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I Lost 20 Pounds In 1 Month Just By Following The Candida Diet – Elite Daily
Posted: March 24, 2017 at 12:40 pm
I was commuting on my bike and riding twice a day, 6 miles each way. Nearly every other day, I was going to the gym and working out.
Then, I tore a calf muscle playing basketball. It hurt, a lot, and it sidelined me from my usual workouts for six weeks.
But, the injury did not sideline me from the dinner table or the snacks I was used to eating. I knew I should change my diet to match my level of activity, but I struggled to do so.
(Besides, beer. Enough said.)
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I went back into the gym and weighed myself, did a rough BMI calculationand decided I needed to get active rehabilitating my calf and the rest of my body.
I got married the week of my calf injury, and a couple months into our marriage, my wife was struggling with candida overgrowth that resulted in headache, body aches and fatigue.
Her nutritionist suggested she try the candida diet, and being the supportive husband I was, I decided Id go on it with her.
In two weeks, I lost 12 pounds. My weight-loss stabilized, I felt stronger and I had less of the typical afternoon fatigue I experienced most days.
Heres how it worked, and how you can do it, too:
This was the toughest part for me. Your diet is pretty much limited to veggies, lots of water and a detox drink.
You shouldnt work out really hard during this phase, but you can still continue light exercise. You should avoid caffeine and alcohol, so it means giving up coffee (at least for a little while).
The detox drink was the hardest part for me. It contains apple cider vinegar (ACV) and lemon juice, and I had a really hard time stomaching the ACV.
This stage is listed as optional on the candida diet website, but I endured it anyway.
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Toward the end of the first week, we both felt a little ill. This is a side effect of candida die-off, and it passes pretty quickly.
Perseverance paid off. I lost a good 4 pounds the first week.
This stage is more balanced than the detox stage, but it still eliminates added sugar and most starchy vegetables.
It is designed to meet basic nutritional needs while starving the candida. Even if you dont have an overgrowth of candida, its easy to see the benefits from going without added sugars and starch.
If you really are struggling with some kind of candida infection, this phase of the diet can last from a few weeks (if you follow the diet strictly and have a mild candida overgrowth) to months (if you have a more severe case or cheat often).
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From a diet side, you dont have to count calories; just avoid certain foods and add natural probiotics and antifungals.
We learned to make our own yogurt and eat a lot of asparagus, broccoli and kale. Here is a list of foods you should eat.
We avoided some things we really love, like fruits, grains and tuna. We cheated from time to time with caffeine and alcohol.
Here is a list of the things you should avoid.
By the end of 30 days, I had lost a little over 20 pounds, and my wife a little under. Id lost a couple of inches around my waist, and I felt much better.
My workouts felt easier, and my energy level was more consistent throughout the day.
We stayed on the diet for 90 days before slowly reintroducing other foods back into our diet. We still avoid glutenous grains, added sugars and most starchy vegetables.
The candida diet is a good jump start, regardless of whether you have candida overgrowth or not.
Its the best diet I have found for a quick detox and reasonably quick weight-loss that also trains you to eat better in the long term.
The candida diet also works well if you are vegan.
It is pretty easy to adapt the diet to almost any food preferences. If you want to lose weight fast and just feel better, the candida diet may be just the thing for you.
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Troy is a freelance writer, editor, and author who lives and works in Boise, Idaho. He is an avid cyclist, skier, and loves the outdoors. He lives with his son, his dog, and his fiance. His work can be found at
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I Lost 20 Pounds In 1 Month Just By Following The Candida Diet - Elite Daily
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7 Excellent Tips To Help You Shun Some Kilos Off Quickly – Yahoo India News
Posted: March 24, 2017 at 12:40 pm
Ladies, if you want to get gorgeous curves,and guys, if you want a lean andathletic body, then it is time to get up and get active!If those flabby arms and thighs,and dimpledabdomen are causing you stress, it is time you start doing something positive to getin shape.
But, no need to worry! No matterwhat your reason is for getting in shape, we are here toguide you with a few sure shot ways to lose weight. These tricks will get you started on your journey towards attaining the body that you have always been dreaming about, and would also help you to shun some kilos off quickly. So, get ready for some mostamazingtips tohelp you lose weight.
