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Letter of Recommendation: Make New Years Resolutions That Have Nothing to Do With Weight Loss – Self

Posted: December 27, 2019 at 6:46 pm

I love New Years resolutions.

I first started making resolutions in my mid twenties, just after my grandfather passed away. Home life in my teen years had been challenging, marked by divorce, a tumultuous coming out, a high-pressure education, and an uncertain future. In the midst of all that, my grandfather emerged as a steady, loving force who was always in my corner. I wouldve done anything for him, and he would have done the same for me.

When he passed, it happened quickly. There were only a handful of months between his lymphoma diagnosis and his death. I still remember the wave of grief that crashed over me, and the thought that came to me, sudden and certain as a thunderclap: I wont have to miss him if I become him.

That year, I made my first in over a decade of resolutions designed to reflect my grandfathers values and step into a fuller version of myself. At 26, I aimed to be both direct and compassionate in my communication with friends and colleaguesas my grandfather so often wasand saw my relationships transform as a result. At 29, I committed myself to lead with humility, sharing openly my failures and lessons learned with those around me, a small antidote to the pressure to be perfect that my grandfather so happily shrugged off. At 31, my attention shifted to nutrition, and I launched an experiment to see how many days I could get 100 percent of my vitamins, minerals, and fiber from the foods I ate alone, without supplements.

At 36, I remain dedicated to these periods of reflection and resetting. And with each resolution, I find myself growing stronger: a stronger sense of self, a stronger character, stronger relationships, stronger values, and a stronger connection to the person I love so dearly and miss so much. Resolutions offer me a rare prompt to reflect, to set the course for the year ahead, and to more closely marry the person I want to be with the person I am today.

But as much as I love resolutions, resolution season is something Ive come to dread. As a fat person, Ive become painfully accustomed to hearing family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors talk at length about everything theyre doing to avoid looking like me. Its surreal to live in a world in which my body is so readily described as a bogeyman, a terrifying future to which the thin people around me are desperate to avoid. And its almost dissociatively strange to hear their plans to finally lose those last 20 pounds and be expected to validate them, tacitly agreeing to the premise that bodies like mine are a fate to dodge.

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Letter of Recommendation: Make New Years Resolutions That Have Nothing to Do With Weight Loss - Self

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Nutrisystem launches new weight-loss program in time for New Year’s resolutions – MarketWatch

Posted: December 27, 2019 at 6:46 pm

Nutrisystem has launched a new weight-loss program focused on body type, individual goals and food tastes, just in time for New Year's resolutions. Nutrisystem uses a proprietary algorithm to determine the best plan for a customer, delivers food for more than half of the program's caloric intake to the customer's door, and then leaves the remaining calories from fresh grocery to the customer. The program is designed to work with the brand's NuMi app, which tracks progress, provides challenges and offers other weight-loss guides. The launch comes with 41 new foods, including a selection of plant-based grain and vegetable lunch bowls and cream-filled dessert cupcakes. Nutrisystem is part of the Tivity Health Inc. TVTY, +0.62% portfolio of brands. WW International Inc. WW, +0.80%, better known as Weight Watchers, has also recently launched a new personalized program, and Oprah Winfrey, who is an investor and advisor to the company, will go on tour to support the company. Tivity shares have tumbled 22% over the past year while the S&P 500 index SPX, +0.00% has gained 31% for the period.

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Nutrisystem launches new weight-loss program in time for New Year's resolutions - MarketWatch

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How This WW (Formerly Weight Watchers) Coach Lost 40 Pounds –

Posted: December 27, 2019 at 6:46 pm

Losing weight and keeping it off is a lot easier when you have expert guidance from the leader in weight loss and its supportive community. WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers) just rolled out its most customized program ever, and it's poised to continue to help millions of members around the world accomplish their weight-loss and wellness goals in 2020. With myWW, each new member takes a personal assessment which matches them with a customized program that can make losing weight easier.

While many members follow and succeed on the WW program using the WW app, those who would like a little extra expert guidance and consistent support swear by the weekly WW Workshops to keep them accountable and help them stay on track. WW Coaches host weekly 30-minute Workshops at over 800 studios nationwide.

Jeanne Robert is a WW Coach at WW Park Ridge Studio. (WW Coaches are all previous members who met their goal weight with WW and now share their knowledge and support with WW members at weekly Workshops.) Learn more about her weight-loss journey and get inspired!

Answers have been edited for clarity and length.

Jeanne: I joined WW in October of 2005 with a friend. My weight had always been a struggle for me, especially after I got married in 2003 and began eating just as much as my hubby. I tried so many times before on my own, but I was never successful at sticking to anything.

