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50 Ways to Live a Longer, Healthier Life | Print Only | – The Philadelphia Tribune
Posted: January 25, 2020 at 4:41 am
If your favorite vegetable isnt in season, grab a frozen bag of it for the same nutritional value.
The editors at AARP have filtered through numerous medical journals and studies to identify the best actions you can take to achieve a longer, fuller life. We know there are no guarantees. But genetics account for just 25 percent of a persons longevity. The rest is up to you. With this collection of some of the most important longevity findings, youll have the road map you need to get to 80, 90, 100 or beyond.
You can eat a balanced diet even when fresh fruits and vegetables are out of season because frozen can be as good as or even better for life-extending nutrients. British scientists found that fresh fruit can lose nutrients after three days of refrigeration, while frozen fruits dont suffer the same fate. Another study similarly found that frozen blueberries contained more vitamin C than fresh ones.
2. Cut back on pain pills
Regular use of painkillers such as ibuprofen and naproxen including over-the-counter brands such as Advil, Motrin and Aleve may raise your risk of heart attack and stroke by 10 percent, according to a 2014 U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel review. (Prescription-strength versions may increase your risk by 20 to 50 percent, even after just a few weeks of use.) Reserve these drugs for severe pain, and use the lowest possible dose for the shortest amount of time.
Consistently sleeping less than six hours a night nearly doubles your risk of heart attack and stroke, according to a review of 15 studies published in the European Heart Journal. Another study found that consistently sleep-deprived people were 12 percent more likely to die over the 25-year study period than those who got six to eight hours of sleep a night. These tips from the National Sleep Foundation can help ensure that you get good quality shut-eye, even if youre among the half of people over 60 who have insomnia:
Make the room pitch-black dark, and set the thermostat between 60 and 67 degrees.
Exercise every day. It doesnt matter what time of day you work out, just so it doesnt interfere with your rest.
Stick to a regular sleep schedule, going to bed and getting up at the same time each day.
Shut down your electronics an hour before retiring, as the light from some devices can stimulate the brain.
Replace your mattress if its more than 10 years old.
4. But dont always go right to sleep
A Duke University study that followed 252 people for 25 years concluded that frequent sex was a significant predictor of longevity for men. Marriage is good for the heart in more ways than one.
Marriage truly is good for your health and your longevity. The prestigious Framingham Offspring Study found that married men had a 46 percent lower risk of death than never-married men, in part due to marriages well-known impact on heart health. Indeed, a 2014 study by New York Universitys Langone Medical Center found that married men and women had a 5 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease.
No, you wont die from eating under-ripe produce, but new research shows that fully ripened fruit has more life-lengthening health benefits. For example, green bananas are low in fiber and high in astringent tannins that can cause constipation. Fully ripened pears and blackberries have more disease-fighting antioxidants. And in watermelon, a deep red color signifies more lycopene, an antioxidant that may reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.
7. Dont sweeten with sugar
A high-sugar diet boosts blood sugar, which in turn plays havoc with your heart by increasing levels of LDL cholesterol while lowering heart-friendly HDL cholesterol, and tripling your risk for fatal cardiovascular disease. The American Heart Association recommends that women consume no more than 6 teaspoons (25 grams) of added sugar a day, and men no more than 9 teaspoons (36 grams).
8. Consider extra vitamin D
Vitamin D, a bright byproduct of sunlight, has many health benefits, including a link to longevity. But too much vitamin D increases your risk of dying as much as too little, according to a 2015 Danish study. So you want to get the right amount. Dont just rely on outdoor time to get extra vitamin D; the rate of skin cancer rises as we age, so its important to limit exposure. The smart plan: Ask your doctor if you would benefit from extra D in pill form. University of Copenhagen researchers found that the ideal vitamin D level is more than 50 nanomoles per liter of blood, but less than 100 nmol/L.
If coffees not your thing, green tea also has proven longevity cred, likely because it contains powerful antioxidants known as catechins that may help combat diabetes and heart disease. In a large study of more than 40,000 Japanese men and women, drinking five or more cups of green tea a day was associated with a 12 percent decrease in mortality among men and a 23 percent decrease among women.
Taking a break from work and going on a vacation is crucial to your well being. Not taking time off work might, indeed, be deadly. One study of men at high risk for coronary artery disease found that those who failed to take annual vacations were 32 percent more likely to die of a heart attack. And in the long-running Framingham Heart Study, women who vacationed just once every six years were eight times more likely to develop coronary artery disease or have a heart attack than women who vacationed twice a year.
The average American eats one serving of whole grains daily and that may be just a single morning slice of toast. But eating three or more servings each day can cut overall death rate by about 20 percent, according to a 2016 study from Harvard Universitys T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Have some oatmeal or brown rice, or get adventurous and go for quinoa, barley, even farro.
Eating hot chili peppers may add years to your life. In a 2016 analysis of the dietary habits of more than 16,000 men and women over 23 years, those who reported eating hot peppers reduced their risk of dying by 13 percent. Not a fan of those peppers? Even a little spice can have health benefits. Thats because the body produces endorphins to reduce the heat from the capsaicin in the peppers; those endorphins also reduce pain and inflammation.
Youve been told forever to drink low-fat or skim milk, or go for fat-free yogurt. But research published in the journal Circulation in 2016 concluded that those who consumed the most dairy fat had a 50 percent lower risk of developing diabetes, a disease that can shorten your life by eight to 10 years on average.
Staying adequately hydrated measured by urine thats light yellow or straw colored can also help prolong a healthy life by reducing the risk of bladder and colon cancer and keeping kidneys in tip-top shape. Bonus: It might even help you lose weight. Researchers at the University of Illinois found that those who sipped more H2O ended up eating 68 to 205 fewer calories per day.
15. Say yes to that extra cup
A few cups of java a day might keep the doctor away. Coffee does more than help you wake up; it also reduces your risk of stroke, diabetes and some cancers. And in a 2015 study published in the journal Circulation, Harvard researchers discovered that people who drank three to five cups of coffee per day had about a 15 percent lower [risk of premature] mortality compared to people who didnt drink coffee, says coauthor Walter Willett, M.D. Mind you, a cup is 8 ounces, so your 16-ounce Starbucks grande is really two cups by that measure.
A University of Maryland study found that Amish men live longer than typical Caucasian men in the United States, and both Amish men and women have lower rates of hospitalization. What are the Amish ways? Lots of physical activity, less smoking and drinking, and a supportive social structure involving family and community.
17. End the days eating by 9 p.m.
Not only is eating late bad for your waistline sleeping doesnt exactly burn lots of calories it also increases the risk of heart disease by 55 percent for men ages 45 to 82, according to a Harvard study.
In a study of 73,000 adults, most in their mid to upper 50s, vegetarians were 12 percent less likely than carnivores to have died from any cause during the six-year study period. The 2016 study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, found that mortality rates were lowest overall for pesco-vegetarians (those who eat fish occasionally), followed by vegans (those who eat no animal products), and lacto-ovo vegetarians (those who eat dairy and eggs).
The Mediterranean diet, with its reliance on fruits, vegetables, olive oil, fish and nuts, is one of the healthiest diets for both overall health and longevity. Harvard researchers, reporting in the BMJ in 2014, found that those who followed the diet most closely had longer telomeres, which cap the end of each strand of DNA and protect chromosomes from damage. Even those who only sporadically followed the diet reaped longevity benefits, researchers found.
