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BankThink Leverage ratio harms banks’ role as safe haven in a crisis – American Banker (subscription)
Posted: August 18, 2017 at 1:42 pm
Momentum is building to improve capital rules. Recently, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen publicly acknowledged that aspects of the banking agencies supplementary leverage ratio may be having unintended adverse consequences.
We share that view and believe these consequences could become much worse in a period of financial stress.
The supplementary leverage ratio, or SLR, is just one of more than a dozen ways that the largest banking organizations are required to monitor their capital positions. Although the SLR is intended to serve as a backstop for risk-based capital standards, the banking agencies demanded higher and higher amounts of non-risk-based capital in the years following the crisis, to the point that the leverage ratio has become the binding capital requirement for many large banks.
Meanwhile, the SLR in the U.S. is twice the international standard. This heightened requirement affects U.S. competitiveness and the ability of U.S. banks to provide financial services to their clients. More troubling is the fact that excessive amounts of capital needed to maintain the leverage ratio can actually increase rather than reduce risks to the financial system, impeding banks flexibility when responding to changes in economic conditions and assisting their customers in adjusting to changing economic winds.
Keep in mind that the leverage ratio is a totally risk-blind measure of capital. Unlike risk-based capital requirements, a leverage ratio can compel a bank to load up on relatively risky assets. As the financial crisis showed, running blind to risk can be dangerous.
In 2013, I wrote on these pages in American Banker that greater emphasis on the leverage ratio could increase risk in the banking sector by discouraging banks from taking deposits.
These concerns may already be a reality.
Banks play a pivotal role in reinforcing stability during periods of financial market uncertainty. In times of economic stress, customers tend to flood the U.S. banking system with deposits as they search for financial safe havens. As cash on deposit surges, banks invest those funds in safe assets, such as Treasury securities and deposits at the Federal Reserve, so that these funds are available if and when the customer needs them. Particularly at large custodian or investment banks, investing customer funds in risk-free assets as opposed to loans or other holdings susceptible to loss ensures that customers can safely withdraw them.
A banks risk-based capital remains steady when it invests customer deposits in these safe assets because they receive a zero percent risk weight. However, investments in Treasury securities and central bank placements reduce a banks leverage ratio because all assets are treated equally under the SLR. This makes it difficult to accept new deposits, which now have an added cost. Worse, sudden changes in customer deposit inflows can make banks leverage ratios volatile. Many banks saw huge deposit inflows at different points during the financial crisis.
Effectively, the leverage ratio is an incentive for banks not to serve as a safe haven for depositors in a crisis. The leverage ratio should not penalize banks for conducting this core banking function. In effect, banks that absorb deposits in times of crisis act as shock absorbers for the broader economy, providing a calming influence. During the last recession, banks accommodated a surge of nearly a trillion dollars in customer deposits.
Fortunately, the Treasury Department and the Fed recognize the issue.
The Treasury Department has provided specific recommendations for improving the design of the supplementary leverage ratio. The clearest, most obvious step is not counting risk-free assets such as banks deposits at central banks, Treasury securities and initial margin for centrally cleared derivatives in the leverage ratio formula.
This change would create a more rational and effective leverage ratio that is concerned with a banks genuine balance sheet risk and is more focused on protecting the financial system as a whole. By their nature, cash or near-cash holdings pose none of the credit risk that capital standards are designed to capture.
The leverage ratios effects on customer deposits can also be viewed beyond the lens of risk.
Banks custodial services form the nuts and bolts of institutional investment activity in good economic times and bad. These services allow pension funds, mutual funds and other long-term investors to manage day-to-day financial transactions, including the movement of cash resulting from their investments. These services often result in banks receiving large levels of deposits when, for example, a mutual fund sells an investment and deposits the proceeds with a bank. Refusing cash deposits or passing increased costs resulting from them to customers could erode the ability of banks to support payment, clearing and settlement activities. If the cost of maintaining pension plan and other retirement savings assets increase, or if the services available to pension funds and mutual funds are reduced, it will be detrimental to U.S. pensioners and therefore the economy as a whole.
