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Here’s how Avocado can help in delaying diabetes – Times of India
Posted: November 9, 2019 at 5:44 am
Avocado, also known as alligator pear is known for its high nutrient value and used to add extra flavour and rich texture to food. Considered as the main ingredient of guacamole, this fruit comes in many shapes and colours is rich in vitamins and minerals that make it a healthy choice for people of all age groups.You will be surprised to know that it doesnt contain any cholesterol or sodium and is also low in saturated fat.While we all have been reading about its rich fibre content that makes it effective in weight loss and metabolic health, a recent study has highlighted that it can also help in delaying or preventing diabetes.According to the latest study published in the journal- Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, it has been found that avocado has a compound that can inhibit cellular processes that normally lead to diabetes. During the research, it was found that the compound was easily absorbed into the blood with no adverse effects on the kidney or liver. The researchers have found that avocation B (AvoB), a fat molecule found only in avocado, counters incomplete oxidation in skeletal muscle and the pancreas to reduce insulin resistance.In a human clinical, AvoB was given as a dietary supplement to participants eating a typical western diet was absorbed safely into their blood without affecting their kidney or skeletal muscle,After the successful demonstration of its safety in humans, the team is planning to conduct clinical trials to test AvoBs efficient in treating metabolic ailments in people too. Inputs from ANI
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Here is How Your Dessert Becomes a Mini Meal –
Posted: November 9, 2019 at 5:44 am
Want to relish healthy and mouth-watering dessert? Try chocolate cookies. Dont worry, it wont lead to weight gain. Thinking how? Well, to make something like a dessert, healthy for your body, you just need to switch the ingredients. Using some of the body-friendly options like buckwheat, sweet potato, almond butter, dates, etc. can make your dessert a mini-meal. Notably, buckwheat is known to be rich in fiber, protein, iron, copper, etc. Being super nutritious, buckwheat can help you lose weight, improve your colon health, and keep your blood sugar level under control. On the other hand, sweet potato can promote your gut health, protect you against certain cancers, and support vision. It is also associated with improved brain function. Now, if we talk about almond butter, it is loaded with antioxidants that can treat inflammation and protect your body cells from damage. Now that you know about the health benefits of these ingredients, you can safely use them to make delicious chocolate protein dehydrated cookies. Dont know the recipe? Watch this video.
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Nike, Alberto Salazar and Top Pros Respond To Mary Cain’s Allegations –
Posted: November 8, 2019 at 12:52 pm
By LetsRun.comNovember 8, 2019
It didnt take long for the responses to start pouring in after the allegations made byformer teen track and field sensation Mary Cain yesterday in a video essay produced by The New York Timesin which she alleged former Nike Oregon Project coach Alberto Salazar publicly fat-shamed her and showed little concern when she became suicidal.
Nike issued a statement saying they took the allegations seriously but were unaware of them as Cain had tried to rejoin the team as recently as April of this year. Here is Nikes statement.
These are deeply troubling allegations which have not been raised by Mary or her parents before. Mary was seeking to rejoin the Oregon Project and Albertos team as recently as April of this year and had not raised these concerns as part of that process. We take the allegations extremely seriously and will launch an immediate investigation to hear from former Oregon Project athletes. At Nike we seek to always put the athlete at the center of everything we do, and these allegations are completely inconsistent with our values.
Cain, on Twitter, confirmed that she did try to rejoin the Oregon Project earlier this year and that, regardless of his former behavior, she still loved Salazar and craved his approval.
As recently as this summer, I still thought: maybe if I rejoin the team, itll go back to how it was. But we all come to face our demons in some way. For me, that was seeing my old team this last spring.
I wanted closure, wanted an apology for never helping me when I was cutting, and in my own, sad, never-fully healed heart, wanted Alberto to still take me back. I still loved him. Because when we let people emotionally break us, we crave more than anything their very approval.
So when he opened up about his struggles I felt maybe we were going somewhere. I was cognizant that he pushed my own story of depression and my attempts to purge aside, but I thought his opening up could be a first step. But it wasnt.
