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13 Alarming Images Of Glaciers Melting (12 People Who Dont Care) – TheTravel
Posted: November 20, 2019 at 7:51 pm
Glaciers are made up of fallen snow that becomes compressed into large ice masses over many years according to the National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC). When this ice becomes extremely dense, it begins to force out tiny air pockets which give the ice a distinct vibrant blue colour. Most glaciers are located in polar regions, but they can be found worldwide and can vary in size. Some glaciers can be as small as a football field or can grow to be hundreds of kilometers long. They cover great expanses of the world and store about 75 percent of the worlds freshwater. During the last Ice Age, about 32 percent of the world was covered in ice, however, today only about 10 percent of land area on earth is covered with ice sheets, ice caps, and glaciers.
Glaciers have been here since the last Ice Age, however, they are sensitive to global temperature shifts causing glacial melt and loss. According to many scientists, since the early twentieth-century, glaciers around the world have been retreating or disappearing at alarming rates. Many attribute this to the Industrial Revolution which increased unprecedented releases of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases. This caused the Earths current warming at such a fast rate that it caused the glaciers to melt and sea levels to rise.
If this warming continues and if all land ice melts, our sea levels will rise approximately 70 meters or 230 feet globally. This rise will cause many island nations to be overwhelmed and low-lying coastal regions to flood entirely. The consequences of glacial melt are severe and without changes they are irreversible. However, many dont believe that anything is changing. Here are 13 Images Of Glaciers Melting And 12 People Who Dont Care.
As MNN stated, the glaciers were here for 10,000 years and gone in 10. Fagre from National Geographic agrees that things that normally happen in geologic time are now happening during the span of a human lifetime. This is not natural. From Switzerland to the Arctic, to Peru, to Indonesia, to the ice in the sea, it is all disappearing extremely fast. These changes have been accelerated and dont show signs of being reversed. Large-scale societal changes need to be made to slow this process, however, this must happen on a global scale. Many dont believe this is happening though and continue to deny global warming.
David Bellamy was quoted stating that "Global warming at least the modern nightmare vision is a myth. I am sure of it and so are a growing number of scientists. But what is really worrying is that the world's politicians and policymakers are not. It is easier to believe that global warming is just a myth, but it has been scientifically proven. Researchers long ago predicted that global warming would have visible impacts. They determined that notable changes would be the first indicators; such as rising air and sea temperatures, reductions of sea ice, thawing permafrost, earlier snowmelt, and later ice freeze-up, and increasing storm intensity. All of those changes have now been recorded happening in Alaska, according to Amanda Lynch (an Australian researcher). This is no myth it is being scientifically proven to be happening.
NASA implemented a satellite that can track and monitor the planets melting polar ice caps. The satellite utilizes a laser to collect data and measure glaciers and floating sea ice. Further, this satellite has the ability to take measurements of the ice mass and thickness. Currently, NASA has found that arctic sea ice is now declining at a rate of 12.8 percent per decade (relative to the 1981 to 2010 average). Scientists can now collect information more precisely and try to better understand the processes and drivers that are behind glacial melt. However, their hard work, and this rate of melting wont decrease unless we begin to make changes.
Some who deny climate change claim that it is solely politically motivated. That information is incorrect. If scientists were politically motivated to confirm climate change, we could expect more of a division among scientists regarding conclusions. However, according to the Academics of Science, there is a consensus among 97 percent of scientists from over 80 countries that climate change real and a serious concern. Further, the IPCCconfirmed that scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal. With such global agreement among the scientific community, it is not plausible that the science is politically motivated.However, what we do about climate change is political.
According to World Watch, Arctic sea ice has thinned dramatically since the 1960s and 70s. They state that between the 60s and 70s, and the mid-1990s, the average thickness dropped from 3.1 meters to 1.8 meters, which is a decline of nearly 40 percent in less than 30 years. NASA confirmed that Arctic sea ice is thinning as a result of global warming, and noted that both the extent and thickness of Arctic sea ice has declined rapidly over the last several decades.
Many who dispute climate change argue that the scientific results are exaggerated and that this is a part of the natural cycle. It is true that the Earths climate has changed throughout history. Over 650,000 years there have been 7 cycles of glacier formation and recession, however, those were due to small changes in our Earths orbit, which then changed how much solar energy the Earth received. This is very different from what is happening now. Global warming currently is because of our activities. According to NASA, there is a 95 percent probability that these changes are a result of our activities, which is causing such an unprecedented change in our climate. This isnt an exaggeration; the changes have just escalated at an alarming and unnatural rate.
Currently, the U.S Centre for Atmospheric Research says if the current rate of global temperature rise continues, then there will be no ice left in the Arctic by 2040. The World Economic Forum stated that scientists now believe there will no longer be a frozen North pole. They are now finding that the Arctic is seeing its minimum coverage of summer ice, falling by over half its volume. This could have severe implications on ocean currents. Arctic ice is important for the gulf stream, which could impact Indian monsoon patterns and El Nio. According to Dr. Moon from the University of Colorado, the surge in scientific research and the increased amount of data, is all indicating that there is rapid and irreversible ice loss.
Many people who deny that climate change is real, claim that it is a scam and that global temperature warming is natural. They argue that science cannot prove that this increase isnt part of a normal climate cycle. However, NASA has proven this claim to be false using ice cores from Greenland, Antarctica and tropical mountain glaciers. These core samples show changes in greenhouse gas levels. These are confirmed when compared with evidence in tree rings, coral reefs, ocean sediments, and sedimentary rock. They state that this reveals that in comparison to past warming, the current warming is happening 10 times faster than the average in the past.