Cutting your portions helps you cut calories, which aids in weight loss and more. If you want to reach 100, put down the fork, says Dan Buettner, who studies longevity hot spots around the world, such as Okinawa, Japan. Buettner found that the oldest Okinawans stop eating when they feel 80 percent full. A National Institutes of Health-funded study similarly found that cutting back calories reduced blood pressure, cholesterol and insulin resistance.
21. Drink less (heres a trick)
More-than-moderate alcohol consumption (generally, more than one drink a day for women or more than two a day for men) leads to a shorter life span. Heres one way to cut your intake: Pour red wine into a white-wine glass, which is narrower. Studies by Cornell Universitys Food and Brand Lab found that people poured 12 percent more into red-wine glasses. Youll also pour less wine into your glass if its sitting on the table, instead of in your hand, says Brian Wansink, the labs director.
Money might not make you happier, but it will help you live longer. A 2016 study by Stanford researchers published in JAMA found that people whose income bracket was in the top 1 percent lived nearly 15 years longer than those in the bottom 1 percent. The disparity could be attributed to healthier behaviors in higher-income groups, including less smoking and lower obesity rates, researchers say.
23. Or move to one of these states
If youre not wealthy, consider moving to California, New York or Vermont, where studies show that low-income people tend to live the longest. Loma Linda, Calif., has the highest longevity thanks to vegetarian Seventh-day Adventists, who live eight to 10 years longer than the rest of us. Nevada, Indiana and Oklahoma have the lowest life expectancy (less than 78 years).
Experiencing a sense of awe such as when viewing the Grand Canyon or listening to Beethovens Ninth may boost the bodys defense system, says research from the University of California, Berkeley. That awe, wonder and beauty promote healthier levels of cytokines suggests that the things we do to experience these emotions a walk in nature, losing oneself in music, beholding art has a direct influence upon health and life expectancy, says Dacher Keltner, a psychologist and coauthor of the study.
25. Get a friend with four legs
Owning a dog can help lower stress and boost physical activity. A few studies on the link between pet ownership and health have found that owning a pet can reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, even improve the odds of surviving a heart attack. Now the American Heart Association has weighed in with a report published in the journal Circulation that recommends owning a dog, in particular, for those seeking to reduce their risk of deadly heart disease. Dog owners are more likely to be physically active and are also less vulnerable to the effects of stress, the report says.
Do you wake up looking forward to something? In a 2014 study published in the Lancet, researchers found that those with the highest sense of purpose were 30 percent less likely to die during the 8.5-year study period. In fact, doing something that matters whether its helping your children or interacting in a community of like-minded folks is correlated with seven extra years of life, according to researchers who study people in blue zones, areas of the world where folks live the longest.
Attending religious services once a week has been shown to add between four and 14 years to life expectancy, according to researchers who study blue zones. Dont belong to a church? Ask to join a friend at her services, or just drop in at a nearby house of worship; most have an open-door policy.
About 3,000 Americans die from food poisoning annually, say the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Even seemingly healthy foods like sprouts, cantaloupe, berries and raw tuna can make you sick or even kill you, says the FDA. Your action plan: Keep your kitchen pristine, wash your hands and utensils before and after handling food, separate raw and cooked foods, refrigerate perishable food promptly, and cook food to a safe temperature to kill deadly bacteria.
29. Consider mountain life
People residing at higher altitudes tend to live longer, a study by the University of Colorado and the Harvard School of Global Health revealed. Of the 20 healthiest counties in America, many are in Colorado and Utah. Researchers think lower oxygen levels might cause your body to adapt in ways that strengthen your heart and circulation.
Eating a handful of nuts five times per week can lower your mortality risk from certain diseases. In a European study of adults ages 55 to 69, those who ate 10 grams of nuts daily 8 almonds or 6 cashews reduced their risk of death from any health-related cause by 23 percent. As for specific ailments, consuming a handful of nuts at least five times per week lowers the mortality risk for heart disease (by 29 percent), respiratory disease (24 percent) and cancer (11 percent), according to a previous U.S. study. Sorry, peanut butter fans: Spreads didnt show the same benefits.
31. Keep watching LOL cat videos
Laughter really is the best medicine, helping to reduce stress, boost the immune system, reduce pain and improve blood flow to the brain. In fact, laughter has the same effect on blood vessels as exercise, report researchers from the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore.
Studies show that loneliness increases the risk of early death by 45 percent. It weakens the immune system and raises blood pressure while increasing the risk for heart attacks and stroke. By contrast, people with strong ties to friends and family have as much as a 50 percent lower risk of dying, according to a study in PLOS Medicine. So visit a friend. And dont discount your online friends. A 2016 study by researchers at the University of California, San Diego found that those who use Facebook also live longer, but only when online interactions dont completely supplant face-to-face social interaction.
While babysitting every day is stressful, regularly watching the grands can lower your risk of dying by a third, according to a 2016 study published in Evolution and Human Behavior. That adds up to an extra five years of life, researchers say. They speculate that caregiving gives grandparents a sense of purpose, and keeps them mentally and physically active.
34. Try to stay out of the hospital
A 2016 Johns Hopkins University study found that some 250,000 patients die each year in hospitals from medical mistakes, such as misdiagnoses, poor practices and conditions, and drug errors. Sometimes the best way to avoid a grave condition is not to enter the system at all.
Reading gives muscle to your memory. Sounds like we made it up, but scientific research supports the longevity benefits of reading newspapers and magazines will do, but books are the best. As little as a half-hour a day of book reading had a significant survival advantage over those who did not read, said the studys senior author, Becca R. Levy, a professor of epidemiology at Yale.
Dont wait for annual checkups to consider your health. By then, a small problem could have morphed into a life-threatening illness. In one English study, researchers found that less than 60 percent of people who developed unusual symptoms in the previous three months had seen a doctor. Symptoms that might point to cancer include: unexplained weight loss of 10 pounds or more (this can be an indication of cancers of the esophagus, stomach or lungs); fever; extreme fatigue; changes in bowel or bladder habits; or unusual bleeding. Other unusual symptoms that could signal disease? A patch of rough, dark skin could indicate diabetes, and a strange color on your tongue could signal serious acid-reflux issues.
37. Visit the hardware store
Among the most common causes of unintentional deaths are carbon monoxide, radon and lead poisoning, the CDC reports. Make sure theres a carbon monoxide detector near every bedroom, and be sure to test and replace the batteries every two years. Was your home built before 1978, when lead paint was outlawed? One trip to the store can get you all you need to test for these toxic substances.
38. Practice home fire drills
Just 1 in 3 families have a fire-safety plan, says Robert Cole, president of Community Health Strategies, an injury-prevention education organization based in Pittsford, N.Y. People underestimate the speed of a fire. Many waste time figuring out what to do, or trying to take belongings with them. Everyone should know what to do and how to get out safely.
Studies show that female doctors are more effective communicators than male physicians. When Harvard researchers in 2016 analyzed Medicare records documenting more than 1.5 million hospitalizations over four years, they found that patients who received care from a female physician were more likely to survive and less likely to be readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of discharge. In fact, about 32,000 fewer people would die each year if male physicians achieved the same outcomes as female physicians, the researchers said. Previous studies have suggested that female doctors are more likely to follow clinical guidelines and are more effective communicators.
