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Can I continue exercising after a C-Section? – Times of India (blog)
Posted: April 18, 2017 at 1:44 pm
Ive just had a baby, an operation too! Will I ever be able to revert to my previous body structure? Can I exercise after a caesarian? These are the woes of a new mother, though gone are the times when a new mother would be disbarred from all other activities other than feeding the baby and allowing the body to recover.
For 40 days she would be told to remain indoors, as the immunity would be at its weakest and both the mother and child would be cocooned till they were ready to face the world. Let me tell you, Ive been there and done that for my firstborn and believe me it did actually help. I was barely 20 and I had absolutely no clue what I was supposed to do or eat or exercise and had nobody to guide me. I blindly followed my mother-in-law. Yes, I did put on weight and the loose fat on my tummy took a lot of hard work to go, but my weak bones, low blood pressure problems and the constant faints were gone forever.
However back then the idea of a perfect figure wasnt a benchmark of 36-24-36 that had to be achieved. The perception of beauty was more realistic than the willowy photo-shopped frames we see in every Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter or FB post. But that apart, personal health and beauty standards werent even defined for individuals to fit any prototype. It was what each thought best for themselves. However the world has changed and women today are equipped for more, or maybe they want it all and can work hard enough to get it too. So lets get down to basic facts that can help a new mother.
Though the scientific technology sped the healing and recovery time post an operation, it still doesnt allow you to be lax or careless. The C-section delivery definitely requires some healing time before you can start putting pressure of a rigorous workout on it. What you can safely begin with is walking. After a 2 week absolute rest, allowing the scar to heal, the internal changes to restore strength to the body and pain to subside, a 20min easy paced walk is what you can start with after a fortnight. As doctors always advice, take 6/8 weeks of total recovery before you begin any full-fledged workout. Urinary incontinence can happen post-delivery due to loosening of the pelvic muscles. The Kegel exercises taught to you during pregnancy are the best to begin with. They will help in strengthening the core and your pelvis. These help in combating that loosening that you are worried about.
These are the exercises you can gradually you can start with
1. Hip raises to strengthen your abdominal without pressurizing your back.
2. The Bird Dog will help tighten the sagging tummy that is a problem with most new mothers. These exercises will also help elongate the spine and ease out the stiffness.
3. Side leg raises done lying down will activate the hamstrings and glutes while increasing mobility in the hip flexors. They also help tighten the core.
4. The can begin with the regular one and then gradually do the various variations.
The body has undergone lots of changes to prepare you for the birth of your young one, do not rush it or torture it into getting back into its previous shape sooner than its prepared for. Take it slow and easy, build up your strength, endurance and then drive it to do better. There are loads of workouts that can be your playtime with your child, while helping you to lose weight and recover while you enjoy motherhood.
DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.
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Being both under and overweight may increase migraine risk – NHS Choices
Posted: April 18, 2017 at 1:44 pm
Tuesday April 18 2017
Migraines are more common in women
"People who are too fat or too thin are 'more likely to suffer from migraines'," reports The Sun.
Researchers reviewed data from 12 studies involving 288,981 people and concluded obese people have a 21% increased risk of migraines, compared to those of healthy weight.
Migrainesare moderate to severe headaches that are more common in women. People who are underweight also have a small increased risk.
Researchers don't know exactly how weight affects migraine risk, but it may be to do with chemicals released by fatty tissue. Researchers found that both age and sex affected people's chances of the condition, as well as their weight.
This type of research can't tell us whether migraine is caused directly by weight. And we don't know whether obese people with migraine can lower their chances of having the painful headaches by losing weight.
Still, trying to achieve a healthy weight should help lower your risk of a range of chronic diseases such asheart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Read more about how to lose weight safely with the NHS Weight Loss Plan.
The study was carried out by researchers from Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in the US, the University of L'Aquila in Italy, and the University of Queensland in Australia.
The researchers reported no direct funding. The study was published in thepeer-reviewed journal Neurology.
