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Rockford man continues his weight loss journey by finishing the Chicago Marathon – WREX-TV
Posted: October 15, 2019 at 8:45 pm
ROCKFORD (WREX) While most people at the Chicago Marathon were focused on the top runners, there was a Rockford native who took another step forward in his weight loss journey.
Ethan Taylor earned national recognition by dropping over 180 lbs in two years.
While most people would be satisfied with the tremendous weight loss, Taylor quickly set a new goal by aiming his sights at the Chicago marathon.
Taylor prepped for months, and also raised money for Action for Healthy Kids which raises awareness for childhood obesity.
He continued his success when it came to the marathon by finishing in four hours and 44 minutes which was faster than his goal time.
While Taylor ran the marathon for his benefit, he hopes that his continued weight loss journey encourages others to start their own.
I hope that when people see my story, they just realize that if Ethan can do it, so can I, Taylor said. Im really just an average person. I was a college dropout, I had depression, and I had a back injury, and I kind of dug myself out of it with a lot of help for some amazing people.
Taylor raised over $3,000 for Action for Healthy Kids leading up to the marathon.
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The Dukan Diet | Know about the pros and cons of the diet plan – Republic World – Republic World
Posted: October 15, 2019 at 8:45 pm
The Dukan Diet is a low-carbohydrate and high-protein weight-loss program. It was developed by a French physician in the 1970s. This diet includes four stages,attack, cruise, consolidation, and stabilization. The first two phases focus on losing weight and the next two focus on maintaining that weight loss. Read ahead to know more about the diet plan and its pros and cons.
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The Dukan Diet is based on the idea that you dont lose weight when you are hungry. It provides a specific list of the food items that you are allowed to eat during the different phases. These lists are made keeping in mind lean proteins and fat-free dairythat boost satiety. According to proponents of the Dukan Diet, it is expected to lose up to four to six pounds in the first week, the attack phase. It is further expected to lose two pounds a week during the cruise phase. Later, during the consolidation and stabilization phases, the weight remains constant. Lets have a look at the pros and cons of this diet method.
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The Dukan Diet is an effective way of losing weight quickly. It sets realistic expectations for sustained weight loss with its concept. The plan also allows unlimited amounts of lean protein, which is filling and makes sure that no one following the dietgoes hungry. The Dukan Diet has a long consolidation phase, which helps in the transition from weight loss to long-term maintenance. Human bodies tend to resist maintaining weight loss buthaving a good long period of time focused on keeping weight stable can really help keep the pounds off.
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One of the main concerns of the Dukan Diet is that it restricts the consumption of several food items, which makes it difficult to get adequate nutrition. On about half of the days in this weight-loss process, no vegetables are allowed, only the intake of pure protein is allowed. Many vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients are lacking from the Dukan Diet guideline list. Supplements are allowed, according to the plan, but not required. Salt is also minimized in the diet, which reduces the palpability of meals, making it more difficult to stick to.
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Women’s Retreats Are Changing Their Message From Weight Loss to Self-Empowerment – Bon Appetit
Posted: October 15, 2019 at 8:45 pm
I was in a small, unfussy coffee shop close to my cottage in rural Nova Scotia when I saw the poster advertising a womens empowerment retreat at a rustic lodge on the shores of the warm Northumberland Strait.
Ive become increasingly curious about the growing interest in new-age spiritualism, and in particular, how women are seemingly using it as a way to address chronic dissatisfaction. Without knowing exactly what I would get out of it I contacted the retreat organizers to ask if I could attend the weekends events. Two weeks later I was sitting in a chair with my eyes closed in the middle of a log-walled room. Around me, dozens of women circled, taking turns whispering affirmations into my ear: You are brave. You are loved. You are special. Even as I rolled my eyes, I felt myself start to cry.
Oh god, I thought. Its working.
I felt simultaneously defeated and relieved.
The retreat, called I Am Worth It, was hosted by three wellness practitioners: a healing touch specialist, a reflexology therapist, and a naturopathic doctor. In addition to healthy meals, beach walks, and yoga, there were guided sessions that addressed letting go of past hurt, setting intentions, prioritizing self-care, and harnessing energy centers. It costs around $333 per person to attend. The duration of the retreat is two days. Rooms were shared.