So my friend and I signed up together. It was so helpful to have someone expect me to be at the WW Workshops; and since we were close friends, we often dined out together. Having each other to lean on proved invaluable for me. In just over a year, I had lost 50 pounds. In 2009, I joined WW as a Coach.

Jeanne: After I reached my goal, I managed my weight loss fairly easily, but then I got pregnant. Sadly, I miscarried, and that started a several-year struggle with fertility and fertility drugs. This emotional and medical struggle took a toll on my weight management, but being a WW member (and an employee) helped me mitigate my weight gain. I wasn't always perfectly on plan, but having the plan definitely helped keep me from gaining it all back and then some!

We struggled several years trying to have a family, but in June 2014 we became a family through adoption! Then we adopted again the following June. It was an exciting time for our family, and having WW was instrumental in helping me keep those pounds off. Some pounds would come and go, but having the techniques from WW helped me get back on track when I needed it most.

Jeanne: I find the member support to be the most inspirational. Not a Workshop goes by where one member doesn't say to another, "Your comment really made me think last week, so I did this," or "I thought of you after what you said, and it inspired me to do that." It's the magic of the group that inspires me in every Workshop.

Jeanne: I love the fact that each member gets their own customized weight-loss plan! Time and again, I hear members exclaim how their plan is working for them, and that sense of ownership of the program excites me. It really is myWW for each of us!

Jeanne: WW at Park Ridge is a comfortable place, the kind of place where members will pop their head in to say hi when running next door to the hardware store. It's friendly, and I love that about our location!

Jeanne: My favorite topics are the ones that delve into our mindset. I love to see members experience that mindset shift in the Workshop and watch that light turn on.

Jeanne: I fall prey to the food table often, so I try my best to mingle. If I'm not lingering by the food, I'm less inclined to mindlessly eat. Another tip I use came from a member who alternates her drinks water, cocktail, diet soda, water, cocktail and that has been incredibly helpful over the years.

Jeanne: I would suggest people put that plan on paper. Write it out and make a specific plan. What needs to change? How will you make that change? As the saying goes, "A goal without a plan is just a wish."

Jeanne: WW at Park Ridge has Workshops five days a week at various times, so you can find a time and day that works for you! We are always ready to welcome you to our studio. Come and check out a Workshop anytime, and we can answer any of your questions. We also have App Academy events regularly to help anyone who has questions about how to make the most of the WW mobile app.

Jeanne: No season is without challenges. Holidays, weekends, birthdays, random Wednesdays, all happen any time of year. If we wait until we have nothing on the calendar, we will be waiting forever! When I joined in October, others asked me why I didn't wait until after the holidays. I would tell them that I joined when I joined because it was just as good a time as any and believe it or not, I lost 25 pounds by the time the holidays were said and done! Imagine where I would have been had I waited.

Jeanne: I say come on in and check out a WW Workshop! It is amazing how helpful it is to have a place to express the challenges of sticking to healthy habits with a group who totally understands where you are coming from.

Jeanne: The members! I should shout it from the rooftops: THE MEMBERS! As a Studio Team, we are there during some of the best and most challenging times in a member's life. Sometimes, they come in to lose weight for a specific event like a wedding or a vacation; and sometimes, they are coming to us on their doctor's behest. The motivation is different for all of us, and to be there for our members when they need us the most is the rewarding reason why I love being a WW Coach.

Jeanne: WW has changed my life without a doubt. I have made dear friends, achieved my own milestones and celebrated the milestones of others. WW has helped me learn so much about myself and has allowed me the freedom to relearn some lessons over the years in an encouraging environment. I am excited for all we have in store for 2020, too!

WW is a weight-loss program that takes a people-focused, science-backed approach to promoting weight loss and healthy living. Its new program, myWW, is fully customized to make losing weight easier for you.

When you join myWW, you'll start with a personal assessment that asks a range of questions about your unique food preferences, activity level, lifestyle and approach to weight loss. Based on your responses, WW will scientifically match you with a customized, proven weight-loss plan that can make losing weight easier.

Every person in the WW Studio is on your side! The friendly guides and expert Coaches will quickly become your greatest motivators and sources of support to make 2020 the year you reach your weight loss goals!

Workshops held at WW Studio locations cover topics that are relevant to weight loss, health and wellness. You can participate as much or as little as you want. There are WW Workshops during the morning, afternoon and evening, seven days a week. This gives you flexibility to attend the Workshop time/day/location that works for during any particular week and ensure your accountability network is always accessible.

