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How to lose weight without dieting – WAAY

Posted: April 30, 2017 at 3:40 am

Stephanie McMurry is a registered dietitian who knows nearly every "lose weight fast" trick.

"I've heard of bizarre tips such as sniffing an apple to try to take away a craving," she said.

In her years of experience, she's noticed most people cannot maintain "fad" diets.

With swimsuit season around the corner, WAAY 31 wanted to find scientifically-proven ways to shed pounds, without heading to the gym. WAAY 31 presented those tips to McMurry, to see if the tricks are realistic.

Trick one, sniff a banana or peppermint. Studies found as more people sniffed fruit, they were less hungry. They even lost an average of 30 pounds!

But, McMurry doesn't believe it. She says sniffing fruit would increase your cravings and make you focus more on your food.

Trick two, eat a bigger breakfast than dinner. Studies found people who ate a large breakfast, shed 11 pounds more than those who ate a large dinner.

Trick three, tie a ribbon around your waist.As you eat, the ribbon will tighten and it keeps you conscious of when your stomach is full. McMurry likes this concept, but she says people would be tempted to take it off.

Trick four, eat in front of a mirror. A study found participants reduced their food intake by one-third. But, McMurry says physically monitoring what you eat will keep you from enjoying your meal and would not work in the long-run.

Trick five, take pictures of your food. Nutritionists say a visual account of food helps to curb your appetite.

Trick six, eat wrapped candy.A study found people ate 30-percent less candy when they took the time to unwrap it.

Trick seven, is what McMurry's husband swears by.Instead of chowing down on M&M's, he tears a corner off the bag and eats the candies, one piece at a time.

Then, he lets it melt on his tongue. McMurry says eating candy in this manner, gives your senses time to smell and taste the chocolate and you ultimately eat less.

Trick eight, light a vanilla-scented candle after dinner. "The candle takes the place of dessert. Your senses smell something sweet and it makes you think of a baked good and you will skip dessert," said McMurry. A study found participants lost an average of 4.5 pounds each, by wearing vanilla-scented patches.

Trick nine, use small plates. McMurry says we're used to piling food onto our plates, so by using smaller plates, we would put less food on it and eat smaller portions.

Trick ten, surround yourself with the color blue.Researchers found people ate 33-percent less in a blue room. They say the blue hue makes food look less appealing. On the flip side, the colors red, yellow and orange encourage eating.

Nutritionists also recommend eating under bright lights.

For the best results, make sure you consult a health professional.

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Take off fat fast – Bangor Daily News

Posted: April 30, 2017 at 3:40 am

What would be better than losing weight? Easy, that would be losing weight quickly, but everything we hear about weight loss cautions us that healthy weight loss is a long, slow, tedious process. Does it have to be that way?

Well, I guess that depends on your definition of long, slow and tedious. Losing 30 pounds in 30 days is hardly considered slow by anybodys standards. Can it be done, and if so, is it safe and most of all, how likely is it to lose it that fast and keep it off?

The universal diet wisdom tells us rapid weight loss is unsafe, unhealthy, and unsustainable. Interestingly some researchers have challenged that wisdom. They have objectively gathered data to determine if those beliefs are facts.

Dr. Donald Hensdrud repeats the conventional wisdom in, Why do doctors recommend a slow rate of weight loss? Whats wrong with fast weight loss?an article he wrote for

The concern with fast weight loss is that it usually takes extraordinary efforts in diet and exercise efforts that could be unhealthy and that you probably cant maintain as permanent lifestyle changes.

From my perspective and personal and professional experience, hes right. I havent experienced the unhealthy part of the concern about rapid weight loss, but the maintainable concerns applied to me and to a lot of other people Ive helped to lose weight.

I actually did lose 30 pounds in 30 days and I gained 36 pounds in 30 days. So, yeah, the concern about sustainability is valid. The rapid regaining of weight is physical and psychological.

In order to lose a lot of weight quickly it is necessary to eat very few calories. I stayed in the 500-600 calorie range. The problems associated with such a very low calorie diet are real. They include feeling hungry and deprived most of the time (I actually dreamt about eating.)

When I got to my target weight I was more than ready to quit dieting. Physically I was driven to eat until I felt really full. As soon as that wonderful feeling of fullness wore off I would need to eat some more. Then there was the psychological need to eat food that satisfied on all other levels such as taste and texture. That explains why the gain was even faster than losing weight.

Its true that rapid weight loss causes more fat to be lost, of course, but the down side is a greater percentage of muscle is also lost this way.