The Ward Hunt Ice Shelf is the largest single block of ice in the Arctic and is 3000 years old. It has stood for centuries until it split in the year 2000. Since then, the ice shelf has continued to break apart. This is concerning for obvious reasons, but it has also had a serious and lasting impact on humans and wildlife. The Disraeli Fiord, an epi-shelf lake was located in the ice shelf. When the shelf broke, it drained this lake and threatened a rare ecosystem. The loss of this micro-ecosystem will drastically impact the food chain in the Arctic Ocean and is a great concern to NASA.
The Verge reported that a recent poll discovered that more than half of Americans think that climate change wont affect them personally. According to a Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, many see it as a distant problem that wont impact them until 2100 or later. However, it is impacting us already. Glacial melt is the largest indicator of this. If we dont act soon, those impacts are going to be harder felt sooner than we anticipate. Temperatures are going up worldwide, heat waves or extreme weather events (such as hurricanes and wildfires) are becoming increasingly common, critical water sources will disappear,critical species will go extinct, and soon we will see entire nations being overwhelmed by rising oceans.
NASAs satellite laser readings are now showing that the edges of Greenlands Ice Sheet are shrinking. Although Greenlands Helheim Glacier has remained intact for centuries, in 2000 scientists began to notice that the glacier was disappearing. By 2005, they noticed it had receded 7.24kms, at an average rate of 110 ft per day. Annually, the Greenland ice sheet has lost 281 billion tonnes of ice from 1993 to 2016. If this continues, it will cause sea-levels to rise by 20 feet. Ironically, this has now enabled new oil and gas exploration projects, only making the situation worse.
The science is any but underwhelming. It is becoming more pertinent to act, as the science reports terrifying changes. MNN reported that the Chacaltaya glacier has completely disappeared, even though a study on Bolivian glaciers warned that this would happen in 1998. At the time, that report was dismissed as overly dramatic. It has now been officially declared that the glacier no longer exists. This now threatens both water and power supplies in the Andean region. MMN further stated that melting has tripled in the last decade, and it is expected that several adjoining areas could have less than 30 years to survive. This is not underwhelming.
The South Pole has around 90 percent of the Earths ice, which makes up about 70 percent of the worlds freshwater. In some places, it can even be around 7000 feet thick. Antarctica is larger than the USA and Mexico combined. The Washington Post reports that scientists are now warning that the Western part of the ice sheet is unstable and could trigger over a 10-foot rise in the sea level. If all of the ice in the Antarctic melts, the sea will rise by 200 feet. This would completely wipe out island nations and the majority of coastal cities.
Arguably one of the biggest scams perpetrated on the people of the world would be calling climate change a hoax. A few public officials have become well-known for their denial of climate change due to their interest in preserving industries that are the worst for climate change. The Verge reports that a study has found that people tend to listen to what their leaders say, so this influence has caused a drop in people who believe in global warming. Ignoring sound scientific findings and reporting differently, is a scam on world citizens.
When Glacier National Park was established in 1910 there were around 150 glaciers, however, now there are fewer than 30 left after a century (most left have shrunk by two-thirds). Fagre from National Geographic predicts that within 30 years most, if not all, of the park's glaciers will disappear. This has now threatened water supplies for millions according to the Independent and is a concerning indicator for what is to come in the future.Dr. Moon from the University of Colorado reports that this pattern has been seen repeating all over the world from Patagonia to the Himalayas.
Evidently, things are happening right now. National Geographic reports that the snows of Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania, have melted more than 85 percent since 1912. The glaciers in the Garhwal Himalayas, in India, are retreating so fast that researchers believe that most Central and Eastern Himalayan glaciers could be gone by 2035, which will remove essential water resources that support almost a billion people. Finally, National Geographic warns that in the Western region of Himachal Pradesh there is evidence of almost 3 feet of annual ice loss, which has doubled in the past decade from the prior decades record.
MNN reports that European glaciers have often been the most impacted by global warming. The Alps (often referred to as the water tower of Europe) contain around 40 percent of Europes freshwater supply. Concerning findings reported that the Matterhorn (a famous Swiss mountain) has seen almost half of its glaciers disappear. This has actually created a need for Switzerland and Italy to redraw their borders and has made many concerned about water supplies. To make matters worse, The Independent wrote that climate models are projecting that 52 percent of all the small glaciers in Switzerland will be gone in 25 years.
Concern for the effects of global warming is not being politically correct, this is a concern for our survival. Polar ice, for example, reflects large amounts of solar energy back into space which helps keep temperatures coolers on earth. Once our ice melts, this exposes land and water surfaces which instead retain that solar heat. This leads to even more melting and creates a cycle increasing and accelerating the warming process according to World Watch. This will make the effects much worse, much faster having dangerous consequences for our survival.
Global News has reported that climate change has caused glaciers in British Columbia, Yukon and Alberta to retreat faster than at any time in history, threatening to raise water levels and create simultaneously created deserts. David Hik (an ecology professor at Simon Fraser University) said the region is one of the hotspots for warming and the data is shocking.Current estimates are that 80 percent of the mountain glaciers in Western Canada will disappear in the next 50 years. The Peyto Glacier is an essential example, as it has lost about 70 percent of its mass in the last 50 years. This pattern is happening in the St. Elias Ranges as well where they have lost approximately one-quarter of ice cover since the 1950s.