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Start from the basics. Ask yourself the following questions- do you want to lose weight overall, do you want to tone up, or is there any particular part of your body that is disturbing you the most? Yes, setting a weight loss target is the first positive step you can take towards your journey of becoming fit and fab!
What you might be lackingis an effective plan, and that is what you need to lose weight. So, chalk out a weight loss plan first, whichwill help you to stay motivated towards your target.
Also Read:10 Easiest Tricks To Tighten Loose Skin After Weight Loss
If you thought that you would have to starve yourself to lose weight, then you are wrong. You need to know what foods are good for your body, what foods will help you lose weight faster, and which ones you need to removefrom your diet. Here are a few tips to get you started:
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No, we don't want you to handover your lunch box to the person next to you, we want you to swap what is there in that box with something that is good for you. Firstly, instead of going for white breador rice, go for the brown varieties of the same. Next, swap your breakfast paranthas for healthy oats or an egg white omelette.
Even when you are eating out, here is what you can do:
Now, does all this sound too difficult? Well, if you think about all the weight you will be losing with these smart swaps, we are sure you will relish thisthought, forever!
Don't Miss:8 Popular Diet Myths That Actually Make You Fat
It is not just about eating healthy foods, or superfoods, when it comes to weight loss. You have to start by changing your food habits. Here are a few small changes that you can start with, to lose weight faster:
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There is no drink in the world that can replace water when it comes to either quenching thirstor losing weight faster.
Yes, water is a boon on which all those who wish to lose weight should be relying. Drinking adequate water helps to keep untimely hunger pangs at bay, by helping you to feel full and satiated.What's more?Water helps to replenish your body's energy after your workout session.
Also Read:Interesting Ways to Increase Water Intake
One hour of full-body workout every morning, and half an hour of walkafter dinner can help you lose maximum weight.Have a light dinner and go for a walk at a comfortable pace.Relax for about an hour, and then go to bed. You will notice all those excess kilos disappear. If you cannot find time to workout, then do add that half an hour of brisk walk to your daily routine.
This half an hour walk, along with a disciplined diet, can do a lot of good for your weight loss. Also, when you start working out extensively, cardio (cycling, swimming, etc.)will be your best and safest bet to lose weight.
If you are a to-be bride, then here is something special for you- Read:Best Yoga Exercises To Lose Weight And Look Gorgeous
Fat does not budge easily from areas like thighs, love handles, tummy and upper arms. So, you need to pay special attention to these regions.Remember, initially your body will lose weight fast, as you try to discipline your lifestyle with healthy changes. But, as you keep going, weight loss might need that extra push, which can be offered by targeting those stubborn areas of your body.
There are specific exercises, and resistance training workouts that can help you target those tough spots.
Recommended Read:The Health Benefits Of Drinking 'Fruits Infused Water', The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret
Armed with this cheat sheet forsure shot weight loss, we are sure you will no longer have any more excuses to not get fit and fab.So, get ready tomake everyone around you go 'wow'!
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Young people in Cornwall using potentially dangerous weight loss methods popularised by celebrities – Cornwall Live
Posted: March 23, 2017 at 5:41 am
Cornwall's millennials have been told to forget about having a 'perfect body' or risk putting their health in danger.
According to new figures 60% of 18 to 34-year-olds in the county are damaging their long-term health by using potentially dangerous weight loss methods popularised by celebrities and social media.
Read more: Gifted student Anna Phillips from Truro died of overdose on diet pills she bought over the internet
Four in 10 (38%) are prepared to sacrifice their mental health and well-being through extreme dieting if it meant achieving the ideal weight.
In addition, women are six times more likely to worry about weight and body image than their health (44% compared to 7%).
Dove's Real Beauty Campaign, which was first launched in 2004, to promote beauty in all shapes and sizes.
Emma Kenny, expert psychologist and founder of wellbeing site Make Your Switch, said people have to stop thinking that if their body is not a temple then they should diet hard to achieve it.
Read more: Put a stone on in weight and increase you cancer risk rate by 50%
She said: "It's very sad, but unsurprising that young men and women in Cornwall are willing to take such risks with their mental and physical well-being these days. There is so much emphasis placed on women's bodies and the 'perfection expectation'.
"From a very young age children are being told that the way they look is more important than any other trait. The body shaming that regularly takes place on social media, along with the 'beautiful equals successful' equation, gives women a very powerful message - that they are only valued for their looks.
