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Must Know: 5 Harsh Realities About Weight Loss – Doctor NDTV

Posted: August 11, 2017 at 6:48 am

It is easy to lose weight but maintaining the weight loss is a tedious and a never-ending challenge. You require determination, proper know- how and realistic goals. Initially starting with small changes in diet and exercise to achieve long term weight loss.

Truths about long term weight loss

Early morning Breakfast: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it breaks the overnight fasting period. It replenishes the supply of glucose and provides other essential nutrients that keep boosts the energy level throughout the day.

Personal weight loss goal: A proper diet and an exercise plan is must for long term weight loss. The amount of calories that you take should be reduced. Another way to burn fat is through exercise. However, everyone burns calories at different rate.

Balanced diet: Plan a healthy and a nutritionally balanced diet. Eating smaller portions and five meals a day is advisable. Limit yourself to processed, fatty, sugary and salty foods. Aim for eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, chose nutrient rich foods with a mix of proteins.

Proteins: Adding proteins to your diet is the simplest and an effective way to reduce weight. Proteins help in fighting cravings and increases the metabolic rates. This will automatically help you lose weight.

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Must Know: 5 Harsh Realities About Weight Loss - Doctor NDTV

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Losing Weight at a Safe Rate – Best Weight Loss Plans …

Posted: August 11, 2017 at 6:48 am

Losing weight at a rate greater than an average of two pounds per week (after the first few weeks) can increase your risk of developing some health problems.

Article By:Amanda Genge

Slow and steady wins the weight loss race is probably not what you want to hear, especially if youre currently losing more than two pounds a week [after your first few weeks on the plan]. But shedding weight too quickly isnt good for your health, and it can make it harder for you to maintain a weight loss in the long run.

Still not convinced?

The Health RisksYoure trying to lose weight to improve your healthnot harm it. But losing weight at a rate greater than an average of two pounds per week (after the first few weeks, when you may lose more because youre shedding water weight) increases your risk of developing health problems like heart beat irregularities, anemia, excessive loss of lean body mass (muscle), bowel irregularities and gallstone formation.

The Other Downside to Rapid Weight LossCutting too many calories, especially when following a quick-fix diet that restricts certain food groups, can actually cause your metabolism to slow during weight loss. This occurs because your body becomes more efficient, requiring fewer calories to perform the necessary daily functions for survival. Eventually, this will slow (but not stop) the rate at which you lose weight. Some people cut calories even further in an attempt to restart their weight lossa tactic that can backfire and start a vicious, unhealthy cycle.

Why? If youre not eating enough, your body is not getting enough of the calories or nutrients it needs. Furthermore, restricting too many calories can set you up for periods of overeatingwhich can in turn make you gain weight and feel like your efforts have failed. Plus, you havent learned how to eat healthfully and arent likely to stick to a restrictive plan for the long haul.

The Benefits of Slow Weight LossThats why the Weight Watchers plan teaches you to make smarter choices about food and exercise while still letting you eat the things you love. Youre learning new healthy habits and have resources and support to keep you on track when you hit a plateau or face a weight gain. This four-pronged approach is unique to Weight Watchers and is available to you both as you are working toward your weight goal and while you are maintaining your weight loss. When youre prepared for both the journey and the destination, youre more likely to stay at your weight goal for good.

A Special Note for New MomsBefore beginning a weight-loss program, get your doctors approval. It is generally recommended that breastfeeding women wait six to eight weeks before attempting active weight loss, as the body needs time to recover from childbirth and establish a good milk supply. Breastfeeding women need an extra 500 calories per day to provide an adequate milk supply. Protein needs are also increased from 46 to 71 grams (the equivalent to 3 servings of protein-rich foods) a day when breastfeeding to help preserve the lean body mass needed to help maintain a good milk supply.

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) a weight loss of 1 pound a week while breastfeeding is safe and does not negatively affect infant growth. A weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week is recommended for new moms who are not nursing. It is especially important when breastfeeding to make wise food choices and eat a wide variety of healthy foods to ensure adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals in breast milk. Additionally, most physicians recommend taking a prenatal vitamin while nursing and the American Medical Association recommends taking a multivitamin when following a weight-loss program.