Unless you are actively engaged in exercises to build muscle while losing weight,losing some muscle mass is a part of your total weight loss. While you may rejoice in the lower number on the scale, you may not be aware that losing muscle means your body will be requiring fewer calories to sustain itself in other words youll be burning fewer calories at rest. Thats another reason why gaining weight is so easy when you go off a very low calorie diet.

If you really want to take off just fat and do it quickly, you might have to change your definition of what is a fast rate of weight loss. Losing 1-2 pounds a week on average is a fast rate of fat loss. It doesnt sound fast compared to 30 pounds in 30 days and when you think about it, why do you need to lose that fast anyway? What really matters, how fast you get to your goal or how long youre going to stay there?

If thats just too slow, here is more from Dr. Hensdrud on rapid weight loss which refutes some of the dire consequences of losing faster than 2 pounds a week:

In some situations, however, faster weight loss can be safe if its done the right way. For example, doctors might prescribe very low calorie diets for rapid weight loss if obesity is causing serious health problems. But an extreme diet like this requires medical supervision. And it can be difficult to keep this weight off.

In summary, hes going back to the standard recommendation for rate of weight loss and I do too. Thats not to say that some people have lost weight faster, without a doctors supervision, and have successfully maintained the loss. Its reiterating that its not typical and your results may not be satisfactory.

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Melody McClellan helps clients sustain weight loss – St. Louis American

Posted: April 28, 2017 at 10:42 pm

What is lacking from many people who desire to lose weight and live healthier? According to certified health coach Melody McClellan: commitment and exercise.

You cannot just think about exercise or buy exercise apps or watch exercise videos. You must actually make that investment in yourself to do the work to move your body to change old habits and improve your life. McClellan said she is surprised how many people get no exercise at all.

McClellan, founder, CEO and health coach of UnWrap You, LLC assists others in making those changes through group coaching. However, it takes time.

Sometimes I do believe that people want overnight outcomes, she said, and that is just not going to happen if you are doing it the correct way, which is improving your nutrition altering the foods that youre eating and moving more. Even if youre eating a little bit more vegetables, putting a can down a little bit more, getting rid of some of the processed foods.

Through group coaching and journaling, McClellan encourages clients to adopt healthier behaviors to lose and sustain weight loss through better nutrition, exercising more and identifying their personal triggers that can derail their health goals.

Working for many years as a diabetes and hypertension pharmaceutical representative, McClellan saw that people were taking a lot of medicine with little knowledge about nutrition.

After seeing so many people on medications and starting to realize a lot of people dont understand nutrition, and how really important and how much it effects their outcome, I went back to get my nutrition certification and then started UnWrap You, she said. Its not just weight loss, but mindset, how things trigger you just a whole holistic approach.

Her clients are mainly women and youth, and her business operates out of OFallon, Illinois.

Ultimately the adult is the one who is purchasing the food, she said, and therefore I have to get to moms or dads or whoever the decision-maker is in the home, because the kids dont buy anything.

Successfully overcoming her own weight struggles after having children is one of the reasons why she started UnWrap You.

I was doing what they told me to do work out three days a week, eat better, McClellan said. Eat better. What does that mean? So, when I started doing it for myself, I started learning so many things that we dont even know about.

McClellan has created community walks and wellness challenges in the metro area through partnerships with local organizations and on social media.

I live what I teach, she said. I practice what I teach until it has just become a lifestyle for me of being healthy.

McClellan has a bachelors degree in business with an emphasis in marketing from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. She received certification in nutrition and health coaching from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

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These Celebrities All Had Weight-Loss SurgeryAnd Don’t Regret It – Women’s Health

Posted: April 28, 2017 at 10:42 pm

Women's Health
These Celebrities All Had Weight-Loss SurgeryAnd Don't Regret It
Women's Health
Her decision to undergo bariatric surgery after hitting a wall in her weight-loss journey brought the procedure front and center, thanks to her show Mama June: From Hot To Not. But she's not the only celeb to undergo this major surgery in order to get ...

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Whole Foods CEO Shares His Secret for Weight Loss and Lasting Health –

Posted: April 28, 2017 at 10:42 pm

Jap Chae Stir Fry from The Whole Foods Diet Derek Sarno

There are two types of people that try dieting. There are those that want to go cold turkey. They get excited. They get the knowledge. They try to just do it all at once. If they have a very strong will, often, they can persevere. But more commonly, when people try to do it all at once, they fail. And then they feel bad about themselves. It hurts their self-esteem.

A better strategy is to move through the transition on a relatively slow basis. Mostly because we need to re-educate our taste buds.You have to expose yourself to a food about ten times before you really come to like it.