The Sun gave an accurate overview of the study. The Mail Online's rather odd headline claimed that: "Being a healthy weight is the only way to beat migraine," ignoring the fact that many people of healthy weight get migraines, and there are plenty of migraine treatments around.
The Mail also said that "migraine sufferers could prevent the misery of migraine headaches by staying at a healthy weight," when the research does not show that changing weight affects migraine.
Both newspapers use the researchers' figure that obesity leads to a 27% greater risk of migraine, based on an analysis adjusted for age and sex. However, the fully-adjusted figure, taking into account multiple risk factors for migraine, is 21%.
This is a meta-analysis, which pooled results from previously-published studies looking at links between weight and migraine. Meta-analyses are a good wayof summarising all the existing research about a topic. However, they are only as good as the studies that they report.
All of the studies in this case were observational in nature, and so are not able to show that being over- or underweight causes migraines.
Researchers looked for previously-published observational studies on migraine and weight. They pooled the data to look for links between migraine risk and different categories of weight underweight, healthy weight, overweight or obese. They adjusted their figures to take account ofconfounding factorsknown to affect migraine risk, such as age and sex.
The studies included were assessed to be of fairly good quality (all ranking seven or above on a 10-point quality scale).
The researchers conducted sensitivity analyses to ensure the pooled results were not skewed by any individual study. They also asked the original study authors for additional information, meaning they were able to include data not used in previous meta-analyses.
The study found that obese people and underweight people, but not overweight people, were more likely to report having migraines.
Compared to people of healthy weight:
Both the chances of having migraines, and the link between migraines and obesity, were strongest in younger people and lessened with age.
The researchers say their findings show a potential "moderate" increased risk of migraine from being obese. They say this finding "supports the need for research to determine whether interventions to reduce obesity decrease the risk of migraine".
They suggest this will help scientists understand the causes of migraine better, and possibly develop treatments based on people's weight.
The study results are clear: people who are obese have a moderately increased chance of getting migraine headaches, and people who are underweight have a small increased chance. However, the results don't tell us why that is.
There are a few limitations to be aware of:
The link to weight is likely to be only one factor contributing to whether someone gets migraine, including genes inherited from parents. Lots of things have been identified as possible triggers for migraine headaches in those susceptible, including:
While it's always a good idea to keep to a healthy weight (it's not called a healthy weight for nothing), we don't know from this study if losing weight (for obese people) or gaining weight (for underweight people) will affect their chances of getting migraines.
Avoiding the triggers listed above, when possible, should also help.
Read more aboutmigraine prevention.
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Three reasons you’re not losing weight, from Ronny Terry – Swindon Advertiser
Posted: April 18, 2017 at 1:43 pm
SWINDON-based personal trainer and fitness writer RONNY TERRY returns to the Advertiser in his occasional online blog
YOU'VE been plugging away at this weight loss malarkey for a while now, and despite emptying your cupboards of junk and searching for the latest quick fixes online, the scales are showing about as much movement as the Magic Roundabout during Fridays rush hour.
It was never meant to be this way
With anyone and everyone banging on about how much weight theyve lost and how quickly they did it, youd think it wed have it all wrapped up by now.
But as it stands, losing weight is still an incredibly tricky and often lonely process accompanied by occasional highs and depressingly frequent lows.
But amidst all this confusion and noise there are three obvious, but often overlooked, reasons you may be failing to lose weight. If you can get to grips with these basics, you can fix up your fat loss and drop some serious poundage in no time.
Not enough NEAT
Non-exercise activity thermogenesis is a big science term for the energy you burn doing anything and everything that isnt planned exercise, eating or sleeping. The walk to work, your job - even the amount you fidget - all counts towards your NEAT.
Estimates suggest very active people can burn up to 50% of their daily calories from their NEAT compared to sedentary (posh for lazy) individuals with as little as a 15% contribution.
Lets take two people, identical in every way, but one drives a car to work, sits down all day and then comes home and watches tv, and the other walks to work, walks around at work and then walks home.
If they are both trying to lose weight, person one is going to have to cut their calories by much more than person two.
