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how to lose weight quickly 7 Tips – Independent Recorder
Posted: May 12, 2017 at 7:40 pm
How to lose weight in a week Overweight or obesity is one of the biggest challenges facing the world now, it affects people around the world, posing significant health risks as well as loss of agility which is a problem in itself. Both children and adults are victims of the disease. It is believed that if this trend continues in the world by 2015, more than 700 million people around the world will be obese.
Routine lifestyle and lack of exercise, and improper diet are the main causes of obesity, there is a need to maintain maximum balance between the calories you eat and calories consumed.
Today we offer you a unique diet for one week and ensure you save you a lot of extra weight. We simply offer you today a loss for your extra weight in just 7 days.
Day 1: The first day is a preparation for the week, on this day you have to eat fruit of all kinds except bananas, we recommend you on this day to increase the melon and melon, and research indicates that if you shortened your day on watermelon only you will lose on this day one kilogram of your weight , You should not feel hungry at all on this day if you have distributed your meals on the day properly, and if you drank all day about 10 glasses of water.
. The second day is the day of vegetables. You can eat cooked or raw vegetables. It is important not to use any kind of fat in cooking these vegetables. You can start with one of the boiled potatoes today. It contains complex carbohydrates that will provide you with a lot of energy. More water at least 10 cups.
3. Day 3: This is the third day, a day that combines the two previous days, the day of fruits and vegetables. This day allows you to eat all kinds of vegetables and fruits except bananas and potatoes. You will not starve on this day at all; it is a fun day full of benefits and vitamins. Standing drinking a lot of water.
4. Day 4: Day 4 You are not allowed to eat anything other than bananas and milk, you are allowed to eat 10 bananas and 4 cups of milk throughout the day divided into meals, if you want strong results you can use low-fat milk, With yogurt or yoghurt.
5. Day 5: On the fifth day, your food will vary. You can eat a small rice dish with 6 tomatoes for the rest of the day. The tomatoes will produce more uric acid in your body so you have to drink more water than the previous two days until you get rid of the many tomato salts.
6. Day 6: On the sixth day you can eat one dish of rice and all vegetables without specifying the quantity and of course forget the water is the intimate friend of your weight loss.
7: The seventh day: This is the last day in the diet and you have to eat a plate of rice and vegetables and fruit juice, especially orange is very useful for you and your health is a wonderful and distinctive conclusion for this week of diet.
lose weight After the end of the seventh day and on the morning of the eighth day you can weigh yourself once again and you will find that your weight has decreased significantly, you will not see this on the balance only, but you will find that you are wearing clothes less measured than before.
The daily need of water is 8 cups, always keep this amount of drinking daily, this will help you lose a lot of weight, especially if you drink water on the stomach at the beginning of the day, and water has many other benefits, including the treatment of headaches and heart problems and many Other things, and remember the words of God and made of water all living things How to lose weight through vegetables?
When you start eating, start with a large bowl of vegetable salad, make more than 60% of your meal vegetables. How to lose weight in full?
Yes, satiety, be careful not to eat for a long time, this will make you eat Bnham at the first opportunity to introduce food in front of you, and thus increase your weight multiplied by double, so do not make yourself a room for severe hunger. How to lose weight with multiple meals?
Yes, many meals work to lose weight well, if you eat 3 meals a day, make it 6 meals, but the same amount, meaning that 6 small meals, better than 3 large meals, because the multiplicity of meals will activate your burning cycle, All the time. How to lose weight in yogurt?
You go back to eating one day of yogurt before bedtime instead of dinner, and supper is enough reason to gain weight, because eating before bed is a powerful factor to gain weight. How to lose weight by monitoring?
Do not eat without an account, before you start eating, put the amount you think is enough for you in your own pot, and decide that before you begin to eat that does not exceed this quantity, this will help you to lose weight well. How to lose weight?
This is the golden advice and most importantly, nothing helps you lose weight more than the effort, for example, stop using the electric elevator and climb the ladder daily, reserve a garage for your car away from your home until you walk for 5 minutes, for example, Every day, even ten minutes, all these habits will help you lose weight in a dazzling way. Reduce sugars and carbohydrates
These are foods that stimulate insulin secretion more than others. If you do not already know, Vasolulin is the main fat storage hormone in the body.
