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Dublin mum of one who lost half her body weight finally has the confidence to walk down the aisle – RSVP Live
Posted: November 12, 2019 at 2:49 pm
A Dublin mother of one who has lost half her body weight is celebrating by tying the knot with her long-term fianc.
Wendy Deacon, 49, shed a whopping 12 stone 4.5 pounds and went from a size 32 to a size 10-20.
She said the motivation to lose weight came after her daughter admitted she was worried her mum would "eat herself to death."
"I always came across as jolly and smiley but inside I felt anything but," she said.
"I was breathless, my joints were painful and at a doctors appointment where I said I was afraid of having a heart attack I was told I was pre-diabetic and at serious risk of having a stroke and then Id really be in trouble.
Take a look at Wendy's transformation below
"It was getting to the point where I felt uneasy whenever I left the house. I remember once a small boy pointed at me in the street and said 'look at that fat lady' to his mother. She tried to hush him, but the damage was done. Id never felt so embarrassed, I just wanted the ground to swallow me up.
"My turning point came when I found out that my daughter, Amy, had confided in my mum that she was worried I'd eat myself to death. Hearing that broke my heart and I knew I needed to change. The thought of my daughter being so worried about my health really spurred me into action."
Wendy, who has just been named Slimming World's Woman of the Year 2019, heard about the organisation through a friend who had recently joined.
She went on: "I'd tried lots of fad diets in the past. Everything worked for a little while, but they were quick fixes and I could never stick to them for very long. This time around I had to tackle my weight for good. I knew that Slimming World was based on eating everyday foods and never going hungry, so it seemed like the perfect fit. I also knew that, especially at the start of my weight loss, I needed motivation to help me stick with my commitment.
"Walking through the doors of my Slimming World group for the first time was really nerve-wracking and I felt nervous and embarrassed because I thought Id be the biggest person there. None of that mattered though. I was welcomed with open arms and met a whole room of inspiring, friendly people. All of us were in the same boat and there to lose weight together."
The Dubliner, who works for the Department of Social Protection, found it easy to get to grips with the Slimming World eating plan.
She went from treating herself to chocolate, crisps and takeaways on a daily basis to nourishing her body with fruit and vegetables.
"Straight away I embraced the eating plan," she said.
"Ive never called it a diet because the plan is so flexible and liberating that it fits easily into your routine so you can stay slim for life. I fell in love with proper food and discovered so many different new dishes. Its a world away from the takeaways and fast food I used to eat.
"I think the biggest change was learning to cook from scratch. I plan my food and batch cook when I can for a few days in advance. Everyone in my group is unbelievably kind and genuinely cares about each others success. I feel so lucky to have found them.
Wendy now finally has the confidence to plan her wedding to her partner Dave.
She said: "Dave and I have been engaged for a long time, but I never really felt confident enough to actually get married. Finally having the confidence to go wedding dress shopping was a huge moment for me. Before I would have just chosen whatever would fit me, but now Im asking for size 10 and 12 outfits, its just an incredible feeling. I havent been able to do that for 25 years!"
Losing more than half of her body weight has also inspired her to become more active.
She went on: "I used to struggle to climb a flight of stairs, so nobody was more surprised than me when I started to enjoy exercise! Im often out walking at 7am and I ran a 5k with my daughter recently, something Id never have been able to do at my heaviest. I feel that Slimming World has given me so much Ive got my whole life back.
"By far the best thing about losing weight though is seeing the pride in my familys faces especially Amys. Ive finally started to feel proud of myself too. The idea of my little girl worrying about my future was heart-breaking but now Im really excited about my future and cant wait to live every moment."
Wendy attends the Leixlip Slimming World group run by Consultant Pippa Leys. She also attended Barbara Byrnes Leixlip group.
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Dublin mum of one who lost half her body weight finally has the confidence to walk down the aisle - RSVP Live
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Heartbroken mum loses 6st after doctors tell her weight could have caused death of unborn baby – Birmingham Live
Posted: November 12, 2019 at 2:49 pm
A heartbroken mum lost six-and-a-half stone after doctors said her weight could have contributed to her unborn baby's death.