In fact, person one could go to the gym four times a week and still struggle to burn the same amount of energy as person two does through their NEAT alone.
Its not rocket science, but we all know someone that says they have a slow metabolism' and usually these are the people that move the least.
The easiest way to increase your NEAT is to move more. You can do this any way you like dancing, skipping, wheelbarrow race but the simplest way is by walking.
A good place to start is 10,000 steps a day.
Most smartphones have built-in apps to track your daily steps, so its easier than ever to keep an eye on your NEAT.
In fact, your phone has most likely been tracking yours without you knowing have a look and see; I dare you.
You have no idea how much you are eating
If we all agree that we lose weight when we burn more energy than we consume through food and drink then knowing how many calories you are getting through each day would seem a logical place to start if you want to lose weight.
Cutting down on junk food or reducing your booze intake may be enough to get things moving, but if youve been struggling to lose or maintain your weight for a while, diligently logging whats passing your lips will take out the guess-work and speed up your progress.
There are loads of free apps out there, such as myfitnesspal, that make calorie tracking a doddle. OK, you may have to faff about a little to start with, but see these apps like Facebooks for your body fat its time work out who you friends are and who you need to block to get ahead.
And as well as knowing the calorie content, tracking your food will make you more aware of other areas of nutrition that could affect your health, such as saturated fat or salt levels.
Oh, and I bet you cant guess the calories in a Costa hot chocolate its criminal.
Youre inconsistent
You cant buy your wife flowers from the petrol station on Valentine's Day and show her no affection for the other 364 days if you want a blissful marriage.
In the same respect, making an effort with your diet one week and then not bothering the next will do nothing for your waistline and leave you tired, frustrated and desperate for another quick-fix.
Any diet that puts you in a calorie deficit will work if you are motivated to stick to it through thick and thin, smiling through the good times and accepting a little wobble and a few tears along the way.
Im not saying all diets are equal, but jumping from one to the next in the hope of finding the missing link every time a little effort is required or when things have slowed down wont set you up for success.
Summing up
Moving more, monitoring your food intake and being consistent youve heard all of this before right?
But maybe thats the problem.
Perhaps, with all the information flying around about losing weight, youve missed the wood for the trees. Youve spent too much time worrying about if you should be cutting out bread or alcohol when you could have been looking at the bigger picture: calories, being active and taking action.
Its never too late to get to grips with your weight, and by starting out with the basics, you can easily create a strong platform for long-term results.
For more of my weight loss tips, and free giveaways visit
Three reasons you're not losing weight, from Ronny Terry - Swindon Advertiser
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How to lose 150 pounds, keep it off: ‘You can’t do it without changing the way you think’ – The Advocate
Posted: April 18, 2017 at 1:43 pm
Over six years, Diana Arvie has lost more than 150 pounds and she's kept it off.
The 52-year-old Baton Rouge grandmother shed the weight without surgery or spending a fortune on a diet plan.
She did something much more difficult. She changed her mind.
"It has to be a mindset," Arvie says. "You can't do it without changing the way you think. There are some mornings I don't want to do it. You still need to do it."
Arvie is living the tough advice that doctors regularly give patients: You have to change your lifestyle. There are no gimmicks or shortcuts to maintaining a healthy weight.
It's spring, so it's time to get in shape, and, in these parts, you can run or walk and help
At her heaviest, Arvie weighed 330 pounds.
When her mother's health began deteriorating, Arvie brought her to her home to care for her full time.
"I was just eating, eating, eating," she says. "It looked like somebody blew me up."
After her mother died, Arvie began walking around her neighborhood and quickly lost weight. She dropped about 100 pounds, but the weight slowly crept back up because she didn't change her eating habits.
In 2009, Arvie was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent surgery to remove a tumor. After 36 rounds of radiation, she says, the doctors pronounced her cancer-free. They also gave her advice: Regular exercise and eating a nutritious diet may help keep the cancer from returning.
