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Weight loss: Lose 10 pounds in one week with this simple at home fitness workout – Express
Posted: November 28, 2019 at 12:40 am
A simple example of an at home workout could look like this;
Monday- 10 sit ups, 5 push-ups, 20 squats, 15 lunges, 35 jumping jacks, 15 second plan, 25 crunches, 25-second wall sit, 10 butt kicks.
Wednesday- 20 sit ups, 10 push-ups, 10 squats, 25 lunges, 10 jumping jacks, 30-second plank, 25 crunches, 45-second wall sit, 20 butt kicks.
Friday- 20 sit ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats, 25 lunges, 50 jumping jacks, 40-second plank, 30 crunches, 35-second wall sit, 25 butt kicks.
Intermittent fasting is another effective and proven tool for dropping fat and losing weight quick.
There are many different methods, such as a 16-hour fast with an 8-hour feeding window, or a 20-hour fast with a 4-hour feeding window.
Fasting forces the body to reduce its calorie intake as its limiting the time of when someone should be eating.
If you're combining fasting with exercise, it may be wise to do the fasting at a different time than your workout.
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Weight loss: Lose 10 pounds in one week with this simple at home fitness workout - Express
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5 seemingly unhealthy foods that are actually good for you – NBC News
Posted: November 27, 2019 at 12:45 am
According to a recent survey, 80 percent of respondents say theyve seen conflicting information about foods to eat and those to avoid. Its no wonder people are so confused about food. The same survey found that people often put their trust in familiar, but less credible sources for example, friends, family, and food and fitness bloggers. Yet according to a small study by University of Glasgow researchers, the majority of nutrition and weight loss info shared by top influencers up to 90 percent of it is opinion-based thats presented as science-based. Here are some of the top foods that are commonly misrepresented and the actual facts about their healthfulness.
Though its been hotly contested over the years, setting aside French fries and potato chips, Americas favorite starchy veggie is actually healthy. Carbs remain misunderstood because people often group doughy, refined carbs, like bagels, white bread and desserts, with other carb-containing whole foods. But these types of foods are in totally different camps and your body responds differently to whole foods than it does to heavily processed ones.
While its certainly true that potatoes contain carbohydrates, they also contain a range of wholesome nutrients. A small baked potato supplies 3 grams of fiber and 8 percent of the iron, 10 percent of the magnesium, 12 percent of the vitamin C, and 17 percent of the potassium you need in a day. These are just a few highlights, but potatoes also provide a slew of additional vitamins and minerals.
Potatoes also contain resistant starch a type of prebiotic fiber that supports a healthy gut environment by providing the fuel for beneficial gut bacteria. Cooking and then cooling potatoes (think: potato salad) enhances the resistant starch, but its still present in baked potatoes.
Potatoes come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors, and while each varietal is undoubtedly healthy, potatoes are only as good for you as how theyre cooked and served. For example, a baked potato loaded with butter, heaps of cheese, and bacon bits isnt the same as one stuffed with broccoli, extra virgin olive oil, and a sprinkle of Parmesan. Potatoes are essentially a blank canvas so play them up with extra virgin olive oil, herbs and other healthful seasonings and toppings. And explore the different types of tubers, too. From French fingerling to red bliss to Yukon golds, to the smallest varietal, creamer potatoes, there are endless healthy ways to enjoy them.
In addition to the backlash against carbs, potatoes are often maligned because theyre so easy to overeat. To help keep your portions in line with your needs, balance out your plate with other foods a heaping helping of non-starchy veggies and enough protein to satisfy your appetite.
Breakfast cereal often finds itself in the crossfire between added sugar and refined grains, but it deserves another look. Its true that many breakfast cereals are loaded with one or both of these things, but its easy to find varieties made with little, if any, added sugar and that provide whole grains as the predominant or only grains. In addition to being a convenient option a key consideration for most weekday mornings cereal is often fortified with nutrients, like iron and B vitamins, that our diets commonly lack. That means choosing cereal for breakfast can help you meet your daily nutrient targets. Add cereal to milk or yogurt and the nutrient content goes up considerably.
An ideal breakfast cereal is 100 percent whole grain and provides at least 3 grams of fiber (more is better) with fewer than 6 grams of added sugar (less than that or no added sugar is best). To become a smarter cereal shopper, scan the serving size along with the ingredient list and these attributes. You may be surprised to see serving sizes as small as cup and no larger than 1 cup. If youre like most people I know, this amount of food might not make a dent in your hunger so rather than double or triple up on the serving size, round out your cereal in a more nutritious way. Boost the protein content by serving it over Greek yogurt instead of with milk, or have a little Greek yogurt on the side. Toss in some fiber-rich fruit, like berries, chopped apple or pear or some juicy pomegranate seeds, and dont forget to add in some healthful fat, like chopped peanuts, pecans, walnuts or almonds, or pumpkin, chia or ground flax seeds. Score triple bonus points if you add some grated zucchini, carrots or another veggie to your breakfast cereal! (Hey, veggies are often added to overnight oats, so why not try them in other cereals?)
If you or your kids are eating something frosted, coated, fruity or chocolate- or cinnamon-dusted in the morning, chances are, its closer to dessert than breakfast and you may want to healthy up this habit. For starters, mix your usual choice with a less sweetened whole grain cereal until your taste buds adapt. Continue to reduce your ratio of sweetened to unsweetened or lightly sweetened cereal until youre eating mostly or only the less sweetened choice.
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Or just call it what it is: Dessert. Theres room in your life for a little sugar (up to six teaspoons a day for women and nine for men) and if you love sugary cereal, enjoy it as a snack or dessert. As such, its a lot healthier than many other super sugary things you could be eating every day. You can make it an even more nutritious treat by adding in some nuts or seeds, which will also make your dessert more filling.
There are plenty of people who cant tolerate gluten or the high FODMAP fructans (poorly absorbed carbohydrates that can trigger gas, bloating and other GI distress) in whole wheat. But there are plenty of people who can and theres evidence that for those who are able to handle it, whole wheat can be beneficial.
One large study looked at the impact of swapping white rice for whole grain bread on type 2 diabetes risk. In truth, neither of these two foods was associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, but replacing a serving of white rice for the whole grain bread seemed to lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 18 percent over the 11 year study period.
Another study came to a similar conclusion that consuming whole wheat products was linked to a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Whole wheat foods have also been shown to improve markers of gut health when compared to refined grains. And including whole wheat foods may even prevent an early death from, say, cancer or heart disease.
