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Weight loss story: This guy lost 15 kilos in just 5 months! Heres how he did it – Times of India
Posted: November 29, 2019 at 6:41 am
It does not matter what is to be blamed for the rapid weight gain, we can all agree getting rid of those stubborn kilos can be taxing. When 28-year-old Harish did not like the way his stomach was bulging out from his clothes, he decided to do something about his growing weight. This is his inspiring weight loss journey. Name: Harish Singh KorangaOccupation: EntrepreneurAge: 28-year-old
Highest weight recorded: 93 kgs
Weight lost: 15 kgs
Duration it took me to lose weight: 5 months The turning point: I don't care what people are saying but if u see your self in the mirror who looks like ugle then you have to decide to do something for your body.
While I wasnt really bothered by the rude comments or body-shaming, I felt ashamed of the reflection staring right back at me in the mirror. It was also really disheartening when I could no longer fit into the clothes of my choice. I understood that I needed to take the matter in my hand before it beyond my control. That was the point I decided to work on my body and get my life back on track. I will admit that it wasnt easy, but it was certainly worth it. Now, I am happy with what I see in the mirror, and it is enough.
My breakfast: Oats with toned milk and peanut butter with a slice of brown bread
My lunch: A portion of vegetables with two slices of breadMy dinner: A portion of vegetables with two slices of bread
I indulge in: I eat whatever I feel like on the weekends. However, I ensure that I do not exceed my calorie intake for the day.
My workout: I balance my workout between cardio and weight training
Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Oats with toned milk and peanut butter with a slice of brown bread
Fitness secrets I unveiled: I have realised that nothing is impossible once you set your mind to it.
How do I stay motivated? I made it a point to read motivational quotes to keep myself on the path of fitness. How do you ensure you dont lose focus? I was really scared of gaining all the weight back and not able to fit into all the clothes of my choice.
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Weight loss story: This guy lost 15 kilos in just 5 months! Heres how he did it - Times of India
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Want Real Weight Loss? Here Are Three Things You Should Give Up – Medical Daily
Posted: November 29, 2019 at 6:41 am
Shedding a few pounds off, or losing weight, is a hard and oftentimes tricky business. Its for this reason that while many attempt their hands on it, few of those people actually achieve it for the long haul. Its unforgiving, and oftentimes demotivating and just well, plain tiring.
This then leads to developing a negative relationship with food, seeing it not as a joyful experience but an enemy that you have to constantly battle with. Most of the time, this mindset leads to self-punishment and over-restriction.
However, According to leading behavior change therapist Dr. Heather McKee, there are three things that you need to give up in order to actually achieve success when it comes to weight loss. Here they are:
Give up dieting
You heard us right. Give it up, let it go. According to research, 80 percent of diets fail in the first year, so dont be a part of that. Your body also doesnt want to lose weight that way and you will just fight it, which would result in stress. Rather, start eating smarter and incorporate a lot of whole foods in what you eat. Importantly, remember to never go overboard and keep it within appropriately-sized servings.
Give up punishing yourself via the scales
This is something that happens all too often with people trying to lose weight. You scale yourself at the start of the month, try your best to lose weight after, and then when you get back on the scale, realize that you havent lost any, or worse, youve actually added on some more. This is a negative mindset since being healthy isnt a numbers game. Following an all or nothing line of thinking will only discourage you. In most cases, it can even associate itself with happiness, meaning that you wont reach a certain weight.
Give up diets in disguise
This involves restricting yourself to eating small amounts of food in order to lose weight. So that includes even juice cleansing and detoxes. Instead, opt for whole-foods based diet that is consumed alongside regular exerciseconsistently because that will work more.
Obesity may occur because of genetics, family history, environment and medical conditions, among other reasons that affect body weight. Pixabay
Want Real Weight Loss? Here Are Three Things You Should Give Up - Medical Daily
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A famous nutritionist on why eating less will not help you lose weight – Ladders
Posted: November 29, 2019 at 6:41 am
It seems like a no-brainerif you want to lose weight, you need to eat less calories. But as anyone whos ever tried to achieve a lean, fit physique will know, it aint always that simple. In fact, in many cases, you actually need toincreaseyour calorie consumption in order to gain muscle and lose fat (were listening.) Here, the Aussie PT, nutritionist, mum of four, creator ofThe Bod andauthor ofMacrosgives us on the lowdown on how eating MORE can actually help you lose weight.
