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25 Weight Loss Tips From "The Biggest Loser" To Get You On Track – Shared
Posted: December 29, 2019 at 9:45 am
Losing weight is something most people have struggled with. Whether you're looking to drop a few pounds from the holiday dinners, or perhaps looking to lose a larger amount of weight, it's hard to know what is good and what is bad to do. J.D. Roth, producer of The Biggest Loser and Extreme Weight Loss, shared some of the tips he's noticed from the successful contestants on his show.
It could be a spouse, a friend, a co-worker, or maybe a neighbor you're looking to get to know better. Getting a buddy to work out and eat healthier with is always a good idea.
"Youll get out and move because there is someone there to hold you accountable (just as you are there to hold the other person accountable)," Roth noted.
Set a schedule with your buddy for walks, grocery shopping, or just a quick coffee to catch each other up on how your progress is going. Having someone to share the journey with will help you feel less alone in the process.
Tricking your stomach is a lot easier than you may think. Piling up a dinner plate full of yummy food is our instinct, and if your family was anything like mine, you were taught to clean your plate before leaving the table. The thing is, we often eat more than we need just because it's in front of us. Instead of eating your meals on dinner plates, try using the salad plate. You'll still get the satisfaction of "emptying your plate," but it won't be as much food.
"If youre using smaller plates and bowls, youll still eat whats there, but it will be lessthough your brain wont register that," Roth explained. "Its all about perception."
How many times a day do you say "I can't" to yourself? Even if it's not about food? I know that I say it a lot. "I can't handle this much work," "I can't get all of this done today," "I can't do these dishes I'm too tired." We stop ourselves every day from doing things, all because we don't think we're capable.
Try changing up the "can'ts" to "cans." Start by just acknowledging how often you say you can't do things - keep a list if you have to. Then, slowly start training your brain to saying you "can." Start with the small things, like "I can wait until I'm home before eating dinner, instead of stopping for a snack." Reduce the number of things you CAN'T do each day, and you'll be amazed by the things you CAN do.
Anyone who works a desk job knows that it's hard to get moving when you're sitting all day. While you may not be able to get a full workout in during the day, try taking the "top of the hour" workout challenge. From 9 to 5, at the top of every hour, pick a small exercise to do. Five pushups, 10 sit ups, walking around the office three times (depending on how big your space is), going up a flight of stairs...just get moving. It may not seem like a lot at the time, but by the time you're done for the day you'll have done 80 sit ups, 40 pushups, 8 flights of stairs, or whatever your exercise of choice was.
A lot of the time, we eat out or order food because we don't have anything ready to eat. Buy your food at the beginning of the week, portion it out, and have healthy snacks on hand for when those hunger cravings hit. Chopping up your fruits and veggies at the beginning of the week also helps, because it's a lot easier to grab a handful of cut up carrots in a pinch than having to pull out the peeler, cutting board, and knife to do it when you're hungry.
Each morning when you're getting ready, have a list of daily affirmations to explain to yourself why you're a wonderful person. We focus on the negative all the time, and taking time out of your day to focus on the positive it's worth it.
So today its not, I cant believe Im so fat or I hate myself because I have no willpower; instead its I am a strong person who can overcome adversity and I am a good person who has done good for others,"" Roth suggested. "Give yourself the love, forgiveness, and encouragement that you give other people, and amazing things will start to happen in your life and with your health."
We can all agree there are more commercials on TV than there used to be, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. Instead of sitting around watching the commercials, get up and move.
"Every one-hour show has 18 minutes of commercials; if you watch two hours of TV without moving, thats 36 minutes of exercise that youre losing out on," Roth explained. "Make it heart-pumping and nonstop for the whole breakjumping jacks and squats are always good."
If you're someone who watches TV on a streaming network or through your DVR, make a rule that for every show you watch, you stop and do some type of exercise before the next one.
Sometimes an entire day can go by and you're not really paying attention, you just kind of go through the motions. This means you probably forget to get up and move around. A lot of fitness trackers have a reminder set that alerts you to move every hour, but if you don't have an Apple Watch or a FitBit, then just set a reminder on your phone! This is especially important for when you get home from work. We all have a tendency to sit down on the couch until it's time for bed, but that's a lot of time you could be moving around.
Pick a single day to weigh yourself each week and stick to that plan. Weighing yourself every day is a recipe for disaster. Things fluctuate all the time, so picking one day to track is the best way to approach it. It's also important that as you weigh yourself, you keep things positive.
Step on the scale and look at the number. Then say to yourself, great week, good week, or needs work," Roth suggested. "Then step off the scale, look at it, and say, great week. The last thing your brain hears is going to be overwhelmingly positive."
Weighing yourself is obviously a part of losing weight, but you shouldn't be dreading stepping on the scale. Keep things positive and you'll do fine.
Yes, it's that simple. Go for a walk in the morning, go for a walk on your lunch break, go for a walk after dinner...whatever works for you. Walking just 30 minutes a day is a great form of exercise, and it's a good way to segue into more intense forms of exercise. Don't worry about your speed or distance, just go for the walk. Build the habit into part of your routine. It's best to add the walk into your schedule before you usually shower. If you like to shower in the morning before work, head for a walk first thing in the morning and then continue on with your day. If you like to shower before bed, head for a walk after dinner and then come home and wind down.
Before you do the things you want to do, make sure you do the things you must do. This includes working out, eating right, and taking care of yourself before indulging or relaxing. Even if the "must dos" aren't related to weight loss (cleaning, paying bills, running errands), get them done before anything else. You'll find that you feel more structured and accomplished, and you'll be more motivated to stay on track with everything.
You might think you're making a healthy choice, but the hidden sugars in certain foods could be tricking you. This is especially true for things like smoothies or protein shakes. They're marketed as 'healthy' options, but the reality is they're pumped full of artificial sugars. If you really want a smoothie, try making your own using frozen fruit.
"Look for less obvious sugary foods, things like ketchup, BBQ sauce, salad dressings, Chinese sauces, pasta sauces, fruit yogurt, energy drinks, and even seemingly healthy things like dried fruit," Roth warned. "Check labels for dead-giveaway ingredients: honey, brown sugar, turbinado, molasses, high fructose corn syrup, other syrups, raw sugar, agave and glucose (including other sweeteners ending in ose)."