The warning didn't sink in, Arvie says, and her weight led to new health problems. Her leg and back ached, and she took medicine to treat those pains. Because of sleep apnea, she never received enough rest and would fall asleep while driving.
After two years of escalating medical problems, she committed to change. She began walking again.
Feeling unhappy with your appearance is nothing new.
Then she started going to the gym, watching what the trainers taught other clients and then mimicking the workouts. Now she hits a local Planet Fitness for two hours every morning.
The weight came off slowly as Arvie changed her diet. She cut out bread and other carbohydrates and focused on eating nuts, yogurt, fruits and vegetables. Eventually she stopped eating meat, choosing to get protein through eggs and other sources.
Although this diet works for her, she understands others will find success with different eating habits.
"People are going to do this the way they want," she says. "They can eat meat, the baked chicken and fish and things. I prefer not to because I do better without meat."
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Arvie's still losing weight slowly. She now wears a size 8, down from a 24 or 26 at her largest.
"She looks amazing," says Zetta Nganga,Arvie's longtime friend who has been touting Arvie's success to anyone who will listen.
Arvie's most important tip to others wanting to keep weight off is to stay focused and be consistent.
"You have to be persistent," she says. "Even when you meet your goal, you still have to continue. It's a journey for life."
Today, Arvie doesn't take any medications, just a vitamin every morning.
Every weekday, she keeps her four grandchildren, caring for a 2- and a 3-year-old and two others who are in elementary school. Before losing weight, she couldn't chase after them without getting short of breath.
Arvie says she is proud of her new life and hopes to inspire others.
For the next nine weeks, Wanda Mayeux will be thinking about her muscles nearly every minute.
The 51-year-old grandmother is preparing for her next professional bikini fitness competition where she will compete against women in their 20s and 30s.
"People give up too easy, and some are not willing to try," Arvie says. "You have to be willing to fight for what you want."
Follow Kyle Peveto on Twitter, @kylepeveto.
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How to lose 150 pounds, keep it off: 'You can't do it without changing the way you think' - The Advocate
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Diet Doc Discourages the Harmful Simeons hCG Diet and Recommends Higher Calorie Weight Loss Programs – Marketwired (press release)
Posted: April 18, 2017 at 1:43 pm
PHOENIX, AZ--(Marketwired - April 18, 2017) - Millions of Americans are in search of the perfect weight loss solution, but finding and maintaining an effective diet is no easy task. Generally speaking, reducing 500 calories per day results in 1 to 2 pounds of weight loss per week. Dieters can lose weight faster if they combine a balanced diet with physical activity or medical weight loss solutions.
The original hCG diet, developed by Dr. Simeons in the early 1950s, limited daily calorie consumption to just 500 calories and prescribed small doses of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). This diet was essentially starvation-based and resulted in negative effects like extreme weakness, hair loss, and muscle loss. For that reason, it was eventually declared "unsafe" by medical experts, nutritionists, and leading weight loss centers like Diet Doc Weight Loss.
hCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy that contains 244 amino acids and has been linked to rapid weight loss by supposedly reducing "abnormal" fat from cells and around internal organs. Now, as researchers have learned more about the hCG hormone, safer hCG treatment programs with higher calorie requirements are available. Typically, these programs involve undergoing hCG treatment while consuming between 800 to 1250 calories every day. As a result, dieters can lose weight consistently while minimizing the negative side effects associated with the original Simeons method of hCG dieting.
Diet Doc, a nationally recognized weight loss program, has continuously discouraged the Simeons method of hCG dieting and suggests high-calorie programs that involve safer weight loss. Doctor-supervision and diet customization based on nutritional needs are also highly recommended.
Regardless of their weight loss history or individual struggles, Diet Doc helps patients develop an individualized diet based on their nutritional needs or even their genetics. All Diet Doc programs provide a doctor-supervised, customized diet plan. Instead of encouraging patients to adopt harmful dietary practices with no prior medical knowledge, Diet Doc consults with patients to provide a detailed weight loss plan based on their nutritional needs and medical history.
