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Best way to lose baby fat? Eat for one! – Daily Nation
Posted: March 14, 2017 at 7:43 am
= By NELLY BOSIRE 12 hoursago
Suzy* is a bubbly 26-year-old first-time mum. She is excited about motherhood, and having had an uneventful pregnancy and delivery, she has nothing to complain about. When she comes for her post-natal clinic at two weeks, she is doing well, and has settled into breastfeeding rather easily.
Her final post-natal clinic is rather dramatic, though. She is accompanied by her older sister, who is not amused that the new mum has gained seven kilogrammes since the delivery of her baby, not counting the nine kilos gained during pregnancy. From a svelte 56kgs to an uncomfortable 72 kilogrammes! She has no fitting clothes and has invaded her sisters wardrobe
Motherhood is one of the most cherished states for a woman. It brings contentment, excitement, a sense of accomplishment and even social elevation in some communities. In Africa and India, most communities will look down on a woman who has not achieved this feat.
During pregnancy a woman should, on average, gain eight to 12 kilogrammes by the time the baby is being born at term. This weight is derived from the baby itself, the amniotic fluid, the placenta, the increased breast tissue, the expanded maternal blood volume and a bit of fat stored in preparation for breastfeeding, commonly noticed under the shoulder blades.
The smaller the woman, the more likely she is to gain less weight. The obese woman has challenges balancing the necessary weight gain against an excess that is unhealthy.
Women with pregnancy complications such as pre-eclampsia will gain several more kilogrammes due to excessive retained fluid. This weight gain is usually sudden and the patient appears puffy.
The expectant womans calorie requirements in pregnancy varies with gestation. In the first trimester, one has no need for extra calories, hence dietary intake should provide about 1,800 kilocalories a day. This requirement goes up to 2,200kcal in the second trimester and 2,400kcal in the third.
The myth about a pregnant woman eating for two is not only false, but outright harmful. Extra calories during pregnancy lead to piling on unnecessary weight that may lead to unwarranted obesity. This myth continues into the post-natal phase under the pretext of breastfeeding. Studies have shown that women who put on weight beyond the recommended pregnancy kilos have a higher chance of retaining the excess weight right up to a year after delivery.
Once the baby comes, the new mum has a new mountain to climb. Well-meaning family members will visit with heaps of food and they expect the new mum to eat non-stop for the duration of breastfeeding.
Mugs of hot chocolate, porridge, soup and fermented milk are served without ceasing. Food servings are increased and the number of meals increases from three to five. Woe unto her if she has challenges with a good flow of breastmilk, or if the baby is colicky and cries all night. She will be forced to eat more to produce enough milk for her baby.
Within weeks, instead of shedding the baby weight, the new mum continues to gain weight at an alarming rate. Since she is still on maternity leave and does not need to dress up; she wears comfortable loose clothing and has no idea that her wardrobe no longer fits.
Suzy is in this trap. She has a doting mother-in-law who is visiting her first grandchild. The older lady spends all day in the kitchen cooking one delight after another and Suzy cannot resist pigging out.
In the breastfeeding phase, all Suzy needs is an extra 500kcal in addition to her daily requirements to cater for the baby. This way, women are able to lose the stored pregnancy fat and resume normal weight. What is required in large volumes is water. Quite an amount of water is lost in the breastmilk and it is important to replace this.
It is not in order to keep unnecessary weight under the guise of having more babies. Most lazy mothers will ignore the weight and cite their desire to have another baby and complete the family size as the excuse.
They will plan to lose the weight after they are done with having a second baby. The danger is that, with each successive pregnancy, they are already starting from a point of disadvantage, by being overweight or outright obese. The weight loss project ultimately becomes even more difficult.
Post-pregnancy weight loss must start from the delivery room. The mother should learn to eat only what her body requires. She must decisively choose what she needs to eat and not let that be dictated to her. Simple exercises such as brisk walking and swimming to boost metabolism are encouraged. Above all, breastfeeding in itself helps with the weight loss as the body is pushed to use the pregnancy fat that was stored specifically for this.
This is also a good period to initiate weight loss in those diagnosed with obesity during pregnancy. The danger of rapid weight loss in pregnancy is gone and the joints are under less pressure hence can tolerate exercise.
Look out for the contraceptive used too. Some women may gain weight especially if they use progesterone-based hormonal contraceptives. For this group of women, safe options are available and should be used as needed.
Also note that each woman is inherently different, some may have a high metabolism and lose weight in weeks. Others need a little longer to catch up. Whatever the case, shed off the post-natal weight safely.