You need a reason to keep going, whether it's something you tell yourself when you're doing the last 5 minutes on the treadmill or debating between toaster pastries and frozen veggies at the grocery store. It needs to be something that you can repeat to yourself that motivates you to keep going. A good one I like to use is "nothing changes if nothing changes." If you don't change your bad habits, then you won't get the results that you want.
Would you break a promise to your best friend? No. So don't break promises to yourself.
"If you say youre going to eat a healthy lunch, dont grab a bag of potato chips at the register," Roth suggested. "As with everything, go for reasonable, not radical. Dont promise to do an hour of cardio if you havent exercised in a year. Make a list of your promises for the day."
The promise could be "I promise to get out of bed when my alarm goes off and make a proper breakfast." It could also be "I promise to drink 8 glasses of water today." Whatever you promise yourself, make sure you keep it.
If you have the option, use a standing desk at your office instead of sitting in your chair all day. If that's not possible, make an effort to stand in meetings or even just get up and walk over to a coworkers desk to talk through a work issue rather than sending an email. Even thought standing won't technically help you lose weight, it will help you live longer. Plus, new studies show that exercising for more than an hour a day doesn't undo the bad effects you experience from sitting all day.
Obviously if your stomach is growling, you're hungry. But sometimes what we THINK is hunger is actually just thirst, boredom, or a desire to emotionally eat. When you find yourself reaching for a snack or a meal, ask yourself three things:
If the answer to any of those is yes, maybe find something else to do than grabbing a snack. If you're bored or emotional, going for a quick walk can help clear your head.
Yes, exercise is important, but so is rest. Make sure you give yourself time to relax, unwind, and enjoy some down time. Every day, take 15 minutes to unplug, be with yourself, and just focus on your breathing and self-reflection. There are a lot of apps and websites that can help with calming breathing techniques or meditation, and these can help your mind stay focused on the bigger picture.
Oversharing is often frowned upon when it comes to social media, but you can use social media to your advantage when you want to lose weight. There are communities on platforms like Instagram that are dedicated to weight loss and wellness. Create a new account where you post about your journey, and you'll quickly find that others are sharing the same experiences. Your new account will hold you accountable as you post pictures of your meals, your workouts, and even just explain cravings you might be having. Let social media keep you motivated.
Much like keeping promises to yourself like you would a friend, it's important to give yourself compliments and motivation. It's a sign of low self-esteem when you can't compliment yourself, but once you learn to do that you'll notice a change in how you present yourself. Allow yourself to acknowledge when you've done a great job or are having a good hair day - whatever you think you've done well!
Walking through the grocery store can become a bad habit. You have your go-tos and you rarely go outside of your comfort zone. When you're trying to change your life, though, you need to change up the foods you're buying. Next time you go grocery shopping, keep track of how many packaged goods you've got vs fresh food (veggies, protein, fruits, etc.). Keep count of your packaged goods, and try to lower that number each time you go shopping. Swap it out for fresh food. You'll notice your habits will change as time goes on.
Goal weights are good, but events or challenges to work towards are also great. Sign up for a charity walk or run a few months from now and train towards that. It could also be a holiday or milestone birthday that you want to feel your best for. Goals don't always have to be around a number, they can also be around how you feel or things you're able to do, like climb the stairs at work without being totally winded.
It's not great to use shame to remind yourself of your goals, but gentle reminders are okay! Maybe it's a picture of an outfit you want to wear in three months that you keep near the cupboard, or maybe it's a picture of you at your lowest point next to the mirror in the morning to remind yourself of how far you've come. It could even be inspirational quotes that you keep in every room - things that will keep you motivated towards your goal even when you feel like you're starting to slip.
Interval training means going very hard for a short period of time, slowing down, then speeding up again. It increases and decreases your heart rate quickly, and will help you burn more fat in a shorter amount of time.
"In 2008, researchers at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, had a group of women ride stationary bikes at intervals of 8 seconds sprinting and 12 seconds slow riding for 20 minutes (60 repeats in all)," Roth wrote. "The researchers then compared them to the second group of women who rode for 40 minutes straight at the same speed only to find that, at the end of 15 weeks, the interval trainers lost more weight and more body fat than the steady riders."
When you start asking yourself why you're not meeting your honest with your answers. Did you really stay on track this week, or did you snack at night? When you were at the gym did you go as hard as you could? Or did you do the bare minimum. To be clear: there's nothing wrong with making mistakes, but people will often get discouraged because they lie to themselves saying "well I've done everything I could and nothing is changing." But, if you really sit down and be honest with yourself, you'll be able to find places you can improve.
Every day you accomplish something good, you just don't always notice it. Take the time to write down all the little victories you have in a gratitude journal. Some days it might be as simple as "only had half a donut that was in the lunch room instead of whole one." Other days you might find that it's even more exciting, like "walked an extra mile on the treadmill at the gym." Whatever the victory is, it's still a victory. As you write them all down, you'll be able to reflect on them when things don't seem to be going your way.
In the end, weight loss journeys are all about patience and persistence. With a little of both, you'll find that things end up changing quicker than you thought.
[H/T: Reader's Digest]
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25 Weight Loss Tips From "The Biggest Loser" To Get You On Track - Shared
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5 Ways To Make A New Years Resolution Stick – Forbes
Posted: December 29, 2019 at 9:45 am
New Year Concept
Every year millions of people set goals at the beginning of the year, and every year many of those millions fail. Some have set the same goals every new year for years, perhaps decades, because making resolutions stick is difficult when you lose enthusiasm and revert to old habits and routines. Then months pass quickly and before we know it, another year is upon us. So, what is the difference between those of us who make the same resolutions year after year and those who accomplish their resolutions? They follow the five steps below:
Consider The Reasoning Of Your Goal
When setting a goal, it is important to consider why you want to have that goal and if youre making it for the right reasons. Dr. Michael Bennett, a psychiatrist and author of two self-help books told the New York Times, If you do it out of the sense of self-hate or remorse or a strong passion in that moment, it doesnt usually last long, he said. But if you build up a process where youre thinking harder about whats good for you, youre changing the structure of your life, youre bringing people into your life who will reinforce that resolution, then I think you have a fighting chance.