Charlotte Doughty, 43, rapidly began to spiral downhill after she began "self-loathing" when she discovered her 24-size figure could have triggered the tragic outcome.
During the pregnancy Charlotte was diagnosed with pre-diabetes in early 2015 and doctors said her weight was seriously impacting my health
Tragically Charlotte's unborn baby was later diagnosed with Edwards Syndrome, a genetic disorder, and sadly passed away in the womb at 37 weeks.
Due to Charlotte's family history of diabetes, her later age and obesity, she was at a higher risk of developing diabetes.
Grief-stricken, Charlotte, from King's Lynn, Norfolk, became locked in a vicious circle of eating and drinking to help numb some of the pain she was feeling.
The Head of Year teacher said: "I fell pregnant later on in life when I was 37-38 and I was massively overweight probably around 15-16 stone at that point.
"I was told by health professionals that my weight along with my age may have played a factor in my babys condition.
"Due to my grief and self-loathing that I may have caused my babys condition, my eating escalated further and despite the warnings from my GP, I continued to eat fast food and drink pints of lager.
"I blamed myself, at the time I did think what if I hadn't been as big as I was, would things have been different?
"When that happened I just swung completely the other way. I started eating more and drinking more to get through the pain.
"It became a vicious circle of feeling depressed about my weight by turning to food and alcohol. Being overweight seriously began to impact on so many aspects of my life. I always felt like I was lacking energy and motivation.
"I wanted more children but doctors said I was at a higher risk and my ex-husband at that point just said we can't go through that again.
"Going through something like that does put everything into perspective. I just thought I need to get myself together, for her if nothing else.
"Turning 40 I think also makes you evaluate your life and your health. There was quite a lot of body positivity for bigger women and that made me think it didn't matter how big I was."
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At 17-stone the mum was told she needed to make a change and fast.
Her weight was taking a toll on her physically as she struggled to walk for long distances and began feeling aches and pains in her body.
She said: "It was affecting my physical and mental health. Physically I had problems with my hips and had aches and pains.
"Back then, I never cooked, I worked full time and I just used to eat takeaway food and it became a bit of a running joke that 'Charlotte couldn't cook.'
"I was drinking really heavily, I would have a bottle of wine at night and then at the weekend I would drink eight pints in the evening.
"Then I joined Slimming World in 2017 and haven't looked back since! I'm still not a great cook but it's just simple food- you don't need to be the best cook in the world.
"I then started walking which gradually turned into running.
"My partner was a godsend. If I was crying and telling him I couldn't do it, he would pick me up and tell me I can."
Charlotte followed Slimming Worlds Food Optimising eating plan and started cooking healthy meals from scratch.
In less than two years, she has already lost six-and-a-half stone and has dropped from dress size 24 to a size 12.
People think slimming means going hungry, yet its not like that at all with this healthy eating plan. I love food and I never once felt like I was on a diet.
"In fact, people are always surprised at how much food I have on my plate and cant believe Im losing weight eating so much delicious food and without ever feeling hungry."
"I really am a completely different person, I look back at old photos of myself and I don't recognise her.
"I honestly feel ten years younger. For a long while I couldn't get my head around how much I had lost. Probably six months back I would still look at myself and feel like I was really big.
"The past six months I have really changed. Before I was hiding away from photos but now I don't mind them.
"My self-esteem is massively different and it's really helped my confidence.
"Slimming World has literally saved my life as I was only heading one way. I want to go on to inspire and support others to do the same, Ive got my life back and I couldnt be happier."
Since her dramatic weight loss, Charlotte's health was improved dramatically and she has reduced her risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Charlotte will also take over as consultant at Slimming World's group which meets at Providence House, Providence Street, Lynn, group on November 23.
The sessions run every Saturday morning at 8.30am and 10.30am. For further information please contact Charlotte on 07840 769842.
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AAA provides helpful driving tips ahead of expected snow – Times Tribune of Corbin
Posted: November 12, 2019 at 2:45 pm
LEXINGTON, Ky. With the arrival of cold temperatures and the forecast calling for the first snow of the winter season, AAA Blue Grass is gearing up for a busy Tuesday commute.
