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Cheap and powerful ‘meth 2.0’ is ravaging communities and slowly killing its victims – USA TODAY
Posted: November 4, 2019 at 8:47 am
Kids show Sesame Street address opioid crisis in an online only episode. Veuers Natasha Abellard has the story. Buzz60
THE UPCOUNTRY, S.C. Erika Haas calls it the pull.
When Haas was 24, her doctor prescribed OxyContin for back pain. She quickly progressed to heroin and then to methamphetamines. Now 30 and in recovery, she described the grip that meth had over her for more than five years.
Its like God tells you that if you take another breath, your children will die, she said, shaking her head and trying to hold back tears. You do everything you can not to take a breath. But eventually you do. Thats what its like. Your brain just screams at you.
The opioid epidemic appears to be subsiding in the northwest corner of South Carolina, a region known as the Upcountry. Nationwide, the number of opioid-related overdose deaths is declining slightly. But a new variety of methamphetamine is taking its place as the No. 1 drug of abuse.
By most accounts, meth is much harder to quit. And the latest version of the illicit drug flooding the nation is cheaper than ever before.
Health officials: Use money from opioid lawsuits to bolster treatment and prevention
Primarily imported from Mexico by major drug traffickers, meth 2.0 is stronger, cheaper and far more plentiful than the old home-cooked variety. And with historic levels of funding from the federal government focused exclusively on fighting opioid addiction, states and counties are scrambling to find resources to combat this most recent drug plague.
In the small city of Greenville, Faces and Voices of Recovery staff work around the clock to provide a place people struggling with meth addiction can come to talk. CEO Rich Jones spends many evenings and weekends fundraising because little federal or state money exists to provide the kind of long-term support people in recovery from meth addiction need, he said.
Rebecca Maddox is executive director of the Phoenix Center of Greenville.(Photo: Submitted photo)
Across town, Rebecca Maddox runs Phoenix Centers Serenity Village, a womens residential addiction treatment facility. The center receives substantial funding from Medicaid because patients are either pregnant or have custody of their children and therefore qualify for the federal-state health plan for low-income people.
She said federal funding for the center has remained flat for more than a decade, except for recent money targeted for treating opioid addiction. But data showed that opioid use was declining in Greenville, so we didnt get any of that money this year, she said.
Sixty-three percent of the 81 women admitted to Serenity Village last year were treated for meth addiction. They include Haas, who is staying at the center with her three children.
When her heroin addiction caused her to lose everything, including her children, Haas said she decided to quit. Feeling sick and depressed as she came off the powerful drug, some friends gave me meth and told me it would make me feel better, she recalled. It made my sickness go away, or maybe I just didnt care about it anymore.
For a time, Haas got her kids back. But within weeks, meth began to take an even bigger toll on Haas life. She lost custody of her oldest kids again, yet she said she still found it impossible to quit. After losing custody of her youngest, who just turned 1, she said she knew it was time to quit.
She checked into Serenity Village, and for the first few weeks, Haas said she struggled every minute of the day. But now, after nearly three months, the pull is starting to fade.
When I get that pull, she said, I know I need to find someone who will tell me to play that tape again about whats going to happen to me and my kids if I pick up, she said, meaning if she started to use again. I just need to find somebody to talk to.
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Pickens County, about 20 miles west of Greenville, has been hit hard by the meth surge.
Tucked into the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains and home to Clemson University, Pickens County is a destination for wealthy retirees who build multimillion-dollar homes on the shores of Lake Keowee and other scenic spots.
But jobs have been scarce and wages low ever since the cotton mills closed in the 1990s, creating stress and anxiety for many residents. That and its proximity to drug trafficking routes it is less than 20 miles off Interstate 85, the main artery to Atlanta have contributed to soaring meth use.
Between 2016 and 2017, the number of people seeking treatment for meth addiction nearly doubled in Pickens and the other nine counties in the Upcountry region, according to data from the state drug and alcohol agency.
In the midlands and coastal regions of the state, including Charleston, opioid addiction and overdose deaths remain the biggest threat, according to state data.
Watch: Australian police find more than $200 million of meth inside Sriracha bottlesAt Cafe Connections, a coffeehouse ministry in the town of Pickens, much of the talk is about families whose lives have been shattered by meth. The drug offers boundless energy to work extra shifts or clean the house until it turns ugly.
I can see on a personal basis what meth and other drugs are doing to our community. Homelessness wasnt a problem in Pickens a few years ago. Now, its a big problem, said Ann Corbin, who runs the cafe with her husband, Steve, and with support from the East Pickens Baptist Church and volunteers. Coffee, sweets and conversation are free at the cafe, a big airy former drugstore with cafe tables and cushy upholstered couches and chairs clustered along brightly painted walls.