Ive heard claims from people who give up wheat and tell me theyve lost weight or experienced another benefit, like better energy levels, and while Im not discounting their experience, there may be another factor at play. Giving up wheat means passing on the bread basket at restaurants and the cupcakes at school events. It also means eliminating most sandwiches, pizza, pasta and other foods that are often oversized or overeaten. If youre reducing these foods and replacing them with whole foods either gluten-free whole grains, like quinoa, or grain-free whole foods, like veggies, nuts, beans or poultry its not surprising that youd lose weight or feel better. However, thats probably because of the less healthy foods youre no longer eating and the healthier ones youre eating instead versus the mere fact that you arent eating wheat.
If whole wheat doesnt trouble you and you enjoy whole wheat breads, cereals, crackers and pasta (and even the occasional white versions), science and professional experience tells me that you can still enjoy these foods. The fine print: A serving size of these foods is often smaller than you think and its common to overeat whole wheat foods at the expense of your veggies. Try reversing the ratio of veggies to grains, which is more on par with what most people need. That means if youre having a sandwich, have it on a whole wheat English muffin or two normal (not giant) slices of whole wheat bread and eat it with a generous side of veggies, like carrot, celery and red pepper sticks.
Thanks to headlines, like Why you should never eat bananas for breakfast, people are perplexed about fruit. Bananas are higher in sugar than, say, berries, but that doesnt make them an unhealthy choice. Your body handles natural sugar from bananas and any other fruit (including tropical fruits, like mangos and watermelon) differently than it handles sugar thats been added by a manufacturer so this type of sugar doesnt raise the same red flags.
Naturally sweet bananas are a good source of potassium, fiber and vitamin C, and they also bring other nutrients, like certain B vitamins, to their perfectly portable package. Bananas have other perks, too: You can eat them with one hand so theyre ideal for on-the-go occasions, and you can find them at just about every convenience and coffee shop, which is handy when youre unprepared for hunger pangs.
The fiber in bananas makes them filling and the natural sugar means they can do double duty in recipes. Bananas can be used to sweeten and moisten baked goods in a healthier way, they can fill in for creamy goodies, like ice cream and puddings, and they can be whisked with eggs to create a decadent stack of pancakes. The fact that bananas check the healthy and delicious boxes make them A-OK in my book.
A major trend in marketing and manufacturing is the free from claim, which highlights when a food is free from certain ingredients, like dairy or soy. Though originally driven by the demand for products that were free from highly allergenic ingredients (which includes soy), according to the marketing research firm, Euromonitor, its now driven by health-conscious consumers who think these are more nutritious options. As a result of this belief, soy foods are taking a hit, with soy milk in particular seeing steep declines in sales.
But lets be clear on food marketing. Claims, like soy free, arent necessarily the best indicator of health and as with other whole foods, theres a huge difference between whole or minimally processed forms of soy, which include edamame, tofu and soy milk, compared to heavily processed forms, such as the soy protein concentrate used in the Impossible Burger. The former whole and minimally processed forms of soy are plant-based proteins that provide all the essential amino acids found in animal-based proteins (which is unique for a plant source) along with fiber and some key minerals, like potassium and magnesium. Whole and minimally processed forms of soy food also provide environmental benefits if youre swapping them for animal proteins so theyre good for you and for future generations.
As for the highly processed forms of soy foods like those found in fake meat products, soy-based protein shakes, and some high protein bars questions remain. That means we just cant say what the long-term impact might be, neutral or otherwise. This doesnt mean you need to avoid these foods altogether, but Id suggest modest intake. Seeing highly processed soy in the ingredient list is usually a sign of other highly processed or not-so-healthy ingredients, like excessive salt, or artificial sweeteners, so theres more than one reason to eat these foods sparingly.
While most people can safely include and benefit from whole and minimally processed forms of soy in their diet, soy is a top allergen and many soy foods contain those undigestible carbs (those FODMAPs again) that can trigger GI distress. So while soy foods can be really healthy, some people still need to avoid them.
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5 seemingly unhealthy foods that are actually good for you - NBC News
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Adult Leukemia: What You Need to Know – Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Posted: November 27, 2019 at 12:45 am
Medically reviewed by Richard M. Stone, MD
More than 60,000 new cases ofadult leukemiaare diagnosed in the U.S. each year. Although it is one of the more common childhood cancers,leukemia occurs more often in older adults.
Leukemia is a cancer of the bodys blood-forming tissues that results in large numbers of abnormal or immature white blood cells. The main types of leukemia are:
AML causes the bone marrow to produce immature white blood cells (called myeloblasts). As a result, patients may have a very high or lowwhite blood cellcount, and lowred blood cellsandplatelets.
CLL is the second most common type of leukemia in adults. It is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes too many maturelymphocytes(a type of white blood cell).
ALL is a type of leukemia in which the bone marrow makes too many immaturelymphocytes. Similar to AML, the white blood cells can be high or low and oftentimes the platelets and red blood cells are low. This form of leukemia is more common in children than adults.
CML is usually a slowly progressing disease in which too many mature white blood cells are made in the bone marrow.
People with leukemia may experience:
Because these symptoms can be caused by a variety of other conditions, its important to check with your doctor if they arise.
While studies have shown men to be more atrisk than women, some other risk factors include:
While test procedures vary based on the type of leukemia, the two most common procedures are thecomplete blood count(CBC) test and the bone marrow aspiration biopsy.
CBC is a procedure used to check the redblood cell and platelet counts as well as the number and type of white bloodcells (the red cells carry oxygen, the white cells fight and prevent infection,and platelets control bleeding). A bone marrow aspiration biopsy involvesremoving a sample of bone marrow, including a small piece of bone by insertinga needle into the hipbone. The sample is then examined for abnormal cells.
Treatment for leukemia varies depending on the type and specific diagnosis.
The treatment for acute leukemias may be lengthy up to two years in ALL and is usually done in phases. The first phase, known as remission induction therapy, involves administering several chemotherapy drugs over a several-week period. The goal is to destroy as many cancer cells as possible to achieve a remission (in which cancer cells are undetectable, but small amounts are still present).
The second phase, known aspost-remission or consolidation therapy, seeks to kill leukemia cells thatremain after remission induction therapy. This phase may involve chemotherapyand/or a stem cell transplant.
Additional treatments may also be necessary. ALL patients, for example, may receive special treatment to prevent the disease from recurring in the spinal cord or brain.