Over the course of the two days, from early morning until well into the evening, women shared stories, exhaled a lot, dabbed their eyes with tissues, and formed a drumming circle under the full moon. Throughout we received advice from the practitioners, intended to help budge participants out of a rut once they returned home: make sure to get out into nature, light some scented candles while soaking in a deep tub, observe your chakras, and tell your mirrored reflection youre beautiful over and over until you start to believe it. We whispered affirmations in each others ears. At some point the naturopath explained that she tells clients, Were not going to talk about weight loss, but about how your parents treated you when you were little.
It was a rollercoaster of practical and obscure, out-there woo woo nonsense and disarmingly astute observation.
Wellness retreats are nothing new. Since the 2nd century B.C. and its Roman baths, people have fled to spas and health-minded resorts in an attempt to feel better. These early incarnations eventually evolved into the spa model of Golden Door in San Marcos, California, and Canyon Ranch in Tucson, Arizona, both of which offered opulent surroundings coupled with rigorous training geared toward weight loss and physical transformation. By the mid 2000s yoga retreats filled up Instagram feeds with photos of virtuous-looking activities, sun salutations on the beach, and fit people inhaling huge amounts of avocado.
And todays retreat culture has moved past the lose weight, feel great mentality, beyond a week of yoga and vegan meals in Puerto Vallarta, and squarely into the realm of self-empowerment.
These new retreat goers arent focused on losing weight, rehabbing, or escaping their problems. Theyre packing their emotional baggage and heading to places like Renew Breakup Bootcamp in upstate New York, a broken-heart retreat that helps women address subconscious patterns that keep them from the love they really deserve. At a Purpose in Paris retreat, participants cast negative self-talk into the Seine and make self-worth vows at the iconic lovelock bridge. In Miami, there are vision-boarding and manifesting retreats to help pinpoint limiting beliefs and evict the resident shit-talker living in your head. And one Costa Rica retreat combines self-defense, mindfulness, and self-care with the promise that your inner warrior princess is waiting to be unleashed into the world.
I believe people are understanding their need to turn focus inward and shine a light on the dark parts of themselves that maybe they weren't willing to face before, says Jennifer Sembler, whose Yemanya Travel company offers retreats for women with a 360-degree approach to mind, body, and spirit, including hiking, meditation, and life coaching sessions. This search for inner peace and truth is one of the driving forces behind this retreat movement, she says.
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Set a New Year’s resolution in October to lose weight – Murfreesboro Post
Posted: October 15, 2019 at 8:45 pm
It may sound crazy to start a weight loss program in October for the next year, but hear me out.
Think about what happens every year around Jan. 1: New Years resolutions. And this leads to a trillion ads on TV, radio, billboards, websites and social medial about weight loss. Right?
By then everyone you know has gorged themselves for the past three months and is then fervently searching for a magic answer to the extra weight they have added. People are willing to spend thousands of dollars for a weight loss program as long as they can lose 50 pounds in 30 days.
Im not going to spend much time in this article discussing that rapid weight loss is simply a combination of emptying the digestive tract and dehydration. This doesnt really help you lose the fat you have accumulated. Deep down, most people actually know that and the ones that dont know it already will not believe me anyway.
Most readers realize that the weight they really want to get rid of is accumulated excess fat. That change takes time. Any weight lost quickly is usually simply the result of emptying the digestive tract and excreting more water, both of which are temporary. This cruel little trick sells billions of dollars worth of ineffective weight loss programs each year.
A decade ago, I researched weight loss extensively in preparation to offer a weight loss solution for our patients. We offered a successful weight loss program in our office for a number of years and many patients lost body fat in a very healthy, sensible way. What I learned during that time surprised me with the simplicity of successful fat loss. I also learned a lot about human psychology that makes the problem much more complex than it has to be.
