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TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH: Weight loss and maintenance all about adding up the calories, Alexander Citywoman says – The Alexander City Outlook

Posted: January 26, 2020 at 4:46 pm

Lisa Neese of Alexander City has been on a weight loss journey for more than two years.

Down more than 70 pounds, Neese shared her method for success to shed unneeded weight.

If you look at it, its basic math, Neese said. Its calories in versus calories out.

The basic math led to Neeses success. She realized she was consuming far more calories than she was burning but for Neese, it was calorie counting that got things started.

I lost most of the weight, the first 80%, just by diet, Neese said. It wasnt until then I added exercise and got down to my goal weight.

The journey has presented roadblocks for Neese who is almost 56 years old.

I had foot surgery in November, she said. I wasnt able to exercise. I scaled my calories back even more, but I still put on 10 pounds. Ive started back to exercise now and it is starting to come back off.

Neese said her issue with weight was in her mind and has employed modern technology to help. Neese installed an app on her phone to take care of the math problem of counting daily calories and how many calories are in an item.

For my brain, I never feel full, Neese said. I can keep on eating if Im not careful. I log my calories in my app. It tells me when Im done.

Neese hasnt excluded any food from her diet, just the amount.

Nothing is off limits as long as I log it, Neese said. You quickly learn one serving of pie can be equal to an apple, a banana and a meal.

Creative recipes have helped keep many things on the menu. Neese said cauliflower rice is her go to product instead of rice, potatoes and other starches.

It takes the place of a lot of things for me, Neese said. I get creative with my recipes.

Cauliflower rice can be homemade or found in the frozen food section of the grocery store. It is grated cauliflower.

There is nothing rice about it, Neese said. It is a vegetable.

Neese said she will take a frozen veggie burger which is basically beans, crumble it and mix with the cauliflower rice and add corn for a tasty, healthy meal.

Its fairly quick, Neese said. I fixed it for my daughter the other day and added a single serving of guacamole. She said, This is good.

Another favorite for Neese is waffles but not your boxed mix kind.

I use egg whites and a jar of butternut squash baby food, Neese said. Its amazing how many calories you can save.

For a snack, air popped popcorn is a must.

Its my go-to at work and home, Neese said. Its without butter but there are lots of seasonings you can add in moderation.

Neese said it is ultimately the individual who has to be persistent to be successful at keeping the weight off.

You got to do it for yourself, Neese said. No amount of support will do it alone.

Neese still seeks and gives support through Overeaters Anonymous. Neese said a local group meets at 6 p.m. every Thursday at the Trinity campus of First United Methodist Church.

Neese said you shouldnt look at it as a diet as the term implies short term. Instead it is a lifestyle change and you have to keep in mind, you make the decision on the late night snack.

If I get to the end of the day, eaten all my calories and Im still hungry, Ill tell myself to wait until tomorrow. I can put it in the plan and eat it.

Neese does avoid some things.

I try to avoid cereal, she said. I want so much of it to fill up. Its like empty calories.

She also avoids sugar especially in soft drinks, tea and coffee but will use small amounts of Stevia to help sweeten things up.

There is one thing Neese refuses to give up: her mothers Lane cake.

I still count it, she said.

While Neese has been successful in losing weight, she will continue the never-ending game of math.

I still count calories every day, she said. Ill do it for the rest of my life.

Cliff Williams is a staff writer for Tallapoosa Publishers.

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TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH: Weight loss and maintenance all about adding up the calories, Alexander Citywoman says - The Alexander City Outlook

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Surgeon to give talk on obesity, weight loss, bariatric surgery – My Central Jersey

Posted: January 26, 2020 at 4:46 pm

MyCentralJersey Published 5:00 a.m. ET Jan. 26, 2020

Weight loss procedures that are helping people get their lives back.

We are living in a caveman's body here in 2020."

That is the assessment ofDr. Aram E. Jawed, a board-certified General and Bariatric Surgeon at the JFK for Life Bariatric Surgery Program. Jawed has researched the evolution of obesity and concludesour biology, stomachs, digestive systems, and hunger hormones are archaic, outdated, and obsolete.