Fed Gov. Jerome Powell stated in recent testimony that, [i]n light of the substantial progress in the build-out of our overall regulatory capital and stress testing frameworks over the past few years, the Federal Reserve is taking a fresh look at the enhanced supplementary leverage ratio. Chair Yellen has echoed that view.
The consequences of the supplementary leverage ratio are clear and significant. This fresh look is coming none too soon.
Hugh Carney is vice president of capital policy for the American Bankers Association.
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I Dropped 5 Sizes in 7 MonthsHere’s How I Did It – Reader’s Digest
Posted: August 18, 2017 at 1:41 pm
courtesy Rebecca C. WaldenFifteen days after my 39th birthday, a number flashed on my bathroom scale, the likes of which I hadnt seen since a third trimester of pregnancy.
It confirmed what a family picture from that morning had told me already: I was the largest Id ever beenobese by body fat standardsand that one go-to outfit I wore to try to hide the excess? I was only fooling myself.
Forget that I couldnt climb stairs without feeling winded. Or that Id become so self-conscious that I was turning down social invitations. Something had to give.
courtesy Rebecca C. WaldenHell hath no fury like a hungry gastronome. For this lifestyle change to have any staying power, food had to come first. While I thought I already made healthy choices (most of the time), an honest inventory of the kitchen left much to be desired. Obvious changes aside (goodbye confectioners sugar, hello Chia seeds), I didnt stop there.
Around my midsection, I was sporting the very problem that happens when one estimates portion size. So I bought an extra set of measuring cups, and every day, I work them harder than I do the percolator. When Im not where I can measure, I use these portion control tricks.
As for what to put in them, there was legit glee when I learned that dairy isnt off limits. Hello comfort food! That helped me to brave new recipes centered on superfoods, and jump started my weight loss. With these fat-releasing foods rounding out my menus, I shed the first 10 pounds in 30 days.
courtesy Rebecca C. WaldenFitness and fun are not mutually exclusive. I just needed to mix it up.
Leaving my long favored elliptical behind, I gave Body Pump a try. As intimidating as it first seemed, I found myself looking forward to the next class. A few weeks in and I wondered why Id waited so long.
I began prioritizing exercise around work and family commitments. Instead of resenting it, I craved itstill do. With instructors that keep my form on point, contagiously upbeat music mixes, and familiar folks to high five after a grueling set, these 60-minute segments routinely shatter my inner I cant.
By early March, I could see baby biceps in the bathroom mirror. Once the initial weight loss went from 10 to 20 pounds, I could shop my closet, and I wanted more. So I kept showing up. I was the new kid in kickboxing, then Zumba, and eventually spinall exercise classes known to torch calories. More often than not, I was the slowest, least coordinated person in the room. But at 25 pounds down and counting, I didnt care.
Vacation was no excuse to slouch. Instead of treating spring break as license to eat and drink my way through the entire week, I consumed as I would at home, save one splurge evening. And for that, I worked, sneaking in mountain climbers and other zero-equipment exercises that can transform your body.
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courtesy Rebecca C. WaldenFor the fourth time in as many years, I downloaded My Fitness Pal and learned how to use it correctly. Food and exercise journaling has demystified so much about how to lose weight. It remains a favorite tool now that Im learning how to maintain weight loss.
From the beginning, I also kept my weekly weight loss goal to a realistic 1 pound per week.
With every food or beverage entry, I estimated calories liberally. For exercise, I did the reverse. An unnecessary step to some, but my journey was different. This wasnt just an effort to lose weight. For long-term success, I needed to make the mental leap away from dieting as a means to an end and instead, embrace this as a lifestyle change for good.
Throughout the process and still now, these margins of error keep me on track.
By mid-April, Id lost 30-plus pounds, and logged enough entries to create trend data. The stats blew away every dietary bias Id ever believed. When I upped my protein game, stopped fearing carbs, and started embracing healthy fats, good things happened, and fast.