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Best way to lose baby fat? Eat for one! - Daily Nation
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Wellosophy and Eladiet Announce Receipt of the CE Mark for … – PR Web (press release)
Posted: March 14, 2017 at 7:43 am
...these important features will encourage physicians and their patients alike to adopt HydroSlim as the new standard for a first-line therapeutic option in their battle of the bulge.
Clearwater Beach, FL (PRWEB) March 13, 2017
SWELL is a multi-patented, ingestible, superabsorbent hydrogel technology specifically designed for weight loss. The approval comes on the heels of the successful, SHORT-1 Pivotal Trial (Superabsorbent Hydrogel for Obesity Reduction & Treatment) - an 8-week, Pivotal, Phase III, randomized, prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial that evaluated 126 overweight and obese, otherwise healthy volunteers (38 men and 88 women) between the ages of 18 and 70. The SHORT-1 Trial is the largest clinical trial of its kind; and was led by Dr. Rafael Guerrero, Professor of Clinical pharmacology, nutrition and dietetics, University of Extremadura; University Center of Mrida. SHORT-1 demonstrated highly statistically significant and clinically relevant improvement in all three of the studys primary endpoints: Total Body Weight, Body Mass Index, and Abdominal Girth; with a mean placebo-adjusted weight loss of 13 lbs. in 8 weeks (p<0.0001) without the addition of diet, exercise, or other behavioral modifications. Of Note: all 63 participants (100%) in the HydroSlim group lost weight during the study period. No significant side effects or adverse events were reported.
Lior Sher, JD, Wellosophys Founder, Chairman and CEO stated: HydroSlim is an unprecedented scientific achievement spanning eleven years of development with SHORT-1 being our eleventh clinical trial. No other hydrogel for weight loss has been studied as extensively. The CE Mark culminates five years of intense pre-clinical and clinical development - working with some of the most highly-respected physicians and scientists in Europe. HydroSlim has demonstrated superior safety and effectiveness as a simple, sustainable, non-pharmaceutical, non-invasive solution to promote early satiety - the essential missing piece in the weight loss puzzle for most people struggling to lose weight. We believe that these important features will encourage physicians and their patients alike to adopt HydroSlim as the new standard for a first-line therapeutic option in their battle of the bulge. SWELL is a category-creator. It is currently sold under private labels in both Russia and Chile as a Class IIa Medical Device, and as a dietary supplement in other jurisdictions. We are privileged to work with an outstanding partner like Eladiet to expand our marketing efforts throughout the European Union.
Eladiets CEO, Carla Gaya Boix, LLM, MBA, added: We are proud to partner with Wellosophy in this venture. We loved the SWELL technology from the moment we saw it; and are honored to be the exclusive European Manufacturer of such a great product. Its clinical performance has exceeded all of our expectations. There really is nothing like it in the world. At long last, there appears to be a simple, safe and effective means for people to safely lose weight without feeling hungry. HydroSlim provides an elegant solution for a critical unmet medical need. Patients now have a clear choice that bridges the gap between side-effect laden drugs and expensive invasive surgery.
Dr. Richard Davis, MD, Wellosophys President and Chief Science Officer explained: SWELL is an ingestible, ultrapure, bioinert, hydrogel material that has been specifically designed to rapidly absorb hundreds of times its weight in water in the stomach. When consumed with a sufficient amount of pure water, 30 to 60 minutes prior to meals, the thousands of microbeads of SWELL in each capsule expand in the stomach to form what looks like a slurry of tiny caviar particles which collectively occupy a volume about the size of a large apple. As the microbeads expand, they trigger gastric stretch receptors in the stomach lining to engage the Leptin and Ghrelin hormone cascade which causes the brain to signal gastric fullness thus providing a sense of early satiety at mealtime. Our multiple international studies have consistently shown that patients from all cultures and dietary traditions can comfortably and reliably reduce their meal portions by anywhere from 35% to 50% without feeling deprived. This allows people to eat less without feeling hungry, so they sustainably lose weight slowly, safely and naturally. SWELL is indigestible and non-absorbable; which eliminates the potential for any significant side effects or adverse events. The soft slippery microbeads pass gently and naturally with the meal through the GI tract just like lentils, corn or other common indigestible foods. We are delighted that the EU regulators have provided their citizens with a powerful new tool to combat the obesity epidemic.