Dont Be Afraid To Go Big
Setting big goals is instrumental to major accomplishments, and according to Harvard Medical School having a big goal in and of itself can inspire you to accomplish it, whether it is running a marathon, starting a business, writing a book or getting into graduate school. They also say a big goal will often inspire those around you, who may offer encouragement and support by assisting you in practical ways to help you achieve your goal. And dont hesitate to ask for help when you need it.
Make A Short To Do List Every Day
In his book,Smarter Faster BetterPulitzer Prize winning business reporter Charles Duhigg explains how to-do lists impact productivity. Studies indicate that about 15% of people writing to-do lists will write down things they have already completed because it just feels so good to check them off and feel like youre being productive, Duhigg told Medium. The problem is thats using a to-do list for whats known as mood repair, not for productivity.And research shows that when you have a long to do list, you will likely choose to complete the easy, inessential tasks over the more complex tasks youre putting off. Medium writes that each morning Duhigg makes a to do list of three things, which seems like a short list but it helps him accomplish the most essential tasks, rather than tasks that would simply feel good to complete.
Measure Your Progress
Every source I cite in this article, and most any article you read on productivity will state you need to have calculable goals, and measure the incremental progress you make on said goals. Some goals are made to be measured, like weight loss or miles run per week. Others goals are tougher to measure, such as a promotion at work or a new career. Then you have to break down your goal into smaller and calculable goals. What you would need to do to get a promotion or a new job: is it winning new clients? Completing certain projects? Is getting a new certification part of that equation? How many applications are you submitting every week? How many network e-mails are you sending? These are ways you can calculate a goal that is difficult to measure, by breaking it down into tasks and tracking your progress.
Forget Perfection
The American Psychological Association writes that a key part of success is how you treat yourself when you fail, and you will inevitably fail. Failure is the process of success. Whether you forget to journal one day, are too busy to work out the next, or eat the thing youre trying not to eat, etc. everything is part of the process. Learn from it. Could it have been prevented? If not, forgive yourself and start tomorrow. If it could have been prevented, consider why and make necessary changes moving forward (i.e. limiting your obstacles, not enabling bad habits, etc.). Start again tomorrow and dont let your disappoint send you into a shame or guilt spiral. Everyone fails, dont let it dampen your enthusiasm.
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Best supplements for weight loss: Taking this supplement could help you lose weight – Express
Posted: December 29, 2019 at 9:44 am
Weight loss will be on many peoples minds as the New Year rolls in. The NHS offers medically-approved tips for losing weight, such as not skipping breakfast, eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, moving more and using a smaller plate.
But some experts have also suggested the addition of a glucomannan supplement can also aid weight loss.
Glucomannan is a natural, water-soluble dietary fibre extracted from the roots of konjac, also known as elephant yam.
Its available as a powder and tablets, and is the main ingredient in shirataki noodles.
Like all soluble fibres, glucommanan is highly absorbent, and when it binds with water it forms a gel-like substance.
READ MORE:High blood pressure: Taking this supplement could lower your reading
This gel helps create a sensation of fullness, which can reduce appetite, delays stomach emptying, keeping a person feeling fuller for longer, and breaks down carbohydrates more slowly, stabilising post-meal blood sugar levels.
The gel can also decrease absorption of fat.
A 2005 study carried out by Norways University of Tromso reported dieters who took glucomannan lost more weight than those taking other high-fibre supplements.
Another study involving 176 healthy but overweight people on a calorie-restricted diet randomly assigned either a glucomannan supplement or a placebo to participants.
Weight loss was significantly greater among those who supplemented with glucomannan.
But a 2013 study published in the Journal of Obesity found it had no effect on weight.
Glucomannan has also been shown to support gut health.
A 2010 laboratory study carried out by the University of Reading found it helped encourage healthy levels of gut bacteria populations, for examine bifidobacterium.
Its also been shown to lower cholesterol levels.
A 2008 review of evidence in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, glucomannan can reduce levels of total cholesterol and cause a decrease in bad LDL cholesterol too.
Researchers have suggested glucomannan has this effect by altering the way cholesterol is produced in the liver and how fats in the body are stored or used for energy.
When it comes to dosage for glucomannan, Holland and Barrett says a dose of around 2g to 4g per day has been used safely in studies, but you should always read the packaging or food label first.
It adds: Take glucomannan 15 minutes to an hour before a meal, and make sure you swallow it with 1-2 glasses of fluid to avoid it expanding before it reaches your stomach, as this could be dangerous.
Glucomannan has not been proved safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women and children.
If you are diabetic, speak to your doctor before taking glucomannan as it can reduce the absorption of some diabetes medications.
Glucomannan may produce mild side-effects including bloating, flatulence, soft stools and diarrhoea.
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Best supplements for weight loss: Taking this supplement could help you lose weight - Express
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Tom Marvins’s 2019 gear of the year | Top 5 mountain bike products of the year –
Posted: December 29, 2019 at 9:44 am
As 2019 draws to a close, its time for me to take a retrospective look back at whats changed my riding world this year.
2019 has been a rather busy one for me, with plenty of bike and kit testing for BikeRadar and MBUK. As usual, mountain bikes have featured very heavily, but my focus towards the end of the year shifted from mostly trail and enduro riding to the more Lycra-clad world of XC and marathon all I can say is that its good to mix things up from time to time.
Alongside all the testing and reviewing, Ive also been working on the BikeRadar podcast, so I might as well plug it here too! Theres plenty of MTB and road content, as well as interviews and tech features to get stuck into as you wait for the Christmas turkey (or nut roast) to cook.
Now the cheeky plug is over, check out my favourites from the past year of riding.
Crankbrothers new Synthesis wheels are individually tuned for front and rear. Alex Evans
While weve posted our review yet, I rode the Synthesis wheels for the first half of the year on my MBUK long-term Specialized Stumpjumper EVO.
The wheels are built with a stiffer rear wheel for snappy handling and responsiveness, and a softer front wheel for grip and comfort. While differences in wheels can be fairly subtle, I do think theres something in the approach.
I fitted the wheels shortly before racing an EWS qualifier. I suffer frequently from arm pump, so anything I can do to quell pumped-up forearms the better. While they werent the only changes I made to the bike over three days of racing, I had no issues.
The wheels come with fairly fancy hubs and a nice, wide rim to support the latest generation of 2.5in tyres, further enhancing their on-trail performance. While, in general, Im fairly pro-alloy when it comes to wheels, these are a set of carbon hoops Id happily live with going forward.
