different snacks.

It includes pictures of three and a half cocktail sausages, three sweets, one digestive biscuit or one medium latte drink.

Sharing the full story, not just the headlines

Vanessa from Belfast posted a photograph of the poster on her social media, with the caption: I just saw this poster at a bus stop talking about how 3 wee sausages or 1 f**king digestive biscuit will make you gain 10lbs Im actually gobsmacked?

What does this achieve other than make those with eating disorders and compulsive calorie counters feel worse?

The 30-year-old toldThe Independent: "My first reaction was to laugh, but it quickly turned to concern for young people and all those suffering or recovering from eating disorders.

"To frame a biscuit and a half as having the potential to gain 10lbs of weight in a year could be incredibly damaging to compulsive calorie counters and those with body image issues.

"I think this has the potential to be incredibly dangerous to young people in general. I'm sure my younger self would have taken it very hard, it's easy to imagine young girls and women going to bed hungry afraid three sweets or a hot chocolate will be the 100 calories that will 'push them' over an intake limit," she adds.

Others replied to Vanessa's tweet, agreeing. One said: Seeing this could f**k a lot of people in recovery up as well! Like if I was caught off guard by this in public I doubt Id handle it well tbh.

Others commented saying they had also seen the posters: Literally saw this today, its the same with the whole you can lose 10 million stone if you stop taking sugar in your tea like its hardly going to kill you?

Near-universal criticism from ED [eating disorder] specialists to include calorie content on publicly-distributed health materials, but good job Department of Health, said another.

Another said: The eat a little less turns me too like why not make it about healthy choices if u r that concerned with peoples weight instead of telling them to restrict their intake Im fuming [sic].

Tom Quinn, director of external affairs at Beat, the UKs leading eating disorder charity, told The Independent: It is important that messages aimed at reducing obesity consider the impact they may have on individuals at risk of developing an eating disorder.

Focusing solely on calorie counting, rather than healthy and balanced eating, is unhelpful and could be harmful for those already unwell or vulnerable.

Public health professionals must move away from obesity-shaming to emphasising healthy behavioural changes and instilling confidence into people.

A spokesperson for the PHA toldThe Independent: Obesity is a major public health challenge facing Northern Ireland. Currently more than three in five people are classed as being overweight or obese, and it is now the norm rather than the exception to carry excess weight.

Extras is part of the Choose to Live Better campaign which is targeted at members of the general population who are overweight or obese. Previous phases of the public information campaign focused on waist measurement, physical activity as well as nutrition.

Extras aims to encourage people to think about the unnecessary extras eg snacks, nibbles, second helpings, etc. they eat and show how easy it is to gain weight if they consume more food than they require to maintain a healthy weight .

A number of concepts were tested with the public and extras tested positively because it focused on small changes. The message eating an extra 100 calories each day means gaining an unwanted 4.5kg (10lbs) each year and showing visually what 100 calories looks like was seen as a positive, theyadded.

The PHA confirmed that this is a re-run of a previous campaign, and will be shown on TV, radio and outdoor advertising.

The PHA was established in 2009 under the health and social care body in Northern Ireland, to oversee a major reform of health infrastructure in the region.

On their website they say their purpose is to: Protect and improve the health and social wellbeing of our population and reduce health inequalities through strong partnerships with individuals, communities and other key public, private and voluntary organisations.

Similar campaigns run by Public Health England have previously been criticised: in January 2018 a campaign was criticised after encouraging parents to only give children snacks with fewer than than 100 calories.

If you have been affected by any of the issues mentioned in this article, you can contact the following organisations for support: the BEAT helpline on0808 801 0677 or Mind on 0300 123 3393.

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Im gobsmacked: Government criticised for calorie-shaming weight loss poster - The Independent

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How to lose weight while you sleep with these 5 bedtime drinks – The Sun

Posted: February 13, 2020 at 12:43 am

WOULDN'T it be great if weight loss was so straight forward that you could even do it in your sleep?

Well, it kind of is.


One easy way you can improve the quality of your sleep and boost your weight loss is by sipping on certain beverages before you hit the hay.

In particular, they can help your body blitz fat, especially around your belly, and lower stress levels.

Here, we take you through the five best drinks that will help you maximise weight loss while you sleep and get more zzzs too...

A glass of milk can help you get shut eye because it's brimming with calcium and something called tryptophan.

Experts say calcium helps the brain to use the amino acid tryptophan to create the substance melatonin, which is well known for inducing sleep.

On top of this, high levels of calcium consumption can help to get rid of body fat, especially around the tummy area.

A 2010 study, carried out by researchers from the University of Negev, Israel, even claimed that drinking just two glasses of milk each day will help you lose weight.

They found that adults who drank the most milk almost two glasses a day and had the highest vitamin D and calcium levels, lost an average of almost 12lb after two years.

Chamomile tea is often nicknamed the "sleepy tea" for a reason.

