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17 Weight Loss Exercises That Work – Fatherly
Posted: December 30, 2019 at 6:42 pm
When it comes to losing weight, not all exercises are equal. You can work the bench press all day long and, sure, your pecs might even pop, but the scale wont nudge and that spare tire will likely stick around. If weight loss is your goal, you need to think about working your heart while building muscle and spreading the sweat-equity throughout the whole body. How can you tell if an exercise is good for weight loss? For one, its probably going to feel like wading through a swamp hard, unpleasant, and slow-going. Also, you shouldnt feel specific soreness (as you would in bicep curls, which will give you bigger biceps, and little else). Aim for variety (this is why we gave you 17 moves to choose from) and remember, the harder you go, the more effectively (if not faster) you shed the pounds.
Running: The Fartlek
If youre running for weight loss, you need to rethink your slow and steady jogs. Start with fartleks, short bursts of fast running interspersed with easy jogging. During a 20-minute run around the neighborhood, do a dead sprint between every third and fourth lamppost, then easy-jog for three more.
Burpees With Push-Ups
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Long live the burpee! Youd be hard-pressed to find a bodyweight movement that does so much, working the muscles, legs, lungs, heart. No matter your fitness goal, the burpee should be a go-to move. From standing, bend your knees, crouch down to the floor, place your hands on the ground, and jump your feet back so you are in an extended plank position. Do a push-up. Then jump feet forward toward your hands again, push off the floor and jump into a vertical position.
Jump Rope: Jumping Jacks
The jump rope is hands-down the fastest and easiest tool to get your heart rate cranking. Its also boring and requires variations to motivate. Start by adding jumping jacks to your jump rope routine. With the feet together and, on the first jump, step the feet slightly apart. On the following jump, bring them back together. Continue in this pattern with each rotation of the rope.
Running: Drop Down Sprints
This one is all about timing and intensity. Start your watch and jog for 30 seconds. Mark the spot on the road where you finish. Jog back to the start. Perform 10 reps running back and forth with the goal of running each one faster than the one before.
Box Jumps
This is one of the more explosive movements out there great for leg strength and to jack up that heart rate. To perform this exercise, stand in front of a box or bench about 2 to 3 feet high, bend your knees and jump. Both feet should land on the box at the same time. Immediately jump back down. Repeat.
Squat Twist-Jumps
Start in a wide, bent-knee stance, feet slightly turned out to the side, your butt about knee height. Pushing through your heels, jump up in the air and twist your lower half to the right so you land with your left foot in front, while keeping your upper body facing front. From this half-twist squat, press through your feet to jumping back in the other direction, twisting your lower body to the left and landing with your right foot in front, while keeping your torso stationary. Repeat.
Running: Steady-State Explosions
Every weight loss run should include explosive movements, even if they arent sprints. For this, every 5 minutes, stop and do 60 seconds of one of the following: Jumping jacks, pushups, fast lunges, squat jumps.
Planks wont get your heart pumping, but they will fire up all the essential muscles groups from core to back to glutes to arms. Start face down, elbows beneath shoulders, legs outstretched behind you. Engage your core and raise hips off the ground, creating a straight line from your shoulders to your feet. Hold for a minute. Repeat.
Jump Rope: Side Swing
The side swing works the core and upper body, but since youre not actually jumping over the rope, it requires far less coordination. Pull the hands together in front of your body and move the handles and rope in a figure-eight formation. You can jump or step from side to side.
Knee Bounces
Get on all fours, keeping your elbows slightly bent and your back straight. Raise your knees one inch off the ground, then bounce them one inch up and down for two minutes, aiming for 120 bounces.
Running: Hill Repeats
The beauty of hills is that they work more muscles than running at zero incline and raise your heart rate up without requiring additional pavement pounding. For this workout, find a steep-ish hill that you can sprint up for at least 10 seconds. Dash to the top and jog to the bottom. Repeat 10 times. Thats it.
