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From Chain-Smoker to Bodybuilder! How this Mom of Three Lost 126 lbs. –
Posted: May 24, 2017 at 5:42 pm
Watch the full episodes ofWe Lost 100 Pounds!now on the newPeople/EntertainmentWeekly Network(PEN). Go to download the PEN app on your favorite device.
Rebin Roy says she could easily down a pitcher of margaritas and 20 buffalo wings at happy hour, and eventually found herself weighing 248 lbs. at 54.
Her junk food consumption wasnt her only unhealthyhabit Roy also smoked a pack-and-a-half to two packs of cigarettes every day for 14 years.
In 2003 I got pregnant and I quit cold turkey, but after having my daughter, I never lost all the weight Id gained,the homemaker and part-time actress, 42, tells PEOPLE.
After giving birth to her third child, Roy began experiencing health issues that landed her in and out of the hospital for years. At one doctors appointment in 2007, she felt insulted by her physician for being heavy. It motivated her to joinWeight Watchersand lose the poundsshe had gained due to poor eating habits and three pregnancies.
These days, down 126 lbs.,she says she eats the same kinds of things but in smaller portions.
I do six small meals a day, so I have breakfast, a morning snack, lunch, an afternoon snack, dinner and an evening snack, says Roy. When I go out for fast food, I will probably have half a hamburger and then have the other halflater,where [before] Id eat a hamburger, fries, the shake, whatever else was available.But the portions made me heavy, so its not worth it!
She also began using aslowcooker to prepare healthymeals.
That makes my life so much easier, says Roy. Ill put some chicken in in the morning and its done for dinner.
After losing her first 80 lbs., Roy underwent a tummy tuck and had breast surgery. She then decided she wanted to take up bodybuilding, and now partakes in competitions. Her favorite part is the glamour category, when she gets to wear a sparkly bikini and angel wings, saying the experience gives her a confidence boost. I feel like I could be a Victorias Secret model!
For more inspiring weight loss stories, pick upthe latest issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands now.
The Geneva, Illinois-based mom of three who now weighs 122 lbs. says she never hesitates to showcase her physique in a two-piece swimsuit.
I hear a lot of women that I know who are beautiful and have amazing bodiessay, Im too old to be in a bikini, or, Im not fit enough to be in a bikini. And I dont understand where those rules come from, she says. Theres nobody saying you have to be 20 to wear a bikini. Theres nobody saying you have to be a [size] zero to wear a bikini.
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French drugmaker Servier to face trial over weight-loss Mediator – Reuters
Posted: May 24, 2017 at 5:42 pm
PARIS The Paris prosecutor's office said on Wednesday that drugmaker Servier as well as the French drug regulator should face trial over weight-loss pill Mediator, believed to have caused at least 500 deaths in one of France's worst health scandals.
Once licensed as a diabetes treatment, the drug was widely prescribed as an appetite suppressant to help people lose weight.
Mediator, whose active chemical substance is known as Benfluorex, was withdrawn from the French market in 2009, around a decade after being pulled in Spain, Italy and the United States.
The prosecutor's indictment covers charges of misleading claims as well as manslaughter and targets 14 people as well as 11 institutions including Servier and the French drug regulator ANSM.
A spokeswoman with Servier had no comment.
According to the health ministry, at least 500 people died of heart valve trouble in France because of exposure to Mediator's active ingredient. Other estimates based on extrapolations have put the death toll closer to 2,000.
(Reporting by Simond Carraud, Matthias Blamont and Emmanuel Jarry; Editing by Leigh Thomas)
WASHINGTON U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Wednesday he does not yet know how Republicans will amass the votes needed to pass legislation now being crafted to dismantle Obamacare, but expressed some optimism on another top priority, overhauling the tax code.
LONDON GW Pharmaceuticals is set to file its cannabis-derived drug with U.S. regulators imminently, following publication of detailed data on its success in fighting severe childhood epilepsy.
An experimental foot-temperature monitoring system might one day be able to detect when diabetic patients are developing foot ulcers, a common complication that can lead to infections and amputations, a small study suggests.
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French drugmaker Servier to face trial over weight-loss Mediator - Reuters
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Photo: Getty Images – New York Magazine
Posted: May 24, 2017 at 5:42 pm
Photo: Getty Images
I was 13 years old when my dad brought home our first digital scale. It was Christmas, and at first it provoked the same excitement I felt whenever we got any sort of newfangled, vaguely techy object in those more analog days. I rarely weighed myself before that, usually only at annual doctors visits, but this machinery was sleek and shiny, with the ability to tell weight to the absurdly precise tenth of a pound.
Its not that I didnt already know that I was severely overweight. If the difficulty finding clothing that fit and the perpetual physical discomfort hadnt already clued me in, fellow middle schoolers flip cruelty wouldve done it. But seeing the number on the scale was my come-to-Jesus or, rather, come-to-Atkins moment. I stopped housing restaurant-size dishes of fettuccine alfredo like I was a tween Caligula at a banquet, I reluctantly started exercising, and I convinced myself that flavored seltzer was a treat. (I was way ahead of the curve with that last one.)