We quickly fell out of touch this summer, and that made the rose color glasses finally fall off. He didnt care about me as a person; only as the product, the performer, the athlete. Then, after the USADA report dropped, I felt this quick and sudden sense of release.
No more wanting them to like me. No more needing their approval. I could finally look at the facts, read others stories, and face: THIS SYSTEM WAS NOT OK. I stand before you today because I am strong enough, wise enough, and brave enough. Please stand with me.
Three former NOP members shared their stories of Salazar criticizing women for their weight.Former NOP member and Canadian Olympian Cam Levins backed Cains allegations that Salazar was very much focused on her weight as he issued an apology on Twitter to Cain, writing,
I cant find any pictures of @runmarycainand me together, but this is how I will always remember her-constantly being a supportive teammate, while fighting her own battles.You deserve an apology for not having a person who was looking out for you in the right ways during your time in Portland at the Oregon Project, and I wish I had been that person.
I knew that our coaching staff was obsessed with your weight loss, emphasizing it as if it were the single thing standing in the way of great performances. I knew because they spoke of it openly among other athletes. You may not get the apology from those you should, but I am sorry as your teammate for what happened. I understand both the arbitrary number goal placed on you and constant push to lose weight. I promise to be part of the culture change you are progressing by sharing your story.
Olympian Amy Yoder Begley, now a coach for the Atlanta Track Club, who didnt overlap with Cain at the NOP, tweeted that she was kicked out of the NOP after placing 6th at the 2011 USATF championships with Salazar telling her she was too fat and had the biggest butt on the starting line. Former NOP assistant coach Steve Magness confirmed to in a text message exchange that Begleys comments were an accurate description of what occurred, writing Alberto and I would get in arguments over some of his crazy weight stuff. Its one of the reasons I got out of there. We got in a big argument over weight after World Indoors and then again at Oxy in 2012. The meeting where Alberto let go of Amy happened because Alberto told her that her ass was hanging out of her uniform at USAs and he could no longer coach her because of her weight. Its just like the testosterone stuff he was obsessed with that and Alberto was absolutely obsessed with weight. Look at the supplement [Shannon] Rowbury was shown to be on from that leaked Fancy Bear report She was on freaking shadyweight loss supplements, like Lipo-flush or something (like that).
We then asked Magness if he ever witnessed a public weigh-in as described by Cain. I didnt witness any public weigh-ins. Alberto would just tell athlete they were too big, that they had gained five pounds or whatever in front of everyone back then.
Former NOP member Adam Gouchertweeted that after his wife Kara placed 5th in the 2011 Boston Marathon in 2:24:52, just over six months after giving birth (205 days later to be exact), Salazar and NOP sports psychologist Darren Treasure went up to Karas mother and sister and said, Dont tell Kara, but she is still too heavy. She needs to lose her baby weight if she wants to be fast again.
Gouchers 2:24:52 time was, and remains, her personal best in the marathon.
Longtime Nike pro Shalane Flanagan, who was never was part of the NOP, also supported Cain on Twitter, writing on Thurday, I had no idea it was this bad. Im so sorry @runmarycainthat I never reached out to you when I saw you struggling. I made excuses to myself as to why I should mind my own business. We let you down. I will never turn my head again.
As this article was nearing publication, The Oregonians Ken Goe published a piece with lengthy quotes from Salazar himself, denying Cains allegations. Salazar wrote:
Marys father is a medical doctor, and both of her parents were deeply involved in her training, competition and health throughout the period she was coached by me. For example, Marys father consulted on medications and supplements Mary used during her time at the NOP. Neither of her parents, nor Mary, raised any of the issues that she now suggests occurred while I was coaching her. To be clear, I never encouraged her, or worse yet, shamed her, to maintain an unhealthy weight.
Salazar also wrote that, Mary at times struggled to find and maintain her ideal performance and training weight, and said that when that occured her referred Cainto female physician who would have been responsible for prescribing Mary with any medication, including birth control pills. And of course, as I have said many times before, I have never given, encouraged or suggested that any of my athletes take any banned substance, ever.