40. Make peace with family
While we often stress about small stuff the guests are here, and were not ready! its the nagging, long-running forms of stress, such as a family dispute, that put your longevity at risk. Chronic stress hastens the cellular deterioration that leads to premature aging and a vast array of serious diseases, according to long-running research from the University of California, San Francisco. This sort of cell death turns out to be one of the strongest predictors of early diseases of aging and in many studies of early mortality, says lead researcher Elissa Epel. The remedy: Come to peace with the people in your life. Forgive your family, forgive yourself, put the past behind you so you can have more life in front of you.
50 Ways to Live a Longer, Healthier Life | Print Only | - The Philadelphia Tribune
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The Best Defense of Donald Trump – The New Republic
Posted: January 25, 2020 at 4:41 am
Trumps critics, including myself, have argued that the president placed his own political future above the nations interests. Blackman says that the calculus isnt that simple. Politicians pursue public policy, as they see it, coupled with a concern about their own political future, he wrote. Otherwise legal conduct, even when plainly politically motivatedbut without moving beyond a threshold of personal political gaindoes not amount to an impeachable abuse of power. The Houses shortsighted standard will fail to knock out Mr. Trump but, if taken seriously, threatens to put virtually every elected official in peril. The voters, and not Congress, should decide whether to reward or punish this self-serving feature of our political order.
He elaborated on his argument in an accompanying post at Reason, citing The Times length constraints. (For that same reason, he only addresses the abuse-of-power charge and not the obstruction charge.) Politicians routinely promote their understanding of the general welfare, while, in the back of their minds, considering how those actions will affect their popularity, he explained. Often, the two concepts overlap: Whats good for the country is good for the officials re-election. All politicians understand this dynamic, evenor perhaps especiallyMr. Trump. And there is nothing corrupt about acting based on such competing and overlapping concerns.
If Trump had withheld military aid and diplomatic favor from Ukraine out of legitimate concerns about widespread corruption, Blackmans argument here would carry more weight. But as Case Western Reserve University law professor Jonathan Adler noted in a separate Reason piece, the facts suggest otherwise. As virtually all of the evidence in the record shows, what [Trump] asked for was the announcement of an investigation, and that he had no interest in combating actual corruption of any kind, he wrote. This difference may seem small, but it is keyand Joshs argument only works if this distinction is obscured.
To build his case, Blackman asserts that Trump is not the first president to consider his political future while executing the office. One of his two examples is a letter from President Abraham Lincoln to General William Sherman on September 19, 1864 about Indianas elections that fall. In the letter, Lincoln asks Sherman to let as many soldiers in his army from Indiana return home to vote as possible. The State election of Indiana occurs on the 11th of October, and the loss of it to the friends of the Government would go far towards losing the whole Union cause, he wrote. The bad effect upon the November election, and especially the giving the State Government to those who will oppose the war in every possible way, are too much to risk, if it can possible [sic] be avoided.
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The Best Defense of Donald Trump - The New Republic
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Celebrity fitness expert Anwar Wahhab puts the spotlight on BioPrint to lose weight – Indulgexpress
Posted: January 24, 2020 at 10:46 am
IF YOU ARE still struggling with your resolution of losing those extra kilos and have tried everything from keto diet to rigorous fitness regimen and even supplements, then this may be of interest to you. Celebrity trainer Anwar Wahhab puts the spotlight on BioPrint, a hormone-based weight loss mechanism developed and used by world-renowned strength and conditioning coach Charles Poliquin on Olympics athletes. One of the very few bio-signature, BioPrint and metabolic analytics practitioners in Bengal as well as India, Wahhab shares his insights on the weight loss mechanism. Excerpts:
How does BioPrint work in fitness?
BioPrint, now called Metabolic Analytics, is an advanced body fat testing method aimed at changing ones body composition by identifying accumulation of fats in specific areas of the body. This concept was developed by world-renowned strength and conditioning coach Charles Poliquin who uses it for his many NFL, NHL, MLB and Olympics athletes to get them into shape fast.
What does a BioPrint programme include?
BioPrint programme includes an initial consultation, skinfold measurements (body-fat testing), explanation of supplement protocol, review of the current training programme and a detailed nutrition plan. This cutting edge fat loss and health assessment mechanism is designed to improve body composition rapidly, effectively and safely.
What is the duration of the course?
The initial consultation lasts approximately 1.5 hours after which the client will receive subsequent skin fold measurements over 4-6 weeks of following a new diet and supplement protocols. These followup sessions will be around 30 minutes. In total, its a 12-week course and re-assessments take place every week at the same time of the day.
Is it only for weight loss?
BioPrint analysis is for maintaining a healthy body by cutting on unhealthy fats and identifying hormonal or metabolic deficiencies.
How expensive is the course?
The first consultation costs `3,000 while each retest is for `1,500.
How fast is Kolkata warming up to Bio-print and metabolism fitness?
Kolkata is catching up but more awareness is needed. So far fitness enthusiasts and particularly athletes who know about the programme are benefitting from it.
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Celebrity fitness expert Anwar Wahhab puts the spotlight on BioPrint to lose weight - Indulgexpress
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Zion Williamson Is Back. Will His Knee Hold Up? – The New York Times
Posted: January 24, 2020 at 10:46 am
A 2017 study published in The American Journal of Sports Medicine examined 237 N.B.A. first-round draft picks from 2008 to 2015. It found that 43 percent of those who played a single sport during high school sustained a major injury in their pro careers, compared with 25 percent of those who played multiple sports. Multisport athletes also tended to have longer N.B.A. careers.
Dr. Brian Feeley, a sports medicine orthopedist in San Francisco who was a co-author of the study, said there was little evidence to indicate that, for a boy, specializing in a sport before reaching skeletal maturity around 16 or 17 would necessarily make him better. But such specialization is associated with higher injury rates.
The N.B.A. now recommends that players not begin specializing in basketball until age 14 or older; limit the scheduling of organized games; and rest at least one day a week and for a longer period each year.
The question is whether somebody like Zion should have taken breaks, said Dr. Feeley, who did not examine Williamson. Dr. Feeley added that a meniscus tear sustained by a teenager might suggest that young muscles and joints have been overloaded when theyre not really ready for it yet and a predisposition to types of injuries as a professional that you may not necessarily experience until you were in your 50s or 60s.
Griffin said the Pelicans were not overly concerned with the potential health effects of Williamsons specialization as a youth, given his willingness to work to correct his biomechanical flaws.
Williamson expressed some frustration with his rehab and being unable to make his customary explosive moves. He said that, at times, he wanted to punch a wall or kick chairs, but he dismissed any concern over his decision to specialize in basketball since middle school.
My advice would be, if you love the sport, just play it, Williamson said.
The risk is real, though. Recent research, Dr. Jayanthi said, suggests that forceful, specialized training from a young age may contribute to biomechanical flaws. Such movement deficiencies have been widely studied by Dr. Marcus Elliott, a physician and founder of P3, a sports performance company that is completing a five-year study of nearly 500 current N.B.A. players.
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Zion Williamson Is Back. Will His Knee Hold Up? - The New York Times
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High Waters, Hazardous Cargo: The Complicated Job of Keeping Waterways Safe in the Ohio Watershed –
Posted: January 24, 2020 at 10:46 am
Just before dawn in January 2018, 27 barges were floating like a net along the banks of the Ohio River, downstream of the city of Pittsburgh. Instead of fish, the fleet caught chunks of ice that broke off in the warming, fast-moving waters as it waited for a tow through the nearby Emsworth Locks and Dams.
The area had experienced record rainfall, and the river rose more than 12 feet in about 30 hours. The barges, some loaded with coal and cement, were lashed together with steel cables in a grid-like pattern, then secured to pilings equipped with large metal mooring rings.