Within a year, I lost all the weight I wanted to, and have more or less maintained it since. It wasnt all that simple or straightforward, but both then and now, I rarely discussed the effort I put into what was a major, ultimately positive life change. For one thing, talking about your diet is inherently uninteresting. But I also held back out of a specific sense of shame that I couldnt necessarily articulate at the time. I was bookish, inquisitive, and defiant, and I prided myself on those qualities; even though I deeply wanted to lose weight, this desire felt vain and ignoble, an admission that I cared about how others saw me.
Ive been reminded of that feeling often since then, especially as the body-positivity movement has gained traction and weight has felt increasingly politicized. When Marisa Meltzer explored dieting as a feminist taboo for Elle back in 2013, she admitted, the guilt I once felt about what I ate has been replaced by guilt over being the wrong kind of feminist or maybe no kind of feminist: a woman pursuing something as pedestrian and frankly boring as losing weight. She theorized that many self-identifying feminists who struggle with their weight may feign an attitude of indifference as a front. In the years since her essay was published, I suspect thats only become more common.
Back in 2013, Meltzer pointed to Lena Dunham as the ultimate self-acceptance icon. Her body has been subject to relentless, often harsh, scrutiny since Girls first aired; most recently, the focus has been on her noticeable weight loss, due in part to working out with Tracy Anderson and eating a more plant-based diet. Shes been vocal in objecting to positive press. A couple of weeks back, Dunham responded to a magazine that included a new photo of her next to the headline 20 Slimdown Diet Tips Stars Are Using. In a widely circulated Instagram post, she attributed her smaller figure to everything from her long-running battles with endometriosis and anxiety to living in Trumps America and realizing who ya real friends are. Shed previously written, my weight loss isnt a triumph because my body belongs to ME at every phase, in every iteration, and whatever Im doing with it, Im not handing in my feminist card to anyone.
Regardless of the whys and hows of Dunhams weight loss, Im struck by the highly charged way the discussion progressed. Numerous publications (especially woman-centric ones) praised her reaction. But, I found myself wondering, what if she had just wanted to lose some weight for the sake of losing some weight? Should it really be all that controversial or shameful to want to control how you look, especially if you have a job that keeps you in the public eye? Must dropping a few pounds come with a disclaimer, or 20? If women used to avoid saying they were on a diet because it might not seem cool or fun, now we worry about the possibility of offending others or losing our feminist card.
Fat acceptance was indeed born during the same era as second-wave feminism; today, body positivity and pop feminism exist as the significantly less radical, more widespread versions of their predecessors. As these ideals have deviated further from their origins, becoming more watered-down and commercialized, theyve also become inextricably linked. A typical triumphant viral web-story plotline, especially for womens sites, involves a woman clapping back at body shamers. Body positivity is now a savvy branding move: Take ModCloth, which pledged not to use Photoshop and publicly lent their support to the 2016 Truth in Advertising Act, calling for federal regulation of airbrushing in ads. (The indie retailer sold to Walmart earlier this year.) And when Dove created soap bottles modeled on different female body shapes, it was hilariously misguided and widely panned but it was also a natural extension of the infantilizing way businesses have attempted to profit off this mind-set.
Its not like the industry devoted to shrinking us down has taken a blow: We can hardly go a few weeks without hearing about a new diet plan that features seemingly arbitrary restrictions (what, exactly, is wrong with mushrooms?) or an insanely punishing cleanse. But now, when it comes to actually discussing the deliberate changes we make to our bodies, we either wrap them in innuendo or scramble to deny them altogether, in an attempt to appear more enlightened.
One cultural barometer is the way celebrities talk about their eating and exercise habits (and the media coverage they generate). Unsurprisingly, its a long-standing tradition to ask people whose job it is to look conventionally attractive how they got that way and what they consume every day. But few ever admit to being on a diet nobody wants to reveal how the sausage, or, more appropriately, the grilled chicken breast, is made. Wellness has also become a catch-all euphemism that allows one to admit to undertaking a transformation, but chalk it up to health instead of superficiality. Eva Mendes couched an answer about her routine by saying that she eats clean and, because shes busy, truly enjoys having the same thing for lunch and dinner every single day. Spoiler: Its salmon, quinoa, and salad. (Eva Mendess Simple Eating Regimen Is So Refreshing, Refinery29 gushed, either in willful ignorance or a profound misunderstanding of what a diet is.) A Glamour listicle titled 10 Celebrities Who DGAF About Eating Healthy celebrated stars like Gigi Hadid, Emma Stone, and Jennifer Lawrence for being quick to admit eating burgers, pizza, or red velvet cupcakes is just part of life, though something tells me that, based on the industry theyre in, they must G at least a tiny bit of AF. At least Lawrence whose meteoric rise to become Americas sweetheart was certainly aided by red-carpet sound bites about loving McDonalds finally admitted: I dont feel like I have a normal body. I do Pilates every day. I eat, but I work out a lot more than a normal person.
