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Eddie Lacy is turning weight loss into private cash cow –
Posted: June 14, 2017 at 6:47 am
As Eddie Lacy shrinks, his bank account expands.
For the second time in the span of a month, the veteran running back has reportedly met an incentivized weight target baked into his new contract with the Seattle Seahawks.
Lacy's agents at SportsTrust Advisors confirmed the news.
On May 15, Lacy collected his first $55K for weighing at 255 or below (he came in at 253). He's now made a cool $110,000 for showing the type of discipline that might have gotten him a second lucrative contract from the Packers.
Lacy's battle with the scale is well-documented. In March, Bob McGinn of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that Lacy weighed 267 pounds at one of his free-agent team visits. He weighed 231 pounds when he came out of Alabama in 2013.
Lacy's next weigh-in for dollars -- they should really televise this -- will come in August. ESPN reported, citing a league source, that Lacy's weight clauses during the season are tied to him being at 245 pounds or less.
We are all Eddie Lacy. Good luck, sweet prince.
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Have a fat cat? Virginia Tech has a weight loss plan for feline friends – WDBJ7
Posted: June 14, 2017 at 6:47 am
BLACKSBURG, Va. (WDBJ7) It's beach body season but for some cats, getting up off the couch may be a chore.
Virginia Tech is helping fat cats work on their figures. But then, there's food. Meal time's a favorite time of day. If the food isn't there when they want it, pets beg, cry, and look so sad. But when should owners say enough.
"Everything has to be cut back," said Dr. Lauren Dodd, a Clinical Nutrition Resident at the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine.
Cutting back or cutting out certain foods is a hard decision to make.
"We've had weight loss plans and some of them are doing fine and then other times we are wondering, why is this pet not losing weight," Dodd said.
Turns out the owner kept feeding it a little extra. Virginia Tech researchers from the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine are now looking to keep cats and their owners happy at home while helping felines lose weight.
They're studying the perception of a weight loss plan. Researchers say owners may become discouraged and stop any new diets if their pet appears to have, what they call, a poor quality of life.
Food shouldn't be what gains a cat's love. That's why, over the course of nine months, owners get a new diet plan for their fat cats and they're required to make monthly check ins.
Owners can't give in to those groans for extra food or purrs for a treat. Humans play a big part of this study too.
A big challenge, no cheating allowed, and no extra food.
"Treats consist of, does the animal get table food? Pill pockets are a big thing to help administer medication, those all contain calories," Dodd said.
But keeping food away from pets can lead to destructive food seeking behavior. Researchers are hoping this study leads to a breakthrough that makes the weight loss process less stressful for all involved.
Researchers need 60 fat cats to help them with their study. If you'd like to get involved and help the health of your cat, email or call 540-231-1775.
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This simple diet change will make you lose TWICE the amount of … – Daily Star
Posted: June 14, 2017 at 6:47 am
YOU can lose double the amount of weight if you do this.
Vegetarians can get a bit of a hard time but they might be onto something.
A new study has confirmed that a vegetarian diet can make you lose twice as much weight as a carnivorous one.
Researchers from the Committee for Responsible Medicine found that not only will it help you lose weight, it will also reduce muscle fat and boost your metabolism.
Lead author, Dr. Hana Kahleov said this finding is particularly important for people with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.
Hana said Vegetarian diets proved to be the most effective diets for weight loss. However, we also showed that a vegetarian diet is much more effective at reducing muscle fat, thus improving metabolism.
This finding is important for people who are trying to lose weight, including those suffering from metabolic syndrome and/or type 2 diabetes. But it is also relevant to anyone who takes their weight management seriously and wants to stay lean and healthy.
Amazingly, these reality TV stars have lost more than 40st between them... all thanks to healthy eating and exercise
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Scarlett Moffatt shows off her weight loss
The research team studied 74 people with type 2 diabetes who were randomly assigned to either a vegetarian diet or a typical anti-diabetic diet.
The vegetarian diet was more or less vegan as it consisted solely of fruits, vegetables, nuts seeds, grains and legumes and the participants were limited to one portion of low-fat yoghurt per day the only animal product.
Participants on both diets consumed 500 calories less per day than they would if they were to maintain their weight.
Over the course of six months, those on the vegetarian diet lost nearly 1st while those on the other diet lost just half a stone.
The researchers also looked at how the diets affected the fat storage in the participants thighs.
Both diets proved similar in reducing their subcutaneous fat (fat under the skin).
However, subfascial fat (on the surface of the muscles) was only reduced on the vegetarian diet as was intramuscular fat.