When insulin goes down, fat has an easier time out of fat stores and the body starts to burn fat instead of carbohydrates. Eat protein, fat and vegetables
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Why do I gain so fast and lose so slow – Bangor Daily News
Posted: May 12, 2017 at 7:40 pm
Why do I gain so fast and lose so slow?
I get that question all the time. Frustrated folks looking to lose some weight and hoping to improve their health express their wish that they could lose weight as quickly as they gain it.
Theres a standard reply to that question, but its not really a scientifically sound explanation, nor does it satisfy most people frustrated by their slow weight loss progress. Maybe youve said it yourself, or somebody has said it to you.
You didnt gain it overnight and you cant expect to lose it overnight.
Is that supposed to make you feel better? I dont think its an adequate answer; its a platitude. Its a quick and easy explanation that isnt worth the effort it takes to mutter it. Here is the real reason why weight gain is fast and weight loss is slow.
Your fat cells shrink. You dont actually lose them. In fact, you have on averagebetween 10 to 30 billion fat cells. The amount of fat cells you have wasset during adolescence and levels off into adulthood. If you were very overweight as a child, you will have twice as many fat cells as another adult who wasntan overweight child.
So losing weight isnt losing fat cells. Its shrinking them, but they dont burn up and go away. They stick around looking for their chance to return to their lovely full state or grow even larger. Its theorized that those fat cells think its their duty to plump up again and that the body thinks its necessary for survival.
The body thinks its survival has been threatened by disapearingfood sources. When food once again becomes available (you stop trying to lose weight and go back to former eating and exercising habits) it tries to get back to what it considers its normal state. Its trying totake action to save your (and its) life.
Its more than just a matter of hungry fat cells. Your body adjusted to what it thought was a famine by becoming more efficient with its use of fuel. It is burning fewer calories at rest, so its now become easier to create a calorie excess which goes directly into refilling those fat cells.
Gary Foster, Ph. D., is the Chief Scientific Officer at Weight Watchers International. Years before he joined the Weight Watchers team he was the director of the Center of Obesity Research and Education at Temple University.
Even on a sensible diet, your body sheds pounds reluctantly. One reason its difficult to keep weight off is because there is a metabolic overcompensation for weight loss, says Gary Foster, Ph.D. If you decrease your body mass by 10 percent, you would expect your metabolic rate to decrease by 10 percent, but it actually slows down more than that, by about 11 to 15 percent.
That means, as you probably already know, you have to work hard to lose weight. Its hard work and its not fun. In fact, its the opposite of fun; it feels more like punishment. Gaining weight, however, doesnt take work, especially when wereconditioned to be hypereaters.
The reward circuits in the brains of people who areconditioned hypereaters were excessively activated simply by the smell of food and stayed that way until those people finished eating whatever was on the plate in front of them. The important word isconditioned.
David Kessler, M.D., is the former U.S. Food and Drug Administration commissioner. He and his team of researchers at the University of California at San Francisco and Yale University researched weight cycling. Kessler says overeating may not be your fault.
According to Kessler and his research team some people have overactive neural circuitry or a drive to clean the plate and the more palatable the food, the stronger the drive. Its less about willpower and more about the hold conditioning has over an individual.Its biological, not genetic, and difficult to resist. Kessler estimates that 50 percent of obese people and 30 percent of overweight people are conditioned hypereaters.
Your body fights your weight loss efforts and throws its full support into helping you gain weight. That might lead you to ask, why bother to lose weight when my body fights it? The answer is personal. If your weight is getting in the way of doing the things you love or making you sick, its worth it.
If your weight is the result of unhealthy habits, work on making changes to your habits to make them healthier. This will result in weight loss, and more importantly, help you to learn skills that are necessary to maintain your lower and healthier weight.
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5 Tricks to See Weight Loss Fast – Beliefnet
Posted: May 12, 2017 at 7:40 pm
You don't need a pricey trainer or gym to lose weight. By Corine Gatti
Oops, the diet is over, or is it? If this sounds like you after eating cupcakes anddonuts this week, hold on! Your diet doesn't need to be over. You may have a slow metabolism, you might have emotional struggles with food or just hit a plateau on your journey. Many people deal with the yo-yo pattern as result of all the diets and just run out of steam. Mark Pettus, MD said in an interview with Everyday Health that its hard to be patient. "As you start your diet, remember that slow and steady weight loss is the easiest to maintain. If you have been teetering on giving up on your goals, dont do it. Fortunately, these errors are easily corrected with one valuable resource and that is you. Instead of looking at the big picture, we will look into what can be done on a daily basis to lose weight, and it is not that complicated. If the fancy gyms and books are not helping you accomplish your weight-loss aspirations, you've come to the right place. Here are 5 tricks to see weight loss fast.
