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‘The Real’s’ Host, Adrienne Bailon-Houghton, Reveals What Inspired Her Weight Loss – Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Posted: January 2, 2020 at 9:41 pm

Adrienne Bailon-Houghton has shared much of her personal life and struggles with the utmost honesty as a co-host on the FOX daytime talk show The Real. Viewers have participated in her journey in love from her ending an engagement with a long term boyfriend to her marrying the man of her dreams when she wed Israel Houghton shes held very little back. The former Cheetah Girl recently opened up about her weight loss journey.

Bailon-Houghton initially told Hola! that she decided to make the switch to become vegan out of a desire to prepare her body to carry a child. Though that may have been part of it, she revealed in a recent video on her YouTube channel that insecurities related to her weight gain and negative comments on social media caused her to take her health more seriously.

On a vlog posted to her YouTube channel Absolutely Adrienne, Bailon-Houghton said that she first dedicated herself to getting healthy this past summer. After spending years dieting on and off but always managing to gain the weight back, she made the decision to change her overall lifestyle and not take up another fad diet. Becoming vegan was her method to transition into healthier practices.

One of the first things she did was cut out bread and pasta. I recognize that it makes me feel sluggish, she said. It fills me up very quickly but it has no nutrients. And I recognized there were other alternatives that I have found to love just as much.

Ezekiel bread and rice cakes became a go-to alternative for her. She also loves popcorn, lentil soup and commits to drinking a gallon of water a day.

Bailon-Houghton says that she was able to stick to her changes with the support of her husband and by keeping up with both positive and negative comments as she went through the process.

Bailon-Houghton said that there were two things that made her want to adopt a healthier eating lifestyle. Shed gained a significant amount of weight over the past few years and began to have self-esteem issues. On top of her own personal desire to shed the pounds, criticism from fans didnt help. She noticed a lot of nasty comments about her weight gain online.

You guys have also inspired me in a major way, some in good ways, and some in bad ways. Some of your comments that were like, why does she have seven chins, she said. Or why does she look a certain way, that was something that I turned into fuel to be the best version of myself.

This wasnt her first experience with dealing with negative comments about her weight. In 2018 vlog, she opened up about how those remarks made her feel.

If Im honest, my weight gain in the last few years has been like a struggle for me where Im like, I never looked at myself as being overweight, she said. And it was weird to hear so many comments at one point that I was fat, and Oh my God, she let herself go! I was like, Whoa. So that was a little bit weird.

Bailon-Houghton lost weight once before for her wedding to haughtiness. Shes confidentthat this time, the weight will stay off due to her complete lifestyle change. She shares tips on her YouTube channel from time to time and also keeps her fans updated via her Instagram account.

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'The Real's' Host, Adrienne Bailon-Houghton, Reveals What Inspired Her Weight Loss - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

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Zack the 30-pound rescue cat will lose some weight in 2020 –

Posted: January 2, 2020 at 9:41 pm

Zack, a 30-pound rescue cat who has already won over plenty of fans on Twitter, is about to have the purr-fect start to his new year.

The chunky feline was adopted from the Michigan Humane Society on Thursday after a few adorable photos of Zack tipping the scales were shared on social media earlier this week.

The Michigan Humane Society, which posted about the "absolute unit of a cat" on Twitter, told TODAY on Thursday that Zack had found his fur-ever home.

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Anna Chrisman, spokeswoman for the Michigan Humane Society, told TODAY earlier this week that it was very important Zack finds an owner who can help him lose some weight.

"Were looking for a home that understands how important it will be for Zack to lose this weight. Just like people, the excess weight can have long-term negative effects on his health," she said.

Zack will be on a prescription diet designed for weight loss, which is why his new owner will have to make sure to help him exercise and provide plenty of opportunities for play, Chrisman said. Regular veterinarian check-ins will also be crucial, Chrisman said, and his new family might have to do a few extra tasks to keep him healthy and happy.

"As a side effect to his size, Zack also has trouble grooming himself, so he will need an adopter who doesnt mind bonding with him over brushing," Chrisman explained.

Zack came to the Michigan Humane Society after his previous family "had a significant change in their lives" and could no longer give him the care he needed, Chrisman said. Before he was adopted, the shelter shared some hilariously captioned photos of Zack, joking about his weight loss and New Year's resolutions.

While the society was unable to provide more details about his adoption, Chrisman had told TODAY about the kind of environment Zack would do best in.

"Zack has previously lived with both other cats and children," she said. While he's comfortable with cats and kids, he'd prefer to live in a home without dogs. "He enjoys pets and interacting with humans, but can be a little sensitive to having his tail and hindquarters touched."

Zack should take comfort in knowing that he's not alone on his weight loss journey. Last April, Barsik, a 41-pound shelter cat, was taken in by a foster parent who has been dedicated to helping the cat slim down while keeping his fans updated via Instagram. In 2018, a 29-pound cat in California was taken in by the Pasadena Humane Society and quickly found a loving family to care for him.

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How I set myself up to start 2020 stronger and more capable than ever – Sydney Morning Herald

Posted: January 2, 2020 at 9:41 pm

The book, as it turned out, was published in the same month I fell pregnant with my son, marking an abrupt end to my publicity campaign as my belly swelled. Amid a significant life change I also quickly reverted to my old ways of eating more and moving less, gaining an extra 10 kilograms during pregnancy and another 10 kilograms in the two years that followed regaining the entire 20 kilograms Id lost. Babies, you see, dont lend themselves to meticulous mathematical life planning. And Tim Tams do offer such sweet solace from the stresses of sleep deprivation.

But, over the past three years, Ive fought my way back, not only dropping the 20 kilograms again, but running my first marathon, last September. Body scans have shown I've not only dropped fat, but gained muscle and increased my bone density. I find myself beginning this new decade in the best physical health of my life.

And while it may seem strange, I do believe it is my affinity for numbers and my honours degree in economics that have held the key. Which makes sense, if you think about it. Because if weight management is about being good at numbers, its no surprise so many people struggle.

It's no coincidence that our two most popular New Year's resolutions revolve around either losing weight or getting rich. Neither are easy. When it comes to both money and weight, the system is geared against us: driving us towards spending and eating more, when we should be doing the opposite.

Indeed, both losing weight and building wealth require a strong foundational grasp of the basic mathematical concepts that you can't get rich without spending less than you earn, and you can't lose weight without eating less than you burn.

Unfortunately, most of us are not walking calculators, so getting the balance right is tricky and we often fall for cheap tricks that focus on only one part of the equation.

Yes, vegan juice cleanses will work, for a time. Why? Because youll probably consume many fewer calories than you need in a day. And yes, joining a gym and working out like Rocky may also work, depending on what you eat when you walk out the door.

I'm all about making New Year's resolutions to change your diet and increase your exercise. But if your goal is weight loss, and you dont understand that one run can be undone by one doughnut, youre unlikely to get far.

Illustration: Dionne GainCredit:

As for me, I have set myself a New Year's resolution to drop just a few more kilograms before a beach holiday in May. Using the rule of thumb theres about 7700 calories of energy stored in each kilogram of body fat, Ive calculated the total cumulative calorie deficit I'll need over the 144 days. It's a daily deficit of 350 calories.