100%s Brisker glove is the perfect winter glove. Immediate Media
Im sure the Brisker has featured in many a gift-guide or Gear of the Year article over the years, but time and time again they impress to the extent that I feel it needs mentioning again. Simply put, in all but the coldest of weather, the 100% Brisker is the ultimate winter mountain bike glove.
The back has a softshell-like material that offers decent insulation, keeps the wind and spray off effectively and remains fairly warm when damp too. The palm is just a single uninterrupted, but well-formed piece of Clarino synthetic leather, so no annoying seams anywhere. The cuff has a small Velcro tab and is elasticated to keep chill out. My only criticism is that the cuff could be a touch longer.
So why is it so good? Well, it performs well in inclement weather, but also offers superb feel through the bars, so it doesnt feel like a big, bulky winter glove, even if it performs as such most of the time. Oh, and its stonking good value for money too.
In my position as a technical editor its rare that Ill go out and spend my own money on kit because I am lucky to test a wide range of apparel, but Ive bought sets of Briskers at retail, without a second thought and Im not the only person in the office to have done so either.
I wore the Flexair Pant on the recent, rather chilly Mondraker Crafty Carbon launch. Mondraker
When its really bogging outside waterproof trousers make a lot of sense, but it was only this year that I really appreciated the non-waterproof trouser (or, for our US audience, pant).
The Flexair from Fox has been my leg-coverage of choice through autumn and winter so far, and in pretty much every type of condition.
The material is light and stretchy, theres enough room for skinny knee pads underneath, a ratchet-like fastener around the waist and a tight-ish hem at the ankle. This means they dont hold you back on the trail, but offer that little extra splash- and wind-protection that shorts dont, while still being breathable and non-sweaty unlike waterproofs.
In the wettest conditions, I still go for something more weatherproof, but if its just a chilly, damp day the Flexairs have me covered literally.
The Shorty is one of the best winter tyres around. Dave Caudrey/Immediate Media
First and foremost, in winter, Im looking for grip, especially from my front wheel, and as luck would have it, the Shorty offers that in spades.
Its a fairly traditional mud-spike, in many regards, with tall square blocks widely spaced to dig through the mud and eke as much grip out of the ground as possible. On hardpack its not the best (Id argue that in some ways the Schwalbe Magic Mary with an Addix Soft compound build is a better all-rounder), but in the slop theres nothing better.
Handily, I love riding slop, and I seem to ride slop a lot, so the Shorty is attached to the front of my bikes for a good proportion of the year.
There are a number of different options, but Id usually choose the 2.5in wide Trail version with an EXO sidewall on my 29er.
The Vivoactive 4 has been firmly strapped around my wrist in recent months. Simon Bromley / Immediate Media
Im a bit of a technophobe; Ive had the same phone for years, dont understand my fancy TV and have never spent much time with complex GPSs or sports watches. So, Ive surprised myself this year by getting on very well with the new Vivoactive 4 from Garmin.
My aforementioned new-found love for XC, and a concerted effort to lose a bit of weight, promoted me to find a more accurate way of measuring my rides, and with a simple two-click process, the Vivoactive does just that.
With a bit of help, Ive managed to get it to tie in with Strava and Garmin Connect too. I didnt find the optical heart Rate sensor the most accurate, so Ive got hold of an HR strap from a colleagues recent GPS test to sync with it.
Perhaps the main reason Ive become attached to it is that, with the HR strap connected, it gives a fairly (though of course not entirely) accurate calorie-count for my exercise, meaning post-ride Ive had numerous glutenous feasts without a hint of guilt.
And, as anyone whos tried to lose weight via calorie control will know, feasting without guilt is better than Christmas and birthdays rolled into one.
I wasnt unfit, or particularly fat, before I used the Vivoactive, but I can safely say its played an integral role in my diminishing waist size and increased lung capacity.
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The husband who wouldn’t have seen Christmas if it wasn’t for quick-thinking GP – Daily Post
Posted: December 29, 2019 at 9:44 am
A wife who "nagged" her husband to go to the doctor's about his sore knee said he probably wouldn't have seen Christmas without their GP's quick-thinking.
Fit and active 81-year-old Ken Layhe had been struggling with his knee for a while when walking and only visited Bodowen surgery in Holywell because wife Irene forced him to get it looked at.
What happened next left Mrs Layhe fearing her husband wouldn't see this Christmas Day.
Dr Rolf Major examined Mr Layhe in October and while checking his abdomen noticed swelling and ordered him to go for a CT scan as soon as possible. He had the scan three days later on October 26.
Within two days he was summoned to hospital after doctors discovered a potentially fatal aortic aneurysm - called a "triple A" (abdominal aortic aneurysm) - measuring between 9-10cm.
Lifesaving surgery, to put a stent in the aneurysm and one in each of the femoral arteries in each thigh, was carried out in early November.
Mr Layhe is now convalescing at his Brynford home with his wife.
Mrs Layhe, 76, said: "It was frightening and I couldn't show it because Ken's a worrier. I thought 'this is serious'. I nagged Ken to go to the doctor's with his knee.
"If Dr Major had not spotted it and those wonderful staff at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd hadn't done such a thorough job I don't think Ken would have been here for Christmas.
"We were just amazed at how kind they were. No matter which ward he went to they were so charming and upbeat. They even came to check on him in the high dependency unit. The care was just amazing."
An AAA can form if the sides of theaorta weaken and balloon outwards. It's not always clear why this happens, but there are things that increase the risk.
Speak to your GP if you're worried you may be at risk of an AAA. They may suggest having a scan to check if you have one and making healthy lifestyle changesto reduce your risk of an AAA.
The recommended treatment for an AAA depends on how big it is.
Treatment is not always needed straight away if the risk of an AAA bursting is low.
Ask your doctor if you're not sure what size your AAA is.
There are several things you can do to reduce your chances of getting an AAA or help stop one getting bigger.
An aortic aneurysm is a bulge in the main aorta carrying blood from your heart to the rest of your body. If it ruptures it can cause death within seven minutes and eight out of 10 people die before reaching hospital.
The aorta normally measures 2cm in diameter and become an aneurysm at around 3cm. Mr Layhe's was three times that size.