I've taught myself (the kid who ate no vegetables!) that there are no vegetables I don't like. In fact, I've taught myself to love every single vegetable out there. And so the moral of the story is you can teach yourself to enjoy any type of food. Whatever you familiarize yourself with, you will come to enjoy. So why not teach yourself to love the healthiest foods in the world? That's going to pay such great dividends for your health. There's going to be no loss in pleasure. You're going to have just as much eating pleasure as you have right now. In fact, I would argue, you'll have a lot more.

We do a lot of our eating in a very unconscious way. Every day and every meal we get to make choices about what we eat. The choices we make affect our health and so much more. They affect the environment, the welfare of animals and the larger world.

When you combine the things our body naturally craves whole starch foods (sweet potatoes, brown rice, beans, etc.) with fruits and vegetables you can eat all you want and you'll lose weight.

I'm still on a health journey too. I do not put myself out as a perfect human being in terms of healthy eating. However, it's the overall diet pattern that matters. If you occasionally make a mistake, or you occasionally indulge yourself, it doesn't matter. It's about the overall pattern: when you have the next meal, or the next snack, just do better.

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Ask yourself the real reason you want to lose weight – Chicago Tribune

Posted: April 28, 2017 at 10:42 pm

We know how to lose weight: reduce calories and increase movement. Yet we don't do it. Or if we do, we gain it back.

What's missing is your answer to why you want to lose, says Dr. Holly Wyatt, associate professor of medicine at the University of Colorado Anschutz Health and Wellness Center. The Center, opened in 2012, employs researchers and clinicians to develop wellness programs. Wyatt has worked with overweight populations since 1997, studying weight regulation, metabolism, and the struggle to lose and maintain.

A sound diet and exercise plan are necessary, but not enough, Wyatt says. "Why are you going to do it? That's the mental side. Your body will follow your mind.

"Even the perfect diet, without the mental part, won't be successful."

Wyatt's patients work with her and other professionals in science-based, behavior-change programs that last either four or 12 months. Medication and surgery are not involved.

"People ask, 'What should I eat?' But don't start with that. Start with why you want to lose."

If your answer is health, ask why you want better health. If your answer is "to get off diabetes meds," ask why again. Keep asking until you uncover an emotion about something you feel you're missing in life, Wyatt says.

"Dig deep. Keep going until it gets personal. Use that as a powerful motivator to exercise, or pass on dessert. The internal 'why' keeps that motivational fire going."

Maybe it's important to be a great mother, and your weight keeps you on the sidelines, unable to be the mom you want to be. Maybe your father wasn't there for you, and you're determined to be healthy for your family.

Realize that strategies for weight loss are different from strategies for weight-loss maintenance. Think of nutrition and physical activity as two individuals in the same car. When you're losing weight, nutrition is driving and physical activity is in the back seat. When you're maintaining, nutrition is still important, but physical activity is driving.

Wyatt points out that with any program, physical activity is the best predictor of long-term success. Sixty to 70 minutes of exercise, six days a week, is what you're working toward.

Concentrate on what you can do, not on what you can't. Replace all the reasons you can't lose weight (bad knees, genes, job, family, money, car, your mother) with a list of what you can do. "The can'ts go on and on," Wyatt says. "Instead, put your energy into success. Believing you can has far more power."

Go public. Tell people you're striving to eat better and exercise. Ask for support. "You think people will judge, but instead, most will feel empathy and want to help."

Take a first step. "Even if you don't know how you'll get all your exercise minutes in, start," Wyatt says. "Action conquers fear."

Tara Streff of Greenwood Village, Colo., a digital-marketing manager at a law firm, took action after her mother died of Type 1 diabetes. "It took that for me to do something about it," Streff says. At 5 feet 7 inches tall, in her late 20s, Streff weighed 279 pounds in fall 2014 when she started a 16-week behavior-change program at the center.

"I had high blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar," Streff said. "My leg was numb, my ankles swelled, and I could barely walk up stairs. I had to sleep with an apnea machine. I got a lot of my mother's genes, including Type 1 diabetes."

Streff dug deep to find her "why."

"I learned the decision to change had to come from me and only me. I learned to stand up for what I needed. I learned if you don't take care of you first, you can't be there for anyone else.

"I got my doggy Bella at the beginning (of weight loss), and she saved my life. We walked together nearly two hours a day. I got off meds, including short-acting insulin. I will be a Type 1 diabetic on long-acting insulin for life."

In December 2015, Streff achieved her goal of losing 130 pounds.

"A few months ago, I had surgery to remove 2 feet of skin from my stomach," says Streff. "I am now at 140 pounds after surgery. I am so happy; I will never go back. Not only did I learn the diet-and-exercise piece, but I connected the emotional-and-mental piece, which helped me not gain the weight back. To get compliments again, like I did in high school, is surreal. I feel so good, inside and out. This journey was worth all the hard work. I pray everyone struggling from this addiction can find this for themselves."