So, over that time, I'll eat 350 calories less than my daily energy expenditure. And what's that? Well, a persons daily energy use comprises four broad categories: your so-called basal metabolic rate (how much you burn at rest just to pump your heart and grow your fingernails), any incidental exercise you do (like walking), the thermogenic effect of food (about 10 per cent of the energy in what you eat is lost through the energy required to break it all down and distribute it about your body) and purposeful exercise (going to the gym, for a run etc).

Im a person who likes to do about five strength-based training sessions each week at the gym (CrossFit is my brand of choice). I know from wearing a heart rate monitor that I burn about 600 calories in each of these sessions.

So, my BMR of 1413, plus 20 per cent for incidental exercise, plus 10 per cent for digestion, plus about 400 calories a day for purposeful exercise gives me a daily energy expenditure estimate of 2300 calories. An online calculator ( will give you a pretty good estimate of your own.


So, for the next 144 days, Ill eat 1950 calories a day, logging it all in an app I like called EasyDietDiary.

To protect my strength gains and ensure I dont lose muscle, Ive set a separate goal to increase my maximum barbell deadlift over the same period.

Once I get to my goal weight, I'll increase my food intake to around 2300 calories a day the amount which should precisely balance calories in and calories out and maintain my new weight.

It's been a decade in the making, but I finally feel I'm entering 2020 equipped with the knowledge and habits of balanced eating and movement I'll need to keep me fit and strong for the rest of my life. Yes, its hard work. But unlike so many other fad New Year's weight-loss resolutions, it really works.

Jessica Irvine is a senior economics writer with The Sydney Morning Herald.

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How I set myself up to start 2020 stronger and more capable than ever - Sydney Morning Herald

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At 325 Pounds, I Almost Died Giving Birth. Then, I Lost 159 Pounds and Took Back My Life. –

Posted: January 2, 2020 at 9:41 pm

On the day I delivered my fifth child, no one seemed to have answers for me. I was scared for my unborn son, scared for us both.

His umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. My blood pressure kept crashing. His heart rate kept dropping. My insulin was through the roof and I often felt like I was going to pass out. A few times, I did.

I tend to think of myself as a resilient person, but I couldnt stop the tears from coming. I just kept asking the nurses and doctors over and over, Are you going to deliver this baby, or are you going to let him die?

I knew the delivery wasnt going to be easy; this pregnancy had been challenging since day one. But I never imagined things would get so bad.

Misti Hernandez

I was 325 pounds and pre-diabetic. When I became pregnant, I developed gestational diabetes, a type of diabetes that can develop after women conceive. So I struggled throughout my whole pregnancy with low blood sugar. There were times when I fainted and had to be hospitalized. At 36 weeks, I was admitted to the hospital because I had pre-eclampsia, a.k.a. high blood pressure that can creep up in your third trimester. I was so unhealthy at the time that childbirth could have been fatal for me and my child. And if Im being honest, while I was lying in my hospital bed, writhing in pain, I didnt know if either of us were going to make it.

And yet, after hours of panic and then only two pushes, there he was. Out came my sweet, little Agustin. Born August 5, 2016, at 1:20 p.m. at Redding Medical Center in Redding, CA.

He was so beautiful. Words cant even describe how relieved I felt. I thought seeing him alive and healthy meant that I could finally breathe.

But when I got to bed that night, I literally couldn't. Every time I closed my eyes, it felt like I couldnt get any air. I didnt sleep one wink.

The next morning, I called my doctor and was re-admitted to the hospital. They found out my blood pressure was dangerously high. Like 299 over 290 or something like that. Post-partum hypertension. Ill never forget the color on my husbands face as they wheeled me into my room: pale white. He thought he was going to lose me again. I couldnt bare it.

Nurses and doctors rushed in and out of my room, ripping my clothes off, giving me shots, feeding me pills. They kept doing everything they could to get my blood pressure down. Nothing was working. Even after 10 hours of trying, no one could figure out how to fix it. So they shipped me off to a cardiac unit to get answers, and fortunately after nine days of treatment, my numbers got back down within a safe range. I was finally cleared to go back home to my family and reunite with my newborn.

Gosh, I missed him so much. We had just gone through hell together, and it was really hard to be apart from him. Then, at home, I couldnt even breastfeed him. The radiation I was subjected to during tests on my heart was too toxic. You see, I had never been able to produce breastmilk until I had Agustin and I thought this was my chance to finally experience that connection with my baby. But when the doctors warned me against it, I was heartbroken.

Misti Hernandez

I felt like because of my health, I was failing not only Agustin but all of my kids. I was always tired, and everything hurt. I sat in front of the TV instead of playing with my kids outside. I tapped out of the Annual Family Christmas Tree Hunting every year, without fail. I couldnt go on amusement park rides because I couldnt fit.

I do everything for my kids to get into the right schools, see the right doctors. Everything. But during those early days with Agustin, I was really starting to believe that I was a bad mother. I also couldnt help but think about my own mom and how much I needed her when I was younger. I thought about those four heavy words on her death certificate: ccomplications from morbid obesity.

She died from congestive heart failure when she was 54. I nearly died during childbirth at 34.

As I left the hospital, I was reminded of the vow I made when I was younger: I was going to give my children the life that my mother couldnt give me.

I have love for my mom. I really do.

But she was a mess. And maybe that wasnt completely her fault. I think she was dealing with some mental illness.

She was a single mom on welfare, trying to raise me and my sister, Amber, in California. She didnt feed us well. We always just ate the bare minimum. You know, unhealthy stuff like ramen and those mac and cheese boxes with the yellow powder you mix with water. But because she wasnt much of a provider, and because it was hard to predict when I was going to get my next meal, I ended up developing an unhealthy relationship with food.

I remember one time when I was sick in the hospital with a bone marrow infection, and my grandma sent me boxes and boxes of chocolates. I would just have my way with them. I see now that I used food to cope with my pain and my emotions, to make up for what my mother couldnt provide.

Misti Hernandez

On top of that, I didnt have the best self-image when it came to my body. In my mind I was always the fat one," which is crazy to me because when I look back at pictures now, I wasnt that big of a kid. I was definitely bigger than my sister, though, who was always really skinny. Kids used call me all sorts of awful names, and I just got used to it. So what did it matter if I stuffed my face with chocolates? I was the "fat sister."

Things changed once I met my now-husband, Santiago. We moved 10 hours south to Oxnard, and I was finally free.

Free to create a new life and a safe home. I could eat what I wanted, when I wanted, and how I wanted. Pizza. Burgers. A whole lot of Mexican food. I was so happy. And years later we felt good enough to move back to Anderson. Before Agustin was born, we had four amazing children: Santiago Jr., Alfredo, Olivia, and Benjamin.

With each pregnancy, I gained a bunch of weight that I never really managed to shave off. I tried going to a weight loss doctor one time and he had me on all of these pills and shots. I tried starving myself on a 500-calorie diet. My weight would yo-yo, and my doctor would shame me every time I didnt lose enough pounds.