Whilst you cannot place a blanket statement on weight loss that will apply to everyone, typically, eating low calories for an extended period of time will not allow you to achieve the body goals youre aiming for. There are a few key reasons for this.
Firstly, when we starve our bodies in order to lose weight, we will either end up binging after a period of time or our bodies, which will stall in fat loss and require an even greater decrease of food to budge again meaning even LOWER caloric intake.
When we continue to drop calories lower and lower, we will start to see a variety of warning signs and alarm bells. Obviously, starting off, it will show as hunger, irritability andmood swings, fatigue or foggy brain. Then, over time it may become bad skin breakouts, loss of menstrual cycle, immune system struggling to fight off infections or even weight gain.
Lets dig a little deeper as to why some of these symptoms can occur and why I encourage all my clients to work on INCREASING their food intake and nourishing their bodies instead of using a low-calorie diet.
Eating less than your bodys daily energy requirements will boot you into starvation mode, where your metabolism actually slows down to conserve energy. This can cause your weight loss to slow down or plateau. Its important to understand your daily caloric requirement, and work out your macros (carbs, fats and protein) required to achieve your desired bod whether thats losing weight, gaining muscle or both and slowly increase your caloric intake over time to allow your metabolism to adjust.
Iincreased my daily calories over time from 1200when I first started competing in bikini competitions to more than 2500 now, without gaining body fat, while still increasing strength and muscle mass. Remember that often, eating more food will result in a better workout which in turn creates more muscle fibres and a faster metabolism the cycle continues and you keep getting leaner. WINNING!
Skipping meals to reduce overall calories or squeeze into a new outfit is a bad idea, full stop. Eating balanced meals regularly will provide sustained energy, regulate your blood sugar, eliminate cravings, avoid a food-coma from eating a whole days meals in one hit and help keep your metabolism firing. When you skip a meal in order to eat less overall for the day, you end up getting even more hungry and bingeing on more food than you would normally eat.
Food is fuel. It makes sense that a well-fuelled body performs better. And if you really want to lose weight and change your body composition, you need to train hard. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories youll burn even at rest. If youre too hungry and sluggish to perform, you wont be able to transform your physique to the bod you want. Even worse, an under-nourished body will actually start to break down muscle to generate the energy it requires. This is called catabolism, and means that undereating will effectively chew up your hard-earned muscle.
Whilst its particularly important to eat enough protein to rebuild and repair muscle cells, it is a common misconception that you must consume a super high protein diet. Around 1.5-2.5 grams of protein daily per kilo of bodyweight is all we require.
This article originally appeared on A Girl in Progress.
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A famous nutritionist on why eating less will not help you lose weight - Ladders
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Weight Loss Tips: 3 Very Short Workouts That Work – Medical Daily
Posted: November 29, 2019 at 6:41 am
With all the countless internet write-ups, TV talk shows and magazine articles about it, youd think everyone of us would have it figured out by now. Alas, the subject of losing weight is still a tricky thing for many. And unfortunately, a lot of people still fail to achieve it. But its no reason to lose hope since the whole business of exercising and following a strict diet isnt a one-size-fits-all solution, although the general idea behind it is. Simply put, what works for you may not work for others and theres no shame in that.
So if youre still looking for that proper workout routine that would finally help you lose weight for good, here are three great ones to try.
Workout #1: Fat Burning Cardio
This is an intense workout that is split into three sections, namely intervals, lactic acid removal phase and a repeat of it. Heres what you do. First, start with a five-minute warm up. Then, do 10 intervals of 20 second sprinting at full intensity, followed by resting for 40 seconds. You can do this via a cross-trainer, bike or treadmill. Next, do a 10-minute lactic acid removal phase, where you do the workout on a similar cardio machine with the maximum intensity you can manage. This means that you should be out of breath and sweaty by the end of the workout. Once done, you may repeat as needed. However, mixing up the routine by using a different machine is recommended.