Crews had worked through the night to monitor the cable tension as ice and rising waters caused the lines to tighten. At 6:15 a.m., a towing vessel captain saw sparks.
His vessel and all of the 27 barges began drifting downstream, propelled by the fast current and extreme weight of ice. Unable to control the barges, the towing vessels saved two and let the rest go.
Aerial photo of barges against the Emsworth Locks and Dam after the breakaway on Jan. 13, 2018. (Photo by U.S. Coast Guard)
Location of the Emsworth Locks and Dam. (Map from NTSB accident report)
Barges after striking the Emsworth Dam. (Photo by U.S. Coast Guard)
In the first light of day, they reached the Locks and Dams and met their fate. Seven flowed through the open lock gate. Three hit the dams and sank, taking their cargo with them. The rest grounded on the banks of the river or lodged themselves between the dams and the raging river.
As is typical with marine accidents, no single factor can be blamed. But federal investigators determined the problem that pushed everything over the edge was the weather. The same day, just south of Wheeling, West Virginia, another 27 barges set loose on the Ohio River due to increased rainfall and ice buildup.
Extreme weather has been cited more and more frequently as a contributing cause in serious marine accidents.
Over the past decade in the Ohio watershed, which encompasses 15 states from southwestern New York to the northeast corner of Mississippi, extreme weather has been cited more and more frequently as a contributing cause in serious marine accidents. At the same time, a KyCIR analysis found that shipping of hazardous materials like crude oil and kerosene are rising.
Ohio Watershed (Map by Blue Raster)
These issues have ramifications all along the Ohio River, but particularly in Louisville, home to one of the most difficult passages to navigate. As the conditions on the Ohio and its cargo become more hazardous, key regulatory organizations struggle to keep up with the growing demands of this water highway.
Inland marine accidents dont attract as much publicity as accidents on the oceans. Generally, inland vessels are much smaller, and fewer deaths result from single incidents.
But navigating inland waterways can still be a treacherous endeavour, made more hazardous when the river is high. A 2017 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers report estimates that up to 50% more water could be coursing through the Ohio River watershed within this century due to climate change.
The rivers rise obscures river banks and changes river beds. It creates currents that can pull vessels off course, or throw debris into mariners paths.
KyCIR analyzed federal data from 2010 to 2018 on serious marine accidents, which the U.S. Coast Guard defines as incidents involving death or serious injury, excessive property damage or a discharge of hazardous materials.
Nearly 3,400 marine incidents occurred in a nine-year period in the Ohio watershed. In 2010, about 8% were serious. By 2018, serious incidents accounted for 12%.Incidents citing high waters as a contributing factor are on the rise, data show.
Coast Guard serious incident reports from 2010 to 2015 occasionally cited high waters or fast-moving currents as contributing factors to the accidents. But these terms began to show up more frequently in accident descriptions starting in 2016, data show.
In one 2018 incident near Louisville, barges loaded with crude oil condensate got stuck on the river bank. The pilot struggled to avoid being overtaken by strong currents.
Liam LaRue, chief of investigations for the Office of Marine Safety at the National Transportation Safety Board [NTSB], said the agency has noticed more and more accidents tied to high rivers.
Wed get a few accidents a week, and they were all just high-water related, LaRue said. Thats definitely something that weve seen a lot of.
NTSB only investigates major marine accidents, which involves six or more fatalities, $500,000 of damage or the total loss of a vessel.
LaRue has been with NTSB for 14 years, and he said their normal annual workload is between 30 and 40 major cases nationwide. Last year was a record year for his team, he said: they investigated 52 major marine accidents. Most happened on oceanic routes or at coastal shipping ports. But inland accidents like the Emsworth barge breakaway outside of Pittsburgh make the list because of the costly property damage they leave in their wake.
And these accidents are not uncommon in the Ohio watershed, in part because the Ohio River is so difficult to navigate.
Louisvilles section of the Ohio River is one of only 12 places in the country with a Vessel Traffic Service essentially an escort system to help vessels navigate dangerous or congested stretches of river. It is the only inland traffic service and the only one that operates solely during times of high water.
Louisvilles service was established in 1973 after a series of accidents, such as the February 1972 incident when a barge carrying chlorine gas became lodged in the McAlpine dam, threatening lives and requiring the evacuation of the nearby Portland neighborhood.
Between 2012 and 2016, Louisvilles traffic service was activated for an average of 59 days a year. In the last two years, it was active for 151 days and 130 days, respectively.
More than 180 million tons of cargo travel up and down the rivers of the Ohio watershed each year, according to a KyCIR analysis of commodities data from the U.S. Corps of Engineers. The river carries shipments of food, alcohol, fuel, construction supplies and even rocket parts.
More and more, those cargo vessels are carrying non-solid fuels.
Kerosene shipments increased 1,372% in 2017 when compared to data from 2000. Crude petroleum shipments increased 675%. By contrast, coal and lignite shipments decreased 35%.
This trend follows the decline of coal and the increase in natural gas production in this region. Less coal is being mined as more companies go bankrupt and coal becomes harder to extract. Power plants are retiring coal generators in favor of natural gas units, which are not only cheaper but cleaner.
But the non-solid materials taking their place are more hazardous to ship. When a coal barge sinks, it generally stays in one place, said Sam Dinkins, a technical programs manager at the Ohio River Valley Water and Sanitation Commission, an interstate water quality agency known as ORSANCO. But when an oil or liquid hazardous material spills, things get messier, faster.
Containment of that release becomes problematic because its going to flow with the river downstream, Dinkins said. And so it spreads out, along with the river flow.
In many cases, the liquid can change the composition and quality of the water water that residents in the watershed ultimately drink.
The Louisville water supply faced a potential disaster in December 2017. A barge holding more than 300,000 gallons of liquid fertilizer broke in half just south of Cincinnati, Ohio, threatening the citys water supply downstream.
This particular spill wasnt due to high water, but it illustrates the potential for danger. As thousands of gallons of urea ammonium nitrate drifted downriver toward Louisville, the citys water authority took action.
This spill was unique because it wasnt like an oil spill where you could see it on the river, Louisville Water Company spokeswoman Kelley Dearing Smith told WFPL in 2017. The chemical was soluble, so our scientists really had to track the spill to understand how this plume was moving.
In this case, rain diluted the contamination, and helped it move swiftly through the city. But less than a month later, the rain would cause the barge breakaways near Pittsburgh and in West Virginia.
These inland spills may seem less catastrophic than ocean spills, but theyre more likely to cause harm to the surrounding area, said Lt. Cmdr. Takila Powell, U.S. Coast Guard marine investigations supervisor for the district that includes most of the Ohio watershed.
When you have an oil spill on an inland river, Powell said, water is more shallow and the currents are different than on the ocean. It takes a lot less oil to pose a big threat.
And plus, theres a higher chance of impact to the shoreline because youre on a river and theres two banks on either side, Powell said. So at least one could potentially be impacted.
Along the Ohio River, Past Accidents Have Led to Stronger Protections for Drinking Water
Government agencies and regulatory bodies say they are working together to improve safety and mitigate harm after accidents occur. But change is slow to come.
For example, Congress passed legislation in 2004 that established mandatory inspections for towing vessels. But mandatory inspections didnt actually begin until 2018, nearly 14 years later.
But as each year brings more volatile weather than the year before, the agencies say theyre trying to be proactive, rather than reactive.