The expected drop in temperatures and potential for accumulating snow in the forecast means AAA will be gearing up to ensure motorists reach their destinations as quickly and safely as possible, said Lori Weaver Hawkins, AAA Blue Grass manager of public and government affairs. No one ever plans on getting stranded, but tires and batteries are some of the most common problems seen over the winter months. Many in Kentucky may not have expected wintry weather this early, so AAA reminds motorists to be sure their vehicle is in good condition before heading out onto the roadways.
Each year, AAA rides to the rescue of approximately 32 million stranded motorists across the country. The not-for-profit auto club association offers the following winter-weather reminders for motorists:
Winter Driving Preparedness
Avoid driving while youre fatigued. Getting the proper amount of rest before taking on winter weather tasks reduces driving risks.
Never warm up a vehicle in an enclosed area, such as a garage, nor leave a running vehicle unattended.
Make certain your tires are properly inflated and have adequate tread.
Have the battery checked by a professional to ensure it is strong enough to face cold weather. AAA members can request a visit from a AAA Mobile Battery Service technician who will test their battery and replace it on-site, if necessary.
Keep your gas tank at least half full to avoid gas line freeze-up.
Before heading out, motorists are advised to prepare a winter emergency kit and stow in the trunk of their vehicle to have it immediately available. Emergency kit items should include a de-icer, shovel, ice scraper, warning flare or reflector triangle, flashlight with fresh batteries, first aid kit, jumper cables and sand or kitty litter (for traction). Also pack a blanket, extra gloves and heavy but light-colored jacket, scarf or hat (so you can be seen if you have to get out of your vehicle); snacks and beverages for passengers and pets who may be traveling with you; and a cell phone with car charger.
AAA members should travel with their membership card or have their membership number handy when calling for roadside assistance. Making sure your AAA membership is active to take advantage of roadside assistance is important and as simple as going to or stopping in at one of the AAA Blue Grass retail stores in Lexington.
Tips for Driving in the Snow
Accelerate and decelerate slowly. Applying the gas slowly to accelerate is the best method for regaining traction and avoiding skids.
Drive slowly. Every maneuver takes longer on snow-covered roads.
Increase your following distance by at least 6 seconds. This increased margin of safety will provide the longer distance needed if you have to stop. Do not tailgate.
Avoid braking on icy roads. Try to brake well ahead of stop signs and traffic lights, preferably in areas of clear pavement. Whether you have antilock brakes or not, the best way to stop is threshold braking. Keep the heel of your foot on the floor and use the ball of your foot to apply firm, steady pressure on the brake pedal.
Dont stop if you can avoid it. Theres a big difference in the amount of inertia it takes to start moving from a full stop versus how much it takes to get moving while still rolling. If you can slow down enough to keep rolling until a traffic light changes, without getting close to vehicles ahead of you, do it.
Dont power up hills. Applying extra gas on snow-covered roads just starts your wheels spinning. Try to get a little inertia going before you reach the hill and let that inertia carry you to the top rather than hard acceleration. Do not stop on your way up the hill. As you reach the crest of the hill, reduce your speed and proceed downhill as slowly as possible.
Never use cruise control on slippery roads. Cruise control will cause you to lose the ability to transfer more weight to the front tire by simply lifting off the accelerator. A driver should always be in full control of their vehicle during poor road conditions.
Avoid unnecessary lane changes. This increases the chances of hitting a patch of ice between lanes that could cause loss of vehicle traction.
Stay home. If you really dont have to go out, dont. Even if you can drive well in the snow, not everyone else can. Dont tempt fate: If you dont have somewhere you have to be, watch the winter weather from indoors.
The first goal is to try to avoid a breakdown by keeping your vehicle up-to-date on maintenance. The second goal, should you break down, is to stay as safe and warm as possible while waiting for help to arrive, AAA Blue Grass' Weaver Hawkins said.
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The best ways to exercise after 60 – The Independent
Posted: November 12, 2019 at 2:45 pm
Ageing is inevitable and is influenced by many things but keeping active can slow ageing and increase life expectancy. Evidence shows that ageing is not a cause of major problems on its own until you are in your mid-nineties,and strength, power and muscle mass can be increased, even at this advanced age.
