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Why tracking your weight loss on social media (like Ciara) is actually really helpful – Fox News
Posted: July 4, 2017 at 12:52 am
Even two months after giving birth to baby number two, Ciaras body is still #goals. But according to an Instagram post the singer shared a few weeks ago, she put on more weight than she planned to while pregnant with her second child.
I said I wasnt going to gain 60lbs Carrying Sienna, and I did exactly that!! Ciara captioned the photo of her feet standing on a scale that read 178.6 pounds. 4 weeks after her birth I lost 20 lbs. This Weeks Goal is 10lbs. I was 183 yesterday.
Ciara has since shared two more scale updates: On June 13, she was down to 175.2. Then on June 20, the singer reported she had a no movement week"and was still hovering around 175 pounds: Started my stretch mark removal process this week, and the Doc told me I couldn't work I ate healthy & added a few [cookies] in the mix! But Ciara didn't let the exercise restriction squash her motivation: This weeks goal 3lbs. #BounceBack
While the notion of posting scale pics on Insta may seem daunting, Ciara is on to something. For a study published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface, researchers looked at people who belonged to an online weight loss community for six months. They found that those who regularly logged in, "friended" others, and shared the number on their scale shed more pounds 8.3% of their body weight, on averagecompared to those who didn't network on the site, and lost only 4.1% of their body weight.
Another study, published in 2014 in the Journal of the American Informatics Association, found that people who posted slim-down updates on Twitter reported receiving more support from their Twitter followers than their real-life friends and family. What's more, greater support from social media friends was associated with greater weight loss success.
Meanwhile, research on weight-loss bloggers has found that the longer they maintain a blog, the more pounds they ditch. In a 2016 study, bloggers reported that sharing their progress online helped them stay focused on their goals, kept them accountable, and led to social support.
There's no question that encouraging words can go a long way when you're trying to make a big change. And it might be easier to get that kind of support online: Posting about your weight loss journey on social media may feel less intimidating than talking about it IRL, points out Sherry Pagoto, PhD, co-founder of the UMass Center for Health and Social Media.
Some people say they like the anonymity [online], she explains. On Twitter, you can choose a handle and use an avatar on your profile, which makes some people feel like they can speak more freely and not be ashamed or embarrassed to talk about their weight.
And it's worth noting that you don't need 16.7 million followers like Ciara to leverage social media for your health. A small but mighty group of virtual supporters may be enough, says Pagoto. It's takes time to create an online community. But if you engage and stick with it, you can experience a lot of weight loss benefits. It just takes a little bit of work.
This article originally appeared on Health
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Why tracking your weight loss on social media (like Ciara) is actually really helpful - Fox News
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Heatwave a chance to lose weight nutrition experts – Jordan Times
Posted: July 4, 2017 at 12:50 am
Jordan Times | Heatwave a chance to lose weight nutrition experts Jordan Times As the Kingdom witnesses a heatwave with temperatures exceeding 40C in many parts of the country, nutritionist Argelia Towqan said that people tend to lose weight as they lose their appetite and drink much more water than usual. ... Fast food in this ... |
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Weight loss: Woman shed SIX stone after pregnancy with THIS diet plan –
Posted: July 4, 2017 at 12:49 am
Louise Yates, 34, ballooned to a size 22 and had "no energy", but decided to overhaul her lifestyle and slim down.
Speaking about her life before the weight loss, Louise said: "Before losing the weight I felt so sluggish and my feet used to burn if I used to go shopping or walk for a while.
"I had no energy and used to dread being invited out socially due to the stress of having to find something to wear, I felt self-conscious and shy, and pretty much miserable."
Describing the turning point that spurred her weight loss, Louise said: "March 2012 I was feeling miserable, I realised I was getting bigger and bigger and things had got out of control. I decide enough was enough, and it was time to make a lifestyle change.
"At the time I was choosing quick fix meals like takeaways maybe four times a week, I have always enjoyed my food and would eat huge portions - enough for two people."
