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How to lose a stone – Safe weight loss tips – Red magazine
Posted: April 25, 2022 at 1:58 am
If you want to lost a stone, gradual weight loss is best. Short-term dieting and compulsive exercising may get you results in one way or another, but they're not sustainable for long-term weight loss, and aren't recommended as a healthy way to lose weight.
"Avoid fad or quick-fix diets," says registered dietician and nutrition researcher Tai Ibitoye. "Healthy eating should provide freedom not restriction," she adds, explaining that people who set themselves 'safe, achievable and sustainable' goals will become more confident in their ability to lose weight safely. They'll also set realistic targets for themselves to keep the weight off long-term.
Between 1 to 2 pounds (approximately 0.5-1kg) a week is a healthy and realistic target for weight loss, according to Ibitoye which would mean losing up to a stone across six weeks. However, depending on your body size and unique metabolism, you could lose more or less than that across a 4-6 week period.
"The amount of weight you lose is unique to the individual and depends on many different factors," says Gina, a qualified personal trainer and founder of inspirational online fitness platform Just Geen, who believes losing weight is 80% diet and 20% exercise.
Ibitoye says a common sense approach to eating is vital for safe and sustainable weight loss. She doesn't advise cutting out whole food groups (without any medical reason to do so), taking special food products, supplements or pills to lose a stone without any guidance from a registered health professional.
Many people looking to lose weight often go wrong by limiting their choices by sticking to one particular type of food, or meal, for a set amount of days or weeks. "Sticking to these types of diets in the long-term can be very challenging," she explains. Not only are they "no fun at all" but "these types of diets are nutritionally incomplete and don't provide you with the right amount of nutrients your body needs".
"Do not skip meals," says Ibitoye. "Have three regular and balanced meals throughout the day and include snacks between if you are physically hungry."
She also recommends reducing the amount of food and drink that are usually higher in fat, salt or added sugars, such as fried foods, cakes, biscuits, desserts and sugar-sweetened drinks, and instead opting for no-added sugar alternatives instead.
She notes that "these can be eaten occasionally, but in small quantities and less often."
Slices of apple with nut butter spread are great healthy alternatives, or try unsalted rice cakes, lightly salted plantain crisps, and lightly salted or plain popcorn.
Small handfuls of unsalted nuts or raisins, low-fat hummus or salsa with carrot, cucumber and celery sticks, and oat cakes are also great snacks.
Aim to increase your intake of fruit and vegetables because most of us are not eating enough of them. Include at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables each day; one portion is 80g which is about a handful.
An example of 1 portion includes: 2 medium plums, 1 medium banana or apple, 16 okra, 1 handful of vegetable sticks, 3 heaped tablespoons of peas, kidney beans or sweetcorn, 1 handful of grapes or 1 cereal bowl of mixed salad.
Fruit and vegetables are generally low in calories, fat and high in fibre (which can help you feel fuller for longer). They also contain important vitamins and minerals essential for your general health and wellbeing.
Consider having a small portion first to tune in and feel for when you're full. If you're still hungry, you can go back for seconds. It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain it's full, so eat slowly and stop before you feel uncomfortable.
Studying labels will help you choose healthier options when it comes to food and drinks. The traffic light colours on product packaging shows whether the product has a high (red), medium (amber) or low (green) amount of saturated fats, salt and sugars. Also use the calorie information to work out how a food or drink fits into your daily calorie allowance.
When it comes to eating during meal times, one healthy eating tip to incorporate is filling half the plate with vegetables and salad. Then divide the other half between protein sources (such as chicken, fish, meat, egg, beans or other plant-based protein sources) and starchy carbohydrates like rice, pasta or bread. Where possible, opt for wholegrain varieties - like brown rice, brown pasta, wholemeal bread and wholemeal chapati - and eat potatoes, with their skin on, as these are good sources of fibre.
If you drink alcohol, be mindful of how much you are consuming. Alcohol is high in calories and can lead to weight gain in some people. For example, 1g of alcohol provides about 7 calories (kcal) compared with 4kcal per gram for carbohydrates and protein. Alcohol has been shown to stimulate appetite, too, and encourage some people to eat more.
Having said this, the UK Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) have advised that it is safest not to drink more than 14 units a week on a regular basis, as too much alcohol can lead to long-term health problems. Cut down on the amount of alcohol you drink by having non-alcoholic drinks, low-alcohol and low-calorie drinks instead. Schedule in at least three drink-free days each week.
"Im a firm believer that you cannot out-train a bad diet so by getting your nutrition in line, it should make the exercise side of things easier," Gina says. She developed her online platform after finding fitness to be a huge stress relief after a particularly turbulent time in her life and thinks mixing weight training and HIIT is the best combination for great results in six weeks.
"Both training methods are good for you but in short, weight training is best for fat loss and building lean muscle. Whilst cardio will help with weight loss, improving cardiovascular health and 'uncovering' the muscle you've sculpted."
Ibitoye agrees: "Being more physically active can certainly help you lose weight and maintain a healthy body weight. The NHS recommends doing some type of physical activity every day. Any activity is good, the more done, the better."
She adds: "Find a physical activity that you find fun and enjoyable, as the more you enjoy it, the more you are likely to do it and be consistent. Try and make it part of your everyday routine, like walking or cycling to work, taking the dog for a walk, taking the stairs instead of the escalators or lift, getting off a few stops before your destination and walking there."
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Weight training is important in the weight loss process. This is because lifting weights can increase your lean body mass, which increases the number of overall calories you burn during the day. Your muscle mass largely determines your resting metabolic rate (how many calories you burn by just living and breathing). Therefore, the more muscle you have, the more energy your body uses up.
HIIT (High Intensity Training) is a convenient form of cardio which is short and intense with minimal rest periods in between. This type of training will encourage your body to burn calories even after you are done exercising.
LISS (Low-Intensity Steady State) is low-intensity exercise, anywhere from 40 minutes onwards. It has been proven to trim excess body fat without affecting muscle growth by using fat stores as energy rather than carbs or glucose. Also, as it is not as as taxing on the body, youre able to do it frequently without the need for recovery.
Gina says she'd recommend "two to four strength sessions and one to two cardio-based sessions a week for six weeks. For beginners, I would start at three overall sessions a week and build up from there."
Monday: Upper BodyTuesday: Lower Body, Abs & LISSWednesday: Full BodyThursday: RestFriday: Lower Body & AbsSaturday: HIITSunday: Rest
"Weight loss is different for everyone," Gina says, "but the basic idea is simple - eat (around 10%) less than you normally would, drink lots of water and move regularly."