It has been proven and confirmed that humans have caused global warming. The Journal of Science confirmed that our emissions accounted for around 69 percent of the loss of glaciers from 1991-2010. Warmer temperatures after the Little Ice Age affected the glaciers, and glaciers would be melting without any human influence according to Live Science. However, the melt would not be happening as rapidly as it is today if it weren't for man-made contributions, like greenhouse gases. We must take responsibility for how we have impacted our environment.
Around 97 percent of scientists agree that natural climate cycles were not enough to cause such severe changes in the Earths temperature according to National Geographic. Rather, scientists found that aerosols, the production of electricity using coal and petroleum, and also the use of fossil fuels for transportation and in industrial production, has impacted our environment and caused this warming. Live Science wrote that Ben Marzeion (from the University of Innsbruck in Austria) stated that "in a sense, we got a confirmation that by now, it is really mostly humans that are responsible for the melting glaciers.
If only this was just propaganda. Unfortunately, that is not the case and this is really happening. Many believe that these images are just meant to act as propaganda, but they are real. Scientists are finding that wildlife is already suffering from global ice-melt, specifically at the poles. World Watch reports that marine mammals, sea birds, and animals that depend on food found on the ice edge are struggling. In northern Canada, scientists have found concerning evidence that polar bears are losing weight due to loss of ice cover. Further, in Antarctica the loss of sea ice with rising air temperatures has changed the habitats of penguins and seals, negatively impacting breeding and feeding patterns.
According to Dr. Moon from the University of Colorado, at the current rate of global warming, billions of people will be forced to leave their homes because of rising seas, crucial sources of water will run dry, and wildlife will lose sources of nutrients and shelter. Without ice, ocean temperatures will rise which will mean more intense weather systems. Most cities lying in coastal regions will be inundated due to rising sea levels, causing many populations to be displaced. Where there isnt flooding there will actually be new desert areas, according to Global News.
According to Live Science, even if climate change from natural and human causes stopped right now, the glaciers would continue to melt and would still raise ocean levels by 7 centimeters during this century. However, that will not happen. The reality is that we arent currently doing enough to reverse the impact of climate change. As temperatures continue to rise, we will lose more glaciers and ice sheets. Many argue that this will provide more water for us, however, this isnt sustainable. The negative consequences are severe and could threaten life as we know it. To do nothing ensures our collective failure.
The Independent reports that unfortunately, much of the glacier and ice sheet loss is irreversible. However, scientists agree that we can slow down these impacts if we implement measures globally. We must all agree to switch to better sources of energy such as solar, wind and other forms, and reduce our use of coal, gas, and oil. We need to make a collective investment to develop new technologies that will ensure we keep global temperatures as low as possible. Unless substantial climate action is taken we can expect this pattern to continue for millennia.
Sources: NASA, National Geographic, National Snow and Ice Data Center, Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change, World Economic Forum, The Independent, Business Insider, Washington Post, Global News, MNN, The World Counts, Academics of Science, The Verge
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How to talk to your teens about their unhealthy behaviors –
Posted: November 20, 2019 at 1:47 am
By UNC Health Talk
Editor's note: This article originally appeared on UNC Health Talk.
Around age 11, children experience a major growth of neurons, or brain cells, that shifts which parts of the brain dominate behavior and decision-making. At this time, the prefrontal cortex, which controls behavior and decision-making, is growing but not yet mature, while the limbic system, which controls fear and pleasure, is becoming the most active it will ever be.
That means that adolescent behavior is being driven by unfiltered fear or pleasure-seeking emotions. They dont think before they act because their brains arent wired to do that, says UNC Health Care pediatrician Dr. Martha Perry.
Back in the age of hunter-gatherers, teenagers needed to go out and make their own way. They would need to have the courage to take risks and the hypervigilance to keep themselves safe until they had more experience, Dr. Perry says.
Today, these changes can lead teens to engage in risky behaviors that may affect their health and safety.
If time and experience are what help teenage brains develop, learn to navigate the world, and make decisions, how can parents help guide them?
The first [thing] is to recognize that they are risk-seeking at this stage of development and give them opportunities to practice this behavior safely, Dr. Perry says.
Some safe ways for kids to get an adrenaline rush include participating in sports, going to amusement parks or performing music, comedy or dance. If they have that safe and structured outlet, they are less likely to seek risk elsewhere, Dr. Perry says.
The second important thing for parents to recognize is that teens are hypersensitive during this time. Sometimes they are really upset about things that dont seem significant to us as adults, Dr. Perry says.
It can be a confusing time: There are moments when teenagers can be rational and make appropriate decisions. But in other moments, they cannot explain why they made a certain choice or why they find something upsetting.
A common thing I hear from parents is that their child knows better, Dr. Perry says. Teenagers may know the risks or the reasons not to do something, but, remember, the limbic system dominates and drives their behavior. Their brains are not wired to think through what is right or wrong in the moment. They just act because of what they needed to be doing hundreds of years ago, she says.
Giving teenagers accurate, unbiased information is key to getting through to the prefrontal cortex. But having conversations with teenagers about vaping, drinking alcohol, having sex or doing drugs can be difficult.
One way to help teens navigate these decisions is to talk about these issues often. For example, if youre out together and see someone engaging in a risky behavior, such as vaping, use it as a teachable moment. You might ask, Have you heard of vaping, or have you seen people vaping? Give accurate, age-appropriate information on the subject, such as that vaping can be dangerous to your lungs and addictive. Then you might follow up with another question: Do you know what addiction is? Lets talk about that.