Mountain Climbers. From an extended plank position, lift one foot off the floor, bending your knee and hiking the bent leg toward your chest. As you return that leg to the start position, jump your other leg forward in the same bent-knee style. Jog your legs back and forth for one minute. Rest 15 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
Jump Rope: Double Unders
The most common (and tough) jump rope variation is a double under, which requires the rope to pass under the feet two times for each jump. To do this, you need to bound a little higher and increase the rotational speed of the rope. Remember to maintain an upright posture, land with both feet together, and initiate the ropes rotation with a fast flick of the wrists.
Running: Weighted Run At the gym or in your driveway, tie something heavy to the end of a long rope, and tie the other end around your waist. The weight should be at least equal to your body weight. Then, for 30 seconds, run like hell. Repeat.
Squats With Weight
Squats dont just work the legs from quads up to the core, the squat is an essential full-body move. If you want to make it count, youll have to graduate from air squats. Stand with legs slightly wider than hip width, toes pointed forward. Drive your hips back as you bend your knees to sit into a squat position. Be sure to keep your heels and toes on the ground, chest up and shoulder back. Also, keep track of your breath, inhaling before you begin the movement, holding your breath for the duration, and releasing it once youve returned to standing.
While were working with the barbell, a deadlift is another must movement that engages the core, quads, hamstrings, and so much more. For this move, youll want to use heavy weights and do fewer repetitions. Given that, if youve never been instructed on proper deadlift form, you should ask a trainer to help you with the first few moves.
Running: High-Knee Sprints
Theres a reason you see pros in all sports performing this drill in warm-ups: It gets your heart rate way up, while also engaging major muscle groups. For 20 seconds, as hard and fast as you can, sprint with your knees rising as high as you can get them with every step. Repeat.
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17 Weight Loss Exercises That Work - Fatherly
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Nutritionist weighs in on New Years weight loss resolutions – WBTW
Posted: December 30, 2019 at 6:42 pm
MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WBTW) Nutritionists say most people end their New Years health resolution within two weeks of starting.
Jason Flanagan, a nutritionist and certified trainer at Finish Strong Training, says when taking on the goal of weight loss people should start small.
Just make small attainable changes and then progressively get more aggressive, said Flanagan.
Flanagan says many quit a new diet because they dont know where to start.
A lot of people have that two week turnaround. So pretty much that second to third week of January you see a lot less people in the gym. A lot less people are ordering from the lower calorie portion of the menus, said Flanagan.
Flanagan suggests hiring a professional to build a meal and exercise plan specific for you.
You can expect some sort of an assessment whether its physical or nutrition based. Find out your background and what environmental factors are bouncing in on your every day life, said Flanagan.
Experts say a successful weight loss plan will focus more on a healthy diet than it will on exercise adding in more protein and leafy foods.
You cannot out train a bad diet, said Flanagan.
Flanagan says cutting out diary, sugar, and drinking more water will quickly make small improvements.
He says crash dieting is not the answer.
Juices are great because they are very nutrient dense. I think its a great supplement, but if youre looking for a quick fix that is not going to be it. Theres no such thing as a quick fix within nutrition, said Flanagan.
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Doctor Creates All-Natural Patch to CURB the Appetite and Maintain Weight Loss – GlobeNewswire
Posted: December 30, 2019 at 6:42 pm
ST. LOUIS, MO, Dec. 30, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ST. LOUIS, MO (December 30, 2019) While losing weight can be difficult, most people will tell you that they are able to shed a few pounds (or more) by reducing calories, increasing exercise or doing a combination of both. Thats the good news. The bad news, however, is that according to some studies, 80%, and as many as 95% of people who lose weight will regain it within a few months to a year. Not a very optimistic statistic. Why does this happen?
"The answer is not so simple, said Dr. Zach LaBoube, founder of InsideOut Wellness and Weight Loss, and author of HCG 2.0 Dont Starve, Eat Smart and Lose: A Modern Adaptation of the Traditional HCG Diet. People gain their weight back for a variety of reasons, he added. For some, they simply fall back into old habits, eat out of boredom, or slack off on their exercise routine. For others, they could be fighting a very real physiological response of their body wanting to replenish fat reserves after weight loss, and theyre genuinely hungry! Whatever the reasons, I wanted to help.