Ibitoye agrees, and advises the best way to lose weight safely is to get the right support and seek professional advice. "Some people need that extra support to reach their goals," she says. "Decide who can help you through your journey and the best way that they can support you. This could be asking a friend to help you keep accountable. It is also worth seeking dietary advice from a registered dietitian to ensure you achieve safe, healthy and long-lasting results."
Women who are pregnant are not advised to lose weight. Gaining weight during pregnancy is natural. However, if they are concerned about weight gain, they should seek advice from their Doctor or Registered Dietitian
People with an existing medical condition such as type 2 diabetes, who are considering to lose weight, should always seek advice from their GP and Registered Dietitian for tailored medical and dietary advice.
Different approaches to weight loss will be successful for different people. One size does not fit all. However, a Registered Dietitian can help provide individualised dietary advice and plans to meet your health and nutrition goals.
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How to lose a stone - Safe weight loss tips - Red magazine
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Look and feel healthier in just 21 days with this proven intermittent fasting plan – The Hill
Posted: April 25, 2022 at 1:56 am
The Hill may be compensated and/or receive an affiliate commission if you buy through our links.
Losing body fat quickly is easier said than done. In fact, studies show that more Americans than ever are trying to lose weight but few are succeeding.
One of the tried and tested solutions to both lose excess weight and create an overall healthier lifestyle is through intermittent fasting. Its why a review by Harvard of 40 different studies found that intermittent fasting was effective for weight loss, with a typical loss of 7-11 pounds over 10 weeks.
The best way to start with intermittent fasting is with your own dedicated meal plan and the 21-Day Intermittent Fasting Challenge: Guide & Meal Plan to Lose Weight is one of the best. Its also on sale now, too. Usually $99, right now you can grab lifetime access to the plan for just $19.
The 21-Day Intermittent Fasting Challenge will set you up with all the materials to look and feel better in just three weeks. That includes a 21-day meal plan which includes two meals and one snack a day, all created with optimized nutrition in mind, a guide to the foods you should be looking for (and what to avoid), a weekly shopping list to make sticking to your meal plan a breeze, an introduction to the different types of fasting and how to combine intermittent fasting with your workout regime.
With this plan, youll be taking on the most sustainable method of intermittent fasting namely, the 16/8 Fasting method. The concept is simple: youll consume all your food during eight hours, and fast for the other sixteen. All the while, the plan will keep you on track and feeling fantastic.
Youll also get daily actions, inspiration, and email check-ins sent directly to your inbox, as well as prompts across your devices. Sticking to the plan is simple and second nature, so by the end of your 21-day challenge, youll be feeling healthier and have an improved relationship with food and making healthy choices.
Youll be joining more than 1000 people who have already successfully lost weight with the same challenge and youll even get exclusive access to a community of like-minded users who are also on the challenge and there to support one another.
Get the 21-Day Intermittent Fasting Challenge: Guide & Meal Plan to Lose Weight on sale now for $19 thats 80% off the regular price of $99.
Prices subject to change.
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Look and feel healthier in just 21 days with this proven intermittent fasting plan - The Hill
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125 Motivational Weight Loss Quotes To Get You Started (2021)
Posted: April 25, 2022 at 1:56 am
If you are on a journey to weight loss and healthy living, these motivational weight loss quotes are sure to inspire you. Share your favorite of these quotes in the comments below.
Whether its a little or a lot, losing weight and keeping it off is no easy task.
Why are motivational weight lossquotes so important? Well, its simpleweve all had goals to lose weight, burn fat and feel lighter.
Having high energy is essential for living a high standard of life since it directly affects our mood, relationships, productivity and overall confidence.
Whether we are trying to lose weight for looks or feel, we all need some extra motivation.
These motivational quotes for weight loss are not the cure, but they can help lift your mood when you feel like giving up.
For more inspiration, also check out our compilation of quotes on health.
1. If it was about knowledge, we would all be skinny and rich. Its not about what you know but what you do!
2. The distance between who am I am and who I want to be is only separated by what I do!
3. The only bad workout is the one that didnt happen.
4. To change your body you must first change your mind.
5. Someone busier than you is running right now.
6. Working out is never convenient. But neither is illness, diabetes and obesity!
7. I dont stop when Im tired, I stop when Im DONE!
8. I dont work hard because I hate my body. I workout because I love it!
9. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable!
10. When it burns, is when youre just getting started. Thats when you get stronger!
11. If you have 30 minutes for Facebook, you have 1 hour for the gym!
12. The best way to predict your health is to create it.
14. You cant run from all your problems, but it will help you lose weight.
15. Get started as if you are motivated. Pretend. And the motivation will come!
If youre enjoying these quotes, youll love our collection of short motivational quotes that will get you ready to tackle the day.
16. Excuses dont burn calories.
17. Your body hears everything your mind says. Keep going. You can!
If youre enjoying these quotes, make sure to read our collection of keep pushing quotes about moving forward.
18. Dont stop until youre proud.
19. You dont have to go fast, you just have to go.
20. If youre tired of starting over; stop giving up!
21. On the other side of your workout is the body and health you want!
22. The question isnt can you, its will you!
23. Workouts are like life. The harder it is, the STRONGER YOU BECOME!
24. If no one thinks you can, then you have to!
25. If you still look good at the end of your workoutyou didnt work hard enough!
26. Im not running a marathon or a 5 K. I have no upcoming competitions and I dont plan on going to the beach. I am working out like my life depends on it. Because it does!
27. FOR LAUGHS: The reason fat men are good-natured is they can neither fight nor run. Theodore Roosevelt
Also, read these amazing movement quotes for fitness inspiration.
28. Fitness is like marriage, you cant cheat on it and expect it to work. Bonnie Pfiester
29. To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise. Gene Tunney
30. Make time for it. Just get it done. Nobody ever got strong or got in shape by thinking about it. They did it. Jim Wendler
31. Weight loss is not impossible. Weight loss is hard, but hard is not the same as impossible. Author Unknown
32. Even if you are on the right track, youll get run over if you just sit there. Will Rogers
33. Marathon runners dont worry about the conditions, they just run anyway! Author Unknown
34. Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. Elizabeth Berg
35. Champions keep playing until they get it right Billie Jean King
36. Walking: the most ancient exercise and still the best modern exercise. ~Carrie Latet
37. If you arent going all the way, why go at all? Joe Namath
38. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out. Robert Collier
39. Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better. ~Emilie Coue
40. Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness. ~Edward Stanley
If youre enjoying these quotes, youll love our collection of exercise quotes to inspire long term thinking.