So here are my top exercise tips for people in their sixties and older, at different levels of fitness.
For lifetime fitness fanatics
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If you fall into this group, you are in the minority. You are robust, likely to be a super-agerand you are doing wonderfully. You are certainly optimising your chance of living longer and ageing successfully.
Generally, this is when you reap your reward from a lifetime of keeping active. With your healthier metabolic, skeletal, cardiovascular and immune systems, you can probably outperform people decades younger.
Keep up the kettlebells, spin classes, rowing, triathlons or manual work such as gardening whatever you like to do. You can keep challenging yourself physically. Mix your routine up a combination of aerobic and resistance work as well as an activity to challenge your balance is ideal.
Maximise health benefits by swimming outdoors and as part of a community. You might want to try sea swimming,although its not for everybody.
But watch out for chronic overloading;that is, diversify your exercise programme by incorporating cross-training. For example, if you are a runner, incorporate cycling or swimming to avoid overloading any part of your body.
Recovery after strenuous exercise is slower as you age and can take up to five days. So exercise smart.
For the averagely fit
You are doing well, so keep going. Long-term consistency is the key to benefits. You dont necessarily have to join a gymjust keep building meaningful physical activity into your day. For example, walk briskly to the shops to get your groceries, keep up gardening and be active around the house. Even repeating simple stair-climbing is a great exercise.
If you are suffering from hip or knee pain, walking may be painful, so try cycling or water-based exercise instead.
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Water-based exercises are good if you have hip or knee pain (iStock)
Coupling physical activity with social engagement can optimise its benefits, so try yoga or a dance class. Incorporate some outdoor exercise for an added mental-health boost.
The main thing is to avoid long periods of sitting. Also, ideally, continue to do the exercise you enjoy. Try to steadily build up your level of aerobic exercise to where you build up a sweat and feel slightly out of breath.
Strengthening and flexibility exercises are often neglected, so try to include these type of exercises where possible.
For the unfit or unwell
You may be managing complex chronic conditions, which make it more difficult to exercise. Or it may be that exercise is not a habit for you. If you have several chronic conditions, you may need clearance from a doctor to exercise and specialised exercise advice from a physiotherapist or other exercise professional.
If you are experiencing three or more of the following: unplanned weight loss, exhaustion, slowness, weakness of grip and physical inactivity, you may be considered frail, which will leave you vulnerable to even minor health stresses. But it is never too late to build more physical activity into your daily life.
Merely reducing time spent sitting and doing a little exercise will have major health benefits, and doing any type of activity at all is better than none. Even chair-based exercises or practising sit-to-stand can be a great start.
Feeling a bit out of breath during and afterexercise is normal and some initial aches and joint pain are fine. But if you ever feel chest pain or severe discomfort, you need to see a doctor straight away.
If you have a setback such as a chest infection or fall that results in a hospital admission, get up and moving as soon as is safely possible. Even a few days of bed rest can result in major decreases in strength and fitness.
If you have surgery scheduled, being as active as possible before admissionto hospital and starting moving as soon as possible afterwards will help your recovery. Thesemay also prevent complications that could prolong your stay in hospital.
If you are diagnosed with cancer, keep active, even during such treatments as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and during recovery. If you have other common chronic conditions, such as heart or lung disease, keep as active as your condition allows.
Just remember:whatever your state of health, its never too late to reap the benefits of being more physically active.
Julie Broderick is an assistant professor in physiotherapy at Trinity College Dublin. This article first appeared on The Conversation
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The best ways to exercise after 60 - The Independent
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Mum ditches 1,000 a month fast food habit and loses three stone in 14 weeks – Mirror Online
Posted: November 11, 2019 at 11:52 am
A mum who spent 1,000 a month on takeaways and meals out has lost more than three stone in just 14 weeks and overcome her "horrific" back pain .
Corrie D'Silva, 40, has shed an amazing four dress sizes after taking a standard against her weight by ditching her expensive eating habits and nightly bottle of wine for healthy homemade meals and exercising with a personal trainer .
The mum-of-two from Sandbach, Cheshire, started piling on weight in September 2016 after getting married and recovering from a severe back injury.
