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Staying Alive: The weight-ing is the hardest part – Bent County Democrat
Posted: February 3, 2020 at 3:50 pm
(Editor's note: This is a new series about the effort to stay young in the face of growing older.)
While time waits for no one, the pounds most certainly do.
One of the downsides of aging is the convergence of slowing metabolism, hormonal changes, increased stress and less time for recreation that conspire to keep unwanted pounds hanging around.
According to a review published by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the aging process can see from one to two pounds gained each year. Now, multiply that by say 10 years, and, well, you will find yourself in the same unwelcome boat as yours truly.
Mirroring life itself, the tale of my waistline and body weight has been a virtual rollercoaster.
After losing 100 pounds at age 16, two years as a college football placekicker saw most of that return. But once my gridiron career ended, I slimmed down to 180, with, amazingly, a 30-inch waistline.
Which, unfortunately, required a near-starvation diet to maintain.
By my mid-20s, my weight had stabilized at just under 200, a coveted mark I was able to effortlessly maintain through regular workouts, sensible eating and, most importantly, a rapid metabolism for at least two decades.
And then at 45, all the bad stuff hit the fan.
Although I continued to dedicate at least 40 minutes a day to cardiovascular activity, and didn't exactly give into extravagant dining a luxury reserved only for the 14 residents of the Pompia feline colony little by little, the pounds crept on me.
And I was the last to notice.
I was, for the most part, able to disregard the frequent "Are you putting on weight?" comments, attributing them to uncouthness on the part of acquaintances. Much more difficult to overlook was the fact that I had to replace my entire wardrobe with 44-inch pants and 2XL shirts.
Once I had to start browsing the "46-inch rack" at the thrift store, the proverbial scales fell of my eyes.
And the reality was beyond disheartening.
Despite daily exercise, and what I considered a prudent eating, I came to the realization that I was the complete opposite of a shadow of myself, with countless bulges and rolls I somehow failed to see sneaking up on me.
Even my face changed: jawline and cheeks once angular now jowly and flabby.
I avoided mirrors, being photographed and the scale with equal fervor, but there was no escaping the reality that, like the apostle Paul, this moment of clarity demanded transformative action.
About 10 years ago, in the aftermath of a similar but less substantial weight gain, I became a client at Dr. Maureen Key's New Look Solutions Medical Weight Loss and was able to do, for the first time in years, dip to around 200 pounds.
And there was no way these new unwanted pounds were going anywhere without help.
Taking advantage of a pre-holiday special, I signed up for three months of the New Look Solutions regimen in hopes of replicating that earlier triumph.
As every journey begins with a single step, my initial stride into the program, via the scale, was utterly traumatic.
267.6 pounds: an all time high that sent me to an all time low.
But it served as both a wake-up call and a rallying cry.
In the New Look Solutions program, clients are required to keep meticulous weekly logs of exactly what is eaten, and in what portions, for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Proteins are encouraged, as are non-starch vegetables and grains, with only a limited amount of fat and dairy.
In my case, I limited my diet to eggs, egg substitutes, tuna and turkey, vegetables, veggie patties, brown rice, protein and granola bars, and the occasional sprinkling of cheese, in various combinations, for the whole of the 12 weeks.
The occasional snacks were unsalted peanuts and beef jerky, with steamed white rice one of my few "cheat foods."
As part of the program, clients receive twice-weekly "fat burner" injections, which are essential to keeping one's energy level up and kick-starting the metabolism: a necessity, especially if one is going to increase cardiovascular activity while decreasing food intake.
For me, the centerpiece of the diet was Phentermine, a prescription-only appetite suppressant that is extremely powerful and as such, must only be taken under a doctor's supervision.
In the initial days of the diet, the effect of the medication was so strong that I had to remind myself to eat, and many times, I simply bypassed meals, as my once ravenous appetite was, joyfully, non existent.
But skipping meals, I quickly learned, is completely counterproductive to weight loss, as it slows the metabolism and actually leads to weight gain. As odd as it sounds, eating sometimes became an obligation, rather than a necessity.
The injections and Phentermine were supplemented by a twice-daily ingestion of a custom medication, Adrenal-X, which is designed to promote cortisol stability in the face of continual stress.
It's a bit ironic that it takes absolutely no effort to pack on the pounds but maximum determination to lose them. Even with the support and advice, the supplements, and what I considered staunch will power, the dieting had its taxing and difficult periods, and there were days, mostly on the weekends, when I truly struggled.
It was those times that led me to dread Friday: "weigh-in day" or as I referred to it, "the day of reckoning." I tried not to focus on the weekly result, instead keeping my eye on the finish-line tape.