Overall, participants in the center's yearlong behavior-change program lost an average of 18 percent of their body weight. The average patient came in weighing 250 pounds and finished at about 200.

A widely accepted industry definition of success is losing 10 percent of your body weight and keeping it off for a year. Diabetes researchers find losing even 5 to 7 percent is successful at delivering health benefits. Another benchmark, from the National Weight Control Registry, defines success as losing 30 pounds and keeping it off for a year. Obesity occurs when your body mass index is 30 or greater, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Compared with industry benchmarks, weight-loss programs at the center are achieving significant success without surgery or medication, Wyatt says.

"We are getting greater weight loss. I think it will start a whole new paradigm. Thirty-nine percent of participants losing more than 25 percent of their starting body weight in a year using a lifestyle weight-loss program (nonsurgical) is significant."

Wyatt says two things make their programs unique: changing mindset while working on a new self-identity, and connecting weight loss to a larger life purpose.

Weight loss is why people enter the program. "But after, they talk about how their life is changed, about doing things they've wanted to do but weren't able to before. How they feel, how they engage in life, is what they're proud of. That makes it transformative and a game changer for most participants."

Cheryl StritzelMcCarthy is a freelancer.


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Ask yourself the real reason you want to lose weight - Chicago Tribune

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Pres. Trump weighs in on Governor’s weight loss – WCSH-TV

Posted: April 28, 2017 at 10:42 pm

President Trump comments on Governor LePage's weight loss

NEWS CENTER , WCSH 6:40 PM. EDT April 27, 2017

Gov. Paul LePage travels to Washington, D.C. to be present as Pres. Donald Trump signs an executive order mandating a review process for the designation of national monuments

WASHINGTON(NEWS CENTER) -- Among the many weighty issues being addressed by Pres. Donald Trump is...Gov. Paul LePage's weight.

Gov. LePagewas part of the crowd that surrounded Pres. Trump on Wednesday morning in Washington, D.C. as he signed an executive order mandating a review process for the designation of national monuments. Gov. LePage has requested that Pres. Trump go even further with regards to the KatahdinWoods and Waters National Monument in Maine by overturning the designation that was approved by the Obama administration.

Trump on Gov. LePage: "...has lost a lot of weight. I knew him when he was heavy & now I know him when he's thin. And I like him both ways."

The executive order carries big implications for the environment and economy. But even amid such serious considerations, Pres. Trump took a moment to lighten the mood by teasing Gov. LePage. The two men had crossed paths several times during the presidential campaign when the Governor was significantly heavier. After undergoing bariatric surgery, he now cuts a much slimmer figure.

Pres. Trump took note of the change by saying, "Gov. LePageof Maine, who by the way has lost a lot of weight. I knew him when he was heavy, and now I know him when he's thin, and I like him both ways."

2017 WCSH-TV

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‘Did I Do The Right Thing?’ Abby Lee Miller’s Weight Loss Surgery Caught On Camera – Radar Online

Posted: April 28, 2017 at 10:42 pm


Abby Lee Miller underwent gastric sleeve surgery and the entire procedure was caught on camera!

Dr. Michael Russo performed the weight loss procedure on Miller, 50, where he removed 80 percent of her stomach.

The former Dance Moms star expressed her sadness over no longer being able to eat cheddar biscuits with thousand island dressing and sour cream and butter.

After the 45-minute procedure, Miller questioned if she made the right decision.

Im really sore and questioning my judgment, she said. Did I do the right thing? This is not going to be an easy road. I can tell its going to be quite difficult.

PHOTOS: Dangerous Driver! Dance Moms Star Kira Girard Busted For Unsafe Traffic Violations

Miller found a way to slam Dance Moms producers, saying, I really have to listen to the doctors instructions. Just like I did with my knee and I went to work the next day. That idiot, I should sue that producer. What a nightmare.

Miller left Dance Moms in March after seven seasons with the hit series.

I will no longer take part in Dance Moms, Miller wrote in an Instagram post. For the past six years/seven seasons I have asked, begged and even demanded creative credit for all the ideas, award winning routines, themes and costuming To no avail! I just have a problem with being manipulated, disrespected and used day in and day out by men who never took a dance lesson in their lives and treat women like dirt!

The reality star blamed the show for her weight issues.

PHOTOS: Prosecutor Rips Into Dance Moms Star Abby Lee Miller During First Hearing

If I was trying to be vegan, (they would) hand me a hoagie sandwich or Italian sub from somewhere, Miller told Entertainment Tonight. Im like, What is this, lunch meat? I cant eat this!