Im now 219 days in, four months shy of my 40th birthday, and in the best physical shape of my adult life.
courtesy Rebecca C. WaldenYou know that saying mind over matter? It can make the difference between loathing and loving your workout. There are times when Im tired or distracted, and not particularly in the mood to slog through any given sweat sessiondays when the 10-pound weight might as well weigh 100. Blame it on the endorphins, but in those moments I come up with a goala feat just this side of ridiculous to work towardsand it helps me finish the set with all I have left.
When I first saw real progress (and stepped into smaller clothing), I was reluctant to trust it. Nothing more than vanity sizing run amok. How much could my body possibly have changed? Only one way to know for sure, and it was buried deep in the Once Upon a Time part of my closet. A textile truth serum in an unforgiving cut. Yes, Im talking about my wedding dress.
Did I dare?
Right through every last kettle bell swing and lunge squat, every power press and dead lift, and every morning when I felt like chucking the alarm into the wall instead of getting up and after it. Right up to the day last week when I was able to twirl around in a certain gown and celebrate the goal achieved. Wedding dress challenge done and won.
Irreverent focus on fitness aside, Ive finally come to understand two things. There is no finish line. And a little levity keeps things interesting. With that in mind, Im now drawing inspiration from the black pants made iconic by Olivia Newton John. Halloween is less than three months out, and tight pants arent just for Jimmy Fallon.
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Walnuts for Weight Loss? – New York Times
Posted: August 18, 2017 at 1:41 pm
Photo Credit Andrew Scrivani for The New York Times
A handful of walnuts may be an effective weight loss tool.
Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and other substances and, in moderation, have been linked to reduced risk of obesity and diabetes. They may also efficiently reduce appetite.
Researchers now may have found out why. They had nine hospitalized obese patients drink, on five consecutive days, either a smoothie containing 48 grams of walnuts (1.7 ounces, or about 14 walnut halves and 315 calories) or a placebo smoothie identical in taste and calorie content. Then, after a month on their regular diet, the patients returned for a second five-day trial, with placebo drinkers on the first trial receiving a walnut smoothie, and vice versa.
The participants underwent M.R.I. brain exams while looking at pictures of high-fat food (cake, for example), low-fat food (vegetables) or neutral pictures of rocks and trees.
The study, published in Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, found that when people looked at pictures of high-fat food, activation in the insula, a part of the brain involved in appetite and impulse control, increased among those who drank the walnut smoothie, but not among placebo drinkers. The study was funded in part by the California Walnut Commission.
Walnuts can alter the way our brains view food and impact our appetites, said the lead author, Olivia M. Farr, of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. Our results confirm the current recommendations to include walnuts as part of a healthy diet.
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You Asked: Can You Lose Weight Just from Your Stomach? – TIME
Posted: August 18, 2017 at 1:41 pm
Whether you have some extra weight in your upper arms or rear end, it makes sense that targeting those areas with exercisecurls for your arms, lunges for your buttwould slim them down.
Weight-loss experts refer to this as spot reduction. But it turns out that in most cases, this kind of laser-focused weight loss isnt possible. One study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that six weeks of intensive ab workouts did nothing to slim the exercisers midsections. A related study found that 12-weeks of one-armed workouts resulted in less loose skin in the trained arm, but zero fat loss.
Working out just one part of your body probably wont slim it down, but some body parts are more likely to shed fat when you exercise. Your stomach is one of them.
MORE: The TIME Guide To Exercise
Some fat deposits are more metabolically active than others, and those may be more responsive to exercise interventions, says Arthur Weltman, a professor of medicine and chair of the department of kinesiology at the University of Virginia. Abdominal fat in particular is one of the most metabolically active fats.
When you exercise, your workouts trigger the release of hormones, Weltman explains. The higher the exercise intensity, the more of these hormones your body pumps out, and the more of that metabolically active fat you lose. (Some of Weltmans research suggests that high intensity interval training (HIIT), in particular, may slim your midsection.)
