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These are the Best Diets for Weight Loss, a New Study Says – msnNOW
Posted: January 31, 2020 at 6:44 pm
AMI Mediterranean Diet is the Easiest to Follow, a New Study SaysThere are tons of diets to choose from these daysketo, paleo, intermittent fasting, sirt food, vegan, and the list goes on and on. The problem with most is that they either dont work, or theyre hard to maintain in the long run unless you have some sort of professional help.
Luckily, science has determined not only which diet seems to work the best for weight loss, but also which are the easiest to continue for lifelong results.
A study conducted at the University of Otago and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that intermittent fasting seemed to result in the most pounds shed and was fairly easy to follow. The Mediterranean diet, which also saw significant health benefits, appears to be the easiest diet to maintain.
For the study, 250 overweight adults were asked to pick between the Mediterranean diet, paleo, or intermittent fasting as a weight loss strategy54 percent picked IF, 27 percent Mediterranean, and 18 percent Paleo. For those who picked IF, they employed the 5:2 strategy, wherein you eat a only about 500 calories on two days of the week and your normal amount the other five.
All attended a 30-minute class on their self-selected diet and were then asked to try to stick to the diet for a year without any professional help.
Video: Top diet trends: Mediterranean, Dash, Keto (TODAY)
The purpose of that was to see how effective the diets were in a real world situationi.e. one where people dont have access to a scientist, dietitian, or nutritionist.
Participants who picked IF lost an average of 9 pounds; Mediterranean dieters lost an average of six; and paleo an average of 4. (IF and Mediterranean diets also resulted in significant improvements in blood pressure, the researchers said)
While those numbers may seem low, it could be influenced by the fact that close to half the participants dropped their selected diet strategy before the 12-month study concluded.
The Mediterranean diet saw the most retention, with 57 percent of those who chose it still following the eating strategy at the end of the study. Intermittent fasting was close behind with a 54 percent retention rate, and paleo only saw 35 percent of participants stick with it.
So does this mean you should necessarily try out IF or Mediterranean diets? Not necessarily. Dr. Melyssa Roy, a research fellow at the University of Otagos Department of Medicine and co-lead author of the study, said it only shows that theres no right diet, and that people should follow the one that works for themone that suits their lifestyle and gets them results.
"Like the Mediterranean diet, intermittent fasting and paleo diets can also be valid healthy eating approachesthe best diet is the one that includes healthy foods and suits the individual, Roy said in a release.
Gallery: U.S. News' 35 Best Diets Overall (U.S. News & World Report)
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These are the Best Diets for Weight Loss, a New Study Says - msnNOW
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Forcing Children To Lose Weight Is Child Abuse – Wear Your Voice
Posted: January 31, 2020 at 6:44 pm
Da'Shaun Harrison x Jan 31, 2020
TW: this piece discusses anti-fatness, fat camps, diet & exercise, and familial/social child abuse. please proceed with caution.
I have been fat for as far back as my memory will allow me to reach. Before I even knewor cared, for that matterabout the largeness of my body in comparison to others around me, others made clear to me that it was an issue. Not quite an issue for me, but an issue for how they perceived me. Left and right, day-in and day-out, people projected their hate for fatness onto my body.
I was picked on and bullied constantly in elementary school for my weight. I was a hypersensitive little fat boy who everyone saw as a target. Other than a few, even my friends treated me horribly for my size. I would pick on myself for not being able to do the pull-ups in PE before my PE teacher, or my peers, could. I would pretend that I was just apathetic about the mile run, and would walk it instead so that no one could make fun of the fat boy who tried hard to keep up with his thin peers and failed. Eventually, after I internalized all of this, it led to me being the angry fat Black boy who posed a threat to others. I started fighting a lot, being combative with my teachers, threatening my peers, and ultimately spending more time in suspension than I did in class. This would continue through middle school. There is a conversation there about anti-fat bullying as part of the school-to-prison pipeline, but that is a different conversation for a different piece.
What this all led back to, however, was peoples hate for my body. But I was a very active child, so I could not fathom the reasons for why anyone would loathe my body for something that I seemingly could not change.
When I was 4, my mom met my now-stepfather who also happened to be a coach of various sports. At a very early age, I played just about every sport imaginable. Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, golf. If you name it, I have likely played iteven if it was not coached by him. And as anyone in the US public school system knows, in elementary school, they kept us very active; from field days, to PE tests, to a daily required recess. But because of my various illnesses, and the harm I was experiencing by my doctors, my mom worried. As any parent would, considering how scarce and new fat politics isespecially at that time. But the result of this panic was essentially an at-home fat camp.
I was periodically put on crash diets and inadvertently judged, essentially, for eating. My mom used to put me in sweatsuits and wrap me in black trash bags, and have me run for miles. I was no older than 8. And I had asthma. But for miles, I ran. Sometimes shed join me sans the trash bags and sweatsuits. At times, I would make it fun and pretend I was Missy Elliott from that infamous video, but most times I just felt defeated. As I have already written before, diets and diet culture are only successful at stealing out of the pockets of fat people and punishing us for our bodies. And running around my neighborhood in that uniform, for everyone to make a spectacle of my body, felt like I was being put on display at a zoo. And what once was my one escape from overwhelming fat hate became one of the sites of my most traumatic anti-fat experiences.