Why cant I set my goal weight below the Healthy Weight Range? Research has shown that once you fall above or below the healthy weight range, health risks start to increase. There is also the concern that those who become underweight may have an eating disorder or be malnourished, which can in turn compromise immune function, increase risk for all sources of diseases including respiratory disease, digestive disease, cancer, osteoporosis and increase potential for falls and fractures.

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Katherine Heigl Reveals the "Sheer Panic" She Experienced During Her Postpartum Weight-Loss Journey – E! Online

Posted: August 10, 2017 at 11:42 am

Like so many moms know, losing the baby weight doesn't just happen overnight.

In fact, the weight-loss journey can include highs and lows for months and months.While Katherine Heigl may be a Hollywood star, the proud parent is opening up about her postpartum journey.

Spoiler alert: It wasn't easy for her either.

"In the seven months since Joshua Jr was born I have managed to slowly but surely drop my pregnancy weight with only 10 pounds left to lose. I gained almost 50 pounds during my pregnancy and I'm not gonna lie, I had moments of sheer panic that I'd never be able to lose it all," Katherine wrote on her Heavenly Days blog. "I had hoped to only gain 25-30 pounds like my mother during her pregnancies but found that just wasn't possible for me."

She continued, "Despite starting my gestation out on a pregnancy friendly meal plan and hiking my butt off 5 days a week my weight kept creeping up. At a certain point, probably around 4 months I gave up the struggle and tried instead to respect my body's needs and trust my instincts. About ten days after Joshua Jr's birth I got back on the scale to see where I was at and how far I had to go."

One month after giving birth to her third child with Josh Kelley, Katherine said that she dropped about 30 pounds. The rest of the weight, however, "has not disappeared quite so magically."

"I have only lost 10 pounds since that first initial drop but that's ok because I decided from the start that I was going to lovingly but patiently reclaim my pre baby body, and forgive the glorious imperfections that would forever grace my new post baby body," the actress wrote. "This attitude of forgiveness and gentleness is the spirit with which I have embarked on my weight loss journey and it's made all the difference in the world."

Katherine says EatingWell has become one of her favorite go-to healthy meal planning sites. She has also been trying out Hello Fresh, which is a food delivery service that provides healthy meals that one can cook in about 30-45 minutes.

While every woman's journey is different, Katherine has some valuable advice that anyone may find useful as they embrace their body.

"My best weight loss advice is to start every morning by saying out loud a positive mantra of your choice about your body. Mine is 'I am easily, with good health, inspiration, grace and gratitude losing weight faster than I can even imagine with harm to none.' Then I say my gratefuls. Thanking my body for its perfect health, strength, limberness, vibrancy, youthfulness and beauty," she explained. "Whether I always believe these things about myself and my body or not, I say them. By saying them out loud with love and gratitude I have found that I not only start to believe them, but my body exhibits what I say and believe."

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Katherine Heigl Reveals the "Sheer Panic" She Experienced During Her Postpartum Weight-Loss Journey - E! Online

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7 Things You Need To Know If You’re Counting Calories To Lose Weight – Women’s Health

Posted: August 10, 2017 at 11:42 am

The total number of calories a person needs every day varies depending on a bunch of things, including your age, height, weight, and how active you are. (Obviously, if youre a half-marathoner, youre going to need more calories than if you rarely hit the gym.) Estimates range from 1,600 to 2,400 calories per day for adult women, per theDietary Guidelines for Americans, which is a pretty big range. If youre not sure where you stand, it doesnt hurt to check in with a registered dietitian for a consultationhe or she should be able to give you a good goal calorie count to start with. Or, if you dont have the time or budget for that, Cording recommends looking up an energy estimate calculator online and getting a general idea from that. Just be a little flexible with yourself. Some people get a calorie number in their head but it might not be the right fit for themtheyre so hungry they cant stick to it, Cording says.