The encouraging news is, though, that once those first few stubborn pounds go away, the rest seem to follow a bit more easily as the body readjusts to its new course.
Three months later, which included both the Thanksgiving and Christmas splurging seasons, my total loss was just under 30 pounds: a number I wasn't exactly ecstatic about but a figure Dr. Key and staff assured me was commendable. But, as I was gaining muscle while dropping fat, according to regular body mass index readings, the scale reading was of less importance to me than the inches that obviously went away and my overall improved well being.
I now look forward to donning shirts and pants that only weeks before were uncomfortably snug. My once depleted energy level continues on the upward trend, while knees and ankles that formerly ached under the unhealthy strain are now pain free.
And the "man, you look like you're ready for the offensive line" remarks have been replaced with, "Boy, you've lost a lot of weight."
But not enough.
Even though I am off, at least temporarily, the New Look Solutions program, I am continuing to limit my calorie intake while spending at least an hour every day in the gym.
Ideally, I would like to banish another 30 pounds, but in the meantime, I'm going to meticulously ensure that the 30 I was able to drop stay relegated to the wasteland, not the waistline.
Those who want to learn more about New Look Solutions Medical Weight Loss are invited to call 544-4405.
Twitter: @jpompia
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Staying Alive: The weight-ing is the hardest part - Bent County Democrat
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Eating disorders: Myths and facts – Medical News Today
Posted: February 3, 2020 at 3:50 pm
Many pervasive myths contribute to the stigma and prejudice that people with eating disorders can experience.
At least 30 million people in the United States have an eating disorder. Despite their prevalence, several myths and misconceptions about these conditions persist.
To understand more about eating disorders and to reduce prejudice, it is crucial to distinguish the myths from the facts.
In this article, we look at some of the most persistent myths about eating disorders and provide the facts that debunk them.
Fact: Eating disorders affect both sexes.
According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), 1 in 3 people who have an eating disorder are male. NEDA also note that in the U.S., 10 million males will experience an eating disorder at some point in their lives.
Furthermore, disordered eating behaviors such as binge eating and laxative abuse are almost as common among men as among women.
However, men are less likely than women to seek treatment for an eating disorder, which may help reinforce this particular myth.
Some men may not seek help precisely because they believe that people see these conditions as feminine.
Fact: Eating disorders affect people of all ages.
There is a belief that teenagers especially teenage girls are the group most at risk of eating disorders.
Although research indicates that the average age of onset for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa is 18 years, these disorders can develop at any age, including in childhood.
According to a study in the journal Pediatrics, the incidence and prevalence of eating disorders in children have risen significantly in recent decades. In some cases, children as young as 5 or 6 years of age are receiving eating disorder diagnoses.
Older adults can also have eating disorders. While some may develop a disorder later in life, others carry it from their childhood or teenage years into adulthood.
Fact: People develop eating disorders for a variety of reasons, but getting attention is not typically one of them.
Eating disorders do not begin as a conscious choice. Some people develop eating disorders as a way of coping with something negative in their life, such as trauma, bullying, or bereavement.
Other factors, including genetics and psychological health, also influence the development of an eating disorder.
Usually, people with an eating disorder try to hide their condition from others rather than use it to get attention. For example, people with anorexia may wear baggy clothing to hide their weight loss.
Fact: Eating disorders are a medical illness, not a choice.
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), eating disorders are biologically influenced medical conditions. They are not a choice but a collection of complex medical and psychiatric conditions.
Genetic, biological, and sociological factors play a role in the onset of eating disorders, and these conditions often run in families.
Those with an eating disorder often have a co-occurring mental health issue, such as:
Eating disorders affect a persons physical and mental health, and they can be life threatening.
Fact: Many people with an eating disorder are not underweight.
While the media appear to portray everyone with an eating disorder as being underweight, this is not the case. It is not possible to tell if someone has an eating disorder just by looking at them.
While some eating disorders typically cause weight loss, others do not. For example, the hallmark of binge eating disorder (BED) is periods of overeating without purging.
Some research indicates that approximately 70% of those who meet the criteria for BED have obesity.
Even when food restriction characterizes an eating disorder, it does not mean that everyone with the disorder will be underweight.
For example, it is possible to have atypical anorexia, which involves having the cognitive features and physical complications of the condition without being underweight.
This myth is particularly damaging because it may stop some people with an eating disorder from seeking treatment because they fear that they do not look unwell.
Fact: Eating disorders are not just about food.
Eating disorders are a mental health issue. They are not just about food.
Therefore, although forming healthful eating practices is an important component of recovery, it is not the only aspect of treatment.
People with an eating disorder may also need to work on any issues that contributed to the development of the disorder in the first instance.