The current cultural discomfort around dieting has trickled down to how even I someone with firsthand experience undertaking significant weight loss react when confronted with it. When acquaintances said they were trying Whole30 for the new year or posted hashtagged meal shots to Instagram, I remember balking: My first reaction was to think that they didnt seem like the type of people to go on a diet, much less talk about dieting. (By contrast, the girls I knew in high school and college who now appear to be engaged in a Facebook weight-loss-shake pyramid scheme definitely do fit the mold I associate with people who diet though are their motivations really all that different?) While visiting an old friend, I noticed that she had downloaded MyFitnessPal and felt an odd rush of embarrassment, like I had accidentally stumbled onto something I wasnt supposed to see. We could talk to each other about our sex lives without batting an eyelash, yet counting calories seemed like a step too far.
Im not saying we should necessarily be talking about our diets more again, its boring, and Im generally a proponent of all of us dialing back our abundant over-sharing a bit. But what a relief it would be to shed the anxiety surrounding how we discuss them, to lose the doublespeak and welcome more honesty.
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A new report shows student-loan debt is a womens issue.
Jeremy Kost portrays makeup as identity in his new book Like One of Your French Girls.
After a nude photo-sharing scandal rocked the Marine Corps.
Everything from Isabel Marant to 3.1 Phillip Lim on deep discount.
And its not just the dregs its stuff we actually like.
Spicer was reportedly not invited to meet the pope, even though it meant very much to him.
There wasnt a mermaid dress in sight at the Whitney gala.
Everyone who tries it becomes a convert.
For those long hikes by the water.
Theyll give you that extra boost of confidence.
They were photographed by a pool in Cannes.
Everyone loves to make fun of Kit Harington on set.
Susan Sarandon, Bella Hadid, and more.
The non-messy beauty product to prevent travel-induced desert-dry skin.
Baltimore police created an online form for survivors to more easily report abuse related to the film.
He was sadly not on his way to a rave.
Even though abstinence-only programs dont work.
For the backyard-deprived.
2017, New York Media LLC.
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Photo: Getty Images - New York Magazine
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What You Need To Know About Exercise And Weight Loss In Your 20s, 30s, And 40s – Women’s Health
Posted: May 24, 2017 at 5:42 pm
Women's Health | What You Need To Know About Exercise And Weight Loss In Your 20s, 30s, And 40s Women's Health When it comes to fat loss, your workouts are anything but timeless. Over the decades, what you need to do get (and stay!) at a healthy weight changes. And, spoiler alert, it gets more challenging. But exactly how tough it becomes depends on exactly how ... |
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What You Need To Know About Exercise And Weight Loss In Your 20s, 30s, And 40s - Women's Health
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Diet Doc Sees the 2-Week Diet As a Temporary Solution While the Jumpstart Diet Offers Lasting Weight Loss Results – EconoTimes
Posted: May 24, 2017 at 5:41 pm
Diet Doc Sees the 2-Week Diet As a Temporary Solution, While the Jumpstart Diet Offers Lasting Weight Loss Results
Jackson, MS, May 24, 2017 -- 2-week diets are circulating around the internet as a way to quickly lose up to 15 pounds on a very strict, low-calorie and sometimes, low-carb diet. Caloric deficits are the most tried and true way to lose weight through diet and/or exercise. Most fad diets begin with this premise, but Diet Doc, a national telemedicine program for weight loss wants to warn consumers that there are many drawbacks that can come with sudden losses in calories.
While many low-calorie diets are frequently used to trigger rapid weight loss in obese or overweight patients, these side-effects become even more apparent when these diets are performed without medical supervision. Furthermore, a medically-supervised diet plan can ensure that weight loss not only occurs quickly, but is maintained once the goal is reached (unlike fad diets where the weight lost usually returns soon after the diet is finished). Diet Doc Medical Weight Loss recommends seeking out nutritionists who can assess your bodys individual weight loss needs before embarking on a low-calorie diet. This way, comprehensive strategies can be used, such as appetite suppressants and mood stabilizers that can fend off debilitating side effects and make weight loss much easier.
Rather than consider a 2-week diet with temporary results, Diet Docs Jumpstart Diet combines healthy lifestyle choices with customized diet planning that suits your bodys unique requirements. After all, its not just about the calorie count, its the quality of the calories consumed that determines how successful a weight loss program will be. Diet Doc patients are losing up to 20 pounds per month with nutritional coaching, 24/7 support, convenient home or office prescription delivery and affordable diet plans.
Diet Doc offers a team of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and motivational coaches, Diet Doc products and individualized coaching help individuals lose weight fast and keep it off. Existing patients are losing up to 20 pounds per month safely and effectively. New patients can get started immediately, with materials shipped directly to their home or office. They can also maintain weight loss in the long-term through weekly consultations, customized diet plans, motivational coaches and a powerful prescription program. With Diet Doc, the doctor is only a short phone call away and a fully dedicated team of qualified professionals is available 6 days per week to answer questions, address concerns and support patients.
Getting started with Diet Doc is very simple and affordable. New patients can easily visit to quickly complete a health questionnaire and schedule an immediate, free online consultation.
