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A nutritionist shares the secrets to long-term weight loss – Evening Standard
Posted: November 9, 2019 at 8:46 pm
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Helping my clients to lose weight is only half of my job. Its important to me that I not only support people with their weight loss, but also help them to maintaintheir ideal weight once theyve reached it.
Why? Because weight regain is not uncommon. Its easy to reach your goal weight, feel fantastic and think Ive done it!! but the reality is not so simple. Weight maintenance is the start of a new journey altogether.
So what makes people who lose weight, and keep it off, successful?
Why it's time to start incorporating a SkiErg into your gym sessions
The National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) was developed to identify the characteristics of people who have succeeded at long-term weight loss. Established in 1994 by Dr Rena Wing,from Brown Medical School, and Dr James O. Hill,from the University of Colorado, its currently tracking over 10,000 individuals who have lost significant amounts of weight and kept it off for extended periods of time. Members have lost an average of 66 lbs and kept it off for 5.5 years.
The researchers have identified seven traits common to most of these successful losers. Three of the factors were dietary, whereas the remaining four were behavioural, which shows that it isnt simply a case of calories in vs calories out when it comes to maintaining weight loss.
1. All successful dieters consumed a relatively low calorie diet. The amount they ate was limited on average to between 1,300 and 1,680 kilocalories per day and thediet didnt end when the weight was lost, the careful, portion-controlled eating continued.
2. Dieters ate roughly four to five times per day, and had a consistent food intake. Striking the balance between regular, balanced meals, and avoiding constant grazing, is key.
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3. Most of the dieters ate breakfastevery day. As well as preventing cravings and overeating eating later in the day, its thought that eating breakfast elevates basal metabolic rate, so you burn more calories throughout the day. Base your breakfast on a source of protein, like eggs, which will provide you with slow releasing energy.
4. Exercise. It will come as no surprise that all the successful dieters were very physically active. The average person in the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) exercised for about 60-90 minutes per day.
5. They also weighed themselves frequently to track their progress, stepping onto the scales weekly or even daily. Being aware of your weight is key to making sure it doesnt creep up on you again.
6. 60 per centof the dieters watched less than 10 hours of television per week, while the national average was reported to be 28 hours. It doesnt take a scientist to work out why sitting in front of the television isnt the healthiest lifestyle choice. It can be easy to succumb to the lure of a Netflix binge after a long day, but aim to watch no more than two hours a day maximum.
7. Finally, the successful dieters took action as soon as they noticed small weight gains. They would either adjust their food intake or increase their level of exercise at the first sign of weight gain.
These might not seem like ground-breaking weight loss revelations, but it goes to show that a rounded approach to weight loss achieves the most long-lasting results. A shift in attitude and lifestyle is requiredalongside nutritional adjustments to achieve your goals, and its worth considering the moment you achieve your goal weight as a key marker on the journey, rather than the finishing line.
Kim Pearson is a qualified nutritionist and weight loss specialist based on Londons Harley Street. She consults clients in London and internationally via her virtual consulting room. For more information about Kim and the services she offers, visit her website
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A nutritionist shares the secrets to long-term weight loss - Evening Standard
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Ree Drummond Lost an Impressive Amount of Weight Thanks to a Low-Carb Diet –
Posted: November 9, 2019 at 8:45 pm
Gone are the days of waiting until the New Year to make some healthy changes! Ree Drummond recently debuted a slimmer figure in October, and the Pioneer Woman star wrote on Instagram that it took her "two full seasons" to achieve her goal.
Drummond shared a boho-inspired elevator selfie wearing black jeans and high, tan boots. "These jeans are a size smaller than Ive worn for (quite) awhile and even though they were skin tight (as you can probably see) and a long top was required, they buttoned," she wrote in the caption.
The Food Network star went on to say that she attributes her ability to fit into her dream jeans to watching her favorite show, as long as she did so while working out on a rowing machine. It seems like the system worked for the celebrity chef! "It just took two full seasons for the buttoning to be successful," she wrote.
Here are the secrets behind Drummond's recent weight loss. (Hint: A low-carb diet is involved!)
The rowing machine isn't the only way Drummond stays active. She began her most recent weight loss journey last summer. In July 2018, the celebrity chef wrote on her Facebook page that she slimmed downnot by endorsing any weight loss pillsbut by staying active.