It's been used for centuries as a sleep aid, thanks to healing ingredients like apigenin and bisabolol.

In particular, the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians all used chamomile as a dressing for wounds to help them heal quicker.

Nowadays, it's known to help soothe muscle spasms, which makes it the ideal pre-bed drink.

It can also help to ease belly cramps, IBS, indigestion and gas.

Drinking a small glass of 100 per cent grape juice before bed can apparently help you blitz body fat while you sleep.

Research has claimed eating or drinking simple carbs, which are found in grape juice, triggers insulin secretion at night.

Insulation regulates the bodys circadian rhythms - the 24-hour cycles that dictate everything from when we feel sleepy to when our immune cells are most active.

Plus, grapes are packed with antioxidants which convert calories storing white fat, into calorie burning brown fat.

Many people think soy protein shakes are just for weightlifters in the gym - however they are also perfect for slimmers.

This is because soy in milk or protein power form is packed full with the amino acid tryptophan.

Tryptophan is said to decrease cortisol levels in people which which helps bust fat.

Even though metabolism slows down when you sleep, it still keeps working, and your protein shake will be digested and absorbed as youre getting to sleep.

Kefir is a milky, yogurt-like drink made from fermented milk.

It holds a lot of the same health benefits as milk, and is a good source of calcium and protein.

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However it also holds some additional benefits, such as probiotics.

These "friendly bacteria" are known for helping to ease the symptoms of IBS and reducing bloating and digestive distress.

The drink also helps to improve your sleep and enhance your exercise performance.

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How to lose weight while you sleep with these 5 bedtime drinks - The Sun

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The newest Hollywood nutrition cleanse arrives in the UAE – Arab News

Posted: February 13, 2020 at 12:41 am

DUBAI: Its a new year and theres a new diet on the horizon, this one comes with a string of A-list fans includingJennifer Anniston, Gwyneth Paltrow, Eva Longoria and Kate Hudson, and it claims to leave you feeling younger, as well as lighter. You could be forgiven for rolling your eyes and returning to your morning croissant but hang on a minute, this fast mimicking diet might actually be something to sink your teeth into.

The ProLon 5-day meal plan not only promises weight loss, to lower cholesterol and inflammation and reduce the risk of diabetes and obesity, it also offers the promise of rejuvenation and anti-ageing. As with any new nutrition plan, always consult your doctor before considering a change in you diet.

Prolonged fasting is different to intermittent fasting as it goes beyond weight loss, explained Dr. Joseph Antoun, CEO and Chairman of L-Nutra Inc, owners of ProLon. After day three of full fasting, the body goes into crisis and starts asking the cells to use fat and debris as nourishment which forces the cells to clean up and rejuvenate and biologically get younger, which is important to live longer and healthier.

But this meal plan has a mixture of plant-based soups, shakes, energy bars, supplements and snacks, with 1100 calories on day one and then around 800 calories thereafter, how can it have the same effect as fasting?

According to the company behind the product, Its the combination and timing of the food that goes undetected by the cells food sensors, they dont register as being satisfied and are lead to believe that the body is actually fasting.

The meal plan, which will set you back $300 for the five days, was established in the US in November 2016. (Shutterstock)

The most important factor is the formulation and combination of the carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats (macros) and what time of the day theyre ingested rather than the calorie count, said Antoun, who recently attended Arab Health at Dubais World Trade Centre to launch the product.

What took the millions of dollars of research is finding sequences of macros that actually could be ingested at the 800-calorie level and still not trigger the food signals.

Well, five days seem manageable, but what happens after that? If you dont have weight or metabolic issues and are doing it for the rejuvenation benefits then we recommend doing it three or four times a year, Antoun noted. If you are overweight or obese do it once a month for three months, and eat a Mediterranean or pescatarian diet in between, one thats in line with the right calorie amount for your BMI, gender and goals. Continue to add in ProLon once every three months until you reach your goal weight.

The meal plan, which will set you back $300 for the five days, was established in the US in November 2016 and launched in the UK and Europe followed before L-Nutra set eyes on the Middle East for the 2020 launch. The Middle East has five out of the 20 countries with the highest rate of obese and overweight people in the world, explained Antoun. And the UAE is always a pioneering country in the region so it was a natural next step to launch here, the region is also interested in the rejuvenation and anti-ageing elements.

But will the region take to the plant-based element? ProLon is a five-day only diet and the first time youll ever get such short and effective diet, said Antoun. The plant-based penetration isnt high in the region but five days is totally doable. It needed to be plant-based to be effective.

For his part, Dr. Nasr Al-Jafari,medical director and functional medicine doctor atDNA Health Centerin Dubai said thatmany clients are now focusing on gut health and paying attention to potential food sensitivities and implementing elimination plans to help lose weight.

Reassuringly, some people have begun to realize that its not just about what youre eating that matters, its just as important to consider meal timings (circadian rhythm) and frequency (fasting). These are two additional nutritional levers that are key to addressing weight loss.