If you have fat stored in your gut, arms and chest, a lot of your fat is metabolically active, so it will likely respond to exercise and diet changes, he says. Thats especially true of your abdominal fat. The bad news is that extra fat in these regions is also linked with a greater risk for diabetes, heart disease, cancer and other ailments.
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On the other hand, if you store excess fat in the hips, butt and thighs, that fat is not metabolically active. You have a lower risk for many diseases, "but that fat is very hard to reduce, he says.
What type of exercise is best for targeting the tummy? One study compared strength training to aerobic training in terms of fat reduction in different parts of the body and found that while aerobic trainingrunning, swimming, cyclingled to greater whole-body fat loss, resistance training targeted abdominal fat in particular.
In a nutshell, spot-targeting fat isn't very effectivein most cases. But if youre trying to lose fat around your stomach, a mix of resistance training and high-intensity aerobic exercise, along with a healthy diet, may help reduce your belly fat.
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Weighing yourself daily linked to weight loss, says study – The Independent
Posted: August 18, 2017 at 1:41 pm
For many, the prospect of losing weight without changing your diet sounds too good to be true.
But scientists have found a method that could provide the solution: simply weigh yourself daily.
In a study of 294 female students by researchers at Drexel University and the University of Pennsylvania, it was found that those who hopped on their scales every day over two years saw a drop in both BMI and body fat compared to those who didnt.
Whats more, the women - who were all of different weights - hadnt been told to try to lose weight.
The researchers were particularly interested in studying students as its so common to put on weight at university, especially in your first year - they dont call it the Freshers 15 for nothing, after all.
In fact, a 2009 study found that over 70 per cent of students gain weight in their first year at university.
But simply by weighing themselves daily, the women not only avoided putting on weight, but actually losta significant amount. Those who didnt weigh themselves saw little change in their BMI.
The losses in BMI and body fat percentage were modest, but still significant, especially keeping in mind that these women were not part of a weight loss programme, said lead study author Diane Rosenbaum, PhD.
We did not expect that, in the absence of a weight loss intervention, folks would be losing weight.
Lifting weights can make you more intelligent
The researchers cannot say for certain that daily weighing leads to weight loss, but it could be thatchecking in every day motivates you to look after your body more.
Regularly weighing yourself can motivate you to engage in healthy eating and exercise behaviours, because it provides you with evidence that these behaviours are effective in helping you lose weight or prevent weight gain, said Meghan Butryn, PhD, an associate professor in the College of Arts and Sciences at Drexel.
Similarly, if you see weight gain on the scale, that information can motivate you to make a change.
Of course, its normal for a persons weight to fluctuate, and so if you weigha bit more than the day before, it could just be due to water retention, when you last went to the toilet, what you ate the night before or where a woman is in her menstrual cycle.
But perhaps simply by making youmore aware, daily weigh-ins could help you lose weight.
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Weighing yourself daily linked to weight loss, says study - The Independent
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Duff Goldman Shares His Dramatic Weight Loss After 3 Months of ‘Eating Clean’ –
Posted: August 18, 2017 at 1:41 pm
Duff Goldman doesnt even recognize himself.
The former Ace of Cakes star took to Instagram on Tuesday to show off his impressive weight loss with his before and after photoswhich were taken only three months apart. Wow. Its been three months and I feel like these are photos of two different people, he wrote of the selfies highlighting his noticeably thinner face.
Goldman told curious commenters that he dropped the weight the old school way by eating clean, riding my bike, lifting weights.
Friends of the Food Network chef includingMichael Voltaggio and Rocco DiSpirito joined in on congratulating Goldman on his success so far. @duffgoldman really impressive work bro! commented DiSpirito, whos known for his own 30 lb. weight loss. You look terrific and I am sure feel even better.
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Though this is his first time sharing a transformation photo, Goldman has been documenting his efforts on Instagram recently. While on trip to Israel on Sunday, the chef channeled his inner Dwayne The Rock Johnson by sampling the local plant life and enjoyingan early morning workout with his brother.
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Goldman even kept to his diet on arguably the years most food-centric holiday. July 4th when youre eatin clean. Elk and Bison burgers, he shared on a photo of his bun-less burgers, pickles and grilled zucchini.