I am a regular gal who loves food and whose jeans periodically get too tight. Right now, I am losing weight and my jeans are fitting better, but its because I am eating fewer carbs and walking/sweating with my dogs every night," she wrote.
Going for walks on the regular can not only help you burn belly fat and increase your metabolism to lose weight, but it can also improve your mood and decrease your risk of chronic disease. Plus, we'll take any excuse to spend quality time with a fur baby!
In the past, Drummond has admitted to drinking Slim Fast shakes to lose weight. In 2012, she wrote on her blog that she lost seven pounds by drinking the shakes.
Her recent weight loss is attributed to following a low-carb diet. In July 2018, the Food Network star decided to switch up her lifestyle by hopping on the keto train. Last summer, I kind of dove into the keto world and enjoyed it, Drummond told People in April. It was a good exercise.
"I have been eating low carb for a couple of months, but there's still plenty of calamity and chaos going on under my blousy top, which is why I have an undying loyalty to blousy tops," she wrote in an Instagram caption from July 2018.
The ketogenic diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat plan that aims to induce ketosis, a metabolic process where your body uses fat storage for energy instead of carbs (carbs in the form of glucose are the body's go-to source for energy). The keto diet has been shown to result in weight loss, yet more research is needed to understand its long-term effects.
Drummond told People that she has since settled back into a more sustainable, realistic way of eating," but her keto experience influenced her latest cookbook, The New Frontier.
The Food Network star told the outlet that her new book is not a keto cookbook or a low-carb cookbook, but it's packed with suggestions for how to lighten up an otherwise really carb-heavy dish."
She added that she enjoyed coming up with lower-carb versions of delicious dishes in The New Frontier. More than any cookbook before this one, this really reflects my life in terms of what Im eating, she said. Some days Im like, You know what? Im going to use spaghetti squash instead of pasta, and the next day I eat, like, a big lasagna roll up with creamy shrimp scampi.
You can pick up a copy of The New Frontier now.
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Will going on the keto diet cause hair loss? – Now To Love
Posted: November 9, 2019 at 8:45 pm
While many people have credited the keto diet for setting them on a healthier, happier path, experts say there are unfortunate side effects to such a drastic diet, a key one being hair loss.
By Lauren Meisner
How does this help you lose weight? Science-based nutrition website, Bulletproof, explains: "The keto diet forces your body to burn fat, rather than glucose, for energy.
"When your body can't get glucose from bread and pasta, your liver converts body fat and fat from your diet into molecules called ketones, an alternative source of fuel. This puts you into ketosis, aka prime weight loss mode."
But like most things in life, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
While the keto diet has certainly changed many lives, setting people on a healthier, happier path, experts are now saying there are many unfortunate side effects to such a drastic diet, a key one being hair loss.
We set out to investigate why this happens and what measures you can take to save your hair if you're thinking about going keto, and while the jury is still out on the health risks associated with the keto diet, many experts agree that hair loss and damage to your hair's integrity is a very real possibility and can happen because of three main reasons: stress, lack of nutrients, and lack of protein.
The keto diet is restrictive in nature and can put a lot of stress on both your mind and body. Dr. Anthony Gustin of Perfect Keto outlines six main reasons you may be experiencing stress on keto, including: nutritional deficiencies, caloric deficit, calorie restriction, psychological stress, keto flu, and keto rash.
"The keto diet may put stress on a person in more ways than you might actually be thinking, Keri Gans, RDN, told
"It's a diet of restriction. That takes effort and could be causing stress."
This may be particularly true for those trying to micromanage other aspects of their lives or who might be going through a big life change outside of the keto diet.
Physiologically, followers of the keto diet often experience rapid weight loss, which can lead to hair loss.
Ali Miller, R.D., and keto dieter herself, told Mind Body Green that eating in such a calorie deficit way can put your body into constant fight or flight mode, "That can stress your thyroid, which can impact your adrenals, that can even drive an autoimmune reaction - all of which could contribute to hair loss."
Essentially extreme calorie restriction (in any form) will cause the body to go into conservation mode, spending less energy on hair growth.
Lack of nutrients can play a big factor in hair loss and unfortunately with keto, both calorie restriction and food restrictions can lead to nutrient deficiency.
Alina Petre, MS, RD of Healthline outlines five nutrients that are critical to healthy hair growth: iron, zinc, linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid, vitamin B3 and biotin.