Wellosophy (Clearwater Beach, Florida) is a privately-held, US-based biotechnology company developing novel therapies that safely promote weight loss in overweight and obese patients. For more information, visit
Eladiet (Barcelona, Spain) is a leading European cGMP and CE-certified maker of Nutraceuticals and Medical Devices. For more information, visit
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Wellosophy and Eladiet Announce Receipt of the CE Mark for ... - PR Web (press release)
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Slow and Steady Wins the Race – mybighornbasin
Posted: March 14, 2017 at 7:42 am
For many people, when they decide its time to lose weight, they want to see instant results however, thats not the healthy way to go in the long run. In this case, slow and steady really does win the race. Im Wendy Corr, with todays wellness tip!
In America, about 68 percent of people age 20 years and older are obese or overweight, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The majority of these people want to lose weight or have considered losing weight but many get frustrated when they dont see rapid results.
Rapid weight loss means losing more than 2 to 3 lbs. a week. Most often diet pills, patches or creams, and severe calorie restrictions will result in rapid weight loss.
But most medical professionals advise that a safe rate of weight loss is between 1 and 2 pounds per week so it can take between 25 and 50 weeks to lose 50 pounds.
So, why is slower the way to go when it comes to losing weight?
While losing weight quickly seems wonderful on the surface, rapid weight loss has many disadvantages.
You often regain any weight you lost, and you may even gain back more than you lost. Rapid weight-loss diets may even cause you to suffer from health consequences like fatigue, dehydration and nutrient deficiencies. points out that slow weight loss increases your chances of losing actual fat, rather than burning lean muscle tissue, which often occurs with rapid weight loss and fad diets. Plus, when you take more time, your metabolism remains stable, and you will lose weight at a steady pace.
With slow weight loss, you can ensure that youre eating healthy, because you can take the time to make gradual changes to your diet, incorporating more fruits and vegetables and taking out processed foods.
Additionally, by changing your diet gradually and adding exercise into your daily routine, you are making lasting changes to your habits which means that your chances of keeping the weight off increase dramatically!
One of the best tools you can utilize is an accurate food journal. Write down everything you eat and drink, including serving sizes/portions. Be honest and accurate the only one youre cheating is yourself if youre not honest! Keeping a record will help you learn about your eating habits and help you examine the food choices you make.
The only problem with slow weight loss is that you dont get that regular positive feedback you need to stay motivated so you have to reward yourself! Keep a journal and set short-term goals that you can track then reward yourself when you reach them! A new pair of jeans; a pedicure; celebrating with a movie or an outing with your partner or with friends are all positive reinforcements to your ongoing journey.
Thanks for tuning in to Wellness with Wendy! Im a certified holistic nutritionist, a mom, an entertainer and a radio personality so finding balance is the key to my life. I love sharing tips and tricks to help you live your best life so for more health and wellness news and advice, follow my blog on See you again next time for Wellness with Wendy!
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Slow and Steady Wins the Race - mybighornbasin
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The New Science Of Weight Loss – Men’s Health
Posted: March 14, 2017 at 7:42 am
Men's Health | The New Science Of Weight Loss Men's Health So you're sitting in a booth at a fast-food chicken joint. Maybe you're there because of a funny commercial you saw on TV, or a nostalgia-induced craving, or it's convenient and you're starving. You unwrap the crinkly paper to unveil a squishy bun ... |
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Gabourey Sidibe on Her Years-Long Journey to Body-Positivity: I Was ‘Conditioned to Believe That I Was Ugly’ –
Posted: March 13, 2017 at 2:48 pm
After years of being bullied about her appearance and struggling to lose weight naturally,Gabourey Sidibeunderwentlaproscopic bariatric surgery last May, as she reveals in her first memoir This Is Just My Face excerpted exclusively in the new issue of PEOPLE.
PEOPLE caught up with the Oscar-nominated star, 33, who opened up about her decision to go under the knife after she and her brother Ahmed, 34, were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.
How did you decide to get weight-loss surgery?
I just didnt want to worry. I truly didnt want to worry about all the effects that go along withdiabetes. I genuinely [would] worry all the time about losing my toes.
What angers me about what people say about my body is that they assume that they care about my health more than I do. And that is impossible. You dont care. You only care that you have a voice, and you think your voice gets to say something about me. But I care more than anybody really knows.Of course I care. Its been my body my whole life, and I didnt want to be afraid anymore. And Ive been feeling like that for some time.
Why now?
I took a long time to do [the surgery] because I really was trying [to lose weight]. I outlived my first trainer! He died of cancer. He was so great. I lost a ton of weight with him, then I didnt; I really, really tried I gave a valiant try. So Im glad that I finally realized that the surgery wasnt the easy way out. I wasnt cheating by getting it done. I wouldnt have been able to lose as much as Ive lost without [the surgery]. I spent years trying to lose this much weight, and I didnt do it. I wish Id done it sooner.