In 1999, a 14-year-old girl by the name of Gina Score died because of forced exercise and a lack of care around fat childrens bodies. Gina, who had been part of a camp run and operated by military veterans, had been tasked with a 2.7-mile run. She fell on the ground, gasping for air. After four hours of her instructors laughing, drinking soda, and accusing Gina of faking, a doctor came and called for an ambulance immediately. Ginas organs had failed. She had died.
In an extreme case like this, many would call what happened to Gina abuse. And it is. But it is also murder. The abuse did not start and end with Ginas collapse or with the coaches negligence, though; the abuse began with the idea that Gina ever needed to be punished for her weight in the first place.
One of the most infamous fat camps in the country, Camp Shanewhich has been in operation since 1968, has been featured on channels like TLC, OWN, MTV, and more. According to their own website, they have hosted well over 20,000 children at their campsites. Its marketed as just another summer camp with the friendly intent to help children make friends and fit in, but the reality is that these camps do not exist for any other reason but to punish fat children. No matter how fun the camps are supposed to be, they are all designed to teach fat children that their fatness is something to be ashamed of. And much like diet programs, fat camps are nothing more than a capitalist money-grab. Most of the results, just like with dieting, are only temporary.
Children are sent to these boot camp-like weight loss programs to be shamed for their weight; manipulated into believing that the abuse theyre forced to endure is about being accepted instead of being punished for owning a body that looks different from what the rest of the world sees as normal. And I continue to use the word punish throughout this essay because thats what it is. Fat kids are being penalized for their bodies; whipped into shape; disciplined for something the rest of the world views as an offense and a breach of an imagined moral code.
Everyday life for fat kids is like a fat camp. Even for those of us who have never been to one. Mistreated for having bodies that take up more room than humans are allotted. Harmed for showing up in a world hellbent on making thinness a universal norm. And no one other than fat people will name this for what it is: a very targeted form of child abuse. There is no other way to put it. Forcing exercise and diets on your children is an attempt to punish them for their (perceived) fatness and that is abuse.
To be clear: I do not blame my mom. She was doing what she thought was best. And I imagine that most other parents believe they are, too. I blame the medical-industrial complex that thrives off of harming fat people. I blame the diet industrial complex that seeks to steal from fat people. I blame the public school system for seeking to punish literal children for their bodies. And most yet, I blame our collective and societal commitment to making exercise and fitness about weight loss and punishment rather than feeling good in your body and in motion.
Every single dollar matters to usespecially now when media is under constant threat. Your support is essential and your generosity is why Wear Your Voice keeps going! You are a part of the resistance that is neededuplifting Black and brown feminists through your pledges is the direct community support that allows us to make more space for marginalized voices. For as little as $1 every month you can be a part of this journey with us. This platform is our way of making necessary and positive change, and together we can keep growing.
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Looking for a new diet in 2020? Check out these trendy and traditional choices – The Oakland Press
Posted: January 31, 2020 at 6:43 pm
Paleo. Keto. Whole 30 when January rolls around on the calendar, diet plans become one of the most searched topics online. People are looking for a safe, fast and healthy way to lose pounds and inches while gaining a new lifestyle.
The thing is, not all diet plans work for everyone. Switching up your diet can be challenging, especially if youve been in the same unhealthy rut for years.
The key is to find that unique solution for you, the one that fits in with your lifestyle, schedule and food requirements. That way youll be more likely to stick to the plan.
Losing weight and eating healthy does not happen overnight, said Pat Jurek, RD MBA, manager, Center for Weight Management, Henry Ford Macomb Hospitals, in an email. Instead, developing a healthier relationship with food is often a long, circuitous journey. Expect setbacks along the way. Those mishaps and mistakes will help you build the skills and resilience you need to succeed over the long haul.
Katie Roberts, lead dietician at Michigan Bariatric Institute at St. Joseph Mercy Health System, agreed that while lots of people look for fast results, what you need to consider is long-term goals and a more permanent lifestyle change.
If you work long hours, for example, she said, a plan that is heavy on meal prep may not be the best option for you.
Instead, Roberts said to take a more realistic approach that includes:
Produce, especially organic options
Quality proteins, including plant-based choices
Portion control
Small goals
Think about your health and wellness in the long term, said Roberts. Small goals will add up over time. You may not always see the numbers on the scale move, but things are changing internally youll have more energy and feel better overall.
WW, formerly Weight Watchers, launched myWW, which takes a customized approach to weight loss, said registered dietician Jaclyn London, head of nutrition and wellness at WW. You start by taking a personalized science and behavior-based assessment then based on your responses in areas like food preferences, activity level and lifestyle, are matched with one of three flexible plans.
Its about meeting people within the framework of their lifestyle, she said.
Ultimately, weight loss is about making small, every day changes, said London. WW provides flexibility, liveability and an online community to offer encouragement, tips, recipes and more.
