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Her patients love her. Successful weight loss happens here. – KGUN
Posted: November 6, 2019 at 1:47 pm
Dr. Sophie Jacob provides more than just your average Chiropractic care in Tucson. She is your partner in wellness. If you suffer from chronic pain, need to lose weight, or desire to live a healthier life style it all starts with Dr Jacob.
Click here for more information.
Losing "stubborn" fat is hard and as you get older - it just gets harder and harder. You might go to the gym five days a week, sweat on the treadmill for an hour, and see maybe a pound or two drop in a month. Is that really worth your time? Or... imagine going to a medical facility, laying down, spending 25 minutes relaxing, then getting up and finding out you've lost two inches around your waist. Which do you prefer? What if you could keep doing that and losing more and more fat until you looked like you did years ago? If you have any interest in this and how it works when it comes to inch loss, you should stop what you're doing and call the office for an appointment immediately. This new treatment technology - now available in Tucson - uses a special light therapy to trick your mitochondria (in your fat cells) to release their fat content. ULTRASLIM is now cleared for prescription use in the United States as the only noninvasive treatment for immediate fat removal without dieting, exercise, or pills.This treatment is safe and painless! If you eat better, drink plenty of water, stay away from sugars, and carbohydrates, this can lead to permanent fat loss without surgery. Here's a heads up. If you have tried liposuction in the past - you know that when you"regain the weight" it goes to different places-making your body look distorted and then unfortunately, you're back to where you started, only worse. With this technology we don't destroy your fat cells. What we do is we simply drain the contents of the fat cells so you lose the inches and look good again.
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Her patients love her. Successful weight loss happens here. - KGUN
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The 12 NHS weight loss tips which can help you shed body fat safely – Daily Star
Posted: November 6, 2019 at 1:45 pm
Knowing how to go about weight loss can be very difficult.
With so much information out there it can be confusing to know where to start.
But if you are wanting to shed body fat it is important to go about it safely,
There are an endless amount of diets out there which claim to help you lose weight fast.
But sometimes the science behind these diets is questionable, and some may even put your health at risk.
Here the NHS have shared 12 tips to help you lose weight safely.
These are perfect to use alongside the free 12 week diet and exercise plan .
1. Dont skip breakfast
Skipping breakfast means youll be missing out on important nutrients, and could leave you hungry and snacking throughout the day.
2. Eat regular meals
Eating regularly helps you burn more calories throughout the day, and you wont be as tempted to snack on fatty and sugary foods.
3. Eat plenty of fruit and veg
Fruit and vegetables are high in fibre, low in calories and fat, and contain plenty of vitamins and minerals.
4. Get more active
Keeping active is essential to losing weight and keeping it off, as you will burn off excess calories.
5. Drink plenty of water
Sometimes you could think youre hungry, but you are actually thirsty.
6. Eat high-fibre foods
Eating foods which are high in fibre can help you feel full. Eat fruit and veg, oats, wholegrain bread, brown rice, pasta, beans, peas and lentils.
7. Read food labels
Get used to working out the calories in a food item and see if it fits into your daily calorie allowance.
8. Use a smaller plate
Using a smaller plate can help you eat smaller portions. Keep in mind it takes 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain its full.
Eat slowly and stop eating before you feel completely full.
9. Dont ban foods
If you ban foods, especially the ones you like, it will only make you crave them more.
Keep them as an occasional treat.
10. Dont stock junk food
Avoid temptation by not stocking the cupboards with crisps, chocolate, biscuits and sweet fizzy drinks.
Keep the cupboard stocked with fruit, unsalted rice cakes, oat cakes, unsalted or unsweetened popcorn and fruit juice.
11. Cut down on alcohol
Alcohol is full of calories, so having a glass of wine everyday can add up.
12. Plan your meals
Plan out your breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks for the week.
This will make it easier to stick to your calorie allowance.
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The 12 NHS weight loss tips which can help you shed body fat safely - Daily Star
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How to stay fit into your 60s and beyond – The Conversation UK
Posted: November 6, 2019 at 1:45 pm
Ageing is inevitable and is influenced by many things but keeping active can slow ageing and increase life expectancy. Evidence shows that ageing alone is not a cause of major problems until you are in your mid-90s. And strength, power and muscle mass can be increased, even at this advanced age.