Based on years of research, the WW Workshop curriculum is always evolving to bring the best science-backed techniques to help you lose weight and build healthy habits for life.

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How This WW (Formerly Weight Watchers) Coach Lost 40 Pounds -

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If Weight Loss Is a Goal for 2020, This Trick Will Help –

Posted: December 27, 2019 at 6:46 pm

If you're trying to lose weight, choosing the best diet plan can feel sort of like trying to drink from a fire hose. There are so many choices! But there is one trick that can work right alongside all of them, and it's your best chance at success.

Weigh yourself every day.

When that number is thrown in our faces every single morning, it impacts how we behave with food and exercise the rest of the day.

Astudyconducted at the University of Georgia showed that people who weighed themselves every day mightexercise a little bit more the next dayif their weight is up,andthey mightreign inwhat theyre eating if they don't like the number on the scale.

The studyused two groups of people: one that weighed themselves from November to January, and another that didn't. The ones that used the scalehad the most success in preventing weight gain over the holidays. Weighing yourself every day helps track weight loss progress too, and can be cause for celebration when you hit milestones along the way. It's accountability.

Weight has been a struggle for me at different times in my life, and it wasn't until I started weighing myself every day that I really started seeing success. I was sixty pounds heavier in high school than I am now, and college was a struggle too. And don't even get us started on pregnancy weight gain, right ladies? But I'm better at maintaining my goal weight now, and I've been in a 4-pound window for several years. Credit the daily scale encounter, and having to face the facts after things like pizza, chips, and Tito's. The scale helps me get back on track.

I've read that the average person gains between 2 and 6 pounds over the holidays, and we know this because the scale confronts us with the news. But if we keep hopping on daily and we're at least semi-good, it will give us the number we want to see sooner rather than later.

2020's gonna be all right.

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If Weight Loss Is a Goal for 2020, This Trick Will Help -

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How This WW (Formerly Weight Watchers) Coach Lost 140 Pounds –

Posted: December 27, 2019 at 6:46 pm

Losing weight and keeping it off is a lot easier when you have expert guidance from the leader in weight loss and its supportive community. WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers) just rolled out its most customized program ever, and it's poised to continue to help millions of members around the world accomplish their weight-loss and wellness goals in 2020. With myWW, each new member takes a personal assessment which matches them with a customized program to make losing weight easier.

While many members follow and succeed on the WW program using the WW app, those who would like a little extra expert guidance and consistent support swear by the weekly WW Workshops to keep them accountable and help them stay on track. WW Coaches host weekly 30-minute Workshops at over 800 studios nationwide.

Michelle Kennedy Barrett is a WW Coach at WW Studio Kennesaw, Georgia. (WW Coaches are all previous members who met their goal weight with WW and now share their knowledge and support with WW members at weekly Workshops.) Learn more about her weight-loss journey and get inspired!

Answers have been edited for clarity and length.

Michelle: In 2012, after having two children and taking care of everyone but myself, I reached an all-time-high weight of 310 pounds. I walked into a WW Studio, and the leader at the time told me to stick with him and we would get it done. I believed him. I needed someone to believe in me before I could believe in myself.

Over the next year, I made friends in my Monday meeting and stayed the course. I lost 100 pounds! After not being as consistent with my meetings, I gained about 25 pounds back. I don't look at this as a failure, though, because I learned. I learned that I need that connection with others who are on the same journey. I returned and stuck with it, and continue to, to this day. I've lost a total of 140 pounds.

I also discovered that I had been self-medicating with food and alcohol. I am currently four years sober, and I believe that my WW wellness journey led to that discovery. I am open about it because I feel that if I am, I can help someone who may struggle with the same things. I've been a WW Coach for 2.5 years.

Michelle: What I find so inspiring about our WW community is the support that the members show for each other. It's magical to see them support each other in the Workshops and celebrate each other on their journeys. I'm in awe of their honesty in the Workshops.

Michelle: My favorite thing about myWW is that the plans are customized for our members and their lifestyles. The personalization is unlike any other program we have ever offered. Our studio team is trained to help guide our members on their wellness journeys and meet them where they are. myWW is flexible and sustainable, and no food is off-limits. Most importantly, it works in real life, for real people. It meets our members exactly where they are.

Michelle: Our Kennesaw WW Studio is a welcoming, warm and supportive place to come and connect with community and discover new techniques for your health and wellness journey. It's a bright and modern space that provides a nonjudgmental team of Coaches and guides who are happy to help you, right where you are.