LaBoube, who is currently practicing in Singapore, has seen chiropractic and acupuncture patients all over the world, from Peru to Indonesia. He believes that he learns as much about holistic wellness from his patients as they do from him. I'm currently working on a Master of Science in Nutrition & Human Performance from Logan University, but a lot of what I incorporate into my supplement line comes from indigenous herbs and remedies that I hear about from my patients, he added.
It was during his time in Southeast Asia, followed by Peru, that he began formulating what would ultimately become CURB, a trans-dermal patch designed to curb the appetite while increasing energy and focus.
CURB has been in the making for two years, said LaBoube. Its all natural. Nothing artificial. It has zero synthetic stimulants and no caffeine. All of the 29 ingredients were carefully selected to work synergistically with one another, he continued. To name a few, Wild African Mango helps lower cholesterol, suppresses the appetite, provides natural mood enhancement and absolutely blows up your metabolism. Green Tea Extract is a powerful antioxidant.Moringa Plant is a super food that feeds and supports soft tissue and is great for your skin. And, of course, I had to include Peruvian Maca. You can Google that one on your own!
All of his exotic ingredients, when accompanied by simple C and B Vitamins to facilitate absorption, each play a vital role in CURBs overall effectiveness. Other CURB ingredients include Cayenne Pepper (which boosts metabolism and helps burn fat), Chromium Polynicotinate (which helps block sugar cravings), Turmeric (a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant), Rhodia (which increases resistance to physical and mental stress), Astragalus (which stimulates the immune system) and Beta-Alanine (which increases endurance and energy).
Since first introducing CURB a few months ago, LaBoube has received nothing but positive feedback from his patients, as well as those who are part of his private Facebook group, which has more than 19,000 members and continues to grow each day. Im very pleased to see that CURB is working and giving people the confidence they need to maintain their weight loss, he said. But I want to emphasize that CURB, alone, is not the cure all, he added. Yes, the ingredients have been found to suppress the appetite while providing energy and focus, and yes, those who use CURB have the peace of mind in knowing that theyre getting some extra help to keep their weight off. But, ultimately, they need to continue making smart choices about the foods they choose to eat to stay on track and avoid a set-back, he added. Maintaining your weight loss is as much about giving your body the proper nutrition it needs as it is about removing the garbage it doesn't.
CURB will help, but you have to do your part as well. CURB is available on the InsideOut Wellness website ( Twelve patches (a 36-day supply) are $55. For a limited time, use code SNOW2019 to receive 20% OFF.
Media Contact: Marcy ManningMarcy724@comcast.net847-712-0212
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Doctor Creates All-Natural Patch to CURB the Appetite and Maintain Weight Loss - GlobeNewswire
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Weight Loss in Women over Age 50 Works as Breast Cancer Preventative – The Great Courses Daily News
Posted: December 30, 2019 at 6:42 pm
By Jonny Lupsha, News Writer
According to the results of the recently published study, more than 180,000 women were observed over the course of 10 years. During this time, any weight loss of greater than 2 kg that wasnt put back on in full was considered sustained weight loss. Compared with women with stable weight (plus or minus 2 kg), women with sustained weight loss had a lower risk of breast cancer, the paper said. This risk reduction was linear and specific to women not using postmenopausal hormones. Linking lifestyle choices to cancer rates has been a challenging process for doctors, but theyre starting to get results.
Due to the countless variations in our individual diets and our individual bodies, studies correlating the two have been difficult to conductalthough researchers have tried.
They took a bunch of different countries and asked the question, If you look at the overall diet of everyone in the country and you say on a population basis, whats the relationship between fat consumption in the diet and breast cancer?' said Dr. David Sadava, Adjunct Professor of Cancer Cell Biology at the City of Hope Medical Center. You get a graph thats quite famous in the annals of cancer research.