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7 Things You Need To Know If You're Counting Calories To Lose Weight - Women's Health

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Our Complicated Relationships With Dieting and Weight: Readers Share Their Stories – New York Times

Posted: August 10, 2017 at 11:42 am

My mother started me on diets when I was 12 and barely overweight. I would lose weight and gain it back and then more. Finally, I gave up. I dont diet. I try to eat a varied diet and not go overboard on anything. I exercise. What I dont do? I dont put up with being treated like garbage anymore. I fire doctors who treat me poorly. I live my life. I go on vacation. I wear a bathing suit in public. I dont worry if people see me eating a doughnut. Being thin will never make me happy, but not caring about other peoples opinions has been the greatest gift Ive ever given myself. Alexis, Mechanicsburg, Pa.

Some readers shared that they will always be fighting their weight.

A few years ago, I lost 50 pounds. Every day of that journey was effort, but looking back, that was nothing compared with the struggle of every day since then. It was like discovering that you could run a marathon, and then at the finish line realizing that every day for the rest of your life, you had to keep running that marathon pace. Every day I will have to keep managing a chronic situation and keep having to make choices. It can be draining. Larry, Palo Alto, Calif.

I counted every calorie. I took up running, and then triathlons. I ran 13 miles at a stretch, hours of working out a day. But the weight kept rising. I became depressed. I was so upset and angry and heartbroken that no matter how hard I worked, no matter what I did, the weight kept creeping back up. So I ran more. I added more weight training. When my body broke down, I switched to yoga and hiking. The weight kept creeping back, faster and faster. If I was going to work so hard and feel so bad, what was the point? I still dont have answers. Im still seeking them. But I will tell you what Im tired of: being made to feel bad about myself, or lazy, or undisciplined, when I know how hard Ive worked. Robyn, Asheville, N.C.

Other readers said that even after losing weight, the stigma surrounding their bodies endures.

When you lose 100 pounds, people will comment, congratulate you. They will frequently tell you how much better you look, because previously you looked horrible, unprofessional, like you didnt care or memorably that you looked like a cow. These compliments reveal exactly what people thought of you before your weight loss. When the yo-yo goes back up, you dont forget these comments because you now know exactly what people think of you. You think of all that you have achieved in your life, and you wonder why your weight loss is the thing that gathers the most comments. Janet, Bel Air, Md.

Years ago, I lost about 50 pounds. Even when I could shop in the normal-people stores, I couldnt see the weight loss when I looked in the mirror. When you spend your whole life wishing, hoping and trying to become a different person, you sort of expect your heart and mind to change along with your body. And they dont. At least they didnt for me. I still saw a girl with tree-trunk legs and a flabby stomach who wanted to eat ice cream for breakfast. That was two or three Weight Watchers memberships ago. Emily, Salt Lake City

When I came home after weight loss, I was surrounded by food and by a culture that didnt like someone who ate almost nothing and exercised constantly. My family and friends who pitied me for being fat were off-balanced somehow by my extreme weight loss. I lost friends, a boyfriend and a job. I was no longer the passive, helpful fat girl so used to accommodating everyone elses need. I was the assertive, even demanding woman who wanted a new life. Jean Renfro Anspaugh, Fairfax, Va.

For many readers, the toughest battle has been mental rather than physical.

In 2008, my brother was killed in Iraq, and I ate it. I ate all of it. I soothed the rage with Coke Slurpees. I choked down lo mein as if I might digest the insatiable grief. I gained 35 pounds in four months and then I started Weight Watchers online. I was strict all week, eating cottage cheese and green peppers for lunch, then Id binge on pizza all weekend. Sunday nights Id write in my journal: Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. Ive been high, clutching my protruding hip bones at 132, and Ive been low, frantically stroking my double chin at 175. I substituted the pain of my brothers unjust, unnecessary death with the chase of numbers and flesh. America promised my brothers death was a great sacrifice: tragic, but productive. I ate until America could promise my own body was tragic, in unproductive ways. Samantha, Columbus, Ohio