"Fruits and vegetables are good for us; they're high in antioxidants and full of vitamins and minerals," explains Annette Frain, RD, to
"If you eliminate those, you aren't getting those nutrients over time."
Dr. Gustin says the problem with low-carb diets is they flush out essential vitamins and minerals within the first few days, and many people don't realise they need to replenish these while on the diet.
"As you eat fewer carbs, your body produces less insulin, and glycogen stores get depleted. When glycogen stores are depleted, your kidneys excrete water and electrolytes like sodium, zinc, magnesium, potassium and iodine in large amounts."
And if you're not replenishing, your hair will suffer.
Finally, protein deficiency is a big concern for those starting out on keto and can lead to hair loss. This often occurs because those who aren't consuming enough protein are actually iron deficient. Low iron can lead to hypothyroidism which directly impacts hair health and growth.
Miller explains that the classic keto diet was developed for those with epilepsy and neurological disease and is often extremely protein-restricted. "What happens, often with women, is that their appetite is regulated and they don't have organic hunger. So they under-eatand they under-eat protein pretty dramaticallyand the first sign of protein malnourishment is hair loss."
Dr. Gustin elaborates on this, stating that many beginners believe eating too much protein will knock them out of ketosis, which is not true. However, Dr. Joshua Zeichner told Women's Health that while inadequate protein consumption may lead to hair loss (among other issues with skin and nails), in his experience, most people on the keto diet do consume enough protein and that the extreme calorie restriction is likely the bigger culprit for hair loss on keto.
Most experts recommend taking daily supplements, like a multivitamin or biotin, when on the keto diet and having regular doctor visits to ensure your electrolytes and nutrients remain stable during the diet.
Dr. Gustin provides a list of six essential foods and supplements you should consume on the keto diet to prevent hair loss and other adverse side effects including biotin, MSM, bone broth, collagen, zinc, coconut oil.
For most women, Miller suggests consuming 60-90 grams of protein per day, while both Dr. Gustin and Dr. Zeichner stress the importance of eating enough calories and replenishing your electrolytes.
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90 Day Fianc star Jorge Nava reveals the secret to his 125lb weight loss in jail – The Sun
Posted: November 9, 2019 at 8:45 pm
BANGED up 90 Day Fianc star Jorge Nava has lifted the lid on the secret to his 125lb weight loss in jail.
The star of the TLC show is currently serving a two and half year sentence for possession of drugs but has left people shocked by the dramatic change in his appearance.
Earlier this week a new mug-shot showed that he had shed nearly nine stone since being sent to prison in 2018.
Jorge has lost all the weight after entering the Arizona State Prison Complex in Phoenix last September - and now we know why.
Speaking to E! from behind bars Jorge said: "I am glad that people are noticing some positivity out of such a negative outcome.
"Hopefully people can see that I am able to turn things around even though I am at the lowest point in my life."
He then went on to reveal how he did it.
According to Jorge, he and a fellow inmate work out together every day - once at 4 a.m. and again in the afternoon.
"We both motivate each other and we push ourselves to the limit pretty much," the reality star explained, adding that he's focused primarily on "military-based" workouts and "a lot of jogging."
As for meals, Jorge eats plenty of oatmeal and peanut butter.
Due to him being incarcerated, he is no longer able to gorge on fast food and fizzy drinks, he said: "I had a really bad diet when I was out in the free world.
"I wanted to be in the best physical and healthiest shape possible," Jorge also shares. "I feel healthy and energetic. I feel overall more confident with myself."
Jorge went to prison in September 2018 after being found with 132kg of marijuana in his car.
Speaking at the time about his sentence, he told TMZ: When I first started, with the charges against me, I was looking at around 24 years, something like that, some ridiculous number.
But luckily, my lawyer was able to work out a plea agreement and I got the charges dropped and I ended up pleading to a class four felony in Arizona.
I feel like its really harsh of a penalty for the crime being, Nava added. Just because its marijuana-related and right now, its going legal I feel like the whole fact of it, going to prison over the same stuff thats legal is kinda crazy to me.
Jorge rose to fame on season 4 of 90 Day Fiance in 2016 when he marred Russian model Anfisa Arkhipchenko, who he met on Facebook.
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Since being locked up Anfisa has undergone her own body transformation and has started competing in bodybuilding competitions.