In addition to a registered dietitian, a person may also see a psychotherapist to build their self-esteem, learn coping mechanisms and stress management techniques, and resolve any past trauma.
Fact: Full recovery from an eating disorder is possible.
With treatment, it is possible to make a full recovery from an eating disorder. Of those who do not make a full recovery, most will see an improvement in their condition.
According to Beat, a British charity for people with eating disorders, 46% of those with anorexia will make a full recovery, and another 33% will see an improvement in symptoms. Similarly, 45% of people with bulimia will make a full recovery, while another 27% will improve considerably.
Recovery time varies. Some people will get better quickly, whereas others may need more extended treatment.
Self-care, meal planning, and regular appointments with doctors and mental health professionals can help those in recovery avoid relapse.
People who think that they or a loved one may have an eating disorder should speak to their doctor. Doctors take eating disorders seriously, and they do not buy into the myths surrounding these conditions.
A doctor will help a person find the most appropriate combination of treatments for them.
The type of eating disorder and the persons health history and personal circumstances will determine the treatment plan.
Many myths about eating disorders persist. Knowing the facts can help people be more understanding and provide better support for people dealing with these serious conditions.
Eating disorders affect people of all sexes, ages, and body types. They can arise from a combination of genetic, psychological, and environmental factors.
Recovery from eating disorders is possible, and most people will see improvements with the right treatment.
The first step on the road to recovery is to see a doctor for a diagnosis.
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World Cancer Day 2020: Cancer instances increase quickly in kids, these 5 kinds of disease are typical, recognize symptoms – Sahiwal Tv
Posted: February 3, 2020 at 3:50 pm
World Cancer Day 2020: Cancer has actually emerged because the leading reason behind demise among youth conditions. Every 12 months, numerous young ones which range from newborn to 18 years tend to be dropping target to disease.
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Many times signs and symptoms of disease in kids arent right shown, because of that the recognition with this lethal infection is delayed.
->However, you can find methods, which, if considered, could be recognized quickly. Dr. Vikas Dua, Additional Director and HOD, Pediatric Hemotology, Oncology and Bonamaro Transplant of Fortis Memorial Research Institute, talked about four significant types of cancer and their particular signs in kids.
Acute leukemia
Leukemia is considered the most typical disease in kids. It generally captures young ones between two and four years old. Leukemia is a bone marrow, a cancer associated with bone tissue marrow. Three away from four instances of severe leukemia in kids with leukemia happen. There is just one continuing to be situation of severe myeloid leukemia.
Symptoms of leukemia: bone tissue and pain, exhaustion, weakness, bleeding, extended temperature, fat reduction.
Brain tumor
Brain tumors or tumors within the neurological system will be the 2nd significant disease in kids. There are various types of mind tumors and so they all have actually various therapy and therapy. Talking about mind tumors in kids, it begins through the reduced element of their particular mind. Although there was a significant difference in mind tumors happening in kids and grownups, signs and symptoms tend to be comparable.
Symptoms of mind tumors: stress (with early morning sickness), faintness, issues with stability, issues with witnessing, reading or talking, regular sickness.
The infection starts in newborns and incredibly small children with underdeveloped neurological cells. Mostly this infection takes place in kids below five years of age. This infection generally begins through the adrenal gland.
Symptoms of neuroblastoma: worsening of stability, improvement in eyes (keeping eyes wet), discomfort in various areas of the body.
Hypertension lymphoma, which begins from some cells associated with immune protection system, is named lymphocytes. This disease impacts tonsils such lymph nodes and lymphatic cells. It impacts the bone tissue marrow and body organs adversely. Also, based on the location where this disease is dispersing, in addition has actually various other signs.
Hodgkins lymphoma
However, the disease known as Hodgkins lymphoma doesnt take place in kids as much as five years. This types of disease is comparable in kids and grownups, even exact same treatment solutions are efficient on both.
Non-Hodgkins lymphoma: Non-Hodgkins lymphoma is available much more in small children than Hodgkins lymphoma. Yet this disease is hardly ever observed in young ones below three-years of age. The typical types with this disease differ between young ones and grownups.
Usually this disease develops quickly, because of which it requires instant severe therapy. However, remedy for this infection in kids provides greater results than grownups.
Symptoms of lymphoma: lymph nodes associated with neck and armpits, ie swelling of the lymph nodes, quick weight loss, temperature, evening sweats, weakness.(Input from company)
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World Cancer Day 2020: Cancer instances increase quickly in kids, these 5 kinds of disease are typical, recognize symptoms - Sahiwal Tv
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Grazing Bites: It’s that time of the year – Washington Times Herald
Posted: February 3, 2020 at 3:50 pm
This time of year, especially after you have shifted from grazing to fed feed such as hay or balage, you might start wondering why you have the number of livestock that you have. Life is short, some animals just need to grow some wheels. I said it recently, but Ill quote the late Gearld Fry again, "If you cull the ten percent you should be culling, the herd that's left is just that much better."