One night, I was trying to sleep but found myself going over my caloric intake of the day over and over in my head, planning my meals for the next day to balance out a cookie I had had that day. When I realized how problematic this was, I decided to quit calorie counting cold turkey. I stopped tracking my food altogether and deleted the MyFitnessPal app on my phone. Unfortunately, my mind was so well trained at that point that it only made my anxiety worse. Unable to see my calories on my iPhone screen, I would constantly be adding up the content of my meals, so much so that I couldnt concentrate on school and found myself dazed when with my friends. Now I try and think about my disordered eating as something separate from me. I work hard every day to squash the monster. Sofie, San Francisco

Im a registered dietitian, and weight loss is an area of my profession I avoid, to be honest. Because I dont have answers. I strongly believe that cutting calories results in weight loss. I also recognize that this strategy is hard to act on and maintain, creates unhealthy relationships with food and exercise and can often cause more harm than good. I know the years I spent losing and then regaining weight may have hurt my metabolism. I know I have disordered thoughts left over from seeing food as harmful. But I feel more confident that I can (and am working to) fix my relationship with food. On the other hand, Im not sure I can ever remove the damage of being the fat girl. Katie, Durham, N.C.

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Our Complicated Relationships With Dieting and Weight: Readers Share Their Stories - New York Times

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Pushed to the limit by mother-in-law’s illness, demeanor – Arkansas Online

Posted: August 10, 2017 at 11:41 am

DEAR CAROLYN: When my husband and I first married, I had a wonderful relationship with his parents. However, over the last decade, his mother's health has deteriorated such that she is now severely disabled and depressed. My father-in-law is a wonderful man who has devoted his life to her care but, despite his devotion, she directs her unhappiness at him. Spending time with them is difficult.

My husband agrees they're not easy, but also mourns his mom's disabilities. They are local so we probably see them monthly.

They recently announced their plan to join us on the annual beach vacation with my side of the family (who is not local). They plan to rent a house nearby during the same week.

Carolyn, this time with my husband and children is dear to me and the prospect of an in-law invasion makes me miserable. When I shared these feelings with my husband and proposed alternatives (a weekend getaway with them or time together during a different week) he flipped out and was devastated. He said he cannot tell them no and I am unreasonable for not accommodating them.

I'm not the type to put my foot down, but I've done so, and my husband is now sleeping on the couch and not speaking to me. Aside from this one issue, our relationship is great. I need a sanity check. Am I in the wrong?

-- Anonymous

DEAR READER: No. Even if your mother-in-law were in perfect health and pleasant company, you'd have every right to veto, saying, "We see your parents monthly; this is my family's time."

And, his "flipping out" on you is not OK regardless. Even when such an emotional outburst is understandable, a loving, mature adult will de-escalate and apologize for losing his composure. Sticking with it over days, against someone who is making clear efforts to honor her priorities and make reasonable trade-offs to do so, is not acting in good marital faith.

It's important to recognize, though, that being right can still be wrong if you don't recognize the emotional stakes. Even a loving, mature adult can buckle under the strain of helplessness in a crisis like his mother's, and when that happens, it's not unusual for someone to unload some of the excess weight onto the nearest "safe" person. In this case, you.

Or in the case of his mother, his father. You say she unloads on him "despite his devotion," but I would argue it's because of it. Whom can we blame for infirmity, mortality and loss? The universe? So, we blame our best friends for burning the toast.

People generally don't do this consciously, they just drop their guard around the person they trust not to leave.

If your husband's flip-out is indeed uncharacteristic, then I think you can safely treat this as his attacking not you or your family time, but the Human Condition -- by the nearest available means.

So approach him accordingly. "Your mom's ordeal is tearing you up. I see that." Wait a beat for a response. If none, then say you didn't mean to add more stress and you're there for him when he's ready. Then, patience. Hold firm on the beach or relent -- up to you -- but either way, he needs the best listener you can be.