Losing weight with Diet Doc is safe, simple and affordable. Nutrition plans, exercise guidance, motivational support, and dietary supplements are all part of the package. Over 90% of Diet Doc patients report an average weight loss of 20 or more pounds every month and long-term weight loss maintenance is made possible through continuous counseling.
Patients can get started immediately, with materials shipped directly to their home or office. They can also maintain weight loss in the long-term through weekly consultations, customized diet plans, motivational coaches and a powerful prescription program. With Diet Doc, the doctor is only a short phone call away and a fully dedicated team of qualified professionals is available 6 days per week to answer questions, address concerns and support patients.
Getting started with Diet Doc is very simple and affordable. New patients can easily visit to quickly complete a health questionnaire and schedule an immediate, free online consultation.
About the Company:
Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.
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Diet Doc Discourages the Harmful Simeons hCG Diet and Recommends Higher Calorie Weight Loss Programs - Marketwired (press release)
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Avera Medical Minute AHH: Losing weight and keeping it off with Balanced Weight Loss Program – KSFY
Posted: April 17, 2017 at 3:41 am
Its something millions of Americans struggle with their weight. And right along with that are thousands of diets claiming to help people shed pounds fast.
But if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
However if you are ready for a change, there is a program that is changing lifestyles and helping people lose weight and keep it off. Its called the Balanced Weight Loss Program at Avera Heart Hospital.
My weights not going to change if I dont, said Carla Deutsch.
That was Carlas ah-ha moment. She had tried other diets before. Losing the weight wasnt the problem, it was keeping the weight off she struggled with.
I was just a point where I needed to, I decided I was ready. I needed to lose weight and this program came out, said Carla.
She started the Balanced Weight Loss Program at Avera Heart Hospital.
Its just grocery items and a dietitian to tell me how to do it, said Carla.
Registered Dietitian Lauren Cornay provides Carla tools she can use to not only help her lose weight, but maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Everyone who goes through the Balanced Weight Loss gets a resource book that kind of shows proper portions and what a balanced eating pattern looks like how much fruit, how many vegetables, how much protein, a good understanding of sort of where my calories should be coming from, said Cornay.
They started out with keeping a diary of what I was eating, not changing what I was eating, just keeping a diary. And then she looked at that and said oh well heres some problem areas, which I probably knew but just needed to be reinforced. It really helped me to see a lot of the things that I thought I was doing right that I was doing wrong, said Carla.
Motivation and accountability are the hardest things. For a lot of people I may not even be teaching them a whole lot they dont know, but a lot of us need that extra motivation or we need someone to be accountable to to make sure we can stay on track when life hands us curve balls, said Cornay.
Carla is a nurse and with that often comes odd hours.
In the morning Im planning -- okay so Im working night, what do I need to take with me? And at dinner, what am I going to do for dinner? So Im a much better planner now than I was before. I set a goal originally and I made that original goal and Ive set a second goal and Im struggling to get there but Im going to get there, yes. I think for me, goals have worked and its just something that you can look forward to and you know you have something that you can look forward to and you know you have something to work for," said Carla.
With Carlas positivity and drive, theres no doubt Carla will meet her goal.
Cornay says you must be willing to put in the hard work and effort to see and feel results from the Balanced Weight Loss Program.
For more information, just call 877-AT-AVERA.
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Avera Medical Minute AHH: Losing weight and keeping it off with Balanced Weight Loss Program - KSFY
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Weight loss – Sam Smith 2017 pictures show Stay With Me singer’s slim new physique –
Posted: April 17, 2017 at 3:41 am
The 24-year-old singer from London slimmed down considerably after hitting the big time for his stunning vocals.
Many celebrities yo-yo diet, going from chunky to slim and then back again. So how has Sam managed to keep all the weight off?
The hit-maker credits his new super trim figure to nutritional therapist Amelia Freer, whose other celebrity clients include James Corden.
Incredibly the British singer lost 14 in 14 days, wowing fans with his sudden transformation.