Its probably a good thing to question the number of grazing livestock you have, especially when you are feeding them stored and/or bought feed. I was at a meeting recently and was asked a familiar question about how many acres you need to have per cow. That is a question that cant be answered quickly, at least not accurately.
What does the question on acres per cow have to do with winter feeding? Its important if you care about cow cost and inputs. Winter feed costs usually make up the majority of annual maintenance expenses of keeping a cow. If you have enough forage available, you have potential to graze more days and the more grazing time you have for the cows, or whatever grazing livestock you have, the less fed feed you will need.
There are several variables to this acres per cow question. Lets first look at the dry matter requirements of a cow for a year. To keep the math easy and to also mimic a common unit, lets use a 1,000-pound cow or one animal unit (AU) which is one thousand pounds live weight. If that cow had weighed 1,200 pounds, she would be 1.2 AUs.
How much will this 1,000-pound cow eat in a year? The factors that influence the amount a cow will eat include her weight, body condition, and stage of pregnancy or lactation. Quality and availability of forage can certainly influence intake. In most cases, the average maintenance intake is about 2.6% of the body weight up to about 3.5% at peak lactation or slightly higher if a first calf heifer. A safe average number to use is generally 3%.
So, that 1,000-pound (1 AU) cow will consume on average thirty pounds of dry matter per day. That thirty pounds of dry matter needs to meet her nutritional needs. She generally wont consume much more than that amount, so what she eats must meet her needs or she will lose weight. Her average yearly dry matter intake will then be 10,950 pounds.
Lets pause and think about this for a moment. To feed this one, 1,000-pound cow for a year, without any waste considered or harvest efficiency figured, shes going to need to consume 5.5 tons of dry matter from pasture or fed feed. Lets first look at what this would look like as dry hay. That 5.5 tons in 1,500-pound round bales (not corrected for moisture) is equivalent to approximately 7.3 round bales or about 180 small square bales.
When you harvest hay off a field, the average harvest efficiency is about 70%. The remaining is stubble left after mowing and lost, missed, or dropped leaves. At 70% harvest efficiency, the amount of gross dry matter produced to make the 10,950 pounds of dry matter harvested is actually 15,643 pounds.
If you kept the cow in a pen and carried everything to her, then we have to also consider feeding efficiency and possibly storage loss. Sadly, hay stored outside, on the ground, and fed directly, can have high wastage. We can have similar wastage when they are grazing. Some of the wastage easily seen comes from forage that is tainted by an animals manure, urine, or to a degree, perhaps smelly feet of another cow.
Lets now look at it from the other side of the fence. How many acres would it take to produce eight tons of total forage? There are always exceptions, but a high average probably wouldnt make four tons per acre. If it did, that means it will take two acres of forage with a harvest efficiency of 70% (equivalent to daily moves) to meet the dry matter needs of that one 1,000-pound cow for a year. If the average yield is only three tons per acre, then 2.6 acres of forage would be required. Certainly, some highly managed hay fields can exceed the four-ton yield, but those are not average.
So far, weve looked at this purely as if it is a closed system. In other words, you are not bringing any dry matter onto the farm, you are basing it only off what is produced there. Just so were on the same page, you are also assuming that this dry matter is either forage grazed or harvested and fed on the farm.
If you allow overgrazing of the forage where those stop grazing heights are not maintained, you will not maintain a sufficient solar panel or plant energy reserve, and this will mean a loss in potential production. The same thing happens if you delay grazing too long; quality is reduced and so is some regrowth potential. How the forage is managed (i.e. residual or stop grazing heights maintained, rest allowed for regrowth and refreshing energy reserves, start grazing heights), and how it is allocated highly influences the grazing efficiency of the system. You can quickly go from 70% efficiency to thirty-something as management or sometimes conditions decrease.
I often question grazing efficiencies and find myself testing them. Its not an easy task. Even if you take away all grazing factors such as caging an area for a season so you can take a clipping off that caged area to figure season long production, it can still be off some due to loss of potential regrowth between timely grazing events. If forages can be maintained more, in what I often call stage two, where the solar panel is the most active due to the highest leaf area being available and before flowering, then we can potentially increase production because we are able to collect more solar energy for a longer period of time and take advantage of more tillering and regrowth, as long as fertility and moisture are not limited.