Heres a percent of calories as fat, and it ranged from 10 percent, that is a pretty low-fat diet, in Thailand, to about 45 percent in the United Kingdom, Dr. Sadava said. It goes up and you say, Whoa, that means more fat means more breast cancer. But wait a minute, are the people who consumed the high-fat diet the same ones who got breast cancer?
According to Dr. Sadava, a study of 337,000 women found that that wasnt the case at all. When you look at a case-control study of relative risk versus the percent of fat in a diet, so it ranges from 20 percent to 45 percent of fat in the diet, you find the relative risk on an individual basis is the same, he said.
Of course, a high-fat diet is still harmful for the body, but it doesnt always correlate with the types of cancer one would expect. Obesity, as it turns out, is a far better metric.
Obesity is determined by ones body mass index (BMI), which in turn is calculated by the relation of height to weight in an adult. The ranges on the BMI scale tell an individual if theyre underweight, normal, overweight, obese, or severely obese.
People over a certain body mass index are at risk to getting cancer as well as many other things, Dr. Sadava said. It could be a descriptive risk factorin other words, it could be a risk factor that makes these people more prone to getting cancer for other causes. Or it could be a causative risk factor, which means the fat thats accumulating may actually cause the cancer.
Most evidence suggests that the stored fat in those with high BMIs is a causative risk factor, although as always, scientists are hesitant to definitively link one thing to another, since correlation does not imply causation. Regardless of whether fat is a descriptive or causative risk factor, this months published article in The Journal of the National Cancer Institute says a lot for weight loss as breast cancer prevention.
Dr. David Sadava is Adjunct Professor of Cancer Cell Biology at the City of Hope Medical Center in Duarte, CA. Professor Sadava graduated from Carleton University as the science medalist with a B.S. with first-class honors in biology and chemistry. A Woodrow Wilson Fellow, he earned a Ph.D. in Biology from the University of California, San Diego.
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Hot drinks to consume before bed for weight loss – YouBeauty
Posted: December 30, 2019 at 6:42 pm
With all the magical ingredients that help with weight loss, its hard to choose sometimes. Here are some fantastic recipes for hot drinks you can consume at night to help shed those stubborn and unwanted pounds. Remember, these without a solid diet and exercise wont do much. Combining them in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle will help you lose pounds quickly and get trim.
ACV Hot DrinkYou will need:
Mix all the ingredients and drink before bed. The apple cider vinegar has lots of anti-inflammatory properties and helps your body lose weight much faster.
Detox TeaYou will need:
This warm drink is perfect for cleansing your body of all toxins after a long day and helps raise your metabolism at night.
Honey LemonYou will need:
Drink every day for three months for quick weight loss results.
Ginger Lemon DetoxYou will need:
Drink at least one hour before bed to relieve any bloating in addition to helping shed pounds.
Cranberry Detox DrinkYou will need:
This detox drink can be enjoyed hot or cold, and its a great way to fight any weight gain and to stay full longer, with a healthier gut, urinary tract, and better metabolism.
These amazing recipes will not only help you lose more weight, but the natural compounds in each ingredient are super essential to flush toxins out of your system and improve your immune system as well.
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3 best spice-infused drinks to help you lose weight – Times of India
Posted: December 30, 2019 at 6:42 pm
These tiny flavourful seeds are an essential ingredient in Indian curries, rice and dals. The seeds are helpful in solving health problems like poor digestion, constipation, insulin resistance and slow metabolism. It is also effective in burning belly fat and thus helpful for weight loss.
The right way to prepare jeera drink
You can make jeera water in two easy ways. First is by adding a teaspoon of jeera in a glass of water and letting it boil for 5 minutes. You can have this drink at once or keep sipping it throughout the day.
The second easy way to prepare this drink is by soaking a teaspoon of jeera in a glass of water overnight. Consume this water on an empty stomach the next morning.
Last but not the least, a sustainable weight loss is the right combination of a healthy diet and regular exercise.