This simple diet change will make you lose TWICE the amount of ... - Daily Star
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How to lose weight FAST: This tip will help you slim down quickly –
Posted: June 14, 2017 at 6:47 am
Luckily, there is a food you can eat that will effectively help you shed the pounds.
What's more this diet tip involves eating curry - truly a win-win situation.
Spicy food can help you cut back on calories, leading to weight loss.
A study called Enhanced Energy Expenditure and Fat Oxidation in Humans with High BMI Scores by the Ingestion of Novel and Non-Pungent Capsaicin Analogues from the Ajinomoto Research Institute for Health Fundamentals found that cayenne pepper burns fat.
The study found: "capsinoids intake would be able to enhance the energy expenditure and fat burning in humans, particularly those with high BMI.
Additionally, cumin can help you to lose three times the amount of stomach fat.
A study from the Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, studied the effect of cumin powder on body composition and lipid profile in overweight and obese women.
They found that weight, BMI waist circumference, fat mass and body fat percentage are reduced by cumin powder in food.
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Red chillis are full of capsaicin, which raise the metabolism.
So tuck into your favourite spicy meal to help you drop weight.
Cinnamon too is known to be an aid to weight loss.
The spice can reduce blood sugar and insulin levels - which helps with weight loss.
The effects are such that cinnamon has been recommended as a useful add-on therapy in the discipline of integrative medicine in managing type 2 diabetes in a study.
Weight loss doesnt have to involve forking out for a gym membership.
Just a few simple hacks can help you get into shape and save money at the same time.
Britons can ditch the gym this summer and save hundreds of pounds with a series of frugal hacks to get beach body ready.
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Mom Who Weighed Over 300 Lbs. Was Determined to Lose Weight Without Surgery: How She Lost 145 Lbs. –
Posted: June 13, 2017 at 8:44 am
Tara Kavanagh has several obese family members, so she always believed she was destined to be fat.
The 57 self-employed mom-of-three from Rapid City, South Dakota, 35, was already over 200 lbs. when she started having children, but her pregnancy weight brought her up to 304 lbs. After having her second child, she knew she wanted to make a change.
Iwas a young mother of two little girls and in my early 20s when I decided I didnt want to live the rest of my life obese and unhealthy anymore, she tells PEOPLE. I wanted to be an active mother and be able to play with my kids. I also wanted to live my life, not just exist. I wanted to experience new things and felt my size was holding me back.
Some of Kavanaghs family members had opted to undergo weight loss surgery, but had all ended up gaining their weight back. So she became determined to go a different route.
For a long time I felt surgery was my only option for how big I was there was no way I could lose so much weight on my own but after seeing my relatives gain their weight back, I knew it wasnt about the surgery, she says. It had to be about lifestyle, and I was determined to figure it out to prevent myself from spending all that money and going through all the pain of surgery for something that I never saw work long-term for anyone I knew who had it done.
Kavanagh admits she had never stuck to workout routines in the past because she would get bored before seeing any results. When she started doingJillian Michaelsworkouts (available onher appandFitFusion), she finally found a fitness program that she could stick to.
Jillians workouts are always fun and I look forward to doing them, she says. Right when I would be getting the hang of one workout, another would come out, so I never got bored. Over the years I have also appreciated that there are a variety of intensity levels to most moves, so no matter what weight I was at I could get a good workout. I still do the same workouts as a fit person that I did as a 300-lb. person, I just up the intensity level now to get my killer workout!
She also began paying more attention to what she ate.
I used to eat because I was bored, says Kavanagh. I never thought about what I was eating, how many calories were in it, the quality of it, etc. I ate because it made me feel good.
FROM PEN: Half Their Size: Find Out How This Mom-of-Two Keeps Off The 133 Lbs. She Lost
Initially, Kavanagh ate the same foods she always had, but started decreasing her portions.
I knew if I changed too much too fast I would get overwhelmed and quit, she says. After the weight started to come off, it was addictive for me to learn healthier ways of eating. I turned my focus on calories after that, living by what I learned from Jillian: my calories in needed to be less than my calories out. I used her app along with a fitness tracker, and the weight came off so easily!
Now Kavanagh focuses on eating unprocessed, non-GMO and organic as much as possible, and follows the 80/20 rule when it comes to eating.
I still need my treats once in a while! she says.
Losing 145 lbs. has given Kavanagh a whole new lease on life.
The best part of losing the weight has been gaining the confidence to really live my life and try new things, she says. I dont let my body hold me back anymore.
