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The Noisey Guide to Staying Safe as a Non-Cisgender Person in Music – Noisey
Posted: June 29, 2017 at 9:40 pm
There is a clip on YouTube that immortalizes the infinite compassion of G.L.O.S.S, the Olympia queer punk band that disbanded last year. In the name of creating an intimate space that she feels comfortable performing in, frontwoman Sadie Switchblade offers her crowd a moment of self-care: "I am forgiven, I am loved, I am nuanced, flawed, tender, imperfect and gorgeous." She asks them to inwardly repeat, "You are loved and we are G.L.O.S.Sthank you." G.L.O.S.S were incredibly rare in that they knew how disorientating going to shows can be for transgender and non-binary people, and that DIY can do way better than the archetypal Fugazi Vegan Stoner Bro promoter who will insist his shows are inclusive, yet misgender you in the same sentence. It always felt like they were demanding more from their scene; aiming to put as much distance as possible between the state and underground queer politics.
As Donald Trump continues to directly antagonise the LGBT community, the absence of G.L.O.S.S feels more significant than ever. So many trans and non-binary people escape state hostility and day-to-day invalidation within underground music scenes across America. Underground, queer-centric music scenes are incredibly validating: they have the power not only to forge support systems but to amplify queer discourse. At the moment, it feels as though the industry is becoming increasingly difficult to navigate safely for anybody with a non-cisgender identity. Trump has already revoked guidelines on bathroom accessibility, which were put in place directly to help ease pressure on trans people in places like music venues. Our safety, even within the places that are supposed to protect us, is rapidly deteriorating. The guidelines being put in place made using the bathroom slightly less daunting. Revoking them sends out a clear and dangerous message that trans people are not welcome. Trump's actions serve to normalize transphobia globally.
I spoke to a number of musicians and organizations about how to stay safe as a trans or non-binary person within the music industry at this time in the hope these efforts will have a positive ripple effect.
In an unfair and frustrating move, it takes more effort for trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people to feel safe that it does cisgender people. Avoid making decisions without considering your safety first. Is the venue accommodating? Who else is on the bill? "We recently turned down a show with a band because they came across as somewhat right wing," says Lex Noens of all-trans band 4th Curtis. "There's definitely a lot more paranoia at the moment, but I think it's justified." What are their values? What is the area like? What are the transport arrangements? Can you get away quickly if you need to? Is there a backstage area where you can avoid socialising if necessary? Is the promoter willing to make restrooms gender neutral for your show? Are they willing to refuse entry to anybody who is likely to make you feel unsafe? It's vital that you aren't put in a dangerous situation with no clear escape route. Do your research, ask around and don't be afraid of refusing shows. In fact, you're more likely to find trans-inclusive promoters by doing so and being vocal about it.
4th Curtis, photo by Misha Estrin
If something about a show gives you a bad vibe, reach out to the people involved and check that your safety has been considered. If a venue or promoter isn't willing to look into something and take your concern seriously, you probably got that bad vibe for a good reason. Call those people out, the financial loss is (unfortunately) one of few reasons these people may be forced into changing their ways. Smaller venues usually have a fairly relaxed cancellation policy, so don't let promoters guilt you into going ahead with something that compromises your safety. Find out the details that you need early on and don't be afraid to say no.
There's an ongoing discussion within the LGBT community at the moment about what a "good ally" actually is: first and foremost, an ally has to be prepared to actively take weight off of their queer friend's shoulders. JL Simonson and Jaclyn Walsh from the Massachusetts punk band Dump Him stress the importance of cisgender people actively calling out bigotry. "Trans people do enough emotional labour, and it's not solely our responsibility to call out transphobia," says Simonson, who plays guitar in the band. Ask your cisgender friends to come to a show with you if you feel unsafe, and ask them to keep an ear out for any form of transphobia.
The buddy system can also be helpful in normalising gender-neutral pronouns and making your preferences clear without confrontation. Make sure the people you are with know your preference and use them as often as possible. If anybody uses your deadname, have your cisgender friend interject and correct them. It's important to recognize that some sections of the trans community are in greater danger than otherssuch as trans women of colour and disabled trans peopleand it is equally important to avoid putting them into a potentially dangerous position by making their preference clear.