He went on to give his opinion on the new plan.

We often employ fasting mimicking techniques as an alternative to pure water fasting (i.e. just water and non-calorific liquids allowed herbal tea, black coffee). A popular approach has been the 5-day Fasting Mimicking Diets (FMD). This is a scientifically backed dietary plan which yields many of the proven health benefits of true fasting, including weight loss.

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Is the keto diet everything it’s cracked up to be? – Good Food

Posted: February 13, 2020 at 12:41 am

For a short while there, the keto diet seemed to be taking the world by storm.Widely touted for promoting rapid weight loss, the high-fat, low-carb food plan gained enormous attentionfrom media, celebrities and health professionals alike.

While many devotees still swear by the keto diet, some dietitians and researchers have started questioningits long-term benefits, potentially jeopardising its popularity and credibility.

The ketogenic diet was originally developed about a century ago as a therapeutic treatment for people with epilepsy and has since been used to help treat otherconditions including depression, anxiety, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's.

Over the years, the Atkins andpaleo diets have also popularised similar low-carb eating plans.

The typical keto diet restrictscarbohydratesto just 5-10 per cent of daily energyintake, coupled with a much higher fat intake.

The low carb intake is intended to sendyour body into a metabolic state called ketosis, meaning your body becomes highly efficient in burning fat as its energy source, rather than glucose (sugar).

People are starting to realise the difficulties and danger associated with adhering to the diet long-term.

While this sounds fantastic in theory, the diet may be difficult to maintain in the long term and research suggests that, despite some indications it can lead to fat loss and lowerblood sugar and insulin levels, it may harm health over time.

Sydney accredited practising dietitian Bronwen Greenfield welcomesthe recent scrutiny ofthe keto diet, saying people need to be aware of the lack of evidence supporting its use.

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"A lot of the evidence supporting the benefits of the diet is largely limited to therapeutic use for specific health conditions [such as epilepsy]," shesays.

"In other words, there is little evidence around to suggest that the diet is successful in otherwise healthy individuals."

Greenfield believes too many people overlookthe risks of the diet and concentrate on its potential to offer a "quick fix" to weight gain.

"The keto diet undeniably results in short-term weight loss," she says.

"This is because it's cutting out so many foods, which then results in a reduction in total caloric intake.

"The depletion of liver and muscle glycogen stores, and thus water, also results in a quick loss of weight."

But it's important to remember that these are only short-term results, Greenfield says: "The key to long-term fat loss is an eating pattern that is sustainable over time."

Last year, Google Trends recorded a 75 per cent decline in Australian searches for the term "keto", before increasing again in thenew year,suggesting people still regardketo as a short-term fix to ditch holiday weight.

One recent blow to the diet's popularity came after the US News & World Report, which publishes rankings across education and healthcare,evaluated 35 of the most popular diets around the world and listed keto as the worst for healthy eating out of all of the diets considered.

The list evaluated each diet's nutritional completeness, ease of maintaining, potential for long- and short-term weight loss, safety, and possible side effects.

Keto ranked poorly dueto the difficulty of maintaining the diet, and the fact it restricts essential food groups such as wholegrains, fruit and vegetables. The only category it received a strong result in was its ability to achieve fast weight loss.

Greenfield says these results highlight significant concerns around the healthfulness of the diet.

"I think any diet that omits a number of key food groups should be avoided, predominantly because it makes it difficult to stick to long-term," she says.

"Studies investigating the keto diet have begun to reveal the high drop-out rates, and people are starting to realise the difficulties and danger associated with adhering to the diet long-term."

The severely restrictive nature of the diet means the body is often not obtaining adequate nutrient-dense foods such as fruit, wholegrains and vegetables, Greenfield says.

"[These are] rich sources of a variety of antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals," she says.

Lack of fibre is also an issue,which can lead toconstipation, increase the risk of bowel cancer, and limit prebiotic fibre.

By starving the gut microbiome of essential nutrients such as carbs and fibre, the changes to gut health can harmdigestion, hormone balance,and even mental health.

Greenfield questions the high fat content of the keto diet, too.

Much of the total energy intake comes from fat, and while it's possible to modify the diet to place a focus on healthy fats such as extra virgin olive oil, nuts, seeds, oily fish and avocado, much of the emphasis is on foods high in saturated fats such as bacon, cream and butter,she says, saying this canincreasebad cholesterol levels.

While there is still much we have to learn about the keto diet,existing studies suggest itslong-term effects may harmthe body's metabolism, inflammation levels and fat stores.

One recent papersuggests while the keto diet may offer some short-term benefits, these couldbe outweighed by other risks in the longer term.The study, conducted on mice and published by researchers at Yale University in January inNature Metabolism,discovered that after a week keto's benefits begin to wane.