So I just kept eating. And I wasnt physically active at all. I was so focused on taking care of my kids and working 24-hour weekend shifts at a local group home to earn money for my family; I thought I didnt have any more energy to exercise. But the bigger I became, the more I hated myself. I got to a point where I wasnt enjoying life anymore. I wouldnt say that I was depressed, but I just stopped caring. I was just surviving, and I felt like life wasnt going to get any better.

Until I nearly died giving birth.

I decided on that day in 2016 that things had to get better because I had five kids to live for. I had so much to live for. And I knew the changes I had to make were going to be some of my hardest, but I had nothing to lose but my life.

When I was released from the cardiac unit, the doctors told me I needed to be on bed rest for a while. I nodded OK." But in my head, all I could think was hell no.

As soon as I got home, I wrapped Agustin on my chest and started walking.

It was absolutely awful.

Everything hurt: my ankles, my feet, my back. Everything. It was so hard to breathe, and my chest was on fire. The whole time I was worried that my blood pressure would spike again, and Id be back in the ER. But Im telling you, I was so determined. And I guess I had a little help. Now I dont believe in heaven or hell, but during those first few walks, I talked to my mom, wherever she was. I told her that I wasnt going to end up like her and I wasn't going to give up on myself anymore.

So I walked every day. If I felt tempted to sit and watch TV, Id take a walk. If I felt like putting something in my mouth, I would take a walk. And at first, I started small. First it was down the block. Then it got easier and I could walk a mile down the street. It got to the point where I was walking four to eight miles a day. Id put Agustin in the stroller and walk or jog around the park (about two miles), a couple times a day.

I even started cutting carbs throughout the week and only drank water. (Man, I cant tell you how hard it was to give up Diet Coke.) By the time 2017 arrived, I lost 50 pounds from cutting carbs and walking. I was starting to feel better.

And Id love to tell you that every year after that, things just kept getting better and I lost all of this weight from taking long strolls. But there were lots of moments when I felt like throwing in the towel. One day, I fell and injured my knee. Doctors refused to do surgery because of my weight, so I was in a wheelchair for a while and unable to exercise. In 2018, doctors discovered I also had polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which can make it difficult for anyone to lose weightlet alone someone recovering from a fall. But then I tried the ketogenic diet and lost 20 pounds within a month. Within 3 months, my blood pressure and blood sugar were back to normal and I got off all of my meds. Ive been living the keto life ever since.

Once I got my eating under control, I turned again to fitness. But this time, I wanted to build muscle. What I didnt realize at the time was that a good gym can be really hard to get.

Finding a place where you feel safe and welcome is not easy when youre new to fitness and dont have that perfect, cookie-cutter gym body. Every time I walked into a gym, I felt like I was bothering people. It was intimidating and uncomfortable. I thought I would never find my spot.

Then I walked into Anytime Fitness and everyone there was smiling, friendly. People of all shapes, sizes, colors, and fitness levels. Everyday, normal people. I started to let my guard down, especially once I met the now-manager Joseph Verdejo. When he sat me down and talked to me about my goals and what I wanted for my life, I felt like he really cared about what I had to say. I signed up for a membership that day.

Misti Hernandez

And I signed my sister, too (#sorrynotsorry, Amber!). I didnt want to undertake my fitness journey alone. But I quickly realized that wasnt going to be a problem. In the beginning, Joseph put me in group classes with Tracy O'Callaghan who worked with women ages 50 and up. I was 37 and Im not going to lie: I was afraid that I wasnt going to keep up with them. But I was instantly hooked despite having my butt kicked. I realized I loved having a coach and a community that was going to push me harder than I could push myself. I immediately upgraded my membership for unlimited classes.

Kettlebells. HIIT. Strength training. It was all hard as hell, but I wanted to do it. And then Joseph paired me up with a personal trainer, Calvin Stahl, who is absolutely amazing. In 2016 he was battling brain cancer. So even though hes much younger than me and were both very different people, we both understood what its like to fight for your life. He still keeps me motivated.

Misti Hernandez

At some point, I started coming to the gym every daysometimes two or three times a dayeven though there were moments when I felt guilty about being away from my kids. (You know, that old story.) I had to remind myself that I was doing this for all of us.

I set little goals for myself. Lets lose 10 pounds. Now lets lose 50. And I was surprised to find that I just kept crushing them and crushing them. Today, Im proud to say that Ive lost 159 pounds since starting my journey; that I have a passionate love/hate relationship with kettlebells (Im working on getting my booty back); and my focus is not about losing weight anymore. One of my next major goals is to be able to master pushups by my 40th birthday.

Misti Hernandez

Now, I have so much energy. Im a proud soccer mom who is able to shuttle my son Benjamin to all his games and practices. My daughter, Olivia, is a Girl Scout, and I love being her troops co-leader. Im even making plans to pivot my career and become a personal trainer. My dream is to show women that if I can do it, they can do it.

Honestly, the radical changes in my life are almost unbelievable, and I know part of the reason I was able to stick with this journey is because of the deep relationships Ive formed at the gym. I mean, all of the women in these classes are like sisters. Before and after workouts, we counsel each other on our marital problems or kids, we go out for dinner and drinks. Every single one of these women is so inspirational. Theyve helped me tremendously with my confidence.

Misti Hernandez

For a while, I wouldnt be caught dead wearing a cut-off shirt. I didnt want you to see the saggy skin hanging from my arms. I was so ashamed of it. I still kind of am. But my gym sisters, they are always telling me: Misti, look how strong youve become. Look at everything youve accomplished. It took a little prodding, but now Im not afraid to wear a tank top at the gym anymore.

When Anytime Fitness chose me as one of their National Success Story winners for my weight loss transformation, I was floored.

I couldn't comprehend why they would choose me, one of four winners out of 4 million members. The company flew me out to their headquarters in Minnesota for a ceremony. They gave me a trophy, $1,000, and I had to give a speech. Before I left for Woodbury, the Anytime crew filmed me in the gym to tell my story. And when they played it on the big screen at HQ, I started crying.

I just couldnt believe the woman I saw in that video. Like, Who is that? I didnt realize how amazing my story was. When youre living through hardships, you dont really see the whole picture, you know? I was so inspired by myself that night.

Heck, I still watch that video on YouTube. Like, all the time. And Im not afraid to talk at the screen either. Like, This lady is so friggin awesome. And my kids are like, Mom, thats you!"

I know this all probably sounds conceited, but you have to understand: Its still really hard for me to look at my body and understand that thats me. The body dysmorphia that you experience after losing so much weight is incredibly strange. I have to keep reminding myself that Im still the same Misti.

I still curse like a sailor.

I still have a big heart.

And Im still the woman wholl tell you that your outfit looks bonkersthat is, only if you ask me. (I like to tell it as it is. No sugar coating!)

And in some ways, I still have the same brain. The same thoughts. That same dark voice that says Im uglythat Im not worthy. I have hated myself for so many years. Its not something that I can just switch off by working out more or changing my diet.