On a more general level, it's always a good idea to invite your fellow trans friends with you. Being the only transgender person in the room can be incredibly daunting, but being one in a group is more often validatingnot to mention the fact that security is more likely to take complaints from multiple people more seriously.
Dump Him, photo courtesy of the band
Danny Wolfe, who fronts the UK-based pop punk band Jesus and his Judgemental Father, spent much of last year playing packed out American basements. He's tired of being expected to comfort people with guilty consciences. "I can't stress enough how uncomfortable and awkward it is when somebody apologizes profusely after being corrected [on pronouns]. It Isn't fair that these situations often get turned into reassuring somebody that they're not a bad person." Too often, trans people are made to feel bad for demanding more from their scenesbut it's important to see through that and continue to do so. According to Human Rights Campaign, twenty-six transgender people were killed in America last year. The trans community are too often made to feel guilty for having specific requirements to ensure their safety, it's imperative that we tackle this.
"It's okay to not play places where you don't think you'll feel safe," says Wolfe. "If you do go decide to play somewhere outside of your comfort zone, tell your bandmates. If that means staying in the van until your show, that's fine. If it means bandmates putting themselves in front of people trying to talk to you, that's fine. If it means not going to the bathroom alone, that's fine."
Rae Spoon is a Canadian singer-songwriter who identifies as non-binary. They stress that legislation and power structures are so inherently against trans safety, that the only way it can be achieved is by the trans community defending themselves. "Trans people are often criminalized for actions made in self-defense. If nothing else protects a person, they need to protect themselves."
Supporting venues that care about you is vital. Music venues can be a toxic melting pot of bigoted regulars who were drinking at the bar hours before the show and young queer people seeking solidarity and safety. It's incredibly important that inclusive venues, such as The Vera Project in Seattle and Brooklyn's The Silent Barn, are championed louder than their subpar contemporaries. Both venues have worked tirelessly to ensure that trans and non-binary people are made to feel welcome. For example, both venues have gender-neutral bathrooms and regularly book bands that have trans members. Bringing more attention to the work of venues like these helps to set a higher standard of inclusivity.
Rae Spoon, photo by Tom Joy
Try to avoid supporting venues that aren't going out of their way to support you. Being blissfully ignorant isn't good enough, venues that aren't listening can't continue to be supported; pacifism is as dangerous as denouncing support for us. If you do want to go to a show at one of these venues, try to avoid funding them and ask your friends to do the same; ask for tap water at the bar and don't bring big coats or jackets to avoid paying a cloakroom charge.
What can venues do to make themselves more accommodating to transgender folk? "So many things can be done!" insists Marie McGwier, co-founder of not-for-profit project Gender Is Over, which advocates for gender self-determination. "A lot of the time, these [larger] venues will break out entry lines based on somebody's perceived sex. Think about the way it feels for a gender non-conforming person to go see bands whose leads are trans, and have to be sorted into a gendered line to get in. They can take a stand and use explicit language around behaviors, like unwanted touching, and ways of being that will not be tolerated. They can work harder to bring in more acts that have non-conforming members. They can work to normalize the experience in a way that grants safety for everyone."
Rae Spoon adds that security plays a huge part beyond gendered entry lines. "Security [needs] to be educated on not reading out names from people's ID, questioning their sex or the fact that they may look different due to body modification."
While it's clearly reductive to focus on restrooms when talking about trans inclusivitypeeing comfortably should be an absolute given by nowthey still matter. "It's a huge sign of solidarity from the venue," says Lex Noens. "If it's obvious that the venue is aware of bathroom policing, it's also likely to be aware of transphobia in general, which means you can talk to a staff member is there's a problem. That's a huge comfort." Having gender-neutral bathrooms goes beyond just supporting transgender customers too. Dump Him's Jaclyn Walsh points out that these facilities are often more accessible to customers with physical disabilities. "If they are single stall, they can be used as a decompression space for those who are hypersensitive to sensory and emotional stimuli and experience sensory overload," says Walsh, which is something that's common but stigmatized at shows.
Being vocal and clear about your gender identity is a privilege that not everybody has, but it's definitely worth using if it is possible for you. "It can be a really good tactic for finding other non-cis people and solidarity," says McGwier. The community aspect of being trans, and of the wider LGBT community, is such a vital defence mechanism against mainstream queer prejudice. To be vocally trans is not only to attract people with similar identities but also to help show people who are gender-questioning that it's okay.