In advance of a talk on obesity, weight loss, and bariatric surgery, which is open to the public on Tuesday, Jan. 28, Jawed explains his findings.

Aram E. Jawed(Photo: Submitted)

Early humans spent their days hunting, foraging, gathering and running from predators. Their stomachs were able to hold as much as 1.5 liters at one meal, which they needed for energy to survive. Yet they dined mainly on low-calorie leafy greens, nuts and fruit, with an occasional meat treat if they managed to kill an animal or scavenge. The result: a trim physique, he said.

Today, were sitting in cars, at desks, and behind computers. We dont do nearly the physical activity such as farming, hunting, gathering, and running around like we used to, and so we are not burning nearly enough calories. On top of that we are eating calorie dense, processed, sugary and fatty foods, which our body craves, and we have easy access to, he said.

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Despite our drastic lifestyle change, which has only occurred over a very short period, in the last 100 years or so, compared to the thousands of years we have been roaming the Earth, our stomachs have not changed in size, nor have our digestive systems evolved, he said.

Throughout history mankind has struggled with starvation due to droughts, famine, plagues and we have built biological defenses against starving, but have never needed defenses against overeating, he said.

When someone loses large amounts of weight from a fad diet, their metabolic rate falls in response because their biology is fighting to regain the weight back (preventing them from starving). As the person slowly returns to their former eating habits after losing weight, they pack on even more pounds than before because of their lowered metabolic set point. This leads to unhealthy yo-yo dieting, which contributes to morbid obesity and all the conditions that come with it diabetes, sleep apnea, infertility, fatty liver, high cholesterol and high blood pressure to name a few, he said.

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I have many patients who come in after years and years of dieting and are still obese, who are eating lettuce and tomatoes and going to the gym every day and cant lose weight is because their metabolism is shot. They don't want to hear diet and exercise, something they have been doing all their lives. They need a real solution, Jawed said.

By altering our biology for those who are suffering from morbid obesity and its consequences, we are in a sense updating our digestive system to the society that we live in today. We can still enjoy food and at the same time feel satisfied with smaller amounts, but our bodies stop yearning for more, he said.

If you or someone you know is already struggling with morbid obesity it can feel hopeless because no matter what you do, your biology is going to win; unless you change it, he said.

Jawed's seminar will be held at 98 James St. in Edison. The event is open to the public. Seats for the event may be reserved by calling 732-744-5955 or register directly at

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Surgeon to give talk on obesity, weight loss, bariatric surgery - My Central Jersey

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Reducing Weight And Stigma Can Be Complementary Goals –

Posted: January 26, 2020 at 4:46 pm

The social stigma of being overweight is often internalized by people with obesity, causing them to blame and devalue themselves because of their weight. While its known that weight self-stigma is linked to poor mental and physical health, little is known about how to help people overcome it.

In a new study, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that obese people who received a new stigma-reduction intervention, along with standard behavioral weight loss treatment, devalued themselves less compared to participants who only received the weight loss treatment.

Our findings suggest that incorporating an intervention that targets internalized weight stigma into weight management programs may be beneficial for individuals who struggle with poor self-image due to their weight, said the studys principal investigator and lead author Rebecca Pearl, PhD, an assistant professor of Psychology in Psychiatry in the Perelman School of Medicine at Penn.

Previous research has shown that, beyond the effects of body mass index (BMI) and depression, self-directed weight stigma is tied to a greater risk for cardiovascular and metabolic disease.

For the new study, the researchers conducted the first randomized controlled trial of an intervention designed to reduce internalized weight stigma as part of a weight management program.

A total of 72 adults with obesity who reported experiencing and internalizing weight stigma participated in the six-month weight loss study. In one group, participants were given behavioral weight loss treatment and access to the Weight Bias Internalization and Stigma (BIAS) program, which provided skills to help them combat negative weight-related thoughts, cope with weight-stigmatizing experiences, and boost their self- and body-acceptance.

Another group of volunteers only received behavioral weight loss treatment, which also included more information on cooking tips and recipes.