Essentially, the keto diet tricks the body into burning fat as fuel and reduces glucose levels, causing the body to behave as though it's in a starvation state. After a week, the study showed a reduction in blood sugar levels and inflammation, but any longer than a week saw the mice consuming more fat than they could burn, and starting to develop obesity and diabetes.This is owing to the body acting in survival mode, which means it is storing fat, while simultaneously using it as a fuel source.

Accredited practising dietitian Michelle Gale says the Yale study provides much-needed insight into the health effects of the keto diet and the potential risks it poses, however she recommends caution when applying these findings to humans.

"The physiological differences between mice and humans means we cannot guarantee the same effects or consequences," she says.

"We are unsure what these long-term health consequences might be, as there is simply not enough human-based evidence at the moment.A stronger evidence base of human clinical trials is needed to confirm these findings and determine the long-term safety of the ketogenic diet in healthy individuals."

Gale also says it's possible theketo diet may work for some people and not others.

"The success of a keto diet for weight loss comes down to compliance," she says.

"For the body to switch into ketosis and result in weight loss, total energy intake must be reduced and carbohydrate intake must be limited to only 20-50g per day, which equates to just two slices of bread, half a cup of rice or one large apple."

"There can also be unpleasant side effects that will reduce compliance, such as fatigue, headaches, bad breath, nausea and constipation. Following the ketogenic diet can have a negative impact on [people's] social life as well, as drastic lifestyle changes are often required."

Gale says there has been conflicting evidence to suggest that low carbohydrate diets are linked to increased mortality, but there is no consensus on the topic, and more research required to confirm these findings.

Like Greenfield, Gale says ketogenic diets tend to restrict important food groups as well as fibre, potentially leading to nutrient deficiencies and increasing the risk of bowel cancer.

To reduce the potential risks,it is important to ensure you're getting adequate nutrients. One way to do this is to try ketofor a very short period of time, such as the week outlined by theYale study, followed by the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in vegetables,fruits, herbs, nuts, beans and wholegrains.

"Mild" keto - a less restrictive version of the keto diet - also allows for a higher plant intake, increased gut diversity, and healthy weight loss without depriving the body of nutrients, offering a safer, lower-risk option.

Gale says while it is possible to follow the keto diet safely for a short period of time,she recommends speaking with a health professionalbefore starting.

"They can tailor a diet to your individual needs and monitor your progress closely to prevent nutrient deficiencies and unwanted side effects," she says.

In the same study by the US News & World Report, the Mediterranean diet was ranked the best overall diet, best plant-based diet, and the easiest diet to follow.

"I think the Mediterranean diet is an excellent example of a healthy, balanced diet that is relatively easy to follow," Greenfield says.

Research continues to grow in support of the Mediterranean diet's beneficial effects on obesity, cardiovascular health, metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes.

It has stood the test of time, Greenfield says, placing emphasis on foods we should include more of - wholegrains, fruit, vegies, beans, legumes, nuts, olive oil, fish and seafood - rather than on what we should restrict or remove.

"This is really important from a healthy mindset and long-term sustainability perspective," she says.

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Is The Dieting Fad Of Intermittent Fasting More Helpful Or Harmful To The Body? – ED Times

Posted: February 13, 2020 at 12:41 am

Every New Year, people get hyped up for a new beginning full with new resolutions. Weight loss is always among the top resolutions each year. Among the methods, the method of intermittent fasting has been all the rage for the past couple of years.

Its been popularized by numerous magazines, bloggers and YouTubers as a foolproof method to weight loss. It could also be a potential cure for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, insomnia, even cancer and Alzheimers disease,as said in various magazines and books.

The New England Journal of Medicine links fasting to increased stress resistance, increased longevity and a decreased incidence of diseases, including cancer and obesity.

If you do a quick search online, there is a ton of benefits to fasting. Some say it can promote autophagy which is a process that is the bodys way of cleaning out damaged cells, in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells.

But how to do it? Is it safe for everyone to try and how does it work? We have all the answers for you.

Here is everything you need to know about intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is a form of modified or smart fasting. It involves eating during a specific time window and fasting for the remaining hours each day.

The common belief is, this method works by going in sync with the bodys circadian rhythm or the internal clock.

There are no restrictions on the amount of food that can be consumed during the eating period. The no restrictions method helps with maintaining the diet.

There are two methods to build this diet method. The first one is commonly known as the 5:2 method, where you eat for five days of the week and fast for two. But two days of starving does not sound as appealing.

The daily and the most popular method is called the 16:8 method where you fast for at least 16 hours per day and eat in the other 8.

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Time-restricted fasting limits the calory intake primarily to waking hours. The effects of the fast occurs during the sleeping period. This is an easier fasting pattern for those people who do not snack after dinner or eat breakfast as soon as they wake up or skip meals anyway.

Theres no scientific evidence that intermittent fasting guarantees weight loss. Intermittent fasting is not a specific diet. It is more of a lifestyle change. Its not sustainable for the long term.