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Emerging Treatment Could be a Weight Loss Surgery Alternative – WebMD
Posted: May 12, 2017 at 1:44 am
May 9, 2017 -- A nonsurgical weight loss treatment for obesity could offer an alternative to surgery.
The procedure, called endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, or ESG, cinches a patients stomach to make it smaller. Doctors use an endoscope -- a tube with a light and camera attached to it -- to perform the treatment.
In a study presented at the Digestive Disease Week conference, researchers looked at how the emerging treatment compared with two types of weight loss surgery.
The sleeve procedure "cinches [the stomach] to one-third of the original size, and it sort of looks like a sleeve," says Reem Z. Sharaiha, MD, assistant professor of medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine, who led the study.
She says the procedure makes the stomach shorter and narrower. As a result, patients eat much less food. And because the stomach's smaller, the food stays in it longer, and it takes longer to go down.
As with surgery, endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is only for someone who is obese -- with a body mass index (BMI) over 30. Although bariatric surgery has helped many people lose weight, a 2013 study found that only about 1% of eligible patients have the procedure due to risks, limited access, costs, or their preference.
Experts say the new treatment could give some people an alternative.
Sharaiha is a consultant for Apollo, which makes the suturing device used in the treatment.
She followed 278 obese men and women for a year after they had one of three procedures. Of those:
The patients who tried the endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty had the lowest BMI of the three groups. Theirs was 39, compared with an average BMI of 46 and 47 for the sleeve gastrectomy and lap band surgery groups. On average, the patients were in their 40s for all groups. At one year, the weight loss was:
Although the treatment didnt bring the most weight loss, Sharaiha says it has a much lower complication rate and cost than standard bariatric procedures for weight loss.
Patients using the endoscopic treatment had complication rates of 1%, compared with 10% for laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and 11% for laparoscopic banding. "The main side effect [of ESG] is nausea and vomiting and cramping that lasts 24 to 48 hours,'' she says.
One patient had food leak outside the stomach. Infection is a risk, she says, as are stomach ruptures and bleeding. Patients are advised take it easy for a few days, usually returning to work after that. They are on a liquid diet for 2 weeks, then they eat soft food and gradually introduce a regular diet.
Sharaiha says about one of five procedures are reimbursed by insurance. The average cost in the study was $12,000 for the endoscopic procedure, compared with $15,000 for lap band surgery and $22,000 for laparoscopic sleeve surgery.
About 500 of the endoscopic procedures have been done in the U.S., she estimates. The FDA approved the device used in the treatment in 2008.
The new procedure won't replace other weight loss approaches but is an option for those who can't have surgery or who would prefer not to, she says. It takes about 45 minutes and requires general anesthesia. It's an outpatient procedure.
"This is for someone with a BMI of 30 to 40 who is motivated enough, who knows it is not the magic pill to lose weight," she says. The procedure is done with the understanding that the patient will also exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet.
Ken Fujioka, MD, an endocrinologist and director of the Center for Weight Management, Scripps Clinic, San Diego, agrees the new treatment is not meant to replace other procedures, but will widen choices for obese patients. He called the amount of weight loss it achieved ''exciting'' and said it appears to have lower risk.
"I think the findings are important," says Richard Lindquist, MD, an obesity medicine specialist at Swedish Medical Center, Seattle. Cost effectiveness and results both look good, he says.
Lindquist and Fujioka say they would like to know whether the new procedure affects hunger-related hormones the way some other procedures do. Gastrectomy, for instance, removes many of the stomach cells that produce the ''hunger hormone," ghrelin.
Sharaiha says one study of the new treatment did show that it reduced ghrelin levels, but only four patients were involved. More study is needed, she says.
Lindquist consults for Novo Nordisk and Orexigen, which makes the weight loss drug Contrave (naltrexone/bupropion).