Using two validated measures, the team assessed self-reported weight stigma at baseline, week 12, and week 26. The team also examined other self-reported measures of psychological and behavioral factors, along with weight, blood pressure, and waist circumference.

The results show that participants who received the Weight BIAS program experienced significantly greater decreases on one measure of internalized weight stigma self-devaluation than those who received weight loss treatment alone.

However, the researchers note that there were no differences between groups for the other measures of internalized weight stigma. Groups also did not differ in changes in other measures of psychological well-being, behavior change, or changes in weight and other health metrics, with participants in both groups showing improvements.

For example, participants in the Weight BIAS program lost an average of 4.5 percent of their starting body weight at 6 months, compared with 5.9% for those in the standard weight loss group.

Participants rated the Weight BIAS program highly in their assessment of how much they liked it and benefited from it. The weight loss intervention was also rated highly in both groups.

Weight loss and stigma reduction can seem like contradictory goals to some people, said Pearl. Our results, however, suggest that they can be complementary. We can promote both at the same time.

The findings are published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.

Source: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

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Adele Continues To Stun After Her Weight Loss Transformation – Celebrity Insider

Posted: January 26, 2020 at 4:46 pm

Adele continues to stun fans after her amazing 100-pound weight loss. Now photos of Adele on the beach are going viral. Adele is beaming with happiness since her divorce from Simon Konecki and her weight-loss and her recent vacation and beach photos prove it. Adele had a great time in Anguilla where she vacationed with James Corden and Harry Styles. She had her svelte figure on display as she played in the water in a blue and white polka dot mini dress and wore a red bandana around her neck. Adele wore her blonde hair up in a ponytail.

An insider spoke to Star magazine, for the February 3, 2020, issue and discussed that Adele has made a lot of lifestyle changes in order to achieve her new figure. According to the source, friends are worried that Adele may not be able to keep the weight off.

The source stated the following.

Adele makes no secret of the fact that she loves to eat and hates to exercise. She has a passion for fried English breakfasts, Big Macs, and pizza, and if she reverts to her old bad eating habits, shell just pile the pounds back on.

The source also said that Adele has greatly changed the way she eats but fears are that if she resorts back to the old ways, she will lose her new found freedom and happiness.

You may see several photos of Adele as she enjoys some time for fun and relaxation on the beach in the photo slideshow below.

The source also explained that Adele is eating a mostly plant-based diet now and gave up sugary drinks (the 15-time Grammy-winner is said to have enjoyed drinking tea sweetened with two lumps of sugar, but has switched to plain green tea.

Several photos showing Adele showing off her new figure are also going viral. You may see those photos below.

What do you think about the newer, smaller Adele? Were you surprised by her weight loss? Some fans actually think that Adele is losing too much weight and should stop dieting.


What do you think? Is Adele too thin now or do you think she looks perfect after her amazing weight loss transformation?

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Studies That Claim Salt Consumption Aids In Weight Loss Are Wrong, Study Finds – Study Finds

Posted: January 26, 2020 at 4:46 pm

BOSTON If youre trying to lose some of those extras pounds in 2020, a new set of research says you probably shouldnt look to salt for help. A study by researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) in Boston found that salt consumption doesnt contribute significantly to weight loss. Making matters worse for all you salt lovers out there, researchers also validated the long-held belief that salt is a major contributing factor in the development of hypertension and heart disease.

A total of 150 million Americans suffer from high blood pressure, which can lead to many health problems, such as heart attack and stroke. Its been widely believed for a long time that increased salt consumption stimulates thirst, which leads to greater fluid intake, ultimately increasing blood pressure. However, recent studies have come to contradictory findings; these projects have concluded that eating more salt doesnt actually stimulate thirst, but instead promotes weight loss by adjusting the bodys energy needs.

Dr. Stephen Juraschek, an assistant professor of medicine at BIDMC, led this new set of research disproving the recent notion that salt helps with weight loss. Dr. Juraschek and his team found that reducing the consumption of sodium for adults with high blood pressure or hypertension did in fact influence feelings of thirst, urine volume, and blood pressure. The study also showed that cutting out salt didnt affect their bodies metabolic energy needs, as was concluded in the aforementioned studies.