So every day I have to look into my eyes in the mirror and give myself a pep talk. Remind myself of my why, tell myself I am worthy of happiness, and that I've got this! Ive got Olivia OBriens song Love Myself on repeat, by the way. That usually gets me going in the morning.

But on the days when it feels particularly hard to love myself like Olivia, I know Ive got people in my life who lift me up. Like my family, my girls at the gymand the boy who nearly killed me.


Hes three now and he struggles with autism. For him, that means words can be difficult. But every day, Agustin says this one phrase to me. One that makes me tear up sometimes. Hell grab my arms and play with them like they are silly putty. Then I look into his big brown eyes and he says, Mommy, youre beautiful.

Every single day he says this.

And I just melt. Because not only is he filled with such unconditional love, but he is my reminder of the day I decided to save my own life.

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At 325 Pounds, I Almost Died Giving Birth. Then, I Lost 159 Pounds and Took Back My Life. -

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Advice for owners of fat dogs who want to help their pets lose weight – Devon Live

Posted: January 2, 2020 at 9:41 pm

With the New Year now upon us, many of us will be looking to ditch some weight as one of our New Year's resolutions.

But obesity is a big health problem for pets as well as people, and our four-legged companions can often struggle with their weight.

Healthy pet food manufacturer Canagan says that owners "have a responsibility to keep our dogs healthy" and this "includes managing their weight".

To help, Canagan is sharing this advice for pet owners whose furry friends need to shed some wight in the New Year.

The right weight for your dog depends on its breed; Whippets, for example, have vastly different parameters to Newfoundlands. Theres a healthy weight range for each breed, and if your dog falls within this, there should be no cause for concern.

Weight changes often arent that noticeable, especially if the change is gradual and over time. If you are worried about your dogs weight, there are some key visual indicators that can help determine if theyre under or overweight.

Are the ribs, backbone or other bones visible? Can you see them from a distance? If so, this could be a sign that your dog is underweight

Can you barely see the rib cage or not at all? This could indicate that your dog is overweight. There are also other medical issues that could cause bloating, so if this is the case, its best to book an appointment with your vet to rule these out.

Does your dog have a large/bloated looking stomach that hangs too low? This is another sign that they may be carrying a few too many pounds

How can you control your dogs diet for weight loss?

Prevent joint issues. Some breeds have a higher tendency to become overweight, which can cause issues in later life such as hip dysplasia. Prevention is better than cure so if your dogs breed is known to have joint issues, look for food that has joint care as a particular benefit

Book a vet appointment. In some cases, obesity is caused by another underlying health condition such as an underactive thyroid. Its always best to rule these out with your vet before embarking on a new exercise or dietary routine

Up the exercise. Even if its adding an extra 10 minutes onto your evening walk or buying a new toy such as a launcher, as long as you and your dog are enjoying it, these extra minutes really can make a big difference in the long run

Feed based on target weight. It may sound simple but feed the right amount for what your dog should weigh, not what they do weigh. Dog food recommendations are based on maintaining their breeds ideal weight, so if your dog is already overweight, make sure youre feeding them the right portion size

Rule out constant snacking. Over the course of a day, a little treat here and there can soon add up to the equivalent of another meal. If your dog eats dry food, when weighing out their daily portion, set aside some pieces for treats throughout the day. This way, they still feel as if theyre being treated, but theyre not eating extra calories

Whilst exercise is a good way to help your dog lose weight, sometimes, due to illness or old age, dogs can be less active.

Splurge on a special piece of furniture for your beloved pet with these ideas

The Freddy wooden plush dog sofa bed

With a soft padded cushion, removable pillow and a pocket in the back, this ia luxury space for your pet to relax.

It costs 65.99 from Wayfair. Buy it here

Ailotrd donut deep sleep nest

This self warming snuggle cuddler gives pets a sense of security.

It costs 18.29 from Amazon. Buy it here

Outdoor or indoor three-deck cat or dog den fort

Providing lots of places to relax or hide, this can be decorated as you want, adding cushions and bedding inside and on the top deck.

It costs 47.72 from eBay. Buy it here

Personalised pet bed

Raised off the floor, with raised sides to make it snuggly, you can add your own cushion and engrave it as you wish. It comes in a range of colours and sizes.

It costs 175 from Not on the High Street. Buy it here

Here is our guide to the best toys for your pet pooches

Kong Floppy Knots Bunny

The newest arrival in the Knots tribe with a cheerful, floppy design allowing for great thrashing fun

Cost 6.75, buy here

Nerf Dog Tennis Ball Blaster

Take aim with the new hand-held Take aim with the new hand-held Nerf Dog Tennis Ball Blaster! High-powered blasting action launches your dog's favorite fetching tennis ball over 50ft in the air.

Cost 14.99 buy here

Trixie Activity Flip Board Strategy Game

the dog gets the treats by using different techniques for opening the indentations.

Cost 6.99, buy here

Talking Tables Pawty Party Box For Pets

Celebrate in style with this party box containing a party hat, bow tie, celebratory flag, dog toy, coloured streamers and confetti.

Cost 11 buy here

Prices correct at time of publication

Senior dogs are often a lot less mobile, meaning they burn less calories, so their food should contain a lower percentage of fats and fewer carbs.

Cutting out carbohydrates can also be helpful, but make sure you cut out the right ones. Grains all contain high levels of carbohydrates which release their energy quickly so are best to avoid, but sweet potato releases energy slowly and is a great source of soluble fibre, so this makes a great addition to your dogs diet.

Keep a note of your dogs weight to monitor their progress and remember that slow and steady wins the race a healthy rate of weight loss is 1% per week. If you begin to see a dramatic change, visit your vet to rule out any other health issues.

If you do switch your dog onto a grain-free dog food, it is quite common for them to appear hungry initially. As grain-free food is often full of higher quality ingredients, this means that the quantity you will be feeding them is less. Their stomach will need time to adjust to this decreased amount of food, but dont worry, your dog will still be getting all their dietary needs met in the recommended portion size.

Why your dog is begging in the first place? More often than not, its because weve reinforced this behaviour as we want to give them treats every now and again, but this is a slippery slope.

Here are some top tips to break this cycle:

Use toys as a treat. Instead of giving your dog human food as a treat, use their favourite toy instead. This will help them disassociate the food on your plate as a tasty snack

Keep them out of the room when youre eating. When you have a meal, the smells can overwhelm a dogs sensitive sense of smell, and we all know theres nothing worse than smelling some delicious food that you cant have. This will also deter people from feeding your dog from the table and will get rid of their opportunity to beg.

Break up their meal times. If youre only feeding your dog once a day, consider breaking this up into two or three separate meals, but make sure youre still only feeding them the same amount across the day. If you time one of these with your own meals, your dogs focus is much more likely to be on their own bowl instead of whats on your plate

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Advice for owners of fat dogs who want to help their pets lose weight - Devon Live

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Fad diets to avoid in 2020 –

Posted: January 2, 2020 at 9:41 pm

After downing all the trimmings and then some across the silly season, the turn of the year is the most popular time for a lifestyle reboot; when good intentions come to the forefront and bad habits are kicked to the kerb until temptation gets in the way and you're left hanging for another flip of the calendar.

