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Lose weight with these 8 little changes – Fox News
Posted: April 27, 2017 at 6:43 pm
Losing weight shouldn't mean giving up all the foods you love. Try these small changes, and you may notice big results.
1.Spice up your coffee. With cinnamon, that is. Sweetening your drink with a dash of cinnamon instead of sugar and sugary creamer can save upward of 80 calories per drink.
2.Have egg-y French toast (or pancakes). Order your eggs over-easy, and use that delicious egg yolk to add moisture to your breakfast no butter or syrup needed! Youll get a bonus boost of protein, too. Need some recipe inspo? Try this egg-topped Protein-Rich Cherry French Toast, with no added sugar.
3.Make hummus your new favorite condiment. Next time you have a baked potato, top it with hummus instead of butter. Dont dismiss this until you have tried it, Keri Gans, RDN, author of The Small Change Diet, told Fox News. Creamy hummus adds a lot of flavor to a baked potato, with a lot less calories than butter. Thats 77 calories less per Tablespoon, to be exact. The bonus is you also get fiber and protein from the chickpeas, Gans added.
4.Turn on slow jams during dinner. The speed of music influences how fast we eat, Christy Brissette, MS, RD, owner of 80 Twenty Nutrition in Toronto, told Fox News. Quick-serve restaurants sometimes use this trick to get people in and out of their seats faster. Playing slow music could have the opposite effect helping you eat more slowly and realize youre full faster.
5.Vinegar down your salad dressing. Dilute your favorite salad dressing with balsamic vinegar. Youll pucker up for the intense flavor, while practically slashing your calories in half,Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, author of Read It Before You Eat It told Fox News.
6.Eat fragrant cheese. Yes, this means you can eat cheese and lose weight! But choose the super flavorful varieties so a little goes a long way, Brissette advised. Try Manchego or Parmesan, so just a sprinkle adds tons of flavor to your salad or pasta. You wont need those big chunks of cheese you might be tempted to add when using less flavorful versions.
7.Add beans to Bolognese. I am a die-hard meat lover, but I love to add black beans to a Bolognese so I can reduce the amount of chopped sirloin used, Gans said. This not only cuts calories it also adds health benefits from the beans, like helping to decrease your risk of heart disease.
8.Mix your drink differently. In lieu of tonic water, use club soda as a mixer for your next drink. It contains zero calories, whereas tonic water has 124 calories per 12 ounces. This is nearlyas much as cola, Ginger Hultin, MS, RDN, owner of Champagne Nutrition in Seattle, told Fox News.
Amy Gorin is freelance writer and owner of Amy Gorin Nutrition in Jersey City, NJ. Connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
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The Most Effective Weight Loss Plan You’ve Never Heard Of Before – Women’s Health
Posted: April 26, 2017 at 3:47 pm
Women's Health | The Most Effective Weight Loss Plan You've Never Heard Of Before Women's Health It doesn't have a sexy name, nor does it promise to score you a revenge body. But that hasn't kept the TLC diet from trending big and getting a nutritional thumbs-up from experts. It even came in fourth on US News and World Report's best diet rankings ... |
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There are no magic weight loss shortcuts – Huffington Post
Posted: April 26, 2017 at 3:47 pm
It makes me sick to my stomach to watch people preying on the poor pathetic souls who think that there are secret, magical ways to drop weight.
That's tantamount to the magic pills that are supposed to make your penis bigger. Preying on the one, universal weakness that most men have, penis envy.
None of that stuff works. I've never tried any of the penis stuff, but I can't say the thought never occurred to me. Who doesn't want extra inches on their man meat? In this society, and most, manhood is measured by how much meat you are packing. So naturally, many of us are looking for the edge.
Weight loss is no different in this same society. Vanity runs things. The world treats you better when you look good. Men envy you, and women want you when you have a six pack.
Conversely, the world looks down on you, and you are not desirable if you are fat. At least that's what we are taught through the television, and overall pop culture.