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Diet fact or fiction: 5 more weight loss myths – Belfast Telegraph
Posted: June 13, 2017 at 8:44 am
Diet fact or fiction: 5 more weight loss myths
Last week I talked about some of the biggest diet myths that often get heard when it comes to health and fitness, but that was far from all of them.
Last week I talked about some of the biggest diet myths that often get heard when it comes to health and fitness, but that was far from all of them.
I'm on a mission to help people understand the truth behind a lot of what they hear. If you put in the hard work at the gym, it's only fair that you should have the right information available to get the most out of your diet.
Poor carbs, they really do get a bad rep. It's been suggested for years that a high carb intake will result in weight gain, so best bet for dropping pounds was always to keep intake low.
However, in reality too much of anything - protein, carbs, or fats - will contribute towards weight gain if it makes you overshoot your total calorie needs.
As such, it's too many overall calories which will cause weight gain, not too many carbs.
We've all heard that to lose weight we should eat Breakfast, but truth is it holds no real benefit over not eating Breakfast.
Remember, the key to weight loss is energy balance, so regardless of whether we eat Breakfast or not, if we eat too many total calories across a day, we won't lose weight.
It's not enough to look at a single factor of our day when we are considering weight loss, we really need to look at the full picture.
Don't get me wrong, zero carb diets do suit some people better, but there's nothing magical about them.
When they work, they succeed in achieving weight loss through the same basic method as any other diet- by creating a negative calorie balance.
Considerable weight loss during the early stage of a zero carb diet is often because the body drops water weight (carbs make the body hold water).
However, as soon as they are reintroduced, much of that water weight is gained back. Expect a sudden increase on the scales!
Read more: Myth busters: 5 diet 'tips' that simply aren't true
Short and sweet, a calorie is still a calorie.
You could eat nothing but avocado, quinoa, grass-fed beef and chia seeds, but if you manage to pack away 5000 calories-worth, you will still likely gain weight.
Weight loss or weight gain ultimately boils down to the total number of calories eaten versus the total number burnt - if you take in too many, regardless of what foods they come from, you won't see the weight loss you want.
I don't want to sound like a hypocrite, too much fruit can make you gain weight, but only in the same way that too much of any food can make you gain weight if it causes you to eat too many calories.
Sugar is just a carb, and carbs contain 4 calories per gram, so from a calorie perspective, it's no more "fattening" than any other carb.
Fruit is a great source of vitamins and fibre, and so long as you don't consume too many calories from it, eating it won't lead to weight gain.
Want to know more? Make sure to check out the Facebook page for daily tips, advice, and guidance, all geared towards helping you get the results you want.
Belfast Telegraph Digital
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Vegetarian diets twice as effective for weight loss as carnivorous meal plans, says study – The Independent
Posted: June 13, 2017 at 8:44 am
Yesterday was World Meat Free Day, where many people shunned burgers and bolognese for beans and beluga lentils.
Reducing your meat consumption is good for the planet, but a new study has confirmed that going veggie can work wonders for your personal health too.
Following a vegetarian diet is twice as effective than a carnivorous one when it comes to losing weight, researchers from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington DC found.
And not only will vegetarians lose weight more effectively, theyll reduce their muscle fat and thus boost their metabolism too.
According to lead author, Dr. Hana Kahleov, this finding is particularly important for people with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.
To reach their conclusions, researchers studied 74 people with type 2 diabetes - they were randomly assigned either a vegetarian diet or a typical anti-diabetic diet, which followed the official recommendations of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD).
Whats more, the vegetarian diet was practically vegan, as it consisted of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains and legumes, with animal products limited to one portion of low-fat yoghurt a day.
In order to assess weight loss potential, all participants had their diets restricted to 500 calories a day less than they would need to maintain their weight.
After six months, those following the vegetarian diet had lost an average of 6.2kg, compared to 3.2kg for those on the conventional diet.
It was a small sample size, but heavily suggests going veggie could make you lose twice as much weight.
The researchers also assessed how the diets had affected participants fat storage in their thighs.
Both diets were found to cause a similar reduction in subcutaneous fat (under the skin). Subfascial fat (on the surface of the muscles) was only reduced on the vegetarian diet though, and intramuscular fat (inside muscles) was reduced a lot more too.
Dr. Kahleov said: Vegetarian diets proved to be the most effective diets for weight loss. However, we also showed that a vegetarian diet is much more effective at reducing muscle fat, thus improving metabolism.
This finding is important for people who are trying to lose weight, including those suffering from metabolic syndrome and/or type 2 diabetes. But it is also relevant to anyone who takes their weight management seriously and wants to stay lean and healthy.