But all his hard work is clearly paying off. Last week, Goldman revealed that hes at the stage in his weight loss when its time for a whole new wardrobe.
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That feeling when you lose so much weight you drop a shirt size so all your friends send you new t shirts, he wrote.
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Surgeries to remove weight-loss devices on the rise – WHTC
Posted: August 18, 2017 at 1:41 pm
Friday, August 18, 2017 1:16 p.m. EDT
By Lisa Rapaport
Reuters Health - Doctors are doing fewer weight-loss procedures to implant adjustable bands around the stomach and more operations to remove the devices or alter them, a U.S. study suggests.
Researchers focused on a type of weight-loss surgery known as laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, a minimally invasive procedure that involves placing an inflatable belt around the upper portion of the stomach that reduces the amount of food it can hold. People are advised to eat portions about the size of a shot glass post-surgery.
Nationwide, a total of 28,202 patients underwent procedures to implant laparoscopic adjustable gastric bands (LAGB) from 2007 to 2015, the study found. Over that same period, 12,157 people had gastric bands removed, or explanted.
Starting in 2013, though, surgeons did more procedures to take bands out than to put them in, the study team reports in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons.
A newer alternative in weight-loss surgery known as a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy that appears to be safer and more effective may be driving this trend, said senior study author Dr. Ninh Nguyen, chief of the division of gastrointestinal and bariatric surgery at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine.
Compared to the adjustable gastric banding, the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is associated with improved weight loss and lower incidence of late complications, Nguyen said by email. The late complication rate requiring revision (procedures) after sleeve gastrectomy is one-fourth that of gastric banding.
More than half of weight-loss procedures done today use the sleeve gastrectomy, which reduces the stomach to the size of a banana, according to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery.
Procedures to remove or adjust gastric bands were associated with longer hospital stays, a greater number ofserious complications and more admissions to intensive care units compared withoperations to implant the devices, the study found.
Researchers didnt find any difference in death rates or costs between implantation procedures and operations to remove or fix the bands, with both types of surgery costing an average of $11,600 to $12,000.
One limitation of the study is that researchers only examined procedures done at academic medical centers, although the authors suggest that trends might be similar at community hospitals.
Another drawback is the lack of data explaining why bands were removed. That makes it impossible to say if the removal happened after complications or because patients elected to switch to a different, newer alternative such as the sleeve gastrectomy to see if they could achieve more weight loss.
Most often, when the gastric bands are removed its either because patients couldnt tolerate the devices being tightened or because they didnt lose enough weight, said Dr. Anita Courcoulas, chief of minimally invasive bariatric and general surgery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Because the sleeve is still relatively new, however, its too soon to say whether it will achieve better weight loss or fewer complications over the long term, Courcoulas, who wasnt involved in the study, said by email.
Enthusiasm for the sleeve as a replacement for the band should be tempered with the knowledge that longer-term outcomes are still sorely lacking, Courcoulas added. It will take time, patience, and a dynamic evaluation of the evidence as it evolves to draw more final conclusions about the longer-term comparative effectiveness of bariatric procedures.
SOURCE: Journal of the American College of Surgeons, online July 25, 2017.
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Alex Fought Obesity and PCOS (and Lost 100 Pounds!) With CrossFit and Triathlons – POPSUGAR
Posted: August 18, 2017 at 1:41 pm
A lifetime of weight issues and PCOS haven't kept Alex back from living her best, most active life. The recent USA Triathlon National Championship finisher (who finished in the top 10 percent in her age group at another USA Triathlon race to even qualify for this!) shared her story of trials and triumphs including her 95-pound weight loss.
POPSUGAR: What made you decide to start your weight-loss journey?
Alex Goldman: I had been overweight since before kindergarten, so I didn't really know anything different! As one final act of control before I turned 18, my mother made me go see a cognitive/dialectical behavioral therapist as a condition of taking me on my dream 18th birthday Spring break. I was prepared to hate her, but I ended up working with this therapist for about 2.5 years! So it wasn't really an action of mine that caused the whole cascade into a healthy lifestyle. I owe a lot to my mom.