Some people including many healthcare providers tend to overgeneralize weight loss and conclude it is simply a math problem. More calories in adds weight restrict calories and lose weight. Or they may add exercise by saying use more calories through activity and lose more weight.
In theory, this works. And for most people it really can be this simple. Eat fewer calories consistently for several months lose fat. Although this approach doesnt work well for everyone due to a wide range of possible atypical metabolic conditions, it is the simplest approach for most people and is worth trying for most readers.
There are the three clues you need to consider in order to be successful in losing accumulated fat now instead of trying so desperately in January and falling prey to over-hyped, exorbitantly priced weight loss plans.
1. The real goal is fat loss. Rapid weight loss is never actual fat loss. It just isnt. And it is unhealthy. Dont do it. You will make your situation worse.
2. Most people can succeed in losing accumulated fat slowly over time by simply being truly diligent about significantly and persistently restricting the calorie intake for a period of several months.
3. One important key is being very intentional about literally everything you choose to put in your mouth. Everything. All day. Every day. Make intentional choices. Dont accidentally eat anything. Every time you make a decision to snack or overeat, you are deciding that the instant gratification from that moment is more important to you than accomplishing your intended goal of shedding fat. (Overeating is eating the amount of food you are eating right now. In order to lose fat, you will need to actually eat fewer calories and make better choices with each meal.)
The reason today is the best day to start this realistic and typically successful approach to fat loss is that if you dont, you are likely to actually gain weight during the next three months.
So, the choice is yours. Choose to be a healthy, self-determined person making wise decisions every day about the food you consume for the next few months or follow the crowd, snacking incessantly and gorging on unhealthy portions of holiday and cold-weather offerings and wait for the New Years weight loss ads.
Dr. Mark Kestner is a licensed chiropractic physician in Murfreesboro. His office is at 1435 NW Broad St. Contact him at
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This Guy Used a Fitness Tracker and a Daily Step Goal to Lose 100 Pounds in a Year –
Posted: October 15, 2019 at 8:45 pm
Brendan Romele can't remember a time when he was within a healthy weight range. Even as a kid, he was always the "bigger" guy in class. This fact never really bothered him until his late twenties, however, when his weight climbed to nearly 285 pounds. That's when he truly started feeling it: The extra weight that made his body behave like a much older man's.
Between the backaches and the shortness of breath, Romele decided it was time for a change. He also had his family history to consider: "My mother suffered from heart failure at an early age that almost cost her life, and my grandfather had diabetes," Romele says.
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"Even though it was scary at first, I began to track my weight and body fat percentage," he says. "When I started, I was 285 pounds with 37 percent body fat, which is in the obese range."
Romele also tracked his step count using a wearable, the Fitbit Versa. He went on walks every day to make sure he hit at least 10,000 steps, and quickly realized that fitting in physical activity didn't have to mean hours and hours in the gym.
"These walks would often be at lunchtime where I would go with coworkers to pick up healthier lunch alternatives, even to places a little further to get those extra steps," he says. "I began to take advantage of Fitbit's [coaching program], too, which helped motivate me through guided workouts and eventually became a regular habit."
With his workouts building momentum, Romele moved on to overhauling his nutrition. He started tracking his food, and to his great surprise, he had been eating around 4,000 calories a day thanks to copious amounts of takeout. He decided to start cooking for himself. Just four weeks into his new routine, Romele had already dropped 20 pounds.
"As a very data and visually focused person, once I started to see the downward trend in my weight through app, and I wanted to keep it going," he says.
Beyond losing weight, Romele also eased his back pain and found his lung capacity increasing. He even added running a few miles a week into his usual 10,000 steps a day routine. By combining tracking his calories and working out more, Romele was able to drop 100 pounds and 20 percent of his body fat to hit his new weight of 185 in just one year.
"A lot of friends and coworkers have told me how they have been inspired by my journey and helped them to lead a healthier life, which is great because so many have inspired and encouraged me," he says. "I feel better, mentally and physically. I've noticed I have more energy compared to when I started."