Digestive Disease Week presentation, May 6, 2017, Chicago.
Reem Z. Sharaiha, MD, assistant professor of medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine; attending physician, New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York.
Ken Fujioka, MD, director, Center for Weight Management, Scripps Clinic, Department of Endocrinology, San Diego.
Richard Lindquist, MD, obesity medicine specialist, Swedish Medical Center, Seattle; former member, board of directors, Obesity Medicine Association.
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology: "Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty Significantly Reduces Body Mass Index and Metabolic Complications in Obese Patients."
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Melissa McCarthy Looks Thinner Than Ever in New ‘Saturday Night Live’ Promo! – In Touch Weekly
Posted: May 12, 2017 at 1:44 am
In Touch Weekly | Melissa McCarthy Looks Thinner Than Ever in New 'Saturday Night Live' Promo! In Touch Weekly The actress, 46, has been a pretty significant weight loss journey in recent years, with many reports estimating that she lost more than 75 pounds. Last year, celebrity nutrionist and trainer Charlenne Ciardiello who never worked with the Spy star ... |
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Why some people are more successful at weight loss than others – PR Newswire (press release)
Posted: May 12, 2017 at 1:44 am
"While everyone is unique, there are some commonalities that lead to long-term successful weight loss and maintenance," Dr. Hill said. "We will explore why some people are more successful with weight loss than others and what you can do to lose weight."
Dr. Hill is co-founder of the National Weight Registry, a professor of Pediatrics & Medicine and the director of the Colorado Nutrition Obesity Research Center at the University of Colorado. He also is a scientific advisory board member for Retrofit, a leading provider of weight-management and disease-prevention solutions. Scott Brunning is a team lead and exercise physiologist for Retrofit.
The webinar, "A summary of success factors for long-term weight maintenance from the National Weight Registry and The Colorado Weigh," will take place at 10 a.m. CT on Tuesday, May 16. To register, click here.
About RetrofitRetrofit transforms lives, workplaces and communities by offering weight-management and disease-prevention solutions that help all populations live a happier, healthier life. What sets Retrofit apart from others is the level of personalization we bring to our suite of solutions that tackle obesity, prediabetes and metabolic syndrome. This personalization delivers real-time interventions that evolve as individual needs evolve producing proven outcomes and lasting results. To learn more, visit
Media Contact:Nora Dudley 773-330-5540
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SOURCE Retrofit
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Century Club members share stories of inspiring weight loss – FOX 13 News, Tampa Bay
Posted: May 12, 2017 at 1:44 am
TAMPA (FOX 13) - Three people - three different lives - are connected by a common thread. They're members of the Century Club, meaning they've all lost 100 pounds and are keeping it off.
As senior director of food services at metropolitan ministries, Chef Cliff Barsi's plate at work is always full. But six years ago, at 310 pounds, his passion for serving others became his motivation to lose weight.
"I was prediabetic, high blood pressure, acid reflux, so I was probably taking 10 to 12 pills a day," Barsi says.
He chose a doctor-supervised "ideal" plan and started dropping a pound a day.
"Within 30 days I was off all my meds," he explains.
Barsi's perseverance is fueled by his faith.
"Its a total life change. It's not just, lose the weight and go back to where you were. You don't want to go back there," he said.
Barsi got down to 195 pounds.
A failed relationship launched Michael Tamez into a comfort food frenzy.
I was drinking about two 2-liters a day and I was eating fast food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner," he explains.
He weighed 250 pounds.
It got so bad, Michael fell asleep while driving.
"I had sleep apnea so bad and I got into a car accident and that like literally woke me up," he says.
Tamezused addition to lose his weight over 10 months. He added exercise and instead of subtracting foods he craved, he "crowded" them out with healthy options.
"You don't have to restrict anything because eventually the more good you add, the bad can't survive in that environment," he explained.
It's a mind- body equation that's helped him keep the excess 105 pounds off for 16 years. Michael is now guiding others as a health coach.
"I can relate to people because I know the struggle and what it takes," Tamez said.
For more information onTamezs services go to http://www.Michaeltamez.Com/
Ten years ago, Heather Shrouds' doctor told her she was headed for a heart attack at age 31. She weighed 230 pounds.
"He told me I had to do something. I was like a 60-year-old inside," she says.