Chat online with Carolyn at 11 a.m. each Friday at Write to Tell Me About It in care of The Washington Post, Style Plus, 1150 15th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20071; or email

Weekend on 08/10/2017

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Pushed to the limit by mother-in-law's illness, demeanor - Arkansas Online

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Six things the best diets have in common –

Posted: August 10, 2017 at 11:40 am

You don't need to go to the gym every day or go on a strict diet to lose weight. Here are some top weight loss tips from 'The Diet Doctor' Moodi Dennaoui and PT and former Survivor contestant Tegan Haining.

You dont make friends with salad. But you do lose weight.

GOING a diet can be pretty daunting. Not just because it means change and sacrifice but because there are thousands out there promising to work for you.

Instead of trying to decode conflicting messages, take on board these six traits that the best diets share.


Theres no denying quick fix plans get can results but the best diets require you to pace yourself. If you shed weight too quickly, its likely that youre losing muscle.

So dont set the bar too high effective results come from realistic expectations. Yes, its unlikely you can keep up salads and green juices forever.


While not everyone is ready to embrace full-on vegetarian eating, basing your diet largely on plant foods (fruits, veggies, legumes, nuts and whole grains) comes with lots of health benefits including for your waistline.

If youre a religious meat eater, consider adopting flexitarian habits (e.g. Meat-free Monday) to reap the plant power.


Its no secret that heavily processed items have lots of mystery ingredients which could be standing between you and success on the scales. It may take a little more prep, but focus on real food and making your own meals from scratch that way youll know exactly whats entering your body (without having to count a single calorie).

Eat real food that you have cooked (even if it has a sprinkling of bacon).Source:Supplied


Its obvious that large portions make you consume more but they also encourage mindless eating, which can be a hard habit to break. Always use small plates and cutlery so you serve up less and chew with a conscious. If youre eating until youre full, chances are youve overeaten.


OK, this isnt dietary advice, but as long as were talking about achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, we cant not mention exercise. Regular physical activity will help you inch closer to your goal by burning calories and building muscle.

However, thats not the only reason to make exercise part of your daily life. Exercise also does wonders for your mental health and general wellbeing, and its also been linked to longer life expectancy.


Forget the D word and commit yourself to making smart lifestyle choices each day. Make breakfast a priority, avoid prolonged sitting, get enough sleep and most importantly shift the way you think about weight loss. That has the potential to completely change the way you approach eating forever.

Kathleen Alleaume is an exercise and nutrition scientist and author of Whats Eating You?

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Weight loss: Woman lost over five stone in a year and THIS is how she did it –

Posted: August 10, 2017 at 11:40 am

Sharing before and after transformation pictures to Reddit, user EdmontonAB83 revealed she started at 210lbs (15stone) and is now 138lbs (9.8stone), a weight she achieved over the course of 12 months.

Her goal weight is 125llbs (8.9stone), so she has another nine pounds to go.

Her photos quickly received over 2000 likes, and many comments asking how she did it and what tips she could share.

Explaining her plan, EdmontonAB83 said: My routine was very simple; got a Fitbit and started getting 10k-16k steps a day.

My diet was focused on CICO using my fitness pal app (free) and I went to my community drop in clinic because they have a free dietician once a week who answers any questions.

Majority of the meals I made were from AMAZING recipes.

Revealing her calorie goal, she told one commenter: I'm on a 1200 cal daily diet, and I intermittent fast to allow my lunch and dinner to be a bit more satisfying for me.

I enjoy cooking so I found this worked best and I didn't have any difficulties with it.

I weigh all my food, that's the only way to have an accurate account of what you are taking in.

I stopped buying lunches or snacks out, packed my meals and took with me every chance I got, even to football games.

Gentle exercise was also a part of EdmontonAB83s routine, and she said: I too do yoga, I found it really helped my back pain.

Get moving! I started walking, walking absolutely everywhere! I mainly did this because I was so out of shape but I think it can't hurt either.

Plus hey if it gives more of a caloric deficit that again bad either! Just try not to justify exercising by eating more.

My calories burned I never eat back, unless it's a very special occasion. (sic)

The final piece of advice EdmontonAB83 had was to avoid negative people, and she explained: Remember don't let anyone sabotage you, learn to say no to things that will derail you.