She revealed: To fill the void that I felt after Jorge was sentenced and I was left on my own I decided to try to stay busy and do what I enjoy the most and it was working out.
And ONE DAY I want to take it on a higher level and compete in NPC bikini division.
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90 Day Fianc star Jorge Nava reveals the secret to his 125lb weight loss in jail - The Sun
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How a Keralite lost 46kg in 10 months in the UAE – Gulf News
Posted: November 9, 2019 at 8:45 pm
Mohamed Mufeed before (left) and after Image Credit: Supplied
When Mohamed Mufeed finally went to the doctor in 2018, he recalls, it was because he had trouble sitting properly. At five-feet-four-inches and a generous 105kg, he was suffering the beginnings of a fatty liver. I used to eat 7-8 times a day, says the Keralite of his earlier diet. And of these meals, many were of the junk variety. When the doctor called for weight-loss even a 20kg suggestion at the time didnt seem so dramatic; at his height, Mufeed should have weighed between 53 and 64kg.
Its not that Musfeed didnt know that he needed to shed the kilos nor was it a lack of drive he was stuck in a yo-yo dieters nightmare.
Plus, hed always been overweight and rather fond of food. It didnt help that his father owns a restaurant either; it meant he always had access to the dishes he craved.
It look Mufeed three months of diet (eating very little) and exercise for him to lose 6kg. Since he couldnt really tell the difference in self, except he was exhausted having not consumed enough nutrition, he quit the gym. But just when it seemed like he was about to hit another dieter'sloop, he spoke to some trainers and ferociously googled, trying to find a few way to bring change.
A different meal plan
He began a calorie-deficit diet, keeping meticulous count of each item of food he was consuming and what he could realistically burn off. Mufeed also turned his habits around, choosing vegetables and proteins as his mainstay. If hed feel the need for sugar, hed have a bit of a substitute: dates, honey, fruits. The fast-food cravings didnt go away, but hed found a new way to manage them. So whenever I craved anything, I thought by Thursday night Ill eat anything Im craving. So keeping that in my mind I used to work out maybe 2 times in a week, he explains.
The workouts he engaged in were a two-hour extravaganza of cardio and High Intensity Interval Training and weights. Within 3 months I started seeing a change in my body, he says.
No scales, please
He did not, however, stand on a scale. He says this decision actually kept him on track. You know, because when we check the weight, we will next minute be like oh [I only lost] this much we will lose confidence, he explains. Instead he let the elasticity of his jeans waist bands tell him what he suspected the weight was coming off.
And so motivated, he continued on this journey; in another 7-8 months, he was down to the 60s. Then he decided to skip weight training too many supplements needed, he says and continue with the cardio. My body is the kind of body where if I dont work out gradually the fat starts coming back. Im still doing the cardio, weights not so much, he says.
Since this success a 9-month project back in 2018, from January to September- where he lost 46kg hes kept the weight off while working in a restaurant. He says it only works if you find a plan that suits your body and if hes anything to go by, thats true.
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A karate kick and love saved this man’s life after depression almost killed him – Daily Post
Posted: November 9, 2019 at 8:45 pm
Sam Owens was just a teenager when a karate kick to the head saved his life after a brain scan revealed he had a tumour.
But the the following six years would see him suffer a stroke, lose some of his eyesight and independence while battling a string of debilitating medical conditions - plunging him into a deep depression.
His weight rocketed to 24 stone and he was left feeling "borderline suicidal" by what life had thrown at him ever since he was kicked to the head during a karate tournament at the age of 17.
But fast forward to now and the 23-year-old from Conwy has turned his life around after finding love and friendship, shedding an incredible 10 stone along the way.
Sam said: "In November last year, I weighed 24 stone. I used to eat pizzas late at night and always ordered lots of takeaways.
"The doctor told me I had a high risk of diabetes so I decided I needed to start losing weight.
"But in February, I suffered a stroke, which caused me to lose my peripheral vision and because of that I lost my driving licence, which was devastating.
"I fell into a deep depression and just thought what's the point?"
Sam was already living with an inoperable brain tumour that was only diagnosed by a scan after the karate injury in 2013.
Although the kick saved his life, the tumour caused him to suffer with memory loss, migraines and long-term pain condition, fibromyalgia and led to him losing his close circle of friends.
Sam recalled: "My friends would call and ask me to do things, but I didn't have the energy and they started to think I was just being lazy and was using my conditions as an excuse.
