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Weight Loss Tip: STOP Waiting For the Perfect Moment! – HuffPost

Posted: June 12, 2017 at 8:45 am

While the title of this article may give away the question Im about to pose to you, here goes: What if I told you that theres a way to get started on your health and weight loss journey, TODAY?! What if I told you that its extremely SIMPLE, and just takes a little bit of willpower and determination?

Its a warm, sunny day here on Long Island, and its been an enjoyable one for me. I played a softball doubleheader this morning (we won!), and will be doing some cleaning around the apartment after I finish watching the Mets game. No comments about their play, pleaseIts one of my very few guilty pleasures!

Now then, back to getting started

Look, when a new opportunity presents itself, we often tend to push it off. Us humans are NOT fans of change! We like to stay enthralled in our daily routines, so when a new task or a new project presents itself, we tend to put it off until the PERFECT time arises.

You know, when youre done with that project at work, or when your kids school gets out for summer and they go away for sleep-away camp, or when grandma gets out of the hospital

Heres a piece of advice I learned and re-learned MANY times on my personal 100 lb weight loss journey: Theres NEVER a perfect time! You may think that the stars will align for that time to come, but I can assure youIt wont!

Why wont it come? Because youre just going to come up with another excuse, because if youve been putting this off, thats what youve been doing in the first place!!!

At the end of the day, trying to legitimize your putting off your weight loss journey is just that: Excuse making! I get it: You have shit going on. Everybodys situations are different. But, speaking from personal experience on both my 100 lb weight loss journey AND during my time working with others on theirs, Ive heard every excuse in the book

Some of them would BLOW YOUR MIND at how ridiculous they were! I honestly would leave the conversation scratching my head, wondering how this person had the creativity to come up with something so ridiculous!!

So, if youve been thinking about starting (or restarting) for a while, but youre waiting for the stars to align, please do me this one favor: DONT WAIT!!! Youre wasting precious time either loathing in self pity and/or being a victim, when the simplest thing to do is to START!

Like Permanent Weight Loss, its SIMPLE, but NOT EASY!!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Just start! Dont put this off until tomorrow Do it today! It can be as simple as going for a walk around the block. It can be as minuscule as going to the grocery store, and buying healthy meat, produce and snacks to help fuel you on your journey.

P.S. As a token of my appreciation for you and your willingness to get started on your journey, Id like to offer you my FREE, healthy gluten-free bread recipe!

If youre addicted to grains in the form of bread, pasta and rice, and youre a sandwich savant, then this recipe will help you prepare a delicious loaf in just 40 minutes:-)

Start your workday the right way with the news that matters most.

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Weight Loss Tip: STOP Waiting For the Perfect Moment! - HuffPost

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How can you find the best way for you to lose weight – Bangor Daily News

Posted: June 12, 2017 at 8:43 am

I received an email last week through the contact form on my blog from somebody who works for a small research team. She explained that they recently conducted an unbiased review of weight loss programs. She included a link and wanted me to take a look.

With so many ways to lose weight, and most of them more promises than good weight loss science, I had no idea what I would find. I read it and clicked on the link not expecting much. I was blown away by the information I found on the page.

I wasnt looking to find a new way to manage my weight. I am fully satisfied with my program.Its right for me andfor a lot of people. Your choice could be influenced by preferences and circumstances different from mine. That may make a different program better for you. There is a way to quickly cut through the clutter of all the weight loss programs to get right to the best ones. was started in 2013 by a small group of obsessive consumers with a passion for the truth, and the desire to find the best. We dont have bylines. Our reviews sit squarely on the shoulders of our entire editorial team. The picks we make for the best are collectively ours, not the individual opinion of a single writer. Every research methodology we write and every best we mention builds the credibility of the entire site.

The best weight loss plan review is well-researched and validated by third-party, unbiased, experts. The top picks made it onthe list because they stand out among the competition based on multiple important qualifications.

The review is excellent because it is comprehensive. You may look at it and immediately discount its value because, well, it places Weight Watchers as the top pick. You might suspect bias. Its no secret that I work for Weight Watchers. I endorse it every chance I get. It must be appreciated, however, that I champion Weight Watchersnot because it makesme money.I do it because itsaves you money.