"This means that men and women are more likely to be willing to harm themselves if it means gaining approval."
A healthy balanced diet is all you need to feel good about yourself. Right?
Risks to achieve the perfect body can lead to mental and physical problems including insomnia, tiredness, dizziness as well as more serious conditions such as heart disease, constipation, diarrhea and even bad breath.
Read more: Campaign to stop tooth decay in children launched in Cornwall by Smile Together
Mrs Kenny said social media, TV shows and celebrities were partly to blame for the "my body is a temple culture".
She said quick fix methods popularised by celebrities and Instagrammers have seen worrying trends among young people from Cornwall with a quarter having used diet pills (26%), three in 10 choose juicing (29%) and a fifth choosing to fast (21%).
Weight loss pills went on sale for the first time in the UK in 2009.
Social media beauty challenges, fitness bloggers and Instagram users and social media trolling have been blamed for body shaming trends.
Their weight (27%)
Skin problems (13%)
Their stomach (13%)
Their personality (7%)
Read more: The Female List: 50 of Cornwall's leading ladies and strongest women
Mrs Kenny said: "We need to build women's self-esteem beyond that of superficial beauty and into something that is more than just skin-deep. At Make Your Switch, we go deeper and explore what it takes to look after your happiness, health, fitness and well-being - which are all equally important."
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‘My 600-lb Life’ Star Worries That Her Husband Is ‘Upset’ She’s Trying to Lose Weight – Us Weekly
Posted: March 23, 2017 at 5:41 am
Losing weight but also losing support. A woman and her husband share a tense moment amid her efforts to get healthy on My 600-lb Life's Wednesday, March 22, episode, as seen in Us Weekly's exclusive sneak peek.
The TLC docuseries' preview clip introduces 44-year-old Tracey, who lives in Lorain, Ohio, and weighs 605 pounds. She suffers from cellulitis, which causes her legs to look misshapen, and she needs help getting out of bed each day. Most of this assistance falls on her husband, Anthony, who has recently started to resent helping Tracey, and the clip shows him refusing to take her to a medical check-up.
"Things have been a little tense between Anthony and me lately," Tracey tells the camera in the footage. "I'm not sure if he's just tired of the diet, or if he's upset that I'm trying to lose this weight. I know he said he liked being needed, but now he's telling me to do everything myself."
Anthony says in a testimonial, "We need each other, we support each other, even in the bad times. But if Tracey wants to do this, then she needs to learn to do this herself." And Tracey adds to the camera, "I don't know why he's having issues helping me, but if things keep changing between us, I'm scared about what that's going to mean. It just makes me feel lonely because I can't do this without him."
Watch the clip above. My 600-lb Life airs on TLC Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET.
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'My 600-lb Life' Star Worries That Her Husband Is 'Upset' She's Trying to Lose Weight - Us Weekly
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Valley Baptist Weight Loss Program receives national certification – Valley morning Star
Posted: March 23, 2017 at 5:41 am
HARLINGEN The battle against obesity in the Rio Grande Valley received a boost with the accreditation of a local weight loss program at Valley Baptist Medical Center-Harlingen as a Comprehensive Center by a national organization, the American College of Surgeons.
The Valley Baptist-Harlingen Surgical and Medical Weight Loss Program received the accreditation award through the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program, sponsored by the American College of Surgeons, which is based in Chicago, in partnership with the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery.
Manny Vela, Chief Executive Officer for Valley Baptist Health System, said VBMC-Harlingen is dedicated to addressing significant health concerns in the community, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
We are very proud of the Valley Baptist-Harlingen Surgical and Medical Weight Loss Program being named a Comprehensive Center by the American College of Surgeons, Vela said. Quality patient care is foremost in all that we do at Valley Baptist Health System.
In a letter from Dr. David Provost, Subcommittee Co-chair for the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program, the Valley Baptist-Harlingen Surgical and Medical Weight Loss Program was commended for its efforts related to patient safety and patient-centered care.
A Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program accreditation for Valley Baptist Medical Center-Harlingen formally acknowledges your commitment to providing and supporting quality improvement and patient safety efforts for metabolic and bariatric surgery patients, said Provost. As an accredited program, you have demonstrated that your center meets the needs of your patients by providing multidisciplinary, high-quality, and patient-centered care.