Goe concluded his piece with a text message that Salazar says Cain sent him in April of this year where Cain allegedly wrote, Thanks again so much for a great trip Im excited to be working together again and I really want this. Haha got back to a chilly morning in NY and even skipped class just to prioritize training and recovery since thats my No. 1.
Below, you can see the tweets described earlier in this story.
Mary Cain
Amy Yoder-Begley
Adam Goucher
Cam Levins
Shalane Flanagan
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*MB:Explosive New York Times article: Mary Cain breaks silence about NOP*MB:Mary Tried to Rejoin NOP in April 2019
More:LRCFull Transcript ofNY TimesVideo: Mary Cain Says She Was Emotionally And Physically Abused By A System Designed By Alberto [Salazar] And Endorsed By Nike
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Shayne Looper: The power of idolatry and the idolatry of power –
Posted: November 8, 2019 at 12:52 pm
The last sentence in St. Johns first letter is: Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Its placement as the apostles final word gives it substantial weight. He clearly regarded it as important.
We do not. The sentence hardly seems to fit our postmodern era. Idols were a part of their culture, not ours. Humanity has advanced beyond our ancestors crude worship, lavished as it was on lifeless, heartless symbols and images.
Think again. Consider the images that we have endowed with power: the apple with a bite taken out of it (Apple Corporation); the golden arches (McDonalds); five yellow bars, radiating out like sun rays (Walmart); the smirky gold smile (Amazon). These images connote power, even world dominance.
One year out from the U.S. general election, I can think of two other symbols that connote power. The donkey and the elephant. They promise to their respective worshipers the same kind of things that idol worship has always offered: control, comfort and a better life.
In idolatry, a non-divine power subverts human worship for itself and usurps humanitys God-given authority to exercise dominion over the world. Such dominion - loving, wise and just - remains a human responsibility, but idolatry robs humanity of the authority to fulfill it. The responsibility to rule is outsourced to someone or something else - corporations, media influencers, governments and more.
When our practice of politics becomes idolatrous, we give away our authority to make the world a better place while at the same time excusing ourselves from the responsibility of doing so. The cost of idolatry is always high: the loss of human freedom. When we sacrifice to any idol, including the images of the elephant and the donkey, the sacrificial victim inevitably turns out to be us. Worshiping God empowers us. Worshiping anything else dehumanizes us and robs us of our power.
That we have made politics an idol is evidenced by our abdication of responsibility to do something about our own problems. For example, a person who has made politics an idol will say he is concerned about saving traditional marriage but do little to save his own marriage. A person who casts her vote in the hope of improving race relations but does nothing to welcome people of other races and ethnicities into her life may be an idolater.
Of course there are things we can do together that we cannot do alone, and for those things the collective power we can exercise through government is necessary. But if we are not doing what we could do as individuals; if we are surrendering our authority and responsibility to government, we are flirting with idolatry.
When we trust some power other than God to make our lives or the world better and offer our devotion to it, it quickly begins to take over Gods rightful place in our lives. We become dependent on it. We (to use the language of biblical discipleship) follow it, probably on Facebook and Twitter, the cable news networks and in print. If we see that our idol is under siege, we become fearful.
An intelligent, informed worship of God brings the worshiper peace and self-control, but the worship of an idol always brings fear and agitation. If this is true, and if politics has become an idol for many people, we would expect to find anxiety, distress and anger surrounding the practice of politics in our nation. We would expect to see people lose control and act like the world will fall apart should their party fail to gain ascendency. In other words, we would see exactly what we are seeing.
America is not being torn apart by politics but by the idolatry of politics. Politics is good and right in its place and America has as good a system for doing politics, because of our constitution, as any nation in the world. But while politics is right in its place, it is wrong in Gods place; in fact, it is a devil.
This is where many Americans now stand (or kneel): in front of the idol that is politics. We, who say, In God we trust, must repent of this and reserve that sacred spot for God alone.