You might disagree that Weight Watchers saves you money because its not free. There are lots of free weight loss apps, so how can Weight Watchers save you money? Here is how:

As much as I love Weight Watchers, I know its not for everybody and there are other reliable and safe ways to lose weight. Its the best way for a lot of people, but not everybody. For some, there is abetter road to take for some weight loss travelers.

Weight Watchers may end up being your choice, but if you want to see what other options are available that may suit you better, click here to seeReviews.comThe Best Weight Loss Program(when losing is the only way to win)

This review is extremely well done because the priorities arescientifically sound and evidence-based. Efficacy is important, and the only way a weight loss program can deliver results if youre able to stick with it. The weight loss programs that made the list of the best share some important features.

They found the best plans in 4 categories:

Each is worthy of being labeled best. Take a look for yourself. If you havent already started your weight reduction travels, or if your current plan is proving to be a dead end, you have options, find out what makes then best and what they are.

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How can you find the best way for you to lose weight - Bangor Daily News

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Mum and daughter lose 34st you won’t believe what they look like … – Daily Star

Posted: June 12, 2017 at 8:43 am

THIS mother and daughter dup have lost an incredible 34st between them.


A mother and daughter have lost an incredible 34st between them the weight of almost three men.

Before the weight loss Liz Paice and Wendy Kenney tipped the scales at 28st each but gastric bypass surgeries have caused the weight to fall off.

32-year-old Liz let her weight spiral out of control with binges on Caramac bars, family-sized pies and huge fry ups.

Since the operation, she has lost an astonishing 17st and now weighs just 11st and is a size 14.


Liz said: "I have two daughters and I wanted to live to see them grow up.

"I watched my mum have horrible health problems, and I saw myself mirrored in her.

"It came to a point where I'd yo-yo dieted a lot and I needed to do something about it.

Liz realised her weight was a problem around three years ago and it took her a further two years before she could get the gastric bypass surgery on the NHS.

She added: I went to the hospital for classes to help change my way of thinking when it came to food and to identify the source of my eating.

"My problems with eating started when I was young - I used to secretly eat and used it as an emotional crutch.

"I used to eat 100 profiteroles, 150 Caramac bars, hot dogs out of the tin - that sort of thing.


Amazingly, these reality TV stars have lost more than 40st between them... all thanks to healthy eating and exercise

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Scarlett Moffatt shows off her weight loss

The weight loss has had a positive impact on the family as Lizs eldest daughter Allison has even joined the gym at just age 11 so she can lose weight.

Lizs mother, 52-year-old Wendy also jumped on board the weight loss journey after she was forced to use a mobility scooter because of her weight.

Devon-based Wendy said: "I got to the stage where I couldn't walk or look after myself, and I needed help going to the toilet.

"I just thought 'I can't continue'. I'd been big all my life, yo-yo dieting, and I'd tried literally everything.

"In 2014 it became so bad I got a mobility scooter, and my husband told me that would be it if I got one, I'd always use it.

"I was 27 stone - I had to do something.

Wendy explained she was encouraged to eat as much as possible growing up which included a lot of starchy and fried foods, puddings and all big portions.

This philosophy followed her into adulthood and he would find herself eating an entire family pie for dinner some nights.

She explained: "I'd just eat anything I could get my hands on, washed down with four or five high fat milkshakes.

Wendy explained watching her daughter transform her life encouraged her to make a change.

Now, she has dropped from 27st to just 10st and a svelte size 14.

Wendy worked with a dietician to work out a revised eating plan and she also joined an assisted gym.

"The dietician really helped with what was better to eat - lots of protein, then fruit and veg, then carbs at the end of a meal if I had space left.

"I also used the assisted gym to help me lose weight, and joined the British Obesity Surgery Patients Association, which really helped keep me motivated.

"Liz made the first step, and I thought if she was doing it, I ought to."

Liz said it was great to go through this journey with her mother: "It's somebody to talk about meals with and exercise together.