Jenny Craig recently rolled out the DNA Decoder Plan, creating an even more customized experience for members by personalizing their weight loss plans based on their DNA. This plan analyzes 15 different genetic markers that can provide members with insight into five key areas: Sleep quality, eating behaviors, metabolism and how their body processes food and responds to exercise.
Jenny Craig also launched two new customized offerings: Jenny30 and Simple60. Jenny30 gives members the tools to lose up to 16 pounds in 30 days powered by the Rapid Results program, which utilizes Nobel Prize-winning research on the bodys circadian rhythm to help optimize metabolism and accelerate weight loss, said Briana Rodriguez, registered dietitian nutritionist and certified personal trainer for Jenny Craig.
She said everyone has a different motivation to improve their health, which is why personalized support is so important. What motivates one person might not always work for someone else.
Members receive one-on-one support in-center or over the phone from dedicated consultants who create a personalized plan for each member because we know everyone is different and what might work for one person might not be right for another, said Rodriguez.
Keto, according to Jurek, is heavy in calories from fat and protein and very restrictive with carbohydrates with an emphasis on low-starch vegetables as the primary carbohydrate source.
Intermittent fasting places an individual into windows of time, a window for eating and a window for not eating. The non-eating windows may be 10-16 hours. Intermittent fasting goes hand in hand with caloric restriction as long as the individual is not loading up on too many high calorie density foods during their shortened eating window, she said.
Whole 30 eliminates all sugars and starches, including legumes, alcohol, grains and dairy. Some fruits are allowed and in moderation.
The Paleo diet is based on eating like our Paleolithic ancestors, focusing on lean animal proteins, healthy fats, vegetables, fruits and avoiding legumes, grains, potatoes, sugars and processed foods.
Jurek said a good strategy is to work with a dietician if you plan to follow a diet that eliminates certain foods or entire food groups. Thats because while these approaches may help you lose weight as long as they lower your overall calorie intake, they can create nutrient deficiencies and other issues for people with chronic diseases. She said diets with excessive protein, for example, can be taxing on the kidneys and that might cause an issue for some people.
Health professionals, said Roberts, can tailor a plan just for you, using the food groups to your benefit. They can suggest small changes like going from 32 oz. of water a day to 48 oz. or adding 30 minutes of walking a week to your schedule. The key is to not make too many drastic changes all at one time.
Be careful not to fall prey to vague goals, like I want to lose 20 pounds. Instead, identify exactly what it is you want to achieve. Do you want to be healthier to address medical issues like high blood pressure or constant knee pain? Do you want to lose weight so you can train harder for that marathon in Hawaii youve wanted to do for years? Do you want to drop three dress sizes for your high school reunion in July? Do you want to lose 40 pounds so you have more energy to run around with your kids on the playground? Be specific and remind yourself frequently of your goals.
While there's no such thing as a perfect diet, studies suggest that emphasizing healthful foods (such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains) and limiting potentially harmful foods (like those loaded with sugar, salt, fat and chemicals) can have positive health effects, said Jurek.
She said this has been the prevailing message for years, but some people believe that dieting advice continues to change.
The answer has been to, and continues to be, eat more plant based foods/less meat, more whole foods/less processed foods, move more/sit less, said Jurek.
Many diets take this message to heart. The popular Mediterranean diet, she said, emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, heart-healthy olive oil, nuts, seeds and lean protein (including lots of fish and beans).
Studies show that following a Mediterranean-style diet helps lower blood pressure and protects against chronic diseases ranging from cancer to stroke. One reason it boasts so many health benefits is because it focuses on whole, unprocessed foods that are nutrient-rich and mostly free of sugar, sodium and harmful fats, she said.
The DASH (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension) diet is similar to the Mediterranean diet in that it focuses on eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy and minimizing red meat and sweets. Designed for people with high blood pressure, the DASH diet not only helps keep blood sugar and blood pressure levels steady, but it also helps people lose weight.
The MIND diet, said Jurek, is a combination of the Mediterranean and DASH diets that emphasizes eating foods that nourish the brain, including nuts, berries and fatty fish.
Long-term change requires a commitment to changing your eating habits for good. If youre serious about making 2020 the year you finally drop those extra pounds youve been talking about for years, Pat Jurek, RD MBA, manager, Center for Weight Management, Henry Ford Macomb Hospitals, shared these four strategies that can help you meet your individual goals:
Plan ahead. Change isn't easy. It can be downright discouraging at times. You'll fare well if you plan ahead and prepare your home and work environment to support healthier eating habits. Keep fresh fruits and vegetables on hand and limit your access to unhealthy processed foods and snacks.
Get help. Consider meeting with a dietitian to customize your plan and provide tips, strategies, ideas and accountability for your new approach to eating. A professional can help you troubleshoot as challenges arise and also hold you accountable so you're better equipped to meet your goals.
Build a support network. Surround yourself with like-minded friends and family members. Knowing others are working with you can help you manage during difficult times.