She was on medication after back surgery to cut out disks that were bulging into her spine and doctors told her she would never be able to train at the gym again. At her heaviest, Corrie reached 13st 5lbs and began wearing a size 16.
However, she has managed to lose more than three stone in just three months to weight 10st 2lbs and fit into a slender size eight after starting a mixture of strength and cardio training, which has also strengthened her back to help avoid further injuries.
Corrie, who runs her own mortgage broking business with husband Nick, regularly indulged in food and drink at networkoing events, ordered pizza or Thai takeaway several times a week or ate ready meals because she didn't have time to cook.
Corrie said: "Back then, I really lacked confidence and my back injury became an excuse not to exercise.
"After surgery I suffered from horrific pain and doctors told me to take it easy, meaning I could no longer train and could only go swimming and do yoga.
"It didn't just have a physical effect on me, it also had a mental effect because I didn't like myself.
"The turning point for me was when we moved house in May 2019. I realised I was so busy with the children and my business that I had picked up bad habits.
"I was doing damage to myself by snacking on crisps and sausage rolls and drinking a full bottle of wine to myself every night, and felt exhausted when I should have been enjoying my new house.
"My husband Nick and I liked to socialise a lot and we would probably spend the best part of 1,000 a month just on eating out and drinking, along with buying takeaways.
"At networking events I would have a three course meal at an Italian or steak restaurant, and we'd buy Dominoes or Thai takeaways a couple of times a week. On top of that I would drink wine and gin when out socialising.
"I had the realisation that my back would end up in worse pain if I carried on and I wanted to make positive changes for my health and children."
Despite being told by doctors not to train, Corrie got a personal trainer and began to eat healthier in May 2019.
Her initial weight loss goal was two stone, but she massively surpassed that by training twice a week, doing strength workouts including shoulder presses and sled drags.
Corrie ditched the takeaways and ready meals in favour of healthier options such as vegetable soup for lunch and salmon for dinner - and even gave up drinking for the 14 week programme.
Although she still attended networking events for her job, she usually ate beforehand and refrained from drinking.
Corrie said: "At first I was really worried about training because of my back issues, but I gave it a go with my personal trainer and the initial results were phenomenal. I regained confidence and had lots of support.
"My personal trainer took my back injury into consideration and I underwent physio at the same time. Now my back is a lot stronger.
"My physiotherapist can see the impact my weight loss and training has had when looking at my back, and can tell it's not under as much strain anymore.
"After surgery I had to lie down for two weeks straight and I was disappointed when doctors told me I wouldn't be able to train, because that meant I wouldn't be able to get back to the weight that I was before.
"At the end of my transformation, I felt like the person I always wanted to be. It was amazing to get myself back and I felt mentally better too.
"It's been a life changing experience for me and I felt like my personal trainer wrapped me up in cotton wool for three months and genuinely cared about my progress.
"My fitness venture has rubbed off on my children and husband too - it feels great to be able to get out more and be active with them. and it's given me a different lease of life.
"I now see pictures from when I was heavy and miserable and I feel embarassed - having come from a place in hospital after the surgery I thought 'this isn't who I want to be, there's more out there for me'.
"My message to others is that if you have an injury and want to lose weight, training and exercise is so beneficial for your mental and physical health, and you've just got to want it and make that change."
Corrie is still on her weight loss journey, and is currently enjoying a maintenance programme at the gym to keep herself on track.
LUNCH: Sandwich or panini with crisps
DINNER: Ready meals or pizza/Thai takeaway or meals out
SNACKS: Crisps and sausage rolls
BREAKFAST: High protein, e.g. scrambled eggs with bacon/on a bagel or oats
LUNCH: Chicken with vegetable soup or salad
DINNER: Salmon with lots of vegetables, sometimes with rice or potatoes
SNACKS: Yogurt or fruit
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Mum ditches 1,000 a month fast food habit and loses three stone in 14 weeks - Mirror Online
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Is CDW (CDW) Outperforming Other Computer and Technology Stocks This Year? – Nasdaq
Posted: November 11, 2019 at 11:52 am
For those looking to find strong Computer and Technology stocks, it is prudent to search for companies in the group that are outperforming their peers. Has CDW (CDW) been one of those stocks this year? Let's take a closer look at the stock's year-to-date performance to find out.