"Because we've been losing weight at different times, we can swap clothes with each other.

"She's been a great emotional support, because there's someone else going through the same stuff."

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Mum and daughter lose 34st you won't believe what they look like ... - Daily Star

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Tori Roloff Reveals Post-Baby Weight Loss in New Pic – Us Weekly – Us Weekly

Posted: June 11, 2017 at 7:44 am

Tori Roloff revealed her post-baby weight loss in an Instagram post on Monday, June 5, just three weeks after welcoming son Jackson.

The womans body is the craziest thing, the Little People, Big World star captioned the side-by-side photos of her at one week and three weeks post-baby. The fact that I was able to grow a human has given me so much respect. Love what the good lord gave you. He knows what hes doing.

As Us Weekly previously reported, Tori, 26, and her husband, Zach Roloff, welcomed their first child, Jackson Kyle, on May 12. The pair announced in November that they were expecting, and their son is the first grandchild for Zachs parents, Matt and Amy Roloff. (Zachs twin brother, Jeremy, and his wife, Audrey, are also expecting their first child later this year a girl.)

Tori and Zach, who wed in July 2015, shared a sweet video on Friday, June 9, updating fans on Jacksons progress and talking about their first weeks as parents.

Zach, 27, said it felt super surreal and natural the first time he held his baby. Infants I always thought were fragile and hard to hold, but with your own child, its super confident.

He revealed that Jackson is an LP little person like him. He might have to take two steps for everyone elses one step, but hopefully we can raise him in a way that it wont bother him, the TLC star added.

While Jackson will take after his dad in stature, his personality is more like his moms, according to the pair.

He seems like a pretty stubborn kid already, Tori said.

He comes after his mom he doesnt like to be told what to do, added Zach.

Little People, Big World airs on TLC Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET.

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Tori Roloff Reveals Post-Baby Weight Loss in New Pic - Us Weekly - Us Weekly

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How to Deal with Weight Loss Saboteurs! – HuffPost

Posted: June 11, 2017 at 7:44 am

What if I told you that I have not one, but TWO methods YOU can use, TODAY, to rid yourself of sabotage in your life, once and for all?

Its a warm, sunny day here on Long Island, and after enduring 2.5 hours in traffic, I returned home yesterday evening from a two day mastermind meeting in Connecticut. AMAZING doesnt begin to describe the experience: Business breakthroughs, new friends and an enhanced confidence about the direction Weight Loss by Pete is heading in. I went to a mastermind group run by the same dude about six months back, and my business model, branding and EVERYTHING was torn to shit during the first one! This time, I was reassured that Im doing all the right things, and was given a new project to work on before Ill be returning to New England:-)

Now then, back to these pesky saboteurs!

They come in all shapes and sizes. Some are our significant others, some are our parents, some are our siblings, some are our friends, and some are coworkers. You get it

Each saboteur brings his or her own unique challenges, but this much they all have in common: Theyre going to try and either tempt or guilt you into falling off the wagon!

For example, your husband may greet you as you walk in the door from work Friday evening with a home-cooked but unhealthy meal, many bottles of wine, your favorite show waiting to be turned on on Netflix, and a box of Magnum Condoms on the table next to the couch to make him feel like a big man (I crack myself up!).

You decide to visit your parents for the weekend, and your mom prepares your favorite dish from when you were growing up: Pasta Fagioli! Everything about that dish is NOT on the agenda for your nutrition, but you dont want to make her feel bad, so you cave in, and before you know it, a weekend at the folks is a weekend of dietary suicide.

You just started a new job, and are out for drinks Friday evening with a bunch of coworkers. Being that this is the most cost-effective option (and they can give two shits about their bodies), they propose that you order a couple of pitchers for the table, as well as some wings. You know that neither the beer or the appetizers are a good idea, but you really want to fit in, and you decide to just go with it. Before you leave the bar, youve eaten at least a dozen wings, downed four glasses of beer, and because youre either buzzed or drunk, that pizza place right next door is looking quite appealing!

Want to split a pie, everyone?!