The treatment for CML has been revolutionized by the advent of the oral medication imatinib and the second- and third-generation drugs known as tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). These are oral medications that work to inhibit the function of theBCR-ABLprotein. Many patients take these medications for the rest of their lives. In rare instances, a patient may require a stem cell transplant.
Some patients with CLL are recommended formonitoring and observation. Others,usually those with symptoms or low red cell or platelet counts, requiretreatment. Such treatment may involve intravenous chemotherapy, but often withoral therapy with pills that inhibit the function of a key protein, Brutonstyrosine kinase.
Treatments for leukemia can include:
Drugs that harness the immune system in fighting leukemia have shown considerable promise. Some monoclonal antibodies synthetic versions of immune system proteins are already in use to treat certain forms of leukemia and others are being studies in clinical trials.
Another form of immunotherapy, immune checkpoint inhibitors, which release a pent-up immune system attack on tumor cells, is being tested in several forms of leukemia. Cancer vaccines, which boost the immune systems ability to fight cancer, are being studied for use in leukemia.
CAR T-cell therapy, which uses modified immune system T cells to better target and kill tumor cells, has achieved impressive results in trials involving children and adults up to age 25 with relapsed ALL.
Research into new treatments for adult leukemia is moving along several tracks in addition to immunotherapy.
By tracking the specific abnormal genes within leukemia cells, physicians are increasingly able to tailor treatment to the unique characteristics of the disease in each patient. Targeted drugs such as imatinib and dasatinib, for example, are now used in treating patients with ALL whose leukemia cells have an abnormality known as the Philadelphia chromosome. Targeted agents including IDH or FLT3 inhibitors, which zero in on proteins made from mutated genes, have been approved to treat some patients with AML, while other such inhibitors are being tested in clinical trials.
New tests make it possible to detect ever smaller amounts of leukemia that remain after treatment. Investigators are exploring how these minute levels may influence a patients prognosis and how they might impact treatment.
Researchers are testing whether treatment periods for certain drugs can be safely reduced in some patients. For instance, studies are under way to determine if drugs such as imatinib, which are currently taken for life, can be safely stopped in some patients with CML. Researchers hope to test whether treating patients with CLL with the drug ibrutinib plus other medicine for a fixed amount of time is safe and effective.
Patients may consider treatment through a clinical trial.Dana-Farber currently has more than 30 clinical trials for adult leukemia. A national list of clinical trials is available
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Adult Leukemia: What You Need to Know - Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
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Grading the Ducks through 25 – The Fourth Period
Posted: November 27, 2019 at 12:45 am
ANAHEIM, CA -- The small sample talk is over. The Anaheim Ducks are just over a quarter of the way through their grind of an 82-game schedule, so its time to take stock of this roster.
Key injuries have shuffled the deck chairs, placing certain players in less than ideal roles. Young players, like Troy Terry and Sam Steel, are finding out what life in the NHL is like, while veterans like Ryan Getzlaf are showing its never too late to reinvent your game.
Lets take a look:
Silfverberg has been consistently excellent for Anaheim this season. Head coach Dallas Eakins has used him in all situations, and hes dominated at five-on-five. To boot, he leads the team in scoring with 18 points in 22 games. Once upon a time, Silfverberg was thought to be more of a checking forward, but hes become just as effective offensively. Head and shoulders Anaheims best player so far.
Like Silfverberg, the 29-year-old has done quite a bit to change some preconceived notions of him. Viewed as a second-line center throughout his career, Henrique has been a legitimate first-line pivot for the Ducks, so far. Eakins rolls him out against the other teams best, to great results. He leads all Ducks skaters in on-ice shot share at five-on-five, as Anaheim controls 54.71 percent of the shot-attempts with him on the ice. Hes cooled off after a hot start, but 14 points in 24 games is very respectable.
Known for his goal-scoring as a two-time 30-goal scorer, Rakell can safely add complete player to his resume with the start hes had. With the 26-year-old on the ice, Anaheim has dominated its competition, controlling 53.92 of the high-danger scoring chances. Rakell has been heating up lately, now up to 8 goals in 24 games. After a slower start, hes showing that last seasons downturn was nothing more than a blip on the radar.
Getzlafs grade might feel a touch low here. From a production perspective, he has been beyond reproach with 17 points in 24 games. Perhaps more impressive is the fact that he has already lit the lamp eight times after potting 14 all of last season. Thats largely thanks to a renewed focus on shooting the puck, as he trails only Rakell among Ducks skaters in that category with 60 shots.
Getzlafs overall impact is where he gets docked, but only slightly. His linemates have been all over the spectrum, including Troy Terry, Nick Ritchie and Max Comtois. The most recent stretch of games next to Comtois really hurt Getzlaf-s five-on-five results. Eakins has since reunited him with Rakell, so there should be a jump in that category. Overall, Anaheim cant ask for much more from the future Hall of Famer as he approaches age 35.
Lets just get this out of the way now: Ritchie still takes too many penalties, leading all Anaheim skaters in minor penalties per 60 minutes at five-on-five. However, Ritchie also leads all Ducks in the following: unblocked shot attempts per 60, scoring chances per 60, and high-danger scoring chances per 60. Thats pretty damn good. Anaheim consistently controls play with Ritchie on the ice, and nine points in 24 games is respectable for a guy whos not expected to furnish offense. If he ever truly dials back the penalties, his grade could get even higher.
Kase is still doing Kase things, namely: firing an endless stream of pucks on net, controlling five-on-five play, and getting to the dirty areas of the ice. His process is nearly beyond reproach, save for maybe a slight dip in his defensive game. The offensive output just hasnt been there at all though, as hes scored only twice in the 18 games hes suited up for. Absolutely snake-bitten with a minuscule 4.4 shooting percentage, his goal total is bound to spike up in the near future, leading in nearly every shot rate category among Ducks forwards. Better days are on the horizon for the former seventh-round pick.
The former 2016 first-round pick has been heating up lately, with three goals in his last five games. Offensive production has been hard to come by overall though, with only five points in 20 games. Hes near the top in almost every shooting category among all Ducks forwards, indicating that his production should continue to climb.
Grant has become a fan favorite thanks to a combination of timely scoring, solid penalty killing, and an affable toothless smile. The 29-year-old journeyman has earned his coachs trust in large part due to his proficiency in the faceoff circle. This holds particularly true when the Ducks are down a man, where Grant has won a whopping 65.12 percent of his draws. Five-on-five play has been a much different story, where Anaheim has gotten totally dominated. With nine points so far and solid contributions in at least one key facet of the game, its impossible to grade Grant any lower than this.