Workout #2: Full Body Fat Loss Circuit
This second workout includes six different exercises done for 45 seconds each, with a 15 second rest between each exercise. The exercises included are planking, kettlebell deadlifts, single arm dumbbell row, dumbbell bench press, mountain climbers and running on the spot. Once done, repeat the entire workout three more times.
Workout #3: Full Body Fat Loss Circuit
Same as the second workout, this is also a six exercises routine, comprising of 45 seconds for each exercise and a 15 second rest in between. This is done four times. The workout includes sit-ups, alternating lunges, mountain climbers, squat jumps, push-ups and kettlebell deadlifts.
The cessation of workouts and physical activity can worsen conditions such as depression, a new study finds. Jesper Aggergaard/Unsplash
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Weight Loss Tips: 3 Very Short Workouts That Work - Medical Daily
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Veganism, KFC and the secret to weight loss – National Post
Posted: November 29, 2019 at 6:41 am
By Karen Hawthorne
As a sign that veganism has shifted permanently into the mainstream, KFC Canadas recent test-run of plant-based popcorn chicken in Mississauga, Ont., seems as good as any. When meat alternatives are being sold by the bucket, its hard to argue they are still the domain of urban elites.
But the mass markets embrace of plant proteins (The Economist called 2019 The Year of the Vegan) also coincides with reports that developed countries are getting fatter not slimmer. Which raises an obvious question: Are vegan diets as virtuous as they seem?
According to a recent op-ed by Frdric Leroy and Martin Cohen, academics at Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the University of Hertfordshire respectively, the health benefits of a vegan diet depend on careful nutritional balance. For example, attention to Vitamin B12 consumption or the appropriate intake of long-chain fatty acids.
Maintaining that balance can be difficult, however. And when vegans fail, they write, the negative health impact can be significant.
Not everyone wants to eat lots of lentils and rice all the time
Moreover, Leroy and Cohen point to a study of 218,000 subjects from over 50 countries which found that the consumption of meat and dairy can be associated with less rather than more chronic disease.
But other research shows clear benefits to a vegan lifestyle. A study published in The Journal of Nutrition, for instance, documented both lower levels of fat and higher levels of antioxidants among those with a plant-based diet. These are the compounds in foods which help delay cell damage attributed to the aging process.
A study presented this fall by the Washington-based group Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine also showed the potential for veganism as a treatment for obesity. Participants who followed a 16-week vegan diet experienced significant changes to gut microbes linked to improved body weight, body composition and blood sugar control.
Pamela Fergusson, a registered dietitian and devoted vegan in Nelson, B.C., sees the positive impact in her practice. One of her clients, a teacher in his 30s, came to her two years ago obese and concerned by a family history of heart disease. Inspired by the 2011 documentary Forks Over Knives on Netflix, however, he was committed to trying a vegan diet. One year in, he had lost 27 pounds and his blood tests were normal.
A vegan diet also makes you feel more clear-headed and able to focus, Fergusson adds, partly because it doesnt take so much energy for your body to digest.
When it comes to weight loss, though, Dr. David Jenkins, director of the Clinical Nutrition and Risk Factor Modification Centre at St. Michaels Hospital in Toronto, says the fibre and volumetrics of vegan foods are the critical advantages.
We love chewing and all the sensations that go along with eating, so we want to eat a lot of food, he says. But when you compare a steak to a plate of vegetables, you can have the same volume of food but theres a vast difference in calories.
Jenkins, a vegan for almost 20 years, is an industry pioneer when it comes to research and clinical trials on diet and health. He developed the concept of the glycemic index to show how different carbohydrates affect blood sugar (or glucose) levels, and which foods are best for people with diabetes.
But GI also affects how quickly we get hungry again after eating. Whole, unrefined plant foods are helpful to weight loss in part because they have slow-release carbohydrates that leave us feeling fuller longer. Vegetables that retain water when cooked, such as dried beans and peas, tend to increase satiety as well.
Ive put people on plant-based diets who found they felt full and sufficiently hydrated, says Jenkins.
Liquids in and of themselves, mind you, are no substitute for solid food. Its that predilection to chew again, he says.