So here are my top exercise tips for people in their 60s and older, at different levels of fitness.
If you fall into this group, you are in the minority. You are robust, likely to be a super-ager and you are doing wonderfully. You are certainly optimising your chance of living longer and ageing successfully.
Generally, this is when you reap your reward from a lifetime of keeping active. With your healthier metabolic, skeletal, cardiovascular and immune systems you can probably outperform people decades younger.
Keep up the kettlebells, spin classes, rowing, triathlons or manual work such as gardening whatever you like to do. You can keep challenging yourself physically. Mix your routine up a combination of aerobic and resistance work as well as an activity to challenge your balance is ideal.
Read more: Five brain-boosting reasons to take up martial arts at any age
Maximise health benefits by swimming outdoors and as part of a community. You might want to try sea swimming although its not for everybody.
But watch out for chronic overloading, that is, diversify your exercise programme by incorporating cross-training. For example, if you are a runner, incorporate cycling or swimming to avoid overloading any part of your body.
Recovery after strenuous exercise is slower as you age and can take up to five days. So exercise smart.
You are doing well, so keep going. Long-term consistency is the key for benefits. You dont necessarily have to join a gym, just keep building meaningful physical activity into your day. For example, walk briskly to the shops to get your groceries, keep up gardening and be active around your house. Even repeating simple stair climbing is a great exercise.
If you are suffering from hip or knee pain, walking may be painful, so try cycling or water-based exercise instead.
Coupling physical activity with social engagement can optimise its benefits, so try yoga or a dance class. Incorporate some outdoor exercise for an added mental health boost.
Read more: What science tells us about successful ageing
The main thing is to avoid long periods of sitting. Also, ideally, continue to do the exercise you enjoy. Try to steadily build up your level of aerobic exercise at a level where you build up a sweat and feel slightly out of breath.
Often strengthening and flexibility exercises are neglected, so try to include these type of exercises where possible.
You may be managing complex chronic conditions, which make it more difficult to exercise. Or it may be that exercise is not a habit for you. If you have several chronic conditions, you may need clearance from a doctor to exercise and specialised exercise advice from a physiotherapist or other exercise professional.
If you are experiencing three or more of the following: unplanned weight loss, exhaustion, slowness, weakness of grip and physical inactivity you may be considered frail, which will leave you vulnerable to even minor health stresses. But it is never too late to build more physical activity into your daily life.
Read more: Cancer and exercise do mix
Even reducing time spent sitting and doing a little exercise will have major health benefits, doing any type of activity at all is better than none. Even chair-based exercises or practising sit-to-stand can be a great start.
Feeling a bit out of breath with exercise is normal and some initial aches and joint pain are fine. But if you ever feel chest pain or severe discomfort, you need to see a doctor straight away.
If you have a set-back such as a chest infection or fall which results in a hospital admission, get up and moving as soon as is safely possible. Even a few days of bed rest can result in major decreases in strength and fitness.
If you have surgery scheduled, being as active as possible before being admitted to hospital and start moving as soon as possible afterwards will help your recovery. It may also prevent complications that could prolong your hospital stay.
If you are diagnosed with cancer, keep active, even during treatment, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and during recovery. If you have other common chronic conditions, such as heart or lung disease, keep as active as your condition allows.
Just remember, whatever your state of health, its never too late to reap the benefits of being more physically active.
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How to stay fit into your 60s and beyond - The Conversation UK
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Self care can lead to better overall health – Huntsville Item
Posted: November 6, 2019 at 1:45 pm
Spa days are often seen as a special occasion that we fit in when we have the time, or as a treat on birthdays, however some spa amenities are now being recognized in the medical community for their health benefits.
From preventative care to treatments complimentary to medical therapies, Lakuita Satterfield-Byrd and Kristal Darensburg-Rabb of The Facemaker full service salon in Huntsville, explain how massage therapy and skin care are more than just pampering luxuries.
When you meet someone, the first thing they look at is your face, so you want to have a nice appearance, a nice complexion, you want to have a nice glow when youre meeting someone, so coming in and getting facials and facial treatments helps the body overall, The Facemaker esthetician and massage therapist Lakuita Satterfield-Byrd said. Youre well rounded when you have a better complexion, you feel better about yourself, your skin is glowing and clean.