Everyone here knows someone who uses meth or has lost a family member to its ravages, Corbin said. People have set aside long-held prejudices against drug users to focus on helping families who have been destroyed by meth.
The leap in deaths has been dramatic. The Pickens County coroner, Kandy Kelley, said 25 people died of a drug overdose in the county last year, topped by 39 as of September this year, mostly from a combination of meth, opioids and other substances.
At Behavioral Health Services of Pickens County, a state-funded drug treatment center a few doors down from the cafe, more people are seeking treatment for meth addiction than ever before, Executive Director Angela Farmer said. And those in treatment are having a much tougher time quitting.
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Farmer, a licensed counselor and Pickens native, has seen a lot of changes in the habits of Pickens drug users over the 22 years shes worked here.
More meth users are injecting the drug than smoking or snorting it as they did in the past, Farmer said, and people are starting to use it at a younger age.
Our patients are struggling a lot more and they relapse more, and it takes them longer to engage in treatment, Farmer said. Most of our patients are compliant with their treatment for opioids, but they find it harder to stop using meth.
With roughly 2,400 clients in a county of 120,000, Behavioral Health Services, which occupies nearly a full block of offices on Main Street, is bursting at its seams.
The countys 50-year-old jail also is overflowing. In November, a new facility will open, providing more than triple the current jails capacity. And its staff will include an addiction treatment practitioner and a mental health counselor, thanks to a grant from the U.S. Justice Department.
We havent been able to respond to as many of the drug-related crimes as we would like in the last couple of years, because we havent had anywhere to put them, Pickens County Sheriff Rick Clark said. Its always a balancing act.
Clark and other law enforcement officials say most of the meth supply in the region comes from Atlanta, where illicit labs convert liquid methamphetamine from Mexico into crystal powder for dealers to distribute across the South.
Nationwide, the advancing meth scourge has yet to capture the kind of public response the opioid epidemic was, even though the nationwide spike in meth-related deaths in the past two years was steeper than the spike in opioid deaths two decades ago when that crisis began.
In the first decade of the opioid epidemic, the number of overdose deaths rose fourfold, from 3,400 in 1999 to 13,500 in 2009, based on aStatelineanalysis of data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. With the advent of cheap and powerful imported meth, the spike in deaths has been much sharper. Meth overdose deaths increased fourfold in half as much time, from 2,600 in 2012 to 10,300 in 2017.
Still, meth users are less likely to die of an overdose than users of painkillers and heroin. Instead, meth kills most of its victims slowly.
Addiction 101: How opioids, cocaine, other drugs rewire the brain
Opioids cause relatively little physical damage to chronic users, unless they take too high a dose. But meth takes a severe mental and physical toll on chronic users, destroying their appearance and substantially shortening their lives.
If you want to know whether a town has a meth problem, just go to Walmart and take a look around, Pickens Chief Deputy Chad Brooks said. Its symptoms are unmistakable: rotting teeth, skin lesions, extreme weight loss and premature aging.
The CDC only records meth-related overdose deaths typically heart failure or stroke resulting from using too much of the drug in a short period. It doesnt include deaths from long-term use.
Despite the nations growing recognition because of the opioid crisis that addiction is a disease, Sheriff Clark said, society still tends to look down on meth users.
I hate to say this, Clark said, but the reason were not hearing as much about the meth problem at the national level is that we dont have as many pretty people dying of meth as we do with opioids.
On average, patients addicted to meth require at least 90 days of intensive counseling and therapy to get started on recovery. And even then, nearly all of them can be expected to relapse multiple times before reaching sustained recovery, treatment experts say.
Crystal meth accelerates the reward circuits in the brain more powerfully than any other drug we have, said Dr. Paul Earley, an addiction physician in Georgia and the board president of the American Society of Addiction Medicine.
Theres no doubt that it causes the most rapid downhill course of any drug.
With heroin, people Keith Richards [of the Rolling Stones], for example can go on using the drug for 30 or 40 years without medical problems, as long as they dose it right, the doctor said. But with meth, 100% of people who use the drug experience severe and rapid physical deterioration.
The Federal Drug Administration has approved three medications for the treatment of opioid addiction. Research is underway on meth addiction medications. Behavioral Health Services is one of seven sites funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse in a study of the effectiveness of two drugs extended-release bupropion sold as Wellbutrin and extended-release naltrexone sold as injectable Vivitrol in easing detoxification and promoting recovery from meth addiction.
Farmer said Wellbutrin, a mild stimulant, seemed to alleviate the depression and exhaustion that typically occurs when people are coming off meth. She didnt see as much evidence for Vivitrol warding off cravings.
But so far, no medications have been clinically proven to be effective in the treatment of meth addiction.
If someone is addicted to opioids, they can get medication-assisted treatment pretty quickly, said Charlie Stinson, executive director of GateWay Counseling Center, a state-funded treatment center in Clinton, another hard-hit Upcountry town.