Mr Layhe, who also underwent a quadruple bypass 14 years ago, said: "The doctor insisted I had the CT scan as quickly as possible. An aneurysm between 4-5cm is considered fairly large and would need attention.
"Everyone over 65 is entitled and should go for an aneurysm check. It's age-related in some respects."
The free GP check is available for men in their 65th year as the risks of developing a "triple A" increase with age, whether you have smoked and whether you have high blood pressure - among other factors.
Reflecting on his close call Mr Layhe was full of admiration for his wife of 45 years. He said: "It makes you think and you start to worry and prepare things - it isn't easy. But Irene's a very positive person and she nagged me to get it seen to."
Joanne Garzoni, Vascular Network Manager, said: "Were really pleased to hear Mr Layhes comments about his care. It shows a great example of teamwork between our vascular and cardiac physiology colleagues at Glan Clwyd Hospital.
"The Health Board and Public Health Wales work together to provide aortic aneurysm screening and treatment for men aged 65 and over.
"Its really important that men who are invited for a routine scan take advantage of the screening programme to pick up what is a potentially deadly condition."
For information on the Wales AAA screening programme, follow this link
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The husband who wouldn't have seen Christmas if it wasn't for quick-thinking GP - Daily Post
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Weight Loss: Four Cups of This Beverage Can Help You Reduce Fat Quickly – International Business Times
Posted: December 28, 2019 at 4:52 pm
Are you one of those individuals who cannot make it through the day without more than a couple of coffee? A new study suggests that extra caffeine intake could aid weight loss.
Researchers from the University of Illinois who sought to analyze the impact of caffeine on rat models have found that consuming around four cups of coffee per day can result in weight reduction.
The study was conducted on rat models for a period of four weeks where they were given caffeine extracted from mate tea. The rats were made to follow a diet containing 40% fat, 45% carbohydrates and 15% protein and were also given caffeine equivalents to four cups of coffee.
Mate tea is a herbal beverage enriched with phytochemicals, flavonoids, and amino acids. The beverage is widely consumed as stimulants among people in the Latin American countries. One serving of mate tea contains about 65-130 mg compared to 30-300 mg of caffeine contained in a cup of brewed coffee.
The findings reported that caffeine might also delay certain negative effects of an obesity-causing diet by reducing lipid storage in fat cells and limiting weight gain alongside triglyceride production.
Also, the lean body mass percentage in the various groups of rats was found to be differing significantly. Those ingested with caffeine from mate tea or synthetic sources of caffeine were found to have accumulated lesser body fat compared to rats in the other groups.
The findings add to the growing body of evidence that mate tea might help combat obesity alongside providing several other health benefits.
Considering the findings, mate tea and caffeine can be considered anti-obesity agents, Masslive quoted the studys authorElvira Gonzalez de Mejia, director of thedivision of nutritional sciencesat the University of Illinois.The results of this research could be scaled to humans to understand the roles of mate tea and caffeine as potential strategies to prevent overweight and obesity, as well as the subsequent metabolic disorders associated with these conditions.
The researchers also tracked the expression of several genes associated with lipid metabolism and obesity which included the fatty acid synthase gene and lipoprotein gene.
Coffee trade prices account for only 10 percent of the price for a brew in the coffee shop Photo: AFP / CHAIDEER MAHYUDDIN
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How WW (Formerly Weight Watchers) Helped This Mom Lose 88 Pounds –
Posted: December 28, 2019 at 4:52 pm
Losing weight and keeping it off is a lot easier when you have expert guidance from the leader in weight loss and its supportive community. WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers) just rolled out its most customized program ever, and it's poised to continue to help millions of members around the world accomplish their weight-loss and wellness goals in 2020. With myWW, each new member takes a personal assessment which matches them with a customized program that can make losing weight easier.
While many members follow and succeed on the WW program using the WW app, those who would like a little extra expert guidance and consistent support swear by the weekly WW Workshops to keep them accountable and help them stay on track. WW Coaches host weekly 30-minute Workshops at over 800 studios nationwide.
Andrea Sias is a WW member at the WW Studio Springfield. Learn more about her weight-loss journey and get inspired!
Answers have been edited for clarity and length.
Andrea: I joined WW in January of 2019, 11 months after giving birth to my son. While I was pregnant, I gained over 50 pounds. Then I was juggling being a new parent, breastfeeding and going back to work, and I put myself on the back burner. I decided I needed to lose weight to get healthier and to set a positive example for my son. I needed to regain ownership of my body because I was feeling like it wasn't my own anymore. Since joining WW, I've lost 88 pounds and gained a newfound sense of confidence!
Andrea: I love the freedom and flexibility of the program! I think the key to weight loss and wellness is commitment. It's too easy to make excuses, so it's important to find a plan that you can actually stick to that fits within your lifestyle. My husband joined WW shortly after me (he's down more than 70 pounds) and he said that, after about a week, he felt better no more heartburn! He said there was no looking back, just based on how he felt. Once you commit and find a plan that works for you, the rewards (WW gives you free swag at milestones throughout your journey) along the way help you stick to it. For me, as I made small changes and saw the weight coming off, it was motivation to keep at it.
Andrea: Supportive, funny, inspirational, kind, creative.
Andrea: Lisa Rogers is so helpful and supportive! She is never judgmental, always encouraging, and makes every member feel welcome and valued.
Andrea: I love seeing other members share their successes and challenges it's great to feel like you are not alone in your journey.
Andrea: Product and recipe recommendations from other members have been so helpful! After our Sunday Workshop, members frequently meet up at the local grocery store and share tips and tricks in the aisles! It's nice to now be able to share some of the things that I have learned with newer members. In terms of fitness, the biggest tip that worked for me is to find something you enjoy, and it won't feel like work.
Andrea: I think there is a misconception that WW is for old ladies. My husband and I go in for meetings and feel like we belong, even though we are not that demographic. Weight loss and wellness is for every age, ethnicity and gender. It's not "easy" for anyone despite what critics might say. It takes commitment, planning and hard work to lose the weight and keep it off.
Andrea: I can't pick one favorite ZeroPoint food, but I love chicken breast, eggs and fruit! (WW's proprietary SmartPoints system simplifies complex nutritional information into a simple number to easily guide your eating decisions to support weight loss. ZeroPoint foods form the foundation of a healthy eating pattern and are foods you don't have to track! Depending on your customized plan, they can include foods like chicken breast, fat-free Greek yogurt, all vegetables and more.)