Satterfield-Byrd notes that her chemical peel facial is very popular, as are her deep cleaning and dermaplaning facials.
Chemical peels are my specialty, I like corrective skincare I like how different people come in and have acne, hyper pigmentation and I have different peels that corresponds to help with those issues, Satterfield-Byrd said.
Monthly facials can provide anti-aging benefits, acne treatment and prevention and sensitive skin treatments for rosacea and eczema.
Acting as the protective layer of our bodies and our largest organ, it is important to take care of our skin and facials can help reduce trips to the dermatologist. Facemaker massage therapist Kristal Darensburg-Rabb added that starting out with a daily regimen that is customized for your skin is essential in preventative skin care as everyones skin is different, a tip she learned from her colleague and go-to esthetician Satterfield-Byrd.
A licensed esthetician of two years, Satterfield-Byrd is qualified to analyze clients skin and help create daily skin regimens to follow, but her expertise extends beyond the face. Body wraps aid in weight loss, and Satterfield-Byrd said she has had up to six inches in total body weight drop off of clients by helping drain excess fluids from the body.
Its just amazing how taking care of your skin with exfoliation of not only your face, but your whole body, having the mud extract all of the impurities from your skin and then the combination of the massage can reduce your pain level, The Facemaker massage therapist Kristal Darensburg-Rabb said, recommending that clients benefit from a spa package including a massage and facial once a month.
Darensburg-Rabb and Satterfield-Byrd are both licensed massage therapists of 11 years, their careers often intertwining across Texas before simultaneously landing at Facemaker in Huntsville. The duo offers popular options such as Swedish relaxation massages, deep tissue, hot stones, aromatherapy and therapeutic massages, however they are widely experienced and offer more specialized options such as prenatal, lymphatic drainage and oncological massage as well.
Darensburg-Rabb trained with Tracy Walton & Associates, a teaching system based in science and complementing medical practice integrating massage therapy into professional healthcare. The four day oncology massage intensive course teaches massage therapists how to safely help past and present cancer patients.
I learned a lot in dealing with cancer patients It was very emotional, there was a lot of crying in the training because they actually put us in the position of a cancer patient, Darensburg-Rabb said, adding that she will not charge a cancer patient and encourages clients to engage in her pay-it-forward program benefitting cancer patients.
Darensburg-Rabb and Satterfield-Byrd both participate in continual-education which is mandatory for their licenses learning new techniques to better help clients recover from what ails them.
In todays time, massage therapy is recommended through the medical world in the past it wasnt it was looked at as a treat or a luxury, but now it is viewed as a part of healthcare, Darensburg-Rabb said.
Satterfield-Byrd added that she has clients ask for invoices that they can turn in for their taxes and health insurance companies. Its not just something where people say, oh, Im going to go get pampered today, people are really needing massage therapy, Satterfield-Byrd said.
Massages are being used as a preventative measure by helping ease muscle pain and partner with chiropractors and physical therapists as a first step of treatment, helping to loosen muscles and increase blood circulation in preparation for more intensive therapies.
Its like an instant recovery, they get up and say, oh my gosh, I can move my neck! Oh my goodness, I can move my shoulder, my lower back, and for me to help people like that, it just brings me joy, Darensburg-Rabb said.
Clients who have undergone back or rotator cuff surgeries come in with complaints of muscles locking up and titanium plate discomfort often benefit from their services, though Darensburg-Rabb adds that not all benefits are physical.
Having a relaxing moment away from cell phones, computers and taking a step back from the stresses of everyday life is emotionally therapeutic. Darensburg-Rabb says that it is her duty to take away emotional stress or pain that her clients may be feeling.
Its part of the release of their stress theres been times that at the end of the massage or during that they start crying because the release of what theyve been bound with is coming out of them, Darensburg-Rabb said.
Stress can take a physical and emotional toll on our bodies and skin, and while massages and facials are no cure-all treatments to larger medical problems, the preventative benefits they provide are compelling argument for indulging in a monthly treatment.