Jesus and his Judgmental Father , photo by Tom Joy
Lessening the queerness of your art and yourself can be detrimental to your mental health. "Presenting as an openly queer band is salient to my well-being in this political climate, as it enables me to feel safe in my creative spaces," says Simonson. It's as important now than it has ever been that trans voices are amplified louder than those of our oppressors. Being vocal, open, and clear not only helps to maintain some level of trans visibility within the music industry, it can also grow itand help us find safety in numbers.
The rate at which safety for trans and non-binary people within the music industry is deteriorating is alarmingand it wasn't good enough to start with. We saw as recently as May, when allegations of sexual assault were made against Ben Hopkins of PWR BTTM, that the trans community is too often tricked into being made to feel safe in environments where they are at risk. Ultimately, the biggest improvements to trans visibility and safety are going to be made by trans individuals who are able to identify possible risks firsthand. But the wider industry absolutely needs to be supportive enough to facilitate that. Feeling safe as a transgender individual in any predominantly cisgender community can be difficult, and state attacks on the rights of trans people serve only to intensify that. Previously, music scenes have felt like antidotes to state hostility and non-acceptance; microcosms wherein discourse is amplified and safety is prioritized. Music scenes have birthed some of the most important moments of trans acceptance in recent history. If the idea of safe space antidotes is to be dismantled by the state, then we must instead create something that is not only oppositional to mainstream bigotry but confrontational. Taking extra precautions can only do so much. The wider music community has to start to prioritise the safety of trans and non-binary people.
Marty Hill is a writer living in Manchester. Follow them on Twitter.
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5 ways to boost your metabolism & lose weight –
Posted: June 29, 2017 at 9:40 pm
Madeline Cuddihy, WUSA 12:39 PM. MDT June 28, 2017
Z88 2.38281e+007 (Photo: TongRo Image Stock)
Though yo-yo dieting has told us many things, one of the most important tasks is keeping your body healthy - not just dieting! By boosting your metabolism naturally you can lose the weight & stay strong!
1. Don't just cut carbs - add fiber.
Adding fiber to your diet promotes a healthy guy bacteria which helps absorb a lot of bloating that happens in your stomach region.
2. Lift weights!
Don't just rely on cardio. Weight training at least 3 times per week is important to rev your metabolism and burn fat.
RECIPE: The perfect "flat-belly" meal plan
3. Eat protein at every meal
Eating more proteins at every meal, even in little ways like nuts and shakes for snacks, stores those calories as muscle rather than fat.
MORE: 3 Easy meal prep recipes for the work week
4. Don't be afraid of the night time fast.
Save those late night popcorn snacks and instead try for a 10 - 12 hour fast between your dinner and breakfast every day!
5. Practice healthy mind, healthy body.
it sounds simple, but studies say meditating at least once a day can change your entire heart health & boosts positive choices. Take those 5 minutes to focus on you instead of what you're eating next!
RECIPE: Healthy & quick quinoa burger
Want more articles like this? Follow Great Day Washington on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram for more! Watch everyday at 9am on WUSA9.
2017 WUSA-TV
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Here are the nine meals, 4800 calories a day Russell Wilson ate to lose 10 pounds –
Posted: June 29, 2017 at 9:40 pm
It's become an offseason rite of passage to find out what bizarre sort of diet Russell Wilson's engaging in, and 2017 is no different. Well, it's different in that Wilson is doing a different diet, but nothing has changed in terms of him seeking out odd training methods to improve his overall physical well being.
This time around he is quite literally going to extremes, having turned to a nine-meal, 4,800-calorie diet PER DAY in order to lose weight. That seems weird, but Wilson apparently has dropped 10 poundsaccording Sheil Kapadia of ESPN.
Wilson and wife Ciara worked with "food coach" Phillip Goglia, who said the Seahawks quarterback "buried himself" in this "epic" diet.
"He was an animal about it," Goglia said. "The f---ing guy buried himself in this, and it's epic to see, because that really validates him as a complete athlete."
The impetus for this diet was Wilson believing he wasn't mobile enough, according to Goglia, although it's entirely possible Wilson simply saw what the Seahawks did (or didn't) do in terms of improving the offensive line this offseason.