Howd I do in painting those pictures for you? Good? Yeah, I know! Thats because Ive BEEN THERE and DONE THAT in EVERY SINGLE ONE of those situations!!!

Lets break down all three situations really quickly, and propose ways to handle them without letting the saboteurs win:

1. The Significant Other.

For starters, if youre on your health and weight loss journey, he or she should be SUPPORTIVE of you! That means that theyre NOT going to tempt you to fall off the wagon. When you begin your journey, make sure that they understand what youre NOT going to be eating, so that if they do decide to surprise you with food, this doesnt happen in the first place.

If youve had this conversation, and this display of affection has still taken place, then theres a good chance that he or she is trying to sabotage youOr, theyre really shitty listeners! They may not be conscious of it, but (as youll see as a recurring theme in the next two situations, as well), theyre feeling THREATENED by your ability and your willingness to lose weight and better your health, and because theyre not ready to commit to this kind of lifestyle change WITH YOU, theyre going to try and bring you back down to their level.

I dont say this to imply that he or she isnt greatI say this to paint the picture of what theyre thinking in that situation if this happens AFTER youve discussed what changes youre going to be making, and what youd like to try and avoid from a dietary perspective. Offer to help them clean up, put the poor food choice in the fridge, and either prep or order a healthier option ON YOUR DIME. The Netflix and Chill portion of the night can continue as previously planned;-)

Like with your significant other, you NEED TO HAVE FORESIGHT! If you havent seen your parents in a while, and youve scheduled a trip to see them, make sure you call and tell them what dietary changes youve made since you last saw them. Ask that if theyre going to be preparing a meal for you, that its either a healthier version of what you enjoyed so much as a child, or its just a healthier dish altogether.

If theyre not sure how to do this, then you have two options:

1) Google a healthy recipe for them and send it to them IN ADVANCE so they can go to the store and insure they have what they need, or

2) Send them my Healthy Recipe Book! With 72 recipes spanning breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, appetizers and desserts, theyre going to be well-armed with the information theyll need to insure that any fare they prepare for you during your visit is both healthy AND delicious!

Depending on how long youve been at your current position, how well you know your coworkers, etc., may determine whether or not youll even have the ability to have the talk with them prior to going out to a bar. That being said, theres a very simple way to handle this

Lets pretend that this after-work get-together is a last minute idea that you decide to go along with. Youre all about to head out the door for the weekend, and you all decide you want to just shoot the shit and hang out for a bit before you all go home. On your walk over to the bar near your office, everyones talking about your asshole of a boss or whatever it is you all talk about, so you dont feel comfortable mentioning what you WONT be having.

You then enter the bar, grab a table, and the leader of the pack asks everyone So, do you guys want to order a couple of pitchers, and maybe a thing or two of wings? Everyone agrees, and now you feel like a real asshole if youre going to say, Well, actually

So, heres what you do: Say something to the effect of, That sounds good, but Im actually trying to lose some weight, so Id prefer not to drink beer or eat wings. Im going to order my own drinks, so Ill put that on a separate tab so we can keep your bill down.

Since Ive literally done this before (you can ask my friends and former coworkers if you really want), 99% of the time, nobody will say ANYTHING! Theyll just be like Ok, thats cool, and you guys can move on with your night.

Sometimes, someone will say something like, Oh come on, its the weekend! You have to indulge once in a while, which you can put down by simply saying, No, Im good, thanks though! It really shouldnt escalate beyond that point. If it does, then that person is feeling uncomfortable because he or she probably needs to make some changes, but theyre not willing to commit at this time. Should they continue to pester you about your choice(s), the rest of the group will normally stand up for YOU, and put them in their place:-)

Anyhow, I hope you found this helpful! Regardless of the situations that may present themselves in the near future, DONT GIVE IN!! Be comfortable knowing youre doing the right thing, and be confident in your decisions!!!

P.S. If you need some help on the nutritional side in terms of WHAT to eat, then youre in luck! I have a Recipe Book (which I mentioned earlier) AND a Food Guide that reviews the three phases of nutrition that I not only went through on MY transformation, but that I take my Permanent Weight Loss clients through on their personal journeys.