About the Company:
Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.
Diet Doc Contact Information:
Providing care across the USA
San Diego, CA
(800) 581-5038
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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Diet Doc Sees the 2-Week Diet As a Temporary Solution While the Jumpstart Diet Offers Lasting Weight Loss Results - EconoTimes
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Nanotherapeutic technology could safely, effectively convert bad fat to good fat, treat obesity – GlobeNewswire (press release)
Posted: May 24, 2017 at 5:41 pm
May 24, 2017 10:00 ET | Source: Purdue Research Foundation
West Lafayette, IN, May 24, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A Purdue-based startup is developing a disruptive nanotherapeutic platform that could induce conversion of bad fat to good fat in an effort to provide a safe and effective way to treat obesity and diabetes. Meng Deng, an assistant professor in Purdues Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, and School of Materials Engineering founded Adipo Therapeutics LLC to further develop, test and commercialize the technology. Shihuan Kuang, Purdue professor of animal sciences is also involved in the development of the technology. Deng said obesity is a nationwide epidemic in dire need of a safe and effective solution. More than one-third of adults in the U.S. are affected by obesity, which results from the lack of balance between energy intake and energy expenditure, he said. There are approved anti-obesity drugs on the market that focus on decreasing energy intake by either suppressing appetite or reducing lipid absorption, but they have only produced limited success and are usually accompanied with unpleasant side effects. Adipo Therapeutics integrates two platform technologies to develop polymer-based nanotherapeutics that act directly on fat tissue and maintain weight loss. A video about Adipo is available at The first platform is based on the discovery of adipocyte browning which is the conversion of energy-storing bad fat cells into energy-burning good fat cells in the body. In particular, we harness the role of Notch signaling in adipocyte plasticity to induce browning and burning of bad fat by using small molecule Notch inhibitors, Deng said. The second platform technology that we incorporate is polymer-based nanoparticle delivery. We can control the delivery of those Notch inhibitors to bad fat cells and convert them to good fat cells. Adipo Therapeutics is working toward proving the safety and efficacy of the technology in human fat cells. Promising results were presented at the NIDDK Adipose Tissue Niche workshop last November. A previous news release on the research can be found here. Preclinical proof of concept of this technology in inducing fat cell conversion and exerting anti-obesity effects has been successfully demonstrated in obesity models. The nanoparticle delivery platform not only bypasses the potential off-target effects of systemic delivery, but also provides continuous drug release that minimizes periodic drug injections, Deng said. This method could ultimately provide an easier and safer treatment for obese patients Deng said the technology has great potential for clinical translation. Notch signaling is highly conserved in the animal kingdom, he said. We also use an already FDA-approved polymer, which has shown significant progress in the clinical setting. The combination of these two components is expected to facilitate the translation of the technology. Adipo Therapeutics recognizes the potential of this technology for patients with diabetes. Obesity has been a big contributor to type 2 diabetes. Whats significant about our technology is that through local delivery of the nanoparticles into bad fat cells in obesity models, the glucose homeostasis is considerably improved, Deng said. In other words, this local fat cell conversion has beneficial effects on improving systemic metabolic profiles. Adipo Therapeutics is seeking funding to support further development and clinical translation. The company also seeks partnerships with firms and pharmaceutical companies interested in the technology. Technology used by Adipo Therapeutics has been licensed through the Purdue Research Foundation Office of Technology Commercialization. Adipo Therapeutics is a member of the Purdue Startup Class of 2017. Deng credits Purdue resources for getting the technology this far. Purdue has been so dynamic and supportive of this technology and process, he said. From our collaborator Dr. Shihuan Kuang in Animal Sciences who made the initial discovery that inhibition of Notch signaling promotes browning, to the Purdue Foundry and Entrepreneurship Leadership Academy, and additionally the National Science Foundation I-Corps program. The Purdue resources have been crucial in this startup experience.
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Purdue Research Foundation
West Lafayette, Indiana, UNITED STATES
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Nanotherapeutic technology could safely, effectively convert bad fat to good fat, treat obesity - GlobeNewswire (press release)
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Could this be the next great weight loss secret? – Fox News
Posted: May 24, 2017 at 5:40 pm
Spring is in the air, and so are new diet plans. Everyone wants that certain body type or to get rid of a few extra pounds before its time to pull out their summer wardrobe, and there are hundreds of diets out there promising results.
Most focus on weight loss, but weight loss alone isnt always an indicator of health. And diets that call for extreme eating changes arent always healthy or palatable long-term. You may be able to eat only cabbage soup for a week, but not for the rest of your life!
And often the fast weight loss these diets promise is gained back just as quickly, a phenomenon thats well-documented andmay be the result of diets that are too restrictive.