Only recently did the NTSB begin documenting its accident investigations with an internal database. LaRue said the effort will help provide a better idea about trending and things like that, and hopefully spot safety issues.
Such a database, when implemented, could help NTSB create a recommendation report on how to avoid weather-related incidents in the future, but the NTSB still lacks enforcement power. Even if its investigators identify safety protocols that could help mariners deal with extreme weather, it would be up to the Coast Guard to implement them.
Currently, the Coast Guard maintains and operates regional plans that help mariners respond to hazards such as high water or inclement weather on specific stretches of river.
Powell said that during times of high water, the Coast Guard subsectors hold conference calls to discuss river levels, vessel restrictions and weather and river forecasts.
Those forecasts are available for mariners from the National Oceanic Atmospheric Association [NOAA], which uses various data points about rainfall and terrain to predict how waterways will react to extreme weather up to 10 days ahead of time.
That gives them the opportunity to make decisions that are going to help them navigate the rivers safely if the water is coming up quickly, said Trent Schade, hydrologist in charge of NOAAs Ohio River Forecast Center. They have an opportunity to move their boat into a safe harbor.
But these forecasts give only a short lead on the future of the river. Both the Coast Guard and NOAA say they arent focused right now on climate changes long-term impacts on river safety. When it comes to next year or the next 10 years, the state of the water is much murkier.
Alexandra Kanik is the data reporter for Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting which is part of Louisville Public Media. She can be reached at
Caitlin McGlade contributed to this report.
Top photo: The Ohio River, during high water level, upstream of downtown Louisville on Feb. 15, 2018. (Photo by Alexandra Kanik/KyCIR)
Good River: Stories of the Ohio is a series about the environment, economy, and culture of the Ohio River watershed, produced by seven nonprofit newsrooms. To see more, please visit
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Instead of simply copying Insta lifting routines, try this – Sydney Morning Herald
Posted: January 24, 2020 at 10:46 am
Base your workout on what your goals are
Splitting training into body parts such as "chest day", "arm day" and "leg day" is ideal for body building, but for athletic training and weight loss its more efficient to focus on movement patterns.
Machines like the leg curl and leg extension are easier to use, so you can sit on Instagram, but for overall strength development theyre useless.
An easy way to think of a workout is to base it on one of three main movement patterns, says Mann. Youve got push-pull exercises, which are split into horizontal and vertical, such as a bench press/bent-over row [horizontal] and overhead press/pull up [vertical]. Then there are hinge exercises, such as a deadlift and squat exercises, which include a single-leg stance, a lunge or a carry.
Machines like the leg curl and leg extension are easier to use, so you can sit back on your phone checking Instagram, but in terms of overall strength development, theyre useless. If its actual results you're after, you can't go wrong with basic barbell movements, says Mann. He recommends swapping a leg-press machine for a barbell squat.
Mann says that static stretching of muscles is more likely to hinder your performance than improve it. Instead, youll want to focus on increasing mobility and stability in the joints with a more dynamic approach, mimicking the movements youll be training.
If youre doing squats or deadlifts, get your hips and core fired up. Ask a trainer to walk you through the Andrew Lock Hip Big 3 and Shoulder Big 3, and the Stuart McGill Big 3.
If you start your workout and you still feel tired and sore, go back and warm up some more Mann advises.
If you go too high as a beginner youre going to have form breakdown, so keep it moderate. To play it safe you could start using barbells without any weight on at all to get used to the right movement, then start adding weight. Ultimately you want to be aiming for progressive overload: growing a muscle by forcing your body to adapt to a tension greater than what it has previously experienced.
To focus on a hinge movement, start out on a multi-joint compound exercise like a deadlift, with three sets of five reps. Then you can add supplementary exercises to complement your main one, says Mann. For instance, if you cant stabilise well through your lats you might choose to add in a rack pull to help strengthen the lats and the lower back. Then you might add some unilateral movement for symmetry, like some single-arm rows. Lastly, youd add some isolation movements, like a dumbbell pull-over to help strengthen your lats and increase thoracic extension [the longest region of your spine], or some Swiss ball leg-curls.
Cardios great for keeping the heart healthy, but the idea that its the most effective weight-loss regime is a hangover from the '80s aerobics craze. Kudos to Jane Fonda, Jamie Lee Curtis et al for looking amazing in high-cut leotards, but Mann says that lifting is the most consistent way of burning fat.
With aerobics activity you may burn more calories during the workout, but unless its really high-intensity, once you stop training you stop burning calories, says Mann. With weight training you burn fewer during the workout but over the next 48 hours youll continue to burn them. Thats why after a heavy weight session you might feel hot the next day because your body is still burning calories.
He does concede that cardio exercise supplements this fat loss. Its best to do cardio post-weight-lifting workout, when youre in a state of depleted glycogen, as then youll burn more fat as fuel, he says. It doesnt need to be a 30-minute run. It might just be a high-incline walk for 20 minutes.
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Researchers Just Discovered the Secret to Making the Perfect Espresso Shotand It Requires Fewer Coffee Beans – Yahoo Lifestyle
Posted: January 24, 2020 at 10:46 am
If you're a coffee aficionado, you'd probably agree that there's nothing better than getting a tasty cup of joe for a good deal. According to new findings on ScienceDaily, researchers just discovered the secret to the very-best shot of espresso. In a study initially shared in the journal Matter, experts revealed that using less, more coarsely ground coffee beans when brewing espresso can give you the same strong coffee taste you love at a more affordable cost. Even better, this method delivers more consistent flavor with every shot of espresso.
Getty / Inti St Clair
Christopher Hendon, the co-senior author for the study and computational chemist at the University of Oregon, mentioned that leaders in the coffee business making minor changes in their coffee-creation process could make all the difference for the average consumer. "Most people in the coffee industry are using fine-grind settings and lots of coffee beans to get a mix of bitterness and sour acidity that is unpredictable and irreproducible," he said. "It sounds counterintuitive, but experiments and modeling suggest that efficient, reproducible shots can be accessed by simply using less coffee and grinding it more coarsely."
Related: This Is How Much Coffee You Can Safely Drink Each Day, According to New Research
The study's researchers, which included experts from the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and Switzerland, found that using a mathematical equation would determine how to make the best shot of espresso. They first analyzed the typical process of brewing a shot of espresso, which includes grinding a great deal of coffee beans to a fine consistency, then the brewing liquid dissolves the ground coffee in the drink.
After the team of experts conducted tests for themselves, they found that this technique from the coffee industry ended up clogging the coffee bed, limited the amount of coffee that could be extracted, and wasted more coffee beans. This method also made each shot of espresso taste different since some cups didn't have the same amount of coffee grounds. The researchers' mathematical solution found that, "one way to optimize extraction and achieve reproducibility is to grind coarser and use a little less water, while another is to simply reduce the mass of coffee," Hendon noted.
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Curious Kids: why can’t we put people on Mars? – The Conversation UK
Posted: January 24, 2020 at 10:46 am
Why cant we put people on Mars? Sarthak, aged 13, Delhi, India
While we havent yet put people on Mars, we may be able to in the future. As with any major human exploration, whether its climbing Mount Everest or travelling to the deepest point of the oceans, there will be a number of obstacles to overcome when we send people to Mars (and bring them back home again).