There is definitely a link between intermittent fasting and weight loss. But the success of the method lies on the fact that fasting means less food and less food means less calories. This is a mere trick of the mind rather than a full fledged diet change.

Although there are no particular harms known of fasting other than the pain of starvation. But it will cost more if done recklessly.

Intermittent fasting and its effects vary from person to person. People interested in intermittent fasting must consult a doctor before trying it.

Health experts say intermittent fasting is unnecessary for children, people on medications and people with a history of eating disorders.

Sources Diet Doctor, Healthline

Image Sources Google Images

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Is The Dieting Fad Of Intermittent Fasting More Helpful Or Harmful To The Body? - ED Times

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You Got This: Mums incredible $33k plastic surgery makeover | Photo –

Posted: February 13, 2020 at 12:41 am

Welcome to You Got This, weekly slice of fitness inspiration featuring tips and advice from real women whove experienced it all.

When Celeste Rodwell went to her plastic surgery consultation last year she never felt more naked.

It took a lot of courage for me to attend the examination because I felt really exposed about what Id been hiding under my clothes, she told

After losing an incredible 50 kilos, the mother-of-two from Newcastle, NSW, had been left with excess skin that made her ashamed to look in the mirror.

But fast-forward to today and Ms Rodwell says she feels like a new person after spending $33,000 on plastic surgery to help her achieve her new body.

After struggling for years to lose weight, Ms Rodwell made the decision to undergo absolutely life-changing gastric sleeve surgery 16 months ago.

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I was a really young mum, my daughter was quite a large baby she was a 12 pound (5.4kg) baby so being so young that had a huge impact on my body, she said.

Over the years her weight gain coupled with a difficult past relationship had impacted her mental health, leaving her confidence nearly non-existent.

I decided I wanted to be able to look in the mirror and love my reflection, Ms Rodwell said.

After the surgery and following a careful diet and exercise regimen, the Lorna Jane store manager was able to go from a size 18 and weighing 115 kilos to a size eight and 65 kilos.

But despite losing an astounding amount of weight, Ms Rodwell was heartbroken by how her body looked.

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After losing almost half my body weight the impact that it left on my body was absolutely devastating, she said.

I felt so deflated incredibly proud to have lost the weight, but still not where I wanted to be.

I didnt feel comfortable in clothing and shopping was really difficult. It was really impacting my mental health, because what I was feeling on the inside wasnt mirrored on the outside despite doing all this hard work.

With the encouragement of her 18-year-old daughter who helped her realise she had the power to change how she looked, Ms Rodwell decided to take control.

She decided to start looking into her plastic surgery options, settling on Hunter Plastic Surgerys Dr Nicholas Moncrieff during an emotional consultation in which the vulnerable mum stripped out of her clothes to show her excess skin.

At that stage my surgeon could probably see my distress, because I do remember him saying to me, Its going to be OK, Ill fix you, Ms Rodwell recalled.

I just literally cried my eyes out, because thats all I wanted to hear.

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Three months ago Ms Rodwell went under the knife for a nine hour procedure that included an extended tummy tuck, muscle repair and full body liposuction.

She also got her bust reduced from a G cup to a DD as well as a breast lift.

The procedures cost Ms Rodwell $33,000 but to her the dollar factor is absolutely nothing compare to how she feels today.

Im a completely different person, she said.

When I look back at those pictures a few short weeks ago I dont feel like I know that person. That person was so insecure, introverted no photos, no nothing.

Now life is completely different. The quality of day-to-day living, being able to hold my head high and be proud of who I am and who I see in the mirror is priceless.

If youve got a transformation story youd like to share, get in touch with

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Want to get flat abs fast? Add these 2 foods to your lunch to hit your weight loss goals – Times Now

Posted: February 13, 2020 at 12:41 am

Want to get flat abs fast? Add these 2 foods to your lunch to hit your weight loss goals  |  Photo Credit: Getty Images

New Delhi: Do you feel like the scale isnt moving the way you want despite making your best efforts to shed those extra pounds? Chances are you could be indulging in this seemingly innocuous habit (eating wrong foods) that may be hampering your weight loss journey. While theres no single food that can spot train stubborn belly fat, making smart choices can make it easier for you to get leaner.

Fortunately, there are many foods that can help improve your gut health and have a positive impact on your weight loss. Here are two super healthy foods you should include in your lunch to reduce belly fat by increasing satiety and supporting digestive health. They are delicious and easy to incorporate into your diet.

Beans and legumes: Adding lentils, kidney beans, black beans, and some others to your lunch can be extremely beneficial when trying to lose weight. They are high protein and fibre - the two nutrients that have been shown to promote satiety and reduce overall calorie intake. These foods also contain some resistant starch that may increase feelings of fullness and help you eat less. Also, studies on the effects of dietary pulse consumption on body weight suggested that diets that included pulses resulted in dramatic greater weight loss than those that did not.