The problem is if they kick that addiction and start using meth, they can be out of luck when they decide its time for treatment.
Statelineis a nonpartisan, nonprofit news service of the Pew Charitable Trusts that provides daily reporting and analysis on trends in state policy.
Whether it's cocaine, vaping or even your phone, addiction can alter your brain without you even being aware. Just the FAQs, USA TODAY
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Cheap and powerful 'meth 2.0' is ravaging communities and slowly killing its victims - USA TODAY
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Ariel Winter Says She Hates Getting This Comment After Her Weight Loss – Showbiz Cheat Sheet
Posted: November 3, 2019 at 6:44 pm
Ariel Winter has gotten a lot of attention for her Instagram photos in the past. She more recently got a lot of comments over her weight loss.
There is one thing the Modern Family actress hates to hear about the change with her body. Find out what it is and more about her dealing with terrible comments.
Fans noticed that the Modern Family actress looked different due to weight loss. Some started a rumor in the comments of her Instagram photo.
One fan accused her of chopping up her body and claimed her body before the change was better. Winter replied, I appreciate you wanting to help girls love themselves the way they are, but you are also kind of cutting someone (me) down which isnt what I think you were trying to do? I also didnt get plastic surgery. That is also not supportive of women if youre just assuming about the way they look.
Someone else accused her of using drugs. My psychiatrist switched me from my previous anti depressant that didnt work and made me gain weight to coke/meth!! Definitely not a new one that worked and then regulated metabolism. Coke/meth was a controversial decision but she stands by it, she wrote back sarcastically.
Winter has been targeted with negative comments about her body and clothes for some time. She has taken opportunities to defend herself online, but she now regrets some of it.
I try to not respond, she told Us Weekly. I wanted torespond positively to peoplefor a long time because I do feel that if you are sitting and sending somebody that message, there must be something youre not getting in your life if youre gonna sit on your computer and send somebody that.
She also said, I have had those moments where Ive responded and I have regretted to responding to some of them, not all, but some I have regretted. Ive been like, This is stupid. Its unnecessary. I do know I think as everybody knows, when somebody is posting that comment they want an argument, you know, they want you to respond.
The actress talked to Womens Health about her health journey. That included switching her antidepressants.
I didnt change my antidepressants because I wanted to lose weight, Id just accepted it and it was fine, she said. I got inspired to actually find a medication that helped me as a person and did all the things I wanted it to do.
Winter eventually found a combination that worked. When I changed meds, and started feeling better about myself mentally, losing weight was helpful because it made me feel like I wasnt just stuck. I hate being stuck anywhere in life, she said.
Now the actress is focusing on gaining muscle through strength training. She opened up about one kind of comment she has been getting that she hates.
I think the one thing that bugs me the most is when people say Oh thank god she lost weight, she used to be so fat, she said. It doesnt sound like she is focusing on that.
She wants to focus on the positive and that she feel stronger and better now that she sees results from her work.
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Rob Kardashian shows off incredible weight loss in new pic – msnNOW
Posted: November 3, 2019 at 6:44 pm
Gabe Ginsberg / Getty Images Rob Kardashian visita the Sky Beach Club at the Tropicana Las Vegas on May 28, 2016.Rob Kardashian is showing off his significantly slimmer body.
Rarely seen in public over the past several years, the former "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" star posted a photo to Instagram on Friday of himself in a "Trolls" costume next to his mom, Kris Jenner, who is also in costume.
"Halloween 2019 @halfwaydead @krisjenner," he captioned the snap.
A few hours later, Kylie Jenner posted an image with with Kendall Jenner and Rob.
"5am birthday adventures with my two fav people" Kylie wrote. Kendall reposted the image.
Rob has famously struggled with his weight for years, but he showed off some serious weight loss in the new pictures.
Over the summer, the reclusive star indicated he was going to start hitting the gym.
"Rob also was also influenced to get back in the gym from Khloe," a source told E! News in June. "She has been telling him that he will feel better and have more positivity in his life if he focused more on his health. Rob feels like he is finally ready to take control of his life."
While his sisters certainly influenced him to prioritize fitness, Rob is using his daughter Dream as his real inspiration.
"He wants to be in better shape and have better health for Dream, and his overall wellbeing," E!'s source said. He has expressed he's ready to make a full transformation and is ready to take the steps to change his life."
Celeb Weight Loss Transformations:
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Andy Ruiz Jr. Shows Off Weight Loss Ahead of Rematch With Anthony Joshua –
Posted: November 3, 2019 at 6:44 pm
Richard HeathcoteGetty Images
Boxing champion and self-proclaimed "little fat boy" Andy Ruiz Jr. looks drastically different from when he knocked out Anthony Joshua earlier this year. Michael Hunter II just shared a photo from a sparring session with Ruiz, who is currently training for his rematch with Joshua in December, and the Mexican fighter is visibly slimmer.