It might be time for something new on the diet scene.US News and World Reporthas released their diet rankings for 2017, and a diet youve never heard of has taken the 4thslot in the overall rankings, is 3rdin heart-healthy diets, and ranks 18thin weight loss. Its called the TLC diet, and its initials stand for Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes. It doesnt sound trendy, and thats because its not. Though weight loss is often a by-product of the diet, it doesnt promise a supermodel body or results within a certain time frame. It was developed to combat heart diseasethe number one killer of Americansby tackling high blood cholesterol with healthy lifestyle changes, but by adjusting your caloric goals you can target healthy weight loss too.
Theres a lot of flexibility within the diet that allows people to eat things they enjoy. Like most effective plans for weight loss, the TLC diet involves counting calories and staying close to the range recommended for your height, weight, and activity level. You might have to get out your calculator for the first few weeks, but the guidelines are simple and quickly become habit.
Cut saturated fat to less than 7 percent of your calorie intake. For a 1500-calorie diet, thats less than 10 grams of saturated fat, which often means less full-fat dairy and fatty meats. Trans fat, found mostly as hydrogenated oils in products like margarine and packaged foods, should be avoided if at all possible and is one of very few ingredients the TLC diet tries to cut out entirely. Theres no limit on unsaturated fats, but keep in mind that foods high in fat tend to be high in calories, so keep that calorie limit in mind when choosing foods that are high in healthy fats.
Saturated fat actually has a bigger impact on blood cholesterol levels than dietary cholesterol, but cholesterol should still be kept under 200 mg a day. Full-fat dairy products, shrimp, egg yolks, and organ meats are all high in cholesterol. These foods arent forbidden though. A 3.5 oz. serving of shrimp contains 189 mg of cholesterol. Just ditch the cream sauce, and opt for olive oil and herbs instead to stay under your cholesterol limit.
The TLC diet also recommends getting a lot of soluble fiber, at least 5-10 grams a day but preferably 10-25 grams a day. While insoluble fiber passes through the digestive tract pretty much undigested (giving your colon a nice workout), soluble fiber dissolves into a substance that actually coats the walls of your intestines and keeps them from absorbing dietary fat and cholesterol. Cereal grains like oatmeal, whole fruits, and beans are all good sources of soluble fiber.
Because of research that shows heart benefits for omega-3 fatty acids, the diet also recommends two fish meals a week. It also recommends avoiding foods high in sodium and restricting alcohol intake to one drink a day for women and two a day for men.
The last key part of the TLC diet is an important oneget 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity most days of the week, preferably every day. Gardening, golfing (without a cart), playing tennis, biking, and brisk walking are all examples of moderate-intensity activities, and its important to pick something you enjoy. Join a group, class, or club to stay motivated!
Always check with your doctor before starting a new diet, and you can check out the complete guide to the TLC diethere.
This article first appeared on
Dr. Manny Alvarez serves as Fox News Channel's senior managing health editor. He also serves as chairman of the department of obstetrics/gynecology and reproductive science at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey. Click here for more information on Dr. Manny's work with Hackensack University Medical Center. Visit for more.
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How to lose weight fast: Five gut-boosting foods that will help you … – Daily Star
Posted: May 24, 2017 at 5:40 pm
THESE five foods will help your body burn stubborn fat fast.
If you want to transform your body youre going to have to work hard at the gym and curb your diet sorry but its true.
However, there are some ways you can cheat the weight-loss process. Certain foods promote gut health and therefore could help you beat the bulge.
Bacteria and other organisms that live in our guts can affect our hunger signals and cravings as well as our tendency towards weight gain.
In fact, this is one of the subjects of a new book by Dr Michael Mosley called The Clever Guts Diet.
Here nutritionist Cassandra Barns reveals five foods that could be good for your gut and potentially help you drop some pounds.
20 fat-burning foods that help you lose weight
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Avacodo - includes monosaturated fatty acids that are more likely to be used as slow burning energy than stored as body fat
1. Sauerkraut
A traditional fermented food; raw sauerkraut naturally contains millions of friendly bacteria.
It could even be better for us than the average probiotic supplement or yoghurt drink, as the species and strains of bacteria in natural fermented foods tend to be much more varied.
Make sure the label says raw or unpasteurised, because the friendly bacteria will be destroyed if the sauerkraut is pasteurised.
2. Fermented Foods
Miso is another traditional fermented food from Japan. Its fantastic used to make sauces and dips, and added to stews, stir-fries or soups, as it gives them that delicious umami flavour.
Again, choose an unpasteurised miso for the active bacteria and the gut health benefits; and if youre using it in hot dishes, add only towards the end of cooking.
"Try Clearspring Organic Japanese Brown Rice Miso Unpasteurised.
3. Oats
Oats are one of the foods that naturally contain prebiotic fibre. Prebiotics are substances that help nourish the friendly bacteria in your gut and increase their numbers.
Try Nairns Scottish Porridge Oats, which are also certified gluten-free. Whats more, oats provide slow-releasing carbohydrates that can help manage your blood sugar.
Certain vegetables and fruits are also great sources of prebiotics, such as onions, Jerusalem artichokes and asparagus.
4. Green tea
In addition to probiotic and prebiotic foods, its thought that flavonoids could be good for your gut bacteria too.
According to Dr Mosleys research, consuming lots of flavonoids could help you avoid regaining weight after a diet.