When youre having wine with your steak dinner, you tend to move on to the Crpes Suzettes and then the next course of foods that are excessively stimulating. Whereas lentil soup is extremely pleasant, youre not driven to eat more and more.
Ive put people on plant-based diets who found they felt full
So what about those plant-based KFC popcorn bites?
Veganism has come a long way when it comes to broad appeal. It has its own movement and theres a lot of innovation in the space, including foods like vegan ice cream and plant-based burgers, says Fergusson.
Thats a boon to those who would never have considered a vegan diet in the past as long as plant food isnt shorthand for junk food.
Not everyone wants to eat lots of lentils and rice all the time, but as long as we choose whole foods more often and enjoy others in moderation it works, Fergusson says.
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Eating banana skin can help with ‘better sleep and weight loss’ – Sky News
Posted: November 29, 2019 at 6:41 am
Banana eaters traditionally peel off the skin, chuck it in the bin and then devour the soft yellow fruit inside.
But one dietitian has claimed eating banana peel can improve people's sleep, give them healthier skin and also help with weight loss.
Susie Burrell wrote in her blog Shape Me that eating the peel can increase a person's "overall fibre content by at least 10% as a lot of dietary fibre can be found in the skin of a banana".
The Australian dietitian adds: "You will get almost 20% more Vitamin B6 and almost 20% more Vitamin C and you will boost both your potassium and magnesium intake."
The NHS recommends eating foods high in fibre when trying to lose weight, and Vitamin C is known to help with maintaining healthy skin.
Ms Burrell assures her readers she is not telling them to bite down on the "bright yellow banana skin along with the banana".
She advises people to cook the skin to soften it up and help break some of the cell walls, which in turn will make the nutrients easy to absorb.
Ms Burrell says the skin can be included in recipes for smoothies, baked good and curries.
The dietitian writes that blending the skin into recipes or smoothies is the most practical way to use them, and adds: "Here you will increase the volume and nutritional content of recipes with minimal change to taste and texture of the cooking."
She continues: "For example if you make your smoothie with a whole banana, chop the ends of the skin, chop into small pieces and simply blend with the rest of the smoothie.
"For recipes such as muffins or banana bread, cooking the skin first before mixing it into the recipe is an easy way to incorporate them."
Ms Burrell, who is a brand ambassador for the company Australian Bananas, writes that bananas with bright yellow skins have a higher proportion of antioxidants associated with anti-cancer effects.
She adds that less ripe bananas with green skins are particularly rich in the amino acid tryptophan which is associated with good sleep quality.
Ms Burrell said green banana skins are also rich in resistance starch, the special type of fibre known to benefit gut health.
She writes that this is because green skins are better consumed after boiling in order to soften their skins.
Ms Burrell writes that banana skins also have practical use in day to day life, and says cooking meat on top of them will help boost the moisture content of any meal.
She also adds that they are great for making vinegar.
The dietitian claims people in Australia eat more than 5 million bananas a year, with eating the skins being a way to utilise the whole fruit.
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Global Weight Loss Diet Products Market is Booming in Forthcoming Year 2019-2025 with Top Key Players Like Atkins Nutritionals, Herbalife, Nutrisystem…
Posted: November 29, 2019 at 6:41 am
Fitness equipment is expected to be the fastest-growing segment over the forecast period. Increasing awareness about health and fitness among people is positively impacting the market.The entire weight loss and weight management diet comprises food & beverages, meal replacements, weight loss supplements, green tea, and low-calorie sweeteners. The developed economies including North America and Europe are major shareholders of the global weight management markets
The Weight Loss Diet Products Market is expected to reach +6% CAGR during forecast period 2019-2025
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According to the research report, the global Weight Loss Diet Products Market has gained significant momentum over the recent past. The increasing acceptance, the rising demand and the growing need for this markets products are mentioned in the study. The factors fueling their adoption among consumers are mentioned in this report study. This market report offers a comprehensive analysis of the overall scenario in the global market. It evaluates this market taking a number of important parameters, such as the type and application, into consideration. The geographical presence of the market has also been examined closely in this research study.