In 2012, when Sam hit the big time after featuring on a single for Disclosure, he was notably bigger than his current look.
The star shocked fans at the 2016 Grammy Awards with an incredibly svelte new image and a new haircut.
When probed on his transformation the singer told reporters: Ive just not eaten like a pig anymore thats what Im doing, basically.
In September of that year he revealed that he had lost more than 50 pounds.
Its very, very difficult, he told Entertainment.
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Paleo, Durkin & Atkins, the most popular diets explained
Stay With Me singer Sam Smith's 2017 photos show new physique
I love food so much, so its a constant battle. Its always going to be a battle, but Im trying my best.
While Sam was modest about his weight loss, his huge achievement was down to Amelia Freer - a very A list nutritionist.
Amelia has worked with James Corden, Emma Thomas and Boy George.
Sam posted an emotional message to the nutritionist, posing with her book.
Three weeks ago I met a woman who has completely changed my life.
Amelia Freer has helped me lose over a stone in 2 weeks and has completely transformed my relationship with food, he wrote.
Everyone go check out her incredible book, and start to live healthy. It's not even about weight loss it's about feeling happy in yourself.
Another singer who has lost an impressive amount of weight is Susan Boyle. charted her weight loss story.
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West Plains couple are first weight-loss surgeries at OMC; working with Dr. Aaron Newton at the Gainesville clinic – Ozark County Times
Posted: April 17, 2017 at 3:41 am
John and Nicole Smith of West Plains are obsessed withMy 600-Pound Life, a reality show where each episode follows a year in the life of a morbidly obese person. Together, John and Nicole weighed 615 pounds at the beginning of their weight-loss journey last year, with Nicole weighing in at 275 and John at 340. The couple knew they could not reach their weight-loss goals alone, and they sought help from Dr. Magdy Giurgius, a board-certified bariatric surgeon at Ozarks Medical Center Surgical Specialists Clinic in West Plains. They are also being treated during their weight-loss journey by Dr. Aaron Newton at OMCs Gainesville Medical Clinic.
Johns weight-loss goal is fueled by his need for ankle surgery. Born with a birth defect of an extra tendon in his foot, he had surgery when he was young to remove the tendon and reset the foot. The surgery didnt repair the problem, and he soon began walking on the side of his foot. A few more surgeries, with metal bracket and screws put in, and he was still in severe pain when walking. He met with an ankle surgeon in Springfield and was told he weighed too much for the surgery to be a success. John was referred to a pain-management clinic, and it appeared that his only option was to be on pain medication the rest of his life.
I decided I wasnt going to settle for that, John said. ... I wanted to get off the pain meds, get back to a real life, and be able to run with my son.
John and Nicoles son, Zackary, is a motivator for them both. We want to be healthy, not only for our sake, but for Zacks, too, Nicole said. We are planning to drive down to Mammoth Spring to walk around the park with him. That is something we would have never considered before.
After the initial visit with Dr. Giurgius, John and Nicole began their treatment plan prior to their gastric-sleeve surgery. John started his appointments with Dr. Newton, a primary care doctor at the Gainesville clinic, in January 2016. Nicole soon followed and began seeing Dr. Newton in April 2016. They both met with Dr. Newton monthly to weigh in, visit about their progress or work to figure out what went wrong if they didnt lose weight for the month. They also had preoperative appointments with OMC dietician Chris Henson, OMC physical therapist Josh Drummond, OMC bariatric coordinator Jennifer Crockarell and OMC psychologist Dr. Jennifer Long.
When I couldnt break the 300-pound mark, Dr. Newton took the time to talk to me to find out what was working and what wasnt. He got me back on track, John said.
During Dr. Newtons care prior to surgery, John lost 63 pounds, and Nicole lost 49 pounds. The monthly visits, weigh-ins and treatment plan were documented for insurance purposes, and in both cases, insurance covered their visits and their weight-loss surgery.
This is not an easy fix. This is a lifestyle change. We changed to a low-carb, low-calorie diet, Nicole said.