Terry looks much improved since last season. He appears more confident with the puck, attempting difficult moves as he dashes up ice. Jordan Samuels-Thomas of The Athletic did a great job outlining these advances here. The issue: he just doesnt shoot the puck enough, ranking tenth among Anaheims 15 forwards in shots per 60 at five-on-five. To be fair, he may end up developing into more of a pass-first winger. Theres also the issue that Anaheim has been consistently out-chanced with him on the ice. Terrys overall improvement has been encouraging though, which is all that the Ducks were surely hoping for.
Steel has exclusively been Anaheims third line center this season, to mixed results. The Ducks have been out-chanced 103 to 88 at five-on-five with Steel on the ice, although they do hold a slight edge in terms of high-danger chances. Learning the ins and outs of the center position can be a lengthy process for a 21-year-old, and Steel still has plenty of time to learn. His skating stride appears to have improved, and hes had good moments on the powerplay as well. Nine points in 20 games isnt too bad, either.
Rowney has formed some nice chemistry next to Grant on the penalty kill, where they have managed to be effective thanks to a more aggressive approach, looking for offensive opportunities instead of just merely dumping the puck out. Unlike Grant, the offensive production hasnt been there, and the Ducks continue to be out-played at five-on-five with him on the ice.
Shore has struggled to find a consistent spot in the lineup. Sure, theres an element of musical chairs at play here, but Shore hasnt provided much in terms of offensive production with only three assists, and doesnt seem to have much of a play-driving impact. Hes had flashes, but it hasnt been enough to secure a full-time role.
Comtois has seen the other side of what NHL life can be like this season. After a magical goal-scoring start to the 2018-19 campaign where he scored his first NHL goal on his first NHL shot and had seven points in ten games, the former second-round pick has only found the back of the net twice in 13 games. Offensive woes arent the reason hes now back in the AHL though; its that his two-way game was simply too far behind the curve. Eakins gave him plenty of opportunity, slotting in next to Getzlaf, but could only stomach the poor results for so long. Comtois still has plenty of potential, but hell need further grooming with the San Diego Gulls before being a true contributor at the highest level. At age 20, thats perfectly normal.
Deslauriers certainly seems to be well-liked by his teammates. After all, not just anyone can readily accept bare-knuckle brawling as part of their job. In that respect, the veteran has delivered with some spirited scraps. Outside of that, there really hasnt been much to write home about. Anaheim has been brutally out-shot with him on the ice, which is a problem considering Eakins wants to roll four lines.
Like this entire Anaheim team, Fowlers season can be neatly divided into two halves: before and after Josh Mansons injury. Before Manson went down, Fowler was dominating at five-on-five on a second pairing with Brendan Guhle. Since that time, the 27-year-old has been besieged by sup-par linemates and a much heavier workload. Guhle missed chunks of time as well, leaving Fowler to skate alongside the likes of Michael Del Zotto, Jacob Larsson and the rookie Josh Mahura, all of whom are better suited for depth roles. Still, Fowler has found ways to make an offensive impact, posting 11 points in 24 games. Once Anaheims blueline gets healthy, Fowlers overall results should experience a significant boost.
Lindholms season was below his own standards even before Manson got injured. Tasked with heavy minutes, Anaheims go-to top pairing just wasnt controlling the pace of play like it had in the past. The 25-year-old has struggled with his own injury issues, cementing the Ducks defensive struggles. Even so, Lindholm is a critical piece for this team and his mere presence on the first pairing improves everyone around him. Surely not the start he hoped for, but a return to full health for both he and Manson should cure most, if not all, of what currently ails Anaheim.
Not the highest-profile of the Ducks youngsters, theres a very good argument to be made that Mahura has been the best out of all them. With four points in only seven games, Mahura has been one of the few Anaheim defensemen to manage positive on-ice shot differentials. His puck-moving smarts stand out among this current group, and his quick shot from the point on the power play also gives that unit a more dangerous look. Granted, Eakins doesnt ask him to take on tough defensive assignments either, which makes sense for such a young player. So far, so good for the 21-year-old.
Manson was off to an uncharacteristically difficult start before sustaining a knee injury that has him on the shelf for the foreseeable future. The front of the Anaheim net was no longer a danger zone for opposing forwards, as they seemed to be able to get there with more regularity. Even so, Eakins was asking the 28-year-old to check the other teams best, which had a distinctly positive effect on the teams overall results. Needless to say, but the Ducks miss him dearly.
Guhle thrived next to Fowler pre-Manson injury, where the two were flying up-and-down the ice. The 21-year-old seemed to have found his timing, supporting the offensive rush at times and holding back in others. Injury troubles cut that start short, and subsequent struggles led to a brief stint in the American Hockey League. Guhle hasnt really been the same since, still looking to find that initial spark.
Del Zotto has been asked to do it all by the coaching staff. Hes played heavy minutes at five-on-five, on the powerplay and on the penalty kill. A depth defenseman in recent years, Del Zotto has shown that he would really stand to benefit from the return of Manson and Lindholm, where he could be slotted into a proper role. His mobility and puck-moving arent necessarily the issues, its his defensive lapses that have simply been all too frequent.
Gudbranson was acquired via trade from Pittsburgh in the wake of the Manson injury. According to Ducks General Manager, the former third-overall pick in the 2010 draft would help Anaheim become tougher to play against. Well, the opposite has happened. The Ducks have been out-chanced 117 to 98 with him on the ice, and 49 to 42 from high-danger areas. Hes had some noticeable gaffes in late-game situations, including in the most recent loss to Florida. His puck moving actually has been much better than expected, but his in-zone play continues to leave wanting.
No one expects Holzer and Larsson -- third pairing guys throughout their respective careers -- in heightened roles. Their performances have been so lackluster though that its impossible to grade them any higher. Anaheim has been consistently out-played all season long with either of the two on the ice, giving up 85 scoring chances in the process. Larsson will be 23 this season, and although theres still time for him to develop, one has to wonder where his career is headed. The 31-year-old Holzer is a pending unrestricted free agent, and the argument to re-sign him isnt the strongest at this point.