Its good for arthritis, fibromyalgia, insomnia, high blood pressure, its so many things in between getting your facials and your massage, everything marries together for a health benefit It is no longer a luxury, it is almost mandatory, just like brushing your teeth.
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Self care can lead to better overall health - Huntsville Item
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Posted: November 6, 2019 at 1:45 pm
My 16-year-old daughter hates having milk. How can I inculcate milk in her diet in some other source? What are some good sources for calcium?
You can help her get her milk intake by making her fruit smoothies, chocolate malt and getting her a cereal that she likes or enjoys. Other than milk; cheese, yogurt, cereals, chia seeds, fortified cereals and sardines are great sources of calcium.
I have really bad consistent back pain. I have been thinking about starting supplements. What do you suggest I take?
Its important to get yourself checked first to make sure theres no underlying cause for your back pain. For supplements, I highly recommend collagen peptides. Theyve proven to show excellent results for hair, skin and specifically joint health.
I cannot take medicines/pills whole. Will I ruin any of the properties if I crush them?
It shouldnt make a difference to break down normal tablets into halves but make sure not to crush capsules or slow release tablets since they have the drug inside the capsule and the capsule is meant to be broken down by your gastric juices for slower release and maximum effect.
There is a lot of buzz about poultry chicken having bad effect on your health.Is it true?
There has been no research on humans to prove the negative impact of commercial chicken on your health. My clients have safely consumed up to 500g of chicken everyday for years for weight loss and their health, hormone profiles and other reports just got better as they lost weight, including clients with PCOS and other hormonal disorders. That being said, I know some people that are allergic to commercial chicken and do fine with organic chicken.
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Predicting what the first College Football Playoff Rankings will look like – Saturday Down South
Posted: November 6, 2019 at 1:45 pm
Tonight is the big reveal.
The only rankings that matter.
The College Football Playoff rankings.
Tonight, the CFP Selection Committee takes its first step toward picking the 4 teams that will play for the national title.
Rankings will be released every Tuesday night on ESPN until the Playoff field is revealed on Sunday, Dec. 8. The schedule:
A little background to ease your anxiety
The initial Playoff rankings have never included all 4 eventual Playoff teams, but they have gotten better. Each of the past 2 years, the 1st CFP poll had 3 eventual Playoff teams.
By year, heres a look at where the Playoff teams were ranked in the initial poll.
Clemson (2)
Alabama (1)
Notre Dame (4)
Oklahoma (7)
Alabama (2)
Georgia (1)
Clemson (4)
Oklahoma (5)
Clemson (2)
Alabama (1)
Washington (5)
Ohio State (6)
Alabama (4)
Clemson (1)
Michigan State (7)
Oklahoma (15)
Ohio State (16)
Oregon (5)
FSU (2)
Alabama (6)
Enough history.
After 10 weeks of play, this is what I think the Playoff Selection Committees top 10 will look like tonight.
The Tigers are undefeated, have 3 wins against top 10 teams and a top 5 scoring offense led by Joe Burrow, a Heisman Trophy frontrunner. Whats not to like?
Rankings note: Twice, the No. 1 team in the AP poll has not been the No. 1 team in the first CFP poll.
Recency certainly carried the day in the final vote in 2014. This is a new committee, but Ohio States 31-point victory over then-No. 13 Wisconsin will carry a lot of weight. It quiets the notion that OSU had merely beaten up on bad teams. And it puts the Big Ten firmly in the Playoff hunt. The knock? OSU didnt even play a Power 5 team out of conference.
Rankings note: The initial No. 2 seed has won the past 3 national championships.
The Tigers squeaked past UNC but also have a signature nonconference win that OSU lacks a 14-point victory over then-No. 12 Texas A&M. The Tigers also are the reigning champs who are riding a 24-game winning streak and scored more in October than any Power 5 team in the country. I have them at No. 2 in my Overreactions poll, but I think the committee will give OSU credit for the Wisconsin win and no close calls.
Rankings note: No team ranked No. 3 in the initial poll has made the Playoff. Those teams, by year:
Why this low? There is no signature win to speak of. Yet. Texas A&M was No. 24 by the time the Tide pounded them. Thats their lone Top 25 win. For buildup purposes, they could be No. 2, just as they are in the AP poll, but between Tua Tagovailoas injury and the weak schedule thus far, dont scream if theyre lower. (I had them No. 4 Sunday in Overreactions.) Obviously, the showdown against No. 1 LSU is the Tides opportunity to silence all of this. Either way, the Tide are safely in the top 4.