Michelle: Our topics are based on the three pillars of the WW program food, activity and mindset. Our members share how they have had success or challenges making habits, and then we offer science-based facts and then talk through a technique of how to make that happen. Our goal is for our members to leave our Studio inspired and with a clear, actionable goal that they can work on for the week. I truly believe that the magic happens in the Workshops.

Michelle: My advice would be to make a plan and be open to trying new recipes. WW has over 8,000 recipes on the WW app to choose from. Most importantly, remember that you're going for progress not perfection. If things don't go as planned, you don't have to wait until the next day or next week to get back on track you can start with the very next meal.

Michelle: My advice would be to set small, attainable goals. Find an activity that you truly enjoy, because if you enjoy it, you will continue. Also, connect with friends who have the same goals. The secret is just not giving up.

Michelle: We have added new WW Workshops to our schedule, drop-in hours, and App Academies with tutorials so our members can learn new things about our wonderful WW app. Our Workshops and weekly topics will help keep the momentum going!

Michelle: It's important to focus year-round on health and wellness year-round because it helps you to live a full and active life. To set goals based on your health can be very motivating. There is nothing like getting a gold star from your doctor at your yearly checkup!

Michelle: I stay motivated by staying connected to other people who have the same goals as I do. I still attend my WW Workshops as a member. I need that connection with others. I schedule my activities on my calendar. Honestly, our members motivate me, and they don't even realize it. To be able to shine a light for others that was once shone for me is truly an honor.

I also like to set larger goals and break them down, like the half-marathon that I just completed. It was my very first half, and I knew if I didn't follow a plan, I wouldn't be ready.

Michelle: My advice would be to start where you are and give yourself time to navigate the new changes you're making. Habits come in bundles, so start with something small like drinking water. It's funny how that can lead to another habit like maybe taking a walk. All of the little things add up, so just stick with it. Joining us at WW for the Workshops, you'll get lots of good tips and ideas. Our Coaches, guides and members truly care.

Michelle: I am motivated by our members. To see them come in on a weekly basis and hear how they have reached a goal or had an "aha" moment that week is amazing. I am motivated by helping others, the way I was helped. I also think my members know that I am human, just like them. We are in this together.

My Saturday members make what we call a "support ball" with our nametags at the end of the workshop. They give it to the member who needs the most support that week. It's a great way of showing support to each other. They gave it to me for my half-marathon, and I carried it with me. It meant the world to me!

Michelle: Our WW Studio is a wonderful and inspiring place for our community to connect and share their journeys. It's a safe place, and we truly care! We would love to have you come visit so we can tell you more about WW.

WW is a weight-loss program that takes a people-focused, science-backed approach to promoting weight loss and healthy living. Its new program, myWW, is fully customized to make losing weight easier for you.

When you join myWW, you'll start with a personal assessment that asks a range of questions about your unique food preferences, activity level, lifestyle and approach to weight loss. Based on your responses, WW will scientifically match you with a customized, proven weight-loss plan that can make losing weight easier.

Every person in the WW Studio is on your side! The friendly guides and expert Coaches will quickly become your greatest motivators and sources of support to make 2020 the year you reach your weight loss goals!

Workshops held at WW Studio locations cover topics that are relevant to weight loss, health and wellness. You can participate as much or as little as you want. There are WW Workshops during the morning, afternoon and evening, seven days a week. This gives you flexibility to attend the Workshop time/day/location that works for during any particular week and ensure your accountability network is always accessible.

Based on years of research, the WW Workshop curriculum is always evolving to bring the best science-backed techniques to help you lose weight and build healthy habits for life.

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How This WW (Formerly Weight Watchers) Coach Lost 140 Pounds -

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How This WW (Formerly Weight Watchers) Coach Lost 100 Pounds –

Posted: December 27, 2019 at 6:46 pm

Losing weight and keeping it off is a lot easier when you have expert guidance from the leader in weight loss and its supportive community. WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers) just rolled out its most customized program ever, and it's poised to continue to help millions of members around the world accomplish their weight-loss and wellness goals in 2020. With myWW, each new member takes a personal assessment which matches them with a customized program that can make losing weight easier.

While many members follow and succeed on the WW program using the WW app, those who would like a little extra expert guidance and consistent support swear by the weekly WW Workshops to keep them accountable and help them stay on track. WW Coaches host weekly 30-minute Workshops at over 800 studios nationwide.