"He came in feeling as though he was too heavy and not mobile enough," Goglia said. "And he wanted to get his weight down. He was over 225. He felt as though he needed to be leaner and stronger and more agile. And that's my wheelhouse."
Wilson dealt with injuries throughout the 2016 season, drastically reducing his production in terms of running the ball and limiting the Seahawks offense because it took away one of the most dangerous dimensions. Wilson, if nothing else, is one of the best passers while on the run in the entire NFL.
When he showed up to work with Goglia, he was consuming about 2,700 calories per day, according to Kapadia. Goglia ramped him up to 4,800.
"When you think metabolism, everybody will think fast or slow," Goglia said. "And it's not. Metabolism is ultimately hot or cold. The definition of a calorie is a heat-energy unit. So if calories are heat and metabolism is a function of heat, and if fat is a lipid and only converts to energy in a hot environment, it just makes sense that you have to eat a certain amount of calories to generate enough heat to burn fat. And that's counter-intuitive to every civilian out there.
"Every fat guy will say, 'Food makes you fat. I eat one can of tuna and an apple a day.' And that's why they're fat. Not enough caloric heat. Especially in athletes. Athletic temperatures are huge metabolically. They have a big metabolic load. The more muscle you have, the more food you need. That's the baseline concept."
Counter point: beer. Which, obviously, was not part of Wilson's offseason diet.
What was in the diet? Glad you asked. All items via Kapadia's article, which is worth reading in its entirety:
Meal 1 (Pre-workout semi-breakfast): Tablespoon of almond butter, tablespoon of jam
Meal 2 (Actual breakfast): Two cups of cooked oatmeal, six whole eggs, a fruit, one chicken breast
Meal 3 (Mid-morning snack): A fruit, 12 almonds
Meal 4 (Lunch No. 1): Eight oz. protein (equivalent of two chicken breasts), a yam OR a cup of rice OR a potato AND a vegetable
Meal 5 (Lunch No. 2): Eight oz. protein (equivalent of two chicken breasts), a yam OR a cup of rice OR a potato AND a vegetable
Meal 6 (Mid-afternoon snack): A fruit, 12 almonds
Meal 7 (Late-afternoon snack): A fruit, 12 almonds, whey protein
Meal 8 (Dinner): Fish OR steak AND salad OR vegetables
Meal 9 (Bedtime snack): Fruit and tablespoon of blackstrap molasses (if light workouts the next day) OR "mash" (shredded wheat, applesauce, almond butter and jam -- for heavier workouts the next day)
Some observations (from me).
First, it's kind of unfair to just say "fish" -- Wilson is a multi-millionaire and I would venture to guess the fish dishes he's eating (Goglia said it's mostly "fatty fish like salmon, sea bass, black cod, arctic char") are freaking awesome. Nothing is going to be soaked in butter, but he's probably got some decent chefs who can help make him some pretty good, healthy salmon marinades. Salmon is awesome. A flaky sea bass? Yes, please.
Two, those snacks are terrible! Where are the freaking Cheez-its? Obviously if you're dieting, you're going to limit what sort of garbage you put into your body in between meals. Almonds (all 12 of them) and fruit are nice, filling holdovers.
Three, this is sort of a doable diet from a layman perspective. No one's cooking up the stuff that Tom Brady makes unless you order his cookbook or get the TB12 nutrition plans ordered to your door. Making fish or steak and salad or vegetables? That's an everyman's diet.
And finally, "mash" sounds really gross, although Goglia's description is amusing.
"You crunch all this s--- up in a bowl, eat it and go to bed," Goglia said.
So how is this working for Wilson? According to Kapadia, he's down nine pounds already and has cut six percent of his body fat, which is a crazy amount to shed during the offseason, especially for a guy who has alwasys been in good shape to begin with.
Russell, who is described as a Wisconsin "Badgers alum" and someone who loves cheese, gets one cheat night every two weeks.
"I love cheese -- hence Wisconsin," Wilson said laughing. "I love cheese, so that's always something that you've got to be careful of."
Wilson's planning on playing next year at under 215 pounds, which will be interesting to watch. If he's just as strong and compact but more mobile, he'll be an absolute terror for defenses when he breaks contain in the pocket.