Dr. Ashraf Hilmy, a Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program Verified surgeon, said the recent certification demonstrates the programs commitment to helping local residents tackle their struggles with obesity, which can ultimately help them live healthier, more fulfilling lives.
At the Valley Baptist-Harlingen Surgical and Medical Weight Loss Program, we have many years of experience in helping patients in their efforts to make the lifestyle changes necessary to lose weight and live healthier lives, he said. We have enjoyed success stories and have built long-lasting relationships with a number of our patients by being with them through their weight loss journeys.
To earn the Comprehensive Center designation from the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program, the Valley Baptist-Harlingen Surgical and Medical Weight Loss Program met various criteria for staffing, training and facility infrastructure and protocols for care, ensuring its ability to support patients with severe obesity.
In addition to meeting the criteria, the Valley Baptist-Harlingen Surgical and Medical Weight Loss Program underwent an extensive site visit by an experienced bariatric surgeon who reviewed the centers structure, process, and clinical outcomes data.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one-third of adults in the United States suffer from obesity, and Hispanics have the second highest age-adjusted rates of obesity at more than 42 percent.
Obesity is a risk factor in many serious and life-threatening illnesses, including heart disease, stroke, type-2 diabetes and certain types of cancer.
The Valley Baptist-Harlingen Surgical and Medical Weight Loss Program offers two different surgical weight-loss procedures.
Each has specific risks and benefits, and the programs staff and doctors will review those risks and benefits with each patient to help choose the appropriate course of treatment.
Dr. Carlos Barba, a surgeon who works with the staff of the Valley Baptist-Harlingen Surgical and Medical Weight Loss Program, said that surgical weight loss patients who dedicate themselves to the lifelong commitment of weight loss can in many cases significantly improve their health.
In many cases, gastric bypass surgery can be the most effective long-term tool for weight loss and resolution of medical problems associated with obesity and associated diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, arthritis, acid reflux, and more, he said.
One procedure is the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, which involves removing between 60 and 80 percent of the stomach. The remaining portion of the stomach looks like a small tube, or sleeve. A smaller stomach can lead to less consumption of food, and that, along with a slower digestive process, can lead to weight loss.
The other procedure is the Laparoscopic gastric bypass. This surgery creates a small pouch at the top of the stomach, and in addition the small bowel is divided. The biliopancreatic limb is reattached to your small bowel on one end, and the other is connected to the pouch, creating whats called a Roux limb. The pouch releases food slowly, so the patient feels full after eating very little food.
Dr. Vijian Dhevan, a surgeon who treats patients with the Valley Baptist-Harlingen Surgical and Medical Weight Loss Program, said that for patients making such a serious commitment to their health, the recent certification should demonstrate the programs commitment to providing quality healthcare.
The certification of the Valley Baptist-Harlingen Surgical and Medical Weight Loss Program as a Comprehensive Center indicates the level of attention to detail and the high quality healthcare that we provide our patients, he said.
For more information about surgical weight loss options, contact your physician and visit
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Lena Dunham talks weight loss: ‘As a woman in Hollywood, you just can’t win’ – Fox News
Posted: March 23, 2017 at 5:41 am
Lena Dunham says her recent weight loss caused some people to speak out against her.
She discussed the backlash with Ellen DeGeneres.
She recalled, Its just so crazy because I spent six years of my career being called things like bag of milk baby cow, aging cow.
Dunham said she didnt let the comments get to her because "Anyone who's going to take the time to say something negative about my weight on the internet wasn't someone I was particularly keen to impress anyway.
But when she recently lost weight, some people also turned against her.
"Then I had this experience of my body changing and suddenly I had all these people being like, 'you're a hypocrite, I thought you were body positive. I thought you were a person who embraced bodies of all sizes,' and I'm like I do, I just also understand that bodies change, we live a long time, things happen."
Dunham told DeGeneres she the comments irked her.
"I was frustrated by it because it really was evidence that as a woman in Hollywood, you just can't win.