Normally, each book goes for $10 a pop, but you can get both for just $13.99 since Im feeling generous today:-)

To get your copies, go to Until tomorrow!

Start your workday the right way with the news that matters most.

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Metformin and weight loss – MedHelp

Posted: June 11, 2017 at 7:43 am

Hi, I've been reading comments on this thread until my eyes blurred late last night and was wondering whether you've continued to experience post meno-hell periods -- assuming you're still on met. Also, did anyone reply to your question?I could easily have missed it.I'm 56,turning57 in April, post meno-hell some years ago, and I'm about to begin taking met.If it helps me lose weight I'll buy more tampons and suffer through some periods for a while.I, quite unexpectedly, had a one night period a couple years ago, had to "borrow" a tampon from my neighbor, and bought some just in case.It hasn't happened since.

Until age 50 I weighed around 110.(I'm 5'4-- more accurately 5'3 & 3/4")I wore size zeros, some of which had to be taken in at the side seams.I went on a cruise with my mom & sister when I was 49 and looked better in my bikinis than the vast majority of much younger women.Over the next couple of years I began gaining a little weight, not unexpected at my age, but still managed to take it off by cutting back on my already paltry calorie intake.Then, over the last 5-6 years, I began gaining weight rapidly regardless of how little I eat.Walking/jogging 2-3 miles/day did NOTHING to help me take any off so I became fed up and stopped.During the last two years my weight gain has been fast and relentless.A normal day's food intake for me has petered off to one lean chicken breast or fillet of fish for dinner and my cup of hot chocolate (lowfat milk) at bedtime.Knowing I need to eat something for breakfast I have a small piece of low fat cheddar cheese when I remember.I have no appetite and often forget to eat.When I do I force myself to choke it down.I've continued to gain 2-5 lbs./month.I've gone from a 110 lb. size zero to a 150 lb. size ten and counting.I've been going up one clothing size/year.

Some background.I have a wonderful psychiatrist through a non-profit mental health clinic who is treating me for depression and PTSD.I've suffered from both for decades, it's a long, ugly story.The antidepressant I take NEVER caused weight gain in the past but things change.I'm positive I'm hypothyroid but since I don't have insurance I'm forced to go to free clinics.I have every hypothyroidism symptom on the "official" list (except problem periods and inability to become pregnant--DUH!)Drs at the free clinic are volunteers, mostly residents, patients never see the same one twice.Some agree I am hypo and prescribe levo--synthroid, others disagree.They weigh me on each visit and my weight continues to increase.When I express my concern about how fat I've become they dismiss it.Obviously, THEY THINK, I'm lying about how little I eat.One young male POS resident told me to RUN 5-6 miles/day.When I was his age I DID RUN.My knees can't handle it anymore.I know several also OLD people who haven't become FAT because of age and they're less active than me.

Fasting forward.My psychiatrist recently ran my labs and said my THS--thyroid stimulating hormone-- is slightly high but within range.I reminded her that less than two weeks earlier the last inept resident I saw took me off levo because my TSH was very low.She was shocked it has risen so quickly and so much and told me to resume taking the levo.She is limited in the kind of meds she can prescribe because of clinic rules but can prescribe levo if the stooges at the free clinic refuse.Aside from the increase in my TSH my labs, BP and EKG are excellent.My blood sugar tends to be on the high side most of the time.