Louise decided to try a combination of SlimFast and exercise to lose weight.
She explained: "I decided to give SlimFast a go because I had tried every other diet going and I was unable to stick to any of them.
"SlimFast was a great option because I needed to be able to quickly grab things for lunch and breakfast rather than having to think about it. SlimFast took away all the hassle of deciding what to eat and when but it still gave me the opportunity to have things I enjoyed for snacks and dinner whilst sticking within my calories.
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Paleo, Durkin & Atkins, the most popular diets explained
"I was shocked me at first to see how many calories I was consuming in some of my favourite foods."
Revealing her exercise plan, Louise said: "Ive shocked myself by taking up running and Im so proud of myself. I can now run 5k thanks to my perseverance.
"I also go to Clubbercise (cardio in the dark with glow sticks - great fun!) and Poundfit (drumming cardio using weighted drum sticks), which since losing weight I have been even more confident go to."
Starting out at 17st 5lbs, Louise got down to 11st albs in June 2014 - but gained five stone whilst pregnant.
I never imagined I would be a size 12, Im now comfortable in my own skin and feel fantastic
Louise Yates
After turning her life around with a sensible diet and exercise plan, Louise has now lost six stone, and is a dress size 12.
She said: "I never imagined I would be a size 12, Im now comfortable in my own skin and feel fantastic.
"I still follow the SlimFast plan and have the occasional treat at weekends, which allows me to have a balanced life style.
"Family have noticed my weight loss, my partner met me when I was a size 22, and now Im a size 12 he feels like hes dating a new person as I look so different."
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How YOU can lose weight eating Greggs sausage rolls and doughnuts – Daily Star
Posted: July 4, 2017 at 12:49 am
GREGGS purveyor of all things pastry have released a diet plan to the shock of many.
The high street bakers, famous for the Jaffa Cake doughnut and the steak slice, have released an eating plan scientifically proven to make participants lose weight.
Greggs commissioned independent dietitian Laura Clark to devise a 30-day eating plan constructed entirely from its menu.
It even includes slices of pizza and the odd doughnut enough to persuade even the most committed of couch potatoes to give it a try.
Hannah Barth, a new mum who took part in the experiment said: I put on a lot of weight during my pregnancy and have struggled to lose it since my son was born.
"Like any new mum Im always rushing around so have found it difficult to find the time to diet.
"The Greggs Minimise Me plan was so simple to follow and incredibly convenient, making it easy to stay on track. Im thrilled to have lost over a stone and have made positive adjustments to my lifestyle, being more active which has resulted in more energy Ill definitely continue with a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.
The diet averages about 1,200 calories a day and four participants,including a new mum, a bride-to-be, a sales rep and a teacher with a hectic lifestyle, lost a collective two stone.
Dietician Laura Clarks top tips for pre-holiday diets:
1) Monitor what you're eating either through a diary, online tool or quick photos taken on your phone. Raising awareness of the food you put in your mouth is a powerful first step and those that monitor their intake have been shown to double their weight loss.
2) Dont be afraid of eating on the go there are lots of healthier options out there. Try opting for a salad or low-calorie wrap for your lunch.
3) Try to eat breakfast every day! This sets you up for the day. Porridge pots are a great option if youre pushed for time and eating on the go.
4) Look at how much protein youre eating. Regulating it across the day and including at each meal or snack can help to keep you fuller. Lean protein sources are best - chicken, eggs, fish and pulses for example. Look at the ways that fitting light exercise into your day can lead to a healthy lifestyle.
5) Regular exercise tends to breed healthier dietary habits. Using a step tracker to aim for the national guideline of 10,000 steps per day is a great start to burning more calories.
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8 reasons why you aren’t seeing the weight loss results you want – Belfast Telegraph
Posted: July 4, 2017 at 12:49 am
8 reasons why you aren't seeing the weight loss results you want
You're doing everything you know you should be doing in order to lose weight, but you're not seeing the results you want - this can be frustrating.