"It got to the point where I started to believe that too.
"I'd tried to go to university and then became a fully qualified security worker, but one day of excursion would floor me for the rest of the week and that was getting me down.
"But everything changed after I had my stroke when I met my cousin's partner, Elise from Lebanon and she became like a personal therapist to me.
"She was an amazing cook and introduced me to new foods.
"She made me take a step back and realise I could change and lose weight, she made me want to better myself mentally and physically.
"Through her I've made so many fantastic new friends and even met my girlfriend, Nouhad who lives in Brussels."
Now Sam is much more positive about his future and is looking forward to new adventures.
Helplines and support groups
The NHS Choices website lists the following helplines and support networks for people to talk to:
He said: "Nouhad has helped my confidence, mental health and physical health in a way I never thought possible from an individual.
"I think the world of her and look forward to our relationship growing closer and stronger in time."
He added: "My new friends always message me asking if I want to go to the gym or catch up over a coffee, which has made a big difference to my life to the point where I'm now pushing people to do those things.
"My tumour is slow growing and I used to see it as a time bomb, but I don't think that way any more.
"I cast it away as much as I can and now have a much more positive outlook.
"My friends and family, especially my mum, Sarah and sister, Jo have helped me more than I can ever thank them for and now I'm looking forward to the future."
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A karate kick and love saved this man's life after depression almost killed him - Daily Post
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Mum loses half her body weight after being fat shamed by son – Yahoo Lifestyle Australia
Posted: November 9, 2019 at 5:48 am
A mum has lost almost half of her body weight after being fat shamed by her son and realising she had to make dramatic changes to her relationship with food.
Schauna Harshman revealed she always felt like she was the fat and ugly friend growing up through school, and once she fell pregnant she continued to pile on the weight.
The 35-year-old from North Dakota, US, gained 26 kg during her first pregnany and by the time she had her third child was tipping the scales at 133kg wearing a size 28 in clothes.
I got pregnant at 18 and used that as an excuse to eat and drink whatever I wanted. I gained more than four stone during my first pregnancy. From there I just kept gaining weight with each child, Schauna said, adding her diet largely consisted of fried food, processed meals, fast food, and pasta.
I was making quick and easy processed meals. I was very uneducated about nutrition as Id grown up eating meat and potatoes, with a lot of canned foods. I never ate anything fresh or homemade, so I carried that on as a mother.
When her middle son Chase was three years old, he started mocking Schauna by calling her fat, which she admits felt like rock bottom for her and pushed her to see that she needed to improve her lifestyle.
Schauna weighed 133kg at her heaviest before her son 'shamed' her. Photo: Australscope
One day, my middle son was making fun of me, calling me fat and laughing about it. I was fed up of my weight but to hear my son, who loves me, make fun of me that way, Id had enough. That was my rock bottom she said.
I was angry and emotional. Of course, he had no idea the impact it had on me as he was only three. I remember locking myself in the bathroom and crying. Asking myself how I was going to fix the problem.
I told him that its not funny to call people fat and laugh about it. He could see I was really upset and he felt sad when he saw I was crying.
She had lap band surgery and started Keto. Photo: Australscope
She began researching weight loss surgeries and she decided to have a lap band inserted a band placed around the top of the stomach to create a smaller stomach. In March 2013 she went ahead with surgery and has been amazed at the results since.
I set up a consultation with a bariatric surgeon and we went over the options. I had to do a visit with a personal trainer to learn how working out is important, she said, explaining how she started going to the gym one month after having the surgery.
I also had to prove that I could lose some weight before my surgery, which I did! I was 107kg when I went for surgery, she added.
After the surgery and through working out at the gym she managed to lose a huge 30kg before also addressing her overall diet and turning to Keto to lose the last little bit.
By focusing on low-carb foods and counting her macros, Schauna is now a healthy 71kg and a size 12.
She's now lost over 60kg and is a size 12. I Photo: Australscope
Through keto I learned that its about maintaining a lifestyle rather than constantly shedding, so I switched to macro counting, which is what Im currently doing and I feel amazing, she said, deciding to start sharing her journey on Instagram@lowcarb.godess.
My friends and family are so proud of me and Im so thankful for their support. Its given me a real drive to keep going and to show people that you can do anything you put your mind to.