Keep it positive. Instead of fixating on when or how you've failed to eat as planned, focus on how you're supporting yourself to make better eating decisions.
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Ryan Grover Took Up CrossFit and Lost 98 Pounds in 2019 – BarBend
Posted: January 31, 2020 at 6:43 pm
When Ryan Grover sat down with Coach Philip Tabor at CrossFit Coordinate in Cary, North Carolina in April 2019, he had no idea he was about to embark on a journey that would help him lose nearly 100 lb. in just nine months.
The 29-year-old weighed 348 lb. at the time. Today, hes down to 250 lb.
The first thing Tabor got Grover to do was to come up a selfish reason he wanted to lose weight. After some soul searching, Grover had a breakthrough.
I never had a dad I could throw a ball with, or just go outside and play and be active with. And I realized that when its my turn to have kids, I dont want to be this way. Through conversation with (Tabor), we talked about what my dad was like, and it helped me realize what I wanted, Grover said.
Thus, what he really wantedhis real reason whywas to lose weight and become healthier and fitter so he could be a more capable father than his father was to him.
Identifying this purpose is a big part of what helped him stick to his commitment to exercise and clean eating in the months that followed, he explained.
The reason Tabor asks his clients to find their selfish reason is simple: Nobody loses weight for others. They might say it, but at the core we only make changes when they are selfish in nature, Tabor said.
Some people say (they want to be able to have) better sex. Others say (to live a) long life. One client did it because his dad just died and he was headed there next. But whatever the reason, its their reason and I keep that in front of them. It drives them, he added.
When people are able to find their deeper reason for wanting to lose weight and get healthy, theyre then able to change their identity and their perception of themselves, Tabor explained.
In Grovers case, it allowed him to shed the idea that he was an obese man, and start doing the things healthy, strong, fit people do, Tabor said.
Thats why the weight came off so fast, he added.
Clearly the approach works, as Grover is one of four clients at CrossFit Coordinate who have lost 100 lb. in the last year, while five others lost at least 60 lb.
A second key to Grovers success is having a coach to keep him on track, Grover explained.
The accountability part was the big piece for me, so I could do simple things like send (Tabor) pictures of my food. He would give me advice like, Next time. shrink the portion of potatoes. Having that constant nudge from someone has been really helpful to keep me on track, Grover said, adding that the nutrition coaching he received from Tabors wife Holly Tabor, also played an integral role.
Today, Grover no longer eats at fast food joints, and he doesnt overeat regularly like he used to. Instead, he mostly eats lean protein, a lot of vegetables and some starch.
And because Grover feels like he has made habit changesas opposed to embarking on a strict, short-term diethe said he knows these changes are here to stay.
It took a while to get used to the new routine, but now I dont have a lot of cravings. I do want a pizza every now and again, but I dont miss fast food. It actually hurts when I eat it because my body is working on a much cleaner diet, he said.
He added: Its definitely a lifestyle change. I dont want to go back.
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The Right Chemistry: Intermittent fasting is hard. But does it work? – Montreal Gazette
Posted: January 31, 2020 at 6:43 pm
The New England Journal of Medicine is widely regarded as perhaps the most prestigious medical journal in the world. It has an acceptance rate of five per cent, meaning that only one in 20 articles submitted is judged by experts to be worthy of publication. That doesnt mean the rejected papers are not based on sound research; most eventually get published in lesser journals. But the New England Journal looks for the cream of the crop. Thats why I pay particular attention to papers published in this journal, such as a recent article on the Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Health, Aging, and Disease. Even more so when the article is the work of Johns Hopkins University neuroscientist Dr. Mark Mattson, renowned globally for his research in the area of intermittent fasting.
Intermittent fasting does not mean cutting out a Snickers bar between meals. It refers to a systematic eating pattern that places emphasis not on what food should be eaten, but rather on when it should be consumed. Intermittent fasts fall into three general categories. In alternate day fasting, days of very low-calorie intake are alternated with days of regular eating. The 5:2 variety dictates eating normally on five days of the week but restricting calories to under 700 on two non-sequential days. In daily time-restricted feeding, all food is consumed in a six-to-eight-hour window, essentially resulting in a 16- to 18-hour fast. Most people who engage in this version finish supper by about 7 p.m. and do not eat again until lunch the next day.
Of course, the question is why anyone would want to engage in any of these torturous regimes. Simply put, it is because there is accumulating evidence that calorie restriction provides benefits beyond the obvious weight loss. It has long been known that reduced food intake in animals results in an increased life span. The assumption has been that the benefits of reduced calorie intake are due to a reduction in the generation of free radicals as a consequence of metabolic processes. However, it appears that there is another factor involved. Typically, in experiments in which rodents are put on a low-calorie diet, they are given their daily allotment of food in one dose that they generally consume within a few hours. This means that essentially, they are on a 20-hour fast. This results in metabolic switching, a term with which we have to become familiar to understand the benefits that are attributed to intermittent fasting.