For people looking to follow his lead, Romele advises them to first get over the dread of exercise. "What I came to realize is that any exercise is better than no exercise, even if it means going on daily walks or doing as little as ten squats," he says. "Be patient, and stick with it. A lot of people are in the old mindset of thinking diet means temporary, but it simply isn't. Don't try to change everything at oncetake it day by day."
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Simon Cowell, 60, Almost Unrecognizable With Slimmer, Fresher Look Before & After Pics – Hollywood Life
Posted: October 15, 2019 at 8:45 pm
The X Factor host revealed he adopted a vegan diet back in April and his changing eating habits have certainly paid off!
Simon Cowell, is that you? The 60-year-old reality star shocked fans with his noticeably slimmer look on the premiere of The X Factoron Saturday, Oct. 12. Simon who was a self-proclaimed meat lover announced he had gone vegan in an interview earlier this year. The change in lifestyle was prompted by a severe accident: Simon fell down a flight of stairs in 2017, which later lead himto lead a vampire like lifestyle where he stayed awake until 8:00 a.m. each night.
After seeing a doctor, Simon was also informed he had a slew of food allergies, prompting him to eliminate some of his favorite foods. I cut out a lot of the stuff I shouldnt have been eating and that was primarily meat, dairy, wheat, sugar those were the four main things, he spilled to The Sun in April. His weight loss was also noticeable at a taping of Americas Got Talent in August, where he confirmed he had dropped 20 pounds.
HollywoodLife recently spoke with Simon on Aug. 20 and when asked for him to specifically name the diet he was on, Simon jokingly called it the Simon Diet. We spoke with him a few weeks later on Sept. 3 and he added, The secret is dont follow one of the fad diets because there are just too many and they contradict each another. The allergy tests are crazy dont have those. You have to just cut out the obvious . And once you get used to it you feel better. My memory is better. I feel betterI can still drink beer so I am happy.
The former A&R exec hasnt been shy about dabbling in cosmetic procedures either, admitting he had a facelift that hurt like hell but sharing it got rid of sun damage. He continued,Theres lots of things you can do now. You dont just have to stuff your face with filler and Botox, adding that he had too much filler at one point.
Fans quickly jumped on social media to share their thoughts on Simons changing appearance, expressing concern over his health. Mate I cant get over his is how Simon Cowell looks now surely its just a whole different person altogether, @benbradshaw1_ tweeted. Is Simon Cowell ok?? His face looks so thin. Hope he isnt ill! @LaurenJ77 posted, while @phooey_uk wrote Why does Simon Cowell look gaunt?
Hopefully I look better now, Simon also toldThe Sun. In addition to keeping busy withThe X Factor, Simon recently re-united with OGAmerican Idol judgesPaula AbdulandRandy Jacksonon formerIdol winnerKelly Clarksons new talk show. While theres no word on the trio doing another show again, the group seemed open to the opportunity!
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Explained: What is metabolism and all the buzz around it – Times of India
Posted: October 15, 2019 at 8:45 pm
The simple answer to this is that some peoples body requires more energy (faster metabolism) than others. For example, you and your friend are of the same age and weight but she can enjoy a scoop of ice cream every day without gaining any weight, while when you do the same, it may lead to weight gain.
Another factor responsible for the same can be the resting metabolic rate (RMR). RMR is the number of calories that your body uses while you sleep, breathe or just sit. And you will be surprised to know that RMR accounts for 65 70 per cent of calories that you burn in a day.
RMR varies from person to person. How much lean muscle mass you have plays a major role in deciding your RMR. Other factors are genetic, age and size.
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Are Potatoes Healthy? | Nutrition and Weight Loss – Men’s Health
Posted: October 15, 2019 at 8:45 pm
The poor potato has been through so much.
The Irish Potato Famine in the 19th century. The bastardization of it into Mr. Potato Head, a toy in which you anthropomorphize the tuber by stabbing it with body parts as an excuse for fun, in the 20th century. And now, in the 21st century, the potato has become a nutritional pariah due to the fear-mongering of anti-carb zealots.
Yes, potatoes are a carbohydrate. But they are so much more than a carbohydrate. And unfairly lumping taters into a class of carbohydrates also shared by sugar and refined white bread is not only misleading, its detrimental to overall health.
