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Rob Kardashian, Sam Smith, and More Famous Guys With Major Weight Loss Transformations – Life & Style Weekly

Posted: April 10, 2017 at 11:41 am

Life & Style Weekly
Rob Kardashian, Sam Smith, and More Famous Guys With Major Weight Loss Transformations
Life & Style Weekly
With female stars like Rebel Wilson and Adele making moves to be healthier, it's no wonder why we're so quick to associate women in Hollywood with weight loss transformations. However, we tend to forget that famous guys go through drastic body changes ...

and more »

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Rob Kardashian, Sam Smith, and More Famous Guys With Major Weight Loss Transformations - Life & Style Weekly

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Trucker Transformation! Slow, steady weight loss – WYTV

Posted: April 10, 2017 at 11:41 am

Trucker Transformation! Slow, steady weight loss
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (WYTV) With spring comes rebirth; the caterpillar turns into the glorious butterfly. Mike Harahuc hasn't sprouted wings yet, but he has had a transformation. Harahuc is a truck driver and has had a pretty impressive weight loss over ...

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Trucker Transformation! Slow, steady weight loss - WYTV

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Teens and extreme obesity: Is it time for weight loss surgery? – (blog)

Posted: April 10, 2017 at 11:41 am

America, we have a problem! Nine percent of 12- to 19-year-olds have morbid or extreme obesity. Morbid obesity is defined as a Body Mass Index of greater than 40. For a 54 17-year-old girl, this is a weight greater than 235 pounds; and for a 59 17-year-old boy, this is a weight greater than 275 pounds.

These young people are developing serious and complicated adult medical problems problems they probably dont even understand such as hypertension or high blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia or high cholesterol, diabetes or high blood sugar, polycystic ovary syndrome (a female hormonal and metabolic disorder), obstructive sleep apnea or blocked breathing, and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis or fatty liver disease.

This everyone understands: most morbidly obese teens remain so as adults, and they have a shorter life expectancy than normal. They may lose from 6.5 years (BMI of 40-44.9) to 13.7 years (BMI of 55-59.9) of life.

What about bariatric surgeryfor teens? Im not a surgeon, but I believe that physicians and parents may need to consider this option. The most common types of operations being performed on adolescents are the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB), and laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG).

RYGB: A small stomach pouch is created at the top of the stomach and the pouch is connected to the mid-jejunum area of the small intestine. The small pouch greatly limits the amount of food that can be consumed. Food flows directly from the pouch into this part of the small intestine. The main part of the stomach continues to make digestive juices and is reattached farther down the small intestine. Because food bypasses a portion of the small intestine, fewer calories are absorbed.

Is there evidence that RYGB helps teenagers? Yes. Two recent studiesone that followed up with those who had teen bariatric surgery after five years, and another one which compared weight gain between obese teens who had surgery to obese teens receiving non-surgical treatmentshowed a significant reduction in BMI at one year and significant declines in high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and Type 2 diabetes.

LAGB: A band containing an inflatable balloon that is placed around the upper part of the stomach. A small stomach pouch is created above the inflated band and allows only a very narrow opening to the rest of the stomach. A port is placed under the skin and is connected by a tube to the band. By injecting or removing fluid through the port, the balloon can be inflated or deflated to adjust the band. LAGB restricts the amount of food that the stomach can hold, so fullness occurs earlier.

Is there evidence that LAGB helps teenagers? Yes. One study of 87 adolescents aged 14-19 years who had LAGB found an average weight loss at six months of approximately 27 pounds.

LSB: Part of the stomach is separated and removed from the body. The remaining section of the stomach cannot hold as much food.

Is there evidence that LSG helps teenagers? Yes again. In a review of 108 patients aged 5-21 years who had LSG, an average of 29 percent of total weight was lost after three months, 48 percent after six months, 61 percent after 12 months, and 62 percent after 24 months. The teens also experienced improvement in high blood pressure, high cholesterol and Type 2 diabetes.

Teens and morbid obesity: Is it time for weight-loss surgery? Its time to find out. A teen who has a BMI of 40 or higher and is physically mature may be a candidate for surgery. Talk with your teens primary healthcare provider to learn more about the benefits, as well as the short- and long-term risks. Parents and teens need to understand that if they have surgery, it is only one step in losing weight. Teens will also need to build a new lifelong, healthy relationship with food and exercise. Surgical candidates will need to have the support of their family, the support of a team of experts, and the motivation to make lifelong changes. Theres no bypassing this.