41. Just believe in yourself. Even if you dont, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will. Venus Williams
42. Dont reward yourself with food. You are not a dog. Unknown
43. Every weight loss program, no matter how positively its packaged, whispers to you that youre not right. Youre not good enough. Youre unacceptable and you need to be fixed. Kim Brittingham
44. The only successful way to reach and maintain a healthy weight is to find what works for you. Author Unknown
45. Getting my lifelong weight struggle under control has come from a process of treating myself as well as I treat others in every way. Oprah Winfrey
46. Dont compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to the person from yesterday. Author Unknown
47. A huge part of losing weight is believing you can do it and realizing its not going to happen overnight. Author Unknown
48. The hardest step to fitness is the first. Take it now! Heather Montgomery
49. Your body can do anything. Its your mind that needs convincing Unknown
50. Your goals are as good as your actions. No action taken, no goals achieved Derric Yuh Ndim
You might also like these awesome vegan quotes to inspire your new diet.
51. If you have discipline, drive, and determination nothing is impossible. Dana Linn Bailey
52. Eliminate the mindset of cant because you can do anything. Toni Horton
53. Some people want it to happen. Some wish it would happen. Others make it happen. Michael Jordan
54. Exercise should be regarded as a tribute to the heart. Gene Tunney
55. If you dont do whats best for your body, youre the one who comes up on the short end. Julius Erving
56. When you feel like quitting, think about why you started. Author Unknown
57. If you keep good food in your fridge, you will eat good food. Errick McAdams
58. If you wait, all that happens is you get older. Larry McMurtry
59. To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life. William Londen
60. Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me. Anonymous
61. I always believed if you take care of your body it will take care of you. Ted Lindsay
62. It is better to take small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward. Proverb
63. The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power. Mary Pickford
64. Weight loss doesnt begin in the gym with a dumbbell; it starts in your head with a decision. Toni Sorenson
65. Triumph by putting a little soul into it! Nancy Mure
If youre enjoying this article, be sure to also check out our collection of healthy eating quotes celebrating better food choices.
66. We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons Jim Rohn
67. We are what we repeatedly do; therefore excellence is not merely an act, but a habit. Aristotle
68. Whatever youre meant to do, do it now. The conditions are always impossible. Doris Lessing
69. To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness. Bertrand Russell
70. Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Napoleon Hill
71. If you only do what is easy, you will always remain weak. Joyce Meyer
72. To think is easy. To act is hard. But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with your thinking. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
73. I have learned over the years that when ones mind is made up, this diminishes fear. Rosa Parks
74. If you want to be skinny do what skinny people do. Brian Wansink
75. Eat responsibly. You dont have to be a saint with your food, but you cant eat like every day is thanksgiving either. Brad Pilon
76. Think of your workouts as important meetings youve scheduled with yourself. Bosses dont cancel. Unknown
77. Strength doesnt come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldnt. Nikki Rogers
78. You must tell yourself, no matter how hard it is, or how hard it gets, Im going to make it. Unknown
79. To lose weight permanently requires faith faith there is a bigger life waiting for you beyond food and weight. Catherine L. Taylor
80. Results happen over time, not overnight. Work hard, stay consistent and be patient. Unknown
If youre enjoying these quotes, youll love our collection of consistency quotes to inspire long term thinking.
81. Success is what comes after you stop making excuses. Luis Galarza
82. Good habits are as addictive as bad habits. But far more rewarding. Karen Salmansohn
83. Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments. Bethenny Frankel
84. There are only two options regarding commitment; youre either in or youre out. Theres no such thing as life in-between. Pat Riley
85. Everything you can imagine about how you will look and feel when you lose weight is real. Felicity Luckey
86. With discipline, you can lose weight, you can excel in work, you can win the war. Amit Kalantri
87. The empowering thought is that busy hands cannot eat! Nancy Mure
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125 Motivational Weight Loss Quotes To Get You Started (2021)
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Robotic-assisted knee replacement: Enhanced precision and faster recovery – SCNow
Posted: April 25, 2022 at 1:56 am
Dr. Chad ThurmanMcLeod Health
FLORENCE, S.C. A knee replacement is a very effective treatment for many patients with arthritis, which is one of the most common causes of knee pain in adults and can lead to poor mobility.
The addition of robotic-assisted orthopedic surgery to the outpatient joint replacement program at McLeod Regional Medical Center gives us the opportunity to bring the latest in orthopedic technology and innovation to Florence.
Just like in conventional knee replacement surgery, robotic knee replacement surgery involves removing the damaged cartilage and abnormal bone and replacing all or part of the knee joint with an artificial joint. The goal in knee replacement surgery is to give patients a new knee that fits as close as possible to their original knee prior to their arthritis pain or degeneration. Robotic-assisted knee replacement lends fine-tuned precision and consistency to the procedure, giving patients the most personalized knee replacement possible.
After surgery, physical therapy is often part of a patients recovery to help restore the strength and range of motion of the knee. Most individuals are back to their everyday activities within two to three months after surgery, but recovery depends on many factors such as age, weight, and activity level prior to surgery. In a robotic-assisted knee replacement, patients often require less time in therapy and can return to activities even more quickly, because of the enhanced accuracy and precision. Other benefits of robotic-assisted knee surgery include reduced blood loss and reduced soft tissue damage, which translates to lower narcotic use.
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Robotic-assisted knee replacement surgery allows the surgeon to perform complex procedures with more precision, flexibility and control than is possible with traditional techniques. We often think of robotic surgery as the physician being outside of the operating room or away from the operating table, controlling the robot from a distance. However, during robotic-assisted knee replacement, the surgeons hands are on the equipment the entire time, directly maneuvering the robots every move while at the operating table. Before the surgery begins, the robot can analyze the knees unique size and anatomy, and communicates the exact alignment, angles, and rotation of both the knee and the saw before making any incisions. An infrared camera and optical trackers provide real-time feedback as the surgeon continuously adjusts the robot during the procedure, leading to an extremely well-balanced and accurate knee replacement. For the patient, this means a precise and personalized fit, which leads to a greater range of motion, less pain and a faster recovery than with traditional joint replacement surgery.
Before deciding that a knee replacement is the best option for you, your doctor may try more conservative treatment, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Motrin or Aleve, steroid injections into the joint, physical therapy or weight loss.