The earlier you have those conversations, the more awareness kids have and the more opportunities they have had to think about it on their own, Dr. Perry says. When the time comes that they are in a situation where everyone around them is smoking or vaping, they have more brainpower to make that choice.
But be careful about giving misinformation. Saying, If you vape once, you will get addicted or If you have sex, you will get pregnant is not completely accurate. You dont want your teenager to stop trusting what you are saying, Dr. Perry says.
So, make sure to obtain information from reliable sources. You can also acknowledge that you dont have all the facts. Saying, We can look it up together, for example, can make learning a shared experience.
Teenage brains are not wired to have a reasonable conversation during a moment of upset, and teens need to have their emotions validated.
Parents see an adultlike figure in front of them and think that they can have a reasonable conversation, and they cant. And when that doesnt happen, they sometimes view their teenagers behavior as disrespect, Dr. Perry says. Its not that they are trying to disrespect their parents; its more that their brains are driving them to be irrational and hypersensitive.
So, hear them out. Why they are upset might not make sense to you, but when you listen and validate how they are feeling, it creates trust. Try responding with, I can see you are very upset or I understand this is really hard. These phrases might seem simple, but they can help your teen feel understood.
Plain and simple: Keep the conversation going. If you find out that your child has engaged in a risky behavior, do not freak out. Keeping dialogue open is critical to helping him or her navigate a complicated situation.
For instance, if teenagers feel judged or that they will be in trouble with their parents, they are not likely to share information. Do not dismiss the behavior, but instead thank them for sharing the information with you. Ask them to tell you more about what happened and how they feel about it.
Kids will be surprised to hear parents talking to them in that way, but that is how you are going to get more information and be able to help them sort out how they feel, Dr. Perry says. Framing your response around your concern for their safety can also help minimize feelings of judgment.
If you are upset with your teenager, take a break before talking with him or her. As a parent, it is disappointing, and you feel angry when you hear your kid is doing something that you think they shouldnt be doing. But if they are choosing to tell you, that also means that they trust you, Dr. Perry says.
Signs that teens are experiencing challenges that warrant professional help include a drop in their grades, loss of appetite and weight loss, withdrawn or secretive behaviors, decreased interest in things they used to enjoy and isolation from friends and family. Any time that a parent notices a dramatic change like that, I think its important not to just chalk it up to them being a teenager, but to seek help at that point from their pediatrician, family physician or other trusted health professional, Dr. Perry says.
Share with teenagers why a visit with a health provider is important, so they feel like they are being helped, not judged. Teenagers might see a trip to the pediatrician as a form of punishment, as if you are trying to get the doctor on your side.
We know that punishment isnt an effective way of changing a behavior in the long term, Dr. Perry says. Letting them know that you are concerned for their safety and that you want to do things that support them so that they can stay safe would be a better direction to go.
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Average US BMI on the rise despite increasing weight loss efforts – Medical News Today
Posted: November 20, 2019 at 1:45 am
Despite the increasing number of people in the United States who say that they are trying to lose weight, the average body mass index (BMI) of U.S. adults is on the rise.
This is according to new research appearing in the journal JAMA Network Open.
Dr. Lu Qi, director of the Tulane University Obesity Research Center in New Orleans, LA, is one of the corresponding authors of the study.
As per the study paper's title, the research examined "[t]rends in self-perceived weight status, weight loss attempts, and weight loss strategies among adults in the United States" in 19992006.
Dr. Qi and team used nationally representative data from nine applications of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) between 1999 and 2016.
In total, they had access to data from 48,026 participants. The researchers examined trends in measured BMI and weight, self-reported weight during the past year, and the difference between measured weight at present and self-reported weight in the prior year.
The study demonstrated that the proportion of participants who tried to lose weight increased over the study period, despite the fact that current weight and weight in prior years had increased.
Specifically, the number of adults who said that they had tried to lose weight rose from 34% to 42% in 19992016. During this time, the most common weight loss strategies the participants applied were eating less, exercising more, and drinking more water.
U.S. adults also reported changing their eating habits, such as "consuming less sugar, candy, and sweets" and eating less junk food or fast food.
However, despite these efforts, the "trends for actually measured weight and self-reported weight history increased during the same time period," the study authors write.
In fact, if 33.7% adults had obesity in 20072008, this number jumped to 39.6% in 20152016.
This suggests, the study authors explain, that the weight loss strategies "may not have translated into effective weight loss," even though studies show that these strategies should be effective.
"These findings," says Dr. Qi, "suggest that although 3442% of U.S. adults in our study reported weight loss efforts, many of them might either not actually implement weight loss strategies or apply a minimal level of effort, which yielded unsatisfactory results."
In other words, U.S. adults hoping to lose weight would need to apply more effort, particularly in terms of adherence. "Reduced food consumption is one common strategy to lose weight, but modified diets are difficult to maintain," says Dr. Qi.
"These findings suggest a need to increase the promotion of effective strategies for weight loss, including caloric reduction and increased physical activity, among all adults attempting to lose weight," she adds.
"Notably, adherence is the primary factor predictive of a successful response to a weight loss attempt. Therefore, weight loss strategies that consider a participant's preferences and abilities may help them stick with it long-term."