The main source of energy for cells is glucose. During respiration, glucose serves as fuel, providing energy as it reacts with oxygen to yield carbon dioxide and water. It is this process that is also accompanied by the production of those troublesome free radicals. The main source of glucose are carbohydrates in the diet and when these are severely restricted, as in fasting, the body switches to fats as an alternate fuel. But fats are not used directly, they are converted in the liver to ketone bodies that then are metabolized yielding energy. This is commonly referred to as a state of ketosis.
It turns out that these ketones are not just fuel for cells, but are also signalling molecules that regulate the expression and activity of various proteins and other biochemicals that influence health and aging. It seems that metabolic switching, which is a result of periods of fasting, is perceived by the body as a signal to go into survival mode since no food is coming in. Cells respond by improving control of blood pressure and blood sugar, producing more antioxidants and curbing inflammation.
Most of the fasting studies that have produced promising results have involved animals, but some human trials are starting to emerge. Improvements in insulin sensitivity, verbal memory, resting heart rate, and cholesterol levels have been noted in short-term clinical trials. In rodents, experiments have shown reduced occurrence of spontaneous tumours with daily calorie restriction or alternate-day fasting. Suppression of the growth of induced tumours has also been observed. Furthermore, the animals show increased sensitivity to radiation and chemotherapy. Stimulated by these observations, a number of human trials examining the effect of intermittent fasting on breast, ovarian, prostate, endometrial, colorectal and brain tumours are underway. Pilot studies are also examining possible benefits of intermittent fasting in multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, surgical outcomes and athletic performance.
Obviously, we have to temper this discussion with the all-too-often-stated disclaimer that more research is needed. But it is forthcoming. Dr. Valter Longo at the University of Southern California has some interesting results with his Fasting Mimicking Diet. For five days, people consume only special prepackaged foods that provide 1,000 calories the first day and 725 the other days and are said to have a unique combination of nutrients that trick the body into thinking it is fasting. Repeating the cycle monthly for three months has resulted in weight loss as well as a drop in blood sugar and cholesterol. But going hungry for five days is challenging and the meals are expensive.
It is always meaningful to ask experts what change they have made in their life as a result of their research. Mattson says he eats within a six-hour window every day. And thats from the horses mouth.
Joe Schwarcz is director of McGill Universitys Office for Science & Society ( He hosts The Dr. Joe Show on CJAD Radio 800 AM every Sunday from 3 to 4 p.m.
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The Right Chemistry: Intermittent fasting is hard. But does it work? - Montreal Gazette
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A New Foundation for Whole-Body Wellness and Health – L.A. Weekly
Posted: January 31, 2020 at 6:41 pm
It seems like everyone shares a common struggle and common goal: How do we get healthier, look better and feel better? We all agonize over the search for the easiest diet and the fastest weight-loss tricks. And there is no shortage of supplements, weight-loss fads and diets. There is so much noise it is hard to really understand what works and what does not.
Can CBD be the answer to our weight loss and fitness goals? The rumors are true: You really can lose weight with a combination of CBD and terpenes.
With CBD weight loss, you dont have to overcomplicate the pathway to your goals. Ive seen it firsthand with Tune CBD Weight Loss Elixir. It works with your body to achieve a natural, gentle and longterm positive change in your health.
Whether our desire to lose weight is rooted in aesthetics, wellness or both, the pursuit for a leaner lifestyle seems to be cyclical and never-ending. This frustrating pattern of diet and weight gain is due to one simple fact: Most of us are doing it wrong. Science and studies have shown us time and again that fad diets dont work. While they are sometimes quick fixes, the results seldom stick around.
However, there is one proven way to lose weight and keep it off: calories in vs. calories out. All you really have to do is curb your overeating and Tunes CBD and terpene blend can help do just that. To me, Tunes CBD Weight Loss Elixir is the diet that works.
As we all know, limiting ones caloric intake is easier said than done. Its frustratingly difficult to get our urges in line. Tunes Weight Loss Elixir is made with CBD and enhanced by a proprietary blend of terpenes that use the natural powers of hemp to tell your body when to stop eating.
Weve tried just about every tactic there is and have finally settled into a comfortable and results-driven CBD routine that has increased our wellbeing tenfold. Here is what weve learned on our journey, broken down into 10 quick facts to help build the foundation of your new whole-body wellness habit.
Everyone holds fat in their body good fat and bad fat. Good fat helps you to maintain a healthy weight, and those who are lean and metabolically healthy tend to have more of it. Bad fat accumulates under the skin and gathers around our internal organs. Bad fat is what causes weight gain, cellulite and generally affects our overall physical and mental health negatively.
Fat increases when you consume more calories than you burn. On the plus side, this also means that fat decreases when you consume less calories than you burn.
You dont control your hunger. Being hungry is not due to a lack of motivation or willpower, but rather a very natural and biological response to our bodys signals. We cannot simply will ourselves to eat less; the reason for this exists in a tiny part of your brain called the hypothalamus.
The most active part of the hypothalamus tells us we are hungry and must eat more to survive. The weaker portion tells us when we are full. Most of the time this stronger part of the brain wins and we are left unaware of our bodys actual limits, causing us to overeat.