You may be a candidate for a knee replacement if you have the following symptoms: knee pain that keeps you awake at night, knee pain that sidelines you from activities, and knee pain that limits daily functions such as climbing stairs. If your conservative treatment of chronic knee pain is no longer working, then it may be time to consider a knee replacement. The first step is to have a medical exam with an orthopedic specialist. Weight-bearing X-rays can usually help your doctor determine the condition of the knee. Knowing the condition of the knee prior to surgery helps your doctor determine how much improvement you can expect after surgery.
With robotic-assisted surgery, there are significant improvements in recovery and post-operative pain management for knee replacements, with patients often being able to discharge home from the hospital the same day as their procedure.
Knee replacement is one of the most effective and reliable medical procedures performed. It can significantly reduce pain and improve your ability to move.
Determining if robotic-assisted knee replacement is right for you requires careful evaluation and consultation with an orthopedic surgeon.
Dr. Chad Thurman is an orthopedic surgeon at McLeod Regional Medical Center and cares for patients at McLeod Orthopaedics in Florence and Hartsville. He specializes in total joint replacement of the knee and hip and performs robotic-assisted knee replacements. Dr. Thurman is accepting new patients. For more information, call 843-777-7900.
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Mint (Pudina) helps to cut ‘Belly Fat’ and lose weight; how? Read this NOW – Asianet Newsable
Posted: April 25, 2022 at 1:56 am
First Published Apr 24, 2022, 11:36 AM IST
Pudina (or mint) has been highly appreciated by Ayurveda for its tremendous medical properties, in addition to flavouring our foods and beverages.
Pudina's refreshing deliciousness can elevate the taste of everything, from chutneys to raitas and mojitos to mint. In terms of mint production, India is lucky. Ayurveda has rated pudina (or mint) highly for its great medical properties and flavouring our foods and beverages.
The main oil in mint, menthol, has antiseptic and antibacterial characteristics that can aid indigestion. Mint is also beneficial for controlling blood sugar levels. It's full of anti-inflammatory effects, which might be a lifesaver for people living with asthma. Because mint leaves contain germicidal characteristics, chewing on them can help freshen your breath quickly.
Furthermore, a large number of mint leaves may assist you in losing a pound or two. And you thought losing weight meant eating dull, unappealing food? Know how Mint leaves can help lose weight
Boosts metabolism: Mint promotes digestive enzymes, which aid in more excellent nutritional absorption from the diet. Your metabolism improves when your body can absorb nutrients adequately. A quicker metabolism aids weight reduction.
Low calories: The herb has a low-calorie content. Two teaspoons of fresh peppermint have just two calories, making it an excellent herb for a weight-loss regimen.
Use Mint Leaves For Weight LossMint-infused water: This is perhaps the simplest method to eat mint for weight reduction while staying fresh and energised throughout the day. Fill a pitcher halfway with water, add 5-6 mint leaves and chill overnight. Continue to drink this flavoured water throughout the day. If desired, a dash of lime and diced cucumbers can be added to the tumbler or bottle.
Mint tea: You may also add the zesty herb to your tea. This tea can boost your metabolism and help you lose weight around your midsection. Get some dried mint leaves and put them in a pot of boiling water. Allow 810 minutes for the drink to steep. Remove the strainer and serve. You may also flavour the beverage with a spoon of honey if desired. Also Read:Planning for IVF? Here are critical things to remember for successful IVF pregnancy
Mint raita: Your favourite summer meal might also help you lose weight. Yogurt is particularly beneficial to your gut microbiota. Gut health is essential for excellent digestion, which boosts your chances of losing weight in the long run. With this fantastic mint raita recipe, you can create this delectable dessert at home; leave out the sugar. Also Read:Want to lose weight? Eat these 5 low-carb 'Keto' rotis and see the result
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Mint (Pudina) helps to cut 'Belly Fat' and lose weight; how? Read this NOW - Asianet Newsable
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Rebel Wilson kickstarted 5.5st weight loss with alkaline-diet and ‘cancelling dinner’ – Express
Posted: April 25, 2022 at 1:56 am
Rebel Wilson has lost an incredible amount of weight - 5.5stone or 35kg over the last few years. While the Australian actress attributed her slimmer physique to daily walks and a calorie deficit, she is also said to have followed the Mayr Method diet plan when staying at a retreat back in 2020. Here's what the retreat offers in terms of meals.
According to reports, Rebel jump-started her health and fitness journey at Viva Mayr, a luxurious Austrian spa.
In December 2020, the Hollywood star told her 10.6 million Instagram followers: Thank you to Dr Schubert and all of the team @vivamayraltaussee in beautiful Austria.
Im going to start 2021 in an amazing place, with a healthy body and mind...and boosted immune system!
Love the care you all put into your patients - I am so grateful! Now on to maintaining the weight loss and the healthy lifestyle!
READ MORE:Meghan Markle swapped daily runs for gym workouts to stay slim
As part of the detoxification process, there is no sugar, no caffeine, no booze and no raw food.
Dr Schubert said: Its a calming therapy for your gut system so were aiming for easily digestible food.
Explaining an alkaline diet, he said: "As a simple rule, we say people should eat two thirds vegetables and a third protein or carbohydrates."
In terms of the breakfast that is on offer at the retreat, vegetable omelettes, or avocado cream with smoked salmon are available.
While Dr Schubert was unable to disclose precise details of Rebels regime, he explained: "The goal is always to achieve the most powerful immune system possible.
Rebel has done amazingly well. Her willpower, discipline and focus on her health journey has been her success.
"She was very disciplined after her stay. Shes done really well because shes keeping up with her sport, The Mirror reported.
Since the retreat, Rebel ensures she exercises regularly, she is a fan of incline walking.
The actress also has a personal trainer, and listens to uplifting motivational podcasts.
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Rebel Wilson kickstarted 5.5st weight loss with alkaline-diet and 'cancelling dinner' - Express
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[Kitchen 143] Curious about keto? Here’s what happened to my body – Rappler
Posted: April 25, 2022 at 1:56 am
More than a year ago, Nino mentioned to me that he wanted to go keto. He cited a couple of different articles as to what happens when the body goes into ketosis, and how he thought it would be good for him if we looked into it. I wasnt ready to explore it as a dietary option, because I knew it would mean a lot of work for me, since I prepare most of our meals at home. We quickly came to an agreement to try out this new lifestyle when I stumbled on Ketoveganph through the Ketolivingph Founder and entrepreneur Kath Buendia. Through our experiences, Nino and I learned many things about each other, our eating habits, and our commitment to health. And because of my experience, I am excited to share five things I learned by committing to the keto vegan lifestyle.