Amanda Tougias is a WW Coach at WW Studios in Herndon, Springfield, Sterling, Centreville, Falls Church and Fairfax. (WW Coaches are all previous members who met their goal weight with WW and now share their knowledge and support with WW members at weekly Workshops.) Learn more about her weight-loss journey and get inspired!

Answers have been edited for clarity and length.

Amanda: In 2003, after struggling with my weight for many years, I found myself more than 100 pounds overweight. I'd tried multiple weight-loss programs, and they all failed, but WW was different. I lost the weight and began a new, healthier lifestyle. The beauty of WW is that it helped me realize that, for me, the struggle with my weight is about more than just a number on the scale or the way I choose to nourish my body. It is also about my mind-body connection. Attending WW Workshops helped me learn how to connect my mindset to my goals, as well as how to "let" myself connect to other members' shared experiences.

Amanda: The vulnerability of other people. This journey can feel very isolating, so having a community that understands the language and attitudes of the journey is an invaluable cornerstone of my success.

Amanda: WW has taught me how to be the captain of my ship, and with myWW, I get to choose my ship! I have found that I need different types of guidance and accountability throughout my journey, and myWW delivers me a personalized plan based on what I need, when I need it. I'm on the Purple Plan, which means I can choose healthier options when I dine out without sacrificing my glass of wine with dinner.

Amanda: It's like finding your first forever home. You walk in and will immediately meet someone who will make you feel calm and welcomed. That person (whether a Studio team member or another member) will meet you where you are emotionally and physically, in order to ensure that you feel right at home.

Amanda: We discuss some pretty typical issues like portion control, dining-out strategies and how to find the right fitness routine for yourself. And we also discuss deeper issues like emotional eating, weight bias and mindfulness.

Amanda: Slow down, take a breath. Things happen so fast during this time of year. Slowing your mind down and taking a breath can help your decision-making process. Frankly, some holiday "treats" are worth it and some aren't. When we're rushing around too much, though, it's hard to remember to evaluate that decision.

Amanda: We have some amazing "joining" discounts planned as well as Workshop techniques that are geared toward helping our community set realistic goals for themselves. I'm excited to join in on the fun!

Amanda: When it comes to our health and wellness, there is no "one and done" solution. Once you reach your health and/or wellness goals, you will need to use the same techniques to maintain them. This is one of my favorite parts of WW. They have true behavior-changing techniques that made me realize the importance of sticking to my wellness goals. It helped shift my thinking.

Amanda: I lean on my community. Even after being a WW Coach for nearly 15 years, I still attend a Workshop each week as a member. I also use our online community, Connect, to celebrate my personal victories and ask for help when I need it.

Amanda: Come see us. The WW approach helps to simplify the complicated "getting started" issue. We can walk you through it all. And beyond that, go slowly: Pick one thing you want to work on, be compassionate with yourself and practice embracing imperfection.

Amanda: My members. We are a team we are in this journey together. The members in my Workshops inspire me just as much, if not more, every week through their dedication to themselves, their journey and to each other.

Amanda: Maybe you think you don't need us we need you. Our WW Workshops are a truly judgment-free, collaborative space. All ideas are not just welcomed, they are embraced. Our community is strong because we have so many brains sharing empathy, information and strength.

WW is a weight-loss program that takes a people-focused, science-backed approach to promoting weight loss and healthy living. Its new program, myWW, is fully customized to make losing weight easier for you.

When you join myWW, you'll start with a personal assessment that asks a range of questions about your unique food preferences, activity level, lifestyle and approach to weight loss. Based on your responses, WW will scientifically match you with a customized, proven weight-loss plan that can make losing weight easier.

Every person in the WW Studio is on your side! The friendly guides and expert Coaches will quickly become your greatest motivators and sources of support to make 2020 the year you reach your weight loss goals!

Workshops held at WW Studio locations cover topics that are relevant to weight loss, health and wellness. You can participate as much or as little as you want. There are WW Workshops during the morning, afternoon and evening, seven days a week. This gives you flexibility to attend the Workshop time/day/location that works for during any particular week and ensure your accountability network is always accessible.

Based on years of research, the WW Workshop curriculum is always evolving to bring the best science-backed techniques to help you lose weight and build healthy habits for life.

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How This WW (Formerly Weight Watchers) Coach Lost 100 Pounds -

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How This WW (Formerly Weight Watchers) Coach Lost 48 Pounds –

Posted: December 27, 2019 at 6:46 pm

Losing weight and keeping it off is a lot easier when you have expert guidance from the leader in weight loss and its supportive community. WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers) just rolled out its most customized program ever, and it's poised to continue to help millions of members around the world accomplish their weight-loss and wellness goals in 2020. With myWW, each new member takes a personal assessment which matches them with a customized program that can make losing weight easier.