Firstly, building a spacecraft that can take a crew to Mars safely will be a challenge. Astronauts staying on the International Space Station (ISS) can receive supplies of food, water and other provisions because it is close to the Earth. But a journey to Mars will last six to nine months, depending on the relative positions of the planets to each other. The spacecraft will need to be self-sufficient, which means it will have to carry all the necessary supplies required for the trip or be able to produce them on board.
Curious Kids is a series by The Conversation, which gives children the chance to have their questions about the world answered by experts. If you have a question youd like an expert to answer, send it to We wont be able to answer every question, but well do our very best.
The spacecraft will also need to provide protection for the crew. On Earth we are shielded from the sun by a magnetic field, but in space we can be exposed to solar and cosmic radiation, which damages cells and increases the risk of cancer.
One of the biggest challenges of a human Mars mission will be keeping the crew fit and healthy. Being in space for a long time can make a lot of strange things happen to the human body. When we enter the microgravity environment of space (when astronauts can float) the first thing that happens is that body fluids, which on Earth are pulled to the feet, are reduced and move towards the head and chest. This causes astronauts to experience something called puffy head, chicken legs.
Other serious effects include changes to bone and muscle. In space, bone density reduces at a rate of 1% and muscle mass at a rate of 3% per month. This is similar to the levels lost in an entire year during the ageing process for older people on Earth.
Losing these amounts of bone and muscle may not seem to be much of a problem in space. The weightless conditions mean humans can perform apparent feats of superhuman strength, such as an astronaut moving a satellite into position by themselves. However, when re-entering a gravity environment, muscle and bone loss reduces physical performance and greatly increases the chance of a fracture.
At present the best solution we have to counteract these effects is exercise. Astronauts on the ISS exercise for about 2.5 hours per day, doing a mixture of cardiovascular (cycling, running) and resistance or weight training. However, even with this amount of exercise, astronauts fitness goes down by 25% in just six months, so it is likely that crews will arrive on Mars in a weak and fragile condition.
Once on the surface of Mars, crews will be exposed to gravity again. But the gravity on Mars is only 0.38g (about one-third that of Earths). This means that moving around on the planets surface will be much easier than on Earth even though any visitors would have to wear protective spacesuits but crew members may not be able to replace the muscle and bone lost during the journey. The concern is that if they are unable to replace this muscle and bone when on the surface of Mars (probably for about a year) then they may not be able to come home.
So scientists are looking at lots of ways to keep astronauts healthy during long-term space exploration, including a mission to Mars. They are trying to create artificial gravity devices so astronauts can take part of Earths environment with them. Another possibility is vibration platforms like those used currently on Earth to help regenerate bones and muscles during ageing.
Hopefully, this will mean crews can endure the two-year round trip to Mars and ensure that our first journey to another planet isnt a one-way trip.
Curious Kids is a series by The Conversation, which gives children the chance to have their questions about the world answered by experts. When sending in questions, make sure you include the askers first name, age and town or city. You can:
Here are some more Curious Kids articles, written by academic experts:
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Curious Kids: why can't we put people on Mars? - The Conversation UK
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In Ohio Watershed, Higher Water Lines And More Hazardous Cargo – WKMS
Posted: January 24, 2020 at 10:46 am
Just before dawn in January 2018, 27 barges were floating like a net along the banks of the Ohio River, downstream of the city of Pittsburgh.
Instead of fish, the fleet caught chunks of ice that broke off in the warming, fast-moving waters as it waited for a tow through the nearby Emsworth Locks and Dams.
The area had experienced record rainfall, and the river rose more than 12 feet in about 30 hours. The barges, some loaded with coal and cement, were lashed together with steel cables in a grid-like pattern, then secured to pilings equipped with large metal mooring rings.
Crews had worked through the night to monitor the cable tension as ice and rising waters caused the lines to tighten. At 6:15 a.m., a towing vessel captain saw sparks.
His vessel and all of the 27 barges began drifting downstream, propelled by the fast current and extreme weight of ice. Unable to control the barges, the towing vessels saved two and let the rest go.
In the first light of day, they reached the Locks and Dams and met their fate. Seven flowed through the open lock gate. Three hit the dams and sank, taking their cargo with them. The rest grounded on the banks of the river or lodged themselves between the dams and the raging river.
As is typical with marine accidents, no single factor can be blamed. But federal investigators determined the problem that pushed everything over the edge was the weather. The same day, just south of Wheeling, West Virginia, another 27 barges set loose on the Ohio River due to increased rainfall and ice buildup.
Over the past decade in the Ohio watershed, which encompasses 15 states from southwestern New York to the northeast corner of Mississippi, extreme weather has been cited more and more frequently as a contributing cause in serious marine accidents. At the same time, a KyCIR analysis found that shipping of hazardous materials like crude oil and kerosene are rising.
These issues have ramifications all along the Ohio River, but particularly in Louisville, home to one of the most difficult passages to navigate. As the conditions on the Ohio and its cargo become more hazardous, key regulatory organizations struggle to keep up with the growing demands of this water highway.
More serious marine accidents
Inland marine accidents dont attract as much publicity as accidents on the oceans. Generally, inland vessels are much smaller, and fewer deaths result from single incidents.
But navigating inland waterways can still be a treacherous endeavour, made more hazardous when the river is high. A 2017 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers report estimates that up to 50% more water could be coursing through the Ohio River watershed within this century due to climate change.
The rivers rise obscures river banks and changes river beds. It creates currents that can pull vessels off course, or throw debris into mariners paths.
KyCIR analyzed federal data from 2010 to 2018 on serious marine accidents, which the U.S. Coast Guard defines as incidents involving death or serious injury, excessive property damage or a discharge of hazardous materials.
Nearly 3,400 marine incidents occurred in a nine-year period in the Ohio watershed. In 2010, about 8% were serious. By 2018, serious incidents accounted for 12%.
Incidents citing high waters as a contributing factor are on the rise, data show.
Coast Guard serious incident reports from 2010 to 2015 occasionally cited high waters or fast-moving currents as contributing factors to the accidents. But these terms began to show up more frequently in accident descriptions starting in 2016, data show.
In one 2018 incident near Louisville, barges loaded with crude oil condensate got stuck on the river bank. The pilot struggled to avoid being overtaken by strong currents.
Liam LaRue, chief of investigations for the Office of Marine Safety at the National Transportation Safety Board [NTSB], said the agency has noticed more and more accidents tied to high rivers.
We'd get a few accidents a week, and they were all just high-water related, LaRue said. That's definitely something that we've seen a lot of.
NTSB only investigates major marine accidents, which involves six or more fatalities, $500,000 of damage or the total loss of a vessel.
LaRue has been with NTSB for 14 years, and he said their normal annual workload is between 30 and 40 major cases nationwide. Last year was a record year for his team, he said: they investigated 52 major marine accidents. Most happened on oceanic routes or at coastal shipping ports. But inland accidents like the Emsworth barge breakaway outside of Pittsburgh make the list because of the costly property damage they leave in their wake.
And these accidents are not uncommon in the Ohio watershed, in part because the Ohio River is so difficult to navigate.
Louisvilles section of the Ohio River is one of only 12 places in the country with a Vessel Traffic Service essentially an escort system to help vessels navigate dangerous or congested stretches of river. It is the only inland traffic service and the only one that operates solely during times of high water.
Louisvilles service was established in 1973 after a series of accidents, such as the February 1972 incident when a barge carrying chlorine gas became lodged in the McAlpine dam, threatening lives and requiring the evacuation of the nearby Portland neighborhood.