So, this most recent study supports the traditional belief that lowering sodium intake is critical to managing hypertension and disproves the idea that salt helps with weight loss.

Dr. Juraschek used data from the completed Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)-Sodium trial to examine the effects of low, medium, and high sodium intake on blood pressure in participants following either a typical American diet, or a healthy diet (the DASH diet). The DASH-Sodium trial was a randomized controlled-feeding study originally published in 2001.


The researchers secondary analysis of the DASH-Sodium trial revealed that reduced sodium intake didnt affect how much energy participants bodies required to maintain a stable weight, but it did reduce the participants thirst. Also, urine volume was either unchanged or lower among those who reduced their sodium intake.

Participants with elevated blood pressure or hypertension saw decreased thirst, urine volume, and blood pressure when they reduced sodium intake. The researchers say this occurred without changing the energy required for the body to maintain a steady weight, indicating that eating more salt isnt going to help with weight loss.

Our study contributes meaningfully to this scientific debate and underscores the importance of sodium reduction as a means to lower blood pressure, says Juraschek in a media release. Public health recommendations aimed at lowering population-wide sodium intake for blood pressure should continue without fear of contributing to weight gain.

The study is published in the journal Hypertension.

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Research Says These 3 Things Are Needed To Maintain Weight Loss –

Posted: January 26, 2020 at 4:46 pm

And lastly, the third factor found to be important for weight management was psychological coping strategies, including positive self-talk and staying optimistic if some weight is regainedbecause mindset is everything.

Here are some tips on how to shift your mindset in the midst of a weight loss plateau, plus some mantras for positive self-talk. And just as useful, here are some strategies to mitigate negative self-talk, too.

If this factor sounds particularly challenging for you, consider the weight loss app Noom, which places a big emphasis on the psychology behind weight loss (or lack thereof) by diving deep into your relationship with food and your overall health.

But namely, be gentle with yourself, encouraging yourself along your journey as you would a friend.

And remember, practice makes perfect: Professor Suzanne Phelan, Ph.D., who led the study says, "Healthier choices also became more automatic the longer people continued to make those choices [...] Over time, weight loss maintenance may become easier, requiring less intentional effort." That's good to hear!

So keep at it, and give these strategies a try to maintain your healthiest weight. Eat well, foster awareness toward your lifestyle choices, and be nice to yourself along the wayalways.

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Jessica Simpson Says This Music Industry Icon Told Her To Lose Weight – Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Posted: January 26, 2020 at 4:46 pm

Fashion designer Jessica Simpson is revealing some very personal struggles in her upcoming memoir. Describing what led her to drug and alcohol addiction, Simpson holds nothing back when giving readers an inside look at her inner turmoil.

The singer and former reality star also details her battle with self-image, recalling a time when she was told by one of the music industrys top brass that she needed to lose weight.

Simpson was offered a book deal five years ago to write about living your best life, but wasnt able to commit to the project. I didnt feel comfortable talking about myself in a way that wasnt honest, Simpson toldPeople. Im a horrible liar.

In her new memoir Open Book, which is set to be released next month, Simpson shares her experiences of sexual abuse as a child that started at 6 years old when I shared a bed with the daughter of a family friend, she writes. It would start with tickling my back and then go into things that were extremely uncomfortable.

With early fame and marriage (to first husband Nick Lachey), Simpson turned to drugs and alcohol to counter the anxiety she dealt with due to her past. After hitting bottom in 2017, Simpson knew she had to change and get her life together. I need to stop. Somethings got to stop, she told her friends. And if its the alcohol thats doing this, and making things worse, then I quit. Shes been sober ever since.

Another source of stress theNewlyweds: Nick and Jessicastar shares in the book was from a focus on her outward appearance, with one music star maker telling her she had to drop some pounds.

When Simpson was trying to start her singing career, she met then-Sony Music Entertainment exec Tommy Mottola at just 17 years old. The record mogul had helped catapult the careers of Mariah Carey (to whom he was married for five years), Jennifer Lopez, and Celine Dion. She writes that he wanted to sign me And then he said, You gotta lose 15 pounds.'