Shayne Looper is the pastor of Lockwood Community Church in Branch County, Michigan. Read more at
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Strongman Eddie Hall Helped This Guy Lose Nearly 15Kg In 6 Weeks – Men’s Health
Posted: November 8, 2019 at 12:52 pm
If you're looking to make some changes to your life and get in shape, you could do worse than having strongmanEddie "The Beast" Hallas your trainer. Theformer World's Strongest Man winnerhas a new show with on Facebook Watch calledBeasted: each episode sees him showing a new guy the ropes in the gym and setting him off on his own transformation journey.
In the first instalment, Shaw works with salesman Sam Parcell to kickstart a lifelong change with a six week transformation challenge. Sam isinterested in taking a more proactive approach to his own health and fitness, as his father passed away from a heart attack and he wants to decrease his risk of going the same way. Now that he and his wife Amelia are thinking about starting a family of their own, he wants to be able to keep up the energy to run around after kids and be healthy enough to stick around for a long time.
Strongman and strength conditioning coach Luke Fullbrook and sports rehabilitation specialist Chris Peil join Sam and Eddie for day one of the challenge, which starts with six exercises designed to test Sam's strength, agility and endurance: a 220 kgdeadlift, a 140 kgbench press, agoblet squat, ashoulder press, a frame carry, and theSkiErg.
Once he knows his way around the equipment, Sam is left to his own devices for the six weeks. After just one week on his training program and new meal plan (consisting primarily of chicken, rice, oats and greens), he's already noticing that clothes are starting to fit better.
RELATED: Here's How The World's Strongest Men Eat Over 10,000 Calories In A Single Day
"I can't believe after having so much time out of the gym, doing that strength stuff, how strong I've got so quickly," he says at the halfway mark. "It was vital to do something like this," he adds. "What it's done it put everything in perspective."
Sam weighs in at 130 kg (286 pounds) at the start of the six weeks, with 30.5 per cent body fat. By the end of the challenge, he's dropped a staggering 13 Kilos, and has considerably improved his stamina and gym technique: he only managed five reps on the shoulder press to begin with, but six weeks later he smashes out 18.
"The number's incredible, it's more than tripled," says Hall. "Absolutely incredible."
This article originally appeared on Men's Health
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Stock indexes hit pause, hold close to record levels – The Associated Press
Posted: November 8, 2019 at 12:52 pm
BANGKOK (AP) Asian stocks were mostly lower Thursday after a meandering day of trading in the U.S. left stock indexes close to their record highs.
The Shanghai Composite Index declined 0.3% to 2,969.81. Tokyos Nikkei 225 was down 0.1% at 23,275.17. Hong Kongs Hang Seng sank 0.4% to 27,589.65 and South Koreas Kospi shed 0.2% to 2,140.64.
Sydneys S&P-ASX 200 advanced 0.9% to 6,717.40, making it the best performer across regional markets. Indias Sensex gained 0.5% to 40,651.44. Benchmarks in New Zealand advanced while Taiwan and Singapore declined.
Earlier, a Reuters report that the United States and China may delay signing Phase 1 of their trade deal until December sent U.S. shares decisively lower by midday. However, the drop didnt last long.
After sinking 0.3%, the S&P 500 erased its loss within about two hours. The index closed 2.16 points, or 0.1% higher, at 3,076.78. Its within two points of its record.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average less than 0.1% to 27,492.56, and the Nasdaq composite fell 0.3% to 8,410.63.
The U.S.-China trade war has been a top concern for investors since early 2018, and momentum has recently been tilting toward at least a partial agreement. That, combined with encouraging reports on the economy and corporate profits, have recently propelled U.S. indexes past their prior peaks from July to all-time highs.
While acknowledging that trade talks could easily falter again, Jeff Mills, chief investment officer at Bryn Mawr Trust, said both sides have an incentive to come to a deal. Chinas economic growth has slowed under the weight of increased U.S. tariffs. President Donald Trumps chances of re-election, meanwhile, likely hinge in large part on the economy, and a worsening trade war would only sour it.