Between 2012 and 2016, Louisvilles traffic service was activated for an average of 59 days a year. In the last two years, it was active for 151 days and 130 days, respectively.
More hazardous cargo
More than 180 million tons of cargo travel up and down the rivers of the Ohio watershed each year, according to a KyCIR analysis of commodities data from the U.S. Corps of Engineers. The river carries shipments of food, alcohol, fuel, construction supplies and even rocket parts.
More and more, those cargo vessels are carrying non-solid fuels.
Kerosene shipments increased 1,372% in 2017 when compared to data from 2000. Crude petroleum shipments increased 675%. By contrast, coal and lignite shipments decreased 35%.
This trend follows the decline of coal and the increase in natural gas production in this region. Less coal is being mined as more companies go bankrupt and coal becomes harder to extract. Power plants are retiring coal generators in favor of natural gas units, which are not only cheaper but cleaner.
But the non-solid materials taking their place are more hazardous to ship. When a coal barge sinks, it generally stays in one place, said Sam Dinkins, a technical programs manager at the Ohio River Valley Water and Sanitation Commission, an interstate water quality agency known as ORSANCO. But when an oil or liquid hazardous material spills, things get messier, faster.
Containment of that release becomes problematic because it's going to flow with the river downstream, Dinkins said. And so it spreads out, along with the river flow.
In many cases, the liquid can change the composition and quality of the water water that residents in the watershed ultimately drink.
The Louisville water supply faced a potential disaster in December 2017. A barge holding more than 300,000 gallons of liquid fertilizer broke in half just south of Cincinnati, Ohio, threatening the citys water supply downstream.
This particular spill wasnt due to high water, but it illustrates the potential for danger. As thousands of gallons of urea ammonium nitrate drifted downriver toward Louisville, the citys water authority took action.
This spill was unique because it wasnt like an oil spill where you could see it on the river, Louisville Water Company spokeswoman Kelley Dearing Smith told WFPL in 2017. The chemical was soluble, so our scientists really had to track the spill ... to understand how this plume was moving.
In this case, rain diluted the contamination, and helped it move swiftly through the city. But less than a month later, the rain would cause the barge breakaways near Pittsburgh and in West Virginia.
These inland spills may seem less catastrophic than ocean spills, but theyre more likely to cause harm to the surrounding area, said Lt. Cmdr. Takila Powell, U.S. Coast Guard marine investigations supervisor for the district that includes most of the Ohio watershed.
When you have an oil spill on an inland river, Powell said, water is more shallow and the currents are different than on the ocean. It takes a lot less oil to pose a big threat.
And plus, there's a higher chance of impact to the shoreline because you're on a river and there's two banks on either side, Powell said. So at least one could potentially be impacted.
Whats being done
Government agencies and regulatory bodies say they are working together to improve safety and mitigate harm after accidents occur. But change is slow to come.
For example, Congress passed legislation in 2004 that established mandatory inspections for towing vessels. But mandatory inspections didnt actually begin until 2018, nearly 14 years later.
But as each year brings more volatile weather than the year before, the agencies say theyre trying to be proactive, rather than reactive.
Only recently did the NTSB begin documenting its accident investigations with an internal database. LaRue said the effort will help provide a better idea about trending and things like that, and hopefully spot safety issues.
Such a database, when implemented, could help NTSB create a recommendation report on how to avoid weather-related incidents in the future, but the NTSB still lacks enforcement power. Even if its investigators identify safety protocols that could help mariners deal with extreme weather, it would be up to the Coast Guard to implement them.
Currently, the Coast Guard maintains and operates regional plans that help mariners respond to hazards such as high water or inclement weather on specific stretches of river.
Powell said that during times of high water, the Coast Guard subsectors hold conference calls to discuss river levels, vessel restrictions and weather and river forecasts.
Those forecasts are available for mariners from the National Oceanic Atmospheric Association [NOAA], which uses various data points about rainfall and terrain to predict how waterways will react to extreme weather up to 10 days ahead of time.
That gives them the opportunity to make decisions that are going to help them navigate the rivers safely if the water is coming up quickly, said Trent Schade, hydrologist in charge of NOAAs Ohio River Forecast Center. They have an opportunity to move their boat into a safe harbor.
But these forecasts give only a short lead on the future of the river. Both the Coast Guard and NOAA say they arent focused right now on climate changes long-term impacts on river safety. When it comes to next year or the next 10 years, the state of the water is much murkier.
Alexandra Kanik is the data reporter for Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting which is part of Louisville Public Media. She can be reached at
Caitlin McGlade contributed to this report.
Good River: Stories of the Ohio is a series about the environment, economy, and culture of the Ohio River watershed, produced by seven nonprofit newsrooms. To see more, please visit
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In Ohio Watershed, Higher Water Lines And More Hazardous Cargo - WKMS
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Off-Roading 101: What You Should Need and Know Before You Go – The Manual
Posted: January 24, 2020 at 10:46 am
When the urge to explore arises, few drivers ever find their way off pavement. And really, they dont have to; most popular U.S. campsites, landmarks, and panoramas can be accessed via roadway. But to access more original vistas and tell more compelling stories, youll need to go off-road.
Thankfully, doing so is easier than ever. No longer do you need to sink years of effort into modifying your rig; several automakers will happily sell you a brand-new vehicle with more off-road goodies than youll likely ever need. And if you still prefer to do your own modifications, the aftermarket community is packed with options at all price levels.
In this article, well cover the basics of off-roading, because whether you have a crossover or a Jeep Gladiator Rubicon, you can explore far more than a fire road with the right equipment and fundamentals.
Whether your vehicle is old, new, or two- or four-wheel drive, here are some essentials to equip yourself with before you hit the trails:
Just like some people believe all-wheel drive will magically cure wheel slip in the snow, others imagine a transfer case or locking differential will overcome any tire inefficiencies off-road. Unfortunately, if you attempt to drive across mud, rocks, or sand in summer tires (or worse, balding or cracked ones), youre asking for trouble. Different tires are specifically developed to handle different environments.
A mud terrain (M/T) tire will make some noise on the road, but it will also eject mud, snow, or sand quickly to help you coast through the mucky, loose stuff.
An all-terrain (not to be confused with all-season) tire is a good choice for those who expect to encounter a wide variety of surfaces, but likely arent planning to do anything too hardcore. Size your tire according to what fits and turns easily in your vehicles wheel wells. Larger tires provide more ground clearance and a bigger contact patch, but if you go too big, youll need to re-gear your axles or transmission to avoid power loss and poor fuel economy.
A good set of tires will help keep you out of trouble, but if you get stuck, youll be thankful for recovery gear. Among the must-haves are MaxTrax traction pads to help you extract and plough through loose terrain, snatch straps to attach to another vehicles recovery points and pull you from a snag, a high-lift jack and base to elevate your rig and change a tire on any terrain, a patch kit to cover a tear in your tire temporarily, a shovel to, uh, dig yourself out of trouble, work gloves to save your fingers and palms, a headlamp or other light source to illuminate the issue (which often happens during the inconvenience of night), and a jump starter to overcome a dead or faulty battery. You can get fancy with equipment like winches, but keep in mind that these carry a hefty weight penalty (not to mention expense) and arent necessary for the average off-roader.