Getting to my point and decision.I REFUSE to continue gaining weight.At this rate I'll reach 200 lbs. within six months.I feel like I've been swallowed by a whale.This weight is EXTREMELY uncomfortable for me and I cannot afford to buy larger sizes every few months.I refuse.Just because most women here in OklaRedneckHoma are morbidly obese does NOT mean I will accept that as my lot in life.So, having done extensive research on various options, I've decided to try metformin.I ordered some online a few days ago.I CAN'T WAIT until it arrives! Granted, I'm not a medical professional; I'm an attorney with top-notch research skills.I intend to begin slowly, the way other posters have, and increase the amount in increments.I may or may not be pre-diabetic because of this weight gain but it's only a matter of time if it continues at this rate.Fortunately, I have experience with diabetes, my dog is diabetic; I give her insulin injections twice/day and know the signs to watch for if she begins to exhibit signs of low blood sugar.Thankfully, after four years of injections she's never experienced a low.I do not intend to tell my psych or the free clinic I'm self-medicating but I'll be able to monitor myself using the labwork they run.Time will tell if met is the answer.I think being prescribed the PROPER med for hypothyroid would help immensely, and I also ordered some of it online, but first I'm giving met a chance.

I will let you know if it causes me to resume having periods; please let me know how you're doing also.It disgusts me that the majority of physicians adopt a blame the patient mindset when we've been struggling to lose weight.NO, we are NOT over-eating, nor are we sedentary couch potato gluttons lying about how little we eat; this IS a medical problem.I've lost respect for medical professionals as a whole because they refuse to treat the patient's symptoms they only treat lab results and blame us for the rest.

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Want to lose weight fast? Start running – Times of India (blog)

Posted: June 11, 2017 at 7:43 am

Nothing pumps up that adrenaline as running. The wind in your hair, the sweat on your brow, the thump of your heartbeat and wings on your feet, a run gets those happy hormones soaring high. With the remake of Rocky in Bollywood being written about, I cant help but think about Stallones inspirational run against the foggy skyline of New York, as he prepares for his match. Though the film was all about boxing, running is shown as an integral part of his workout, as is for the preparation of most sport activities.

Sports and Health experts have always given a thumbs up to running as a regular exercise to burn those calories, up your metabolism, get that cardio vascular strength and keep the endorphins high. However recent studies have also shown that running, increases production of brain derived growth factor (BDGF), in the hippocampus. BDGF is a chemical released in the brain that protects neurons and promotes their growth.

So for the rest of us regular people do put in a bit of running with your workouts if you are a gym person. And if you are one of those that prefer walking, then add a little sprint to your routine. Not only will it benefit you physically but also up the neurological well-being of your cells. Walking and low intensity running uses the slow twitch muscle fibers which are responsible for using first the stored glycogen in the muscles and then switching to fat burn from the adipose tissue to derive energy thereby facilitating weight loss. The theory behind this is, one is able to perform low intensity exercise for a longer duration than a high intensity one done for a short spurt of time which uses mainly the carbohydrate (glycogen) reserves.

However after one gets fitter, the body learns to metabolize the fat for energy better. So if a persons time duration for low intensity workout is the same, he/she will be able to burn fat faster than when he/she started out. Hence if they add a high intensity workout to the running, they will derive more benefit.

Running is the easiest form of exercise that can help you to lose weight fast by improving your metabolism. Start slow and easy, gradually increasing your duration. Do not try and do a Stallone in the first shot and give your heart a shock with the sudden amount of pumping you expect out of it. Make sure you stretch your quads, hamstrings, glutes and calf muscles. It will help in making the muscles supple and reduce chances of injury. When one stretches, one improves blood circulation, keeping the muscle fibers well hydrated. Choose a well fitted shoe with good cushioning, so as to reduce impact. It always helps to wear thicker socks for running. Get yourself a running partner to motivate you or a good playlist going if you enjoy your solitude. Running can even be meditative for some, if they learn to follow their breath. The gradual intake of breath and then release can actually dispense toxins from your body and leave you with a calmer state of mind.

So do as you must, and as you deem fit but do put on your shoes and hit the track.

DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.

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Mom-of-Two Loses 109 Lbs. by Using Exercise to Get Her Through Depression After Birth Complications –

Posted: June 10, 2017 at 2:46 pm

Brittany GreenslitBrittany Greenslit

Brittany Greenslit had reached 236 lbs. by the time she was pregnant with her first child at age 21.

The weight gain was not the result of my pregnancy, actually, she admits. The weight gain was a result of terrible food choices, lack of portion control and lack of exercise.

It wasnt until the St. Cloud, Minnesota-based office worker had a health scare that she decided to get healthy.