On average, continuous grazing often has a grazing efficiency of about 30% to 50% due to suppressed growth and regrowth, avoided areas that can come from underutilized areas and undesirable species, and stocking rate. Under high management, frequent moves and appropriate allocations, you can often be equivalent to hay harvest efficiency or slightly higher. A good system at top efficiency and average production of three tons per acre to meet the dry matter requirements of the 1,000-pound cow for a year is going to require 2.6 acres. If you are continuously grazing, you will need more acres. What? That sounds crazy, but lost production is normally replaced with supplemental hay or feed outside the system and you dont realize how out of balance things really are. Sometimes letting a few animals go, especially when quite a bit of supplemental hay or feed is needed to sustain those numbers, ends up being better on the bottom line. Keep on grazing!
Reminders & Opportunities
Southern Indiana Grazing Conference (SIGC) March 4, Crane. Speakers include Troy Bishop The Grass Whisperer, Greg Brann and Seven Sons. For more information contact the Daviess County Soil and Water Conservation office at 812-254-4780, Ext 3, email Megan Fredrick at or visit or
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Is weight loss possible with PCOS? Foods to avoid and proven to help – Insider – INSIDER
Posted: February 3, 2020 at 3:47 pm
Many women with PCOS have to closely monitor their weight, as weight gain can worsen the symptoms of the condition. Flashpop/Gerry Images
An estimated 80% of women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) are overweight or obese.
Research shows that obese women with PCOS can have more severe symptoms and when they lose weight they see a decrease in symptoms, including improved fertility, a more regular cycle, improved insulin and cholesterol levels, and less excess hair growth and acne.
Insider spoke with Natasha R. Chinn, MD, FACOG, OB-GYN and partner at Brescia and Migliaccio Women's Health for tips on how to lose weight with PCOS.
There's no one universally recommended diet but research seems to indicate that a high-protein, low carb diet consistently works not only for weight loss but also certain PCOS symptoms.
In one small 2005 study, published in Nutrition & Metabolism, five women who followed a low-carb, ketogenic diet for six months lost an average of 12 percent of their body weight and also saw an improvement in their insulin sensitivity and lower levels of testosterone.
And a 2012 study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that overweight and obese women with PCOS who followed a low-calorie diet lost weight over three months but the group who ate a low-cal diet with foods high in protein and low on the glycemic index also saw better improvement in other areas, like insulin sensitivity.
For her part, Chinn says that while the data can't point to one particular diet, clinically she's seen success when her patients have a diet low in gluten, sugar, and dairy. "When they eliminate or minimize these from their diets even before I see significant weight release, often times their acne, mental acuity, mood are all improved."
She also advises sticking to drinking water throughout the day, "eating 8-11 servings of green leafy vegetables per day," choosing healthy fats (like avocado or wild salmon), and eating only one to two servings of fruit per day due to the sugar content. "Insulin resistance is usually increased in women with PCOS. Thus, sugar is not processed in the same way that it is in women without insulin resistance which makes weight loss more difficult," she says.
Chinn recommends this diet since many women with PCOS have insulin resistance and therefore an uptick in type-2 diabetes risk, so "this is the healthiest approach for both weight release and maintenance and a lifestyle change which will only enhance their health in the future."
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Is weight loss possible with PCOS? Foods to avoid and proven to help - Insider - INSIDER
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Does Weed Help With Asthma? Or Does Cannabis Make It Worse? – Benzinga
Posted: February 3, 2020 at 3:47 pm
By The Fresh Toast's Dr.Jordan Tishler, provided exclusively to Benzinga Cannabis.
Currently, there is no cure for asthma, but it can be controlled by following amanagement plan outlined by a physician.
Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the lower airways inside the lungs, also known as the bronchial tubes, which are responsible for carrying air in and out of the lungs. Asthma is extremely common, and every year, more and more Americans are diagnosed with the condition than ever before. In fact,the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that1 in 13 people in the United States have asthma.The condition is also the most prevalent chronic disease found in children, with pediatric asthma estimated to affect over 6 million children in the U.S. alone.
Those with asthma know that attacks can be terrifying, and can often start happening without warning. Asthma attacks are often prompted by exercise or environmental factors, such as chemicals, dust, pollen, and other allergens, but an attack can also be caused by a variety of other triggers including respiratory infection or stress. During an asthma attack, the muscles surrounding the airwaysconstrict. This tightening is called bronchospasm, and causes symptoms likecoughingandtrouble breathing. Feelings of pain or tightness in the chest are also common.
Asthma can vary greatly in severity for some, asthma barely affects everydaylife. However, asthma can be extremely serious for others, and in some cases the condition can even be life-threatening, warranting emergency hospitalization in some cases.