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3 best spice-infused drinks to help you lose weight - Times of India
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Weight loss: I lost five stone in nine months by having a balloon inflated in my stomach – The Sun
Posted: December 30, 2019 at 6:42 pm
ANDREA Norris knew she had to do something about her weight asher confidence hit rock bottom and she endured a vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting.
She'd reached a staggering 16 stone - piling on the pounds after having two children and was depressed with being the "biggest one out of her friends".
Watching the TV one day, Andrea caught a segment about the Elipse Balloon a non-surgical weight loss treatment which involves swallowing a capsule-encased balloon, that is then inflated to keep the stomach feeling full.
After a consultation, the primary school teacher, who lives in Littlehampton, West Sussex, decided to have the procedure in May 2019.
She has shed an impressive five stone in just nine months and now feels happier than ever.
Andrea said: "I am feeling one thousand times better about myself.
"Its crazy to think that this time last year, I hadnt even heard of the Elipse Balloon. Its all happened so quickly."
Andrea first started gaining weight after falling pregnant with her eldest child around 16 years ago.
And busy with her new life as a mum, getting in shape took a back seat as she begun eating huge portions leading to the pounds slowly piling on.
She said: "Ive always cooked fresh meals from scratch, so wasnt eating loads of junk food or anything like that.
"Breakfast would be toast, yogurt and fruit, and lunch a salad but then for dinner, Id have massive portions of whatever Id made for the family.
"We have these huge dinner plates and now I look back and wonder how I ever managed to pile them high and eat the lot."
As Andrea grew to a size 22, shebecame embroiled in a vicious cycle of dieting, whereby she would lose two stone, only to regain it and pile on additional pounds too.
I had tried every diet under the sun," she said.
"Each time, I would lose around two stone, only to gain it all back plus more.
"I absolutely hated being the biggest person in my friendship group, and those negative thoughts I had about myself kept chipping away."
I absolutely hated being the biggest person in my friendship group
By the start of 2019, Andrea was completely fed up and had virtually no self-confidence.
Her size was also causing her physical problems, like terrible knee pain, making exercise virtually impossible.
At 5ft 6in, this put her body mass index used to gauge if a person is a healthy weight at 36.1, compared to the healthy range recommended to by the NHS of 18.5 to 24.9.
However, in February, Andrea stumbled across a TV segment about the Elipse Balloon.
"I was intrigued and right away thought, Heres something I havent tried yet'," she said.
I liked that it was non-invasive. It seemed less drastic than something like a gastric band.
"I got straight on finding out where I could get it done near me and made an appointment right away."
After a consultation, Andrea decided to go ahead and had the procedure in May 2019, performed by Mr Simon Monkhouse, a consultant weight loss surgeon at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital in Horley, Surrey.
She said: Beforehand, I had a long appointment with a dietitian, who talked me through all the things Id be able to eat afterwards.
"I had a whole programme set out, including a few days of being on a liquid diet, while my body got used to having this alien object in my stomach.
"There was so much to think about that I was almost on the journey before Id had the procedure. It was really exciting, though."
During the procedure itself, which took around 20 minutes, Andrea swallowed a thin polymer film balloon, which was encased in a capsule.
"It was almost like swallowing a big tablet," she said.
"It did feel a little strange but it was all over so quickly."
Then, the Elipse Balloon was inflated in her stomach with 550ml of liquid to keep her feeling full.
At first, she followed an all-liquid diet and, other than a little nausea in the days immediately following the balloons insertion, she recovered virtually instantly.
In the first week alone, she lost just under a stone and, soon moving on to solid food, she worked closely with a dietitian to ensure she was putting the right things into her body.
Week after week she was losing more weight and also noticed a huge shift in her mindset.
One of the biggest things I have learnt is how to identify when Im actually hungry, she said.
"Before, I thought I was hungry almost constantly but now I know I wasnt, I just wanted food.
Every pound I lost gave me that push to keep going
"Id emotionally eat, or do it out of boredom, or because the food was there not because I actually had to.