Have a question for the Healthy Kids panel? Ask it here. Read more from the Healthy Kids blog

Published: April 10, 2017 4:00 AM EDT

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Teens and extreme obesity: Is it time for weight loss surgery? - (blog)

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Weight Loss Tip: Attack Your Journey With the Right Mindset! – Huffington Post

Posted: April 10, 2017 at 11:41 am

Its a gorgeous spring afternoon here on Long Island, and I just got back from playing a pickup game of softball. With both of my seasons coming up in a couple of weeks, theres just one more tune-up (next weekend) before the games actually count.

Anyhow, today I want to talk about what goes on between the ears. This topic was motivated by one of my clients, who I had a great conversation with yesterday morning

We were discussing hesitancy, and how people set themselves up for failure. Its funny how language can affect the outcomes of things, even on a subconscious level.

Saying things like I think or I could instead of I know and I will can make all the difference between being successful on a venture, or completely falling on your face.

My client also mentioned the difference between being beaten and losing. When youre beat, whoever or whatever you were up against just got the better of you on that particular day. You tried your best, but you were out-classed, and it just didnt work out. It doesnt mean that you FAILEDIt just means you either have to learn something new to accomplish your mission, or make a few adjustments so that this doesnt happen again.

Ive mentioned in the past that on my personal journey, I plateaued for TWO YEARS! Not two weeks, not two months TWO YEARS!

As you can imagine, it was incredibly frustrating! I fell off the wagon time and time again due to apathy and frustration, but I NEVER threw in the towel 100%. When one diet didnt work, I tried something else. Same with exercise, and same with my mental approach to my journey.

After a nearly six-year-long battle, I FINALLY got to the promised land, and lost exactly triple digits in terms of pounds. My clothes fit better, my musculature was more accentuated in the right spots, and I had abs for the first time in my life!

When you lose, you have all the tools necessary to succeed, but you still come up short. This is a disappointment, because when youre merely beaten, you can at least learn from your lack of success, and make adjustments to insure success in the future with that particular endeavor.

In the case of Permanent Weight Loss, the amazing thing is that YOU have everything you need to come out on top! You dont need to have a certain level of intelligence, fitness, whatever It comes down to having the will and the determination to see things through!

You know the old saying If at first you dont succeed, try, try again! Thats a perfect summary of what Im getting at

Everybodys different. We all have different challenges that will make this journey, at times, frustrating and trying. The difference between those who lose the weight FOR GOOD, those who lose the weight but gain it all back, and even those who struggle to even get to where theyd like in the first place, is what goes on between the ears.

You WILL succeed! You KNOW its going to take hard work, but that in the long run, its going to pay off!

The more you tell yourself that, the better off youre going to be. Until tomorrow!

P.S. If you KNOW youre ready to make the changes necessary to see permanent results, but youre not sure what to do to get there, then you NEED to download my free report!

From mindset to nutrition to fitness, these five strategies are the same five I used to lose 100 lbs, keep it off, and change the lives of folks around the world STRUGGLING to lose weight, and just function day-to-day.

To get your FREE copy, simply go to!

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Weight Loss Tip: Attack Your Journey With the Right Mindset! - Huffington Post

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How much exercise can you safely do when you are over 50? – Health24

Posted: April 10, 2017 at 11:40 am

Updated 10 April 2017 Exercising when youre over 50 can greatly improve your quality of life. Heres how to exercise safely and effectively.

Regular exercise can help increase energy levels, reduce the risk of disease, boost emotional health, reduce stress, improve sleep and reduce the symptoms of many chronic conditions in the over 50s.

But how much exercise is enough, and is it possible to overdo it?

The answer depends very much on the individual. If someone has been exercising for most of their life, they will have a high level of fitness and will be able to do more. That however doesnt mean that it is too late for middle-aged people who have never exercised. Fact is that it is never too late to start.

What the experts recommend

For women, the 50s involve menopause, which can cause weight gain; a loss of muscle mass and bone strength; and lower energy levels. Regular exercise can alleviate these symptoms, and experts recommend that postmenopausal women should include a combination of strength, aerobic and balance exercises for at least two and a half hours a week. The CDC recommends the same guidelines for people who are 65 or older, who are generally fit and have no limiting health conditions.