This once again creates that ever lingering vulnerability in humans, insecurity. So when someone comes along with the promise of a product that will help you shed those unwanted pounds quickly for the summer, most of us simply can't help but be baited.
But understand this, there are no shortcuts.Taking a hydroxycut pill is not going to give you a 6 pack. Sure, there is a lot of caffeine in there, and your heart will beat fast, and you'll feel like you have energy, but it's all fake, and it will do more harm than good. For my own personal story about weight loss drug addiction, read here!
Ask yourself this question, if the product that they are selling is so damn good, why do these people look heavy themselves? If the product is supposed to make you look jacked, why do they look so not jacked?
Now some products are smart, and they pay people like Lee Priest, Ronnie Coleman, and other fitness models to stand up holding their product. But you know damn well that Ronnie Coleman didn't get as big as he did by taking one stupid over the counter bodybuilding supplement. In his case, it was a matter of genetics, diet, training, and I am willing to bet the farm, steroid and growth hormone use. No one product that any of us could buy will do that, otherwise, the world would be full of Ronnie Colemans, and last I checked, its not.
None of that stuff works. Listen, if you want to lose weight, eat a sensible diet, train regularly, rest, be consistent, and allow time to do what it does. That's the only way, nothing else will work. Trust me.
And if you are still unsure, and considering this, take a look at the person selling it, are they exceptionally fit or not? If it is so great, why is it not working for them? Or even worse, why are they not using it themselves?
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EMMC First in Maine to Offer Weight Loss Balloon – WABI
Posted: April 26, 2017 at 3:47 pm
Many people who struggle with weight loss consider having surgery but either do not qualify for the procedure or are not comfortable with a surgical approach. Now, for the first time in Maine, a new non-surgical option called intragastric balloon is available at Eastern Maine Medical Center to help these individuals achieve their weight loss goals.
Made of medical grade silicon, this weight loss tool, consisting of two balloons connected together, is inserted into the stomach through the mouth. The FDA requires hospitals that offer the balloon to provide a supervised nutrition program. EMMCs model adds a low calorie diet, education about healthy food choices, and close monitoring of behavioral changes, such as portion control and developing an active lifestyle.
For more information, or to find out more about a referral to the program, call EMMC Northeast Surgery at (207) 973-8881.
For answers to frequently asked questions about the balloon, view informational videos at
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Lose weight naturally with these 4 easy remedies – Fox News
Posted: April 26, 2017 at 3:47 pm
We all know of herbs and other natural remedies that can help improve our memory and boost our libido, but could there be a similar solution for burning fat?
On Twitter, we got that exact question from a viewer, and the answer is that yes, other than exercise, you can help burn fat by adding certain foods to your diet.
Here are a handful:
Bone broth Kellyann Petrucci, M.S., N.D., a weight loss expert, told Fox News that bone broth is one worlds oldest healing foods and can be especially effective when it comes to weight loss. Its power, she said, lies in the fact that it contains lysine, an anti-inflammatory agent known to aid fat burning.
Petrucci offered this tip: Two days a week, do something called mini fasting that's where you sip on nothing but bone broth two days a week, have a light meal about 7 oclock, and that will even heighten your fat-burning power.
Turmeric Studies show this super-spice can not only boost your body temperature, which can speed metabolism, but it can also improve your memory.
Cinnamon Next time you pour your morning cup of coffee or whip up a breakfast smoothie, consider adding a dash of cinnamon. Thats because the spice can help regulate your blood sugar helping you avoid that dreaded 3 p.m. crash and control your appetite, to boot. Plus, like turmeric, cinnamon can warm your body to boost your metabolism.
Ginger You likely turn to this spice when you have a bellyache, but it turns out that ginger is also a powerful natural solution for weight loss. In fact, studies suggest adding this spice to your diet can increase your fat burning by 20 percent.
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Former ‘Dance Moms’ Star Abby Lee Miller Undergoes Weight Loss Surgery – CBS Pittsburgh / KDKA
Posted: April 26, 2017 at 3:47 pm
April 26, 2017 2:25 PM
TV personality Abby Lee Miller attends Nickelodeon's 28th Annual Kids' Choice Awards held at The Forum on March 28, 2015 in Inglewood, California.