The Dawgs have a surprising loss. The Dawgs also have 2 wins over top 10 teams. Nobody below them can say that. The committee will reward a challenging schedule.
The Nittany Lions are undefeated, but they also havent played a team ranked in the top 15. The schedule picks up soon.
Its amazing how teams recover from an SEC loss and improve once they get back in their conference. Oregon is the latest example. The Ducks biggest impediment to making the Playoff might actually be how far Auburns reputation has fallen since opening day.
There is no excusing the Kansas State loss, and ultimately I think that keeps the Big 12 out of the Playoff. But the committee will recognize the talent advantage the Sooners have over Baylor and reward the Sooners for their victory over then-No. 11 Texas, too. I think theyre better than Oregon, but I expect the committee to slot the Ducks higher.
The Utes are 8-1 and lead the Pac-12 South. Are they any good? Theyve only played 1 ranked team and the only way they will play anybody in the top 15 is if they face Oregon in the Pac-12 Championship Game.
The Bears are undefeated and will have to stay that way to make the Playoff. The committee will notice the 3 close calls and 0 notable victories. But there is a path. They likely will have to beat Oklahoma twice to make it.
Sorry, its not happening.
Ohio State and Oklahoma clearly were on the outside looking in in 2014 and 2015, respectively, but no team lower than 7 has made the Playoff the past 3 years.
Minnesota is undefeated and likely will be outside the top 10, but its perfect start could end as soon as Saturdays visit from Penn State. Get past that, and the Gophers still have ranked teams in Iowa and Wisconsin to navigate just to earn the right to beat the SEC East champion. Minnesota is more likely to finish 9-3 than 12-0.
For teams expected to be lower than No. 7, Baylor has a path. In theory, Utah does, too. Neither can lose, and even as a 1-loss Pac-12 champ, Utah probably would need some chaos to climb into the 4th spot.
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Predicting what the first College Football Playoff Rankings will look like - Saturday Down South
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DietDemand Helps Those on Keto Diet Lose Weight Efficiently Without Keto Flu Symptoms – Yahoo Finance
Posted: November 5, 2019 at 1:46 pm
Huntsville, AL, Nov. 05, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
For dieters looking to begin the keto diet this season, some may not be ready to face some of the diets main setbacks. Keto is one of the fastest acting weight loss diets out there, with celebrities and other notable figures using it to lose inches. While keto is a favorite, a lesser known reality is a common onset of symptoms that makes the transition difficult and leads many to compromising on what they eat or foregoing the diet altogether. Reducing ones carbohydrate intake drastically (to under 50 g net carbs per day), can have several undesirable effects that may resemble flu like symptoms such as from low energy, tiredness, low stamina when working out, headaches, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, weakness, muscle cramps, insomnia, dizziness, low blood sugar, and intense sugar and carb cravings. These effects can be lessened once the body switches into ketosis mode, however this process can take some time depending on an individuals body composition and within this transition time, the failure rate can be high.
Thats why itll be important for anyone who hasnt tried keto before, or who may have struggled to adjust in the past to receive professional coaching from an expert. DietDemand offers 24/7, by phone weight loss coaching help for clients nationwide. This coach can help you ensure that you are receiving proper nutrition and offer prescription help to keep hunger pangs, low energy, and mood instability at bay.
Want to get personalized consultations from a certified weight loss specialist? DietDemand patients can call or easily and effortlessly visit https: to complete an initial comprehensive, yet simple, health questionnaire and schedule an immediate personal, no-cost consultation. DietDemands physicians all received specialized training in nutritional science and fast weight loss. DietDemand reviews each patients health history to create a personalized diet plan geared for fast weight loss, or that addresses life-long issues causing weight loss to slow down or stop. Nutritionists work personally with each patient and use their own algorithm to craft meal and snack plans that are compatible with each patients age, gender, activity level, food preferences, nutritional needs and medical conditions. They combine these state-of-the-art diet plans with pure, prescription diet products that enable their patients to resist the temptation to reach for sugary snacks, eliminate fatigue and curb the appetite. Over 97% of DietDemand patients report incredible weight loss results with the majority losing 20 or more pounds per month.