While many members follow and succeed on the WW program using the WW app, those who would like a little extra expert guidance and consistent support swear by the weekly WW Workshops to keep them accountable and help them stay on track. WW Coaches host weekly 30-minute Workshops at over 800 studios nationwide.

Alicia Sissac is a WW Coach at WW Studio Long Beach and WW Studio Lakewood. (WW Coaches are all previous members who met their goal weight with WW and now share their knowledge and support with WW members at weekly Workshops.) Learn more about her weight-loss journey and get inspired!

Answers have been edited for clarity and length.

Alicia: In 2002, I was a police detective and had just given birth to our youngest daughter six months before. Over the course of five years and two pregnancies, I gained 50 pounds. As a police officer, I felt that I could no longer protect myself if needed not to mention my partner.

My weight had truly become a matter of life or death. I knew that I had to do something. A friend recommended WW, and since I had tried everything else, I figured that I should at least give it a try. I joined and thought that there was no way that I was going to be successful because I wasn't hungry, but I actually lost 5 pounds that first week. I lost a total of 48 pounds that year and have been a lifetime member at my goal weight ever since. WW changed my life and changed my perspective on my overall health and well-being.

Alicia: What I enjoy most about the WW community is the supportive atmosphere. In no other area of my life have I ever been immersed in a community of people who simply want to see you succeed.

Alicia: My favorite thing about the new myWW is that it's customized to fit each member's individual needs and preferences. Members just take the myWW personal assessment, and then WW's smart algorithm will match members with their very own customized and proven weight-loss plan. It is scientifically proven that customized approaches lead to greater engagement and more behavior change than generic approaches, so it excites me to think of the success our members will see with this program.

Alicia: I would describe our local WW Studio as being welcoming, nonjudgmental and inviting.

Alicia: Our weekly techniques are designed around our three pillars, which are food, fitness and mindset. Some of the techniques discussed recently in our Workshops have been: Find the Right Portions, Bounce Back and Get to Know ZeroPoint Foods. (WW's proprietary SmartPoints system simplifies complex nutritional information into a simple number to easily guide your eating decisions to support weight loss. ZeroPoint foods form the foundation of a healthy eating pattern, and are foods you don't have to track! Depending on your customized plan, they can include foods like chicken breast, fat-free Greek yogurt, all vegetables and more.)

Alicia: My greatest tip is to treat the holidays the same as you would treat any other time of the year. If you are attending holiday parties, have a plan and decide what's most important. Focus on ZeroPoint foods and try to stay within your daily Point target.

Alicia: It is important to focus on health and wellness year-round because weight loss and weight maintenance is the result of what you do consistently. If you make small changes over time, they will ultimately become new habits. Changing habits may not be easy, but many things will become easier.

Alicia: I continue to stay motivated following social media accounts of people who are on their health and wellness journey. I also love the way I feel now and I know that I do not want to go back to the way I felt years ago when I was carrying around 48 extra pounds.

I have found an activity that I love, which is SoulCycle. When it comes to activity, it is important to find something that excites you. I go to the gym after work, which really works for me.

Alicia: My advice for someone who wants to get healthy but does not know where to start is to simply start, and start small. Most WW Studios are open seven days a week. Walk into a WW Studio or go online and check out the program. It has been the easiest thing that I have ever done to lose the weight and the most sustainable.

Alicia: What motivates me as WW Coach is having the opportunity to witness members reach goals that they once thought were impossible. I am motivated each day by their success and cannot imagine my life without having each and every member in it.

Alicia: For anyone who is struggling to become healthier or wants to lose weight, stop by a WW Studio today. You will find the most supportive group of coaches, guides and members who will support you all the way to your goal.

WW is a weight-loss program that takes a people-focused, science-backed approach to promoting weight loss and healthy living. Its new program, myWW, is fully customized to make losing weight easier for you.

When you join myWW, you'll start with a personal assessment that asks a range of questions about your unique food preferences, activity level, lifestyle and approach to weight loss. Based on your responses, WW will scientifically match you with a customized, proven weight-loss plan that can make losing weight easier.

Every person in the WW Studio is on your side! The friendly guides and expert Coaches will quickly become your greatest motivators and sources of support to make 2020 the year you reach your weight loss goals!

Workshops held at WW Studio locations cover topics that are relevant to weight loss, health and wellness. You can participate as much or as little as you want. There are WW Workshops during the morning, afternoon and evening, seven days a week. This gives you flexibility to attend the Workshop time/day/location that works for during any particular week and ensure your accountability network is always accessible.