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44-Year-Old Grandma Needs Weight-Loss Surgery for Severe … –
Posted: March 23, 2017 at 5:41 am | 44-Year-Old Grandma Needs Weight-Loss Surgery for Severe ... Tracey Matthews, a 44-year-old grandmother, is hoping to get weight-loss surgery to solve the extreme swelling in her legs and reduce her weight of 605 lbs. Where Is 'My 600-Lb Life' Star Tracey Matthews Now? Weight Loss ... 'My 600-lb Life' Tracey Matthews' husband enables obesity, but not ... |
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Consumer Reports: Is green tea safe for weight loss? – KIMA CBS 29
Posted: March 23, 2017 at 5:41 am
Consumer Reports: Is Green Tea Safe for Weight Loss?
CONSUMER REPORTS -- You may have heard that green tea can be good for your heart. But dont confuse a cup of tea with green tea extract powder. Some supplements containing the ingredient are promising weight loss and a healthier metabolism but the experts at Consumer Reports have concerns, because higher concentrations of green tea extract can be really dangerous because it can potentially cause serious liver damage. Plus the herb itself has been found to alter the effectiveness of a long list of drugs including certain antidepressants and certain anticlotting medications. It can also elevate your heart rate and blood pressure. And researchers suggest that up to 10 percent of people who suffer acute liver failure from green tea extract may die as a result.
Consumer Reports put Green Tea Extract Powder on its list of 15 supplement ingredients to avoid. The manufacturers who make these supplements are not required to prove to federal regulators that their products are effective or even safe before theyre sold, so you really dont know what youre buying.
And studies have also found that even in high doses green tea probably wont help you lose weight. Its true that green tea can raise your metabolic rate, so you burn more calories, but thats probably just due to its caffeine and catechins - the antioxidants found in green tea. Consumer Reports says most people can reap the health benefits of green tea with a couple of cups a day.
Consumer Reports has long advocated for measures that would improve supplement safety and give the FDA greater authority to remove potentially harmful dietary supplements from the marketplace. For now, check out its list of 15 supplement ingredients to avoid which includes green tea extract powder, kava, caffeine powder and red yeast rice.
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Erdogan warns Europeans ‘will not walk safely’ if current attitude persists –
Posted: March 23, 2017 at 5:41 am
By Ece Toksabay and Tuvan Gumrukcu
ANKARA (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday that Europeans would not be able to walk safely on the streets if they kept up their current attitude toward Turkey, his latest salvo in a row over campaigning by Turkish politicians in Europe.
Turkey has been embroiled in a dispute with Germany and the Netherlands over campaign appearances by Turkish officials seeking to drum up support for an April 16 referendum that could boost Erdogan's powers.
Ankara has accused its European allies of using "Nazi methods" by banning Turkish ministers from addressing rallies in Europe over security concerns. The comments have led to a sharp deterioration in ties with the European Union, which Turkey still aspires to join.
"Turkey is not a country you can pull and push around, not a country whose citizens you can drag on the ground," Erdogan said at an event for Turkish journalists in Ankara, in comments broadcast live on national television.
"If Europe continues this way, no European in any part of the world can walk safely on the streets. Europe will be damaged by this. We, as Turkey, call on Europe to respect human rights and democracy," he said.
Germany's Frank-Walter Steinmeier used his first speech as president on Wednesday to warn Erdogan that he risked destroying everything his country had achieved in recent years, and that he risked damaging diplomatic ties.
"The way we look (at Turkey) is characterized by worry, that everything that has been built up over years and decades is collapsing," Steinmeier said in his inaugural speech in the largely ceremonial role.
He called for an end to the "unspeakable Nazi comparisons."
Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus said earlier that although Turkish government officials were still taking part in events for expatriate Turks across Europe, they were not campaigning for the referendum.
The Union of European Turkish Democrats, which organizes events in Europe, said on Tuesday that Turkish leaders would no longer hold campaign rallies in Germany after an ally of Chancellor Angela Merkel said they were not welcome.
Germany, home to some 1.4 million Turks eligible to vote in the referendum, has been angered by the Nazi comparisons and Merkel has demanded that Ankara halt the rhetoric. Erdogan, however, has repeated the message in speech after speech.
The Netherlands, also home to a large ethnic Turkish diaspora, has been embroiled in a similar row with Turkey.
Kurtulmus, who is also the Turkish government's chief spokesman, repeated the rhetoric on Wednesday, saying the "footsteps of neo-Nazism and extreme racism" could be heard in Europe.