As I mentioned, I've been overweight since I was 3 or 4. It seemed that no matter what and how much I ate, I still ballooned up. Finally, my pediatrician suggested that I get tested for PCOS and insulin resistance. I was diagnosed when I was 14 or 15 and started working with a phenomenal endocrinologist who helped me on the path to choosing the right foods for my system to function properly!
PS: What drew you to triathlons specifically?
AG: I get this question a lot! My exercise life is my social life, so everyone always wants to know how I got involved in the things I do. It was a pretty organic process when I was a freshman in college, I decided to go to a free yoga class. Then I stumbled across SoulCycle on 83rd Street. That led me to the wonderful world of cycling, both road and fixed gear. When I was a freshman in college, I also volunteered at the Boston Marathon, and decided that I *HAD* to run it as a senior. I achieved that goal and also ran NYC in 2016. I've always been a good swimmer (partially due to my huge shoulders, but I'm not bitter at all . . . ) so triathlon seemed like a next logical step. I also do CrossFit to supplement training for races!
PS: What's your favorite way to work out?
AG: I love the social element of group fitness. I look forward to going to the gym because it's where I get to see all of my friends! I also have coaches and peers at my CrossFit gym who push me way harder than I would work on my own. That said, I also like to balance my social time with solo training on my long runs and rides. These are a great opportunity to reset at the end of my week and get mentally prepared for the week ahead.
PS: What's your weekly exercise schedule?
AG: I work out at my "home" gym, CrossFit Potrero Hill, five to six times a week. I spend an hour there, usually consisting of a strength or skill portion, where I get to work on a specific lift or hone my technique on one skill. There will then be a workout of the day (or "WOD") where I can put those strength and skill pieces to good use! On Sundays, I do some kind of long run or ride. My ritual lately has consisted of biking some of SF's hills and then ending my training day by running along Ocean Beach. I decompress after with a good book and a strong cup of coffee at my favorite Outer Sunset spot!
Oh, and I bike seven to 10 miles to and from work each day on my fixed gear bike.
PS: How do you keep workouts exciting?
AG: CrossFit workouts are never boring; a main tenant of their fitness methodology is to keep things "constantly varied." Long runs and rides can get monotonous, so I mix up my routes, and, of course, have hours of quality podcasts on hand!
PS: How much weight have you lost?
AG: I've lost a total of 95 pounds! I put on a few pounds since I reached my lowest adult weight last June, but I have good reason to believe it was mostly muscle I've been heavily strength training, and my measurements look the same. And my clothes look better.
PS: What was the first big difference, other than the number on the scale, that really made you feel proud and excited?
AG: I have a connective tissue disorder that causes chronic pain in most of my joints. I was thrilled when my joints started bugging me less, which snowballed and allowed me to train harder!
PS: How do you track your weight loss?
AG: At the beginning, I wrote down everything I ate and weighed myself weekly. Now, I weigh myself more periodically and am much more careful about tracking fitness-related goals. I keep tabs on all of my benchmark lifts, workouts, and mile time.
PS: What's a typical day of meals and snacks?
AG: Since I have PCOS and need to eat a relatively low glycemic diet, I have to plan out what I'm going to eat pretty carefully. I mostly eat Greek yogurt with cacao nibs or "oatmeal" that I make with chia, flax, and a pinch of oats for breakfast. Lunch is usually some amalgamation of the salad ingredients and hot bar at Whole Foods, and dinner is frequently egg-based. I love breakfast for dinner! My office has fresh fruit delivered twice a week, so I try to snack on that as much as possible. I also keep nuts and 85 percent dark chocolate at my desk. One of my coworkers has also been growing gargantuan zucchini, so we've all been getting pretty creative with ways to eat them. We've spiralized our hearts out!
PS: Do you count calories? What's the range of calories you eat per day?