Its time to reclaim the potato from the experts who say that you should never eat the vegetable if you want to lose weight, build muscle, and avoid diabetes.
Its time to give potatoes a break after their long, hard road.
Its time to restore potatoes to all their nutritional glory.
Not unless youre eating a godawful amount of potatoes.
You can track this whole potatoes-will-make you fat myth from the proliferation of the glycemic index. Also known as the GI index, this system assigns a numeric value to foods based upon the speed at which they would affect your blood sugar levels.
If a food has a high GI index value, that food may spike your blood glucose levels. For people suffering from diabetes, spikes in blood glucose levels, and the crash that follows, can be dangerous.
If a food has a low GI index value, that food would release glucose much slower, avoiding the health complications associated with high and low blood glucose levels in diabetics.
(A quick note here that the GI index value of a food is not a universal value, and people may respond to certain foods differently, at least according to this 2016 study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. In short, the GI index may not be rock-solid in terms of reliability.)
Low glycemic foods include fruits, beans, and non-starchy vegetables.
High glycemic foods include white bread, cornflakes, rice crackers, and wait for it white potatoes.
In 2011, The New England Journal of Medicine made things even worse for spuds.
The review concluded this: Foods that contained higher amounts of refined carbohydrates whether these were added (e.g., in sweets and desserts) or were not added (e.g., in refined grains) were associated with weight gain in similar ways, and potato products (which are low in sugars and high in starches) showed the strongest associations with weight gain.
A chart in that study shows that potato chips followed by potatoes or fries had the greatest effect on weight gainmore than meat, butter, and even desserts.
But also in the study were these lines: Although dietary questionnaires specified portion sizes, residual, unmeasured differences in portion sizes among participants might account for additional independent effects on energy balance. For example, an average, large baked potato contains 278 calories, as compared with 500 to 600 calories for a large serving of french fries. The typical portion size of a specific food or beverage may therefore partly mediate its effects on weight gain (i.e., both average portion sizes and biologic effects).
And herein lies the potato problem: portions.
Although the debate over the glycemic index rages on, theres one thing thats clearif youre eating too much of any food, be it salmon or tofu or peanuts or potatoes, youre going to be adding an influx of calories to your diet. And if you arent expending those calories you may be at risk for weight gain.
Anyone who has ever eaten a large baked potato knows that its challenging to eat a large plain baked potato. You fill up quickly and your taste buds grow bored of the lack of flavor.
Kostyantyn Manzhura / EyeEm
Anyone who has ever eaten a large side of french-fried potatoes knows that its easy to eat a large side of french-fried potatoes. You can keep eating them in all their greasy, salty glory and never grow bored until theyve vanished from your plate.
Science has lumped processed and whole potato products together in the past, and experts within the nutrition world have further complicated matters by calling all potatoes belly-fat-producing gut bombs, when the truth might be more nuanced.
The question isnt only what kind of potato are you eating, but how much?
In fact, no food that Mother Nature has created is nutritionally devoid. Not iceberg lettuce (antioxidants!). Not celery (fiber!). And sure as heck not potatoes.
Potatoes are an excellent source of potassium, a nutrient most people dont consume enough of, which can help regulate your blood pressure. Theyre a good source of vitamin C and vitamin B6, which aids your nervous and immune systems.
One large baked potato, with skin, contains 8 grams of protein and a whopping 7 grams of dietary fiberall for just 278 calories.
Yes, yes, and yes. Now youre getting it! Now your tater hatred is subsiding!
Theres a veritable field of potato varieties out there waiting for your enjoyment. Like white potatoes, sweet, red, and purple potatoes are all good sources of potassium and fiber. They also wont pile on the calories if you're eating them simply.
And like other colorful foods, the hues signify different disease-fighting antioxidants within the potato. Purple potatoes, for example, contain anthocyanins, an antioxidant that has been linked to cancer cell prevention.
So that adage, Eat the rainbow?
It includes potatoes.