Another deputy prime minister, Veysi Kaynak, meanwhile criticized Norway for granting asylum to Turkish military officers suspected of links to the religious network accused by Ankara of orchestrating last July's coup attempt.
"This, unfortunately, in my opinion, is the first sign that Europe, which suffered from civil wars that cost the lives of innocent people for hundreds of years, ... is turning into that Dark Age again," Kaynak was quoted by the state-run Anadolu news agency as saying.
The Turkish foreign ministry's spokesman said later on Wednesday that the ministry had summoned the Norwegian ambassador to Ankara to express Turkey's concerns over Norway's decision to grant asylum to the individuals.
Since the failed coup, which Ankara says was orchestrated by U.S.-based cleric Fetullah Gulen, some 40,000 people have been arrested in Turkey and more than 100,000 sacked or suspended from the military, civil service and private sector, while others have sought asylum abroad.
The foreign ministry's spokesman said Turkey would continue to pursue the matter.
(Additional reporting by Madeline Chambers in Berlin; Editing by Julia Glover and Toby Chopra)
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How Much Money Would You Pay to Magically Lose 15 Pounds? – Go Banking Rates
Posted: March 23, 2017 at 5:40 am
Its not news that most Americans weigh more than they should. Over one-third of American adults are obese, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. And its a good assumption that most overweight people wish they werent.
Dollars to donuts, we bet the average American would probably pay good money to lose 15 pounds immediately and effortlessly. Were talking the magic wand approach to weight loss here. You pay, then poof 15 pounds are gone. The question is: Exactly how much money would most Americans pay to lose weight?
GOBankingRates asked more than 1,000 adults from all walks of life to find out much they would pay to lose weight easily.Heres what they said.
Taking everyone in the survey together including all genders, ages and income groups the median amount people would pay for the magical weight loss of 15 pounds is only $5. But, as you can imagine, some people are willing to pay more. In fact, the average amount is much higher at $1.1 million.
Interestingly, the most common answer among all survey respondents is $0.
The fact that $0 is the most common answer among all Americans is baffling. After all, its estimated that medical weight-loss programsgenerated almost $8 billion dollars in revenue in 2015, according to Statista. And that number is expected to grow to almost $10 billion by 2019.Not to mention, 58 million people go to the gym or a health club every year, and the average cost of a monthly gym membership is $58, according to Statistic Brain.
Clearly, many Americans are paying something to get in shape and lose weight which suggests some survey respondents might not have been 100 percent honest when filling out the survey. Then again, perhaps most of the survey respondents arent currently focused on losing weight.
Nonetheless, the median and average amounts collected in this survey prove that Americans are indeed willing to shed a few dollars here and there in order to shed a few pounds. Heres a look at which demographics would pay less money to lose weight and which ones would pay more.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, which age group is the vainest of them all? To find out how much people would pay to lose 15 pounds by age, this survey divided respondents into the following age groups:
Millennials in particular, older millennials are willing to pay more money than any of the age groups to lose weight, while seniors are willing to pay the least amount of money to lose weight. The median amount among adults ages 25 to 34 is $10, and the median amount among adults 65 and older is only $1.
But the average amounts tell a much different story. People among all age groups said theyre willing to pay more than $100 just to lose 15 pounds.
Older Gen Xers took the cake, so to speak. The average amount the 152 people in this age group would pay to lose 15 pounds is a whopping $6.7 million. The average amounts among other age groups are as follows:
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Clichs and stereotypes paint women as the gender glued to the scale. But according to this survey, it isnt so. Both genders came in offering the same median amount for the on-the-spot weight loss of 15 pounds: $5.
However, the average woman would pay $1.3 million to lose those pesky 15 pounds magically. The average man would pay even more at $2.1 million.
The incomes of those surveyed ranged from $0 to over $150,000 per year.The groups included those persons with an annual salary of:
With a median amount of $2, people in the $25,000 to $49,999 income bracket are willing to pay the least amount of money to lose 15 pounds. But this group also has the highest average amount: $2.4 million.Thats because some in that income group offering to pay millions. For example, one man in the income group said he would pay a whopping $9.2 million to lose 15 pounds.
Up Next: 6 Ways to Make Money for Getting in Shape
Sydney Champion contributed to the reporting for this article.
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How Much Money Would You Pay to Magically Lose 15 Pounds? - Go Banking Rates
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