You're doing everything you know you should be doing in order to lose weight, but you're not seeing the results you want - this can be frustrating.
You've made numerous big changes in your lifestyle, you're following a training programme, and you're tracking your food intake to make sure you're eating a calorie deficit. So, why aren't you losing weight?
If you're struggling with weight loss, even when you think you're doing everything right, there's a number of reasons why you might not be seeing the progress you'd like.
So, to help out, here's 8 of the most common reasons why your fat loss progress might be slower than it could be:
As weight loss is a matter of energy balance, first thing's first, you have to rule out the possibility that you are in fact still eating too many calories.
Milk in your tea, that biscuit you lifted as you walked past the tin, the leftover chips you ate off your kid's plate- it all adds up.
If you haven't already, try tracking your food intake thoroughly for a week (MyFitnessPal is a great tool) to determine where your calorie intake is sitting. It's often higher than you might realise.
When all the cogs are put into motion, fat loss can happen very quickly at first. However, many people get disheartened once that progress begins to slow.
The 3 or 4lbs you were losing every week soon maybe only becomes 2 or maybe only 1lb, and it suddenly seems like it will take you much longer to reach your goal.
Pushing for a high rate of fat loss every week often leads to fad diet approaches and is a much harder process to sustain. Be realistic with your targets by aiming to lose 0.5-1.0% of your bodyweight per week.
Stuck to your diet for a week? Great! But it'll take many more weeks to get to where you want to be.
People want results overnight, but fat loss takes time and consistency. We can't expect huge results across short timeframes, so it pays to be prepared for the long haul, and to make sure you're following an approach you can keep consistent with across the coming weeks and months.
Believe it or not, as you lose weight and get leaner, your metabolism actually slows down.
A lighter body requires less energy to keep itself running than a heavier one, so the calorie intake you had been eating to successfully drop weight may no longer be effective.
To kick fat loss back into motion, try dropping your intake by a further 10-15% and monitor progress from there.
Feeling sluggish? As weight drops, the body tries to conserve energy to prevent it losing more, so you may find your general activity levels start to decrease.
Unfortunately, less energy burnt means less fat loss.
Consider setting a minimum target for daily general activity, to help sustain those levels - a daily goal of 10,000 steps is a great target.
When we train, our level of calorie burn increases. After a hard training session, we will often go and eat a large, calorie dense meal in order to "refuel" and begin recovering.
However, people often mistakenly assume that they've burnt a lot more calories in their session than they actually have, so that post-workout feast may be unintentionally cancelling out your negative calorie balance.
Ever realise how after a couple of weeks of doing a workout, it starts to feel easier and easier?
Your body naturally adapts and begins to become more efficient, so you won't find it as challenging.
However, an efficient machine burns less energy, so that workout may no longer be giving you the calorie burn it once did.
Continue to challenge yourself in your workouts in order to keep your energy output high.
Checking your bodyweight weekly? Sometimes it's not enough to give an accurate idea of how your body is changing.
Bodypart measurements and progress pictures are two additional ways to keep tabs on your progress. You might be disheartened if you see very little change on the scales and be tempted to give up, but your progress pictures might show a noticeable change in your bodyshape that the scales won't pick up on.
Think about it, if you lose 2lbs of fat but gain 2lbs of muscle, the scales show no difference, but you've become leaner.
Don't rely on just one gauge of progress - it's often deceptive.
Belfast Telegraph Digital
8 reasons why you aren't seeing the weight loss results you want - Belfast Telegraph
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Lose weight fast with an aggressive Attack Cardio workout plan designed by one of Hollywood’s most intimidating men –
Posted: July 4, 2017 at 12:49 am
Feeling chubby, sluggish, and overweight? Worried about your overall appearance? Well fret no more, because Hollywood tough-guy turned personal trainer Vinnie Jones is here to whip your ass into shape real quick and hell beat the crap out of you in the process!