I have always been a firm believer that I can eat everything in moderation as long as I was careful and mindful of what I was putting in my body. However, in my past quests to make healthier choices, I figured out that my food intolerances were wheat, eggs, and dairy. Staying away from these foods enabled me to analyze how I felt physically, when I ingested my forbidden favorites, in spite of my leaky gut.
Returning to a very basic diet and limiting my caloric intake seemed drastic at first, but when I started to see and feel results, I became even more committed to my short-term goals of weight loss and jumpstarting my mission of a healthier middle-aged me.
The basics of a ketogenic diet include:
In short, Ketosis is a metabolic state in which your body uses fat for fuel instead of carbs. Modifying your diet and practicing intermittent fasting can help you enter ketosis faster.
Lifestyle, beauty, and wellness advocate Kath Buendia shares that a low-carb lifestyle is ideal for individuals who have diabetes and high blood pressure. Other individuals who have a specific weight loss goal in mind can benefit from the keto lifestyle and low carb intake, too. She and her partner, JV, founded Ketolivingph when he shed a considerable amount of weight from his own experiences with this new, to them, diet. They knew and understood that many people struggled with weight and health issues, so they studied, researched, and met with experts to introduce a diet plan that could yield results for those who could commit.
There are a variety of ways you will know that you are in a state of ketosis. Sometimes, you will experience a keto-like flu. These symptoms can present themselves when your body is adjusting to the new low-carb intake and can include nausea, irratibility, weakness, vomiting, muscle cramps, headache, dizziness, difficulty sleeping, and intense sugar cravings, among others.
Admittedly, I didnt experience many of these flu-like symptoms. Nino definitely experienced more symptoms of the keto flu than I did. However, I was a bit irritable because I craved sugar and carbs. Kath shares that one can do their best to avoid these keto flu-like symptoms by staying hydrated all throughout the process.
If one wants to test whether or not they are in ketosis, monitoring urine output with ketone urine strips can measure the level of ketones in your output. Additionally, some people can experience bad breath, natural appetite suppression, increased focus and energy, and insomnia.
As with any change in your intake or lifestyle, it is important to consult your doctor before making drastic adjustments. I have been bugging Nino to visit the doctor because he did so well with Keto Living that he lost close to 40 pounds in three months. The challenge for him is to continue to make healthier choices while incorporating more physical activities to build strength and muscle after losing all that weight.
Here are some long-term risks that I found while researching:
It is uber important to cycle on and OFF keto for your health. Staying on a limiting diet for a long time can actually do more damage to your body than good. In our case, using this diet as a jumpstart on our #Roadto50 was the perfect way for both of us to tune into our bodies and get in sync with one another in our healthier choices.
Kath suggests educating yourself,and choosing the right plan that suits your needs and dietary preferences. Keto newbies can start with any of the premium plans from Ketolivingph, Ketopescaph, Ketovegetarianph, or Ketoveganph, which includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack. Supplementing with juices and smoothies from another sister company, BetterJuicemnl, can help with the adjustment as well.
1. Chew slow
Gosh, even if we have been in quarantine for more than two years, I realized I wasnt exactly mindful of my intake. I could see how if I would wait too long to eat, I would binge on snacks. Chewing slow, eating only when hungry, with meals packed portioned and weighed for me, allowed me to become more mindful of even how I CHEW.
Chewing with intent also gave me time to enjoy my food, and the company sitting around the table while I ate.
2. Portion control
Admittedly, the first week of being on this calorie-deficient meal plan was quite difficult. I wasnt used to the smaller portions, and in order to make it through the day, I messaged Kath Buendia often. I would ask what was safe to eat while trying to achieve a state of ketosis at least once a day.
I would send her photos of nutrition labels to check if what was being sold as keto was actually safe to eat. (Believe me, there are fakers out there, too!) In that first week of adjustment, Nino and I would weigh out almonds, macadamia nuts, and even pine nuts in 50g snack bags to help survive those hanger pains.
Which leads me to my next learning lesson (and probably the biggest) of this entire experience.
3. There is such a thing as leptin resistance
I started my keto journey just after Mothers Day in 2021, and stayed on keto for three months. After two weeks of receiving my keto vegan meals, I realized that I couldnt finish what was being sent to me on a daily basis. I asked Kath if she had upgraded my meal plan to an extra-large plan because I couldnt understand why I found it so difficult to finish each of my three meals.
So what does it mean when we are leptin-resistant?
People who are leptin-resistant usually have high levels of leptin, but the leptin signal doesnt work properly. So, not only does the brain not get the signal properly, but it will have you thinking that you are hungry when you are not. And this condition even limits the calories your body will burn.
After my body set into ketosis, I went through so many changes. The biggest change was the inches I lost immediately. I didnt lose weight right away. In fact, I had to stop comparing myself to Ninos dramatic weight loss because I started to feel bad. Thankfully, it was Kath who said: dont weigh yourself. Just monitor how you feel and how your clothes fit.
4. I can survive on mostly veggies
Keto + vegan was a necessity for me. Because of my wheat, dairy, and egg intolerances, I knew that it was important for me to monitor my intake and go vegan. This added to the physical benefits of weight loss and measurements in more ways than one. I followed the meal plan strictly during the week, but since we prepared our own meals on the weekends, I would up my leafy greens and add grilled proteins of either meat or fish when I craved it.
I didnt miss the meat as much as I thought I would, but at least once a month, I did crave a nice piece of steak.
5. Bye bye brain fog
Once I was in ketosis, I felt better. I had more energy. I slept better. I was not bloated. And I had a mental clarity that I had not experienced in YEARS. I had a renewed inspiration to write. I started pitching new projects, and felt like I had the ability to be more organized and clear in my thinking.
In short, by week three and four, I felt better than ever. And this was largely due to the commitment of staying vegan and eliminating food that I was intolerant of. Staying keto vegan for three months put me on the path to healing my leaky gut.
I have often said that you give someone the chance to be better once you educate them. I use this when Im speaking to groups of individuals as we establish new Best Buddies Philippines friendship chapters in schools or corporations.
This same principle applies when we train ourselves to eat properly. My keto journey empowered me to make better choices in my food intake by keeping things simple. Having healthy keto food delivered to our doorstep made it easy to stay committed to this way of life. Supported by the keto community Kath has nurtured, 33 enabled us to stay on track, share our experiences, and learn from others success stories. When we are armed with information, a support group, and the understanding that it doesnt have to be complicated, we can all make healthier choices.
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[Kitchen 143] Curious about keto? Here's what happened to my body - Rappler
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16 Best High Protein Foods Weight Loss – Food List – Men’s Health
Posted: April 25, 2022 at 1:56 am
The first step to losing weight is rethinking your diet.