Gibson has been asked to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. At times, hes looked capable of not only carrying that weight, but lifting it high over his head. A glistening 37-save performance against St. Louis last Saturday comes to mind in that regard. On other nights, such as against the Panthers on Thursday night, hes shown some signs that he can only carry that weight so far as the teams defensive structure crumbles around him. Anaheim might want to consider cutting down his minutes to prevent a breakdown like last season, especially with how backup Ryan Miller has performed.
The 39-year-old might just play forever, at this point.The Ducks have done a good job of maximizing his performance by being strategic about his work-load. Miller is extremely economical in his movements, but still has the reflexes to make difficult saves when he needs to. As previously mentioned, it wouldnt hurt to mix in a few more starts for him moving forward in order to preserve Gibson. A recent poor outing against Tampa Bay hurt his numbers badly, but hes been solid overall.
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Students to experience virtual reality car crash as part of new road safety campaign –
Posted: November 27, 2019 at 12:45 am
A new Virtual Reality (VR) technology campaign has been launched in schools across Dublin as part of an attempt to increase road safety awareness among future drivers.
Aviva launched the campaign at Trinity Comprehensive School in Ballymun on Tuesday morning, in the presence of Dublin's Lord MayorPaul McAuliffe.
Leo Lieghio, a member of the Irish Road Victims Association, was also present at the launch to speak about the loss of his 16-year-old daughter, Marsia, who died after a hit-and-run incident in 2005.
Transition Year students from the school were given VR headsets and were placed in the passenger seat of a car that crashes into a farm truck as a result of dangerous driving.
The video appears to show one of the people who is in the backseat dying, as they go through the front window as a result of not wearing a safety belt.
In a very realistic video, you feel as though you are in a car with other young people going along a country road, while the driver is showing his phone to the passengers in the back, and not paying full attention to the road.
You then lose all visibility. The lights come back on, and the paramedics have arrived to try and salvage the situation, while others in the car are left bleeding and crying.
Speaking to JOE about the launch of the campaign at the event,Lord MayorPaul McAuliffe said that he believes the use of technology could prove to be extremely beneficial in ensuring that young people are aware of the dangers of driving recklessly.
"I think it's a great opportunity to use technology to demonstrate to young adults the impact of poor driver behaviour. It was really shocking for me to learn that one in three people don't wear seatbelts. I think that's an amazing statistic given how far we've come in terms of road safety.
"If we can reinforce that message, if we can say to them when they're in the car with their friends it's okay to say 'Look, you're not driving safely, let me out', to make them brave enough to say you should be driving safely.
"We're using the technology and the partnership with Aviva to do that. Dublin City Council has taken a role in road safety here and I really commend the officials who've done that."
McAuliffe described Leo Lieghio's speechat the launch as "the most powerful contribution today," adding: "I think that will probably make more of an impact than the VR, but it's about using all the tools in your toolbox."
Lieghio himself also praised the VR initiative, saying: "My beautiful daughter Marsia was the same age as many of these Transition Year students when she died, and unlike them, she never got the chance to sit her Leaving Certificate, go to her debs or study to be a midwife as she always dreamed of.
"I hope that Marsia's story, along with this new VR technology and driver safety programme, helps students understand the weight of responsibility we have as drivers and the importance of honouring the safety of ourselves and others."
You can see the Virtual Reality clip that was shown to the students here, although it is somewhat different without the headset on, and certain viewers may find it distressing:
Clip viaSafer Young Drivers
Representatives from Dublin City Council and other County Councils will be visiting schools in Dublin and around the country with members of An Garda Siochana over the coming months.
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Juicing may get you started on fruits and veggies and help you lose weight too – TheHealthSite
Posted: November 27, 2019 at 12:45 am
We have all heard the term juicing. It means following a juice-only diet for a given number of days. Many people resort to it as a quick fix to an unhealthy lifestyle. Some say it is a great weight loss technique. But what exactly does it mean? It basically means that you squeeze the liquid out of veggies and fruits. This process gets rid of the fibre, which is left behind as waste pulp in your juicer.
Juicing has its own benefits. It is good for quick weight loss. When you go on a juice-only diet, you severely cut down on your calorie intake. This helps you get rid of some extra kilos. But experts say that the lost weight is usually water weight and not fat. So, if you need to lose weight quickly for some special occasion, you can definitely go juicing. But health professionals do not recommend it for long-term weight loss. Juicing can also help you detox. Fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants. This helps in fighting free radicals.
But it has its own demerits too. It is definitely good an instant makeover. But if you go juicing for a longer time, say more than 2 to 3 days, you risk gaining back all the weight that you lost once you go back to your normal diet. It may also give you a sense of deprivation and make you overeat later. Moreover, you are depriving yourself of essential fibre, which keeps your digestive system healthy. This can adversely affect your gut microbiome. Juicing also means that your diet is not balanced, and you are missing out on the macronutrients and micronutrients, which your body needs. It may also lead to loss of muscle mass because you are not consuming any protein and slow down your metabolism.
As with all things, juicing comes with its own set of risks and benefits. If you dont usually eat a lot of fruits and vegetable, this can get you started. But it also means that you are depriving yourself of essential nutrients that come from a well-balanced meal.
Juicing in moderation is the key here. Dont overdo it. Stick to it for a couple of days and then go back to your regular diet. You can repeat every couple of months. This will ensure that you get the benefits without suffering from the adverse effects.
As we said earlier, juicing can help you lose weight very fast. Let us take a look at a few fat burning juices.
This is low in calories and packed with fibre. It keeps away the hunger pangs and increases the secretion of bile. This helps in burning away the unwanted fat.
Cucumber has a high water content and is very low in calorie. Its juice can keep you full for a longer time. You can also have it between meals without worrying about any weight gain.
This boosts metabolism and keeps your digestive system healthy. It also makes you more energetic. If you need to lose weight fast, add this to your diet.
This can effectively burn belly fat. It contains the enzyme bromelain. This metabolises protein and burns away ugly stomach fat. It also suppresses hunger.
This is free of fat and cholesterol and packed with nutrients. It also contains soluble and insoluble dietary fibre that ensure smooth bowel movement. All this aids in weight loss.
Published : November 27, 2019 10:20 am
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Gabourey Sidibe Weight Loss: Surgery and Book – Daily Hawker
Posted: November 27, 2019 at 12:44 am
In the memoir This Is Just My Face: Try Not To Stare (Harper Avenue), the details of Gabourey Sidibe weight loss surgery has been detailed and she even goes far back to her childhood to explore her longtime struggle with the scale.