At DietDemand, all patients gain unlimited access to the best minds in the business. Their staff of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and coaches are available six days per week to answer questions, offer suggestions, address concerns and lend their professional guidance and support. Because of this, more and more people are turning to DietDemand for their weight management needs. Diet plans are tailored to be specific to the needs of those of any age, gender, shape or size and for those who are struggling to lose that final 10-20 pounds to those who must lose 100 pounds or more. Call today to request a private, confidential, no-cost online consultation.
About the Company:
DietDemand is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, DietDemand has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long-term weight loss.
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(888) 786-9568
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DietDemand Helps Those on Keto Diet Lose Weight Efficiently Without Keto Flu Symptoms - Yahoo Finance
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How to lose weight like this guy who lost 23 kgs by following a 16:8 Intermittent Fasting routine – GQ India – What a man’s got to do
Posted: November 5, 2019 at 1:46 pm
While there are no quick hacks to lose weight fast, there are certain smart dietary hacks that allow one to burn fat without having to sacrifice their favourite desserts or snacks. This smart dietary hack is intermittent fasting. But does it actually work? According to Chris Pratt, Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Aniston and now even 28-year-old Abhinav Tyagi it most definitely does! Tyagi clubbed his 16:8 Intermittent Fasting routine with a killer workout plan to lose fat and build muscle simultaneously; resulting in 23 kgs weight loss and a near-perfect ripped physique.
Around 3 years ago, I weighed 106 kgs and was constantly bullied and mocked for being overweight. This affected my self esteem and confidence greatly but I was not one to take a bashing from anyone. In fact, the bullying motivated me to lose weight and get in the best shape of my life, Tyagi explains.
In a span of just 5 months, I was able to trim from 106 kgs to just 83 kgs by following the below weight loss plan comprising a 16:8 intermittent fasting routine clubbed with a easy workout regime, he says.
Intermittent Fasting (IF) is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. It doesnt specify which foods you can or cannot eat. It only focuses on when you should eat them.
There are many IF plans and patterns that you can follow, but the most effective one, according to studies is the 16:8 IF diet. The 16:8 IF diet entails one to observe a 16-hour fasting period, followed by an 8-hour eating window.
You can commence a 16-hour fast at 10:00 pm in the night, after you eat your last meal of the day and go to sleep thats 7-8 hours gone right there. You can break the 16-hour fast at 2:00 pm with your lunch and eat small meals till 10:00 pm this makes up the 8-hour eating window.
Alternatively, you can also begin your fast at 8 pm and break it at 12 pm, the next day, like Tyagi did. Well let him elaborate on it more.
To lose weight, I switched from regular meals to the below 4-meal diet plan in correspondence to a 16:8 IF routine and a lot of cardio which got rigorous over time. And it was not easy. There were a lot of throbbing nights but I was determined to not give up! My biggest motivation during this phase was seeing myself in the mirror and longing to be fit kind of like a staggering before and after image that we see in some body transformation stories he says.
I restricted my fat and sugar intake and also created a low-carb diet plan to align with my goals. Id commence my 8-hour eating window between 12 pm to 8 pm, focusing on these 4 meals:
Meal 1: Black coffee + 6 boiled egg whites
Meal 2: Brown rice + dal + salad
Meal 3: Whole wheat brown bread + peanut butter or egg
Meal 4: Chicken salad or grilled paneer with dal and a cucumber
Notably, after 2 months of just following a cardio routine, I started lifting weights, by this point, Id already lost 8-9kgs, and was greatly impressed by my own progress. I remember telling myself, dont stop here, you still have a long way to go. My regime got even stricter by time, and now I follow a very diverse calisthenics routine to stay fit.
QUICK READ: How lifting weights can boost your memory
I have been maintaining my weight steady at 83 kgs for almost three years now by following a mix of HIIT, intermittent fasting and Keto routines.
QUICK READ: This 10-minute HIIT cardio workout is the definition of hardcore
Dont let anything deter your confidence and hard work on this journey. You have only one life, be in the best possible shape you can through it!