To ease false urges and be aware of our bodys limits, we must learn to better understand its signals. We can improve communication by using an expertly crafted CBD formula to stimulate the brain during meals, shutting down the desire to overeat.
The cannabinoid THC is almost legendary for creating an appetite, or, the munchies. THC increases your bodys hunger communication, encouraging excess calorie consumption and weight gain. Luckily for us, enhanced levels of certain cannabis-derived terpenes suppresses appetite. How does it do this? By doing just what we want it to, stimulating the right portion of the brain thus shutting down the desire to overeat.
The fat reducing effects of CBD were first observed in a 2012, when it was shown to significantly reduced total food consumption by:
An alternative to harmful diets and snake oil supplements has long been searched for, and has finally been found in a combination of CBD and enhanced terpenes. After multiple studies and success stories, this CBD diet has emerged as a safe and effective alternative to fight unwanted weight gain.
Most of us living in Southern California are no stranger to CBD. Los Angeles is virtually littered with advertisements and products; we often dont go more than a mile without seeing its presence. However familiar with the name we are, most of us arent experts in the subject which makes us targets for inflated and exaggerated promises. In order to see actual results from CBD weight loss, we have to find a product that is rooted in science with proven results.
Tune Wellness CBD is a THC-free, terpene enhanced, broad-spectrum liquid that helps promote fat loss through three separate physiological channels including increasing energy at the mitochondrial level, increasing fat burning by improving the ratio of good fat to bad fat and appetite suppression.
If You Are Ready For A Lasting Change, Try Tune Wellness
Tune Weight Loss Elixir is a cannabinoid, terpene and cannaflavin rich hemp extract standardized to a specific total quantity of CBD and enhanced with specific appetite suppressing terpenes. It works with precision, opening the communication channels between your brain and your body, putting a stop to harmful overeating.
If you want to lose weight quickly or just need a diet that works, Tune Wellness is the best dieting trick on the market.
Charles Stebbins is a biochemist and an iconic 40-year veteran in the nutraceutical products industryand the founder of sports and performance nutrition. In addition to creating the worlds finest hemp-based terpene enhanced products, he has authoredFrom Seed to Cell: The True Science of Cannabis, the only completely evidence based, fully annotated cannabis specialist certification program, in use by advanced educational entities supporting licensed medical and pharmaceutical personnel nationwide.
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A New Foundation for Whole-Body Wellness and Health - L.A. Weekly
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This Is The Best Crockpot Recipe You Can Make This Weekend If Youre Trying To Lose Weight – SheFinds
Posted: January 31, 2020 at 6:41 pm
Making a crock pot recipe over the weekend is a great way to spend some of your spare time to incorporate weight loss friendly foods into your diet, and also meal plan for the week ahead. However, with so many recipe options out there, narrowing down your choices can be a difficult task.
To make it easier, we found a healthy crock pot recipe that can help you reach your weight loss goals and give your body a detox.
Adding a detox soup in your diet routine can make a huge difference in how quickly you see weight loss. With ingredients like kale, onions, garlic, carrots, and olive oil, this recipe has a lot of detoxifying ingredients that can help boost your weight loss.
What You Need: butternut squash, carrots, potatoes, celery, green lentils, yellow split peas, onion, garlic, vegetable or chicken broth, herbs de provence, salt, kale, parsley, olive oil, sherry (or red wine vinegar or lemon juice)
Full Recipe: Pinch of Yum
Plus, the prep time is only 30 minutes--making it easy to incorporate into your routine.
With that in mind, this is a great recipe to boost weight loss without it taking up too much of your weekend--making it both convenient and healthy.
This low-calorie soup dish is also pretty easy to make. The crock pot cooks the ingredients, and then a blender helps create a delicious texture--putting it back in the crock pot warms it up perfectly.
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This Is The Best Crockpot Recipe You Can Make This Weekend If Youre Trying To Lose Weight - SheFinds
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Intermittent Fasting Helped This Guy Lose 120 Pounds and Get Healthy –
Posted: January 31, 2020 at 6:41 pm
I felt the only thing I had control of was what I ate, says Baldric Shyer, a 33-year-old screenwriter from Los Angeles, CA. Hes struggled with weight most of his life, coming from an obese families; like a lot of people, hes had ups and downs. At one point he was down to 170 pounds, but he didnt like himself or his relationship, and so hed stay up late gorging: a half-gallon of ice cream, pizza, or fast food. Hed write screenplays and eat.
At my heaviest, I felt so defeated, lost, and hopeless, he says. He remembers waiting an hour to make it to the top of a water slide, only to be turned away after they put him on a scale. Walking back down past everyone in line was the worst walk of shame Ive ever done, he says. He hit 275 pounds.
Shyer decided he needed a radical change. He left his relationship behind and moved to Vietnam. Being alone in a new country let him focus on himself; it was hard, but he felt he needed it to survive. Even in the smog of Ho Chi Minh City, he says. I started to breathe again.