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Vegetarian diets twice as effective for weight loss as carnivorous meal plans, says study - The Independent
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The Key to Weight Loss Isn’t About What You EatIt’s About WHEN – Reader’s Digest
Posted: June 13, 2017 at 8:44 am
Ann-Haritonenko/Shutterstock, solominviktor/shutterstockThere are a surprising number of everyday habits that could be contributing to weight gain, from drinking diet soda to not getting enough sleep. But heres an easy one to control, according to new findings presented at the SLEEP 2017 conference.
Apparently, people who make a habit of eating meals later in the day increase their chance of obesity, even if theyre not eating any more than they would have earlier.
For the meal-timing study, researchers created two conditionsdaytime eating that consisted of three meals and two snacks consumed between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m., and delayed eating that consisted of three meals and two snacks eaten between noon and 11 p.m. All participants had a healthy body mass index (BMI), and for the study they ate the same diets and slept for nearly seven hours every night. A fitness regimen was included for both groups.
After an 18-week period, the delayed eaters showed weight gain, slower metabolism, and increases in insulin and cholesterol levels, and the earlier eaters did not. Late-day eating was also associated with metabolizing fewer lipids and more carbs, study author Namni Goel, PhD, of the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine told MedPage Today. The study provides some of the first experimental evidence that prolonged delayed eating promotes weight gain and a negative profile for fuel oxidation, energy metabolism, and hormonal markers, in normal weight adults.
And Dr. Goel would expect to see even larger effects in people who already obese or have metabolic syndrome.
Its been previously established that a lack of sleep can cause weight gain, but this study also showed thatmeal timing can affectsleep, so eating late is a one-two punch that leads to packing on pounds. Researchers dont yet understand why metabolism rates are affected by eating later, but they do know that people suffering from insomnia or who sleep erratic hours because of their jobs are often most affected by the consequences of late-day eating.
Dr. Goel hopes more research can be conducted on a much larger scale, with a larger variety of participants, but for now she encourages us to stick to an earlier dining schedulestarting with breakfast around 8 prevent unnecessary weight gain.
This is a behavioral intervention that, I think, could be beneficial and would be easy to implement in ones own life, Dr. Goel says. Even if people cant do it all of the time, most of us could do it 80 percent of the time.
Here are more ways to lose weight without a lick of exercise.
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The Key to Weight Loss Isn't About What You EatIt's About WHEN - Reader's Digest
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Eddie Lacy meets weight-loss goal, earns another $55K bonus –
Posted: June 13, 2017 at 8:44 am
Seahawks running back Eddie Lacy roams OTAs at Virginia Mason Athletic Center on Friday, June 9, 2017.
Seahawks running back Eddie Lacy roams OTAs at Virginia Mason Athletic Center on Friday, June 9, 2017.
Seattle Seahawks running back Eddie Lacy talks to reporters following NFL football practice, Friday, June 2, 2017, in Renton, Wash. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
Seattle Seahawks running back Eddie Lacy talks to reporters following NFL football practice, Friday, June 2, 2017, in Renton, Wash. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
Seattle Seahawks running back Eddie Lacy talks to reporters after NFL football practice, Friday, June 2, 2017, in Renton, Wash. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
Seattle Seahawks running back Eddie Lacy talks to reporters after NFL football practice, Friday, June 2, 2017, in Renton, Wash. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
Seattle Seahawks running back Eddie Lacy walks with a football during NFL football practice, Friday, June 2, 2017, in Renton, Wash. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
Seattle Seahawks running back Eddie Lacy walks with a football during NFL football practice, Friday, June 2, 2017, in Renton, Wash. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
Seattle Seahawks running back Eddie Lacy talks to reporters following NFL football practice, Friday, June 2, 2017, in Renton, Wash. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
Seattle Seahawks running back Eddie Lacy talks to reporters following NFL football practice, Friday, June 2, 2017, in Renton, Wash. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
Seattle Seahawks running back Eddie Lacy, right, takes part in a drill during NFL football practice as backup quarterback Trevone Boykin (2) looks on, Friday, June 2, 2017, in Renton, Wash. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
Seattle Seahawks running back Eddie Lacy, right, takes part in a drill during NFL football practice as backup quarterback Trevone Boykin (2) looks on, Friday, June 2, 2017, in Renton, Wash. (AP Photo/Ted S.