Dr. Lu Qi
The researchers also mention the possibility that the contradiction in trends is down to the fact that the participants who tried to lose weight were not those who may have needed to.
Conversely, those who might have needed to lose weight for health reasons may not have tried very hard to do so because they considered their weight to be "normal."
In fact, the number of people who thought they were "approximately the right weight" also increased over the 15 year period, report the researchers.
The researchers acknowledge some other potential limitations to their study. Firstly, participants self-reported the data on weight self-perceptions and weight loss efforts, which makes the information subject to potential bias.
However, the study authors say that the difference between how the participants reported their current weight and their measured weight was minimal, indicating that their approximations may have been correct.
Secondly, the NHANES surveys did not collect information on the "frequency, duration, or number of weight loss attempts or strategies."
Finally, and importantly, the study could not establish causality or temporal relationships in the observed trends.
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If weight loss is your only goal for exercise, it’s time to rethink your priorities – The Conversation AU
Posted: November 20, 2019 at 1:45 am
As an aesthetic society, we often demonise body fat and stigmatise people with lots of it. Theres often an assumption that people carrying excess weight dont exercise and must be unhealthy.
But thats not true: you can be fat and fit. In fact, as we age, low levels of fitness can be more harmful to our health than high amounts of fat.
Read more: Interactive body map: physical inactivity and the risks to your health
For those considering starting exercise, try looking beyond weight loss for motivation. No matter how much you weigh, there are always benefits to exercise.
Exercise actually does a pretty poor job of getting us to expend enough excess energy to lose weight. This is partly due to a compensatory effect of our appetite, which increases after we exercise.
Exercise changes our body composition how much fat we have as a ratio to how much lean (muscle) tissue we have but this doesnt always cause big changes on the scales.
Here are just five ways exercise improves our health, no matter how much we weigh.
Cardiorespiratory fitness is a measure of how far and hard you can run without needing to stop, or how many stairs you can climb without being out of breath. Running for longer, or climbing more stairs, means you have a higher absolute cardiorespiratory fitness which cannot be improved with weight loss alone.
Having a high body mass index (BMI) may reduce the absolute intensity you can exercise but it doesnt mean it is less effective.
You may be able to jog between every third lamppost, for example, but not run consistently for 1 km. While it may seem the periodic jogging is not as impressive, its all relative to your baseline and any exercise is better than none.
If youre carrying a lot of excess weight, you might prefer non-weight bearing exercise such as swimming or cycling indoors to minimise stress on your joints but this will depend on you and what you like doing. After all, youre more likely to continue exercising if you enjoy it.
If youre thinking but I hate running/swimming/cycling/dancing and Id rather lift weights, then lift weights! Although lifting weights doesnt have the same effects as cardio training, the benefits are still as important for mobility, joint function and maintaining muscle mass as we age.
Read more: Don't have time to exercise? Here's a regimen everyone can squeeze in
Exercise reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, even in those with a chronic disease such as diabetes, irrespective of body fatness.
Regular exercise helps lower blood pressure, improves delivery of blood throughout the body, and reduces inflammation, even in those with a high body mass index.
Exercise improves our bodys ability to use energy. We store large amounts of energy as fat, which is quite hard to break down, as it costs a lot of oxygen compared to cheaper fuels for the body to use like glucose.
But when we exercise regularly, we increase our bodys ability to use fat as a fuel source as well as requiring more energy at rest.
This doesnt necessarily mean more exercise equals more fat loss, but it does mean more fat turnover, and typically less fat stored in and around the organs (the bad visceral fat).
Read more: Belly fat is the most dangerous, but losing it from anywhere helps
Research has consistently shown that people who exercise (regardless of body size and shape) have better mental health and lower levels of stress, depression and emotional problems.
It does this via blood flow to the brain, increased release of endorphins that make us feel happy, and by helping to moderate the brains response to stress.
Often, the hardest part is getting started with exercise or going to perform the exercise, but once you are moving the mental health benefits begin.
While exercise may not help us lose a lot of weight on the scales, its a good way to keep weight off and prevent weight regain.
Regular exercise continues to encourage the body to use stored fuels and remodel tissues (such as muscle) to grow healthier and stronger.
But preventing weight regain is tough. People who have lost weight may need greater amounts of exercise to counteract the physiological drive to return to the heavier body weight.
Read more: Genes, joules or gut bugs: which one is most to blame when it comes to weight gain?
If you need some extra help getting started or finding a routine that suits you, talk to your GP or consider seeing an accredited exercise physiologist.
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What you need to know about intermittent fasting and who should avoid it – Yahoo Lifestyle
Posted: November 20, 2019 at 1:45 am
The popular weight-loss trend ofintermittent fastingisnt going anywhere and has only continued to gain steam, with celebrities likeKourtney Kardashian,Hugh JackmanandChris Prattextolling its virtues. The latest stars to jump on the fasting bandwagon areJenna Bush Hager and Hoda Kotb, who decided to try intermittent fasting together (and publicly weighed themselves on camera on Today with Hoda and Jenna).
So what, exactly, is intermittent fasting? Intermittent fasting is a weight loss or weight control strategy where youre cycling between periods of eating and fasting,Sarah Adler, PhD, a psychologist with the Stanford Eating Disorder and Weight Control Clinic, tells Yahoo Lifestyle.
There are several ways to do intermittent fasting, but it typically involves choosing a specific window of time in which you can consume food or caloric drinks. It can be as simple as skipping breakfast and eating at noon or finishing your last meal earlier, says Adler.