Becoming a healthier version of yourself is one of the most favouredand immediately actionable resolutions to kickstart in the new year, but with headlines trumpeting another fad diet at every given moment, where to start with your full-body overhaul can be a confusing situation.

It's also not encouraging that the average stage for resolutions to fail is around the middle of February.

2019 was the year that the plant-based diet really took off it took top honours as the highest searched diet trend by Google.

READ MORE:*Weight loss: 3 reasons your new diet won't work*What to know before trying to improve what you eat*Best and worst of the 10 most popular diets*The high-protein diet myth

There's a lot to be said of the eating preference, including a roll call of health benefits, sustainablesignificanceand the opportunity toexpose and try new flavours.

Praise be vegetarians are no longer left chewing menus over a whole portobello mushroom or baked potato when dining out.

And for those plant eaters still chasing the feeling of ripping apart animal flesh come meal time, a growing number of meat replacements also found there way on to supermarket shelves. The reviews are mixed, however,and meat products still play their part.

But we're here to look at the fad diets that you should steer clear of in your quest for a new and improved body.

Often sold on the idea of being a quick fix and resulting in extraordinary weight loss, fad diets generally trade science-based facts for celebrity endorsements.

Ever hear about Steve Jobs' fruitarianism diet where he only ate fruit? Lots of apples. How about the one where the Hollywood A-lister consumed nothing but cabbage soup? You can only imagine how that turned out.


When it comes to dieting, where to start on your full-body overhaul can be a confusing situation.

Even the Romans were privy to the odd fad diet. One of the earliest recorded harks back to when warriors would chow down on exotic offal lion hearts for example in a effort to improve bravery and strength.

The 19th century saw an unfortunate rise in the popularity of arsenic pills in an effort to speed up metabolism. Rather than weight loss, participants were left walking a thin tightrope towards arsenic poisoning.

Heading into a new solar cycle in 2020, you may be tempted to cross-examine the sun, earth and moon for inspiration. Previously fist-bumped by the likes of Demi Moore and Madonna, the werewolf diet is one programme that looks up to the solar system for guidance.

The most elementary version of the diet involves fasting during the full or new moon by only consuming water and fruit juice. And when our guiding star is working its magic, you'll apparently clear your body of toxins and drop nearly three kilograms of water weight in a day.

The downside is that there's no scientific evidence to prove that the moon has any effect on the fluids in our bodiesand you'll be deficient in beneficial nutrients.

Further otherworldly options, like the chakra diet, involve consuming foods by specific colourings to remain balanced. When your sixth chakra, or the third eye, requires realignment you'll need to devour all things in the hue of purple grapes, blueberries, purple cabbage, eggplant, you name it.

Elaine Rush

AUT nutrition expert Professor Emeritus Elaine Rush believes the "best kind of diet for health is a variety of wholesome foods every day".

AUT Professor Emeritus Elaine Rush, an all-round nutrition expert, says the chakra diet "has some truth for plant food intake",though when your Sahasrara is in dire need of some loving, finding an entire menu's worth of the purest white foods may not be an easy task.

"Diversity is the key to a healthy diet, so colours areone way to achieve thisbut it looks overly complex and some foods may not be available or cost too much." Rush adds.

Hailed by meatheads across the globe, the carnivore diet (also known as the zero-carb diet) involves downing nothing but red meat, fish and other animal foods. It's perfect if you like, and can afford, steak for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but this concept of eating is beyond charred and is not the best way to be moving forward with the unstable climate in 2020.

From a health perspective, Rush says the protein-heavy diet doesn't have "enough fibre for bowel health and low [if milk is consumed]or no carbohydrates can be really hard for satiety [feeling full]and energy."

You can even look at the blueprints of the human body to see if we're designed to eat only meat.Rush's quick answer is, "No".

"Our teeth [and digestive system]are for an omnivorous diet incisors for nipping, canines for grasping [at the front of the mouth],but the premolars and molars are for grinding food such as grains, vegetables and fruits.

"Whilst the paleo diet was before farming, it does not mean that they did not eat grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits that were growing 'wild' plus all the physical activity involved with foraging," she adds.


Scientists say a radical new plant-based diet is best for the planet but is it best for our health?

To really kick this one in your meat-filled guts, there's no research on the diet and it's not planet-friendly.

Restricting food groups (willingly and unwillingly) is a growing issue across the country.Rush believes that"more than half of New Zealand's population do not eat sufficient fruit and vegetables for health and we have a high prevalence of bowel cancer the two things go together."

Perhaps the Whole30 diet is the way forward? Arriving from Melissa Hartwig Urban, an American sports nutritionist and four-time New York Times bestselling author, the programme is a promising, extraordinarily popular diet, where participants avoid all forms of sugar, including grains, dairy, alcohol, legumes, soy and processed foods for 30 days.

The month-long dietary experiment is credited for eliminating cravings, improving energy and sleep, relieving medical symptomsand losing weight healthfully and sustainably.

Rush says that, "perhaps this could be the kickstart needed",and the timespan is "realistic". Though participants should "emphasise what is eaten", particularly the balance of vegetables, fruit and meat which should have some diversity.

"The exclusion of legumes, grains and dairy is of concern," she adds, but the exclusion of alcohol and added sugar is "good, as they do not have any benefit, except calories".

As the digits in the name and plenty of online experiences suggest, this diet is helpful in the short-term, but the extremities of cutting out several food groups make it unsustainable and the weight is likely to pile back on quickly once you settle backinto your everyday eating habits.


The chakra diet involves consuming foods of specific colourings in order to remain balanced.

Also at the top of 2019's list of eating preferences, werethe ketogenic (or keto) dieta high-fat, high-protein and low-carbohydrate programme that forces the body to burn fat, rather than carbohydratesand intermittent fasting, which involves giving your digestive system a well-deserved rest for at least 16 hours of the day. The easiest way to introduce this one is by skipping breakfast.

Taking food evasion to the next level is the snake diet, which mimics the eating habits of animals. Just like our reptilian cousins, you too could down one high-fat, high-protein meal across one-to-two hours, while starving yourself for the remainder of the day.

Rush says there is some evidence that "fasting can help with weight loss and that restriction of calories you can, maybe, live longer".

"Maybe it is just that we eat too often and periodic fasting may be beneficialthere's evidence that it improvesgut health."

But there are pitfalls that come with the snake diet's extreme fasting technique for weight loss.

The natural human desire to indulge is one that's bound to get in the way when deprived of food, with unhealthy rewards and the natural attraction of binge-eating. Those with conditions like diabetes or low blood pressure, open themselves up to more severe health problems.

Sven Brandsma/Unsplash

A protein-heavy diet doesn't have "enough fibre for bowel health", believes AUT nutrition expert Professor Emeritus Elaine Rush.

The bottom line is that fad diets may do more harm than good, not surprisingly for your general health and wellbeing, but also on your wallet and the planet.

One of the most disastrous fads was perhaps the cotton ball diet, when the absorbent objects were soaked in juice or fruits smoothies and then downed as a way to suppress appetite effectively making the participant feel full without gaining weight. The result? Blocked intestines. Possibly death.