After my son was born via c-section, I had post-surgery complications that were bringing me into a depression, Greenslit, now 27, tells PEOPLE. My incision kept splitting open and mydoctor wouldnt give me the referral I needed in order to have corrective surgery, so for eight months I was in and out of her office trying to get it to heal. I ultimately ended up in the ER because it pulled open, and the ER doctor finally gave me the referral I needed in order to get the surgery done.

Greenslit was angry and hurt that her doctor did not give her a referral for corrective surgery sooner.

I was numb for a long time, because I was just a baby who had a baby and I trusted my doctor, she says. Exercise helped me cope, even if it was just walking, Pilates and yoga. It was my escape from a hard time that was suppose to be the best time of my life. I needed it and it saved me.

After her doctor cleared her for more intensive exercise post-surgery, Greenslit decided to try Jillian Michaels workout DVDs (available on the FitFusion platform with more exercises available on her app).

FROM PEN:Half Their Size: Lindita Weighed 250 lbs. Before Deciding To Lose The Weight

Jillian saved my life, says Greenslit. Thats a bold statement, but its the truth!I started with the modifications and low weights, and worked my way up. No matter how sore I was after the workouts, I always showed up the next day ready for more. Her saying Unless you faint, puke or die, keep going! became my motto.

Greenslit committed to doing Michaels DVDs, and ended up losing 109 lbs. and dropping from a size 20 to a size 4. She wanted a new workout challenge, so Greenslit decided to sign up for her first 5k, and added running to her at-home workout routine until getting pregnant again at 24.

I had to quit running due to back pain, but I stayed loyal to my Jillian workouts for as long as I could, even if it meant modifying and going at my own pace, she says. I gained 40 lbs. with my second pregnancy, and I was active throughout it. I even walked the treadmill the day I went into labor! Because I was active and healthy, I recovered quickly from my second c-section and the doctor cleared me for exercise after two weeks (with obvious modifications and restrictions).

After six months of committing to her Jillian Michaels workouts and running, Greenslit had lost all 40 lbs. of her pregnancy weight. When a friend challenged her to try for a half marathon, she was willing to give it a try.

When Im challenged, I dont back down, she says. Between running high miles and doing a variety of DVDs, I built my half marathon body and was able to run my first half in less than two hours, and took second in my age group! When I wanted to give up and thrown in the towel, Id always have a Jillian motivational quote run through my mind that would carry me through.

Greenslit has since completed three more half marathons, and is gearing up to run her fifth in September.

Not only can I keep up with both of my kids, but I also take pride in the fact that I went from one extreme to the next, she says. I went from being overweight, having low self-esteem, and not being active whatsoever, to being a healthy mother-of-two, confident in myself inside and out. Now I can set that example for my children and be a positive role model.

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The chance to win cash may double weight loss – Futurity: Research News

Posted: June 10, 2017 at 2:46 pm

Selling access to rewards programs that offer cash for meeting weight loss goals may incentivize program participants to lose more weight, new research suggests.

The workhas implications for insurance companies and employers looking for low-cost strategies to improve population health.

Eric Finkelstein, a professor at the Duke-NUS Medical School, used insights from behavioral economics to develop a rewards program aimed to address the disconnect between long-term health and short-term temptation. He then teamed up with Kwang Wei Tham from Singapore General Hospital (SGH) to test it out among overweight or obese adults.

In the randomized, eight-month-long, Singapore-based Trial on Incentives for Obesity (TRIO), 161 participants paid S$234 ($161 USD) to gain access to a 16-week intensive weight loss program.

The program required participants to attend weekly sessions at the Lifestyle Improvement and Fitness Enhancement (LIFE) Centre at SGH where they were taught skills to maintain a healthy lifestyle and encouraged to lose at least 5 percent of their body weight.

Participants also paid an additional S$165 ($119 USD) for the rewards program. Participants in this groupcould earn monthly rewards either in cash or as a lottery ticket with a one in 10 chance of winning 10 times the cash amount if they met monthly weight loss and step goals. Additional rewards were offered for meeting 5 percent or 8 percent weight loss goals at months four and eight.