One popular method is 16:8, where people fast for 16 hours and only eat during an 8-hour window, such as noon to 8 p.m. While fasting for 16 hours does sound like a lot, keep in mind that includes (hopefully) 8 hours ofsleep. Theres also the 5:2 method whichJimmy Kimmelfollows where people eat restricted calories (such as 500-600 calories per day) for two nonconsecutive days and then eat normally for the other five days.
For many who are able to stick with it, intermittent fasting is the magic bullet forweight loss. Ive seen a lot of people who have struggled with weight loss and have done intermittent fasting, and it seems to be the magic bullet for them,Liz Weinandy, a registered dietitian at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, tells Yahoo Lifestyle. Its because people are not eating as much.
Theyre also eliminating late-night eating, which can include less-than-healthy options like chips and ice cream. Once they stop eating after dinner, that alone helps a lot of people start to lose weight, says Weinandy. For a lot of people, theyre not eating those extra 300 or 400 calories.
Intermittent fasting can also have a diuretic effect when the body gets rid of excess water which leads to some fluid weight loss as well, according to Weinandy.
However, its worth noting that some researchers say theres not enough scientific evidence on the long-term weight loss effects of intermittent fasting. The research based on the efficacy of intermittent fasting is fairly limited in humans, so most is anecdotal, says Adler. In addition, a 2018 Germanstudy described as the largest investigation on intermittent fasting to date involving 150 overweight and obese people on either intermittent fasting or conventional calorie-restricting diets, who were examined over the course of a year, found that intermittent fasting wasnt any more effective at weight loss than calorie restriction.
That said, intermittent fast has other health benefits. Insulin levels go down, says Weinandy, because if youre not taking in any food, especially carbohydrates, our blood sugar isnt going up.
Adler explains that when you eat carbs, for example, the body breaks it down and converts it into sugar (glucose). But if you eat more than your body can use for energy, the sugar gets stored in fat cells."Insulin brings sugar into fat cells and keeps it there," says Adler. "Between meals, our insulin levels go down and our fat cells release the stored sugar to use as energy. Intermittent fasting allows for insulin levels to drop so that [stored sugar] gets burned off."
There are other positive metabolic effects, including an increase inhuman growth hormone. Its important for muscle maintenance, especially as we get older, says Weinandy. Intermittent fasting also appears to help on a cellular level torepair DNA, says Weinandy, by triggering autophagy the bodys way of cleaning out damaged cells to then generate new, healthy ones.
However, not all types of intermittent fasting are created equal. Research around intermittent fasting that shows health benefits are really limited to a very specific kind of intermittent fasting basically, the 16:8 method, points out Adler. The health benefits have not been shown to be associated with other forms of intermittent fasting, like the 5:2 method.
Most side effects are fairly minimal, notes Adler. When people first start intermittent fasting, some may experience mild headaches or lightheadedness. In some cases, people who are not following the 16:8 method may find themselves overeating at other meals. With intermittent fasting, 16:8 has been shown to reduce overeating in other meals, says Adler. Outside of that is when youre getting overeating, increased hunger, and loss of energy.
The eating method also isnt right for everyone, says Weinandy. For example, some may find that skipping breakfast in the morning isnt sustainable. In that case, not snacking after dinner, such as cutting off food by 8pm (or earlier in the evening), may work better for them. Dont go hot and heavy into it, suggests Weinandy. Gradually stop eating after dinner.
Adds Adler: "People need to use an approach that works for them and is sustainable for them.
In general, its considered pretty safe for the majority of people, says Weinandy. But women who arepregnantor are trying to get pregnant, as well as women who arebreastfeeding, should not attempt to do intermittent fasting. Also, Anyone who has a history of eating disorders should not be intermittent fasting, notes Adler. People with heart conditions and diabetes who are interested in trying the method should be monitored by a physician, who is knowledgeable about metabolic conditions.
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Weight loss: The perfect time to eat a dessert – Times of India
Posted: November 20, 2019 at 1:45 am
For the study, participants were split into a group of two. While one group received a low-calorie diet (particularly low on carbs), the other group was allowed to have the same breakfast, but with some additional carbs by allowing them to have something sweet-like chocolate, doughnuts or a slice of cake. Both the breakfasts were also rich in protein as well. The study was conducted over a period of eight months.
After the time period finished, participants in both groups were able to lose weight. However, in the last four months of the study, it was seen that people in the first group who weren't allowed a dessert regained some kilos and weren't able to sustain weight loss, as compared to the 'dessert' group-who were able to reduce their cravings in the long run and reported feeling satiated and less hungry too.
According to doctors, the prime idea behind losing weight is to not just lose the fat and the extra weight but also modify the appetite by reducing cravings in the long run which could prevent piling on the lost kilos.
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How to prevent the weight you’ve lost from returning – Honolulu Star-Advertiser
Posted: November 20, 2019 at 1:45 am
Oprah Winfrey is one of the worlds most famous yo-yo dieters. She lost 67 pounds in 1988; by late 1990 she had regained most of that weight. In 1994 she was thin again and she completed the Marine Corps Marathon. But by 2008 when she hit 200-plus pounds, she wrote in O Magazine that she felt really uncomfortable! Since then shes lost 42 pounds and hopes to never have to try to lose weight again.