Based on years of research, the WW Workshop curriculum is always evolving to bring the best science-backed techniques to help you lose weight and build healthy habits for life.

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How This WW (Formerly Weight Watchers) Coach Lost 48 Pounds -

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Windsor woman’s weight-loss journey started with New Year’s resolution – Windsor Star

Posted: December 27, 2019 at 6:46 pm

Grace Gardiner, 55, of Windsor, reflects on her weight-loss journey in her kitchen on Dec. 27, 2019. Since 2013, Gardiner has dropped 165 pounds, and it started with a New Year's resolution.Dax Melmer / Windsor Star

If youre thinking of making weight loss a goal in 2020, Windsor resident Grace Gardiner offers a simple message of patience and encouragement.

It seems a bit cliche to say, If I can do it, you can do it. But you really can, said Gardiner, 55, who estimates she has dropped 165 pounds since she made her own resolution.

The year that Gardiner began making a change for the better was 2013. In her late 40s at the time, her five-foot-six frame tipped the scales at 300 pounds the heaviest weight of her life.

I was really not doing well. I had sleep apnea. I was diabetic, Gardiner recalled. I suppose I was in a bit of denial that things were getting worse.

The culprit, Gardiner believes, was a habit of emotional eating when dealing with life stressors. It was all the things that you can mindlessly eat. You tell yourself, Oh, Im just going to have a few potato chips. And then, all of a sudden, your arms at the bottom of the bag.

Grace Gardiner of Windsor when she weighed 300 pounds, some time before she joined a Weight Watchers program at her workplace.Courtesy of Grace Gardiner / Windsor Star

Gardiner realized she had to get serious about her health when she couldnt walk up the stairs to the second floor of her home without pausing for rest.

At that age, I knew I was far too young to be having those kinds of problems, she said.

Although Gardiner made the decision with a New Years resolution, it took a while for her to commit to a plan. For several months, she tried and failed at haphazardly depriving herself.

It was more of a wish than a goal, at that point, Gardiner said. I knew something had to change, but I didnt know what to do Depriving yourself doesnt work, because then you bounce back the other way.

Around the middle of the year, Gardiner joined a Weight Watchers program at her workplace.

Now armed with a plan for portion control, nutrition, and activity, Gardiner finally had the structure she needed to lose weight effectively.

By the end of the year, Gardiner was about 35 pounds lighter than when she made her resolution. That was phenomenal, she said. It was wonderful to be able to go to my doctor and see how proud she was of me.

Gardiner stuck with the program, and continued to gradually shed the pounds. In 2017, after four years of healthy habits, she reached her goal weight 150 pounds.

And then I actually was able to go a bit beyond that, Gardiner said.

Grace Gardiner, 55, of Windsor, with a picture of herself before she dropped 165 pounds. Photographed in her home on Dec. 27, 2019.Dax Melmer / Windsor Star

But hitting a number was only part of Gardiners transformation. She knew the greater challenge would be to keep up her new lifestyle and keep off the weight.

I have maintained it now for two years, Gardiner said. Not only my physical health, but my mental health has kept me focused so I dont slip back into old patterns.

Seven years since her weight-loss journey began, Gardiner has much greater confidence in herself and the ability of others to repeat her success.

You dont necessarily have to set that long-term goal of losing 150 pounds. That might seem very unattainable on Jan. 1, Gardiner explained. But you can say, I want to get healthy. I want to start with losing 10 pounds. And then when you lose that 10 pounds, you can set another small goal, another 10 pounds.

Those small goals keep us motivated. And when you start feeling the health benefits, the confidence, the clarity of mind youll keep going.

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Windsor woman's weight-loss journey started with New Year's resolution - Windsor Star

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Lorraine Kelly weight loss: Presenter dropped two dress sizes by cutting this out – Express

Posted: December 27, 2019 at 6:46 pm

Lorraine Kelly is the recognisable friendly face of ITV daytime programme,Lorraine. In recent years, the TV host revealed she dropped two dress sizes by doing one thing, what did she do?

Today, Lorraine Kelly appeared on ITVs Lorraine to discuss her biggest show highlights of 2019 which included a candid interview with Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea, a hilarious interview with singing sensation, Celine Dion and an interview with Dame Emma Thompson to discuss the inspiration behind the George Michael Christmas film, Last Christmas.