Mills is optimistic the economy will show more life after the Federal Reserve cut interest rates three times this year, if trade tensions continue to ratchet lower. It would be a sharp turnaround from just a few months ago, when worries were spiking that Trumps trade war and four interest-rate increases by the Federal Reserve in 2018 could tip the economy into a recession.
People know this intellectually but tend not to focus on it: Changes in interest rates impact the economy with a significant lag, Mills said. What weve been seeing the last year or so is the economy absorbing the rise in interest rates that we experienced in 2018.
Early next year, the economy should start to get a boost from the Feds three rate cuts since the summer, and I would expect the market to see the recession narrative as overblown, he said.
Until then, though, markets are still trading on every whiff of news about trade. Wednesdays moves following the report of a possible phase one delay demonstrated that.
Trade is a key issue but its difficult to gain an edge because no deal has been signed, said Tom Hainlin, national investment strategist at U.S. Bank Wealth Management. Its proving to be challenging for investors.
One thing more certain for investors has been the steady flow of better-than-expected profit reports from big companies. Over the last month, hundreds have told investors how much they made from July through September, and in most cases the declines were not as steep as analysts had forecast.
Benchmark U.S. crude lost 3 cents to $56.32 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. It gained 12 cents to close at $56.35 per barrel.
Brent crude, used to price international oils, fell 2 cents to $56.33.
The dollar fell to 108.68 Japanese yen from 108.96 yen. The euro declined to $1.1058 from $1.1068.
AP Business Writers Stan Choe and Damian J. Troise contributed.
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Intermittent Fasting: How To Lose Weight With Timed Eating – International Business Times
Posted: November 8, 2019 at 12:50 pm
Intermittent fasting aka intermittent energy restriction is the process of scheduling your meals that cycles between voluntary fasting and non-fasting over a period of time. Intermittent fasting has been trendy among recent years as an effective kind of weight loss method.
There are three kinds of intermittent fasting namely alternate-day fasting, periodic fasting and time-restricted feeding. It might be similar to a calorie restriction diet. Although the science concerning this method of weight loss is preliminary and inconclusive, the American Heart Association opines that intermittent fasting can aid weight loss, reduce insulin resistance and lower the risk of heart diseases. Here is how you can use this powerful weight loss tool for a successful and sustained weight reduction:
1. Have bulletproof coffee
Although it might be difficult to skip breakfast, you can use this hack to fastfor18 hours. Rather than skipping breakfast, have a cup of fatty, bulletproof coffee (coffee with oil, butter or ghee) that can help you achieve a fastingstate while nourishing your body with good fats. Replacing a carb-heavy breakfast with a bulletproof coffee can not only make you feel satisfied but also energized for a long period.
2. Break your fast the right way
Consume the right fats, vegetables, and meats towardthe end of your fast. Although you might be tempted to eat sweets or snacks, opt for healthy options like salads or soups. Also, try to avoid binging on carbs or unhealthy snacks.
3. Do a 24-hour fast every week
Start by trying the "Eat-Stop-Eat"once or twice per week. It involves fasting for an entire 24-hour period. You can either fast from dinner to dinner, or breakfast to breakfast. For instance, if you have your breakfast on Friday at 9 a.m., you shouldnt eat until Saturday at 9 a.m. You are allowed to consume non-calorific beverages, water, and coffee during the fast. Make sure you eat normally during the eating period and not consume high-calorific foods.
4. Try the warrior diet
Fast throughout the day and have a huge meal during dinner. You can also eat small amounts of raw fruits or vegetables during the fasting period. The food choices include those similar to a paleo diet whole, unprocessed foods. The principle behind this kind of intermittent fasting is to fast all day and feast in the night.
Alternate day fasting may lead to successful weight loss. Photo: Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay
5. Fastspontaneously
If youre someone who is unable to follow a structured intermittent fasting plan, you can do a spontaneous meal skipping where you can skip meals whenever feasible. You can simply skip meals from time to time when you dont feel hungry or dont feel like cooking. Human bodies are well equipped to handle long periods of famine and thus, missing a meal or two now and then will not be very difficult. Skip a meal or two whenever you feel like but make sure you eat healthy foods during other meals.