Of course, he wanted to try all the food. That led to gaining 15 pounds. Ready to lose weight, he instead wrecked his kneecap in a motorbike accident. He didnt give up, though; he used his rehab time to walk the city, listening to self-improvement podcasts and soaking up the visual novelty of his new home. It wasnt much exercise, but for someone as overweight as me, it was a start and the weight started melting off.
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He aimed to hit 200 pounds, then began eating like someone who weighed that much. As extreme as it sounds, his move to Vietnam meant he could no longer eat a half-gallon of ice cream a night. With generally healthier food (think soups and tuna onigiris) and regular walks, he quickly lost 50 pounds in the first four months. The cost of living is so cheap that the only thing I had to worry about was loving and being healthy with myself, he says. I had all the time and money I needed to really focus on myself for the first time in my life.
When hed advanced beyond walks for exercising, he started playing basketball twice a week, with a group of local Vietnamese on a full-sized court with no circulation. Within a couple months his weight plateaued around 200 pounds.
Get the Ultimate Guide to Intermittent Fasting
Then he turned to intermittent fasting, which hed heard about on his podcasts. He started in May 2019, fasting 16:8 (16 hours of fasting, with an 8 hour window in which to eat). Hes now down to 155 pounds, which hes held for the past three months. I feel amazing, he says. Im back in Los Angeles with a newfound love, gratitude, and confidence. He still plays basketball, albeit at a lower intensity, and hes taken up indoor bouldering. He still walks every day.
For him, getting healthy meant his had to make himself a priorityeven if that meant moving to a new country, alone. But in some ways, that move made things easier. In a foreign country, he had nothing to do but lose weight. My advice for someone getting started, he says, would be to make things easy as possible to get started, and then start.
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‘I Tried A Modified Keto Diet And Started Keeping A Weight-Loss ChartAnd I Lost 150 Lbs. In 1 Year’ – Women’s Health
Posted: January 31, 2020 at 6:41 pm
My name is Kassandra Denisse Olvera (mrs_olvera). I'm a 25-year-old office coordinator at Christus Spohn Cancer Center in Corpus Christi, Texas. After a scary doctor's visit about a year ago, I was motivated to lose 150 pounds.
I tried several times to go on diets throughout my life, given that I was always overweight. But I would always stop after a couple of weeks or a month at the most. I remember when I was in school, I would use summer break to crash diet, and Id end up gaining all the weight back quickly once school began.
My biggest issue was that I thought of my attempts at weight loss as exactly that: diets. I didn't view weight loss as a lifestyle change. I would restrict too many foods, which was not sustainable long-term. I wouldnt eat enough and would burn myself out before seeing any real progress.
I ignored it as much as I could, but I developed a respiratory infection that forced me to go to the local urgent care. When I stepped on the scale, I discovered I was at my highest weight of 320 pounds. I wouldve cried had I been alone in the room. Then the nurse checked my vital signs, and my blood pressure was extremely high, which explained the headaches and sharp shoulder pains I was having. I remember telling the nurse practitioner I had just drank coffee, that maybe it was the caffeine causing it to be elevated. But who was I kidding? That was not caffeine causing my blood pressure to be that elevatedit was me being severely overweight.
The nurse sat down next to me and told me that I needed to begin seeing a doctor regularly to manage my BP and begin taking medication. I left the urgent care that evening overwhelmed. I knew I needed to lose weight, but I didn't feel ready to do that.
He told me the change had to come from me. So I dug deep emotionally that evening and prepared myself mentally for this lifestyle change because I wanted to be the healthy wife, mom, daughter, and sister that my entire family needed me to be.
The following day, I told my husband that I was ready to begin my journey, and he supported me 100 percent. He researched different recipes to make for lunch and dinners (he makes amazing food, and I tell him he should be a chef) and made our weekly menu as I began my journey.
Old me used to get out of work and pick up fast food almost daily. But I started off by eliminating sodas completely and focusing on portion control. Doing that alone helped me lose weight. About one month into my journey, though, I transitioned into doing the keto diet because it was simple enough for me to incorporate into my busy lifestyle. I am a fan of eggs, cheese, veggies and meatwhich are all foods you can have on the keto diet.
I have recently begun adding healthy carbs into my meals, because I run a lot and lift light weights on the days I'm not running. So technically, my eating has developed into a modified keto diet. My husband has poured his heart and soul into cooking all my meals and meal prepping all my lunches. He is always exploring new recipes to change it up for me.
My relationship with food is totally different now. I dont stress eat, or eat for fun, or because I'm bored. I eat to fuel my body.
I was out of shape when I started out. But now, I exercise an average of five to six days per week. I started off on the treadmill, just jogging. I remember feeling great after I pushed myself to jog and I slowly began increasing the speed and time I spent on the treadmill. Although it was challenging, I fell in love with outdoor running and found a running buddy in my friend Taylor.
Today, I run three to four times a week and typically clock 25 miles per week. I'll do five- to six-mile runs on a given day during the week, and on Saturdays I take advantage of the extra time and run eight to nine miles. When Im not running, I am in the gym doing weight training to help build muscle.