PITTSBURGH Penn Hills native and former reality TV star Abby Lee Miller recently had weight loss surgery.
The former Dance Moms star had gastric sleeve surgery last week. The procedure reduced her stomachs size by 80 percent. Millers stomach went from from the size of a football to the size of a banana.
Now, fans of the show are questioning why Miller had the surgery in the first place. She is scheduled to be sentenced on fraud charges next month after pleading guilty to hiding her assets from federal authorities during a bankruptcy filing. Shes facing prison time.
I think this is the right time, says Miller. People are saying, but your sentencing is coming up in a couple of weeks and that is true. Im really nervous about that more than the surgery, but theres no right time. Whatever happens, youll be a little bit healthier.
Miller says she has tried to lose weight before, but got no support from the Dance Moms production staff. She quit the show in March, saying the producers were treating her poorly.
They would laugh in my face. They didnt care if I was trying to be vegan. They wouldnt get a special vegan meal or anything. They just laughed and handed me a hoagie sandwich, says Miller.
Miller says she hasnt heard from the network since she left the show, but would be open to returning to the series if things changed.
There has to be a sense of respect, there has to be creative credit, says Miller.
She also says she would be open to doing other reality TV shows, including one about her weight loss journey.
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Weight loss of 45 kgs without a personal trainer or a dietitian? This woman did it! – TheHealthSite
Posted: April 26, 2017 at 3:47 pm
Reshma Badi's weight loss should be a lesson for everyone who skips exercising and eats unhealthy.
What does it feel like being called moti, fatso and aunty and told to lose weight when youre in school and college? Ask 24-year-old Mumbai resident Reshma Badi who had been wanting to lose weight ever since she can remember. Reshma, in her words, had always been fat. Everyone in my familymy parents and my sisterhave been fat. I was fond of junk food and had whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it, she says.
Her long struggle with weight Gradually the name-calling began. I used to be a very angry and bitter person. I would snap back at everyone who ridiculed me and taunted me to lose weight. I was used to groups of classmatesbullying me as soon I walked into a class. Once, in my tenth standard, I had a major breakdown when my classmates wouldnt stop teasing me about my weight. The teacher had to finally intervene. This was a way of life for me, Reshma says. All this had negatively affected her self-esteem. She would avoid socialising and meeting new people. She wouldnt dress up well because there werent good clothes her size. To deal with the issue, Reshma did the best thing enroll at a gym. Unfortunately, she stopped at just thatgetting expensive gym memberships. Year after year, all Reshma would register at gyms, give them a customary visit once or twice a year and let the membership lapse. Laziness, lack of motivation and time were just some of the excusesa115 kg Reshma could conjure up then. In fact, her local gym even threatened to refuse membership to her because she had been extremely irregular in the past. Reshmas parents toodecided to stop funding her gym memberships. Reshma tried a variety of trendy crash diets too. She tried the GM diet when she was 17 and then the cabbage soup diet and the raw food diet.
Making the change But then one particular incident led Reshma to take up weight loss seriously. Around 2014, I was returning home from college and a school kid playing nearby innocuously called me aunty. That too, in front of my friends. I was very embarrassed! Thats when I decided that I needed to do something about my weight, she recalls. She was also motivated after a classmate in college showed her his own weight loss pictures.
Again, Reshma enrolled at a gym. But this time, she was determined to make a difference. All this while, I hadnt paid attention to any particular workout or form. I had no real knowledge of exercises. But this time, I learnt about workouts. After 2 months, I just followed a routine on my own, she says. And that is where Reshmas weight loss journey differs from most others.