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Adrienne Houghton Says Her Recent Weight Loss Was Motivated By Her Desire To Have A Baby – MadameNoire
Posted: November 8, 2019 at 12:50 pm
Source: Tasia Wells / Getty
Ever since Adrienne Houghton showed off a slimmer figure to premiere Season 6 ofThe Real, things have been great. She has a newfound confidence, including when it comes to the clothes she wears.
I went seasons without showing my arms because that was something I was really self-conscious about, she she told Hola! Its something that I am working on. I would always wear long sleeves. Now, were finding really cute things that just cover that one little area of arm-cleavage, and its been groundbreaking for my wardrobe.
The 36-year-oldThe Realco-host, who recently announced her upcoming Facebook Watch series Wear It Wellabout finding the right, flattering style for your body type, went vegan earlier this year. She also got back to exercising consistently. Doing so has clearly paid off for her, and helped with her autoimmune disease, Hashimotos, but Houghton told Hola! that she didnt eat clean and shed weight just to fit into sexy clothes and to find some relief. She was actually motivated to get into shape because she was thinking about family planning.
I knew that wanting to have a baby I want to be in the best shape of my life, she said. I really buckled down this summer and just made it happen. I got into a routine of working out, so that the day Im pregnant, I can continue to be consistent with working out.
Houghton already has in mind what shell be wearing when shes with child soon enough, and shes going for what will hug her figure and of course, her future bump. Shes going to take a page from the style of some of her favorite A-listers.
For my body type I definitely know that Ill have to wear more bodycon or form fitting things that like will show that Im pregnant so that you dont just think Im just out here, you know, eating burritos and stuff, she said. I think Jennifer Lopez was incredible, and she was carrying twins. I loved Kourtney Kardashians and Chrissy Teigen. Just recently looking at someone like Shay Mitchell who looked amazing throughout her maternity photos as well.
Of course, Houghton has been open since 2017 about wanting to have a child with husband Israel Houghton. It didnt initially happen as hoped, but shes not given up faith that its going to happen at the right time.
Im really enjoying the process of making it! Thats been a good time, she said earlier this year. I joked around on my show but obviously there is a realness to the fact that not everybody gets pregnant the first time they try. For me it just hasnt been that way. We actually started trying in August so I know a lot of people were like, Oh my God. I do want to clarify, I dont have fertility issues. I think it is important [to say that] because thats a really serious thing, you shouldnt throw that around. But we do have to be just more sensitive in general. I thought I could try and it would just happen and it didnt work out that way, but I do believe in Gods timing. Im in no rush, and were enjoying ourselves.
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James Martin’s dramatic weight loss after Saturday Morning host dropped five stone – Heart
Posted: November 8, 2019 at 12:50 pm
8 November 2019, 12:50
Celebrity chef James Martin has lost more than five stone since he appeared on Strictly in 2005.
As one of TVs best-loved chefs, James Martin is known for giving us delicious recipes on his show Saturday Morning.
But the 47-year-old has also been open about his weight loss over the past few years, having gone through a major body transformation. So how did he do it?
The star first admitted to dropping the pounds when he took part in Strictly Come Dancing back in 2005.
When James appeared on the show with partner Camilla Dallerup, he is said to have lost a stone in just a week and, by the time he was voted out, hed shed a whopping five stone. He recalled: I mean, I needed to!
James - who has long term girlfriend Louise Davies - also previously revealed the impact the show had on his approach to eating and admitted he stopped using butter in his cooking.
He said at the time he was determined to stay healthy and fit, adding: Its hard work because Im a big bloke so Ive really got to watch what I eat and drink, and make sure I exercise regularly.
Read More: The secrets behind Adele's weight loss transformation: from pilates to ditching cups of tea
The TV star reportedly went on to lose another stone after he became self-conscious while watching himself in high definition onscreen.
Talking to the Daily Mail, he previously said: "I just think it's a lifestyle thing and also looking at yourself on TV."