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Shonda Rhimes: ‘People found me valuable’ after 150-pound weight loss – ABC News
Posted: June 28, 2017 at 9:42 pm
When Shonda Rhimes lost 150 pounds a few years ago, she discovered that her entire life was transformed, and not necessarily in a good way.
The creator of ABC shows including "Grey's Anatomy" and "Scandal" wrote in her Shondaland newsletter that once she shed the weight, people began treating her differently.
For the first time, she noticed that people complimented her and seemed excited to chat with her -- a shift she found more "horrifying" than the weight loss process itself.
"What the hell did they see me as before? How invisible was I to them then? How hard did they work to avoid me? What words did they use to describe me? What value did they put on my presence at a party, a lunch, a discussion?" she wrote.
She continued: "After I lost weight, I discovered that people found me valuable. Worthy of conversation. A person one could look at. A person one could compliment. A person one could admire. A person. You heard me. I discovered that NOW people saw me as a PERSON."
Rhimes, 47, spoke out about her weight loss in 2015, saying in a "Nightline" interview that she spent more than a year getting into shape and changing her diet. Today, she added, she does not enjoy discussing her transformation, which, she wrote, she only made because she found simple tasks to be physically exhausting. The conversations that revolve around her body bore her, she added, because she hated -- and still hates -- the process. However, she opened up about it in her newsletter to tee up an interview with "Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body" author Roxane Gay, which can be found in Rhimes' newsletter.
"These days, I feel like a chunky spy in a thinner world. Strangers tell fat jokes in front of me. Jokes not meant for me. But ... completely for the woman I used to be 150 pounds ago. The woman I could be again one day. The woman I will always be inside," Rhimes wrote. "Because being thinner doesnt make you a different person. It just makes you thinner."
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Medically Managed Weight Loss: A Nonsurgical Approach to a Healthier Weight – Newswise (press release)
Posted: June 28, 2017 at 9:42 pm
Newswise Weight loss, as well as maintaining a healthy weight, is a challenge that can sometimes seem insurmountable. If you are struggling with your weight, you are not alone! According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 70.7 percent of adults who are 20 years of age and older are considered to be overweight and/or obese. This is especially worrying because obesity can lead to a number of serious, and sometimes even fatal, health conditions.
Many people who are overweight or obese have tried a variety of different diets and exercise regimens, or even considered metabolic surgery. If these options are not working for you on your own, or are not right for you, there is good news! You now have the option of a medically managed, targeted, non-surgical method to help you to achieve weight loss and overall better healthmedical weight management, explains Melissa Bagloo, M.D., Director, Center for BariatricSurgery and Weight-Loss Management, The Valley Hospital.
Medical weight management combines dietary and lifestyle changes, exercise and medications that are Food and Drug Administration approved for weight loss. This is a wonderful option for individuals who do not qualify for, or are not interested in, surgical treatment for obesity. A patient may choose to see a physician, nutritionist or both depending on their preferred treatment path and individual weight and health goals.
Adds Dr. Bagloo, This approach allows you to take charge of your weight and your health, but also to have the reassurance that you are losing weight safely and under the guidance of healthcare professionals. An additional benefit is that you will have the support and expertise of your provider throughout your weight-loss journey."
You may be eligible for medically managed weight loss if:
If you are eligible for medically managed weight loss, you may be started on medication for weight loss after a detailed consultation in the physicians and/or nutritionists office. During your consultation, there will be a discussion of you past medical and surgical history, past treatment for weight loss and your personal weight-loss preferences.
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Medically Managed Weight Loss: A Nonsurgical Approach to a Healthier Weight - Newswise (press release)
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Medical weight loss without surgery –
Posted: June 28, 2017 at 9:42 pm
KING 5 HealthLink / NBC , KING 4:35 PM. PDT June 28, 2017
Swallowing a large pill with an inflatable balloon helps take up space in patients stomach which over time and with exercise and diet promotes weight loss.
Eric Wilson hopes a pill will get him get rid of what he calls his "dad bod."
He's referring to the 20-30 extra pounds he wants gone.
So today, he's swallowing a pill filled with a balloon meant to keep him feeling full, so he eats less.
"I've always kind of fallen off the bandwagon, if you will, so this is kind of more a little long term motivation for me," said Eric.