According to Yahoo! Celebrity, Simpson hadnt even graduated high school yet and was surprised by Mottolas directive. What? I was five-foot-three and weighed 118, she remembered thinking, but Mottola told her, Thats what it will take to be Jessica Simpson.

In an interview with Vanity Fair in 2009, Mottola shared why he thought Simpson could be the next top artist. She had a great little look and a great attitude, a fresh new face, and something a bit different than Britney [Spears] and all of them, he said. She could actually sing.

Wanting to please Mottola, she said she immediately went on a strict diet, and started taking diet pills, which I would do for the next 20 years. Though she hit her weight-loss goal at the time, Simpson was starving herself which wreaked havoc on her self-image.

I started to hear voices when I was alone at night, waiting for the sleeping pill to kick in: Do more sit-ups, fat ass, she revealed. By the time we got to the release of my second albums first single, Irresistible, I was down to 103 pounds. Everyone went on about how great I looked, but I couldnt enjoy it because I was so freaking hungry.

Through hard work and the help of friends, family, and therapy, Simpson has been able to heal from her past hurtful experiences and now dedicates her life to wholeness. Its been a long hard deep emotional journey, one that Ive come through the other side with pure happiness and fulfillment and acceptance of myself, Simpson explained, adding that she hopes her story will help others. Ive used my pain and turned it into something that can be beautiful and hopefully inspiring to people.

Open Book is scheduled for release on February 4, 2020.

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If You Want to Lose Weight, Follow This Dietitian’s Simple and Satisfying Smoothie Hack – POPSUGAR

Posted: January 26, 2020 at 4:46 pm

You can squeeze so much nutrition into a smoothie. You can include fresh fruit, seeds, veggies, and if you throw in a little protein powder, smoothies make a satiating meal that's quick and delicious. But if you sip down your morning smoothie and it typically leaves your stomach growling an hour or two later, try this dietitian's hack add oats to your blender!

Registered dietitian nutritionist and NASM-certified personal trainer Whitney English Tabaie, MS, recommends her clients eat more whole grains like oats because "studies have shown that diets rich in whole grains help support weight loss and reduce inflammation," she told POPSUGAR. "They provide a hefty dose of plant protein and fiber, which aids in satiety and helps balance blood sugar levels so you stay fuller longer."

Rolled oats are a great source of slow-digesting carbs, fiber, and protein, all of which aid in that satiated-for-hours feeling. After grinding up a quarter-cup to half-cup of rolled oats in the blender, add the rest of your smoothie ingredients and blend until well combined. The result is a thicker, more fiber-filled smoothie, that's sure to keep you feeling full well until lunch time.

If you want to prepare your smoothie the night before to save time and you prefer a more silky-smooth texture, try this banana oat smoothie recipe that involves soaking the oats overnight. It offers 10 grams of satiating fiber, over 14 grams of protein, and it tastes thick and delicious like a milkshake!

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Weight loss story: I lost 41 kilos in 7 months by doing HIIT – Times of India

Posted: January 26, 2020 at 4:46 pm

Weighing a massive 108 kilos, Vishesh Pathak's quality of life was rapidly deteriorating. Slowly, he realised that he needed to change his ways to lead a more fulfilling and healthy life. From being a couch potato, eating round the clock and being glued to streaming services to running 4 full marathons, he has certainly come a long way. Read on his incredibly motivating journey to get inspired.Name: Vishesh PathakOccupation: ArchitectAge: 30 yearsHighest weight recorded: 108 kgsWeight lost: 41 kgs

Duration it took me to lose weight: 7 months

The turning point: When you are overweight, more than the hurtful and unsolicited advice people hurl your way, it is the realisation that you are not able to do day-to-day activities with the same ease. It was incredibly frustrating when I wasnt able to fit into my favourite clothes any longer. While there was no specific moment which nudged me to lose weight, I knew I had to get back in shape if I wanted to lead a more fulfilling life.

Another turning point of my life was when I ran my first ever 10-kilometre race after which I really got into running. I joined the New York Roadrunners group and tried to qualify for the NYC marathon by doing 9 qualifying races. Throughout 2017, I attended 14 running events comprising of 5Ks, 10Ks, Half-marathon (13.1 miles) and NYC TCS marathon.