Read More: The Chase star Mark Labbett shows off dramatic weight loss following marriage fallout
James added: "You kind of watch and go, 'Oh God there's a bit of chin happening there'. And everybody's TVs are bigger now. Before you used to watch TV on a small one and now they're massive."
Despite changing his lifestyle, the Saturday Morning chef said he has to be tough on himself, especially when he goes on tour.
Appearing on Good Morning Britain, James told hosts Susanna Reid and Ben Shepherd: Ive got a lot of mates of mine who are quite good chefs in the area who usually open late.
When Ben replied: You must be burning up a lot of calories on stage, he added: Mainly because of stress more than anything else because its a lot of weight, you have to perform every night.
Earlier this year, James also opened up on his weight during an interview with the Loose Women ladies.
Asked whether his mum was critical of his looks when she watched his shows, he said: "100 per cent, hence I'm wearing a jacket!"
He later went on to say: "Weight is quite a big issue.
Now she's got a big TV. It never used to be a problem when she had a little TV. It's all relative. HD is horrific.
I've never been a little lad. I'm 6ft 4 and 18 stone. That's the way I am."
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MMAs Rudson Caliocane, 26, left paralysed with brain haemorrhage after rapid weight loss and losing fight – The Sun
Posted: November 8, 2019 at 12:50 pm
AN MMA champion has been left paralysed with a brain haemorrhage after cutting an extreme amount of weight for a fight he lost.
Brazilian bantamweight Rudson Caliocane, 27, may never recover from his injuries and has been forced to give up his title.
Caliocane, who was Titan FC bantamweight king and had trained with UFC world champ Amanda Nunes, was rushed to hospital after collapsing backstage following his bout on October 19.
The fighter lost more than a stone in a day after severely dehydrating himself to make weight.
It was while in hospital that Caliocane was diagnosed with a blood clot and his girlfriend, Raphaela Meireles, posted a touching photo of herself holding his hand.
Blood could not get to a section of Caliocane's brain, causing tissue in that area to die because it was no longer receiving oxygen.
As a result, the fighter is now partially paralysed on his left side, cannot walk without a limp and struggles to speak clearly, according to ESPN.
His agent Alex Davis said Caliocane's neurologist told him the clot was the result of an extreme weight cut and not the actual fight.
Davis said: "This is an injury caused because of intense weight cutting. That's what caused this.
"We have a new report from the doctors. They reached a conclusion that it wasn't exactly in the fight. It was actually something that was created because he dropped too much weight."
Caliocane lost to Matheus Mendonca at the Future FC 9 show in Sao Paulo, Brazil, last month.
Now all Caliocane can do is prey he recovers and leads a normal life - let alone enter the cage again.
Davis added: "He's a young kid, such a great kid. Everybody loves him. It's a sore situation.
"The problem is that nobody knows if he's going to be better or if he's not going to be better.
"Nobody knows what's going to happen.
"We're hopeful, and our first focus is on him getting better and being able to live a normal life."
Girlfriend Meireles wrote on her post: "Fighting is not the end of my story or yours. There is struggle in life!
"And after this will come others, but together we will win them all, as we have already won this!"
Caliocane said in a statement: "I have decided to vacate my Titan FC Bantamweight World Championship Title, out of fairness to the division, and to Titan FC and Lex McMahon, who has given me the opportunity to fight for and hold the belt, and have treated me so well.
"Hopefully, I can come back and reconquer the Titan FC Bantamweight division in the near future.
"However, for now I must concentrate on my health and getting better."
Caliocane had won seven fights in a row before the loss in Brazil.
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A GoFundMe campaign has been set up to raise money for expensive medical bills, with a target of 7,800.
Titan FC chief McMahon said: "This is a very serious injury that's going to require many months - if not years - of expensive medication and therapy in order to make a recovery.
"We're with you, Rudson. We stand by you. Once a champion, always a champion."
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MMAs Rudson Caliocane, 26, left paralysed with brain haemorrhage after rapid weight loss and losing fight - The Sun
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