As far as treats, lately I've been into strawberries and apples in chocolate hummus! YUM! I add in some pretzels to dip if I have the SmartPoints to spare!
Andrea: Center Square Grill in East Longmeadow, Massachusetts, is our favorite date night destination! The 6-ounce filet mignon with mushrooms and garlicky greens is my go-to order, and it never disappoints! And there is always a great wine selection to indulge in!
Andrea: Before WW, I was tired, unhealthy and impulsive (with food decisions). After WW, I'm confident, energized and healthy.
Andrea: I think this is the first New Year's where weight loss wasn't on my mind for a New Year's resolution! My resolution is to maintain my healthy lifestyle and build many beautiful memories with my family!
Andrea: For those considering WW, I say DO IT! The plan is easy to follow, the app is user-friendly and, quite simply, it works. I've never felt deprived or hungry as I have on other diets in the past. Having the support of family and my WW tribe has been invaluable, and know that there is a tribe out there for you, too! Weight loss can be hard and stressful at times, but it's worth it. YOU are worth it!
WW is a weight loss program that takes a people-focused, science-backed approach to promoting weight loss and healthy living. Its new program, myWW, is fully customized to make losing weight easier for you.
When you join myWW, you'll start with a personal assessment that asks a range of questions about your unique food preferences, activity level, lifestyle and approach to weight loss. Based on your responses, WW will scientifically match you with a customized proven weight-loss plan that can make losing weight easier.
Every person in the WW Studio is on your side! The friendly guides and expert Coaches will quickly become your greatest motivators and sources of support to make 2020 the year you reach your weight loss goals!
Workshops held at WW Studio locations cover topics that are relevant to weight loss, health and wellness. You can participate as much or as little as you want. There are WW Workshops during the morning, afternoon and evening, seven days a week. This gives you flexibility to attend the Workshop time/day/location that works for during any particular week and ensure your accountability network is always accessible.
Based on years of research, the WW Workshop curriculum is always evolving to bring the best science-backed techniques to help you lose weight and build healthy habits for life.
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How to Intermittent Fast Without Feeling Negative Side Effects – POPSUGAR Australia
Posted: December 28, 2019 at 4:52 pm
So, you're considering intermittent fasting as your new year, healthier me commitment, but you're wary of how not eating for long periods of time could affect you? First of all, we applaud your commitment to doing the research before diving in.
While eating exclusively during a four-, six-, or eight-hour window every day and abstaining from eating for an extended period for either 16, 18, or 20 hours has been said to help lower the risk of diabetes and other diseases, improve blood sugar levels, extend life spans, and improve memory and weight loss, there is a risk of unfavourable side effects like dehydration, irritability, cravings, low energy, and headaches.
Getting discouraged by low energy definitely doesn't fit our new year, new me vibe. Luckily, our two expert sources have your back. The following preventive measures will help you avoid the negative side effects of intermittent fasting so you can feel your best.
Having a plan in place is the key to intermittent fasting, Luke Corey, a registered dietitian and sports nutritionist with Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine, says. This includes "when your fasting starts, when it ends, and everything you are going to eat during your eating window."
Keeping busy will distract you during sometimes challenging fasting periods. If you are just sitting and thinking about how hungry you are, you'll get irritable and possibly tempted to cheat, Corey says.
Pauline J. Jose, MD, a specialist in family medicine and member of the pH Labs health team, agrees: "It really boils down to using your better judgement and applying a little discipline to your routine."
It's easy to forget to drink water when you're so focussed on fasting. To avoid dehydration, Corey suggests consuming half of your body weight in ounces of water.
"For example, someone who weighs 150 [pounds] would need to drink at least 75 ounces of fluids daily," he confirmed. This amount should be consumed throughout the day fasting periods included.
Another side effect of intermittent fasting is muscle loss, because you're eliminating a whole meal, and in return, protein intake often decreases.
It's important to make a conscious effort to consume more protein than normal during your feeding period whether that be animal-or plant-based.
In need of inspiration? Corey suggests a salad with grilled chicken for lunch, salmon with dinner, and greek yoghurt with your snack.
For those on-the-go days, he suggests packing a protein bar (with low or zero added sugar) or protein supplement that could add that beneficial nutrient quickly and conveniently.
Dr. Jose notes that exercise, which can encourage a positive sleep cycle, will also help you get adjusted to your feeding and fasting schedule.
Corey also stressed the importance of getting active at least three times a week for a minimum of 45 minutes each time, to maintain good health and burn calories he suggests mixing in both cardio and strength training right before you are scheduled to eat.
"The risks of working out early in your fasting period and not eating for a few hours is the breakdown of lean muscle, as well as early-onset hunger that would make waiting to eat rather excruciating," Corey explains.
If you prefer to get active with some food in your system, Corey confirms it's OK to do so in the middle of your feeding period. This way you can snack before you exercise and eat after, too.
Click here for more health and wellness stories, tips, and news.
Image Source: Getty / d3sign
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How to Intermittent Fast Without Feeling Negative Side Effects - POPSUGAR Australia
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Shrill is the first show to accurately portray fat womens experiences – Dazed
Posted: December 28, 2019 at 4:52 pm
TextMarie Southard Ospina
Minutes into the first episode of Shrill, Hulus television adaptation of author Lindy Wests eponymous collection of essays, protagonist Annie notices a flyer on the wall of a cafe. The advert reads Get Toned With Tanya, and below that, burn fat and get the body you deserve. Just as shes finished reading it, she realises the actual Tanya is right behind her.
Within moments of meeting one another, Tanya grabs hold of one of Annies wrists. Wow, she says. You actually have a really small frame. Theres a small person inside of you whos dying to get out. Annie quickly retorts, Wow, well, I hope that small persons okay in there, but Tanya isnt finished. I know it can seem impossible. But you can do this. You werent meant to carry around all this extra weight I know I can help you You could be so pretty.
The scene immediately took me back to the Jazzercise class I enrolled in when I was in eating disorder recovery aged 16. I had gained back all of the weight I lost after several years of near-starvation and compulsive working-out, plus a bit more. I wasnt happy about it, but I was feeling ready to find a fitness routine that seemed safe and controlled. After all, I could only attend a couple of classes per week because of school, hopefully meaning thered be no way to get too obsessive about it.