Weight loss comes down to energy balancemeaning you have to consistently burn more calories than you eat. High-protein foods help out with both sides of the energy balance equation, says Kim Yawitz, a registered dietitian and gym owner in St. Louis, MO.
First, high-protein foods can help boost your metabolism, both short- and long-term, Yawitz says, adding that eating a protein-heavy meal temporarily increases calorie burn, simply because your body has to work harder to digest and metabolize protein compared to fats and carbs. Over time, incorporating more high-protein foods can also help protect against muscle loss while in a calorie deficit, allowing you to eat more calories while still losing weight.
As a bonus, high-protein foods are also highly satiating, says Yawitz, especially when pitted against high-carb foods (bread, pasta, rice, etc.). In this way, eating more protein at meals and snacks can help you to eat fewer calories overall when youre trying to lose weight.
To preserve muscle mass, Yawitz typically recommends starting with 0.8-1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day on a weight loss diet. For instance, if you weigh 150 pounds, that amounts to 120 grams to 150 grams per day. Keep in mind that eating too many calories overall will make you gain weight, even if those calories come from high-quality proteins, says Yawitz. You may need to reduce your carb and fat intake, especially if youre eating a lot more protein than normal.
Another thing thats important to keep in mind as you increase your protein intake is to drink more water. In one small study, athletes on high-protein diets were more likely to be dehydrated than those who ate less protein. In this study, the athletes didnt feel especially thirsty even when their urine showed markers of dehydration, she says, noting that drinking water throughout the day can help you feel and function your best even if you dont feel parched, plus it may even help with your weight loss efforts.
Ahead, 16 such high-protein foods that can help with weight loss.
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I stock my freezer with tilapia, which provides 30 grams of protein per four-ounce serving, and is also low in calories, says Yawitz. Whether you opt for tuna, tilapia, sardines, anchovies, or something else, fish is very filling, making it a great choice when youre cutting calories, says Yawitz.
This is one of my favorite proteins because it not only boasts 19 grams of high-quality protein per 3 ounces cooked, it also boasts EPA and DHA omega-3s, says Amy Gorin, R.D.N., an inclusive plant-based dietitian in Stamford, CT. These healthy fats help keep you fuller for longer (in addition to helping with heart health), she says.
"I love to make my own salmon bacon, says Gorin. Check out Gorins recipe for homemade salmon bacon here.
Heres another fish worth singling out when it comes to being high in protein and a good option for those trying to lose weight. Mackerel is low in mercury and packs a ton of protein; it has 33 grams per filet, says Kylie Ivanir M.S., R.D. Protein increases cholecystokinin (CKK), a hormone related to satiation, she says.
These are one of Gorins favorite plant-based foods to load up on because they are a complete protein, meaning they contain all nine essential amino acids that your body is unable to make on its own. She also likes that pistachios are one of the highest protein nuts, with a quarter-cup serving providing six grams of protein, adding that since pistachios contain a trifecta of protein, fiber, and better-for-you fats, they help keep you fuller for longer which can help with weight management.
Just cup of low-fat cottage cheese contains 14 grams of belly-filling protein, says Yawitz. You can stick to a cup if you need a small snack, or top a double portion with fruits or raw veggies for an easy meal.
Theres good reason egg whites have a good reputation as a protein-rich food that helps with weight management. By opting to eat egg whites rather than both the white and the yolk you cut down on a significant amount of calories without losing much protein, says Trista K. Best, M.P.H., R.D., at Balance One Supplements.
The calories in eggs goes from around 70 to less than 20 when you cut out the yolk and only lose two grams of protein. This continues to be a protein-rich food that can aid in weight loss by both keeping you full and cutting down on calories," says Best.
Almond butter, in particular, packs a significant amount of nutrients including monounsaturated fat, vitamin E, fiber and protein. A quality almond butter will have less than two grams of sugar, Best says. Protein is also a valuable nutrient when choosing an almond butter. An adequate amount of protein in a serving of almond butter is around six-to-seven grams.
Its not always easy to follow a high-protein diet, especially if youre always on the go. I keep whey protein powder and a shaker bottle on hand for days when I struggle to hit my protein goals, says Yawitz. Look for a brand thats third-party tested, and that has at least 25 grams of protein per scoop and not a lot of added ingredients. Need a good recommendation? These are the best whey protein powders to buy right now.
Mackenzie Burgess, registered dietitian nutritionist and recipe developer at Cheerful Choices, recommends choosing grass-fed beef thanks to its higher amounts of nutrients like omega-3s and antioxidants. Plus, it packs in substantial protein, which helps us feel fuller longer and may help reduce the overall calorie intake for the day," Burgess says.
Yes, tofu is the new king of protein. Tofu is a favorite plant protein because its so versatile. It picks up the flavor of whatever its cooked with, and baked tofu is so delicious, says Gorin. Plus, tofu is a complete vegan protein that provides protein and fibera combination that helps to keep you fuller for longer. Half a cup of firm tofu provides 22 grams of protein.
Soy foods in general are another group of grub to keep in mind if youre trying to load up on protein and drop weight. Soy is a high protein food that is beneficial for a weight loss diet because it also contains fiber, says Banna. Fiber is important to help you stay full and avoid overeating. Along with tofu, try edamame, miso, and tempeh (more on tempeh below).
As Burgess puts it, don't knock it till you try it. At 31 grams of protein per cup, tempeh has a firm texture and surprisingly nutty taste. Its made from fermented soy beans, making it a versatile, protein-packed choice for a meatless meal, she says. Try sauting tempeh cubes in a veggie stir-fry or grilling as kabobs, Burgess suggests.
Pea protein powder contains the magical combination for weight loss of both protein and fiber which keep you satisfied, while maintaining energy levels and keeping blood sugar levels stable, say Lyssie Lakatos, R.D.N. and Tammy Lakatos Shames, R.D.N., The Nutrition Twins.
No more energy crashes and blood sugar dips that result in sugar and salt cravings and unwanted calories from unplanned snacks. Plus, pea protein can aid in weight loss even when calories arent restricted, and it also has been found to be more effective than whey protein at fighting against hunger. Check out our guide to pea protein powders here.
Black lentils pack in 18 grams of protein per cup and the protein aids in weight loss, says Ivanir. The fiber in black lentils also slows digestion, keeping us full and reducing cravings throughout the day.
The fiber in beans will keep consumers satisfied long after a meal which can prevent overeating, says Best. If you can, pair beans with rice: Beans are also rich in protein and eating them along with rice is the best way to get in all nine essential amino acids. Taking in all essential amino acids is necessary for a healthy life and combining rice and beans provides the right combination of amino acids to achieve this.