She describes extreme measures employed in an effort to shed pounds, from fad diets to bulimia, and is also candid in talking about her mental health, dealing with depression and panic attacks. Gabourey Sidibe said she didnt truly recognize her capabilities and worth as a writer prior to her memoir even though she had embraced the craft since childhood.
In this article we discuss: Gabourey Sidibe weight loss history, what she used as her strategy, the Gabourey Sidibe weight loss diet and workout, and some General Trivia about the actress.
Gabourey Sidibe struggled with her weight from a very young age. She once told the Hollywood:
Its something Ive had to work at. My first diet started when I was six years old, Gabby said. Ive never been a small girl. One day I had to sit down with myself and decide that I loved myself no matter what my body looked like and what other people thought about my body.
While many celebrities wont admit to undergoing any type of cosmetic or elective weight loss surgery, Gabourey admitted in a 2017 People magazine interview to having laparoscopic bariatric surgery (also known as lap band) in 2016 after several attempts to lose weight naturally without surgery failed.
In the US, although there is an equal number of obese men and women, it is women who most likely opt for bariatric surgery than men. Doctors would most likely advocate for lifestyle changes, diet, and workout. Only those people whose BMI exceeds 35 can qualify for bariatric surgery, those with type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea, which in Gaboureys case, she and her older brother got diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. As she claims, she did not lose weight for the looks but for health. She did not say however how much she weighed before the surgery but she sure dropped a lot of pounds.
Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery. There are three types of bariatric surgery and all are aimed to losing weight faster. There is gastric sleeve surgery also known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy, where most of the stomach is removed and left with only a small banana shaped part. This makes the person feel full so fast when eating since the stomach has been reduced. This is very permanent. Another one is called gastric bypass, also known as, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass where the surgeon creates a shorter and smaller passage with the stomach and the intestines. Lastly, there is laparoscopic adjustable gastric band which is the one that Sidibe had done for herself. This is more gradual than the other types of bariatric surgery since the doctor puts a band around the top of the stomach which reduces the food intake. This gets adjusted regularly depending on your progress. In cases where this does not work, then the band is removed, and another method may be tried this time.
In 2017 Gabourey Sidibe pointed out in her memoir, This Is Just My Face: Try Not to Stare that she didnt want to face the same fate as her brother, who now has Type 2 Diabetes. So when she lost and gained back 60 pounds, surgery was an easy option.
My surgeon said they would cut my stomach in half,
This would limit my hunger and capacity to eat, (thus) my brain chemistry would change and Id want to eat healthier.
Ill take it! (And) my lifelong relationship with food had to change. The surgery wasnt the easy way out. I wasnt cheating by getting it done, (because) I wouldnt have been able to lose as much weight as Ive lost without the surgery.
I just didnt want to worry, Gabby Sidibe said. I truly didnt want to worry about all the effects that go along with diabetes. I genuinely [would] worry all the time about losing my toes.
Gabby Sidibe has stepped out and shown out in her latest outfit, and fans are applauding her looks and ever-slimming-down frame.
The Empire actress wore a yellow and red African print dress to attend the birthday party of her pal and co-star Nicole Ari Parker.
Sidibe has dropped the extra pounds in the three years since she underwent laparoscopic bariatric surgery. The actress, who shot to fame after starring in the 2009 drama Precious, opened up about why she chose to go under the knife in her memoir This Is Just My Face: Try Not to Stare.
Gabourey has more than proven herself in her acting career. She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress for Precious, after all! But still, she realized her size was holding her back when she overheard a Hollywood executive say that she was too big to be on a magazine cover.
Gabourey works out and eats healthy. But shes not sharing the number on the scale. After all 150 lbs looks entirely different on each person. She said: My starting weight and my goal weight, theyre personal.
In an episode of Robin Roberts podcast Everybodys Got Something, Gabourey said she doesnt need to be congratulated for her weight loss.You dont need to congratulate me on it. You dont congratulate me every time I blow my nose. I needed to. Its my body. Mind your own body. She wants to be recognized for her talent, not her body.
It is a misconception that Sidibe entirely relied on the surgery in order for her to lose weight. The truth is, she actually worked with nutritionists as well to help her eat healthier and aid her in losing weight. She does not share much on social media or any type of media at all but one of the things she mentioned to be among her tricks is what she called meatless Mondays. She shared on her instagram how she is going for meatless meals on Mondays, and how a friend helped her with recipes since she does not cook much herself.
Can meat make you fat? It is a little odd how Sidibe removes meat from her meals when many of the crossfit people that we hear, say that they remove rice and bread, and sweets from their life and hold on to meat and vegetables instead. So why did Sidibe had to let go of meat as well? Well, she did not entirely eradicate meat from her diet. As she said, she does not eat meat on Mondays only. It is possible that she cannot abandon unhealthy kind of meat in other days such as those with a lot of fats, or the types that need sugary sauces, or are oily, so she has to choose one day when she is not eating any of the possible fattening meats.
If you go meatless Mondays as well, how can you adapt? Well if you are not going to have any meat such as pork, beef, poultry, lamb, and not even fish, then the options left are vegetables or lentils. But what alternatives can you eat that day that would still get you full and satisfied as steak would?
Mushrooms: Mushrooms are definitely delish! Well you can have mushroom for your meals in order to have the almost meat taste or perhaps associate it with your other meaty meals with mushrooms as sides. You can recreate a lamb burger but without the lamb through stuffed mushrooms with pecans and portobello wellington.
Tofu: have you smelled tofu being fried or a mock meat tofu burger? It smells even so much better and too enticing than meat. Although it might not satisfy the tongue as much as it satisfied your nose. So in order to be able to down tofu, you can make crispy tofu nuggets, crab cakes, breaded fish fillet, Moroccan cutlets in lemon-olive sauce, tempeh meatballs, seitan steak in beurre blanc sauce, balsamic barbecue ribs, tacos sin carne, and chicken salad with cranberries and pistachios with the meat replaced with tofu, of course. Enjoy!
Eggplant: after you eat an eggplant sub, youll never underestimate how tasty eggplant is! It is not second to meat. It parallels it, not to mention how easy it is to cook. Often times you only need to fry it and there you have a totally scrumptious meal like the delicious Eggplant Parmesan! In the recipe you boil it first to soften it up, peel its skin, press it, add flavor to it, and then fry it. That is all, it is so easy and so delicious that you can even go meatless all week for it.
Beans and legumes: A perfect alternatives to skipping meat in your diet. Think black bean burgers or a chickpea tuna salad, bean nachos or a tamale-inspired bowl.