While running these races, I trained for them while running indoors in the gym, doing weight training, a combination of high-intensity cardio and jogging, endurance training etc.

My breakfast: I try to have a combination of carbs, sugar and protein as part of my breakfast.It usually includes but is not limited to oatmeal, fruits (bananas/apple), a cup of coffee and peanuts and almonds.My lunch: A healthy salad comprising of quinoa, kale, spinach and nuts.My dinner: A tomato soup, 2 slices of bread and green tea with honey and lemon. I would recommend skipping dinner after high intensity cardio since it is really effective in the EPOC process. EPOC stands for Excessive, Post-workout, Oxygen Consumption which facilitates and triggers more fat loss after a high-intensity workout.I indulge in: I would highly recommend not taking any cheat days if someone is serious about weight loss, at least during the initial phase. If you cannot resist, you may have a single-ingredient food which is digested easily.My workout: Initially, my workout comprised of High-intensity cardio on a treadmill, elliptical or cycling. I would run for at least 3 to 4 miles every day on a treadmill and following up with weight training, core workout, endurance training, etc. I made sure I went to the gym regularly and followed a strict routine consistently.My typical gym routine would be as follows:

1) Full body stretching to make sure arms, legs, joints are fully mobile

2) Running 3 to 4 miles on the treadmill, followed by another 2 miles of high-intensity cardio

3) Weight training to train the lateral muscles, quads, glutes, core, back muscles.

4) I work out 4 to 5 times a week for 2 hours

Fitness secrets I unveiled: I can vouch for the saying, abs are made in the kitchen. I have also realised that diet plays a significant role in terms of weight loss when compared to sweating it out. Last but not the least, if we do not tweak our eating habits, then simply working out will not be effective.

How do I stay motivated? I have realised that weight loss can be a long journey, so it is very important to stay motivated throughout. Hence, I try not to get too intimidated by others fitness journey and keep a track of my achievements. I also read fitness blogs, watch videos by professional athletes and bodybuilders and try to follow their routine and diet.

How do you ensure you dont lose focus? I make sure that I celebrate small accomplishments and achievements and do not stay fixated on the ultimate result.

Whats the most difficult part of being overweight? Personally, for me, the most difficult part of being overweight was the lack of confidence and the feeling of sheer disappointment and frustration of not being able to fit in my favourite clothes. You also tend to feel insecure and develop inferiority complex which might lead to depression.

What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I would like to stay focused and keep following the same routine as I have for the past few months.

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Weight loss story: I lost 41 kilos in 7 months by doing HIIT - Times of India

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The Refined Carb Doctors Say You Should STOP Cooking With Because It Slowly Destroys Your Metabolism – SheFinds

Posted: January 26, 2020 at 4:43 pm

When it comes to refined carbs, the first thing people typically think of is white bread. Although white bread is a common food, it has little nutritional valuemaking it an unhealthy choice. If you are hoping to lose weight, staying away from refined carbs is especially important, but it is not just white bread that you have to look out for.

White rice, a common recipe ingredient, is another refined carb that can lead to weight gain.


White rice is a pantry staple, and a popular part of many diets, but it might be best to stay away if you are trying to lose weight.

According toEat This, Not That!, "Just like white bread, white rice has been stripped of its nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants, making it nothing more than empty calories and a lot of carbs."


Although all refined carbs are important to keep an eye on, white rice is especially important to watch out for considering how many meals include it.

From soups to grain bowls, white rice is a popular ingredient that you may not realize could be negatively impacting your health.


With that in mind, eliminating white rice from your diet is a good way to get on track for a healthier lifestyle.

Cutting out overly processed ingredients in general is a great step in the right direction when it comes to losing weight.


Instead, sticking to brown or wild rice (and whole grains)--or even switching over to cauliflower rice--could make a huge difference in how quickly you see weight loss results.

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The Refined Carb Doctors Say You Should STOP Cooking With Because It Slowly Destroys Your Metabolism - SheFinds

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