Key Players in this Weight Loss Diet Products Market are:
Atkins Nutritionals (US), Herbalife (US), Nutrisystem (US), Ethicon (US), Covidien (US), Apollo Endosurgery (US), Brunswick (US), Amer Sports (Finland), Johnson Health Technology (Taiwan), Technogym (Italy), Weight Watchers (US), Jenny Craig (US), VLCC Healthcare (India), Slimming World (UK), The Golds Gym (US)
On the basis of geography, the global market for agricultural enzymes has been categorized into Europe, Asia-Pacific, North America, Middle East & Africa and Latin America. The leading region of the global market is further mentioned along with the reason behind its growth. Every region key factor is provided which is attracting this market towards growth. The report also elaborates on the opportunities the emerging markets of Asia Pacific and Latin America offer. The research report also analyzes the market hierarchy carrying out a SWOT analysis of the key players operating in the global Weight Loss Diet Products market.
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Market Segment by Type, covers
Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into
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The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the Weight Loss Diet Products Market, thereby allowing players to develop effective long-term strategies.
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Improve the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to products, segmentation and industry verticals.
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In this study, the years considered to estimate the size of Weight Loss Diet Products are as follows:
History Year: 2013-2018
Base Year: 2018
Estimated Year: 2019
Forecast Year 2019 to 2025.
Table of Contents
Global Weight Loss Diet Products Market Research Report
Chapter 1 Weight Loss Diet Products Market Overview
Chapter 2 Global Economic Impact on Industry
Chapter 3 Global Market Competition by Manufacturers
Chapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by Region
Chapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions
Chapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type
Chapter 7 Global Market Analysis by Application
Chapter 8 Manufacturing Cost Analysis
Chapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers
Chapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders
Chapter 11 Market Effect Factors Analysis
Chapter 12 Global Market Forecast
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Chia Seed Water For Weight Loss: Have It In The Morning For Maximum Benefits – Doctor NDTV
Posted: November 29, 2019 at 6:41 am
Chia seed water: This detox drink can aid weight loss, improve heart health and provide you with sufficient fibre. Read here to know why chia seeds must be a part of your diet.
Chia seeds are one of the healthiest varieties seeds
Lemon water, ajwain water, jeera water and even cucumber water are some water infusions that are popular for aiding weight loss, improving digestion and giving your body the much-needed detox. But have you heard of chia seeds infused water? Health benefits of chia seeds are known to all. But consuming chia seeds in this form is not only an interesting way to include chia seeds in your diet, but also a great way to smoothen your digestion and add a dash of protein in your diet.
Chia seeds are one of the healthiest varieties seeds. They are a source of complete protein and also one of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids. If you kickstart your day with chia seeds water, it can help give a boost to metabolism and digestion. A healthy metabolism can help you lose weight timely and effectively. Apart from this, following are other benefits of chia seeds you can bank on:
Also read:8 Surprising Health Benefits Of Chia Seeds
1. Weight loss: Fibre-rich chia seeds can regularise bowel movement, prevent constipation and aid weight loss. You can sprinkle chia seeds on your salads, have them on the side with your meals or include them in a nuts and seeds trail mix. Fibre in chia seeds will fill you quickly, keep you full for longer, reduce your appetite and overall calorie intake. One tbsp of chia seeds contain nearly 5 gm of fibre and high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and alpha-linoleic acid that can together aid weight loss.
Chia seeds can be included in weight loss dietPhoto Credit: iStock
2. Heart health: Intake of fibre has been linked to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that dietary fibre can help in regulating immune system and inflammation.
3. Diabetes: People with type 2 diabetes can benefit by including chia seeds in their diet. These tiny seeds have the ability to convert glucose into a slow-release carbohydrate. High fibre diets have been found to lower risk of diabetes and heart disease and also stabilise blood sugar levels.
Chia seeds can help in regularising blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetesPhoto Credit: iStock
Also read:Healthy Foods Swaps That Can Help You Control Blood Sugar Levels Effectively
Apart from drinking chia seed water in the morning, you can also add them in yogurt, oatmeal and smoothies. Nuts and seeds trail mix can be made by adding some chia seeds. Sprinkling them on your salads and omelettes are other interesting ways of including chia seeds in your diet.