"Spire Gatwick Park Hospital also gave me fantastic support, which spurred me on even more.
"I found reading other Elipse Balloon success stories really motivating, and every pound I lost gave me that push to keep going."
After four months, the balloon naturally deflated and passed out of Andreas body painlessly through her gastrointestinal tract.
"I had been dreading the balloon deflating, as I worried thatd mean going back to my old ways, like I had so many times before," she explained.
"But by then, my habits had changed beyond all recognition."
Now, as she looks back and reflects on just how drastically her body has changed in the past year, Andrea believes her bad habits are behind her for good.
These days, she will have a protein yoghurt for breakfast, chicken salad for lunch and fresh vegetables with fish in the evening.
And she always eats from a smaller side plate, so she can control her portion sizes also reducing the amount of calorie-packed alcohol she drinks.
How can a gastric balloon help you lose weight?
The balloons reduce the free volume in the stomach and therefore constrict how much a person can eat before feeling full.
It can be taken under the supervision of a medic, nutritionist or dietitian in a process that lasts just 15 minutes.
Patients swallow the pill with a glass of water, and once it hits the stomach, the balloon is filled with a pint of water through a tube.
The tube then detaches from the balloon and it pops after four months and passes out painlessly through the body.
Experts have said the pill could be used to fight the UKs obesity crisis, which raises risks of type 2 diabetes, heart and liver disease and cancers.
Professor Jason Halford, from the University of Liverpool, said: Potentially millions could benefit.
It is cost-effective. If the studies are there, it should be considered on the NHS.
Dr Simon Cork, of Imperial College London, added: A device which doesnt require surgery is a positive step forward.
"I used to drink five nights a week, but now, moderation is key and I know that I have the power to make my own choices," she said.
"I dont have to drink just because other people are."
No longer requiring any painkillers for her knees, Andrea hits the gym three times a week for a workout session, exercise class or a swim.
By speaking out, she wants to give hope to others trapped in a cycle of yo-yo dieting, just like she once was.
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I am enjoying life so much more now, she concluded.
The Elipse Balloon is available at private clinics in the UK (from 4000) for adults over the age of 18 and with a BMI of 27 and above.
For more information visit the Elipse Balloon website here.
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Weight loss: I lost five stone in nine months by having a balloon inflated in my stomach - The Sun
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Tom Kerridge reveals ‘nerve-wracking’ journey of new weight loss show – The Irish News
Posted: December 30, 2019 at 6:42 pm
Tom Kerridge has spoken about the nerve-wracking experience of making his new weight loss show.
The celebrity chef joins a group of volunteers in a challenge to shed pounds and shape up in his new seriesLose Weight And Get Fit With Tom Kerridge, which will be packed with healthy recipes and fitness advice.
The TV star, who previously lost 12 stone, has said he was inspired to take on the challenge after he started to regain some of the weight.
He said: I hate watching myself on TV anyway, thats one of those things.
But to be taking part in it, its quite nerve-wracking because it makes you realise that you really had to commit to this because theres going to be, I dont know, 2 million people that are going to watch it on the telly.
So theres a lot of nerves about committing to it and doing it and taking part in it.
I recognise from everybody elses point of view how brave they are to do this, so its a big commitment at the beginning.
I wont tell you what happened at the end, but the whole process is a very nerve-wracking one.
Losing weight, trying to do it, committing to it, but also with the added fact that its being filmed for a television show was a huge thing for myself and for everybody.
But what made it easier is because it was a group thing; there was a WhatsApp group where everybody was very, very supportive of each other, and it actually makes it a lot easier when everybody is committed to doing it.
In this six-part series, Kerridge returns to Gloucester, where he grew up, and joins11 volunteers who have just two months to shed the pounds, get fit and transform their cooking and exercise habits.
Discussing the alterations he made to his lifestyle, he said: I changed the way that I work at the gym and I changed the way that I eat.
So when I first started losing weight, I went for a low-carbohydrate kind of diet and I was swimming; and then I stopped swimming and I ended up doing a lot of weight lifting.