Seattle Seahawks running back Eddie Lacy tosses the football during NFL football practice, Friday, June 2, 2017, in Renton, Wash. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
Seattle Seahawks running back Eddie Lacy tosses the football during NFL football practice, Friday, June 2, 2017, in Renton, Wash. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
Seattle Seahawks running back Eddie Lacy, right, takes part in a drill during NFL football practice, Friday, June 2, 2017, in Renton, Wash. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
Seattle Seahawks running back Eddie Lacy, right, takes part in a drill during NFL football practice, Friday, June 2, 2017, in Renton, Wash. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
Seattle Seahawks running back Eddie Lacy, left, talks with cornerback Richard Sherman, center, and linebacker Michael Wilhoite, right, during NFL football practice, Friday, June 2, 2017, in Renton, Wash. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
Seattle Seahawks running back Eddie Lacy, left, talks with cornerback Richard Sherman, center, and linebacker Michael Wilhoite, right, during NFL football practice, Friday, June 2, 2017, in Renton, Wash. (AP
Eddie Lacy meets weight-loss goal, earns another $55K bonus
Seahawks running back Eddie Lacy embraced the idea of having weight incentive bonuses in his contract and on Monday he earned another $55,000 payday, according to report from ESPN's Jeremy Fowler.
Seahawks RB Eddie Lacy passed his weigh-in today, per source. Should collect his $55K for being 250 lb or below.
Lacy's agents seemingly confirmed the weigh-in with a tweet of their own, quoting Fowler's report with a check and a money bag emoji.
Lacy weighed in at no more than 250 pounds, dropping three pounds from last month's weigh-in, the first of the weight-loss goals in his one-year deal with Seattle. The 27-year-old runner will earn that same dollar amount if he drops to at least 245 pounds by September and maintains that size through December.
Speaking with local media for the first time since signing with the Seahawks in March, Lacy embraced the concept of having to meet weight goals throughout the year.
RELATED:6 things to know about Seahawks' O-line after OTAs
"As a competitor, you want to meet challenges, so it's a positive challenge and at the end of the day it helps me personally, too. So why not?" he said on June 2 after Day 3 of organized team activities at the Virginia Mason Athletic Center in Renton.
Lacy said he's adopted a new diet that, among other things, simply involves not "eating a lot."
Coach Pete Carroll said Lacy is right on schedule with his recovery from a high-ankle sprain and a deltoid ligament injury in his left ankle suffered during last season with the Packers. He expects the team's projected starter to be ready for full contact by training camp.
Carroll also would like the 5-foot-11 Lacy to play at around 240-245 pounds during the regular season.
Asked specifically about that desired weight, Lacy replied, "Whatever he like, that's what I like."
Lacy admitted that his last on-field appearance was "not as good as it should have been," as injuries limited him to 360 rushing yards on 71 carries in five games. Because of that, Lacy's primary objective this offseason is to "be the best I can be."
"I know as of right now you're only as good as your last game, your last opportunity," Lacy said. "Right now I want to get myself better so if I'm put into a situation, I can be the best I can be and be better than I was."
Visit for more Seattle Seahawks news. Contact sports reporter Michael-Shawn Dugar at or @MikeDugar.
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Vegetarian Diets May Be More Effective for Weight Loss Than Simply Restricting Calories, According to a Study – Yahoo Health
Posted: June 13, 2017 at 8:44 am
When it comes to weight loss, some people opt for ultra-calorie-restrictive diets (and often end up later gaining the weight back because those diets arent sustainable). Yet, a new study found that following a vegetarian diet is twice as effective in reducing body weight as conventional low-calorie diets. On top of that, dieters who go vegetarian may also boost their metabolism by reducing their muscle fat.
Published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, the (small) study set out to examine the effect of vegetarian diets on patients with type 2 diabetes. Scientists from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine analyzed 74 subjects with type 2 diabetes, who were randomly assigned to follow a vegetarian diet (mostly fruits, grains, vegetables and nuts, with the only animal product being low-fat yogurt) or a conventional low-calorie, anti-diabetic diet.
After six months, those following the vegetarian diet lost an average of 6.2 kg, as compared to 3.2 kg for those following the conventional diet, which means the vegetarian diet was nearly twice as effective in reducing the participants body weight. The scientists also looked at the adipose (fat-storage) tissue in the participants thighs to see how the diets affected the fat on the surface of and inside muscles. Both of the diets had a similar reduction in subcutaneous fat, but more muscle fat was lost by those on the vegetarian diet.
This finding is important for people who are trying to lose weight, including those suffering from metabolic syndrome and/or type 2 diabetes, lead study author Dr. Hana Kahleov said in a statement. But it is also relevant to anyone who takes their weight management seriously and wants to stay lean and healthy.
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Vegetarian Diets May Be More Effective for Weight Loss Than Simply Restricting Calories, According to a Study - Yahoo Health
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