Leafy greens:They are low in calories and carbohydrates but high in nutrients, fibre and antioxidants shown to reduce several health problems. Kale, spinach, collards and swiss chards are a great addition to your weight loss diet - you can include them in your lunch/dinner. They are high in vitamins, minerals, including calcium, which has been linked to improved fat burning in some studies.

Making healthier food choices when selecting and preparing meals can go a long way on your journey toward better health. A balanced diet along with regular exercise can help you get that perfectly-toned body and stay healthy.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.

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Want to get flat abs fast? Add these 2 foods to your lunch to hit your weight loss goals - Times Now

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Hiring a CrossFit Coach Helped This Guy Lose 100 Pounds and Build Serious Strength – Men’s Health

Posted: February 13, 2020 at 12:41 am

Johnathan Headley was tired. Tired of feeling out of breath as he walked off the stage after leading a service as a worship pastor.

He was tired of feeling frustrated that he couldnt keep up with 4-year-olds when he coached his sons soccer team. And he was tired of wondering whether hed be able to stand back up if he climbed onto the floor to play with his two kids.

At 6-foot-1 and 377 lbs. at his heaviestand on medication for high blood pressureHeadley had tried diets before, and he had tried the gym thing too many times, he explained. Usually Id last maybe six weeks, but never saw results, so then Id quit, he said.

Last spring, it occurred to him the problem might be that he needed to stop trying to do it alone. I knew I needed help and it was one of those moments where I felt like, This could be it, if I can find someone to provide accountability. I knew I couldnt do it on my own anymore, he said.

Then a friend told Headley about coach Philip Tabor at CrossFit Coordinate in Cary, North Carolina. Headley met with Tabor in June 2019, and something clicked for him right away.

There was something about (my meeting with Tabor) that gave me hope and a feeling of possibility, Headley said. Something Philip said was I needed to find a selfish reason to do this. I had been hearing for years, Do it for your kids. Do it for your wife, but it needed to hit a place where I mattered enough that I was worth doing this for me.

And that was that: Headley committed himself to working out five days a week and completely changing his diet. The next day, he stopped going to McDonalds or Wendys once or twice a day and started cooking meals at home. He eliminated bread and pasta and sugar and began eating mostly vegetables, fruits and lean protein. Most of the time, he intermittent fasts.

Within one month, he was down 22 lbs., which gave him the motivation he needed to stick with it. Twenty two pounds soon became 30, and 30 became 40. Fast forward to January 2020, and Headley is down 95 lb. since the day he started with Tabor and weighed in at 367 lbs., and 105 lbs. since his all-time heaviest of 377 lbs.

I got rid of 80 percent of my closet. Everything was a 3XL, and I just put on a size large peacoat the other day, which is crazy, he said. Further, his doctor took him off his blood pressure medication in October 2019, as his blood pressure has completely normalized.

Though Headley is stoked about the weight loss, and amazed he can do things he never thought hed be able to, such as deadlift 440 lbs., the best part is how his renewed health has trickled into all the other important aspects of his life, he explained.

I didnt just change by working out and eating better. I changed everything. I go to bed at 10:15 (p.m.) now and get up at 6 a.m., so I find myself more rested. And I no longer experience the energy low in the afternoon, said Headley, who used to go to bed at 2:30 a.m.

Also, I can pay so much more attention to things, and am so much more present and more productive, he said. Meanwhile, his recovery has improved, and his joints no longer pop all the time. Most important, though, is how his entire family has been affected.

It drove my wife nuts how much I ate out, and how much Id take my son to eat out, but now we cook pretty much everything at home, he said. Were all locked in together now, eating healthy together. Were all more active and feel better, and I can get down on the floor and play with my kids now, he said. All of this makes for a happier person, a better husband and a better dad, Headley explained.

Im taking better care of myself, so it means I treat my kids better, and am better at my job. It really has trickled into all areas of my life. Even things like, I just bought a waterpik. I didnt floss enough so I invested in a waterpik and its helping. So just little things like that, which I wouldnt have done before, are helping me be my best self, and it means everything around me is better too, he said.

And I dont know that Ill ever eat at McDonalds again, he added. Though Headley deserves the credit for putting in the work and making the hard changes in these recent months, he is adamant he would never have done it without Tabors help.

Having someone in my corner helping me, a coach guiding me, has been immensely important. I tried doing it for 15 years on my own and couldnt, he said. Thus, Headley urges others who find themselves in a similar situation to do the same.

Get help and invest in yourself, he said. Youre worth the effort and the trying. And on the other side of it, its worth being stringent. Its worth doing it even though its hard, to feel better about yourself. So be worth the time, and be worth investing in yourself.

This story was originally published on BarBend. Read the original post here.