On the road to better health and a happier planet, Rush believes that, "we have to eat foods that are sustainable and also share food globally. They are an indulgence."

"I have huge concerns around the effects on the next generation critical periods of growth that require optimal nutrition are the generation of sperm and ova, infancy and childhood growth, adolescence when the reproductive system and the body reach their full potential.

"We replace our cells continuously and, if the nutrient building blocks are not there, the tissuewill not be built well with lifelong consequences. Everyday is the next day of your life and we should look after our bodies every day."


Previously fist-bumped by the likes of Demi Moore and Madonna, the werewolf diet looks up to the solar system for guidance.

But how can we tell the difference between a flash-in-the-pan diet and an effective one?

In the first instance, Rush says, "the definition of a diet is the 'kinds of foods that a person habitually eats' and most diets are life-long".

"Fad diets often focus on one food, or food group, or nutrient and the resultis an 'unbalanced'diet.

"For example,vegetarians and vegans have to be particularly careful about vitamins B12 and the mineral iron. High fat, low carbohydrate means that fibre intake is low. Most fad diets cannot be sustained and the problem is that, after the weight is lost, it is regained and often goes to a higher set point..i.e. yo-yo dieting."

She adds that another way of looking at diets is as a food pattern and which foods and food groups dominate.

"Dietary patterns are affected by lack of money so 40 per centof New Zealand households say that they cannot buy the foods that they need due to lack of money.

"Fad diets are for those that really do have a choice and often are to lose weight."


Designed as a way to suppress your appetite, the "cotton ball diet" only resulted in blocked intestines.

So the burning question still remains about what we should be eating moving into the new year. It's certainly not a shopping trolley full of meat and, as a long-term solution, eating to the colour of your wonky solar plexus chakra might not be the best route to follow.

Rush concludes that the "best kind of diet for health is a variety of wholesome [minimally processed] foodsevery day, not too much and mainly plants [for the health of the planet]."

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Your no B.S. guide to losing weight in the New Year – MarketWatch

Posted: January 2, 2020 at 9:41 pm

Want to lose weight in 2020? Its time to cut the crap.

And thats not just the junk food sabotaging your diet, or the time suckers keeping you from working out. Were also talking about the fad diets, fitness trends and questionable studies that have made reaching and maintaining a healthy weight more confusing than ever by promising this superfood or that super intense workout is the quick fix to tip the scale in your favor. (Theyve also spawned a global weight loss market expected to hit $253 billion by 2024.)

As a result, about four in 10 Americans are obese thats a whopping 93.3 million adults which increases their risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers and early mortality, and cost the country $147 billion in medical costs in 2008, according to the CDC. Nearly 80% of American adults are also not getting enough aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity, which is linked to about $117 billion in annual health care costs and 10% of premature mortality, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

So its no wonder that losing weight and getting in shape are among the most popular resolutions year over year, because so many people cant keep them; 80% of New Years resolutions fail by February. So MarketWatch spoke with several leaders in the field of obesity research and prevention who have reviewed the science surrounding weight gain and loss to explain what to eat and avoid; how much exercise you need and which workouts work best; as well as their tips for making these moves a part of your new, well-balanced life in the New Year.

Sorry keto the Mediterranean diet is king. Endurance athletes and celebrities like LeBron James and the Kardashians have raved about the high-fat, low-carb ketogenic diet which was among Googles most-searched terms in 2018. But Dr. Louis Aronne, an endocrinologist at NewYork-Presbyterian and Weill Cornell Medicine who runs the Comprehensive Weight Control Center, noted that the Mediterranean diet is the only diet that has been proven in trials to promote weight loss and reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. This meal plan includes using olive oil rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids as your main cooking oil, and loading your plate with fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein like fish and chicken, with the occasional piece of red meat. The American Heart Association recommends a similar diet that emphasizes whole, unprocessed foods, particularly fruits, veggies and whole grains, as well as low-fat dairy products, nuts and legumes, and non-tropical vegetable oils, while reducing salt, sugar and trans fats.

Many plant-based meat alternatives are highly processed. Those Beyond Meat BYND, +0.05% and Impossible Foods products being dished in fast food chains such as Burger King QSR, +1.46%, Dunkin DNKN, +1.22% and White Castle arent necessarily healthier than the original beef and sausage patties theyre substituting. (Theyre also often $1 or $2 more expensive.) Theres a misconception that anything plant-based is instantly healthy ... but even though these products are plant-based, many of them still have a bunch of additives or even more sodium than a regular hamburger, Hannah Kittrell, a registered dietitian and manager of the Mount Sinai Physiolab, told MarketWatch. (Compare nutritional information here.) You really want to focus on just whole, natural plant foods. Indeed, the National Institutes of Health warned last May that eating highly processed foods is linked to weight gain. So read labels and nutritional information to determine whether these meat alternatives fit into your health plan.

Eating less does more for weight loss than exercising more. Consider putting the money youd spend on a gym membership toward healthy groceries, instead. Trying to exercise your way out of your weight problem is very difficult (because) its very hard to exercise that much, explained Dr. Aronne. Burning about 3,500 calories equals one pound; someone weighing 150 pounds walking for an hour would burn around 250 calories. You really need to cut down on calorie intake to lose the weight. Exercise is better at preventing weight gain. The recommended daily diet is around 2,000 calories, but if you want to lose weight, Dr. Avigdor Arad, the director of the Mount Sinai Physiolab, suggests that women consume between 1,200 to 1,500 calories a day on average, and men between 1,500 and 1,800 calories. But visit your doctor to see how your own metabolism, family history and any medications youre taking could be influencing how easily you gain and lose weight, and what your nutritional needs are. There is a lot of variation, he said.

A note on intermittent fasting: Intermittent fasting was Googles GOOG, +2.27% most-searched diet of 2019, thanks in part to notables like Twitter TWTR, +0.78% and Square SQ, +2.03% CEO Jack Dorsey and golf pro Phil Mickelson advocating for meal timing strategies as part of their wellness and weight-loss plans. (This can include only eating between noon and 8 p.m., and fasting for the other 16 hours, although there are many different methods.) There is some preliminary evidence to suggest that regular fasting can help boost weight loss, fight obesity and rev up metabolism, as well as treat Type 2 diabetes by lowering blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. But there are also conflicting studies that claim fasting can actually increase diabetes risk, and a 2018 German study found that fasting was no better than conventional calorie-cutting for weight loss. There are also concerns about these fasts fueling disordered eating. It does seem promising for weight loss, but theres just not enough research yet, said Kittrell. And keep in mind that theres going to be a lot of individual variability so it might work great for some people, and it might not work at all for others. Before starting any new eating approach, speak with a doctor, registered dietician or psychologist.

Read more: Celebs, CEOs and even athletes keep feeding the fasting fad, even as evidence piles up that its effects are unknown

Carbs arent evil but sugar might be. The concept of carbohydrates has really gotten such a bad reputation, and we need to understand that there are complex carbohydrates and ancient grains that can really help us not only lose weight, but increase satiety so we stay full longer and want to eat less. It actually decreases the cholesterol and stabilizes the blood sugar, and all of these things are a really important part of a weight loss program, said Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, an American Heart Association volunteer medical expert. These good carbs include whole grains, vegetables, fruits and beans; the refined carbs (including refined grains and starches like white bread, white rice, pasta and mashed potatoes) should be consumed in limited amounts. They are high in simple sugars, and thats what adds weight, said Dr. Steinbaum.