Flavonoids are found in vegetables and fruit especially berries and other dark-coloured types and also in green tea. Matcha tea in particular is thought to contain the highest concentration of flavonoids compared to other green teas: try Clearspring Organic Matcha Shots.
5. Dark chocolate
Yes, really! Dark chocolate contains flavonoids similar to those found in green tea, and its part of the heart-healthy, gut-healthy Mediterranean diet.
But you need to go for high-cocoa, low-sugar dark chocolate to get any benefits. To go one step further, try raw dark chocolate.
Its made from raw cacao, avoiding the roasting process that may reduce the content of natural flavonoids in standard chocolate.
I like Ombar 90% Raw which contains a smaller percentage of cacao but also has added Lactobacillus acidophilus, one of the types of friendly bacteria that live in your gut.
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How to lose weight fast: Five gut-boosting foods that will help you ... - Daily Star
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How to lose weight by doing this ONE thing every day and it doesn’t involve the gym – Daily Star
Posted: May 24, 2017 at 5:40 pm
WITH summer on the way many people are thinking about getting slimmer, but if the gym gives you the creeps then try this instead.
Making one simple lifestyle change can help you burn an extra 700 calories per week and it doesnt involve dieting or pumping iron.
Going for a 20-minute walk is all you have to do to blast 100 calories, so by adding a stroll into your daily routine you could be well on your way to getting lean.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends that you should do a minimum of 150 minutes of exercise per week to stay healthy.
But a recent survey by walking charity Living Streets found that nearly half (45%) of Brits are reluctant to make even a 20-minute journey on foot.
Click through our gallery on the best ways to burn calories without exercising
1 / 10
Chew gum - A super-easy way to burn some extra calories is popping a few pieces of gum now and then. The act of chewing keeps your jaw muscles moving, andnot only will you be burning caloriesyoull stop yourself from consuming more calories.
In a bid to encourage more people to get up and moving, the charitys chief executive Joe Irvin is encouraging the British public to add walking onto their daily routine as part of National Walking Month this May.
Speaking exclusively to Daily Star Online, he said: There's no doubt that keeping active is good for our health, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to start spending hours in the gym.
Everyday walking is a great way to improve your health and the way you feel
At Living Streets, we believe that everyday walking is a great way to improve your health and the way you feel.
"That's why we are urging everyone in the UK to join our #Try20 campaign this May.
Walking for 20 minutes a day can make a huge difference to the way you feel and cuts your risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and depression.
By making this small step you will experience a big difference, both physically and mentally."
Here Joe shares five benefits of going for a stroll every day:
1. Burn calories
Many people are surprised to learn that walking is a very serious form of exercise. Although you may not feel like you are working very hard, walking is actually a low-impact aerobic exercise that burns calories effectively.
The number of calories that you burn while walking will depend on your weight and the distance you walk.
You can calculate roughly how many calories youve burned walking a mile at a slow walking speed by multiplying your weight in pounds by 0.49, or for brisk walking multiplying it by 0.57.
The average person takes 20 minutes to walk one mile so in just 20 minutes you could burn off over 100 calories.
If youre looking for a more intense walking-workout, adding an incline will burn significantly more calories than walking on a flat terrain, so try taking the stairs instead of the escalator or climbing the steep hill that you usually avoid on your walk to work.
This added incline will turn up the body's work rate increasing calories burnt, whilst toning your lower body. Give it a go, you will be surprised.
Good news dieters! The 23 foods that contain NO calories because you burn more than you consume as you eat
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APRICOTS - Calorie content: 12 kcals per apricotEating apricots is said to help reduce the risk of strokes, and heart attacks. They're also full of vitamin C, potassium and dietary fibre, which all promote good heart health
2. Get your heart pumping
The heart, like all other muscles, needs physical activity to keep it in good, working condition.
Regular exercise can help to improve your overall heart health and avoid many of the risk factors associated with heart and circulatory disease.
We should all aim to do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise each week to keep our heart in a healthy state. Moderate intensity means that you should feel warm and a touch breathless, but still be able to hold a conversation.
Going for a brisk walk is a moderate intensity exercise that will get your heart pumping and increase your cardio exercise, without even having to visit the gym.
Try to walk energetically, adding in hills and spurts of speed walking, if you want to increase the intensity.
If you are looking to lose that belly fat, try these simple easy to follow tips that will help you on the road
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Eat every three hours - Passing on breakfast will send your body into starvation mode, meaning your body starts to store everything youve eaten as fat, and youre midsection is the first to suffer the consequences
3. Up your energy
Naturally you will get a lot more out of your day when you have more energy; and a brisk walk is one of the most effective, natural energisers around.
Walking strengthens the circulation of blood around the body and increases the oxygen supply to all your cells, helping you to feel much more alert and alive.
In fact, scientists have concluded that one of the best ways to beat fatigue and boost energy is to exercise more not less.
Try walking for 20 minutes on your lunch break or 20 minutes in the evening before you have dinner to make sure that you feel energised and get the most out of your day.