Ruiz has undergone a considerable transformation in the months since his big win, and he is on track to have a very different weigh in come December. He was 268 pounds prior to his first match with Joshua; this time around, he aims to be at least 14 pounds lighter.
Ruiz became the first Mexican Heavyweight Champion of the World in June when he defeated Joshua, knocking him out for the first time in his professional career and relieving him of his WBA, WBO, and IBF world titles. The outcome of the match came as a surprise to many, not just because Joshua had never been dropped like that before, but because Ruiz presented such a different vision of what a professional athlete can look like. Joshua might be leaner with more visibly rippling muscles, but Ruiz's strength and ability aren't to be underestimated.
"Ruiz is the champ for a reason: His skills are perfect for his sport," says Men's Health fitness director Ebenezer Samuel. "The big guy knows how to throw a punch and take a punch. And boxing is about the art of punching and absorbing punches. Nobodys ever won a pro sports title for being a size-29 waist."
How this weight loss will affect Ruiz's performance remains to be seen. It might make him quicker on his feet, but will he be able to pack the same punching power? All will be revealed on December 7.
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Weight loss: Start your weight loss journey right with these top five breakfast ideas – Express
Posted: November 3, 2019 at 6:44 pm
Weight loss doesnt have to be a difficult journey, if you dont want it to be - that is. After all, weight loss isnt just black and white. There are many articles highlighting the different means to reach an ideal weight goal or achieve a total weight overhaul and have an incredible weight loss transformation in a couple of weeks.
However, even though many are spurred to lose weight, many struggle toget to grasp with what is actually required and trying out fad-diets or quick fix diets could lead to dangerous weight loss, with the weight coming back once the individual has stopped the diet.So, what can you do to keep the weight off?
Expertsadvise that when embarking on a weight loss journey, especially if previously the individual has had no experience in weight loss programmes, the trick is to start off small.
In fact, according to EatWell the easiest change someone can make is by starting the day with a healthy breakfast.
As, starting your day with healthy breakfast foods can help you maintain energy, fend off hunger attacks and lose weight, much easier.
READ MORE:Weight loss diet: Eating these common foods can help burn fat fast - what are they?[Expert Advice]
According to research, people who eat regular healthy breakfasts tend to be leaner and [are] more successful at losing weight - and keeping it off - when they eat breakfast.
A healthy breakfast should be a well-balanced mix of protein, complex carbohydrates, fibre and healthy fat to keep an individual feeling full and filed up for the rest of the day.
Recent research conducted in the Journal of Nutrition, suggested that eating more fibre is a great way to prevent weight gain or even encourage weight loss.
According to several sources, the quick and easy scrambled egg on hearty bread recipe is one of the best breakfasts for weight loss.
This is because it combines weight loss superfoods, egg and raspberries, with nutrient-packed spinach on wholegrain toast.
According to EatingWell, there are five main foods that should be at the top of the list for any slimmer.
Start your weight loss journey with a low-calorie breakfast meal using some of the five healthy breakfast foods (oatmeal, peanut butter, yoghurt, eggs and raspberries) as eating them regularly can help with weight loss.
Remember to keep it simple, so why not try some of the recipes below to start off your weight loss transformation.
A firm fan favourite is spinach and scrambled egg on wholegrain toast with raspberries.
The protein and fibre in the breakfast will help fill an individual up while still maintaining a low-calorie count. It has been estimated that each spinach and scrambled egg with raspberries on wholegrain toast has under 300 calories!
Another favourite is a peanut butter smoothie bowl with granola, fresh berries, banana and dark chocolate shavings.
A recipe suggestion for the sweet tooth slimmer, is the peanut butter bowl as its great for keeping an individual feeling full for hours, curb cravings and more!
Smoothie bowls come in various colours and flavours but the texture is always the same: thicker tan a drinkable smoothie but thinner than a pudding.
Whats great about a smoothie bowl is that there are endless possibilities of ingredients to use and ways to construct a bowl.
However, one thing to note when creating a masterpiece such as this is to make sure to use frozen fruit to yield a creamy, frosty base for the toppings.
Avocado and kale omelette are also a healthy but delicious breakfast option for a slimmer, after all, weight loss doesnt mean plain.
Top a high-protein omelette with avocado and fibre-rich kale and this will help slimmers keep hunger at bay.
Play around with different spices and herbs to give it that extra kick of flavour.
Why not try your hand at baking and opt for a delicious bacon and egg mini quiches?
A super easy recipe to make, which is super keto-friendly, and perfect for lunchbox sized meals.
Bake a mini quiche using a muffin-tin with egg, slices of bacon, heavy cream and fresh basil to make a delicious and satisfying alternative to breakfast foods.
Finally, try brunching with a twist.