Stay focused on your goals. We all have it in us to do this and ultimately do it for your health, that's the most important thing we have.

If you are concerned about your waistline, there are three key exercise moves to try to help lose belly fat fast.

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Weight loss: Lose belly fat fast with THESE three moves –

Posted: August 10, 2017 at 11:40 am

According to Chris Wharton, Co-owner and Director of the Better Body Group, there are three stages of getting in shape before you can consider targeting certain areas for fat loss.

Create a calorie deficit: It is simply impossible to lose body fat without burning more calories than you consume. This is your number one fat loss strategy, and is best achieved by reducing your calorie intake.

Include compound exercises as part of your regular workouts: add squats, lunges, deadlifts, bench presses, and pull ups to make sure you are targeting all muscle groups.

Increase your levels of NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis). Put simply, move around more throughout the day to increase the total number of calories burned.

He added: Once you are certain these bases are covered, you can start focusing on more specific body parts. Since a slim, sculpted belly area tends to be the most desired, there are three great abdominal exercises to add into your gym repertoire.

1. Myotatic crunch

Chris said: This is one of my favourite and one of the most effective exercises for sculpting great abs.

Aim for at least 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

2. Suitcase carry

Chris said: An often-ignored area of core training is the ability to hold and carry a weight on one side of your body. By off-setting the weight, you really challenge your obliques, the side trunk muscles, on the opposite side of the body as well the abs, lower back and deeper trunk musculature.

Aim for at least three sets of 20-30m on each arm.

3. Barbell roll out

Chris said: Another great core exercise that lengthens the abs, whilst putting them under tension. To give fair warning, this is likely to cause some muscle soreness for those that have never tried it before.

But this exercise is not advised for those suffering with any kind of back pain or hernias.

Chris added: If you find this too difficult, replace this exercise with a simple plank variation.

Incorporate these three moves into your regular workouts and you will soon start to notice that you have a flatter stomach and more defined waist.

Chris Wharton is the Co-owner and Director of the Better Body Group, a chain of gyms in the South East that specialises in body transformation, injury rehabilitation and improving fitness performance, all delivered by graduate-level personal trainers. Find out more on the website

Want to shed pounds fast in general? THESE three moves could help.

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Quick Weight Loss Remedy that can Help You Shed Kilos –

Posted: August 9, 2017 at 10:46 am

Losing weight is one of the most difficult tasks for many and even though there is a simple calculation behind it, you consume lesser calories than you burn, it isnt always easy dropping those excess kilos. However, there are things you can do to speed up your metabolism and burn fat at a faster rate that will eventually help you lose weight quickly. Rather than starving yourself and going for crash diets that do result in weight loss but it is rather unhealthy, try methods where you lose weight in a healthy way without compromising on your health. We have one such quick remedy for you to shed those kilos in a faster way. Read on.

Drink warm water with lemon and honey to lose weight faster. Yes, this simple liquid can boost your metabolism and help you in weight loss. All you have to do is add a spoonful of honey and squeeze lemon juice in the water, mix the concoction and then drink it every morning on an empty stomach. You can do this two times in a day as well for faster results. What it does is not only boosts your metabolism that results in fasting fat burn, it also helps you detox and aids in digestion. Your bowel movements come back on track and your appetite also is regulated. This means, all that you eat is digested better, you get rid of toxins and you also lose weight. (ALSO SEE Top 5 drinks that do wonders for your health)

Obviously, this is no magic drink and you have to ensure that you also eat healthy and exercise along with it to see results, but by adding this remedy to your diet, you will see faster weight loss results. Once you wake up, drink this liquid and then have it one more time before you go to bed. This will improve your metabolic rate and aid in digestion as well. (ALSO SEE Natural drinks to melt belly fat)

In order to find out that the three ingredients are working well, you should check your weight before you begin this and then check it again after a week to see the difference. Chances are, you would have lost weight by doing this. Also, ensure you eat a light dinner and that your meals are balanced. This is a healthy way to lose weight as losing too much weight drastically is not good for your body and can lead to digestive and metabolic problems later.

Photograph: Shutterstock

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