Weve all seen the weekend warriors with about thirty LED, halogen, and HID lights pointing in all directions. That doesnt need to be you (and unless you have a very specific use-case, it shouldnt be you). Really, all you need is a good set of driving lights that cast a wide enough beam far enough into the night. If your stock headlights arent cutting it, an easy solution is to attach a set of auxiliary driving lights to your front bumper with a switch wired somewhere on your dashboard. If you want to go the extra mile, consider a set of spot/search lights that can be mounted near your door mirrors to illuminate the left and right side of a path ahead. Yes, LED light bars look cool and can be useful, but they can also create problems if incorrectly mounted (think intense glare off your hood), so be sure thats what you want.
The tires didnt keep you out of trouble and the recovery gear couldnt free you from it now what? Plan and prepare for these emergency situations before the fact. If youre overlanding or headed to a campsite, chances are that you packed sufficient food and water for a couple days, but if not, youll always want some rations and water stashed on board. Bundled with these essentials should also be a set of warm, waterproof clothes (yes, even if the weather report is favorable). In the event of a rollover or similarly dangerous predicament, youll want a seatbelt cutter or glass breaker somewhere on your person or easily accessible. Of course, a first-aid kit is a must. And if youd rather not wait until youre found, its a good idea to buy a long-distance radio with a spare battery to alert anyone nearby.
Depending on your vehicle, the drivers seat can give you access to a vast array of switches, buttons, and levers, inviting the question: What do you activate, and when?
Whether you have two-wheel drive, all-wheel drive, or four-wheel drive, if your vehicle was made in the last decade, it probably has some form of traction control. The most basic iteration of this is a simple on/off setting, but vehicles designed to tackle various climates and terrain will come equipped with multiple configurations that adjust throttle mapping, braking, and/or power distribution to limit wheel slip and therefore overcome obstacles. If you have an on/off switch, your best bet is to keep the system off when youre off-road this will prohibit the vehicle from applying the brakes at the first hint of traction loss. If your system has multiple settings, do a bit of homework via YouTube videos, forums, or your user manual to see what setting is best in which conditions.
If you do have a 4WD vehicle with a two-speed transfer case (4WD Hi and 4WD Lo), youll need to know how and when to move between these settings. For most vehicles, the transition happens via an additional lever somewhere in the center console area, but for some, its a knob mounted on the dash. If your vehicle has permanent 4WD (and therefore doesnt have a 2WD setting), youll want to keep it in 4WD Hi to drive on the highway or tackle terrain where youll need to maintain momentum (i.e. mud, sand, or snow). 4WD Lo, meanwhile is used when youll need as much torque as possible at low speeds (i.e. rock crawling). Once youre in the 4 Lo setting, youll also want to use the right gear; the lower the gear, the more torque available.
A two-speed transfer case (4WD) system will take you much further than an all-wheel drive or two-wheel drive setup, but if you really want to move through just about anything, youll want locking differentials. With an open (not locked) differential, each wheel on an axle spins independently, meaning if one tire doesnt have any traction and is therefore spinning helplessly, you simply lose all the power that would otherwise go to that wheel. By locking a differential (typically via a button or switch somewhere on the dashboard), you forcibly link the two wheels, so if one gets loose, that power is distributed to the wheel with traction. Power + traction = progress.
These arent absolute essentials to basic off-roading, but are useful extras for Off-Roading 101: What you should know before you go for more serious wheelin.
After airing down for improved traction off-road, this tool restores your tires to standard psi (a number youll find in your manual or on the tires themselves). It can also be used after a puncture to inflate a tire before applying a patch. These systems come in all shapes, sizes, and price segments. More expensive compressors will have higher CFM (cubic feet per minute) ratings, meaning they funnel more air into each tire in a given minute. Lower CFM compressors will take some time to refill air, but are often lighter and cheaper. Even if you dont personally own an air compressor, if youre planning to tackle off-road terrain that will require an air down, make sure you travel with someone who has one.
A large segment of the aftermarket is dedicated to the combination of shock and spring that settle between your vehicle and its wheels. Consider that a good suspension is intended to support the weight of your vehicle with the right spring rate and shock valving. Too low a setting for either will mean bottoming out over every bump; too high a setting will create a punishingly stiff ride for all vehicle occupants. When deciding which suspension is right for you, speak with the manufacturer. Specialists will tailor their advice based on your tire size, weight-adding equipment, and intended use-case.
A snorkel is a way of re-routing your air intake from engine height to a position much higher on your vehicle. The only purpose for this system is to give you an off-roader image no, not really. Routing your air intake higher on your vehicle can serve two purposes: in situations where you are fording water at or above your grille level, a standard intake would suck that water into your engine. Instead, the snorkel takes fresh air from above the surface. Alternatively, if you spend a lot of time in loosely packed dirt, you may clog your air filter with the cloud of dust that hovers at window height (especially so if you are following other vehicles). In this case, a snorkel will pull cleaner air from above the dust cloud.
On one end of the spectrum are people who assume that because they dont have 4WD, they dont belong off pavement, while on the other end are folks who attempt to rock crawl in a Toyota Prius (dont roll your eyes Ive seen it). There is a happy medium, though. Even if you bought the two wheel-drive version of a vehicle with a good ground clearance, proper off-roading techniques and equipment (see above) will get you pretty far. On the other hand, if youre rocking a Prius, you should probably just find a friend with a truck.
These are two separate pieces of advice, but linked together, they are the most important words of wisdom we can impart. First, remember that if you exceed your limits and do damage to your vehicle or yourself, you wont have an opportunity to get back off-road for a while. Even if youve made the trek down a trail, only to find an obstacle you arent comfortable with, its better to turn around than to wind up in a dangerous and/or expensive predicament. This is also where your buddy comes in. While you can make a bad call alone, youre less likely to do so with someone else (smart) weighing in. If you both decide to go for it, your buddy can also serve as a spotter to safely guide you over or through an obstacle. And, if this buddy has his or her their own vehicle, they can either pull yours out of trouble, or pull you out of an overturned or otherwise damaged rig (which is harder to accomplish when theyre strapped into the seat next to you).
If your stock vehicle is set up to go off-road, or if youve invested in a good set of AT or MT tires, youll likely notice that theres tread not only where youd expect it, but also on the sidewalls of each tire (called biting edges). It isnt there for show. Before you get into the thick of off-roading, you can optimize traction by airing down each of your tires to between 20-25 psi. This will put more of your tread (including the biting edges) in contact with the ground. More tread means more grip, and without as much air in the tire, its shape can change based on the surface. This allows the tire to dig into rocks or mud, pulling the vehicle forward. Used a different way, airing down on deep mud or snow improves your float, letting your vehicle cruise over the top of the ground rather than sinking into it. And when the off-roading fun is over, dont forget to air your tires back up with a compressor so you dont kill your fuel economy on the highway or worse unseat the tire from its rim.
Even if youve gone to the trouble of fitting a snorkel to your vehicle, that doesnt mean you can magically make it across any body of water. If you wander too deep, or into a fast enough moving current, you run the risk of flooding your car or being carried down river (potentially upside down). Do yourself a favor and check the waters depth at the deepest point to make sure you arent heading into a disaster.
If youve spent time daily driving your vehicle, you understand some of its characteristics like turning radius and fuel economy, but off-roading requires a deeper knowledge. Approach, departure, and breakover angle deal with the level of clearance you have beneath your front and rear bumpers, and the space between axles. Off-road, retaining a mental picture of the space beneath each of these sections of your vehicle will help you avoid getting stuck on rocks, inclines, or ruts that you should have taken at an angle (or skipped entirely).
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Off-Roading 101: What You Should Need and Know Before You Go - The Manual
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