Make a fresh wholegrain waffle and top it with, avocado, cucumber, salmon and poached egg.
This makes for a delicious breakfast at a fraction of the calorie intake during breakfast of an averageBriton.
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Weight loss: Start your weight loss journey right with these top five breakfast ideas - Express
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Weight loss: Treat yourself and try the 80:20 diet Jaime Laings PT shares top tips for fast results – The Sun
Posted: November 3, 2019 at 6:44 pm
HE's helped the likes of Strictly's Viscountess Emma Weymouth and Made In Chelsea's Jamie Laing to get into shape.
And now celebrity PT Rory Knight is sharing his top tips on how the rest of us can shed the pounds before the festive season kicks in.
In particular, Rory emphasises the need to make sure you're in an overall calorie deficit - through overhauling your diet and fitness regime.
However, the fitness expert, who is aRoyalParksHalf Marathon ambassador and Co-Founder ofTrack Life LDN, is keen to remind slimmers that it's all about balance, and cheat days can certainly be enjoyed.
Here, he takes us through his top fitness and weight loss tips:
Rory says it can be a lot easier to get out of the door for a workout if you get your friends involved or join a club.
He says: "Find a crew or community to run or train with.
"I cannot even begin to tell you how motivating it is to train with like minded people committing to getting fitter together, rather than doing it alone."
Rory recommends trying the 80:20 approach to healthy eating - as it teaches you balance, moderation and indulging without a guilty feeling.
He says: "I try to stick to the 80:20 rule whereby I eat clean, fresh, unprocessed food 80 per cent of the time.
"The other 20 per cent I eat whatever I like!
"Eat smart and make sure you are including nutrient rich foods in your diet."
Running is possibly the best form of exercise out there when it comes to burning calories and shedding those pounds.
Rory says: "Running alone produces a highcalorieburn, which coupled with a healthy eating regime, should facilitate weight loss, as long asyouare in an overallcaloriedeficit.
"Simply, a calorie deficit means burning more calories than you put in.
"Basically, dont undo your hard work through poor dietary choices."
There are hundreds of apps that you can have in the palm of your hand, any hour of the day, that can help you track your calories and daily workouts.
Rory says apps like Map My Run can be key when it comes to blitzing body fat and tracking your progress - especially if you're a keen runner.
He says: "Map My Run is a good app for tracking your progress (average pace, distance etc) and it also includes coaching feedback based on your metrics and results.
"For me personally, my Apple Watch is an essential item as I can leave my phone at home and control my music and running apps through my watch."
Despite being a honed athlete, Rory very much endorses having a cheat day.
He says: "Do what works best for you - we are all uniquely different. For me personally absolutely have a cheat day!"
Rory, who was named the UK's 'Smartest Coach 2019' by Men's Health, has revealed that you'll get faster results if you hold yourself accountable and stay motivated.
He says: "Motivation has to come from within. I say to people to always think of their why.
Everyone has a reason why they train and this should be at the forefront of your mind whenever you are thinking of bailing out on a training session
"Everyone has a reason why they train and this should be at the forefront of your mind whenever you are thinking of bailing out on a training session.
"Training with a group or with a friend will also help because it keeps you accountable."
Rory is an ambassador for the Royal Parks Half Marathon, which took place earlier this month.
He recommends signing up for exciting challenges like this so you can set yourself a goal and have something to aim for.
He says: "Signing up to an event can help you significantly on your journey towards getting in shape, simply because you have a distinct goal or target to work towards.
"By having this commitment, you are far more likely to adhere to your training regime and achieve enhanced results.
"Usually a big bonus in training for a performance based goal (i.e. a half marathon), is that it often leads to direct improvements in several other aspects of your life - improved cardiovascular health, enhanced mood, more energy, settled sleeping patterns, better dietary habits etc, which will have a positive impact on your body composition and overall shape.
"Make that commitment and reap the benefits."
Running can be a lot more fun and interesting if you mix up the pace during your training sessions, according to Rory.
He says: "As well as gradually increasing your mileage on your long runs, incorporate speed work where you are working both at your target race pace and above your target race pace.
"Every single Track Life LDN session is tailored around making our participants faster, regardless of current ability level.
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"Every session is uniquely different, with a big emphasis placed on improving your form.
"Anybody can run, but whats important is improving your running technique because this will ultimately make you faster and more efficient."
For more information on how you can secure a place in the 2020 Royal Parks Half Marathon, please visit
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Weight loss: Treat yourself and try the 80:20 diet Jaime Laings PT shares top tips for fast results - The Sun
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Weight loss: Is rice fattening? All you should know about this staple food – Times of India
Posted: November 3, 2019 at 6:44 pm
Rice is one of the most popular and widely consumed staple foods across the world. But there are a lot of misconceptions related to rice intake like it makes you fat and increases the blood sugar levels. The first thing that comes to everyone's mind when they decide to lose weight is to cut down rice consumption. High in carbohydrates, rice is considered as one the worst foods to have when trying to shed kilos. But is rice really fattening? Let's bust this myth forever. Parts of a whole grain All whole grains are made of three parts: Bran, Germ, and Endosperm.Bran is a hard outer layer that protects the inner parts and is rich in fiber, minerals, and antioxidants. The germ is a nutrient-rich core, which contains carbs, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The endosperm is the largest part of the grain and is entirely made of carbs with a small amount of protein.