Its a mind thing. You have to set yourself up to win and not fail, John added.
John and Nicole both stressed that keeping a food journal is important. It keeps you accountable, Nicole said. They use the phone appMy Fitness Palto log their meals.
Dr. Giurgius performed Nicoles gastric sleeve surgery this year on Jan. 25 and Johns on Feb. 1. Gastric-sleeve surgery consists of creating a small, sleeve-shaped stomach about the size of a banana during a laparoscopic surgery. Weight loss occurs because the procedure causes the stomach to tolerate a limited amount of food, causing the feeling of fullness more quickly.
Nicole had her surgery on a Wednesday and was back to work on Friday. By Sunday, I was able to move perfectly fine, but it took about a week and a half to not have any pain when doing movements that required using my stomach muscles, Nicole said.
Johns recovery was a little more difficult. It was about a week before I was getting around. I did make myself get up and walk when I felt bloated or sick to my stomach, John said.
It definitely helps having your partner go through this with you, John said. You need a strong support system, and we had one with each other. For those who dont, we created a Facebook group so we can help others who are considering gastric sleeve surgery, Nicole said. (On Facebook search for West Plains Gastric Sleeve Journey.)
The couple still has a way to go in meeting their goals. Nicoles goal weight is 140 to 160 pounds, and Johns goal weight is 180 to 200 pounds. Its not an easy journey, Nicole said. But we have a wonderful support system with Dr. Giurgius, Dr. Newton and Chris Henson.
That support continues for John and Nicole until they reach their weight loss goal and beyond. They will have follow-up appointments with the bariatric surgery team that include continuous monitoring of weight loss, nutrition counseling, adherence to vitamin intake and daily exercise and activities.
You know youve cured yourself when you can drive through McDonalds and buy your son a kids meal and not order anything for yourself, John said.
For more information about gastric-sleeve surgery at OMC Surgical Specialist Clinic at 417-256-1774.
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West Plains couple are first weight-loss surgeries at OMC; working with Dr. Aaron Newton at the Gainesville clinic - Ozark County Times
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Dangers of yo-yo dieting addressed – Uniontown Herald Standard
Posted: April 17, 2017 at 3:40 am
Its not unusual for weight to fluctuate over time. But health officials say the clinical loss and gain of more substantial amounts of weight in a dieting pattern could play a negative role in ones health in the future.
According to Brittney Zack, a clinical dietician at the Uniontown Hospital, the fluctuation is called yo-yo dieting, which resembles the up-and-down motion of a yo-yo.
This fluctuation process typically begins when a person has a desire to lose weight very quickly and thus engages in extreme calorie deprivation, she wrote. Although these results can and will occur, a body is essentially starving in the process, which means that intended fat and unintended lean muscle mass stores can be broken down and lost.
The very act of weight loss especially the loss of muscle that accompanies all weight loss triggers the body to fight back by increasing hunger, slowing metabolism and encouraging fat storage.
That calorie level decrease could lead to bad news when an individual allows him-/herself to satisfy a craving, and ends up regaining the weight little by little.
Michele Pfarr, a clinical nutrition manager at Monongahela Valley Hospital, said another factor that could lead to yo-yo dieting is the failure to address core problems.
If theyre not addressed, you fall back into a pattern, Pfarr said, noting that common issues are eating when youre emotional, bored or tired. Poor eating habits from earlier years could also be the culprit, she said.
They tend to come to the forefront, she noted. Yo-yo dieting is also not a phenomenon that occurs over one given amount of time it instead could be years or months, depending on the individual.
Zack added that the human body will rebound with a starvation response that can result in a quick regain or weight, primarily in the form of fat stores.
Doing this repeatedly over time, or cycling (yo-yo dieting), can affect a bodys overall fat-to-muscle ratio, which ultimately dictates how well the metabolism functions and how easily weight can be maintained in the future, Zack added.
Research has indicated that yo-yo dieting in people who have BMIs at high or below the normal range appears to increase risk of Type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.
Pfarr, however, noted that studies are pretty divided with a true correlation of yo-yo dieting and health risks.