The maximum possible reward value over the eight-month period was S$660 ($477 USD) if all weight loss and step goals were met. Those randomized to the control arm had their money returned and were ineligible for rewards.

At the end of month four, weight loss was more than twice as great in the rewards arm compared with the control arm (average 3.4 kg versus 1.4 kg weight loss). At months eight and 12, weight loss remained greater (average 3.3 kg vs. 1.8 kg weight loss at month eight and 2.3 kg vs 0.8 kg weight loss at month 12).

Moreover, more than three times as many rewards arm participants achieved 5 percent or greater weight loss at month four, relative to control arm participants (40 percent vs. 12 percent). At month four more than twice as many hit the 5 percent threshold (41percent vs. 21 percent) and the percentage with 5percent or greater weight loss was still greater at month 12 (28 percent vs. 17 percent).

The average payout to participants in the rewards arm was S$225.00 ($153 USD). After subtracting the fee to access the rewards, third party costs were S$60.00 per participant. Moreover, although only 42 percent of participants earned more than they paid in, ~80% reported satisfaction with the rewards scheme.

Our findings not only show the value of rewards to increase weight loss and weight loss maintenance, but they show it can be done in a manner that minimizes third party payments, such as those by employers or insurers. This should help to expand access to these types of programs, says Finkelstein.

Even small amounts of weight loss, sustained over time, confer great health benefits and can help prevent chronic disease. This study shows that the enhancement and maintenance of weight loss is feasible through a rewards program with participant ownership, coupled with an evidence-based, medical weight loss program, says Kwang Wei Tham, director of the LIFE Centre and senior consultant in the endocrinology department at SGH.

The study appears in the journal Social Science and Medicine. The NUS Initiative to Improve Health in Asia supported the research. The Global Asia Institute of the National University of Singapore and the Glaxo Smith Kline-Economic Development Board (Singapore) Trust Fund coordinated the work.

Source: National University of Singapore

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Shed Pounds, Get SmarterScience Proves It – Reader’s Digest

Posted: June 10, 2017 at 2:46 pm

pilipphoto/Shutterstock, ilolab/ShuttertockLosing weight to achieve a healthy BMI has plenty of known benefits, from lowered cholesterol to greatly reduced risk of stroke and heart attack. Still, there is one weight loss advantage youre probably unaware of: improved memory.

According to a recent study conducted by the Endocrine Society, weight loss in obese women can significantly improve brain function essential to memory tasks. Previous research has shown that obese people suffer impaired episodic memory (the type that allows us to place names to faces); thanks to the latest findings, we now know that the memory damage linked to severe weight gain can be regained.

Our findings suggest that obesity-associated impairments in memory function are reversible, adding incentive for weight loss, says study author Andreas Pettersson, MD, a PhD student at Umea University, Umea, Sweden, in Science Daily.

Dr. Pettersson and colleagues assigned 20 overweight and post-menopausal women to six months of healthy dieting. The average age of the participants was 61 years old, and the two diets used were the Paleolithic Diet and the Nordic Nutrition Diet. Before dieting, Dr. Pettersson recorded all the womens body fat, BMI (their body mass index), and memory abilities.

Episodic memory, in particular, was the focus of the study. This involved testing the subjects ability to memorize unknown pairs of faces and names presented on a screena process formally titled encoding. Later, the participants were shown the facial images along with three letters during functional MRI, and they were instructed to correctly choose the first letter of the name linked to each head shot.

Prior to the study, the womens average BMI was 32.1obesity is defined as having a BMI of 30 or greater. After the six-months of dieting, the average BMI dropped to 29.2, putting them below the obesity cutoff. At this point, participants were also performing notably better on memory tests; MRIs revealed that their brain activity increased in the brain regions that are important for identification and matching of faces. (Find out how to effectively boost your memory with these brain exercises.)

The altered brain activity after weight loss suggests that the brain becomes more active while storing new memories and therefore needs fewer brain resources to recollect stored information, Dr. Pettersson said.

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