Where to start

The intensity of the exercise will depend on the individual and any existing health conditions they have. For example, someone with high blood pressure may struggle with some yoga poses and the associated inverted positions. Someone with osteoporosis may battle with brisk walking or high-impact exercises and should rather opt for stationary bike riding or the elliptical machine.

Before starting any exercise programme one should get the all clear from ones doctor and follow any guidelines they provide. If at any time you experience dizziness, nausea or sharp pain, stop exercising immediately and seek medical help.

The safest exercises for most people to do include:

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How much exercise can you safely do when you are over 50? - Health24

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Eggs are Egg-cellent – KRMG

Posted: April 10, 2017 at 11:40 am

Having fallen in and out of favor with nutrition experts, youd think the fragile egg would be broken and beaten by now. Luckily, its ego isnt nearly as vulnerable as its shell. Oblivious to the attempts to separate the egg from its well-deserved title of "best source of complete protein on the planet," the egg has managed to remain a nutritious, inexpensive, andpopular food.

For awhile, nutrition experts hypothesized that the high cholesterol content of eggs raised blood cholesterol levels, which can increase a person's risk of heart disease. But this hypothesis was never proven. In fact, several studies have shown that the consumption of eggs is not associated with higher cholesterol levels but is associated with higher nutrient intake.

In 2000, researchers set out to assess the nutritional significance of eggs in the American diet and to estimate the degree of association between egg consumption and cholesterol levels. Their straightforward results were published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition: Eggs make important nutritional contributions to the American diet and their consumption is not associated with high cholesterol levels. Specifically, the study showed that egg consumers had a higher intake of important nutrients like vitamins B12, A, E, and C than non-egg eaters, and that people who reported eating four or more eggs per week actually had significantly lower average cholesterol levels than those who reported eating zero to one eggs per week.

Here are four more ways eggs can enhance your health:

According to Becky Hand, a Licensed and Registered Dietitian for SparkPeople, "One egg daily can easily be a part of a well-balanced, nutritious diet for healthy adults." An important exception is for diabetics, who experienced an increased risk of coronary artery disease when consuming greater than six eggs per week. If you have a medical condition such as heart disease or diabetes, Hand suggests checking with your physician (or dietitian) regarding egg consumption and dietary restrictions.

"Designer" Eggs: Are They Worth the Money? When you go to stock up on eggs, be prepared for an onslaught of choices. Beyond just white and brown, youll see a whole new world of choices in the refrigerator case. Are these designer eggs worth the extra money? It depends on the designer.

This article has been reviewed and approved by Becky Hand, Licensed and Registered Dietitian. Article Source:

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Eggs are Egg-cellent - KRMG

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The Ugly Truth About Wedding Diets – Refinery29

Posted: April 10, 2017 at 11:40 am

The response was huge, and telling. The Times ran a follow-up piece the next week, addressing the outraged response from readers, many of whom were disturbed not only by the trend, but by the fact that the paper had reported on it with an evident lack of criticism. They failed to note, for example, the fact that feeding tubes were designed as a life-saving medical device, not a diet tool. Furthermore, theyre typically administered to patients under consistent medical supervision because there are indeed risks: infection, vomiting, ulcers, and pulmonary aspiration (inhaling stomach contents into the lungs) which can cause pneumonia. Finally, the Times didnt point out the most obvious and crucial fact about this trend. If they didnt have the tube and just stopped eating theyd be considered anorexic, one reader commented. But under a doctors care and with a tube in their nose, its a crash diet. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics agrees, noting that The K-E Diet will almost inevitably lead to quick weight regain, and also puts patients at risk for bingeing or developing an eating disorder. Furthermore, one doctor told the Academy, ...nobody really knows what's in that [K-E Diet] formula.

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Weight loss – woman drops five dress sizes and nearly five stone by using THIS app –

Posted: April 10, 2017 at 11:40 am


Kirsteen Mosley, from Lincoln, listened to the tape every night as she fell asleep.

The virtual elastic band app helped her to shed a whopping five dress sizes, and her new found confidence has encouraged her to do things she never dreamed possible.

Kirsten, 42, found the EasyLoss Virtual Gastric Band Lose Weight Fast! app when researching weight loss techniques after a shopping trip snapped her into action.

She said: "The size 18 clothes in the January sales wouldn't fit me, which is when I realised that the size 18 Gap jeans I was wearing all the time were actually an American size and not UK, so I was really wearing 20/22 jeans.