Working out her workouts
Without relying on a personal trainer, Reshma did her own workout her own way. Initially, I would do a full body workout and cardio thrice a week. Then I started doing weight training and cardio four times a week. There were times when I would work out twice in a day, she says. Sadly, in late 2015, Reshma suffered an injury which put a pause on her weight loss regimen. But even as she observed bed rest, she made sure that she ate healthy. By the end of a year, Reshma had seen a massive weight loss of about 20 kgs. I had also started feeling a lot more confident. My posture had improved. In fact, I inspired my family too to take up exercising and eating healthy! she says. Presently, Reshma goes for swimming classes with her mom and sister. She also does CrossFit, strengthening conditioning, kickboxing and other MMAs. As of now, after about 2 years since her weight loss journey began, Reshma weighs 70 kgs.
A self-customised healthy diet plan I am biotechnology student and have some knowledge of food. So I do my own research when it comes to my diet and plan my meals accordingly, she says. There are two meals plans she follows 1) Intermittent fasting requires her to restrict her feeding period to 8 hours. This is followed by 16 hours of fasting. I follow this thrice a week. There is a very limited time to eat, so you always feel full. You tend to restrict calories. 2) She also follows carb cycling which she follows 4 times a week. I start my breakfast with eggs and vegetables. My lunch comprises vegetables, chicken/tofu/paneer with a little rice or roti. I have a smoothie made up of whey and fruits after my workout. For dinner, I have one source of protein and vegetables, she says.
On Saturdays, she has her much-awaited cheat meal for which she goes all out for that one meal and eats whatever she wants.
One of the most fulfilling repercussions of her weight loss? The same friends who teased me about my weight and made fun of me, are now lauding me and asking me for weight loss tips! she says.
Read how fitness trainer Shreejith Nair overcame a physical disability to lose weight and become super fit!
Image source: Reshma Badi
Published: April 26, 2017 2:02 pm | Updated:April 26, 2017 2:35 pm
Disclaimer: does not guarantee any specific results as a result of the procedures mentioned here and the results may vary from person to person. The topics in these pages including text, graphics, videos and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only and not to be substituted for professional medical advice.
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Weight loss of 45 kgs without a personal trainer or a dietitian? This woman did it! - TheHealthSite
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From size 18 to size 8 with a Weight Loss Program that Works! –
Posted: April 26, 2017 at 3:47 pm | From size 18 to size 8 with a Weight Loss Program that Works! That's why I wanted to become part of the Medi-Weightloss team, Lankford said. I feel the Medi-Weightloss program really provides the right tools to help people lose weight safely and keep it off. It works because it incorporates a medically guided ... |
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Liam Smith and Liam Williams set for rematch – Boxing News Online
Posted: April 26, 2017 at 3:47 pm
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LIAM SMITH and Liam Williams will meet in a highly-anticipated rematch in September, according to promoter Frank Warren.
Liverpools Smith handed Williams his first professional loss earlier this month when the Welshman was pulled out by his trainer after sustaining a horrific cut.
Given the ferocity of the clash, which saw Smith come on strong in the later rounds after Williams had bossed the earlier sessions, and the controversial finish, both fighters and fans have called for a rematch, which looks set to go ahead.
Ive spoken to them, they both want it and were confident it will happen in September, Warren told Boxing News.
That gives them plenty of time to recover from the cuts and injuries from the first fight, they both need to be 100 per cent for a rematch.
There was drama before the first bell too when Smith failed to make weight a day before the clash. When he initially weighed in heavy, he was wrongfully told he only had one hour to shift almost two pounds. Deeming that insufficient time to safely lose the weight, Smith and his team felt he could not do it. However, per the WBO rules whose Interim world title was on the line fighters have two hours to lose any excess poundage before attempting to weigh in again. Smith was only informed of this when it was too late, and so he couldnt successfully weigh in again, thus meaning he could not win the WBO title.
Im hoping, at worst, the rematch is for an interim world title, Warren continued.
Firstly at the weigh-in Smith was meant to have two hours but was only told he had one and then there was the cut that stopped it, so well get it done again to see who the best man really is.
Had Smith made weight, he would now be in prime position to once again become world champion. Canelo Alvarez, who took the WBO world title from Smith last year, recently confirmed he would not be returning to 154lbs, meaning an Interim champion would likely have been elevated to full champion.