Disclaimer: The diet and workout routines shared by the respondents may or may not be approved by diet and fitness experts. GQ India doesn't encourage or endorse the weight loss tips & tricks shared by the person in the article. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.
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How to lose weight like this guy who lost 23 kgs by following a 16:8 Intermittent Fasting routine - GQ India - What a man's got to do
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Is intermittent fasting a healthy way to lose weight? – The New Times
Posted: November 5, 2019 at 1:46 pm
If you skip meals just to lose weight without a nutritionists guidelines, chances are, you might miss out on the food values that are necessary for the body.
DieudonneBukaba,aprivate nutritionist at Avega Clinic Remera, says intermittent fasting (IF) is an eating style where you eat within a specific time period, and fast the rest of the time. Though intermittent fasting is an effective way to lose weight, its less a diet and more a lifestyle choice.
He adds, there are different intermittent fasting methods. With bulletproof intermittent fasting, you get the benefits of fasting without feeling like youre starving yourself.
When you dont eat any food for a set period of time each day, you do your body and your brain a whole lot of good.It makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint. For most of history, people werent eating three square meals a day, plus grazing on snacks. Instead, humans evolved in situations where there wasnt much food, and they learned to thrive when fasting.Nowadays, we dont have to hunt for food, rather, we spend most of our days in front of computers, and we eat whenever we want even though our bodies arent adapted to this behaviour, he notes.
Research shows that humans are well adapted to fasting from time-to-time. Fasting has benefits for weight loss, metabolic health, disease prevention and may even help you live longer.
According to Healthline, as long as you stick tohealthy foods, restricting your eating window and fasting from time-to-time can have some very impressive health benefits. It is an effective way to lose fat, while simplifying your life at the same time.
Bukabaexplains that switching to an intermittent fasting diet expands your limits and boosts your performance in a number of ways. Here are some of the powerful benefits of intermittent fasting: It boosts weight loss, increases energy, promotes cellular repair and autophagy (when your body consumes defective tissue in order to produce new parts), and reduces insulin resistance and protects against type 2 diabetes.
He adds that intermittent fasting lowers bad cholesterol, promotes longevity, protects against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons, improves memory, boosts brain function, andmakes cells more resilient.
Leah Mfiteyesu, a dietician at Nutri-Sant Nutrition cabinet Kicukiro, says if you want to lose weight in a healthy way, visit a nutritionist to help you make a meal plan according to your weight, height, and your health history.
She adds, intermittent fasting can make you skip meals which can lead to fewer intake of calories, to some people who can follow it, it can work, however, to others, it cant work. The problem is, some people think if they skip meals they are taking fewer calories, yet when they eat, they take more calories at once. This can lead to weight gain.
Many issues have to be considered apart from the diet because if not guided by a nutrition expert, you might just eat anything that you feel like, which might result in complications like stomach ache, anaemia, since intermittent fasting doesnt specify what to eat and what to leave out. The right feeding should be a balanced diet.
It is not necessary to skip meals, you instead take little, which is composed of vegetables, proteins, and some carbohydrates, she says.
Bukaba says, people who should not consider intermittent fasting are; those with diabetes or other metabolic disorders, people taking medications that require food, anyone with a history of disordered eating, women who are pregnant or trying to conceive, children and teenagers, and anyone who requires a consistent, healthy input of calories throughout the day to be healthy.
He also says that intermittent fasting has some disadvantages; you may deal with low blood sugar, it might make you feel sick or fatigued in the morning, especially if you work out, and you might also feel hungrier.
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Is intermittent fasting a healthy way to lose weight? - The New Times
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5-day workout plan for women to strengthen and tone muscles – TODAY
Posted: November 5, 2019 at 1:46 pm
Losing weight is great, but what about feeling more defined and having strong muscles? Getting toned and strong is one of the main goals for many of my private weight loss clients.
Focusing on toning and strengthening muscles is a great fitness goal because there are so many muscle groups that you can target.
This five-day workout routine will focus on the upper body, arms and core so you can get in an efficient workout with fast results. It will have you feeling accomplished in no time!
The following routine is for day one, then you can repeat it on day three and day five.