After my first class, the instructor wanted to chat. She asked if I had fun. I said yes. Then she asked me what my weight loss goals were. Youre big for someone your age, she mused. Im sure we can get you to your goal by summer vacation. Bikini season, right?! Nevermind that she said this to a 16-year-old, but she said it to a fat 16-year-old in recovery from a restrictive eating disorder who was finally feeling comfortable with the idea of working out not to lose weight, but to feel, I dont know, happy and energised. Folks rarely imagine that a fat person might want to work out for any reason apart from weight loss, though.
In the last two years, we have arguably seen an increase in plus-size female characters on-screen, like Kate Pearson in This Is Us, Willowdean Dixon in Dumplin, Becky in Empire, Plum Kettle in Dietland, and Sierra Burgess in Sierra Burgess Is A Loser. Each story undoubtedly aids the fat-acceptance conversation in some way. Willowdean and Sierra, for instance, show us what its like to be fat during adolescence (the dating woes, the mean girls, and sometimes the mean moms). Kates story often focuses on her desire to lose weight, with flashbacks that uncover the intersection of weight and trauma. Plum starts from a place of internalised body-shaming until she discovers an underground world of vigilante feminism. Beckys narrative doesnt ever really focus on her weight, which in and of itself makes a point about just how rare it is to see a plus-size character whose storyline has nothing to do with self-loathing.
Throughout its entire first series, which is now available as a boxset on BBC iPlayer, Shrill further brings the varied nuances of fatness to the screen, many of which are typically quite invisible to those who arent, and have never been, fat themselves.
Like, when we see Annies sort-of-boyfriend ask her to leave out the back door of his house every time they shag, many of us IRL fats will undoubtedly remember partners whove been embarrassed by us, too. I instantly thought of Alexander, a boy I hooked up with briefly and secretly in school. He said it would be more sexy if we didnt tell anybody, and 15-year-old-me didnt realise this was code for I just dont want my bros to see Im into someone like you.
When Annie gets pregnant because her pharmacist has never told her that the morning-after-pill might not work on women over 175 pounds, I felt a sharp pang in my large guts. Fatphobia in the medical world creates so many problems: like misdiagnosing (whereby life-threatening illnesses are missed because practitioners are so fixated on a patients weight) or being diagnosed disordered eating behaviours as a weight-loss tool (like when my doctor told me, at the height of my eating disorder, to keep restricting calories because what I was doing was so obviously working).
In the last two years, we have arguably seen an increase in plus-size female characters on-screen, like Kate Pearson in This Is Us, Willowdean Dixon in Dumplin, Becky in Empire, Plum Kettle in Dietland, and Sierra Burgess in Sierra Burgess Is A Loser. Each story undoubtedly aids the fat-acceptance conversation in some way
When Annie has to listen to her colleagues talk about the obesity epidemic and peoples cheese thighs, I intrinsically knew how dehumanising it must have been for her. How many times have my thin colleagues, or thin friends, or thin relatives discussed their excess fat in disdain in front of me, before musing on their latest diet or weight loss goal? Then theres Annies mum, who buys her low-cal meal plans and acts totally shocked when Annie admits that she is dating someone (assuming any crush her daughter has must be unrequited). In these moments, I thought back to the packed lunches myself and my one other fat friend in school would bring in. There was always a Special K bar. So many Special K bars, and always packed by our parents.
Annies also sick of online trolls who come after her for being a fat woman daring to write on a public platform. Some call her a little piggy slut, some claim her parents must be ashamed of her, some say she uses a corndog as a dildo, some threaten to kill her. I was doxed in 2016. My email addresses, cellphone, social media pages, and bank accounts were hacked. Every home address Id ever lived in was shared online, along with my mothers current address and my partners. Death and rape threats hit my inboxes. When my now-husband finally found the source of the information (on a website dedicated to posting peoples private info for the purpose of harassment), we found the reason listed beside my profile. FAT.
Things arent always all doom and gloom, though, and Shrill knows this. When Annie attends a fat babe pool party, we see one of the most beautiful depictions of fat community ever portrayed on-screen. Its a scene filled with fat babes of all sizes on the fatness spectrum, of all styles, and skin colours, and sexualities, and personalities. It is not unlike the fat-positive pool parties that are starting to crop up IRL in some major cities around the world. They are spaces where fat people can laugh, and play, and just be. In this episode of Shrill, we see fat bodies moving without fear. We see the headless fatty image turned on its head, with fat bodies being shown not for purposes of mocking but celebrating.
Spoiler alert: series one culminates in Annie, with the help of her tech-savvy colleague Maureen, finding her most violent troll. She goes to his house to confront him (a moment undoubtedly inspired by Lindy West confronting her own mega-troll, who made a Twitter account in which he pretended to be Wests deceased dad).
Do you know how fucking lame it is that you spend so much time trying to hurt a complete stranger? she questions. Im a real fucking person. And Im just trying to go to work and do my job. And youre calling me a pig every day and you threaten to kill me and you talk about my family. And what I dont understand the most is why? Is it because Im not the type of girl you want to fuck? Or maybe, its because I am the type of girl you want to fuck but youre too chickenshit to admit it. Either way, it doesnt fucking matter because fuck you. I fucking hate you.
As it turns out, Annies confident, feminist writings piss the guy off because hes a former fat kid who has a ton of self-hatred. Her happiness angers him, because she hasnt earned the right to it by virtue of remaining fat. As it also turns out, he does want to fuck her, inviting her in for a drink after she accepts his apology.
Here is where Shrill further diverges from a lot of plus-size stories, though. Some narratives might take the opportunity to tell the tale of the reformed troll. Others might turn the whole thing into a twisted little love story (like in Sierra Burgess Is A Loser, wherein the plus-size protagonist feels the only way she will ever find true love is if she cat-fishes her crush, who eventually admits he is glad she pretended to be a beautiful, thin, blonde babe because otherwise, he may never have gotten to know the real Sierra). Shrill doesnt, and in not doing so, it hints at the message Ive long been waiting to see clearly in my media: Fat people deserve better.