Read more: This is the right way to eat carbs

We try not to vilify any food, except sugar, added Dr. Aronne. Having it as a treat is what sugar is for; its not meant to be the main part of your meal. Yet added sugars in the form of sweeteners and syrups to flavor processed foods sees the average adult eating 20 teaspoons of hidden added sugar every day, or an extra 320 calories, according to the USDAs recent nationwide food consumption survey. And then theres sugar-sweetened beverages like sodas, sports drinks, juices and flavored coffees and teas stirred with empty calories. The typical glass of orange juice has three oranges in it; thats the calories of three oranges. But its easy to drink a glass of orange juice and still eat a number of other things, added Dr. Aronne. Youre better off just eating a single orange and feeling full.

Youre only losing one or two pounds a week. Sustainable weight loss is slow and steady. It depends on where you start if you have quite a bit of weight to lose, you tend to lose the initial weight faster, noted Dr. Steinbaum, but losing more than a pound a week is quite a bit. A gradual decrease in weight loss implies that your dietary changes are sustainable. If you lose weight very quickly, it means that there has been a calorie restriction or an increase in activity that is really significant, and it is really hard to sustain that. Thats why so many yo-yo dieters gain the weight back. But aiming for smaller targets can add up to big changes and reaps more health benefits than the numbers on the scale suggest. Even when you lose only 3% of your body weight (six pounds for a 200-pound person), your blood sugar improves; your insulin sensitivity is improved; inflammation goes down; your cholesterol goes down, said Dr. Arad. You dont have to cut down half of your weight; even losing 3% to 5% is an excellent goal.

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All workouts are created equal. Should you be focusing on high intensity interval training (HIIT), training for a marathon or getting on the bodyweight bandwagon to torch the most calories and fat? The best exercise is one that you enjoy, and one that you will actually do, said Lieutenant Commander Katrina Piercy of the U. S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, and the federal lead for the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Dr. John Jakicic, who chairs the American College of Sports Medicine Obesity interest group, agreed. There is no perfect exercise, he said. They all count, and they all contribute in different ways. You might get something with HIIT that you might not get with yoga, and you get some benefits from yoga that you might not get with HIIT. Its about moving, and its about burning calories. So find what you can stick with in your life for weeks, months and years not just the first week of January. But dont become one of the 67% of gym membership holders who never go; at around $60 a month on average, thats wasting $720 a year.

Any movement counts. The numbers are daunting: The 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans suggest a minimum of 150 minutes (2.5 hour) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity a week (walking briskly, playing doubles tennis, raking leaves), or 75 minutes (one hour, 15 minutes) of vigorous-intensity activity (running, a strenuous fitness class, carrying groceries up stairs), as well as muscle-strengthening activities (resistance training and weightlifting) two days a week. But if you want to lose weight, work up to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week, or 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity. But doing something just a few minutes a day to get started has benefits, said Piercy. So parking farther away when youre running errands, getting up from our desks and going down the hall instead of sending an email those are things people can start incorporating into their daily lives now that may be a little easier than saying, Oh my gosh, I have to figure out how to fit 2.5 hours of activity into my week. If you are starting from zero physical activity, Dr. Jakicic suggests taking a 10-minute walk five times a week, shooting for 50 minutes a week, and building on from there once it becomes habit.

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You cant skimp on sleep. Losing weight for good calls for a total lifestyle change and that includes getting more Zs. Missing the recommended seven to nine hours of shut-eye has been linked repeatedly with increased obesity rates. When you dont sleep enough, it certainly affects your brain, explained Dr. Arad. What weve learned is that people who dont sleep well are making poor choices eating more unhealthy diets, and they are obviously more fatigued, so they become less physically active. In fact, people who sleep six hours or fewer per night on average consume about 300 extra calories the following day.

Mindfulness matters. If you slow down and stop just mindless eating, you often realize you dont need to eat as much as you thought you did; youre already full, said Dr. Steinbaum. Part of this is watching portion sizes, which have ballooned in restaurants over the past 40 years, leading adults to consume an average of 300 more calories per day now than they did in 1985. Did you know that one serving of bread is actually just one slice? Or one serving of pasta or rice is just half a cup? And a serving of cheese is only two ounces, or the size of a domino? Youre probably eating much more than you realized. There have been multiple studies that see keeping a food journal is effective, said Dr. Steinbaum. When you start paying attention, you can really see what youre doing.

This article was originally published in January 2019, and has been updated with new research, including intermittent fasting and plant-based meat alternatives.

Your no B.S. guide to losing weight in the New Year - MarketWatch

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Ask the Expert: Have 2020 vision of your weight loss goals – The Star Press

Posted: January 2, 2020 at 4:49 am

Jessica Roseberry Published 9:00 a.m. ET Jan. 1, 2020

Being obese or overweight is more than just an increase in the numbers on the scale;obesity is a disease that can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver and even cancer. Losing weight will help improve your blood pressure, blood sugar and energy levels.

What can I do to lose weight?

Weight management is complex, but a good first step is to focus on what you can control such as decreasing the number of calories that are eaten and increasing physical activity. Try planning ahead to ensure you have a meal plan each week. Keep healthy foods and snacks available at home and at work. If you know you are going to be on the go, plan to have a healthy snack available such as a whole piece of fruit or one ounce of nuts.

Why can I not lose weight and keep it off?

There are many things that can affect your weight loss that are out of your control such as appetite signals in your body, genetics and your environment. When you lose weight, the body will increase your hunger hormones and decrease your fullness hormones. Additionally, your genetics can determine how much weight you gain. Lastly, your life might be busy, and you may not feel you can get enough sleep, have time for physical activity or you may not have easy access to healthy foods.

How can I stick with a weight loss plan?

Set realistic, achievable goals. Try to focus on getting healthier and not just getting to a certain number on the scale. It also helps to identify non-scale victories;for example, instead of saying that you want to lose twopounds this week, set a goal of walking for 20 minutes twice this week. If you stay focused on those small goals, each achieved goal will feel like a victory!

What if I constantly say, Im going to start my diet on Monday"?

Stop making excuses and make the decision to start making healthy changes today! When you notice that you are feeling hungry, pause for a moment to see if your stomach is really growling, or if youre actually just stressed, tired or bored? It might be healthier to go for a walk, take a nap or sit and read a book instead of eating.

What are the options to help me lose weight?

The key to long term success with weight loss is committing to healthy behaviors. There are a number of diets that help cause you to lose weight quickly, but in order to lose the weight and maintain, you must make behavior changes that you can maintain for the rest of your life. Some people can lose weight by meal planning and/or logging food intake along with physical activity, but often, people continue to struggle with their weight. That is when it is important to consider weight loss medications, behavioral counseling or weight loss surgery as a tool to support achieving and sustaining a healthy body weight.