On days two and four, 20 minutes of cardio would be a great addition to your routine. Though you don't have to do it for this plan, cardio days can expedite your results because the heart-pumping exercises help with calorie burn and fat loss both of which will make you feel stronger and more toned!
This upper body exercise works the chest and shoulders. The standard flat bench barbell press requires a barbell and one of my private weight loss clients calls this a very intimidating exercise! You may have seen people at the gym with with someone spotting their presses.
Modification: Instead of doing it with a barbell, you can simply hold onto dumbbells to do this exercise. I recommend starting with 5 pounds and then working your way up to 10 pounds.
Hold onto the dumbbells and sit down onto a flat bench. Slowly lower down onto your back and keep your feet on the floor. Pull your abs in as you bring the weights up to a 90 degree angle at your chest. Exhale as you press the weights up to the center of your chest (make sure you dont go too far and bring them over your face; keep them over your chest!) Then inhale as you lower the weights back down to the starting position.
You can start off with three or four sets and eight repetitions. After a couple of weeks, you can build up to 10 repetitions or increase the weight or sets!
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One of the most well-known workout moves is a push-up. There are many modifications if youre looking for a less intense version of this. But, for a visual, start in a plank position. Make sure your back is flat and your abs are pulled in. Bend the elbows out to the sides and then exhale as you press back up to plank.
Modification: As a personal trainer for women, one of my favorite modifications of this is on hands and knees. Simply walk the knees back a few inches behind the hips and then lower down into the push-up.
You can also do an even less intense push-up against the wall. Place your hands chest-high on the wall. Walk the feet back the further you walk back, the more challenging this will be. Bend the elbows out to the sides and lower your chest towards the wall. Then, exhale as you press the hands into the wall and press yourself back up to the starting position.
You can start off trying to do just 10 repetitions in your workout. Build up to two sets, three sets, and ultimately four sets of 10 repetitions in your workout!
This is a fantastic exercise to start with on the cable machine. Lift or lower the cable to chest height, and then hook the handles onto each side. Start the weight at about 5 pounds on each side. Hold onto the handles and face away from the cable machine. The handles will be at shoulder height, and then you can step one foot forward and one foot back. Hinge slightly forward at your waist and exhale as you pull the handles towards the center of your body at your belly button. Inhale as you release the cables back to their starting position.
Modification: If you dont have access to a cable machine, you can do this same motion with dumbbells!
Hold 3 or 5 pound dumbbells, one in each hand. Hold them up to the sides at shoulder height. Keep the arms straight as you press the arms and weights together at the center of your chest. Then, bring them back to the starting position.
Start off with three sets of 10 repetitions, and then you can work up to doing three sets of 15 repetitions.
This exercise is similar to the above exercise, except youll be using the workout bench again! Grab a pair of 5 pound dumbbells. Raise the bench up to about a 45 degree angle. Then sit on the bench and hold onto the weights over your chest. Open them out to the sides and exhale as you press them up towards the center.
Modification: Repeat the modification for the above exercise! It is working very similar muscles.
Start off with three sets of 10 repetitions. Then work your way up to three sets of 12 reps, and then four sets of 10 reps!
This exercise usually requires a barbell, but, again you can easily get similar results by simply using dumbbells.
Modification: Grab a pair of 5 pound dumbbells. To mimic a bicep curl with a barbell, hug your elbows in tightly to your sides and keep the grip on your dumbbells nice and firm. Curl the weights up towards your shoulders as you exhale and then inhale to lower the weights down to the starting position. Feel the contraction through the bicep during the entire exercise.
Perform three sets of 10 reps, and then work your way up to three sets of 15 reps.
Similar to the above modification, youll use 5 pound weights to perform this exercise. But instead of the palms facing up, youll face the palms towards your body. Hold your upper arm stationary as you bring your right weight up to your right shoulder, then release down. Bring the left weight up to your left shoulder, then release it down. Alternate arms to perform this exercise and exhale as you bring the weight up.
Start off with three sets of 10 repetitions. Work up towards 12 reps and then 15 reps per arm.
Stephanie Mansour is a health & fitness expert and weight-loss coach for women. Join her complimentary health and weight-loss challenge here!
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5-day workout plan for women to strengthen and tone muscles - TODAY
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