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UFC Boston: Fight By Fight – The Official Website of the Ultimate Fighting Championship
Posted: October 15, 2019 at 8:45 pm
This is one of those terrific fights that you didnt know you really wanted to see until it was announced and then youre like, Oh man, what a fight!
Reyes burst onto the scene in the summer of 17, following up a viral knockout on the regional circuit with a 29-second stoppage win in his promotional debut. In all, he went 3-0 in his rookie year, never seeing the second round. Hes posted two more wins since then, vanquishing veteran gatekeeper Ovince Saint Preux before edging out former title challenger Volkan Oezdemir by split decision earlier this year to establish himself as one of the top contenders in the 205-pound weight class.
While Reyes is looking to prove hes championship ready, Weidman is aiming to start a new chapter in his career. Six years removed from defeating Anderson Silva and nearly four years after losing the middleweight title to Luke Rockhold, the 35-year-old former champion is hoping a shift to the light heavyweight ranks can help him snap out of a 1-4 slump and spark a return to elite form.
A move like this always seemed like a possibility for Weidman, just as it did for his nemesis, Rockhold, but now the question is whether or not the Long Island native can avoid the same fate that befell his West Coast counterpart when he changed divisions. As for Reyes, squeaking past Oezdemir with a debated decision slowed his momentum, but with Jon Jones searching for challengers, a return to the electric form of his rookie campaign could position him for a title shot in 2020.
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Fitness star admits lying to followers by faking workouts to hide ‘awful’ truth – Mirror Online
Posted: October 15, 2019 at 8:45 pm
A health and fitness influencer has admitted faking her workouts to hide a secret addiction which 'ruined her life'.
Ashley Beeman is a vlogger who runs a ' Fit and Fabulous ' blog giving tips on how to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
The 34-year-old has now admitted sharing misleading posts with her 32,000 social media followers after becoming addicted to a prescription drug she was given for attention deficit disorder (ADD) in 2015.
The mum-of-two said the weight loss results she achieved after being prescribed Adderall spurred on her addiction as she she dropped more than 16kg.
"I would fake my workouts for my social media followers and my business grew a ton, and I feel terrible about that now," said Ashley from Arizona.
"People were complimenting me which spurred me on and made me feel great.
"I thought I looked fantastic but I was just skin and bones."
Ashley's life quickly spiralled out of control as she began using her monthly prescription in just two weeks.
The addiction hit rock bottom when she ran out of the drug at a family reunion and became so anxious she couldn't interact with those closest to her.
She's now celebrating three years without the drug after enduring a 'nightmare' detox and has admitted the truth to her social media followers.
"A year after I had given up I knew I had to come clean on my Facebook page," she said.
"I had pretended to be living this really healthy lifestyle to all my followers and I owed them an explanation.
"I went live on Facebook and I received such a warm reaction. Everyone was really supportive and they started sharing their own struggles with Adderall.
"When I first got clean I felt guilty but now I've tried to forgive myself and move on.
"Now I genuinely love to work out and eat well."
Ashley is now focused on making up for lost time with her husband Dusty and children Dylan, eight, and Davin, six.
"I wasn't focused on my family in any way," she explained.
"When I was on Adderall I was selfish. I was just living my life and I wasn't present for my children. I wouldn't spend time with them.
"I feel like I've missed a lot of memories with my youngest one. I became obsessed with my business.
"I felt like I was being really productive but in reality I probably was just a tornado.
"I hate looking back at photos of myself during that time because I don't look good, even though I thought I looked amazing.
"When I watch old videos, you can tell by my eyes I'm not really there."
Ashley says she's had to do a lot of work on body positivity after putting on 20lbs in the first three weeks of quitting the drug, which she says was 'devastating' because her view of her physique had become so warped.
It also took time for her to stop 'crazy' diets and has now learned to love her body.
Ashley believes she was misdiagnosed with ADD after filing out a simple quiz at the doctors and says the drug is 'too easy to get' and needs to be taken more seriously after it took over her life.
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Fitness star admits lying to followers by faking workouts to hide 'awful' truth - Mirror Online
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