Pumpkin seeds are high in protein, containing 12 grams per cup, says Ivanir. The protein content will keep blood sugar levels in check, aiding in weight loss, she continues, elaborating that the seeds are rich in fiber, which feeds beneficial microbes in the gut.
New to this probiotic beverage? Its time to add it to your routine regularly. Just one glass of kefir contains nine grams of protein! Protein decreases neuropeptide Y (NPY), the Im craving carbs hormone. Carbs derail weight loss efforts by spiking blood sugar, says Ivanir. Look for brands that have no added sugar, she says.
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The Fat Loss Myth You Want to Be True: Spot Fat Reduction – BarBend
Posted: April 25, 2022 at 1:56 am
You do everything your coach tells you to do. Youre working out three or four times a week; youre going on long walks on your active recovery days; youre actually eating fruit and veggies every single day. And still theres that one part of your body that you flinch at when you glance in a mirror.
Its not surprising that many people want to change their problem areas when body image issues are so common throughout society. How could you not feel some kind of way about your body after scrolling through carefully-manipulated images on Instagram and checking out the bodies of people whose entire career is training? But if youve stumbled on the pervasive idea of spot fat reduction as a way to get rid of your belly fat, you might want to think again.
Of all the fat loss myths out there, spot fat reduction or just spot reduction persists as chief among them. Science says it just doesnt work like that, but athletes still hope it will. Figuring out exactly what the idea behind spot fat reduction is and learning why it is a myth can help you adjust your training to actually help get your body closer to where you want it to be.
Editors note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it shouldnt take the place of advice and/or supervision from a medical professional. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. Speak with your physician if you have any concerns.
Spot fat reduction is a form of training that focuses on reducing subcutaneous fat in a particular part of your body. The logic is that by emphasizing a certain body part during your workout, youll encourage fat loss in that particular area.
For example, people may perform seemingly endless Russian twists and side planks if theyre not happy with the sides of their torso or hips. Or, an athlete might focus almost exclusively on bench presses and dumbbell flyes if theyre looking to reduce the size of their breasts.
There really isnt a way around it resistance training doesnt produce spot reduction. (1)(2) Although you cant lose body fat around your abdominals with crunches alone, supplementing cardio-based circuit training with core exercises might help reduce belly fat. (3) This makes sense, as core-specific exercises alone dont provide enough exercise intensity to create the calorie deficit that you need to lose weight. Adding cardio-based circuits to core training can, however, contribute to creating that deficit.
When someone has a goal of losing belly fat and follows an intense exercise program that includes core training, its tempting to conclude that this is, indeed, spot reduction. People lose body fat at different rates from different areas. If those areas happen to be the ones someone was hoping to lose fat from, then yes it might look like spot fat reduction at a glance. But research has shown that, for example, performing extra triceps exercises in the hopes of spot reducing fat from your upper arms doesnt work. (3)
Even if a training program is effective at reducing overall fat mass, emphasizing a particular part of your body wont make you lose more fat there. (4) In a study where participants trained their non-dominant leg three times a week for 12 weeks, overall fat mass went down but there wasnt a difference between their two legs. (4)
All that abdominal training certainly doesnt go to waste. Even though focusing solely on core workouts wont reduce body fat around your abs, it can significantly increase your abdominal muscle endurance. (5) Thats very important if youre interested in performing heavy compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, and overhead presses. Core strength and endurance are huge contributors to being able to lift heavy and often. Lifting heavy weights can, in turn, help you lose body fat overall if that is, indeed, one of your goals.
The same logic applies to training, say, your triceps or glutes. Spot reduction wont work, but you will still strengthen key areas of your body that can help you lift more effectively. Strong triceps, for example, are crucial for locking out heavy lifts like the bench press and overhead press. And you need powerful glutes for everything from squats and deadlifts to climbing all those stairs to get to your fifth-floor walk-up apartment.
Focusing on specific muscle groups in training can certainly encourage localized muscle growth. Thats because lifting weights requires your muscles to perform a certain amount of work that if youre eating enough food and giving them proper training stimuli leads your muscles to grow. But as much as you might want it to, localized muscle growth does not lead to localized fat loss. Heres why.
The idea behind spot reduction is to make particular muscles work extra hard. You might be searching for that burn you feel when youre doing endless triceps extensions, for example. But that burn is squarely located in your muscles its just your muscles working hard, not fat burning. Because technically, fat doesnt burn. It oxidizes, which means it gets broken down so you can use it for energy.
And while exercise can increase the oxidation of fatty acids for energy, those fatty acids come from your bloodstream. Along with your blood flow, these soon-to-be oxidized fatty acids flow toward the muscles that need them during your workout but they dont necessarily come from the area youre training. So exercise might contribute to general fat loss, but you cant really control where those oxidized fatty acids originate from.
Improving your overall circulation through full-body endurance exercise is a more effective way to oxidize fatty acids than working out one body part. (6) Fat loss doesnt happen in a discrete part of your body where youd like to reduce fat levels. It happens in your bloodstream when your body needs fuel.
Its not a coincidence that in cases where it looks like spot fat reduction is working, the athlete is performing both extensive core exercises and intensive full-body circuit training. (3) However, when athletes just perform core training (for example), theyre not providing enough training stimulus to drive general body fat loss through exercise, let alone specific fat loss in a particular location.
Only training one part of your body with isolation moves like crunches or Pallof presses wont really make a dent in how many calories you take in versus how many you use. Higher energy activities like circuit training or low-intensity, full-body activities like taking long walks will more effectively impact your caloric burn.
However, if youve decided to exercise to elicit a caloric deficit, make sure youre striking a steady balance. You need to eat enough to maintain your energy through tough workouts or long walks while also using more energy (AKA, calories) than you take in.
You need to be use more energy (AKA, calories) than you take in to burn fat. When this happens, your body needs to break down triglycerides a type of fat in your body made up of three fatty acids. These triglycerides get stored in your body when you dont use fat as energy right away. Its healthy and necessary for everyone to have triglycerides AKA, fat stored in their body. They helpmaintain cognitive function and baseline energy levels. (7) At the same time, its helpful to make sure your triglyceride levels arent so high as to interfere with your heart function and cardiovascular system. (8)
When you need to use them as energy, triglycerides break down into fatty acids. In turn, those fatty acids are transported throughout your body in your bloodstream. They break down even further and deliver energy to your muscles. (6)
To facilitate this process, you need protein, carbohydrates, and fat in your body. (6) In fact, research suggests that eating more dietary fat helps tell your body to oxidize more fat for energy. (9)
As for why you cant seem to lose that stubborn area of body fat, research suggests that effective long-term fat loss is all about consistency and finding a nutrition and exercise routine that is sustainable for you. (10)(11)(12)(13) Your hormones and other factors including genetics help determine the rate and location from which you lose fat faster. (14)(15)(16) Patience and consistency with your routine seem to be key for reducing body fat in those stubborn areas. (10)(11)(12)(13)
If one of your goals is to lose weight in a certain body part, spot reduction just wont do it for you. But that doesnt mean there arent other ways to get yourself closer to where you want to be.