A woman has dropped five dress sizes and five stone with this hypnotherapy app

Kirsteen said she would find it impossible to paint her toenails, wrap a towel around her or even enjoy time with her children because of her weight, decided to try the hypnosis technique.

She said: "I believed that it would work, it made sense.

"I followed the four simple guidelines and found my portion sizes decreasing and the weight just melted away.

In just eight months Kirsteen had gone from a size 20 to a size 10 and has dropped over four stone.

Kirsteen said: "I found a confidence and belief in myself that allowed me to lose the weight.

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She added: "My mental health was affected by my weight, it was a vicious circle of not looking good in clothes, beating myself up, comfort eating, beating myself up, trying a diet, eating something I shouldnt have, beating myself up, comfort eating and so on.

However, as Kirsteen found the weight loss so easy, she was soon able to turn her focus to other challenges that she had previously shied away from.

Kirsteen challenged herself to overcome her lifelong fear of heights.

She said: "Anyone who knew me of old would have a story of me sitting on the floor of a gondola in the Alps crying, panicking and refusing to walk along a path to a waterfall because of the slope.


"Since losing the weight and challenging myself to overcome my fear of heights I have gone on high ropes, cable cars and even paragliding off a mountain.

"All things I never believe possible for me." recently charted Susan Boyles weight loss journey.

Susan Boyle lost a whopping two stone in 2016, after Type 2 diabetes left her uncertain as to whether she would sing live again.

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Diet Doc Patients Lose Weight Fast and Fight Obesity With the … – Marketwired (press release)

Posted: April 10, 2017 at 11:40 am

MANCHESTER, NH--(Marketwired - April 10, 2017) - The Mediterranean Diet is one of the most well-known diets available and also one of the healthiest. It promotes healthy weight loss by balancing protein, carbohydrate, and fat consumption. It is highly flexible and can be customized to an individual's health and nutritional needs. In general, the Mediterranean Diet involves a balanced diet following these guidelines:

The Mediterranean Diet has been known to help dieters minimize health issues like heart disease and diabetes while improving brain function. It has also been helpful in tackling America's obesity crisis, which has affected nearly 35% of the population. With emotional eating and inactive lifestyles leading to unprecedented levels of weight gain, obesity levels may not decline anytime soon. More than ever, making educated dietary choices and considering healthy options like the Mediterranean Diet is encouraged.

However, dieters must remember that pursuing well-known diets like the Mediterranean Diet does not guarantee weight loss. Various factors like long-term diet planning and retaining an active lifestyle affect weight loss success.

Diet Doc, a nationally recognized weight loss center, helps patients achieve long-term weight loss success through direct nutritional counseling, doctor supervision, and customized diet planning to all patients. Diet Doc helps patients adhere to healthy diets like the Mediterranean Diet by customizing the diet to their body composition, dietary needs, past weight loss failures and specific weight loss goals. At Diet Doc, the primary goal is to optimize fat loss with minimal muscle loss. With a safe, doctor-supervised diet plan and guidance for life, Diet Doc patients gain the following benefits within the very first month:

Diet Doc programs and aids have a long history of alleviating issues like heart disease, high blood pressure and hypertension through healthy weight loss. With a team of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and motivational coaches, Diet Doc helps patients curb hunger and lose weight fast. In fact, more than 90% of Diet Doc patients lose 20 or more pounds every month.

Patients can get started immediately, with materials shipped directly to their home or office. They can also maintain weight loss in the long-term through weekly consultations, customized diet plans, motivational coaches and a powerful prescription program. With Diet Doc, the doctor is only a short phone call away and a fully dedicated team of qualified professionals is available 6 days per week to answer questions, address concerns and support patients.

Getting started with Diet Doc is very simple and affordable. New patients can easily visit to quickly complete a health questionnaire and schedule an immediate, free online consultation.

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.


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Diet Doc Patients Lose Weight Fast and Fight Obesity With the ... - Marketwired (press release)

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Seven ways to lose a couple pounds STAT! – New York Daily News

Posted: April 10, 2017 at 11:40 am

New York Daily News
Seven ways to lose a couple pounds STAT!
New York Daily News
"Eat lots of melons, berries, salads, cucumbers and asparagus when you're trying to lose weight fast," advises Dr. Lisa Young, registered dietician and adjunct professor at NYU. 5. Say no to starch. Starches and complex carbs make our bodies produce ...

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