CDW is one of 629 companies in the Computer and Technology group. The Computer and Technology group currently sits at #6 within the Zacks Sector Rank. The Zacks Sector Rank considers 16 different groups, measuring the average Zacks Rank of the individual stocks within the sector to gauge the strength of each group.
The Zacks Rank emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find stocks with improving earnings outlooks. This system has a long record of success, and these stocks tend to be on track to beat the market over the next one to three months. CDW is currently sporting a Zacks Rank of #2 (Buy).
Over the past 90 days, the Zacks Consensus Estimate for CDW's full-year earnings has moved 2.05% higher. This signals that analyst sentiment is improving and the stock's earnings outlook is more positive.
According to our latest data, CDW has moved about 64.74% on a year-to-date basis. At the same time, Computer and Technology stocks have gained an average of 28.26%. As we can see, CDW is performing better than its sector in the calendar year.
Breaking things down more, CDW is a member of the Computers - IT Services industry, which includes 28 individual companies and currently sits at #103 in the Zacks Industry Rank. On average, this group has gained an average of 18.58% so far this year, meaning that CDW is performing better in terms of year-to-date returns.
Investors in the Computer and Technology sector will want to keep a close eye on CDW as it attempts to continue its solid performance.
CDW Corporation (CDW): Free Stock Analysis Report
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The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.
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Jorge Nava shares weight loss secret, update on Anfisa Nava relationship – Monsters and Critics
Posted: November 11, 2019 at 11:52 am
Jorge and Anfisa have changed a lot since their time on 90 Day Fiance. Pic credit: TLC
Jorge Navas mugshot update has 90 Day Fiance fans talking. Many cant believe its him but Jorge has spoken out now and confirms that he did lose 125 pounds during his time behind bars.
The incarcerated 90 Day Fiance stars weight loss wasnt accidental either. Jorge opened up to E! News recently about his shocking slim down and much like his wife, he credits his new physique to better eating habits and dedication to a workout routine.
I am glad that people are noticing some positivity out of such a negative outcome, Jorge told E! News by way of his lawyer. Hopefully people can see that I am able to turn things around even though I am at the lowest point in my life.
According to Jorge, hes been working out twice a day and he even has a partner to help hold him accountable. The inmate workout buddies get together at 4 a.m. for their first workout of the day, then they get another one in each afternoon.
Jorge said that he and his workout partner push each other to the limit and that they do a lot of jogging together.
Has anyone seen this?! It's Jorge, Anfisa's husband #90DayFiance
La Diablita (@vaccinateluxifR) November 5, 2019
Increasing his physical activity has done wonders for Jorge Nava but thats not all that has been contributing to his new look. Jorge also was forced to change his eating habits while behind bars since inmates cant just help themselves to fast food and soda.
Jorge also weighed in on how hes feeling now that hes changed his diet and has become more physically fit.
I wanted to be in the best physical and healthiest shape possible, Jorge admitted. I feel healthy and energetic. I feel overall more confident with myself.
And with a possible release in August 2020, 90 Day Fiance fans have been increasingly interested to know if hell be headed back to his wife Anfisa Nava once hes free.
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As far as Jorge is concerned, he and Anfisa are still solid as a rock. He even confirmed that they are doing really well. Dont be surprised to see Jorge and Anfisa right back together once his sentence has been served.
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9 things you need to know before signing up to a food subscription box – Shortlist
Posted: November 11, 2019 at 11:50 am
In the last few years, the demand for food subscription boxes has sky-rocketed as we all search for a way to eat more healthily and spice up what we cook on a daily basis (or you know, sometimes just to get us cooking to begin with).
The best meal delivery services are a great way of trying meals you wouldnt otherwise buy, avoid buying ingredients in excess and reduce the number of food shops you have to make.
And, with popularity rising, they are no longer just for city professionals with poor cooking skills, but for couples and families who are looking to eat healthier without any added fuss.