Shrouds now competes in world athletic events, but her initial weight loss began with the help of a personal trainer and took a year and a half. She got down to 130 pounds.
A decade later, she's paying it forward as a masters swim coach at New Tampa Family YMCA.
"I love inspiring and motivating people, just bringing brightness to other peoples' days," she said.
In August, Shroudswill be competing for Team USA in the Duathlon World Championships in Canada. To support her trip, visit https://www.Gofundme.Com/230lbs-to-duathlon-team-usa
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SSM Health Medical Minute: New option to jump start weight loss –
Posted: May 12, 2017 at 1:44 am
SSM Health Medical Minute: New option to jump start weight loss In the first few months, the goal is to help people achieve their weight loss goals than just using diet and exercise alone. The procedure poses very little risk, although most insurance companies will not cover the cost of the procedure. SSM Health ... |
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Weight Loss Surgeon in Dallas Explains the Necessity of Thorough … – Marketwired (press release)
Posted: May 12, 2017 at 1:43 am
Weight Loss Surgeon in Dallas Explains the Necessity of Thorough ... Marketwired (press release) Dr. Manuel Castro, Medical Director of the DFW Bariatric Institute and Medical Director of Bariatric Surgery at Destiny Surgery Center, discusses the importance ... |
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Weight-loss procedure makes stomach into ‘accordion’ without surgery – Fox News
Posted: May 12, 2017 at 1:43 am
CHICAGO A new, nonsurgical weight-loss procedure which involves inserting a tube down a patient's throat and suturing the stomach is safe and effective, a new study finds.
During the procedure, which is called endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, doctors insert a long tube down a patient's esophagus to the stomach. Then, they sew "pleats" into the stomach, which makes it resemble an accordion.
The procedure reduces the volume of the stomach, so that patients feel fuller faster and therefore eat less, said lead study author Dr. Reem Sharaiha, an assistant professor at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City. Sharaiha presented her findings here today (May 6) at Digestive Disease Week, a scientific meeting focused on digestive diseases.
Because the procedure is "endoscopic," and thus does not involve cutting through the abdomen, the procedure is not considered surgical.
The new procedure could be a good option for people who are obese, meaning they have a BMI of 30 or higher, who either cannot undergo weight-loss surgery due to medical conditions or do not want to have surgery, Sharaiha said during a news conference in advance of her presentation. The procedure is not intended to replace other weight-loss surgery options, but rather to offer an additional, "safe and reliable, cost-effective" option, she said.
In the study, which has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal, Sharaiha and her co-authors compared the endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty to two options for weight loss that do involve surgery: laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and laparoscopic banding.
Both of those operations involve making small incisions in a person's abdomen to allow surgeons to reach the stomach. During a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, surgeons cut away a large portion of the stomach, making the organ smaller and sleeve-shaped. During a laparoscopic banding operation, surgeons wrap a band around the upper portion of the stomach (rather than cutting the organ), so that only a smaller section of the stomach is left to carry out its functions.
The new study examined 91 patients who underwent the endoscopic procedure, 120 patients who had laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and 67 patients who had a laparoscopic banding operation, Sharaiha said during the press conference.
One year later, the researchers found that the patients who had the endoscopic procedure had lost, on average, nearly 18 percent of their body weight, while laparoscopic sleeve patients lost an average of nearly 30 percent of their body weight and laparoscopic banding patients lost an average of more than 14 percent of their body weight.
The endoscopic sleeve patients lost less weight than the laparoscopic sleeve patients but had a much lower rate of complications : 1 percent compared with 10 percent, Sharaiha said. In addition, endoscopic sleeve patients were able to leave the hospital the same day of the procedure, she said. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy patients in the hospital for about three days, on average, after the operation, and laparoscopic banding patients stayed in the hospital for a day and half, on average, after the operation.
The endoscopic procedure also cost less than the laparoscopic sleeve procedure, according to the study. The endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty cost, on average, $12,000, while the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy cost $22,000 on average. The laparoscopic banding operation cost $15,000 on average.
Sharaiha noted that most the patients who underwent the endoscopic procedure had to pay out of pocket, while insurance usually covered the other operations. It's possible that this affected the results, as previous studies have shown that people are more adherent to weight-loss guidelines if the individuals need to pay for the procedures themselves, Sharaiha added.
Originally published on Live Science .
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