AG: I actually started counting calories because I wasn't losing weight. It turned out that I was eating in the 1,200/day range, which is way too low for someone with my health goals! I tried to hit around that 1,600-calorie mark.
PS: What are the healthy staples that are always in your fridge?
AG: I could not live without eggs, bananas, and unsweetened Greek yogurt. The combinations of these three ingredients are endless! I sometimes stick to the obvious preparations hard-boiled eggs, Greek yogurt and sliced banana but I also like getting creative and making things like two-ingredient pancakes (egg and banana) and protein waffles.
PS: How do you strategize for meals out?
AG: I always look at the menu before I go and plan what I will order. That way, I'm not making an impulsive decision on the spot, and I have time to work what I plan to order into my plan for the day. If I know I want a more indulgent dinner out, I'll eat Greek yogurt for breakfast and salad for lunch. If my coworkers want to go out for lunch, I'll have overnight "oats" for breakfast and a veggie omelet for dinner!
PS: Do you use a fitness tracker?
AG: RIP to my Fitbit! I was married to my Fitbit Charge HR, which I loved for its ability to measure activity that isn't running. Unfortunately, mine broke, so I'm in the market for a new, continuous heart rate option!
PS: What role did your therapy play in your journey? Would you recommend it?
AG: I cannot overstate how crucial a role my therapist played in my weight-loss journey. She was my ally through this whole process, and I'm forever grateful to her for getting me on the right wellness path. I also found it helpful to surround myself with like-minded individuals. The friends I've made through group fitness hold me accountable both in and out of the gym.
PS: What advice do you have for anyone starting out on a weight-loss journey?
AG: Find a good support system! Willpower is a muscle that will eventually wear down and fatigue if you have friends, family, and your environment surrounding you with temptations. Also, the weight loss/health and wellness journey is very much not a linear path, nor does it really have a destination or end point. You have to set your own mini goals within this process, but know that it's a lifestyle that must be sustained.
Image Source: Alex Goldman
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Alex Fought Obesity and PCOS (and Lost 100 Pounds!) With CrossFit and Triathlons - POPSUGAR
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Weight loss: Stomach bloating cures to add to any diet and shrink your belly –
Posted: August 17, 2017 at 1:47 pm
Eating a healthy diet and doing plenty of exercise is key to getting a flat stomach, but there are also particular foods to incorporate that will help aid the process.
Snacking on nuts, particularly almonds, will help stop cravings thanks to the high fibre content.
Even better, a 2007 study at Purdue University found that despite their high calorie content, almonds do not contribute to belly fat.
When cooking, use olive oil, as it contains a naturally-occurring chemical called oleic acid which aids the breakdown of excess fats in the body.
Drinking tea is fine - and if you want a slim stomach, sipping on green tea is the best idea. Green tea has been found to help flush excess fluid from the body and reduce stomach bloating caused by water retention.
Another tea to try is dandelion, as it a natural diuretic which will help kidneys to flush out excess fluid and sodium.
Or if you dont like the taste, try lemon instead, as it also has detoxifying properties.
Those with a sweet tooth should indulge in fruit - and there are particular types which will help create a sleek silhouette.
Melon contains twice as much potassium as bananas, and can aid the removal of excess fluids around the body.
Berries are full of fibre, with around six grams in just one cup.
Peaches are another fruit to try. They have both laxative and diuretic properties thanks to their alkaline state, so can help with bloating or digestive problems.
Adding cinnamon to food will also help sweet cravings without actually adding any sugar to your diet, and the spice helps regulate soaring blood sugar levels by stimulating insulin production.
If you have cut diary from your diet thinking it will help you lose weight, think again. Natural yoghurt can help to relieve bloating because of the live bacteria it contains.
In fact, avoiding foods because of fat content isnt always the best idea.
Oily fish such as mackerel and salmon are good sources of lean protein which will keep you fuller for longer.
Another high fat food, avocado, will help regulate fluid balance thanks to the potassium levels and prevent constipation thanks the magnesium.
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Weight loss: Stomach bloating cures to add to any diet and shrink your belly -
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