Currently, there is no cure for asthma, but it can be controlled by following amanagement plan outlined by a physician. Generally, this plan will include a combination of lifestyle changes and medication. It is critical that those with asthma closely follow their asthma management plan as instructed by their doctor to ensure theirsafety and well-being.
Photo by Alex Jones via Unsplash
Interestingly, research has shown that cannabis use does not negatively affect the lungs. Instead, certain cannabinoids found within cannabis namely tetrahydrocannabinol, more commonly known as THC, may actually act as a bronchodilator, reducing respiratory obstruction and increasing airflow to the lungs. In fact, a2012studypublished in the journalAmerican Review of Respiratory Diseaseshowed that onaverage, those who used cannabis actually displayed better lung function than their peers who did not smoke at all.
Whilethis study also confirmed that cannabis smoke does not have nearly as negative an effect on the lungs as tobacco smoke,it is still generally considered, and I strongly recommend, that patients avoid literally smoking cannabis. Vaporization of whole flower (not oils) is safer, just as effective, and is even cheaper.
Additional studies also have suggested that cannabis may even specifically help asthmatics and those who suffer from other similar respiratory diseases. In 1975, DonaldTashkin, aprofessor of medicine at UCLA Berkeley, published asmall studysuggesting that cannabis may be able to effectively reduce symptoms of asthma. Another study published thefollowing yearsuggested that the effects of THC may be comparable tosalbutamol(aka albuterol), an active ingredientfound in many inhalers, in improving ventilatory function. This means that cannabis, or more likely derivatives of cannabis,mightsomeday prove tobe a promisingtreatment for those with asthma and similar conditions.
As demonstrated by the studies above, there issomeevidence that THCmay beuseful in the treatment of asthma.Still, those living with asthma are certainly not advised to throw away their inhalers in favor of a cannabis-based treatment plan.THC simply cannot compare to a rescueinhaler. It is critical that asthmatics, especially those with severe asthma, keep a rescue inhaler on hand in case they begin to experience an attack that warrants immediate treatment.
Although there is not enough evidence to suggest that cannabis or cannabis smoke is related to lung disease or lung cancer, it is important to note that smoking anything is not considered safe. Inhaling cannabis smoke introduces an array of harmful chemicals into the respiratory system that can irritate the lungs and trigger respiratory illness or an asthma attack. Fortunately, many methods of cannabis consumption exist that are just as effective as smoking, but are far healthier and suitable for everyone, and especially those with asthma and other respiratory conditions. Vaporizationof flower (not oil), for instance, is a fantastic way to safely consume cannabis without putting ones pulmonary health at risk.
It is important that those with a chronic respiratory condition like asthma consult with a doctor before incorporating cannabis into their treatment plan. A physician who is familiar with cannabis can best direct you towards theforms of consumption and dosing that are appropriate for you.
Another key point for asthmatics, is that their asthma need not stop them from reaping the benefits of medical use of cannabis for other conditions. There is ample evidence to support using cannabis for treatment of pain, insomnia,nausea and vomiting, and weight-loss due to poor appetite. There is some evidence for using cannabis for treatment of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Those who have these conditions need not avoid cannabis, if used properly, just because of their asthma.
Jordan Tishler, M.D. is a physician, cannabis specialist, and faculty at Harvard Medical School. He is also the president of the Association of Cannabis Specialists, and CEO ofInhaleMD a private institute of cannabis medicine. He has spent years assisting patients with cannabis. For more information, or to set up a consultation with the team at InhaleMD, call (617) 861-8519.
Featured Image by Unsplash/Pixabay
2020 Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.
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Does Weed Help With Asthma? Or Does Cannabis Make It Worse? - Benzinga
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Tokyo Vanity From LHHATL Shows off Noticeable Weight Loss in Before-And-After Photos – AmoMama
Posted: February 3, 2020 at 1:42 am
Reality star shared a new photo of her basking in her weight loss while showing off to fans and naysayers.
L&HH personality, Tokyo Vanity, couldn't help flaunting her weight loss progress in a picture collage she shared on Instagram.
In the post, the reality star is standing in both photos while she wore two similar ensemble.
The first photo showed in her in a pink-themed image where her jumpsuit matched her hair,.shoes, and the painting on the wall behind.
In the second photo, which marked.the progress in her weight loss journey, Tokyo rocked a black jumpsuit, which matched her hair color as she paired her outfit with army green sandals.
In her caption, Tokyo had a message for critics as she wrote:
"Haters gonna say it's cos it got black on."