Also read:If You Are Consuming Chia Seeds, You Need To Know This Truth
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
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X Factor: Celebritys Louis Walsh shows off impressive weight loss ahead of final – The Sun
Posted: November 29, 2019 at 6:41 am
LOUIS Walsh showed off his impressive weight loss as he promoted the X Factor: Celebrity final last night.
The music manager, 67, appeared in a video on Instagram and looked extremely trim in a grey shirt.
The X Factor judge told viewers: "Don't forget The X Factor Final is this Saturday."
They captioned the clip: "Mr Louis Walsh would like to remind you that The #XFactorCelebrity FINAL is not to be missed! Catch us on @ITV and @WeAreSTV1, 7.10pm this Saturday! #XFactor"
Louis recently said his love of music and the industry keeps him in good shape.
The manager, who is mentoring finalist and frontrunner Megan McKenna, was quizzed on his weight loss on ITV's Lorraine earlier this week.
Presenter Lorraine Kelly said: "Can I just say you're looking really well Louis?
She added: "Have you had any work done?"
Westlife manager Louis replied: "I haven't had any help in a really long time."
He dodged the question, saying that his new look is down to "loving what I do" and said "the music business keeps me young."
Louis managed Boyzone and Westlife, two of Ireland's most successful pop bands in the 1990s and 2000s.
In later life, Louis began a career in TV and has since become a well-known judge on British and Irish talent shows.
Louis is a well-known face on the TV thanks to his role on the X Factor.
But he has also been a judge on other telly talent shows includingIrish Popstars, Popstars: The Rivals, You're a Star, and Ireland's Got Talent.
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Louis has amassed quite a fortune since the '90s.
He is worth around 116million.
This is through his TV career and being a band manager.
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X Factor: Celebritys Louis Walsh shows off impressive weight loss ahead of final - The Sun
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Holly Willoughby weight loss: How did the daytime TV star trim down? –
Posted: November 29, 2019 at 6:41 am
Holly Willoughby has had a long career in television, in fact, spanning nearly over 20 years. She is a regular bubble of laughter and positivity on This Morning alongside her TV co-host Philip Schofield. Holly regularly posts images of herself on Instagram looking toned and in shape, and fans have noticed, with several people bombarding the star on a daily basis with asking questions about her incredible weight loss.
However, despite losing weight, and looking noticeably trimmer, the mum-of-three doesnt want to give away too much about her dieting secrets. So, what did she do to trim down?
Holly has notable television credentials to her name including; Dancing on Ice, Celebrity Juice, Im A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! and The Voice.
Over the years, fans of the daytime television star have noticed changes in her frame.
Speaking to Prima Magazine, Holly said: I try not to focus too much on my appearance. As long as Im being healthy, thats good enough for me.
READ MORE:Paleo diet: What is it and why is it so popular
Earlier this year, the television host revealed why she didn't want to talk about her diet plan.
She told the Sunday Times: It's a personal thing for me, and I think people get obsessive with it.
"Everybody knows what leads to a healthy lifestyle, but it's not up to me to give you a blow-by-blow account of what I've eaten that day. It's not helpful, and it's not what's important.
Holly has become slimmer over the past couple of years, after having her third child Chester in 2014.
Despite keeping tight lipped about her slim figure, a TV source spoke out to shed some light on Hollys diet.
The source told The Mirror: Holly is determined to keep her new-look body so she eats chicken, carrots and hummus.
The source, however, did reveal that Holly has a sweet tooth and occasionally can be spotted tucking into one particular sweet treat to calm her cravings.
Youll never see her without a pack of mango either, to satisfy her sweet tooth, they added.
The source added that Holly has rediscovered herself after adopting a new healthy lifestyle: "She says she's discovered a 'new me' and won't be giving up anytime soon."
As well as following a diet plan, Lynne Robinson, director of London-based Body Control Pilates, has explained she worked with the star on her exercise routine.
I worked with Holly for several months, teaching her privately at her home once a week, she told The Sun.
Holly had postnatal matt work classes which concentrated on strengthening and toning her core.
While she has remained tight-lipped about just how she is doing it, her Celebrity Juice co-star Keith Lemon wasn't quite so secretive.
Keith Lemon revealed her trim figure was down to boxing.
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