Sweet Potatoes: hello, ever tried sweet potato fries? This time you can roast them in an oven when youre at home, and for a real treat enjoy them fried in restaurants when you go out to eat!
Not only did she change her eating habits through working with a nutritionist, Gabourey also began working out with a personal trainer, swimming and riding a tricycle around the set of Empire, the publication reported.
Gabourey Sidibe surprised the industry when she flaunted her stunning body on Instagram. The star of the multiple award-winning movie, Precious (2009), weighed 300 pounds. And she lost about 150 pounds in 2018!
Gabourey Sidibe is the star of Precious (2009) and the star of tv show Empire.
She uploaded a picture of her with her grandma on social media acknowledging her Senegalise ancestry. Gabby was born in the Bedford-Stuyvesant community in Brooklyn, New York. Alice Tan Ridley, her mother is a former special education teacher who gave up her career and became a street performer/singer.
In the film Precious, Gabby Sidibe plays Claireece Precious Jones, a sexual abuse victim abused by her own father, weighs a 350 pounds.
In 2017, the actress from Empire did a celebrity weight loss transformation, with some estimates suggesting she lost as much as 174 pounds.
Gabourey Sidibe is a plus-sized actress.
American film and television actress Gabourey Sidibe is has a net worth of $6 million. Gabourey Sidibe was born in BedfordStuyvesant, Brooklyn, New York on May 6, 1983. She was raised in Harlem by her mother who is an aspiring singer and her father who drove a cab.
36 years (6 May 1983)
Not a true story, but Precious is based on a novel.
If you thought the gritty realism of the film Precious was intense then its even more in the novel Push, upon which the film is based. Author Sapphire even spoke about her inspiration for the work and the initial reluctance to allow her work to become a film.
Pregnant by her own father for the second time, 16-year-old Claireece Precious Jones (a role played by Gabourey Sidibe) can neither read nor write and suffers constant abuse at the hands of her vicious mother (MoNique). Precious instinctively embraced a chance to turn her life around when she got the offer to transfer to an alternative school. Under the patient guidance of her teacher, Ms. Rain (played by Paula Patton), Precious begins the journey from dominative oppression to self-determination.
The Gabourey Sidibe weight loss challenge is totally up for grabs! You can also be an exemplary beauty who swims against the tide, and rises up against odds!
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5 Great Herbs to Add to Your Weight Loss Shakes. – ThyBlackMan
Posted: November 27, 2019 at 12:44 am
You are here: Home / Health / 5 Great Herbs to Add to Your Weight Loss Shakes.Like
( Obesity is a rampantly growing disease that has encapsulated the lives of more than 2 billion people in this world. Every year, news headlines project a shocking story of somebody dying as a result of heart strokes and other medical conditions. The problem with obesity is it makes a person look unattractive and gives rise to multiple other health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, insomnia, heavy breathing, strong body odor, kidney failure, skin irritation etc.
This is why a lot of people are looking for ways through which they can curtail those extra kilos. Food and drinks play an important part in shaping up the human body. In this article, we will guide you through some incredible herbs that can be added to shakes for weight loss. Keep in mind, some of these herbs are controversial, but fans dont despise throwing them away. Continue reading to know about them:
This herb is imperative in todays time because it improves the metabolic rate of the body. People often drink this tea after dinner as it enhances the digestion process. If you work out every day and drink shakes, you can add rosemary to lose those extra pounds fast. Rosemary has an incredible taste and sweet smell. However, if you want to infuse it in a shake, you must put its leaves in boiling water for some time. After that, strain the leaves and let the mixture cool down. Store the mixture in a cool place and add it to your shake to lose weight.
This plant holds quite a negative reputation but is still loved by millions of people across the globe. You will be intrigued to know; weight loss is a proven side effect of kratom. More than 50 million people in the world consume kratom in different forms. Kratom is also used as a muscle supplement by bodybuilders because they claim it improves strength. Red Hulu Kapuas is a major kratom strain that is often used in kratom shake. However, too much intake is dangerous that is why you must consult a doctor to know the correct dosage.
Though it would be a bit weird to add black pepper to a shake, it easily gets dissolved in it. Black pepper is rich in piperine. This compound prevents the formation of fat cells in the body. People who incorporate black pepper in their diet plan every day are less likely to become overweight in the future. Black pepper also helps you in maintaining your weight. Black pepper tea and kava are also very helpful for those who are suffering from severe coughing.
The best part about this herb is it makes one feel fuller for a long time. You can add cinnamon to your oatmeal in the morning for a healthy breakfast. People often like to infuse it in yoghurt and eat it. Cinnamon has a unique taste that easily disappears once it is added to a mixture. So you can add it to your shake before going to the gym. People often think it makes one feel bloated, but thats nothing other than a myth.
This herb helps in controlling blood sugar levels and also curtails extra kilos. Ginger is an ancient herb that is infused in food and beverages. Ginger tea is very popular around the globe because it helps lose weight fast. It also manages the glucose levels after you eat a carb-rich diet. Ginger has amazing fat-burning properties like peppermint and turmeric. You can add it to your shake to remain healthy.
Staff Writer; George Jones
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Juice Cleanse: Is Juicing Healthy? Pros and Cons of a Juice Cleanse – Parade
Posted: November 27, 2019 at 12:44 am
Heres an idea: what if we all stopped eating for a few days, maybe a week, in the hopes of becoming healthier people?
That doesnt sound quite right, does it? It certainly doesnt sound like fun, either. Thats the basic idea behind juicing, however, and any cleanses that involve consuming only juice for a period of time or skipping meals and subbing in juice instead.
Whether it lasts a day, a week, or more, juice cleanses encourage taking a break from eating solid food and consuming only fruit and vegetables that have been sent through a juicer first. The motivation for partaking in this likely varies from person to person, including weight loss or getting more vitamins from what they drink. One juice provider suggests that a cleanse is a chance to give your body a break, while another promises it will reset your brain and your body.
The idea of a fresh start is certainly attractive, but is that something most bodies actually need? And, could there be adverse side effects that come with such a drastic lifestyle change? We turned to the experts who know best and got some insight into the health effects of going on a juice cleanse.
Related: Is Coconut Oil Really Healthy? Top RDs Offer Their Takes on This Health Craze
Getting enough fruits and vegetables each day isnt always easy. At the bare minimum, were supposed to be eating at least three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruits each day. For those who are struggling to meet that goal, drinking juice made from whole produce may seem like a good way to increase your serving count. While juice can provide some of the vitamins that come from fruit or veggies, it isnt a good substitute for eating the un-juiced version. This is because juicing actually robs them of something very importfiber.