Fans were over themselves with praise and admiration for the celebrity, and they quickly trooped to the comments to show their love and support for her
MADAME NOIRE shares that some episodes of L&HH have seen Tokyo's friends and cast members meaning well and spurring her to hit the gym even sometimes a bit over the top.
But the new year saw Tokyo engaging in a two-a-day workout regimen and a healthier eating habit.
The news outlet adds that Tokyo Vanity has been sharing her gym sessions on Instagram with fans while carrying them along.
In her own way, she also encourages fans to pick up an exercise routine and get fit.
The 24-year-old is not alone in her quest to shed some pounds as her gym instructor, bodybyted, gives her words of encouragement and sends shoutouts on Instagram.
HOLLYWOOD LIFE reports that Tokyo made it known that her weight loss plan includes a 16-25 pounds per month weight shed for six months. In the end, all these will sum up into 150 pounds weight shed.
Just as her goals are panning out, her romantic life isn't left out Tokyo, who started dating Jayy, in April 2019, seems to be enjoying the relationship, and in a recent romantic post she shared on Instagram, the two were having a lovely time together as they heartily laughed.
The 'L&HH' Star says her body is a brand about positivity and that people should learn to love themselves.
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Chrissy Metz talks This Is Us weight loss: Does Kates plot depend on stars diet success? – Monsters and Critics
Posted: February 3, 2020 at 1:42 am
Chrissy Metz talks This Is Us weight loss, potentially changing Kates plot. Pic credit: Press Agency
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On This Is Us, Chrissy Metz captured viewers from the first time her character Kate stepped on the scale.
Off came not just the clothes but the jewelry too, in a scene that so many dieters know as the hold your breath weigh-in before the diet starts sequence.
Not only has Kate shown viewers every aspect of being overweight, from childhood (played by Mackenzie Hancsicsak) to teen (portrayed by Hannah Zeile) to adult (handled by Metz), but the This Is Us character also has revealed how her weight is tied in with her romantic fate.
And in the latest of those inevitable twists and turns on This Is Us, some think Kates and Tobys future may be linked to his recent weight loss along with her failure to take off the pounds.
But that possibility doesnt answer the big question: Could Chrissys lack of weight loss actually change what the writers have planned for the final shows?
Fan theories have come up with some intriguing possibilities.
Chrissy, who plays the adult Kate on This Is Us, hasnt held back when it comes to her honesty about her weight.
Soon after the show first began, however, Metz sparked controversy when she said in an interview that her This Is Us contract required her to lose weight. The actress subsequently clarified what she had meant in a People interview.
Initially, Chrissy said that she, like Kate, would be on a path to weight loss. She called that plan a conversation she had with producers, adding its in my contract to shed pounds in a healthy manner.
But the controversy over the idea of a contract requiring an actress to shed pounds to hold onto her role resulted in Metz rephrasing her remarks.
It wasnt mandated in the contract, and I probably if I ever said the word contract, I didnt mean it in that way, commented Chrissy. I was pitched that the trajectory of Kate is that shes going to lose weight. That is who and whats going on.
Metz emphasized that she felt positive about the fact that if her character is shown getting slim, she needs to lose weight in real life.
Why not have a motivation beyond me to get to a healthy weight? Chrissy asserted. Every actor does that. Were chameleons. We change, we grow as an actor you lose weight, you gain weight, you change your hair or whatever.
However, she admitted being somewhat surprised by the way that her size has stolen the spotlight.
Its like all people want to talk about is my weight, pointed out Metz. I was like, Okay, this is weird.'
Were all the way into Season 4, and its increasingly starting to look as if Tobys weight loss success and Kates lack thereof could be the straw that broke the This Is Us romances back.
When This Is Us first showed Kate and Tobys meet-cute history, the two first crossed paths in a support group that focused on weight loss. Kate made it clear at the time that she was determined to shed pounds, getting Toby to agree to hop on board the weight loss express with her.
However, that plan changed dramatically from showing Kate as the leader of the diet pack and Toby as her obedient follower.
Instead, following the stressful discovery that the couples son Jack had a disability, Kate returned to relying on food to comfort her. At the same time, Toby discovered CrossFit and lunged his way into the intense workouts, complete with a deep dive into the accompanying diet as well.
And the big question that looms over the show How can This Is Us handle the rumored original plan to show Kate triumphantly losing weight if the actress playing the adult character remains overweight?
Some on Reddit have been blunt about their views concerning Chrissy Metz, with one This Is Us fan asking if Metz was the wrong choice to play Kate.
But one Reddit user came up with a solution for keeping the plot of Kate getting slim the same if Chrissy doesnt lose weight.