Brown vs white rice nutrition value
Brown rice Brown rice is intact with whole grain and contains both bran and germ. So it is more nutritious as compared to white rice and is rich in fiber and antioxidants. The nutritional value of rice is:Calories: 130 Carbs: 29 gramsFiber: 0 grams Protein : 2 grams Fat : 0 grams Manganese : 19% RDI Magnesium : 3% RDI Phosphorus : 4% RDI Vitamin B6 : 3% RDI Selenium : 11% RDI
White rice Both bran and nutritious germ are removed from the white rice to improve the quality of the rice. So, we can say that all the nutritions are stripped away from white rice and it is entirely made of carbs in the form of starch. This factor makes brown rice a healthier choice than white rice.
Nutrition value Calories: 112Carbs: 24 gramsFiber: 2 gramsProtein: 2 gramsFat: 1 gramManganese: 55% RDIMagnesium: 11% RDIPhosphorus: 8% RDIVitamin B6: 7% RDISelenium: 14% RDI
Rice and weight lossBy comparing the nutritional value of both the types of rice it becomes clear that brown rice is healthier than white rice. The fiber, nutrients and plant compound found in brown rice may increase the feeling of fullness and as a result, people eat fewer calories. It has been observed that eating brown rice is helpful in weight loss.
Weight loss: Is rice fattening? All you should know about this staple food - Times of India
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Weight loss story: ‘I felt guilty buying XL-sized clothes when I was overweight’ – Times of India
Posted: November 3, 2019 at 6:44 pm
Being overweight takes a hit on your self-confidence. For 33-year old dentist, Rekha Patel, excess weight got along health problems and lifestyle troubles which crippled her self esteem and overall well being. That was the moment she decided to adopt a healthier lifestyle.Also See: Weight loss and other benefits of besan kadhiHere is her motivating weight loss journey! Read on!Name: Dr.Rekha PatelOccupation: Dentist
Age: 33 years
City: JodhpurHighest weight recorded: 78 kilosWeight lost:24 kilos
Duration it took me to lose weight: 3 to 4 monthsThe turning point: I was always a healthy person. In my pregnancy, I put on some weight. Even after going for normal delivery and breastfeeding exclusively, it got really hard for me to lose weight. 6 months after giving birth, I couldn't get back to my previous state. That was a big letdown and I decided to make big changes.My breakfast: I have six egg whites for breakfast.
My lunch: For lunch, I have one bajre ki chapati with a serving of green vegetable gravy. I skip out heavy carbs like potatoes and rice for lunch.
My dinner: In the evenings, I have a healthy chapati made out makki ka atta (corn flour) with either simple homely daal or a subzi, made in less oil. Salads are something I do not miss out on.
I have made such simple changes to my diet, I do not feel the urge to cheat or indulge in calories now and then. Till now, I am religiously sticking to my diet plan and have no plans to back out.
My workout: While majorly, it has been my diet which has changed the way I look, I do make it a point to work out regularly. I work out in the evening for around an hour. However, since I have a one-year-old baby to take care of, going to the gym is a luxury I cannot afford. I exercise at home and stay active all through the day.Low-calorie recipes I swear by: As long as you have everything homemade and fresh, you can rest assured that you do not have to be extremely calorie-conscious.Fitness secrets I unveiled: A good weight loss plan involves 70% diet changes and 30% workout. Simple diet changes can do miracles for your health and alter your shape! Ever since I have lost weight, all of my major health problems have also vanished. Back pain, leg pains, and frequent aches and tiredness spells are no longer there and I am healthier than before.
How do I stay motivated? Ever since I kickstarted my transformation journey, I started to see the changes in myself within a few days. To keep my spirits high and stay motivated, I see myself in the mirror and admire the curves (which were not there before!). Choosing the dresses I can now wear and having options to pick from is so exciting and I regret not having that option before. Most importantly, I get to hear lovely appreciative comments from those around me. It feels like I have won some sort of competition and now winning prizes.
How do you ensure you dont lose focus? Once you start to see the results, it turns into an addiction and it is so hard to stop then. Secondly, now that I have left behind my unhealthy diet, I no longer feel the urge or attraction towards high calorie and fried food.