When youre juicing, youre taking literally just the juice from any fruits and vegetables and youre losing out on all of that fiber, says registered dietitian Justine Hays MS, R.D., CDN. Its that fiber that can do all these wonderful things for your body.
Among the awesome things that fiber can do for your health, Hays points out that the fiber in vegetables and fruit can help keep you fuller for longer. It helps to regulate bowel movements and can even play a role in the prevention of disease. Fiber has also been shown to help reduce LDL cholesterol.
Diet right. If youre inspired to make some changes in the way you eat, make sure theyre not too drastic. Any diet that eliminates an entire food group may provide short-term results, but they wont be sustainable. Instead, commit to eating high-quality meals with nutrient-dense foods.
There is also the issue of sugar. Of course, fruit juice is full of natural sugar and it is 100% an OK part of a balanced diet. That being said, psychologist and registered dietitian, Ellen Albertson, PhD, RDN, NBC-HWC, points out that the sugar being consumed in fruit juice is pretty concentrated, with several pieces going into a single glass.
Youre getting a huge load of sugar, she says. Im not against having fruits, its natural sugar, its fine, but its a lot in a form that your body assimilates really rapidly.
Ultimately, is it better just to eat the fruit or vegetable instead of turning it into a liquid you can drink. If youre finding this difficult, set a small goal of adding an additional serving once a day and make it easy by chopping all your veggies in advance at the beginning of the week or stocking up on frozen options.
Related: Are Poke Bowls Really Healthy?
In addition to being inferior to whole fruits and vegetables, a juice cleanse could actually harm your metabolism. Specifically, when you are replacing meals with juice, it creates calorie deprivation that isnt healthy.
If youre not getting enough calories, your body doesnt know what youre thinking, I want to try to lose weight because I want to look good or even if I want to be healthy, explains Ellen. Your body just knows that theres a famine, so it slows down your metabolism.
As a result, youre likely to feel poorly and experience brain fog, she adds. You may also find you are obsessing about food because you are deprived. How distracting!
There are negative effects on your mental health that could result from a restrictive lifestyle like juicing. Taking fruit or vegetables and pulverizing them into a drink is a very utilitarian way of consuming sustenance and it robs you of much of the experience of eating. Eating is an experience and it is more than just calories in. As Hays points out, it is normal to find that food meets social, emotional, and mental needs in addition to the basic need for calorie intake to provide you with energy.
If youre not able to sit down and have a variety of textures and flavors and aromas, youre really going to miss out on that, she says. Thats kind of why people sometimes will finish up a juice cleanse or a fast and then, they really missed that, and thats why they may go ahead and raid the pantry or raid the fridge.
The post-juice-cleanse binge is the least of your worries. Ellen is both a psychologist and a dietitian and in her work, she regularly encounters individuals who developed eating disorders after engaging in repeated restriction or trying to find the one thing that would help them meet their weight loss goals.
It can really screw people up, she explains. Its going to contribute to some kind of disordered eating or even an eating disorder where people are restricting their calories severely.
So, should you or shouldnt you juice? When it comes down to it, there is nothing wrong with having juice if it meets a craving. Go for it! However, if youre using it as a meal replacement or in hopes of improving your health, youre likely going to create more problems than you solve. Extreme calorie restriction is never a good idea and could increase your risk of problematic eating behaviors in the future.
Learn more about orthorexia, the eating disorder that starts with a healthy food obsession.
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Juice Cleanse: Is Juicing Healthy? Pros and Cons of a Juice Cleanse - Parade
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Investors Who Bought CSC Holdings (SGX:C06) Shares Five Years Ago Are Now Down 59% – Simply Wall St
Posted: November 27, 2019 at 12:44 am
While it may not be enough for some shareholders, we think it is good to see the CSC Holdings Limited (SGX:C06) share price up 20% in a single quarter. But that cant change the reality that over the longer term (five years), the returns have been really quite dismal. In that time the share price has delivered a rude shock to holders, who find themselves down 59% after a long stretch. So were hesitant to put much weight behind the short term increase. However, in the best case scenario (far from fait accompli), this improved performance might be sustained.
View our latest analysis for CSC Holdings
Given that CSC Holdings didnt make a profit in the last twelve months, well focus on revenue growth to form a quick view of its business development. Shareholders of unprofitable companies usually expect strong revenue growth. As you can imagine, fast revenue growth, when maintained, often leads to fast profit growth.
In the last five years CSC Holdings saw its revenue shrink by 7.5% per year. While far from catastrophic that is not good. The share price decline of 16% compound, over five years, is understandable given the company is losing money, and revenue is moving in the wrong direction. The chance of imminent investor enthusiasm for this stock seems slimmer than Louise Brooks. Not that many investors like to invest in companies that are losing money and not growing revenue.
The image below shows how revenue has tracked over time.
If you are thinking of buying or selling CSC Holdings stock, you should check out this FREE detailed report on its balance sheet.
Weve already covered CSC Holdingss share price action, but we should also mention its total shareholder return (TSR). The TSR attempts to capture the value of dividends (as if they were reinvested) as well as any spin-offs or discounted capital raisings offered to shareholders. Dividends have been really beneficial for CSC Holdings shareholders, and that cash payout explains why its total shareholder loss of 56%, over the last 5 years, isnt as bad as the share price return.
Its good to see that CSC Holdings has rewarded shareholders with a total shareholder return of 14% in the last twelve months. Theres no doubt those recent returns are much better than the TSR loss of 15% per year over five years. We generally put more weight on the long term performance over the short term, but the recent improvement could hint at a (positive) inflection point within the business. If you would like to research CSC Holdings in more detail then you might want to take a look at whether insiders have been buying or selling shares in the company.
But note: CSC Holdings may not be the best stock to buy. So take a peek at this free list of interesting companies with past earnings growth (and further growth forecast).
Please note, the market returns quoted in this article reflect the market weighted average returns of stocks that currently trade on SG exchanges.
If you spot an error that warrants correction, please contact the editor at This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. Simply Wall St has no position in the stocks mentioned.
We aim to bring you long-term focused research analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Thank you for reading.
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Investors Who Bought CSC Holdings (SGX:C06) Shares Five Years Ago Are Now Down 59% - Simply Wall St
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