Doctor Sachin Kukreja says the entire procedure requires three balloons swallowed two weeks apart. The balloons are filled with nitrogen gas, and they stay in the stomach for six months.
"Here's the first balloon that we put in two weeks ago. And here's the second balloon that we put in today. After six months, we do an upper endoscopy where we put the patient in twilight anesthesia and drop the end of the scope, we pop the balloon and pull them out," said bariatric surgeon Dr. Sachin Kukreja.
The procedure is for someone considered moderately overweight.
Eric says he's already lost 10 pounds. He tells his friends that combined with diet and exercise, the balloons could be key to losing that dad bod."
The balloon system is not covered by insurance, costs between $6,000-$7,000 and should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise.
2017 KING-TV
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Trees, saws, ladders don’t mix – Perry County Republic Monitor
Posted: June 28, 2017 at 9:42 pm
In February 2016, a homeowner was seriously injured after falling from a ladder while trimming branches from a tree in Frederick, Okla.
The man was using a chain saw to trim broken limbs from the trees around his home. One of the limbs he severed fell into his ladder, knocking it over and causing the man to fall 12 feet to the ground.
The man was discovered by a neighbor, lying face down in the yard beneath the tree. The badly bent ladder and chain saw were strewn on the ground nearby.
He was taken by helicopter to OU Medical Center due to the nature of his injuries.
This story is, unfortunately, not an isolated incident says Tchukki Andersen, Board Certified Master Arborist, Certified Tree Safety Professional and staff arborist for the Tree Care Industry Association. There are many stories in the news media each year depicting the sad details of homeowners getting severely injured or killed by attempting to manage large tree limbs on their own.
Tree work, while appearing fairly straightforward and simple, is actually extremely complicated and technical. There is so much to understand about removing live or hanging tree branches, and it is not at all like cutting up firewood on the ground with a chain saw.
Qualified tree professionals are trained to look for and take special precautions against:
Trees or branches with decay, cracks or unbalanced weight
Working near overhead electrical wires and other conductors
Preventing falls from trees they are working in
Removing portions of or entire trees without causing bodily harm or property damage
Do-it-yourself homeowners have been hurt trying to cut their own trees in the following manners:
Extension Ladders
If your ladder is too short to reach the branch, do not make the mistake of setting it on something such as on overturned garbage can to get the reach you need.
Get a sturdy ladder that will reach at least 5 feet beyond the branch you lean it on.
When a large branch is cut from a tree, the loss of the weight will cause the rest of the limb to suddenly lurch up.
Many unaware homeowners have been severely injured, some fatally, when the ladder they are standing on falls out from under the branch they are cutting.
The biggest danger is taking too big or too unwieldy of a piece at one time. Cut the limb in small pieces.
Improper Tools
Are you going to borrow your brother-in-laws chain saw?
When was the last time that tool was properly sharpened or maintained?
A dull chain forces you to use too much pressure, causing you to lose control. This can lead to many problems, most of them leading to the hospital for emergency treatment of deep lacerations to your body.
Andersen notes, Use properly maintained equipment and the right size saw for the job.
Lack of knowledge
It cant be done with just one cut. This is where those lacking experience in cutting live limbs from trees get hurt almost every time.
Trees are mechanically complex organisms that need to be cut in a certain way to remove pieces of them safely.
Cutting off a large section of limb to save time will usually cause the branch to fall before the cut is finished. The cut end will often tear into the branch all the way back to the trunk.
This action can cause damage to the tree (and to you) as it swings out of control, usually onto the ladder you are standing on or the person holding the ladder.
Therefore, it is always recommended to remove a large limb in sections.
If you are at all uncertain about what could happen by attempting your own tree work, contact a qualified tree care professional.
Find a Professional
A professional arborist can assess your landscape and work with you to determine the best care for your trees.
Contact the Tree Care Industry Association, a public and professional resource on trees and arboriculture since 1938.
TCIA has more than 2,300 member tree care firms and affiliated companies who recognize stringent safety and performance standards and who are required to carry liability insurance.