I heard so many bad, negative comments from people constantly talking about my size and figure and it hurt my self-confidence. I am actually scared of going back to my old self now. It scares me!Whats the most difficult part of being overweight? I got so scared of looking at myself in the mirror and seeing all that excess fat! It felt guilty for buying XL size dresses and this took a hit on my self-esteem. Added to that, I was diagnosed with a lot many minor health issues and infections, all connected to my weight troubles.
What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I wish I could remain the same shape I am right now and stop aging!What are the lifestyle changes you made? I religiously follow a schedule and a diet plan. However, I ensure that I do not let myself go hungry. I am more conscious about what I eat now and how healthy my food is. Even though I have a cook taking care of my meals, I always supervise the cooking method and the ingredients she puts in the food.
Of course, very selfishly, I also want to say that I now have the luxury of buying and browsing at different clothes and this I consider the biggest lifestyle change. I am more active and feel a difference in my stamina. Mentally, I am in better shape too. I am always happy and elated to meet people now.
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Weight loss story: 'I felt guilty buying XL-sized clothes when I was overweight' - Times of India
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Weight loss: Booze belly to hormonal tum how to blast your belly fat and fast – The Sun
Posted: November 3, 2019 at 6:44 pm
FOR many people, belly fat is the hardest stuff to shift.
Our guts are where we store stress, hormones, insulin resistance - making it probably the toughest place to tone andlose weight.
And this means it's not just weight gain that can cause a protruding tummy.
Hormones, bloating and other factors can also cause your stomach to look chubbier than you might like.
Despite this, there are several steps you can take to prevent this from happening.
Here we talk through the different types of bellies and what you can do about each of them.
After years of too many beers, many people find their tummies morph into something looking more like a keg.
It's mainly down to those brewed liquid calories you sink at the bar which contain anywhere between 180 to 500 calories per pint - depending on your tipple.
On top of this, beer is made with hops, and hops contain phytoestrogens, which are plant compounds that have similar effects to the female sex hormone oestrogen.
While it hasnt been proven, there is speculation that the phytoestrogens in beer change the way your body stores belly fat.
How to treat it
Drinking even a little less each day through the week can have benefits for your health, helping you cut down down on calories and contribute to weight loss.
And if you really can't ditch the booze, consider picking a tipple which is lower in calories.
In particular, a recent study showed that a glass of red wine is "good for your gut" and can even help keep you slim.
Otherwise, lifestyle changes like doing more exercise and cutting down on your calorie intake and fatty foods will help you shift that stubborn beer belly.
Pregnancy dramatically changes a woman's body - and a growing belly is the most obvious one.
Even though you lose about 13 pounds when you give birth, it's likely you gained more than that during your pregnancy.
Abdominal separation may also during or after pregnancy - which is when your growing uterus causes the two long muscles that run parallel in your abdomen to separate from each other.
How to treat it
Despite what many celebrities would have you believe, losing weight after pregnancy can take time.
Your body needs time to recover from having a baby - with doctors recommend waiting until your postnatal check up around six to eight weeks before you start changing up your diet or exercise regime.
First, start eating healthily and drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated.
Ditch sugary foods and instead opt for meals high in fibre as this will aid weight loss and provide you with energy to keep you going throughout the day.
Surgery may be used to correct abdominal separation caused by pregnancy or some other type of strain in the abdomen.
Brits are more stressed than ever - with three in four of us feeling overwhelmed or unable to cope.
And we often forget that stress can seriously impact our bodies, especially our gut.
Stress leads to elevated levels of cortisol known as the stress hormone which contributes to the storage of fat, particularly abdominal fat that is often the hardest to get rid of.
Stress can also lead to a decrease in fat oxidation, the process that allows fat to be burnt as energy.
This means that you dont necessarily have to be consuming more food to put weight on.
How to treat it
Take steps to manage your stress such as deep breathing, going for a short walk or building time into your day to relax.
Herbal supplements such as ashwagandha and rhodiola have been shown to help lower cortisol levels, However, if you are taking medication, you should always check with your doctor before taking supplements.
Nutritionists also suggest snacking on nuts if you notice your belly getting bigger from stress - as they're packed with magnesium which seems to help keep cortisol levels low.
Broccoli is also a great thing to add to your diet as it's high in folic acid, which aids stress reduction.
One common side effect of the menopause is weight gain due to fluctuations in hormones.
New evidence suggests that plummeting oestrogen levels may encourage us to eat more and exercise less, lowers the metabolic rate and increases insulin resistance, making it more difficult for our bodies to deal with sugars and starches.
Our hormones also influence fat distribution.
Perimenopause weight gain is often associated with the laying down of fat around the abdomen and internal organs, as opposed to the hips and thighs.
How to treat it
Opt for a low calorie diet as during and after menopause, the number of calories a woman burns during rest, declines.
Eat plenty of protein which keeps you full and satisfied, increases metabolic rate and reduces muscle loss.
High-quality sleep is also key in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.