Down and up. Down and up. Its a hard pattern to break, and one that millions of Americans experience annually. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, from 2013 to 2016 around 56% of women and 42% of men tried to lose weight. But research shows that in the first year after dieting, most folks regain 33% to 66% of the weight they lost, and almost all the weight is regained within five years. Thats hard on your spirit, your clothes budget and your body!
Some studies have shown that yo-yo dieting increases your risk for heart disease and stroke, leads to added weight gain and raises your risk for a variety of health problems related to chronic inflammation. It can also lead to long-term loss of muscle mass if you dont eat enough lean protein to fight it off. That makes you weaker and lowers your metabolism, making it easier to regain weight.
Extreme action (super food deprivation, precipitous weight loss, over-exercising) leads to an equal and opposite reaction (indulgence in comfort foods, sedentary behavior and a physiological reaction where the body thinks, Yikes! Im starving; feed me more!). That causes weight rebound.
1. Learn a stress management technique and practice it daily. People who manage stress successfully lose weight without even trying. Meditation is useful for easing stress and focusing your determination.
2. Lose weight slowly (a half- to one pound a week) by changing your eating habits and increasing your activity level. That lets your body your behavior patterns and metabolism adjust so that youre less likely to regain lost weight.
3. Change your relationship to food. Theres no ironclad diet that is the key to losing and keeping off excess weight. Moderation within some easy-to-follow guidelines does the trick.
>> Go for a plant-centered diet; eat lean animal protein and fish; enjoy healthy oils from nuts, olive oil; and choose fiber-rich foods like 100% whole grains and produce. But stay flexible. Enjoy your options.
>> Identify when you use food for emotional comfort. As you reach for that box of cookies, ask yourself, Am I bored? Anxious? Sad? Then make sure to have snack alternatives like nuts and pre-cut veggies around. Also try activities to ease those emotions: Take a walk, call a friend or write in a diary.
>> Learn to cook new dishes. Spend time reading through recipes online. Pick one a week thats tasty and healthy. Make shopping a fun excursion. Get your kids and partner involved. Have a friend over to try your creation.
>> Do not eat after 6:30 p.m., eat your biggest meal at midday and have breakfast at least 13 hours after dinner.
4. Move more; build muscle mass.
>> Its never too late to gain benefits from physical activity, so start with whatever makes you comfortable and build endurance slowly. Every week, try to increase your efforts by 10%. Do you walk for 20 minutes a day? Then go for 22 minutes. Your ultimate goal is 300 minutes of physical activity a week. With 22 minutes x 7 days a week = 154 thats more than halfway there!
>> Diversify your activities. Combine walking and aerobics with bouts of intense effort, strength building, agility and balance skills (yoga, jumping, Pilates). There are enough choices to find something that is enjoyable every day.
Once you have lost weight, adopt these guidelines and youre on your way to a lifetime of better health and happiness.
Mehmet Oz, M.D., is host of The Dr. Oz Show, and Mike Roizen, M.D., is chief wellness officer and chairman of the Wellness Institute at Cleveland Clinic. Email questions to
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EFSA defends negative kidney bean opinion on weight loss –
Posted: November 20, 2019 at 1:45 am
Comments made by EFSAs Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) refer to the consumption of GlycoLite, an aqueous extract from white kidney bean (P. vulgaris L.) that is the subject of a health claim application by analyze & realize GmbH.
The applicants object to the conclusions reached by the Panel on two human intervention studies performed in the same centres as well as the absence of a plausible mechanism of action.
analyze & realize, a contract research organisation (CRO) serving the food sector, also highlight inconsistencies in assessing the application versus a successful claim made on the dietary fibre glucomannan.
In both claims, the claimed effect was a reduction of body weight, the technical report comments.
In relation to the glucomannan claim the applicant states, the sole study that ran over a sufficiently long period appears to have obvious shortfalls in the statistical reporting and in the study population (the study was conducted on severely obese women).
Additionally, the dose tested was higher than in the proposed conditions of use for the claim (a dose of four grams per day (g/day) was used in the study, whereas at least three grams of glucomannan daily was indicated in the conditions of use for the claim by the NDA Panel).
In response, EFSA quotes guidance that states evidence for a sustained effect with continuous consumption of the food/constituent over, for example, about 12 weeks, should also be provided.
This doesnt mean that all the studies submitted for the scientific substantiation of the claim to be considered as pertinent by the NDA Panel should last 12 weeks, EFSA says.
This means that, whenever the claim is substantiated through intervention studies of shorter duration, evidence for a sustained effect with continuous consumption of the food/constituent over approximately that period of time should also be provided (i.e., at least one study).
Further issues centre on GlycoLites negative opinion, which is claimed required a mechanism of action in order to substantiate the claimed effect.
This, according to the applicant, is not in line with EFSAs guidance documents on health claim applications.
EFSA hit back stating that evidence on a mechanism of action is not a strict requirement for claims substantiation.
However, when present, is one of the elements considered by the NDA Panel in weighing the evidence because it increases the confidence on the biological plausibility of the effect, the report outlines.
The comments received did not provide evidence which would warrant a change in the conclusions of the NDA Panel.
The report, published in the Authoritys officialjournal, also responds to analyze & realizes claim that one study was disqualified by EFSA because it had been conducted in the same centre and by the same research group as another submitted study.
The organisation points out this is not consistent with EFSAs Guidance documents because the opinion adds a new requirement for studies to be considered as evidence for a claim (different centres and/or research groups).
In the Scientific Opinion on GlycoLite and reduction of body weight, the NDA Panel, in weighing the evidence, notes the results of the two human studies conducted under energy restriction had not been independently replicated AND that there was no evidence for a plausible mechanism of action.