RELATED: The haunting music from The Leftovers can turn some of the funniest scenes in movie history into dramatic moments
Jones is known for his roles in films like Snatch, Gone in 60 Seconds and X-Men: The Last Stand, but hes decided to put his acting career on the shelf to help you get in shape and his methods are far from orthodox, as this excellent Funny or Die sketch demonstrates.
Basically, Vinnie will scare and beat you up so much that youll have no choice but to flee every time you see him. All the extra running will have you dropping that excess weight in no time!
Good luck! And be vigilant Vinnie could be anywhere.
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Weight loss: Why eating MORE carbs could be the secret to transforming YOUR body –
Posted: July 2, 2017 at 9:42 pm
Carbohydrates have been largely demonised in the world of weight loss.
Many people try out low carb diets in a bid to shed the pounds.
Some studies have even suggested they can reverse Type 2 diabetes.
But one nutritionist thinks carbs have an unfair reputation, insisting that we should eat more of them to achieve weight loss.
Australian nutritionist and dietitian Susie Burrell says carbs are an essential part of our diets.
An inability to lose weight despite eating a low carb diet is a clear sign that your total carbohydrate intake is too low
Susie Burrell
Not eating enough of the food group, says Burrell, could actually be hampering your weight loss efforts.
She told Body and Soul: An inability to lose weight, despite eating a low carb diet is a clear sign that your total carbohydrate intake is too low, especially if you exercise regularly.
As a general rule of thumb, intakes of less than 80-100 grams of carbohydrates each day, for someone exercising regularly is too low and as such may be the reason you are not getting the shifts on the scales you are hoping for.
Burrell advises eating 20-30 grams of carbs within an hour of a high intensity workout in order to properly fuel your muscles.
This is because your body needs glucose to burn fat when you exercise.
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If you restrict carbs too heavily, you also risk slowing down your basal metabolic rate.
This in turn spikes your cravings for sugary foods which can lead to bingeing.
Burrell said: Over time these cravings may relieve but you may also find you no longer feel hungry at all, as your metabolic rate slows to manage the lack of carbohydrate.
Another unpleasant side effect of a low carb diet is bad breath, which occurs when the body goes into the state of ketosis.
Burrell explained: [This] is the bodys way of surviving when carbs are low by converting fat stores into a fuel that can be burnt.
Someone in ketosis has a very specific smell and may have terrible breath.
Despite encouraging carb intake, the nutritionist warned against stuffing your face with pizza, white bread and pasta.
The dietician insists its the good sources of carbs we should be eating.
Plant based foods like rice cereal, fruit and starchy vegetables are the best for releasing glucose into the blood stream, according to Burrell.
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Weight loss: Are you making THIS common calorie mistake when trying to lose weight? –
Posted: July 1, 2017 at 2:47 pm
There is an overwhelming amount of advice when it comes to losing weight.
The conflicting information can lead to confusion about which method is the most effective.
From which food groups to eat and when to eat them, from what exercise and how much, there are many variables which can help you along your road to health.
But there are some mistakes many of us are making which can prevent weight loss.
One of the first areas people are usually advised to control if they want to shed pounds is calorie intake.
The calories in-calories out deficit can lead to sustainable weight loss, according to experts.
Women are recommended to eat 2,000 calories per day to maintain weight on average, while men are advised to eat 2,500.
For weight loss of one pound per week, these numbers fall to 1,500 and 2,000 respectively.
But taking this method too far will have the opposite effect.
A survey of 2,000 British adults discovered that 44 per cent didnt know what their daily calorie intake should be.
Eating too few calories is one of the major mistakes people make when it comes to downsizing.
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Not consuming enough calories can significantly slow down your metabolism, having the opposite effect to the one you desire.
A 2008 study published in the Environmental health Prevention Medicine journal found short-term energy restriction led to a significant decrease in basal metabolic rate (BMR) for participants.