There were (and still are) days throughout my journey that I am *not* motivated to work out, especially on cold, rainy days. But when I'm not feeling motivated, I remind myself that I'm dedicated and committed to the whole journey, and that I will never regret a workout (or a healthy food choice). I also dont see working out as a chore; I view it as my time to push and work on myself.
When I first began losing weight, I wrote down my starting weight, which was 320 pounds. Then I wrote down a goal weight of 199 pounds. Then I wrote out all the months for the year, and wrote my goal weight for each month. This helped me see my journey on a month-to-month basis, and not as, oh my goodnessI have over 100 pounds to lose.
On average, my goal was to lose 10 pounds a month, and I surpassed my goal. (I lost an extra 30 pounds by the end of 2019!) I hung my weight-loss chart on my cork board next to my bed so I could see it every day and keep myself accountable. I have kept the paper to see how far I have come.
I created a new chart for 2020, but my goals are a little different this year. I emphasized how many miles I would like to run weekly, and I set a goal to run two half marathons and a full marathon this year.
I also dont weigh myself anymore on a scale. I cant tell you how many times I anxiously awaited weigh-in day to see how much I had lost the past week, and how disappointed I would be if I saw it stayed the same or even increased slightly, even though I was on track completely with my meals and exercise. Water weight and muscle really do affect the scale number. So now I have a different perspective on measuring progress. As much as I love to see the scale move, I really just tune into how my clothes fit these days.
I used to be a size-24 pant and a 3X shirt. Today, my size-10 jeans are a little baggy, and a medium-size shirt is even a little loose. My weight-loss journey has been one of the best investments. I cant even imagine where my health would be had I not made the lifestyle change. Yes, I did want to change my physical appearance, but what I was really focused on was wanting my husband and daughter to have a healthy wife and mom around for many more years.
My weight-loss journey has changed my life in so many ways. I wake up with a different kind of energy. I used to just roll out of bed and always felt so blah. Now I have my week planned, my workout schedule set, and my gym bag is packed the night before. I ran my first half marathon a couple weeks ago, came home and showered, and then went out to run errands for the rest of the day.
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'I Tried A Modified Keto Diet And Started Keeping A Weight-Loss ChartAnd I Lost 150 Lbs. In 1 Year' - Women's Health
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Five health benefits of eating avocado – The Standard
Posted: January 31, 2020 at 6:41 pm
Components such as Vitamin E and other antioxidants help to prevent signs that come with premature ageing?(Shutterstock)
Avocados are one of the most insta-famous fruits of all time. People love to put them in their smoothies, food or even have them plainly as a snack.
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Theres no doubt that avos are delicious and can be combined with almost everything. But what about their nutritional content?
Most of us focus on how they look and taste but dont really know all the benefits we get while we enjoy them. Here is a list of health benefits you get just by eating this super fruit.
Whenever we think about diets, we focus on weight loss, yet there are so many people who struggle to gain weight. Many people rush for unhealthy foods and drinks packed with sugar and fat to gain weight quickly. Unhealthy options only lead to more health problems, so a better alternative is avocados.
They contain healthy fats and vitamins that help you gain the weight you want. So, if you struggle to consume enough calories in a day, just add avocadoes to your meals and youll see great progress in no time
Avocados are good for both weight gain and weight loss. They contain very many essential minerals and vitamins like vitamin B6 that are essential for your overall health. Also, its texture and consistency help to fill you up for a long time. Youre basically able to be contently full while getting so many nutrients at the same time.They contain healthy fats and vitamins that help you gain the weight you want(Shutterstock)
Eating avocados daily does wonders for your digestion. Youre able to have regular bowel movements, which is healthy and keep digestive issues such as constipation and bloating at bay. Thanks to its high fibre content, your body can metabolize and digest food better. The long term advantage is that serious illnesses like colon cancer are avoided and this is a huge benefit that comes with eating avocados often.
Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death in the world today. People are constantly getting sick from high cholesterol levels and dying due to strokes and even heart attacks. Avocados are able to eliminate unnecessary cholesterol from your body by giving room for good and beneficial cholesterol. All this helps us maintain healthy hearts which is something we all want.
ALSO READ: Why constant anger is a sign of insecurityAvocados are able to eliminate unnecessary cholesterol from your body by giving room for good and beneficial cholesterol(Shutterstock)
Good eyesight is an essential part of life. Thats why we are constantly given recommendations on what to eat to improve our eyesight, what to do whenever we use our devices and other important facts on preventing eye-related issues. When you add this superfruit into your diet, your body is able to form resistance from eye diseases like cataracts. It also contains powerful antioxidants like zeaxanthin which are good for vision.It contains powerful antioxidants like zeaxanthin which are good for vision(Shutterstock)
Although there are many products out there that help us maintain good skin, diet also plays a crucial role. We often spend money on creams and lotions when the problem is actually on the inside.
By adding something as simple as avocados to your food, salads or smoothies, youre able to maintain healthy and glowing skin without doing too much. Components such as Vitamin E and other antioxidants help to prevent signs that come with premature ageing like fine wrinkles.
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