Your old college roommate might swear by high-intensity interval training (HIIT) because those were the kinds of workouts that helped them lose weight. But if the idea of box jumps and burpees makes you never want to get off your couch, then rest assured you do not ever have to do box jumps or burpees.
Research has shown that the best way to stay consistent with an exercise routine is to enjoy what youre doing. (17)(18)(19) Instead of forcing yourself to perform workouts you hate, find a mode of movement that you love and try to stick to that. Maybe that means taking your dog out for longer walks, or maybe it means learning how to be a powerlifter.
When you like the way youre exercising, you start doing it because its fun rather than because you feel obligated to do so for a weight loss goal. When you genuinely like physical activity instead of forcing yourself through traditional exercises you hate youre better able to stick with it. (18)
Sticking with it helps you lose weight in a sustainable way. Its been found that consistency over time is the most effective way to sustainably change your body composition. (11)(12)(13) Experimenting to find a type of exercise you truly love will go a long way, no matter what your goals are.
Its tempting to only work out the specific area of your body that you want to change. But big full-body movementshave a better chance of changing your body. Since spot reduction isnt actually a thing, lifting heavy weights with compound exercises is a great bet for strengthening your entire body.
Forging a stronger and more muscular body lets you show off your muscles. The stronger you get, the more enjoyable your exercise program becomes and the easier itll be to stick to it. (19) And sticking to it helps you lose weight in the long-term. (11)(12)(13)
Exercises that involve your whole body require more energy than moves like planks or glute bridges. When you use more energy, you can more easily create the caloric deficit you might want if youre looking to lose weight.
But make sure youre striking a careful balance. If youre lifting heavy, you need to fuel your body so that you can safely maintain the energy you need to move big loads. You can lose body fat and gain muscle at the same time, but perhaps ironically you have to eat enough food to be able to do so.
Your nutrition habits tend to last over time if theyre sustainable for you emotionally and physically. Popular practices your gym buddies might talk about, like cutting weight or carb cycling, are not meant to last more than a few weeks at a time. Theyre supposed to produce temporary changes in your body and arent sustainable long-term.
On the other hand, being consistent with your nutrition over time is more effective than restricting what you eat. (11)(12)(13) Nutrition plans aimed at weight loss have to be sustainable to be effective in the long term. Studies have found that sustainable practices like intuitive eating can help people lose weight and not gain it back over long periods of time. (11)(12)(13)(20)(21)
Ultimately, fat loss can happen if your body is using more energy than its taking in. But keeping yourself in a state of perpetual caloric deficit can damage the messages your food-related hormones give you. (22) When youre chronically dieting, your body will send you chemical signals that youre starving even when you have plenty of food. (23) So when your goal is losing body fat, pay extra attention to your psychological and emotional relationship with food to keep yourself healthy overall.
If youre reading this because youre holding out hope for spot fat reduction, alas science says that spot reduction doesnt work. Exercising the muscles in the area you want to change just doesnt speed up fat loss there.
For reasons that you generally cant control (think: hormones and genetics), youll lose body fat from different areas and at different rates than other people. Sometimes, itll look like spot reduction if the way your body is losing fat happens to align with your goals. But that doesnt make spot reduction an actual thing that you can control.
Instead, try to find fat loss strategies that feel good for your body and mind. When your goal is fat loss, shift your focus to the bigger picture and the bigger picture is all about sustainability and enjoyment that allow you to be consistent.
Featured Image: LightField Studios / Shutterstock
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Dolly Parton Once Said Sylvester Stallone Got Too Much Credit for Her Weight Loss – Showbiz Cheat Sheet
Posted: April 25, 2022 at 1:56 am
Dolly Parton and Sylvester Stallone starred together in the universally-pannedRhinestone. Despite the unfavorable reviews, Parton and Stallone enjoyed their time working together on the film. During that time, some speculated that the two were having an affair and that Stallone inspired Parton to start eating healthier and working out. Parton said that Stallone was getting too much credit for something she did on her own.
Though they seem like an unlikely pairing, Parton and Stallone spoke about how much fun they had together inRhinestone.
When I met him, I loved him instantly, Parton said in 1984, perSmooth Radio. I think we just struck up a wonderful, lasting friendship. I loved his energy and his personality He had me laughing, I couldnt even do my scenes He absolutely tickles me to death. Hes a crazy person.
Stallone agreed with her. Though hewasnt thrilled with the final product, he liked Parton.
Shes really wonderful, he said.
When Parton began working onRhinestone, she had challenges withher physical and mental healththat caused her to gain weight.
Id never really been sick in my life until a couple of years ago, and then I was sick for 18 months to two years, she toldInterview Magazine. It was brought on by a lot of emotional problems that I was having. I had to make a lot of decisions with a lot of people I had been with for years and years, and we were not helping each other emotionally. We did great business together, but it was just very hard.
After the film, she began focusing on healthy foods and exercise, and some speculated that Stallone was behind the change.
Stallone, who most definitely has a beautiful body, has been getting a lot of credit for something he has nothing to do with, Parton toldThe Washington Postin 1984.
The choice to begin eating healthier foods was her own, but she did credit him as an inspiration.
I was coming out of a big gloom at the time, and I had some health problems and was feeling not so good, Parton wrote in her book,Dolly Parton, Songteller: My Life in Lyrics. But [Stallone] was so health-conscious, crazy, and funny. It was good for me.
Regardless of whether or not Stallone instilled new eating and exercise habits in Parton, she said that he did helpher out of the difficult periodof her life. She had so much fun working with him that she considersRhinestoneone of her favorite movie experiences.
Even though the movie didnt do that well, that was one of my greatest projects, Parton toldRolling Stone. Because Stallone was so full of life and so crazy and so funny, and he made me laugh a lot, which was real healthy for me. That movie got me back on track.
RELATED: Why Dolly Parton Sometimes Couldnt Even Do My Scenes With Sylvester Stallone in Rhinestone
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