Another study published in 2015 found eating too few calories leads to a fall in insulin secretion and body fluid balance.
So how many calories should you eat to lose weight? That comes down to the individual, according to experts.
The NHS has a free BMI calculator to give you a better idea of how many calories you should be eating each day.
It's great to be aware of calorie needs because it forces you to measure portions
Elizabeth Ward
Dietician Elizabeth Ward told Womans Day: "Determining the right number of calories for your body is highly educational if you have never paid much mind to calories before.
It's great to be aware of calorie needs because it forces you to measure portions, so if you can learn how many portions you need for a healthy weight, you can quit thinking about every calorie.
Dietician Erin Palinski-Wade said: "Be aware of your total calories needs and intake. Focus on a meal plan rich in fiber, plant-based fats, and lean proteins to promote satiety, which will naturally help you to control your portions and lose weight while taking in nutrients that promote health."
As a general guideline, women shouldnt dip below the 1,500 calories per day recommendation and men should stick to at least 2,000.
Otherwise your body may go into starvation mode and refuse to lose weight.
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Why Tracking Your Weight Loss on Social Media (Like Ciara) Can Actually Help –
Posted: July 1, 2017 at 2:47 pm
Even two monthsafter giving birth to baby number two, Ciaras body is still #goals. But according to an Instagram post the singer shared a few weeks ago, sheput on more weight than she planned towhile pregnant with her second child.
I said I wasnt going to gain 60lbs Carrying Sienna, and I did exactly that!! Ciara captioned the photo of her feet standing on a scale that read 178.6 pounds. 4 weeks after her birth I lost 20 lbs. This Weeks Goal is 10lbs. I was 183 yesterday.
Ciara has since shared two more scale updates: On June 13, she was down to 175.2. Thenon June 20, the singer reportedshe had a no movementweek"andwas still hovering around 175 pounds:Started my stretch mark removal process this week, and the Doc told me I couldn't work I ate healthy & added a few [cookies] in the mix! But Ciara didn'tlet the exercise restriction squash her motivation: This weeks goal 3lbs. #BounceBack
RELATED: 57 Ways to Lose Weight Forever, According to Science
While the notionof postingscalepics on Instamay seem daunting, Ciara ison to something. For astudy publishedin theJournal of the Royal Society Interface, researcherslooked at people who belongedto an online weightloss community for six months. Theyfound that those who regularly logged in, "friended" others, andshared the number on their scaleshed more pounds 8.3% of their body weight, on averagecompared tothose who didn't network on the site,and lost only4.1% of their body weight.
Another study, published in2014 inthe Journal of the American Informatics Association,found that people who posted slim-down updates on Twitterreported receivingmore support from their Twitter followersthan their real-life friends and family. What's more,greater support from social media friends was associated with greater weightloss success.
Meanwhile, research onweight-loss bloggershas foundthat the longer they maintaina blog, the more pounds they ditch. In a 2016 study, bloggers reported that sharing theirprogressonline helped them stay focused on their goals, kept them accountable, andled to socialsupport.
To get more weight loss tips, sign up for the HEALTH newsletter
There's no question thatencouraging wordscan go a long waywhen you're trying to make a big change. And it might be easier to get that kind of support online:Posting aboutyour weight loss journey on social mediamay feel less intimidating than talking about it IRL, points outSherry Pagoto, PhD, co-founder of the UMass Center for Health and Social Media.
Some people say they like the anonymity [online], she explains. On Twitter, you can choose a handle and use an avatar on your profile, which makes some people feel like they can speak more freely and not be ashamed or embarrassed to talk about their weight.
And it's worth notingthatyou don't need16.7 million followers like Ciara to leverage social media for your health.A smallbut mighty group of virtual supporters may be enough, says Pagoto.It's takestime to create an online community. But if youengage and stick with it,you can experience a lot of weightloss benefits.It just takes a little bit of work.