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Hiring a CrossFit Coach Helped This Guy Lose 100 Pounds and Build Serious Strength - Men's Health

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‘I Was The Person Who Used Waist Trainers And Fat BurnersThen I Lost 80 Pounds With The 80/20 Rule And Lifting’ – msnNOW

Posted: February 13, 2020 at 12:41 am

Courtesy At 208 pounds and facing high cholesterol, Danissa Morris decided to start following the 80/20 diet and weight lifting to lose 80 pounds and keep it off.Editors note: The opinions in this article are the authors, as published by our content partner, and do not necessarily represent the views of Microsoft News or Microsoft. MSN Food Voices features first-person essays and stories from diverse points of view. Click here to see more Voices content from MSN Lifestyle, Health, Travel and Food.

My name is Danissa (Nissa) Morris (@bodybynissa), and I am 29 years old. I'm from Indianapolis, Indiana, and I am a personal trainer and patient care technician. After a routine doctor's visit that revealed I was facing health issues because of my weight, I decided to change my diet and start working out consistently at the gym I worked at. I've now lostand kept off80 pounds.

I've struggled with my weight my entire life. I had always wanted to be thin, or smaller than I was. Throughout my teenage years I had body-image issues. As I got older I couldn't fit into certain clothes that I wanted to wear, and I wore big baggy things to hide my belly and extra fluff. I felt terrible. I had no limit with eating. I would eat and eat until I was stuffed to capacity, day in and day out. But about four to five years ago, I decided to make a change.

The doctor informed me that my cholesterol was sky high, and that I would need medicine if I did not make a change. I cried in the car, at home, and all day the next day. And the worst part about all of this is that I worked at a gym. I was the heaviest one working at the front desk, but I also ate fast food everyday while being there. Enough was enough! I decided to utilize my free membership and change my life.

I competed in my first fitness competition in 2016, and that was honestly the key in learning exactly what proper nutrition and clean-eating can do. When I did not know a lot about fitness and nutrition, I ate a lot of prepackaged healthy foods and had no idea how to read a nutrition label. I had to learn all about nutrient-dense foods, and proper amounts of macronutrients. It took a while, but now I structure my meals with a protein, a carb, a healthy fat, and *plenty* of veggies. I stick to the 80/20 rule, and adjust my macronutrients as I go.

Breakfast: 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg, oats, fruit (grapefruit, apple, or blueberries).

Lunch: Baked chicken, or fish with asparagus, brown rice or sweet potato.

Snacks: Rice cakes with peanut butter, almonds, tuna.

Dinner: A protein source with a veggie OR breakfast for dinner! I love a whole grain English muffin with eggs and turkey bacon.

Dessert: When I do decide to indulge, its either on chocolate chip cookies, or some sort of pastry.

I split which muscle groups I focus on (usually chest/triceps, back/biceps, legs/glutes, shoulders, and another leg/glute day). And I do cardio a minimum of twice a week.

Change 1: My diet. Nutrition is king, and by sticking to eating nutrient-dense foods at least 80 percent of the time, I noticed my body change drastically and the weight came off and *stayed* off.

Change 2: I stayed consistent in the gym. When I first started working out, I would only go when I felt like it and I had no structure. I now keep a solid plan of action every single time I go to work out. Also, I stopped doing so much cardio. I would *constantly* go straight to the treadmill and do cardio for hours. It wasnt until I started lifting weights properly that I noticed my body composition really started to change.

Change 3: I stopped rushing the process. I began my journey trying any and every shortcut out there. I tried fat burners, shakes, and waist trainers. I wanted to get in shape as fast as possible, and this was a big mistake that only hindered me. It wasnt until I learned that patience and consistency is the only winner in the end. I had to slow down and take it a day at a time. It takes pure dedication and what works for everyone else may not work for you.

I want women to know that weight loss takes time, and you need to love yourself in every stage. No matter where you currently stand, love yourself regardless. I struggled with body dysmorphia after I lost a substantial amount of weight. I was constantly nit-picking and finding something wrong with my body. I was never satisfied with my progress. Not only is this unhealthy, its a form of self-hate that can turn into toxic cycles and desperate measures. Be patient and remember that this is YOUR journey.

It is okay to use someone else for motivation at times, but never compare yourself or hold yourself to anyone elses standards. Fall in love with yourself and your journey. By changing my entire mindset and lifestyle, I'm happier than ever before.

Video: Could intermittent fasting help you live longer? (Buzz60)


'I Was The Person Who Used Waist Trainers And Fat BurnersThen I Lost 80 Pounds With The 80/20 Rule And Lifting' - msnNOW

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The Elliptical vs. the Treadmill: Which Is Better for You? – msnNOW

Posted: February 13, 2020 at 12:41 am

Getty Images Let's put an end to the great debate. Here's every pro and con you need to know about treadmills and ellipticals so you can decide which is best for you.

Ever notice that cardio has a certain sound to it?

Walk into any big box gym and you'll probably hear the huffs and puffs of heavy breathing, the whirring and purring of cardio machines lots of cardio machines. We're talking: treadmills, ellipticals, stair machines, rowers, and potentially others. Today, there are so many options for stationary aerobic training, you can waist a lot of time getting lost in the noise, wondering which machine you should choose for your workout.