Im a mum of three so Im constantly running around after my sons, I work full time and still manage to track my food, eat homemade meals and work out every day. Anyone who sees that I can do it can know that they can too.
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Lynn slimmer says her life has been saved after shedding six-and-half stone – Lynn News
Posted: November 9, 2019 at 5:48 am
A slimmer who lost six-and-half stone in less than two years is looking forward to inspiring others when she takes on the role of consultant at a Lynn group this month.
Ahead of World Diabetes Day on Thursday, November 14, Charlotte Doughty, of Lynn, is also celebrating the fact that by losing weight, she has reduced her risk of type 2 diabetes.
She has grown up with a family history of diabetes with her dad and grandmother both suffering from type 2 diabetes.
Charlotte achieved her weight loss having joined Slimming World, which supports patients who have type 2 diabetes to lose weight and manage their glucose control.
Charlotte joined her local group at Gaywood Library in 2017. She said: I was diagnosed firstly with gestational diabetes when pregnant with my second child in 2001, then again with pre-diabetes in early 2015 at the age of 38 while pregnant once again. The doctor told me my weight was seriously impacting my health, and I needed to take control of my weight to help manage the condition.
"Unfortunately my unborn baby was later diagnosed with Edwards Syndrome, a genetic disorder, and sadly passed away in the womb at 37 weeks.
"I was told by health professionals that my weight along with my age may have played a factor in my babys condition. Due to my grief and self-loathing that I may have caused my babys condition, my eating escalated further and despite the warnings from my GP, I continued to eat fast food and drink pints of lager.
"It became a vicious circle of feeling depressed about my weight by turning to food and alcohol. Being overweight seriously began to impact on so many aspects of my life. I always felt like I was lacking energy and motivation."
With support from her partner, Ian, and the group, Charlotte followed Slimming Worlds Food Optimising eating plan and started cooking healthy meals from scratch.
She said: People think slimming means going hungry, yet its not like that at all with this healthy eating plan. I love food and I never once felt like I was on a diet. In fact, people are always surprised at how much food I have on my plate and cant believe Im losing weight eating so much delicious food and without ever feeling hungry."
Charlotte has gone from a dress size 24 to a size 12. Shes also more active nowadays and regularly attends the local Parkrun at the Walks.
Thanks to the changes Ive made my health has improved dramatically and I am no longer pre-diabetic. My blood sugar reading is now in the normal range and I show no symptoms of type 2 diabetes.
"Slimming World has literally saved my life as I was only heading one way. I want to go on to inspire and support others to do the same, Ive got my life back and I couldnt be happier."
She will take over as consultant at Slimming World's group which meets at Providence House, Providence Street, Lynn, group on November 23.
The sessions run every Saturday morning at 8.30am and 10.30am. For further information please contact Charlotte on 07840 769842.
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Lynn slimmer says her life has been saved after shedding six-and-half stone - Lynn News
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Eating meals early can help in weight loss – Times of India
Posted: November 9, 2019 at 5:45 am
The desire to stay in shape is an universal dream, and what makes it even more important is our fast paced life. In fact, a healthy body and a sane mind is something that we all need to stay abreast with the challenges of urban life.According to a recent study, eating all your meals earlier in the day helps in suppressing food cravings, thereby promoting weight loss. In fact, eating a healthy and wholesome diet, early in the day can help your body to derive all the essential nutrients and still help you manage weight. A simple way to manage this is by going for an intermittent fasting. One of the most popular diets, this term intermittent is used to describe the eating patterns in which one needs to fast for as good as 8-12 hours, which gives the body ample time to digest the food and restore the nutrients. In fact, eating early also helps in reducing obesity. As per a few studies, it has been observed that early time-restricted feeding helps in curbing appetite and promote fat burning.It has also been established by a few studies that eating after long intervals make it pretty sustainable to lose weight. However, intermittent fasting much like other fad diets must be started only after seeking medical advice as it can also lead to too much bloating and acidic formation and dehydration. Moreover, this form of diet can be unhealthy for people suffering from high blood pressure, cancer or gastro intestinal issues. Another amazing thing about this diet is that it does not restricts one on what they eat, but it restrict the time and intervals in which they eat. In fact, the best thing about this diet is that you must eat all meals early, so that you body gets enough time to process it and extract all the essential elements, this helps in managing weight in a sustainable way. But too much of anything can be harmful, thus seeking a medical advise is the right way to go about it!