Am I a candidate for weight loss surgery?

Adults with a BMI greater than 40 or BMI greater than 35 with health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. usually meet insurance requirements to have weight loss surgery. Contact your insurance and ask if it is a covered benefit in your plan.

If I have weight loss surgery, can I ever eat normal foods again?

Yes! You will work with a registered dietician before and after surgery to develop healthy eating habits. You will follow specific diet instructions after surgery while you heal, but eventually you will be able to eat regular foods in smaller amounts.

Where can I get help with non-surgical or surgical weight loss?

The IU Health Ball Memorial Bariatric andMedical Weight Loss Center offers weight loss support through the following options: gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, adjustable gastric band surgery or a physician supervised non-surgical medical weight loss program. Patients work with a comprehensive bariatric and medical weight loss team throughout their weight loss journeys. The team includes surgeons, a nurse practitioner, registered dieticians, an exercise specialist, a behavioral health specialist, an insurance navigator and nursing staff.

How can I learn more?

For more information on any of these options call 765-747-4410 or go to to register for a free information seminar either onsite or online.

Jessica Roseberry, MS, FNP-C, is a nurse practitioner at the IU Health Ball Memorial Bariatric & Medical Weight Loss Center. For more information, visit

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New year, new you: Jenny Craig’s new weight-loss tool – CampaignLive

Posted: January 2, 2020 at 4:49 am

Jenny Craigs new advertising campaign promotes a DNA Decoder Plan that directs users toward the best food choices based on their genetic makeup.

The Carlsbad, Calif. weight-loss company will have dieters first swab their cheeks and send off their genetic material for analysis, before devising a meal and exercise plan. Jenny Craig follows other companies, like DNAfit, for example, which uses clients 23andMe data to unlock tailored diets.

"We know that in a recent survey nearly half of the weight-loss consumers we polled want to utilize their DNA to create a customized weight loss plan," said Monty Sharma, Jenny Craig chief executive officer and president, in an announcement.

As for the broadcast and digital campaign, it features real-people testimonials versus the celebrities dieters of yore, such as Kirstie Alley.

In one broadcast spot, a featured dieter explains that "getting your DNA tested gives you just that much of an extra advantage." Other campaign endorsers refer to the Jenny Craig microwave-and-munch, prepared-food plan as the "easy button" for weight loss.

Nutritionist and author, Marion Nestle, who writes the popular Food Politics blog and is the Paulette Goddard professor of nutrition, food studies and public health at New York University, has a more wary view of DNA-based dieting.

"I dont know of any better way to lose weight than to eat less and move more," she said. "How much less? Check a scale every day. If weight isnt budging, eat even less. This may go more quickly if you replace junk foods with plant foods.

"Beyond that, I cannot imagine that DNA testing will make this any easier unless paying a lot of money acts as an incentive. If having someone interpret your DNA to suggest what you should most cut down on--and you can afford it--go for it. But really, what matters to body weight is calorie balance and consuming fewer calories than you need--from any source--ought to work just fine."

Jenny Craig worked with Denver advertising agency LXRD on the effort.

In 2020, the company will expand its neighborhood footprint by opening Jenny Craig at Walgreens branches at 100 of the drugstore chains locations.

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Give Yourself a ‘Dry January’You’ll Sleep Better, Save Money, and Lose Weight – Good News Network

Posted: January 2, 2020 at 4:49 am

Are you pondering what kind of resolutions you can adopt to start this upcoming decade off on the right foot?

Well, this research from last year shows that taking part in Dry Januarya New Years challenge in which people abstain from drinking booze for a monthhelps people to regain control of their drinking, have more energy, improve their skin, quit smoking, lose weight, and drink less during the following months.

The research, led by University of Sussex psychologist Dr. Richard de Visser, was conducted with over 800 people who took part in Dry January back in 2018and the results show that the participants were still drinking less in August.

They reported that the average amount of participants drinking days fell from 4 to 3 per week; their average amount of drinks per drinking day fell from 8.6 to 7.1; and the average amount of times they reported being drunk dropped from 3 times per month to 2.

The simple act of taking a month off alcohol helps people drink less in the long term: by August, people are reporting one extra dry day per week, said Visser.

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There are also considerable immediate benefits: nine in ten people save money, seven in ten sleep better and three in five lose weight, he added. Interestingly, these changes in alcohol consumption have also been seen in the participants who didnt manage to stay alcohol-free for the whole monthalthough they are a bit smaller. This shows that there are real benefits to just trying to complete Dry January.

The University of Sussex research also showed that:

93% of participants had a sense of achievement;88% saved money;80% feel more in control of their drinking;76% learned more about when and why they drink;71% realized they dont need a drink to enjoy themselves;70% had generally improved health;71% slept better;67% had more energy;58% lost weight;57% had better concentration;54% had better skin.

Furthermore, if quitting smoking is one of your New Years resolutions, you might want to consider cutting back on your drinking, too.

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A separate study from Oregon State University found that heavy drinkers who are trying to stop smoking may find that reducing their alcohol use can also help them quit their daily smoking habit. Heavy drinkers nicotine metabolite ratioa biomarker that indicates how quickly a persons body metabolizes nicotinewas reduced as they cut back on their drinking.

Past research has suggested that people with higher nicotine metabolism ratios are likely to smoke more and that people with higher rates have a harder time quitting. Slowing a persons nicotine metabolism rate through reduced drinking could provide an edge when trying to stop smoking, which is known to be a difficult task, said Sarah Dermody, an assistant professor at Oregon State University and the studys lead author.

It takes a lot of determination to quit smoking, often several attempts, Dermody said. This research suggests that drinking is changing the nicotine metabolism as indexed by the nicotine metabolite ratio, and that daily smoking and heavy drinking may best be treated together.

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The study was just published in the journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research.

Use of both alcohol and cigarettes is widespread, with nearly 1 in 5 adults using both. Cigarette use is especially prevalent in heavy drinkers. Drinking is a well-established risk factor for smoking, and smoking is well-established risk factor for drinking.

Dermody and colleagues at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, Canada, wanted to better understand the links between the two. They studied the nicotine metabolite ratio, an index of nicotine metabolism, in a group of 22 daily smokers who were seeking treatment for alcohol use disorderthe medical term for severe problem drinkingover several weeks.

Whats really interesting is that the nicotine metabolite ratio is clinically useful, Dermody said. People with a higher ratio have a harder time quitting smoking cold turkey. They are also less likely to successfully quit using nicotine replacement therapy products.

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However, they found that as the men in the study group reduced their drinking from an average of 29 drinks per week to 7, their nicotine metabolite rate also dropped.

The researchers findings for men replicated those of an earlier study that found similar effects and provide further evidence of the value of the nicotine metabolite ratio biomarker to inform treatment for smokers trying to quit, Dermody said.

The nicotine metabolite ratio was thought to be a stable index, but it may not be as stable as we thought, Dermody said. From a clinical standpoint, thats a positive thing, because if someone wants to stop smoking, we may want to encourage them to reduce their drinking to encourage their smoking cessation plan.

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