Besides Smith-Williams II, Warren also confirmed that British super-lightweight champion Tyrone Nurse will fight highly-touted mandatory challenger Jack Catterall later this year.
Catterall against Tyrone Nurse will also happen in the summer, so were making the fights the fans want to see, he said.
This past weekend, Tommy Langford was stopped by Avtandil Khurtsidze in Leicester in the main event of a Queensbury show broadcast on BT Sport and BoxNation. Going up against a Matchroom show in Liverpool on Sky Sports, Warren is very pleased with how things went.
Obviously Im disappointed with the Tommy Langford result but other than that it was an excellent show with good matches, he said.
I was extremely pleased with all the performances from our guys. I thought Lyon Woodstock was outstanding, I think hell be a big star. Anthony Yarde was punch perfect, he was calm, collected, hes got fast hands. Daniel Dubois did what he had to do, it was a decent opponent for him and he handled it well, he showed great hand speed.
I thought the [Darryll] Williams fight [against Jahmaine Smyle] was a great fight, a candidate for domestic fight of the year. I was pleased that in the ratings, BT beat Sky. As I said, with a level playing field itll be interesting, and thats without the tens of thousands of fans who tuned in on BoxNation as well.
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How A Flock Of Birds And Mechanical Failure Downed A B-52 Stratofortress Bomber In Guam – Task & Purpose
Posted: April 26, 2017 at 3:47 pm
Nearly one year after a B-52H Stratofortress bomber crashed shortly after takeoff at Andersen Air Force Base in Guam, the U.S. Air Force has finally identified the culprit: a flock of goddamn birds.
Well, sort of. An investigation by Air Force Global Strike Command concluded that the crash, which took place during a routine training mission on May 19, 2016, was caused by a mechanical failure during an aborted takeoff, military officials announced Monday.But the initial release by the Accident Investigation Board initially attributed the crash to a bird sighting, stating that the pilot had analyzed visual bird activity and perceived cockpit indications as a loss of symmetric thrust required to safely attain flight.
Crew members accounts of the incident in the full Global Strike Command paint a distinctly more Miracle on the Hudson picture. From Air Force Times:
An accident investigation board found that the accident began when the pilot of the B-52 which was assigned to the 5th Bomb Wings 69th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron saw birds ahead at wing level as the plane was conducting a high-speed, heavy-weight takeoff during a routine training mission. The co-pilot then heard and felt a couple of thuds that sounded like something hitting the aircraft, the report said.
The pilot and co-pilot then saw three of the planes four engines on the right wing quickly spooling back and losing thrust necessary to safely get off the ground. The oil pressure spiked on the wings fourth engine which suggested to the pilot that it was also about to fail and the plane experienced a noticeable left-to-right yawing motion, according to the report.
An aborted takeoff is worrying on its own, but this is wherethings actually got out of control.According to Air Force Times, the B-52s drag chute failed to inflate, leaving the aircraft to exceed the upper limit of its brakes and skid off the runway. After coming to a halt 300 feet beyond the runway, the fuselage quickly burst into flames, prompting the crew to bail.
Only one of the seven crew members aboard the B-52H suffered minor injuries, but the resulting fire completely destroyed the $112 million aircraft, one of 102 that entered service starting in May 1961. Boeing produced 744 total B-52s for the Pentagon starting in 1955.
Despite the proximity of the bird sighting and thuds reported by the co-pilot, the AFGSC reportdeterminedthat birds likely didnt actuallystrike the B-52. The investigation found no evidence of any organic material being processed through the engine, so far that all of the debris found in the engine consisted of pieces of coral, dirt, and grass that was processed through the engines when they contacted the ground.
I dont think they found any evidence, but the plane was burned up, Global Strike Command spokeswoman Carla Pampe told ABC News, assuring them that the various mechanical issues surrounding the aircrafts drag chute and brakes do not indicate any larger issues among the B-52 fleet. (Good thing the Pentagons fleet of Vietnam-era B-52s is slated for a much-needed modernization plan.)
We look forward to watching Clint Eastwoods film adaptation of the incident.
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