4. Free your brain
Anxiety, stress and depression are all mental health issues that are becoming increasingly common in todays hard-working and busy society.
Whilst many people look to medication to treat these issues, walking is a free "home remedy" that can also help.
This is because walking releases chemicals called endorphins which interact with the receptors in your brain, reducing your perception of pain and, thus, helping to boost your mood.
In fact, recent studies have shown that a brisk walk is just as effective as antidepressants in mild to moderate cases of depression, stress and anxiety.
Even if you dont suffer from these mental health issues, and are just feeling a little tense after a busy day at work, walking is the perfect way to zone-out, de-stress and rid yourself of all the negative thoughts in your mind. So for positive mental health walkings an absolute must.
The quickest ways to kick start your body fat weight loss
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CLEAN UP YOUR DIET - It's true what they say, you can't out-exercise a bad diet. And abs are made in the kitchen. So the first step to any fat-loss plan starts with improving your diet. First, cut out processed foods, fake sugars and refined carbs.
5. Offset serious health issues
If youre looking for a more serious reason to start walking, then consider the benefit that walking can have on your life-span.
Statistics show that physical inactivity now rivals smoking as one of the UKs biggest health problems, and the WHO says that inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality contributing to 6% of deaths globally each year.
If these figures arent enough to encourage you to get active, then consider that walking for 20 minutes a day can also help to reduce the risk of several serious illnesses, such as heart disease, type-2 diabetes, asthma, dementia, strokes and even some cancers, including breast, bowel and womb cancer.
See the article here:
How to lose weight by doing this ONE thing every day and it doesn't involve the gym - Daily Star
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How 1 Simple Facebook Photo Motivated This Woman to Lose 80+ Pounds – POPSUGAR
Posted: May 23, 2017 at 7:44 am
How 1 Simple Facebook Photo Motivated This Woman to Lose 80+ Pounds
It was a simple family photo that Cortland West's mom posted to Facebook that threw her weight struggles into focus for her. "When I finally looked at the picture, I was shocked. I honestly didn't recognize myself," Cortland said. And at 5'6" and 236 pounds, she decided that was it: it was time to change. She turned to the Lose It app to buckle down and really take a closer look at how much she was eating. Between the simplicity of the app and adding in workouts, Cortland has taken off 81 pounds over the past couple years. Keep reading to find out just how well Lose It worked for her and how she sticks with her new healthy lifestyle.
POPSUGAR: What was the moment or motive that made you decide to start your journey?
Cortland West: I always had a problem with my weight gain. I was always the bigger one in my group of friends and I absolutely hated going shopping because nothing cute would ever fit. Overall I just didn't feel good. I was out of breath just simply walking up and down the stairs. I would even receive little comments from my family and other people about needing to possibly start doing something about my weight. They were never hurtful about what they said, but I knew they were right. I would try to lose weight by doing different things, but nothing ever worked for me and I would get discouraged and quit.
The moment that really hit me was at the beginning of December of 2014. I had gone to a tea room with my mother and grandmother one day and we decided to get someone to take a picture of us while we were there. Well, my mother ended up posting the picture on Facebook. When I finally looked at the picture, I was shocked. I honestly didn't recognize myself. I was also a little disgusted in myself on how much I had let myself go. After that, I said that I would for sure work on my weight after the holidays. But then I got to thinking about all of the years prior that I would always say that I was going to do something about my weight at the start of the new year but would never stick with it. So I decided on that day that I would start before the holidays. It was hardest thing I've ever done, but I knew it was what I had to do.
PS: What made you choose Lose It?
CW: Someone recommended the Lose It app to me as a great way to easily count calories, so I downloaded it and began to plug in everything I would eat in a day. I didn't realize just how much I was eating in a day until I began using Lose It I was shocked. I started paying attention to portion sizes and cut out regular soft drinks and sweet tea. I saw that drinking calories can add up very fast!
PS: What's your favorite way to work out?
CW: I love going on long walks. I'd say an hour to two hours long, like two times a week usually. Going on a long walk with a good friend is better for me too because we end up talking throughout the duration of the walk and we end up losing track of the time. Because of my weight loss, I can go on long walks easier now and it doesn't bother me like it used to. Before my weight loss, I would get tired and winded very quickly and my legs would start to really bother me, but I don't have those problems anymore. Playing tennis is also a lot easier for me again because I can last a lot longer than before. I used to get really tired and winded after just a few games in the first set of a match now three sets of tennis is nothing!
PS: What's your weekly exercise schedule?
CW: I like to go on hikes and enjoy fun physical activities outside basically anything to keep me away from sitting on the couch all day and watching TV like I used to. But I'll be honest, going to the gym was never something I did, and it's still not a regular part of my lifestyle. It just shows that simply watching what you eat and staying active can help you lose weight.
PS: How do you keep workouts exciting?
CW: I go on long walks with friends and do fun dance exercises in my room. I've also started to really get back into tennis, which has really helped. To keep myself on track, I remind myself that if I exercise, I'll burn off extra calories which makes it easier to truly enjoy a good meal.