TCIA also has the nations only Accreditation program that helps consumers find tree care companies that have been inspected and accredited based on: adherence to industry standards for quality and safety; maintenance of trained, professional staff; and dedication to ethics and quality in business practices. For more, visit or
An easy way to find a tree care service provider in your area is to use the Locate Your Local TCIA Member Companies program by calling 1-800-733-2622 or by doing a ZIP Code search on
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Trees, saws, ladders don't mix - Perry County Republic Monitor
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Commission halts Renan Barao’s descent to bantamweight, Aljamain Sterling bout now contested at catchweight –
Posted: June 28, 2017 at 9:42 pm
California State Athletic Commission (CSAC) is not convinced that Renan Barao can safely cut back down to 135 pounds, after the Brazilian was hospitalized a few years back trying to battle TJ Dillashaw in Sacramento.
See how that debacle unfolded here.
Instead, the former bantamweight titleholder will be required to fight Aljamain Sterling at a catchweight of 140 pounds, though a successful weight cut will open the door for future 135-pound fights in his Golden State return.
If and when that ever happens.
The last time we had to regulate Mr. Barao at 135, it didn't turn out so good," CSAC Executive Director Andy Foster told FloCombat. "Last time he was here, he didn't make the weight. I don't even know if that's an accurate statement. He didn't weigh in. That's probably a better statement. So we're going to 140, and I think that's a responsible course of action."
Barao jumped up to featherweight for a pair of fights, a loss to Jeremy Stephens followed by a win over Phillipe Nover, then felt confident enough to return to his old stomping grounds at 135 pounds.
Looks like the commission is making the weight cut easier for Barao, Sterling wrote on Instagram. Bantamweight, featherweight, or catchweight, it doesn't matter to me! Either way the commission isn't gonna stop me from putting this guy on his back and dropping some hellbows on his face!
UFC 214 takes place July 28 in Anaheim (see the developing fight card here).
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7 at-home exercises from Holly Willoughby’s Pilates teacher –
Posted: June 28, 2017 at 9:42 pm
There are different types of Pilates, including mat-based workouts, which can incorporate weights, and reformer Pilates using a machine. Whichever style you choose, if weight loss is your aim you will need to take a balanced approached.
The end result isnt bulky muscles, but a streamlined look, says Robinson. You will still need to do some cardiovascular work for your heart and youll need to follow a balanced diet, but Pilates will ensure your body is toned from top-to-toe.
For those who dont want to hit a class straight away, here are seven Pilates-based exercises to try at-home from Robinsons book Pilates for Life.
Lie with your knees bent, feet hip-width apart and parallel. Have a folded towel under your head if needed. Your pelvis is level (neutral), your spine retains its natural curves. Take a few breaths, wide and full into the back and sides of your ribcage.
With the following exercises, you should use your core connection only as needed to control your alignment and movements.
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Top 7 things to lose weight quick and easy! – International Business Times, India Edition
Posted: June 28, 2017 at 9:41 pm
Are you tired of trying hard to drop some pounds? Don't worry, adding these 7 things to your diet and lifestyle can help you lose weight more easily and quickly:
1. Grape fruit
Including grape fruit in your diet is said to help in weight loss according to a research. The fruit is a good source of Vitamin C, antioxidant and it also got an enzyme called AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) which improves body's metabolism rate.
2. Green tea
Green tea contains copious amounts of catechins- a type of antioxidants which triggers fat burning in the body.
3. Water
Drinking water in abundance is really good and important for you. It helps to flush out the toxins and maintain body's metabolism rate. Water is also crucial to prevent constipation and improve the bowel movement.
4. Fibrous and protein-rich food
Make sure you have more fibrous and protein-rich food, preferably homemade, to control the amount of fat content in your daily intake. Fibrous foods like beans, lentils, cruciferous vegetables, sprouts, etc help in managing blood sugar, improve bowel movement and deplete cholesterol levels.
5. Healthy herbs
Some herbs are known to aid weight loss, like cinnamon, dandelion, turmeric, pepper and cayenne. Including them in your diet will be of great benefit.
6. Detox every few days
Include vegetable juices, hot water and lemon and soups made using organic vegetables in your diet to rid of toxins. Cleansing your body increases the pace of weight loss.
7. Music plays a major role while working out
Did you know that the music you listen to while exercising plays an important role? It has been scientifically proved that working out while listening to upbeat music motivates you to work harder. Hence, select the songs in your play list wisely to lose weight more effectively.
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Top 7 things to lose weight quick and easy! - International Business Times, India Edition
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