She added, I hate what I look like on TV and I want to look better. And nothing makes the mothers more jealous. Theres your motivation. Payback is a b****.

Miller pled guilty to not reporting an international monetary transaction and one count of concealing bankruptcy assets in June.

She faces up to 30 months in prison when shes sentenced on May 8.

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'Did I Do The Right Thing?' Abby Lee Miller's Weight Loss Surgery Caught On Camera - Radar Online

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Weight loss: Why THIS popular healthy snack could be making you FAT –

Posted: April 28, 2017 at 10:42 pm

Yoghurt lovers have been warned the healthy snack might not be so good for you after all.

There are many touted benefits of yoghurt, from boosting the immune system to aiding weight loss and strengthening bones.

But new research has revealed the health food can simply be a dessert in disguise.

The Heart Foundation and Cancer Council analysed almost 200 flavoured yoghurts and found some contain as much sugar as ice cream.

Nearly half (44 per cent) of those examined contained more than three teaspoons (12g) of sugar per 100g, the upper limit of the recommended amount.


The yoghurts - found in Australian supermarkets Coles and Woolworths - are popular choices for health conscious individuals on the go.

Gippsland Dairys Choc Cherry Twist contained the highest sugar content, with a whopping 18.8g per 100g, or 30.1g per serve.

Thats more than the content of some vanilla ice creams on the market.

Next highest in sugar was Gippsland Dairy Boysenberry Twist, followed by Tasmanian Tamar Valley Dairy Greek Style Raspberry.


1 of 11

10 things to eat to live past 100


Some manufacturers are turning yoghurt which is a healthy food into a dessert by adding excessive amounts of sugar or cream

Alison McAleese

Soleil Fat Free Strawberry yoghurt performed the best of the lot, with just four grams (one teaspoon) per 100g. But the lighter option still contains artificial sweeteners.

Alison McAleese, manager of the Livelighter public health campaign, said product labels can be misleading.

She added: Our research has found that some manufacturers are turning yoghurt which is a healthy food into a dessert by adding excessive amounts of sugar or cream.

Some yoghurts contain a whopping 7.5 teaspoons of sugar in just one small 160g tub, or 4.5 teaspoons of sugar per 100g, which is almost as much sugar as ice cream.


Some labels use terms like 'natural', 'high in probiotics' and 'low fat', but these hide the high sugar content and can make it hard for shoppers to figure out which ones are genuinely good.

While yoghurt contains naturally occurring sugar in lactose, its the added sugar that consumers need to be wary of.

There are usually around six grams of lactose sugar in 100g of yoghurt, so anything beyond that is necessary.

If you want to cut down your intake of sugar, one nutritionist has revealed 12 simple steps to help you do it.

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TOPS program promotes losing weight safely, sensibly –

Posted: April 28, 2017 at 10:41 pm

Raleigh, N.C. Many people dealing with obesity are turning to weight loss surgery. However, the original non-commercial weight loss support organization in the country, called TOPS, still preaches exercise and eating sensibly.

TOPS stands for "Taking Off Pounds Sensibly. A group of TOPS participants met in Raleigh recently to cheer each other on.

Lou Bond, 65, of Hickory is now wearing a crown and title, State TOPS Queen, for losing the most weight toward her goal.

Many people who have tried dieting are familiar with success, followed by discouraging failure.

"I tried all kinds of stuff. Went on Weight Watchers, did this, did that, Bond said."Lost a whole bunch of weight one time and gained it all back,and more."

TOPS participants join a group near where they live for support and ideas. No specific diet is preached.

"They figure that people are adults and they know what will work for them and what won't," Bond said.

Bond said drinking plenty of water and keeping a daily food diary were important for her success, losing 130 pounds. She also said thesupportof herchapter was crucial.

"The support you get from TOPS - there's no way you could do it without that," Bond said.

State TOPS King, George Smith of Fayetteville, got to the point where he couldn't bend over to tie his own shoes and he was constantly out of breath

"I had to lose 27 pounds which is insignificant to some, but still - it was hard," Smith said.

Both never expected to win this type of attention at TOPS annual state celebration.

"I think my chapter mates are more excited than I am, you know. That's kind of nice," Bond said.

A lifestyle change may not help you to lose weight as quickly, but if you find a food and exercise plan that fits your life, you are more likely to continue it for a lifetime.

Nutritionists encourage the concept of a three-day nutrition planner to get an idea of what patients are eating.

Other tips include emphasizing plant-based food in your diet and substituting sodawithwater.

Be sure to check with your doctor before starting any formal weight loss program.

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