PS: How much weight have you lost?
CW: I weighed 236 pounds in 2014, and now weigh 155 pounds so I've lost 81 pounds!
PS: What was the first big difference, other than the number on the scale, that really made you feel proud and excited?
CW: Oh wow, I have many rewards from losing weight. Finally getting to wear cute outfits has been a big one for me. Also, I was always the one to hide behind the camera. I never wanted my picture taken. But now I love when a camera comes out, because as soon as I see myself in the picture, I can't help but smile. I'm so proud of myself and I love having it documented. Looking at pictures of me now also help with keeping the weight off. I never want to go back to what I was before. People have also told me that I'm an inspiration to them to start losing weight. I still find that weird because I've always been one to say if I can do it, everyone can do it. But I do have to admit, hearing someone tell you that you're an inspiration is such an amazing feeling and the biggest award you can receive, I think.
PS: How do you track your weight loss?
I track my weight loss with Lose It! I only use the free version of the app, which works great for my needs. I know that they also have a Premium version for $39.99/year that lets you set more specific goals (like body fat, steps, measurements, blood pressure, etc.) and gives you more access to challenges and groups, but I haven't tried that yet.
When you first start using Lose It, it will ask for your basic information (age, weight, height, etc.) and then it will calculate for you the amount of calories you will need to eat in a day to either maintain your weight or lose half a pound a week, one pound a week, one and a half pounds a week, two pounds a week, etc., depending on what your goals are.
When I first started, I was determined to lose two pounds a week, but man was that hard! I felt like I wasn't eating at all in a day. So I changed it to one pound a week and that really worked best for me at the beginning.
Each day, all you need to do is open up the Lose It app, tap the meal you're logging, and type your food into the search bar (or take a photo of it using their new Snap It feature). Lose It gives you the calories and nutritional information for whatever food you are logging and that goes toward your daily total. The app suggests how many calories you should allocate for each meal based on your weight-loss goals and current weight, and that even includes snacking.
PS: What's a typical day of meals and snacks?
CW: The main things I cut out of my diet were regular soft drinks and sweet tea. Drinking calories adds up very fast and I didn't like wasting my calories on beverages. I also cut back on a lot of junk food, especially chips I still eat them, but not as often. Unfortunately I am not a big fan of fruits and vegetables, but I drink V8 and things like that to help with that. I do eat plenty of protein, though! Grilled chicken is probably my favorite. I eat more grilled foods now than I did before. I was all about everything being fried before I started losing weight.
PS: Do you count anything other than calories? Why or why not?
CW: No, calories are the only thing I count. I feel as though if I started trying to count other things, it would make things harder and I would not stick with it.
PS: What's the range of calories you eat per day?
CW: According to the Lose It app, I can have 1,675 calories per day to lose one pound a week. But I sometimes go over that a little bit.
PS: What are the healthy staples that are always in your fridge?
CW: I'm not a fan of fruits or anything, so I would say my go to staple would be string cheese. Very low in calories and it's a nice grab-and-go snack that I love.
PS: How do you strategize for meals out?
CW: For meals out, I generally try to know ahead of time what the plans are and where I am going. If that's the case, I can look up the menu online so I can go ahead a plan out what I'm going to eat. Restaurants are getting better about adding the nutritional information available, so that makes planning out meals so much easier. If that information is not available, I tend to compare different foods with other places that I know the calories of. Sometimes I even overestimate a little bit just to be safe.
PS: Do you use a fitness tracker? Which one? Has it helped you?
CW: In the beginning of my journey I had a Fitbit tracker that I would use. It even linked with my Lose It app. So it would calculate the calories I would burn after a long walk or some other kind of physical activity and then add those calories back to my remaining budget on the app. I loved it. But I unfortunately lost the tracker one day at the lake so now I use my Apple Watch, and whenever I do an activity, I start the watch under the fitness app and it will calculate the calories burned. I then go to the Lose It app and it lets me manually add the calories burned back to my remaining budget.
PS: What role did Lose It play in your journey? Would you recommend it?
CW: Lose It was a HUGE part of my journey and I would absolutely recommend. Probably the most helpful thing it did for my diet was help me pay attention to portion control. Simply cutting back on the amount of food I was taking in has helped me the most. Another helpful thing I did was plug in everything I was going to eat for that day into Lose It at the beginning of the day, which left me reassured that I could enjoy snacks with the calories that were left. I would ask my family what we were doing for dinner so I could go ahead and plug it in and eat around that meal for the day. In the beginning, I did a lot of planning ahead, but now that I am just maintaining my weight, I'm a little more lenient with myself.
PS: What advice do you have for anyone starting out on a weight-loss journey?
CW: My number one tip would be to just find what works for you and stick with it. For me, Lose It was the only thing that would work for me. Trust me, I know it's hard; everyone is so different and we all lose weight in different ways. You just have to learn to listen to your body and believe in yourself! You CAN do it.
Image Source: Cortland West
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How 1 Simple Facebook Photo Motivated This Woman to Lose 80+ Pounds - POPSUGAR
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