If the writers wanted to show Kate has lost weight, and Chrissy is unable to do so in time for the scene, would you accept Hannah [Zeile] being aged up with Chrissys voice? asked the commentator.
The reference to the actress playing the teen comes at the same time as a critical plot point in teen Kates life. The next show will focus on Kate, potentially showing exactly what happened with the boyfriend that resulted in her turning to food so much.
However, the question of whether it would be disrespectful to Chrissy to use a different actress to portray weight loss remains unanswered.
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Chrissy Metz talks This Is Us weight loss: Does Kates plot depend on stars diet success? - Monsters and Critics
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Woman credits 151-pound weight loss to simple tactic: ‘It was an extremely hard cycle to break’ – Yahoo Lifestyle
Posted: February 3, 2020 at 1:42 am
A woman who was able to lose a jaw-dropping 151 pounds says she owes her transformation to low-carbmeal prepping and CrossFit, which helped her break her "vicious" emotional eating cycle.
Frances Carpenter, a 30-year-oldexecutive assistant living in Riverside, Calif., explained in an articlefor Women's Health that her "dysfunctional" childhood led her to constantly stress eat, which caused herto pack on pounds throughout her adolescence, landing her at a weight of 200 pounds by the time she finished high school.
The problem persisted forCarpenter, even after she moved away from the town where she grew up.Over the next seven years, she continued gaining weight and, in 2016, she eventually reached her peak of 331 poundsat the age of 16.
"I had limited physical ability when I was at my heaviest and I was very sad and depressed, so I continued to eat to soothe myself with food. It was an extremely hard cycle to break," Carpenter wrote.
"I couldn't walk for long periods of time, and I couldn't comfortably fit in restaurant booths or movie theater seats. I was in a horrible place physically, but it was also hurting my mental state," she added."I knew I wasn't living my life to its full potential, and there were so many things I wanted to experience without my weight being the first thing I always had to consider."
Desperate to make a change,Carpenter turned to preparing low-carb and nutritious meals for herself each week, which helped kick her weight loss into full gear. Within 10 months, she was able to lose 100 pounds.
Carpenter also developed a regular exercise schedule along the way to further propel her fitness journey.
"I currently work out five days a week, alternating between different body parts," she said."Three days a week I do 60 minutes of cardio, and the other two I do 30 minutes of cardio, which is usually the StairMaster. I also spent about three years doing CrossFit, which helped me build a workout routine and get stronger as well."
Since reaching her peak weight of 331 in January 2016,Carpenter says she has lost 151 pounds in total. Her goal for 2020 is to reach 170 pounds in total weight loss and also to maintain the work she has already put in.
Although Carpenter said the journey was necessary for her, she warns that it was also a surprisingly emotional struggle and encouragesthose seeking to lose weight to try to involve their friends and family for support, if possible.
"My weight loss has changed me in ways that I did not know were possible. It has of course made me more confident in the looks department, but I have gained a new level of self-love,"she wrote. "I choose myself now, and have made it my priority to never go back to my old ways. I have a new outlook on life and enjoy the little things that I so desperately wanted before."
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Woman credits 151-pound weight loss to simple tactic: 'It was an extremely hard cycle to break' - Yahoo Lifestyle
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Best weight loss supplements: The ancient grain found to aid weight loss – Express
Posted: February 3, 2020 at 1:42 am
Weight loss supplements have become increasingly popular over the years, which ones have been proven most effective? While eating a healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise are the most effective ways losing weight, studies have suggested amaranth can help you shift the pounds.
Another study involving 19 people showed a high-protein diet was associated with a reduction in appetite and calorie intake.
The fibre in amaranth may move slowly through the gastrointestinal tract when undigested, which could also help promote feelings of fullness.
A study involving 252 women for 20 months found increased fibre intake was associated with a lower risk of gaining weight and body fat.
Its important to note more research is needed to look at the effects of amaranth on weight loss.
Amaranth has been been associated with a variety of other health benefits, one of these being to lower cholesterol levels.
Cholesterol is a fatty substance found in the blood, and having too much can increase the risk of serious health problems, such as heart attack and stroke.
Some animal studies have found amaranth could lower cholesterol.
One study involving hamster showed amaranth oil decreased total and bad LDL cholesterol by 15 percent and 22 percent respectively.
An animal study also showed amaranth helped inhibit the production of immunoglobulin E, a type of antibody involved in allergic inflammation.
The best way to consume amaranth is by using it in cooking.
Prior to cooking amaranth should be soaked in water so its easier to digest and break down.
It can then be added to smoothies, used in place or pasta or rice, mixed into breakfast cereal, or mixed into stews and soups.
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Best weight loss supplements: The ancient grain found to aid weight loss - Express
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