Bloating is the feeling of pressure or swelling in the tummy - and over 70 per cent of people regularly suffer from it.
It can be caused by a variety of things including irritable bowel syndrome, flatulence, Coeliac disease, inflammatory bowel disease and endometriosis.
The sensation of bloating can cause abdominal distention, which is a visible swelling or extension of your belly.
In rare cases, bloating can also be a sign of something more serious, including ovarian cancer so it if persists, it is important to speak to your GP.
How to treat it
Nutritional therapistNatalie Lamb, who works withBio-Kult, says there are several steps you can take to help with bloating.
In particular, she recommends using cider vinegar before each meal to support digestive function, reducing simple sugars and refined carbohydrates and eating more fibre.
She also suggests drinking cups of homemade bone stock or including it in soups and stews and leaving legumes to soak well overnight.
Weight gain is usually the result of consuming more calories than you burn through regular bodily functions and physical activity.
Many people see their bellies balloon after losing control of their eating plan and gorging on fatty foods and sweet treats.
How to treat it
Increasing your activity level is one of the main ways you can lose overall weight.
You don't have to spend hours at the gym or running to get fit, but if you aim to spend 15 minutes a day being active this will slowly make a difference.
On top of this, cutting down on the calories you consume is key when it comes to cutting down belly fat.
Top tips for dieters eating out
The Hospital Group's Dietitian George Hamlyn-Williams has revealed his top tips for eating out.
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Opt for more fillingfoods rich in fibre and protein - both of which can help you feel fuller for longer.
In particular, whole grains have the added benefit of stopping fat from being stored around the stomach, by lowering the insulin and cortisol (the stress hormone) within your body.
They're also a great low-fat source of slow-release energy, which keeps you going throughout the day.
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Weight loss: Booze belly to hormonal tum how to blast your belly fat and fast - The Sun
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Kayla Itsines On Her Postpartum Weight Loss Process – Women’s Health
Posted: November 3, 2019 at 6:43 pm
She laughs about it now, but it rattled the usually hyper-fit, energetic personal trainer. After years of saying hell, yes!, her body simply said yeah, nah. And it wasnt the first time Kaylas athletic body had surprised her since falling pregnant with Arna, whos now an adorably chubby-cheeked seven-month-old. Pregnancy had been a wild ride of morning sickness, headaches and extreme lethargy. Recovery from the caesarean a major surgery required bed rest. And now she was back to square one in the gym, too.
It was a real confidence shock, Kayla admits. Being a trainer for 10 years and then you walk into the gym and you feel like a complete beginner because youve never given birth before and youve never had this type of surgery before youre apprehensive and you just dont know! Its the unknown.
Were only 12 minutes into our phone call when Kayla shares this story, making me feel like Im catching up with a mate, not the Kayla Itsines, creator of the viral BBG ebooks, multimillionaire co-founder (with fianc Tobi Pearce) of fitness app Sweat and arguably the worlds most influential PT. Shetalks rapid-fire fast and I get the impression that Kayla time is similar to Beyonc time that is, shes the kind of efficient high achiever who manages to squeeze more out of 24 hours than the rest of us. But, having a baby has forced her to take her sneaker off the pedal. After that anti-climactic treadmill workout, she committed to taking her fitness reboot slow and steady, working with aphysio to ensure she eased back in safely.
I waswilling to wait and that was probably mysuperpower, Kaylasays, because I was able to recover really, really well and healreally well.
It shows or rather, it doesnt. A couple of weeks before I call her in Adelaide, Kayla had raced to Sydney for our photoshoot, her first since having Arna (and her first heart-wrenching trip away from bub). She didnt even know I was gone, Kayla groans. Posing on a windswept beach, the 28-year-old looks her regular strong, toned self if you didnt know shed recently been pregnant, youd never guess.
Cue outrage: when Kayla posted one of her signature mirror selfies in a crop top and bike shorts on Instagram a couple of months after giving birth, the backlash was swift.
These kind of pictures are exactly the kind that makes women hate their bodies, one commenter sniped. Yes, thats right, Kayla was shamed for bouncing back too quickly ironic, given her slow approach.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, she says diplomatically, then laughs. I loved [how] the articles that came out after that were like, Youve got to remember, Kaylas a trainer and, you know, this is her job. Whatyou start withisa bit of muscle memory, which is myjob, because this is my life andmy body.
But like so many posts on Instagram, that one selfie didnt tell the whole story, she explains.
I was back into training after six weeks and there was a journey. I'd put on 14, 15 kilos, so it wasnt like I put on nothing! she adds, a littleexasperated. I put on the weight and I am working hard... I have worked really hard.
Read more of our chat with Kayla including how motherhood has changed her for the better in the December issue of Women's Health,on sale now.
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Kayla Itsines On Her Postpartum Weight Loss Process - Women's Health
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