You may go through this pattern many times, and its regained as fat tissue instead of lean muscle like we desire, Pfarr said. There are increased risks of health disease, but it can vary in terms of the original weight status.
Quick and easy weight-loss solutions with lifelong results simply dont exist, according to Zack.
One must be dedicated and committed to learning the process of nutritious, mindful eating and pair it with regular exercise, Zack wrote. Once these are learned and comfortable, they become part of a healthy lifestyle, not just an Im on a diet.
Everything in moderation begins to be understood, she added.
Overall, its about making a lifestyle change.
Pfarr said its crucial to be able to implement and maintain good, healthy lifestyle patterns.
Even if its just one new change, Pfarr said. Once youre comfortable, move on to the next one.
She suggested increasing exercise, even if its just through walking or general activity.
Reduced fat in a diet while increasing fruits and vegetables is also a good way to manage calories, she said.
As you start to adopt changes, your overall lifestyle will change and youll be able to maintain your weight, Pfarr said.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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Dangers of yo-yo dieting addressed - Uniontown Herald Standard
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Diet Doc Patients Achieve Long-Term Weight Loss Success With Individually Customized ‘Paleo Diet’ – Marketwired (press release)
Posted: April 17, 2017 at 3:40 am
BURLINGTON, VT--(Marketwired - April 17, 2017) - Despite the abundance of weight loss programs and dietary aids available in the market, finding a reliable weight loss solution can be challenging. Creating a diet plan involves not only identifying harmful dietary habits and avoiding certain types of foods but also establishing a regularly active lifestyle. Emotional eating and inactive lifestyles make weight loss even more challenging. Therefore, even dieters who achieve weight loss success may not maintain low weight as the rate of long-term weight loss retention for 5 years or more is as low as 5%. Creating customized diets based on personal dietary needs and weight loss goals is more crucial than ever.
One of the most popular diets that individuals have been able to maintain in the long-term is the Paleo Diet. The Paleo Diet offers a moderate way to reduce excess body fat and lead a healthier lifestyle without aggressively limiting calories or changing lifestyle factors. Generally, it involves consuming foods that were supposedly eaten by early humans and recommends a strict diet of:
The Paleo Diet has has been praised for its health benefits and relative flexibility but recent studies have shown that the Paleo Diet may not have been as protein-heavy as initially thought. New archaeological findings indicate that early humans largely relied on plant-based foods with animal protein-based supplements when available. The popular version of the Paleo Diet available in the market has been associated with negative effects caused by extremely high levels of saturated fat and protein and low amounts of Vitamin D and calcium. Ancient diets seem to have been more balanced and experimental in terms of plant-based foods, as early humans often explored and adjusted to new environments.
At Diet Doc, a nationally recognized weight loss center, all patients receive weight loss and diet consulting, regardless of their dietary needs or personal weight loss history. With a safe, doctor-supervised diet plan and guidance for life, Diet Doc patients gain the following benefits within the very first month:
Diet Doc programs offer a doctor-supervised diet plan and guidance for life. For patients who struggle with portion control or emotional eating, Diet Doc offers solutions like Metwell, which helps balance metabolism and reduce appetite without harmful side effects. Medical weight loss solutions, even in combination with popular diets like the Paleo Diet, have been shown to be effective when doctor-supervised and customized to an individual's dietary needs, according to Diet Doc's resident medical expert Dr. Rao.
With a team of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and motivational coaches, Diet Doc products help individuals lose weight fast and keep it off. Patients can get started immediately, with materials shipped directly to their home or office. They can also maintain weight loss in the long-term through weekly consultations, customized diet plans, motivational coaches and a powerful prescription program. With Diet Doc, the doctor is only a short phone call away and a fully dedicated team of qualified professionals is available 6 days per week to answer questions, address concerns and support patients.
Getting started with Diet Doc is very simple and affordable. New patients can easily visit to quickly complete a health questionnaire and schedule an immediate, free online consultation.
About the Company:
Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.
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