But, lets be honest for a second - even with discount codes and special deals, meal delivery services still cost a decent amount. So, to be sure youre spending wisely, we tried and tested Balance Box, a delivery service designed for weight-loss that pre-prepares your meals for you.
Here is what we learnt, and these are the 9 things you should know before signing up to any food subscription box.
Food subscription boxes can really vary in price, with most of the meals becoming cheaper the bigger your family. In the case of Balance Box, it is 22.99 per day if you sign up to a 4-day box, which is certainly not cheap but you have to consider the fact that unlike many food subscriptions it provides all your meals per day (with snacks), rather than just a dinner recipe. Others vary from about 3 a meal, to 6-7, though many do create quite big meals that you can eat for leftovers the next day.
Because of the nature of Balance Box, the service comes with a lot of boxes (three per day, plus snacks) so you need to make sure you clear room in your cupboards and fridge before it arrives. Space in the fridge is especially important as most of the ingredients used in the recipes are fresh so need to be kept cool.
Even if you choose to get recipes (rather than pre-prepared meals), most of the meal delivery services keep all the ingredients for each meal together in a big bag, so we would suggest clearing a whole shelf for your food subscription box if youre going to get one regularly.
Having somewhere for your box to be left if youre not in is essential. In the case of Balance Box, in London they deliver the box before 6:30am in so dont ring the doorbell (because youre almost certainly asleep) and simply leave it in a safe location outside your house for you to collect when you wake up. However, even if the box is delivered during the day, having a safe place for couriers to leave it means you dont have to worry or wait in for your delivery.
Depending on how many meals you get, the box can be pretty big so make sure to give yourself enough time to unpack it and put the necessary meals or ingredients in the fridge.
Theres nothing worse than the stress of having to rush first thing in the morning because youre going to be late for work. Itll probably take longer than you think to put everything away so be sure to give yourself at least an extra 15 minutes.
This is an obvious one. Any of the food subscription boxes should ask you about any allergies you may and dietary requirements. But it is something to be ultra-aware of especially for any of the food subscription boxes that include ready-made meals rather than raw ingredients. In the case of Balance Box, they do include a menu that has a full list of ingredients for each meal.
With Balance Box, you get to choose the style of menu - eg classic, vegetarian, free from or pescatarian - but beyond that you dont get to choose the meals themselves. However other subscription services offer a range of recipes for customers to choose from each week - giving you some variety and opportunity to try something new, but ensuring that you have picked something that you know you will like. However, if you prefer to have it all sorted for you by someone else and dont feel you have time to pick, that option might not be for you.
Due to the pre-prepared nature of Balance Box, the subscription does come with a lot of plastic boxes. However, theyre obviously aware of this because they do offer to pick up all of the plastic tubs to be recycled when dropping off your next meal box. They also package most of your snacks in paper - rather than plastic - bags, which is a welcomed addition.
Other subscription boxes have also been called out over excessive use of plastic packaging, which can be a pitfall for these subscription boxes who are trying to deliver fresh food safely. If you are trying to avoid single-use plastic, it is worth reading about each box to see firstly, what packaging they use, and secondly, if they offer any recycling pick-up services.
Knowing what days youre in the office, out for lunches, or at evening events will help you choose the right subscription box for you. If youre often out for work lunches, then you may want to consider a subscription box for dinner recipes only - and not a box similar to Balance Box that provides all your meals per day.
Alternatively, you can choose how many meals a week get delivered, so if you know you tend to be out for dinners with friends once or twice a week, sign up to a 3-meals-a-week box. That way you wont have meals piling up in your fridge and you're avoid wasting food and money.
Another obvious one, but food subscription boxes are a great opportunity to expand your repertoire of food and try new meals that you didnt know how to make before (and theyre often healthier, too). This can be a great thing when you feel stuck in your way at mealtime, but it does mean you need to be prepared to try new foods.
For example, when you subscribe to Balance Box you choose a menu-type but not the exact meals within it. That means you need to fully embrace whatever comes your way, as all three of your meals are pre-prepared for you. Theres no opportunity to avoid foods you hate, but it may mean you discover a new favourite food that you would otherwise avoid (pistachios are, now, our snack of choice). In the case of recipe boxes, you have more flexibility with ingredients you dont like as you have an opportunity to remove them before you make the meal.