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Curd Vs Milk: Which Is Better For Weight Loss? Nutritionists Reveal – Doctor NDTV
Posted: November 9, 2019 at 5:45 am
Weight loss tips: Probiotics in curd give it the edge over milk when it comes to aiding weight loss. However, there is little or no difference in calorie content of milk and curd. Read here to find out more.
Weight loss: Dairy products like curd and milk are a rich source of calcium and Vitamin D
Curd vs milk for weight loss: Curd and milk are both common in people's daily diet. Some people can't do without milk in morning (or night) or without a wholesome cup of curd along with meals. And is this a healthy habit for weight loss? We will find out here. Curd and milk are protein-rich dairy products that are also rich in calcium. It is important to include curd and/or milk in kids' diet for optimum nutrition. Dairy products like milk and yogurt are also rich in Vitamin D, potassium, riboflavin, phosphorus and Vitamin B12. Vitamin D and calcium in milk and yogurt facilitate stronger bones. In this article, we are going to see if milk or curd...which one of the two is better for weight loss.
We speak to nutritionist Rupali Datta if milk is better for weight loss or curd. "Both milk and curd are calorie-wise similar. Curd, however, contains probiotics-which provide beneficial bacteria to the gut," she says while adding, a healthy gut is directly proportional to a healthy digestion and good overall health. This may give curd the edge for being more weight loss-friendly.
She is quick to mention that the calorie content in milk and curd are nearly the same. "Adults should have skimmed or low-fat milk and curd made from skimmed milk. Kids should have full fat milk and curd made from full-fat milk," she asserts.
Delhi-based nutritionist Pooja Malhotra also believes that curd is more weight loss friendly than milk. She says, "Between milk and curd, curd is definitely a healthier option for both weight loss as well as weight gain. Curd is easy to digest as the proteins get partially denatured during the setting of curd. Curd rice is a delicious combination which helps in recovery when someone is unwell too."
She points out that both curd and milk can aid weight gain as well. "Both milk and curd can be used in a weight gain diet too. Full cream milk and full cream curd can included for weight gain. You can prepare sweet lassi, banana milk shake, milk with with badaam thandaai, etc, if you want to gain weight in a healthy way," adds Pooja.
Dairy products like milk and curd can be used in weight gain diets tooPhoto Credit: iStock
Also read:You Can Now Have Plenty Of Curd To Reduce Anxiety
Having said that, it is important to understand that milk and curd, that is natural and hormone-free, should be a part of a balanced diet.
1. Dairy products like milk, curd, cheese and cottage cheese are a rich source of protein. Protein is the building block of the human body. It is a macronutrient which is also responsible for regulating hunger hormones.
2. Casein, globulin and albumin are the three proteins present in milk. They help in keeping you satiated and full for longer.
3. Curd is an excellent source of good bacteria for gut. Eating curd regularly can restore good digestion.
Also read:6 Best Non-Dairy Substitutes For Milk
4. Live active cultures found in curd can fight disease-causing germs, thus giving a boost to your immunity. According to a study by University of Vienna researchers, eating 200 gms of curd can be as effective in boosting immunity as popping pills.
5. Both curd and milk have beneficial effects on skin. While milk can be used as a gentle cleanser and moisturiser, curd can be used an exfoliator. Curd can help in reducing skin blemishes and dead cells on skin.
Both curd and milk have moisturising effects on skinPhoto Credit: iStock
6. Potassium content in milk and curd make them beneficial high blood pressure patients. Potassium negates the effect of sodium on high blood pressure. The more potassium you eat, the more sodium you are able to lose through urine.
Also read:Here's Why You Must Have A Glass Of Milk Everyday
So if you are trying to lose weight, both curd and milk can be beneficial for you. This, of course, is possible only when you practice portion control. Along with protein and other nutrients, dairy products contain fat too. Eating too much of curd or drinking more than a glass of milk daily can adversely affect your weight loss. Calculate your intake of milk and/or curd depending on your overall caloric intake during the day, recommends Dr Rupali.
(Dr Rupali Datta is Consultant Nutritionist at Fortis Escorts)
(Pooja Malhotra is a nutritionist based in Delhi)
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
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Curd Vs Milk: Which Is Better For Weight Loss? Nutritionists Reveal - Doctor NDTV
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