In the absence of evidence on dose-response, the confidence of the NDA Panel on a consistent effect of GlycoLite on the reduction of body weight was not enough to consider the claim substantiated, even if none of these are absolute requirements for substantiation.
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Woman drops 500 pounds after losing tongue to cancer: ‘I’m alive for the very first time in my life’ – Fox News
Posted: November 20, 2019 at 1:45 am
In a twist of fate, a 35-year-old New York woman said that being diagnosed with stage 4 oral cancer and losing 95 percent of her tongue actually saved her life at a time when she was topping the scales at nearly 650 pounds.
I had to die a little in order to learn to appreciate how it felt to truly be alive, Jen Costa, who has dropped nearly 500 pounds in two and half years, told SWNS. Im alive for the very first time in my life.
Costa said it started in 2015 with pain in her mouth while ordering food on the phone, and that she sought the opinion of a dentist who allegedly dismissed the small white lump on her tongue as a virus. When she finally found a doctor willing to take her complaints seriously, she learned that it was stage 4 squamous cell carcinoma that had spread to the lymph nodes in her neck, SWNS reported.
Costa, pictured before her weight loss, had grown addicted to food following a car accident that left her bedbound at age 19. (SWNS)
Despite her diagnosis, doctors were unwilling to treat her because of her obesity.
"He told me he didn't feel comfortable operating on me because of my size, Costa told SWNS. "He denied me surgery because he said the radiation wouldn't get through to my neck because of all the fat.
Costa said her weight trouble began after a car accident left her bedbound. She said she spent her days eating takeout food and had started self-medicating with drugs, eventually gaining 350 pounds over 14 years.
She had to have 95 percent of her tongue removed and reconstructed using pieces of her skin in order to fight the aggressive cancer. (SWNS)
She did eventually find a doctor willing to operate, but it involved removing 95 percent of her tongue and reconstructing it using skin from her arm. Costawas told she risked needed a feeding tube for the rest of her life, and would need a ventilator to breathe, but she has defied the odds, according to SWNS.
To be honest I dont know how I survived it, she told the news outlet.
Jen Costa has since dropped nearly 500 pounds and has undergone several skin removal surgeries after being placed on a liquid-only diet. (SWNS)
Costa now is on a diet of liquid shakes and has had several procedures to remove excess skin since her dramatic weight loss. She said she is unable to taste food and chew properlyand misses pizzaand the taste of her grandmothers chicken. Still, Costaknows she would have eaten herself to death if she hadnt been diagnosed with cancer.
The diagnosis just turned my life completely around, she told SWNS.
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Woman drops 500 pounds after losing tongue to cancer: 'I'm alive for the very first time in my life' - Fox News
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Start Your Day With This Golden Drink To Prevent Bloating, Lose Weight And Reduce Joint Pain – NDTV News
Posted: November 20, 2019 at 1:45 am
Weight loss tips: Starting your day with turmeric water can improve your digestion
Turmeric water benefits: Turmeric is the golden spice offering an array of medicinal benefits. Curcumin is the compound in turmeric which is responsible for its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and immunity boosting properties. Including turmeric in your daily diet can give a boost to antioxidant capacity of your body. The golden spice can facilitate quicker healing of wounds and also help in preventing diseases. But did you know that drinking turmeric water regularly can prevent bloating, improve digestion and even aid weight loss? Keep reading to know the many benefits of drinking turmeric water.
Before knowing the benefits of drinking turmeric water, you must learn how to prepare turmeric water. Well, it's a quick and simple. Take raw turmeric, grind it into a powder. Add 1 tsp of turmeric powder in glass of milk and your turmeric water is ready.
Curcumin in turmeric can give a boost to brain functionPhoto Credit: iStock
Also read:Turmeric Milk: Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking Golden Milk; Method To Prepare It
1. If you start your day with a glass of turmeric water, it can help in preparing your digestive system for the day.
2. Starting your day with turmeric water can help in flushing out toxins from the body and gives a boost to your metabolism. With constant consumption, this can be helpful for those on a weight loss regime.
3. Curcumin in turmeric can give a boost to brain function. Drinking turmeric water regularly can help you have a sharper mind and also improve your concentration levels.
4. Turmeric water helps in removing toxins from liver, rejuvenates cells and enables liver to function effectively.
5. You can also make a turmeric infused tea by adding ginger, honey and lemon in it. This tea can help you fight cough, cold and congestion issues.
Turmeric latte or haldi doodh can be helpful when suffering from cough and congestionPhoto Credit: iStock
Also read:Turmeric Can Help You Control Blood Sugar Levels; Here's Is The Right Method To Use It
6. People with arthritis and joint pain can benefit by drinking turmeric water regularly. Curcumin in turmeric reduces inflammation, body pain, joint pain and swelling. To get relief from joint pain, you can also try the traditional haldi doodh or turmeric latte as it is popularly called. Haldi doodh is best taken at night. Add a pinch of raw turmeric in 1 cup of lukewarm milk along with some jaggery. Regular intake of turmeric latte at night can reduce joint pain and arthritis pain effectively.
So, if you want to give a boost to your immunity, improve digestion, lose weight and the very stubborn belly fat, then turmeric water or turmeric latte is the drink for you.
Also read:Here's How Turmeric Helps Heart Failure Patients; Other Benefits Of Turmeric You Simply Cannot Miss
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
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