I was trying to do a lot of resistance work and eating high protein, so I put on a lot of weight. I became a lot bigger but a lot stronger, but strength doesnt mean fit.
I wanted to change everything, so with Adam (Peacock, the personal trainer on the show) I went for the idea of going for much more cardio and aerobic exercise and then went onto lower calories [2,800] like the rest of the guys.
Lose Weight And Get Fit With Tom Kerridge starts on BBC Two on January 8.
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Tom Kerridge reveals 'nerve-wracking' journey of new weight loss show - The Irish News
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‘Dare Me’ Season 1 Episode 1: The obsession with weight loss among athletes highlights beginning of the thrill – MEAWW
Posted: December 30, 2019 at 6:42 pm
This article contains spoilers for 'Dare Me' Season 1 Episode 1 'Coup d'tat'
'Coup d'tat', the first episode of USA Networks' 'Dare Me', depicted the overthrow of a highly angst-filled group of teenagers. While Beth tried to come to terms with Coach Collete now running the show, Addy saw this as an opportunity for recognition outside the town. In the midst of the coming-of-age thriller, there were undeniable hints of social issues that hit a sensitive nerve, one of which was the portrayal of teenage girls utilizing bad habits to lose weight.
Athletes have to compete against more than just their colleagues and the teams around their state, they're competing against thousands of other athletes who want the same golden ticket they do. This brings about the pressure that some can cave under, while some may like the intensity of it. The need to be better, and prove yourself is a hard cross to bear, and the show highlights the strict diligence of teenage girls who want to make it big.
The first episode was quite direct in showcasing the 'fit' bodies of these young women and what they are willing to put their bodies through. With comments that could be considered vile, Coach Collete runs a tight ship. She holds the belly fat of a junior squad member, saying, "This, we don't do this" while demeaning their "gummy bear" thighs. Understandably, coaches focus on strict training especially with a body taxing sport like cheerleading but how much is too much?
Intense athletic training is a must when it comes to teams that are competing on a regional level, but scenes like young girls purging and fantasizing about protruding rib cages isn't the right way to go about that. While Addy who adores the new coach zooms in on Collete's ribs on a picture, she epitomizes the obsession young woman have with weight and idolizing society's body ideals. In another scene, Beth kicks a young cheerleader who is trying to purge, in the gut, to help her vomit - another inkling of what it's like growing up under the intense pressure to not only be great at something but to look 'good' doing it.
While perfect flips and wobbly handstands seem to be the least of the cheerleader's concerns, it looks like weight loss may not be the only thing that strikes off-balance socially. We don't know where the storyline takes us as of yet, and although it may look like portrayals of young women like this can influence young minds, it may be so that it brings up a conversation about a mindset that plagues far too many young women. We really hope it's the latter.
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PA Live! Twin Hills Weight Loss Center in the Kitchen –
Posted: December 29, 2019 at 9:47 am
Posted: Dec 27, 2019 / 08:21 PM EST / Updated: Dec 27, 2019 / 08:21 PM EST
(WBRE/WYOU) Diane from Twin Hills Weight Loss Center was in the kitchen on the Thursday, December 27, 2019 edition of PA Live!
Diane was showing us how to make a steak dinner from the Twin Hills cookbook Healthy Eats that will help us stick to our healthy New Years resolutions. She also gave tips for people setting a resolution to eat healthier in the new year.
Twin Hills Weight Loss Center has two locations, one in Wilkes-Barre and one in Muncy. We would love nothing more than to see everyone eating healthier and feeling better in the new year!
You can pick up a copy of Healthy Eats at either of our two office locations in Wilkes-Barre, or Muncy and if viewers mention they saw us on PA Live, we would like to offer a special discount of 50 percent off the regular price. So you will receive 101 kitchen-tested, delicious, healthy, weight-loss-friendly recipes for only $6.
For more information, watch the videos above.
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PA Live! Twin Hills Weight Loss Center in the Kitchen -
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