During Lorraines long career, she has fronted shows including GMTV, ITV Breakfast, and Daybreak. In recent years, some fans have noticed her staggering weight loss and Lorraine has revealed she dropped two dress sizes by cutting out one thing - what did she cut out?

Previously Lorraine revealed that after noticing herself gaining weight, the Scottish journalist decided to change up her lifestyle.

The host revealed that she made one simple change to slim down.

READ MORE:Man loses175lbsusing 'life-changingdiet plan

Lorraine transformed from a size 14 to a size 10.

Speaking on This Morning, she said regular aerobic exercise helped kick start her weight loss and unsurprisingly, Lorraine pointed to her own weight loss DVDs as her key to weight loss.

Speaking on This Morning, she said: I really look forward to my classes, and with the new DVD we wanted to show what a class was like.

Its great going to keep fit but mentally it also makes me feel better.


Lorraine told presenters her weight loss made her more confident and prompted her to make bolder choices with her fashion outfits.

The TV personality has managed to keep the weight off by sticking with the athletic habits and she can be seen regularly posting about her intense workouts on her social media accounts online.

Previously, Lorraine posted about her love of fitness classes and even shared on Instagram a video of one of the dance fit classes she attends.

She captioned the post: Shes on fire! Great class tonight with #fit #healthy#wellbeing".

Lorraine is also known for regularly going on long walks with her border terrier pup, Angus, which keeps her active and fit with minimal effort.

But, what did she cut out, in particular, to trim down?

Although Kelly is dedicated to maintaining a healthy weight, she revealed that dieting is not on her agenda, reportedly.

Speaking of her diet, the journalist opened up about struggling with portion sizes and she has tried to cut out snacking, in particular, to trim down.

She said: I dont think diets work. Its all about portion control.

My husband cooks for me and sometimes I ask, How many people are coming round?.

She admitted that she isnt a big fan of diets, instead, she found cutting back on how much she ate at each meal helped her shape up.

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Lorraine Kelly weight loss: Presenter dropped two dress sizes by cutting this out - Express

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Weight Loss: 6 Diet Tips To Stay Healthy This Holiday Season Till New Year’s Eve – NDTV Food

Posted: December 27, 2019 at 6:46 pm

Follow these healthy diet tips to stay fit for New Year's eve.


The holiday season is a precarious time when your diet is bound to lose its track. After eating to your heart's content during Christmas, the chilly waves make it hard for us to hit back the gym. Most of us put off our regular diet and workout regime till New Year's Eve, promising ourselves to restart the next year. Alright, it's justified. After all, it's the season of holidaying and merrymaking. But, instead of going the whole hog into the phase of 'health disaster', you can go easy on your break. Don't let a few potholes on the road throw you off your fitness journey.

As we all gear up to celebrate the New Year's eve with a bang, we also want to look our best. Letting lethargy creep in after the food fiesta of Christmas will only add up to the extra kilos we gained during the festival. We say, make the most of the holidays and stay in shape for the next big party you are going to attend to ring in the new year; in this case, a whole new decade.

(Also Read:5 Winter Foods To Cut Belly Fat And Aid Weight Loss)

Don't be lazy if you want keep fit.

New Year resolutions are just an excuse to get by the end of the current year. Force yourself out from your cosy blanket and take a small walk in your balcony, or take the stairs whenever possible, if you don't want to step outdoors.

While you make your way in-and-out of parties and social gathering during this season, accept the servings discerningly. Avoid fried, fattening foods; control the portion of the food, and try to eat healthy snacks and salads as much as possible.

Staying hydrated is one of the best ways to keep fit. Drink a minimum of two litres of water every day to keep your digestion running smoothly and to flush out toxins from the system.

(Also Read:Winter Weight Loss - 5 Easy Diet Tips To Maintain A Low-Carb Diet This Season)

Drink sufficient water and keep yourself well-hydrated.

Avoid staying up all night and be among the last ones to leave all the parties you attend this holiday season. Getting enough rest is important to stay healthy. Make sure to get at least eight hours of sleep every day.

This hectic time period requires you to stay active. Eat more of protein-rich foods like poultry, nuts, legumes and beans to fuel your body and keep your stomach sated to avoid binge eating.

Put you best foot forward to walk in the New Year 2020. Don't wait till 2020 to take care of your health and lose that extra weight. Keep these tips in mind and keep your weight loss diet hale and hearty.

About Neha GroverLove for reading roused her writing instincts. Neha is guilty of having a deep-set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring out her nest of thoughts onto the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on coffee.

Weight Loss: 6 Diet Tips To Stay Healthy This Holiday Season Till New Year's Eve - NDTV Food

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