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The Dangerous Trifecta Diabetes, Sleep Loss And Toxins – Information Nigeria
Posted: July 1, 2017 at 2:47 pm
The epidemic of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, which is striking Western nations and the United States in particular, has elicited somewhat of a muted reaction.
Diabesity may affect as many as 100 million Americans and nearly a billion people around the world, but compare the public health response to previous epidemics, like polio for example. It doesnt come close. Perhaps this is because its a silent, insidious epidemic, developing over years with debilitating symptoms that seriously impact a persons quality of life.
Yes, we have taken some measures, such as urging people at risk to improve their diet and exercise habits. This approach places the emphasis on the lifestyle choices of the individual, but new research, along with the skyrocketing rates of diabetes, suggests that were missing some key pieces of the puzzle.
Mainstream medicine adheres religiously to the notion that if you improve your diet and exercise, youll avoid diabetes and maybe metabolic syndrome. This is not entirely wrong but its clearly an oversimplification. We cannot pretend that metabolism functions in isolation, sequestered from environmental influences and the delicate balance of our biological systems.
So its not a question of following the same strategies except more vigorously. We need to look beyond the well-worn tropes that have dominated our approach to these conditions.
Fortunately, theres a growing body of research to help us better understand the complex factors behind metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Two factors emerging as key culprits: environmental toxins and poor quality sleep.
Overexposure While what we eat, and how much, certainly affect our weight and susceptibility to diabetes and metabolic syndrome, this oversimplified equation ignores the bodys ability to process these calories. Again, there is a growing body of evidence that overexposure to environmental toxins can impair our intricate metabolic mechanisms.
Numerous studies demonstrate that many of the chemical compounds pervasive today have an adverse impact on metabolism.
A study published in The Lancet found a correlation between persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in blood and insulin resistance. Another study described the different ways toxins provoke insulin resistance, such as mitochondrial injury, oxidative stress, inflammation and debilitated thyroid metabolism. Research published in JAMA showed BPA, found in plastics, canned foods and even cash register receipts, increases risk of diabetes. Toxins have been shown to interfere with an entire class of nuclear receptors (called PPARs), causing insulin resistance and other harm. Another study found that weight gain and fat storage in rats exposed to chemical toxins was completely independent of calories and exercise. There are dozens of studies with similar findings, and they paint a toxic picture: environmental pollutants appear to scramble our metabolic signals, impairing glucose management and weight control mechanisms. Clearly, genes and genetic expression play a role as well, but as so many have suggested, Genetics loads the gun, environment pulls the trigger.
While its upsetting to see that common chemicals are having such a profound impact on metabolism and other areas of health the fact that research is elucidating some of these complex mechanisms means we may be zeroing in on effective therapeutic targets.
The role of detoxification Given the quantity of toxins we face in our everyday lives, detoxification plays an important role in maintaining long-term health on a number of levels. The practice of detox is an ancient one, popularized in recent years with a myriad of products, services, and wellness retreats aimed at reducing toxic body burden and restoring vitality.
Aside from the hype, as well as the discrediting of detox by much of conventional medicine, there are a number of foods, ingredients and supplements which are shown to reduce levels of toxins in the body. But its important to do it right so as not to overwhelm your system or deplete essential nutrients. I rarely recommend extreme measures such as rapid detox programs, fasting or colonics. Rather, an emphasis on nutrient-dense whole foods and select botanicals and nutrients offers a gentle yet effective route to eliminating toxins from the body over time. Our bodies are designed with an elaborate system of detoxification mechanism, incorporating many organ systems and biochemical pathways including the skin, lungs, liver and kidneys. The daily intake of dietary phytochemicals found in common foods, herbs, and nutrients provides ongoing support for the optimal functioning of our inherent detox capacities.
Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, kale and bok choy are well-known detoxifiers, and also help promote healthy hormone metabolism. Other effective detoxifiers include green tea, garlic, milk thistle, dandelion leaf and root, onions and turmeric. One clinical study showed that broccoli sprouts helped the body detoxify a number of airborne pollutants, particularly benzene. A half cup a day enhanced excretion of benzene, acrolein and other toxins.
There are also a variety of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that support detoxification, such as L-methylfolate, zinc, selenium, N-acetyl-cysteine, glutathione and vitamin C.
Alginates, derived from kelp, are also effective detoxifiers shown to remove heavy metals, radioactive isotopes and pesticides from the digestive tract. Alginates also support healthy glucose metabolism.
Another clinically proven detoxifier is modified citrus pectin (MCP). Made from the pith of orange peels, MCP has a well-deserved reputation for safely binding and removing toxins such as lead, mercury, arsenic and others, while not affecting essential minerals. MCP also binds and blocks galectin-3, an inflammatory protein thats been linked to cancer, fibrosis, heart disease and other conditions.
Sleep and metabolic health In addition to overexposure to toxins, theres another potential culprit in the diabetes and metabolic syndrome epidemic lack of sleep. Like industrial pollutants, sleep deprivation has become a common feature of modern life. Its well known that poor sleep can lead to a host of health problems, including problems with immunity, cellular health, digestion, and cognitive wellbeing including the ability to flush toxins from the brain. Now we can add metabolism to the list.
This is not really news. There have been studies as far back as 1969 showing that sleep deprivation, even for just a few days, decreases insulin sensitivity and increases glucose levels.
One study found that people who slept only four hours each night for six nights reduced their glucose tolerance by 40%, prematurely aging their metabolism. The issue reversed after normal sleep was restored. Another study found similar results even with less severe sleep deprivation 5.5 hours per night over 14 nights. Other studies have shown that loss of sleep contributes to increases in certain growth hormones, associated with increased glucose and cortisol. Lack of sleep has also been shown to increase the release of inflammatory cytokines, which can also increase insulin resistance, as well as causing other problems. Repairing broken sleep cycles The first step towards fixing sleep deprivation is recognizing the problem. This may mean convincing patients that the competitive advantages they may gain from sleeping less are more than offset by the damage they are doing to their health.
Routine plays a critical role in good sleep, and also helps balance circadian rhythms which in turn can benefit metabolic function. Its best to go to bed at the same time each night and embrace relaxation routines before bedtime. That means avoiding televisions, smart phones and computers at least 2 hours before bed, as well as other electronic devices that emit blue light since this disrupts melatonin production. Melatonin naturally increases in a dark environment, so make sure your bedroom is free of glowing electronics, and external light sources such as streetlights.
There are many herbs and nutrients that can also support relaxation and good sleep. One extract emerging as a multi-purpose ingredient is honokiol, derived from Magnolia bark. Honokiol supports restful sleep and healthy mood, is a powerful antioxidant, and has been shown to support metabolism, cellular function, neurological health and offer other important benefits.
There are a number of other natural ingredients that support sleep, including lemon balm and passionflower extracts, and the amino acid L-tryptophan. I also recommend calcium and magnesium. A small amount of supplemental melatonin can also promote relaxation and more restful sleep, and offer powerful protective benefits.
Targeted metabolic support In addition to detoxification and better sleep, we can also support healthy metabolism more directly. There are a number of botanicals that help balance glucose, improve insulin function and support overall metabolic function. I recommend gymnema leaf, fenugreek, holy basil, as well as berberine-containing botanicals such as extracts of Indian kino bark and golden thread rhizome. Minerals, such as zinc and chromium, the amino acid taurine, as well as the organosulfur compound alpha lipoic acid, also work to benefit metabolic function.
Like so many other chronic health conditions, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes are rooted in complex biological interactions requiring precise balance. By taking a comprehensive, holistic approach, we can help our patients address the multiple underlying causes of the diabesity epidemic while improving other key areas of health in the process.
source: Easyhealthoptions
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