Here is where Shrill further diverges from a lot of plus-size stories. Some narratives might take the opportunity to tell the tale of the reformed troll. Others might turn the whole thing into a twisted little love story... it hints at the message Ive long been waiting to see clearly in my media: Fat people deserve better
Oh my god. No. Are you insane? Thats fucking disgusting. Youre sick. Youre fucking more psycho than I thought, Annie disgustedly tells her troll. Of course, he doesnt like that. He screams, Well I probably couldnt find your pussy anyway, you fat cow, and moos at her as she storms away. And then, Annie throws a big-ass stone into his car window before rapidly fleeing the property with a joyous smile on her face.
To be fair, there are some things the show couldve perhaps done better. Like, it wouldve been really interesting (not to mention important) to see the experiences of larger fat people. For example, people being denied healthcare on the basis of BMI alone, or being asked to buy two seats on an aeroplane, or struggling to find clothing (even at dedicated plus-size retailers) in their size, or being ridiculed in public of any kind for taking up too much space. When Kate of This Is Us has to explain to a bunch of thin folks that she cant fit into the booth at a restaurant after they suggest sitting there, for example, we get to see a really clear picture of how so many spaces just arent designed for fat people to exist in comfortably.
Still, the final moment of Shrill signifies something damn special: a fat woman at the ultimate level of fed-up-ness. In my 28 years, this is the first time Ive seen a show so accurately depict my experiences. Not only the day-to-day BS that I and so many fat people go through, but the experience of finding fat community, fat acceptance, and self-worth. It begins to paint an alternative narrative: one in which fat people arent condemned to lifetimes of insecurity, one in which fat folks who appear on telly or in film get to have storylines that have nothing to do with their figures, and one in which (as we saw with Annie) more fat people stop being angry at themselves, and start being angry with everything and everyone thats ever made us feel worthless and small and like things to be used and abused. Like Annie, maybe more people will stop tolerating this too.
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Shrill is the first show to accurately portray fat womens experiences - Dazed
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John Blanchette: Sour Cheez-It Bowl epitomized how Washington State regressed this season – The Spokesman-Review
Posted: December 28, 2019 at 4:52 pm
PHOENIX On Cheez-It Bowl Eve, Anthony Gordon was agreeably facing questions about matters post-Cheez his appearance in the Senior Bowl next month and the NFL draft beyond. One seemed to suggest that Gordon had a decision to make, that there were choices involved.
Washington States senior quarterback clarified the point but hastened to add, I wish I could come back.
Theres probably plenty to read into that.
Maybe its because the Cougars season silhouetted against the programs recent history wasnt all that special, bowl rerun notwithstanding, and he coveted a do-over.
Maybe its that he never got a chance to showcase his considerable skills on the big-time stage until his fifth college year and now it seems done all to quickly.
This morning, maybe its the regret of another defining moment slipping through the Cougars paws in Gordons finale a 31-21 loss to Air Force on Friday night at Chase Field.
Well, actually it was kind of a defining moment, 2019-style.
Little in the way of defensive relief, a potent offense that couldnt bail the defense out against a decent opponent, an untimely midseason injury to Americas most unsung impact player, curious decisions and more fireworks off the field, frankly, than on.
Five bowls in a row? An achievement in itself.
A 6-7 season as the cherry on top? Pretty damned bitter.
Especially since loss No. 7 cant be blamed on the other team getting, you know, better recruits.
Unless the recruiting battle is for future lieutenants and generals.
Its not back-to-the-drawing-board time, by any means, but given what the Cougars have accustomed themselves to, some evaluation and soul-searching surely seem in order.
Maybe its already started.
Youve got to keep pushing the envelope, coach Mike Leach said. I thought we were capable of more and were going to do everything we can do as we approach the offseason.
But in-season this season the Cougars didnt just fail to push the envelope. They regressed, and it was evident in microcosm against the uber-disciplined Falcons.
Given more time to prepare for the Flexbone triple-option than the Falcons week-to-week opponents in the Mountain West Conference, the Cougars still surrendered 371 yards and an average of 5.4 every time the Birdies ran the ball.
Hey, thats 3 fewer yards than what the Cougars averaged when completing a pass but with the Falcons owning the ball for a ridiculous 43 minutes, 24 seconds, there wasnt time for Gordon to complete enough of them.
We let them eat the whole clock up with our inability to stop them, Leach said.
Hmm. This from the guy who wipes his muddy shoes on time-of-possession stats.
Meanwhile, Leachs offense had two killing whiffs fourth downs inside the Falcons 5-yard line in the first and fourth quarters when handoffs went to Max Borghi and the sophomore running back was stopped short.
They were the kind of situations the give-to-Borghi brigade has been begging for all year. Funny how the Falcons seemed so prepared for what was coming.
TV Take: Air Forces early soul-sucking drive helped set tone for Cheez-It Bowl full of clichs against Washington State If you had contrasting styles as the most on-point clich of the bowl season, you are a winner. Even if only half of the folks who watched Air Forces 31-21 win over Washington State in Fridays Cheez-It Bowl could have been satisfied. | Read more
For all that, the game likely came down to a spectacular play of inches by the Falcons on a fourth-down of their own Kadin Remsberg going airborne and stretching the ball barely over the goal line as he was met by Cougars safety Tyrese Ross a split-second too late. That the Falcons ate up another 6 minutes of clock in getting there was merely a bonus.
Youve got to put it in thats all that counts, Leach said. Did we score or did we not? Did they score or did they not?
The Cougs did not. Just 34 points in their last two games, in fact. Turns out you can beat Wazzus high-octane O by flooding the intermediate secondary with defenders, or by just keeping it well-rested on the sidelines.
But by this point, no one should have expected much more from the Cougs. Their bowl eligibility was attained against teams that went 22-50 this season, remember. Thats not a postseason resume though its more of an indictment of college football getting drunk on bowl games and the need to fill them than it is on the Cougs, who certainly cant be held responsible for anybody else being lousy.
But its been characteristic of Leach teams both at Wazzu and Texas Tech that a season would produce the odd victory or two over a favored sometimes heavily favored opponent, as well as a pratfall against the overmatched. Only the latter was achieved this time around, with the late swoon against UCLA.
Whatever energy and determination the Cougs summoned after the October loss at Arizona State to resurrect their season enough to play in December, it was mostly fools gold against anyone decent.
Or maybe a snack cracker, crumbling under the weight of someones heel.
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John Blanchette: Sour Cheez-It Bowl epitomized how Washington State regressed this season - The Spokesman-Review
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