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9 things you need to know before signing up to a food subscription box - Shortlist
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Why Thanos was decapitated after just 15 minutes of ‘Avengers: Endgame’ – Yahoo Entertainment
Posted: November 10, 2019 at 6:46 pm
At the end of Avengers: Infinity War, after Thanos had defeated the Avengers and killed half of the universe too, most people expected the super-villain to be even more formidable in its follow-up.
However, just 15 minutes intoAvengers: Endgame it was revealed that Thanos had become incapacitated after using the Infinity Gauntlet.
Then he was easily located by Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Thor, Natasha Romanoff, and James Rhodes on a distant planet, before literally being decapitated by the Prince Of Asgard.
Infinity War and Endgames co-writer Stephen McFeely, who scribed the blockbuster with Christopher Markus, has now spoken toIndiewireabout the decision to kill off Thanos so early on in the film.
The idea of killing your villain 15 minutes into the movie came out of banging our heads against the wall for weeks and weeks. Because how can you fight a villain who is truly unstoppable. So what would it mean if you did kill him? What if he let you kill him? It allowed you to deal with their feeling of loss.
SEATTLE, WA - JUNE 30: Josh Brolin speaks on stage during ACE Comic Con at Century Link Field Event Center on June 28, 2019 in Seattle, Washington. (Photo by Mat Hayward/Getty Images)
What made the decision to kill Thanos even more remarkable was that after we watched him die, Avengers: Endgame then moved forward 5 years into the future to show that even after killing the heinous mass-murderer the living Avengers were still over-come with grief and struggling to exist in post-Snap world.
Read more: Kevin Feige reckons one Avenger could have defeated Thanos solo
As a result, Endgame unfolded with much more weight and poignancy than its predecessors, something that critics and audiences alike enjoyed, as it scored94%on Rotten Tomatoes and went on to become the highest grossing movie of all time.
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Why Thanos was decapitated after just 15 minutes of 'Avengers: Endgame' - Yahoo Entertainment
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1 in 10 people have diabetes; here’s what you should know –
Posted: November 10, 2019 at 6:46 pm
If you arent living with diabetes, theres a good chance at least one of the friends or loved ones who youll see this upcoming holiday season is affected by the disease.
In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 30 million people in the U.S. or one in 10 have diabetes. And one in four of those are unaware that they have it. With November recognized as American Diabetes Month, its a good time to learn more about this condition and how you can help prevent and fight it.
What is it?
Diabetes is a chronic condition that causes blood sugar levels to rise abnormally high. Our bodies break down the food we eat into glucose or sugar so it can be used for energy. A hormone called insulin helps get that glucose into our cells for energy. When our bodies ability to make or use insulin is compromised, too much blood sugar remains in the bloodstream. This can lead to serious complications, including heart and kidney disease, vision loss, hearing loss, nerve damage and stroke.
Diabetes can seriously impact your health and quality of life, so its critical that we understand this condition and get proper and timely treatment for it, said Dr. Kavita Tripathi, a physician at Sovah Health-Danville.
The three types
There are three main types of diabetes:
Symptoms of diabetes include:
When symptoms appear depends on the type of diabetes in question. Because of their tricky nature, its important to discuss your risk factors with a health care provider and ask if getting tested is right for you.
A simple blood sugar test can determine whether or not you have diabetes, Tripathi said. If you do, your provider can work with you to create a treatment plan and suggest positive lifestyle changes to help protect your long-term health.
While not a specific type of diabetes, prediabetes occurs when blood sugar levels are too high, but not high enough to classify as type 2. According to the CDC, more than one in three American adults have prediabetes, and 90% dont know they have it. A blood sugar test can determine whether you have prediabetes. Changing your lifestyle to incorporate regular physical activity, healthy eating and weight loss (if you are overweight) can help prevent prediabetes from turning into Type 2.
Wilkerson is the market chief nursing officer for Sovah Health.
Wilkerson is the market chief nursing officer for Sovah Health.
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1 in 10 people have diabetes; here's what you should know -
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