So to help you make a decision, we are going to compare two of the most common machines around: the treadmill and the elliptical.

Both are decent tools to improve your aerobic fitness (hello, happy heart and happy lungs!) but each come with their own set of pros and cons. Here's everything you need to know about the treadmill and the elliptical so that you can decide what's best for you on any given day.

This device features a moving conveyor belt that allows you to walk, jog, or run in place. On most treadmills, you can control the speed, the incline, track your distance, pace and even program interval training.

Running, jogging, or walking on this machine will mainly target your lower body. Sprinting is really effective in tightening up your core as well. So if you hit a tough treadmill workout, look for the burn in your calves, glutes, hamstrings, quads, and abs.

This machine is awesome for avid runners and racers who want to avoid training in adverse weather. Because treadmills are so advanced nowadays, you can accurately track mileage, monitor your pace, and set your goals.

If you aren't into hour-long runs, you can easily create a shorter HIIT workout by choosing your intervals and rest times. High intensity interval training that lasts anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes can be really effective for anyone with endurance or weight loss goals.

Treadmills are a useful tool to control your pace and push your speed. Because the velocity of the conveyor belt is generated by the machine and not your own horsepower, bumping up that MPH will force you to try to keep up and to get used to running fast. This may be tougher to do if you're outside trying to challenge yourself on your own.

While you're on the treadmill, you can also focus on working on your running form without the high impact of running on concrete or similar surfaces. However, just know that perfecting your natural running form on treadmills is limited. Since that conveyor belt is doing some of the work to propel you forward, the muscles in your legs and feet don't have to engage as much to get you going. If you can swing it, outdoor running is ideal for doing drills and mastering form since treadmill running can cause some people to shorten their gait.

Even if running isn't your no. 1 hobby, this machine is still really effective in strengthening your lower body. This is especially true if you're running on an incline. While running on a treadmill will not replace the overall strength and power gains of weighted squats or lunges, it's still a great way to challenge your legs' endurance.

This is not the best machine to use if you are dealing with an ankle, knee, or hip injury. While running on a treadmill puts less stress on your joints than, say, running running on the sidewalk, it's still better to take the load off and find a cardio option that is less weight-bearing. Biking, swimming, or the elliptical (which we will address below) are all great low-impact options.

To sum everything up:

This machine looks like it's built for stationary cross country skiing in the sense that it has two foot holders to place your feet as well as two pole-like handles to grab on to. The locomotion on the elliptical is different, however. While your arms pump the handles back and forth, your feet cycle in the shape of an ellipses that's where the word "elliptical" comes from. You can go forward and backward on this machine. You can also increase the resistance to force your muscles to work harder. Only some ellipticals allow you to change the incline.

The elliptical targets your hamstrings, quads, glutes, and many of the muscles of the lower body. If you push and pull the handles, this machine can work on your arm and upper back muscles. Because the elliptical engages the upper body, it can provide more of a full body workout than the treadmill. You can also use the machine hands free to work that core even more.

The elliptical is an excellent low-impact cardio option for overtrained, achy joints. It's not as much of a weight-bearing exercise as running is. So if you need a break from other high impact activities, this machine might be a great alternative.

Video: Calorie counters on treadmills and ellipticals aren't as accurate as you may think (Business Insider)


Since you are able to move backwards on the elliptical, its great for isolating your hamstrings and your glutes

Running backwards is hard to do on a treadmill, particularly at a fast pace. So if you're looking to tone up your buns during your cardio session, the elliptical might be your machine of choice. You can also perform HIIT workouts on the elliptical, making it a good tool for someone who has weight loss goals.

The elliptical is not the best option for functional training. In other words, rarely in life or in (most) sports do you move the way you do on an elliptical. If your goal is to become a better at what many fitness experts called "functional" movements like running, jumping, throwing, squatting, pivoting, lunging, etc. solely training on this machine will not be very effective. But if you are training for the Elliptical Cycling World Championships, by all means, go for it.

If you are looking to log your mileage, the elliptical is not very useful especially if you're using different machines. Not all ellipticals are created equally. The amount of work that it will take to complete a mile on one device could be different on another.

And while it's awesome that the elliptical doesn't put as much stress on your joints, this does mean that it doesn't have the capacity to strengthen your leg muscles as much as the treadmill. So if you are looking for more strength gains, running is your best bet.

To wrap it up:

Honestly, both the treadmill and the elliptical can be really effective tools. It depends on what you are training for, how your body feels on that particular training day, what training data you need, and what movement you most enjoy. Use those parameters as a rubric to help you decide which machine is best for you and go from there.

If you're not very particular, use both and mix it up from time to time! While the amount of cardio tech out there may feel overwhelming, know at least that we've got all of these great options to keep us entertained.

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The Elliptical vs. the Treadmill: Which Is Better for You? - msnNOW

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