I was off between March and July, and I went in, and I had the surgery a month and two days after the first meeting. It was just about time. It lined up for me.
How has life changed since you got the procedure?
I still obsess about eating, and I obsess about weight, and I obsess about my body just as much as I did before. I just trust more. Even though I obsess about everything, and Im scared, and Im nervousIm talking about it it terrifies me. I still am remembering to have faith over fear because my decision is my decision, and it really only affects me.
For a while I would get on the scale literally five to six times a day because your weightchanges throughout the day; just because Im obsessive about it. Then I just, I literally just figured out how to not do that anymore, how to weigh myself once every two weeks or whatever.
Whats your diet and workout regimen like today?
For the first 17 days or so [after surgery], you literally cannot have food; its all liquid. So I wasnt even hungry, and Id write about like my low-ass point, I was so depressed. But now, I eat about five times a day I use meal plans that are really, really good, especially for when Im busy. I cook a lot more.I talk to my nutritionist a lot. I just had an appointment with her on my laptop two days ago. We keep in touch. I tell her all the things Im worry about. I have all these apps to help me keep a food diary.
I work out with my trainer three to four days a week. If Im not working out with a trainer, I get up, and I go swim. I live in a pretty nice building in Chicago [while filming Empire]with an indoor pool, and Im such a nerd: I have a waterproof swim MP3 player thats filled with all of the songs from the Hamilton soundtrack and the Hamilton Mixtape. So I have a protein shake, I just go down, and I swim for 20 laps, I come back upstairs, I have breakfast, later in the day, I see my trainer for an hour.
Im as active as I can be, which is actually quite a lot. I have an Apple Watch that tracks me all the time. I have a tricycle at my house in L.A.; I also have a tricycle on set in Chicago. During my lunch break, I ride my tricycle around the block or Ill ride it around set. I stay as active as possible. Im stronger, and Im able to move more, and Im not worried about losing my fingtoes anymore. Thats my life now.
Your weight, your size theyve always been something that youve thought about. Whats your goal now? Will that always be something thats on your mind?
I mean, yeah, I have to eat every day. And I still really, really, really love cake. I do! Its amazing! And Ill forever, as long as Im an actor, Ill have to deal with craft service tables. I have everything in check. I know better, so I do better. As opposed to knowing better but wishing I could do better. I actually can. Theres no reason why I cant now.
In terms of goals: I have a goal right now, and Im almost there. And then once Ive got it, Ill set another goal Im just going todo it goal-by-goal. Im being very careful about who I share the goal with. I truly just wrote this book for me. And its so wonderful that people love it and that people can see themselves and that people are getting something from it. But I wrote it for me. The chapter about surgery is still super-personal. My starting weight and my goal weight, theyre personal, so Ill keep them to myself because its really not for everybody, and the weight I was, the goal weight, the size I wear, all that stuff its got tostay with me because if too many people are involved, Ill shut down, and I wont get anything done.
Have you changed how you dress after the surgery?
I refuse to buy clothes that are a different size. Its almost insane.
Today, I have to go to work early because I have to do a fitting. They fit me for every episode now because I keep shrinking out of the clothes. But when I buy clothes and when I wear clothes, I still wear the same stuff. If Im swimming in it, thats fine. A lot of it for a while was an optical illusion because I didnt want people to realize that I was losing weight before I was ready.
You talk a lot about social media: Instagram comments, tweets people not saying the nicest things, or making it seem like they care about your health. Whats your response to them and all the people who have said hurtful things to you over the years?
Im not one of those people like, My haters are my congratulaters. No, no, no. You just dont exist! You have an opinion, but youre saying that Im fat because what? Because I dont have a mirror? Because I dont know? You think Im in the dark about this? And you think Ive not heard worse than this since Kindergarten? Youre unoriginal.
You write in the book about being included inPeoples Worlds Most Beautiful issue after you broke out inPrecious.How did that feel at the time?
It was really dope! But also, like, Im not so narcissistic that I dont know that I wouldnt have ended up on that list if I werent an actress. And to be fair, nobody else would because its all a bunch of actors and musicians and stuff. But to be fair, if I were like a really, really talented writer, I wouldnt be on that list. I know that like theres some portion of fame and what I do for a living, and that was my first film, that put me on the list more than what my face looks like, more than what my body looks like.
Its kind of sad, but Ill never quite be convinced that anybody that really is outside of my tribe thinks Im beautiful. Not because I dont think Im beautiful because I do. Im so beautiful, because I look like my mom, and I look like my dad, and theyre beautiful. So the mask just is there for me to be beautiful. Other than my very obvious beautiful fingfeatures, like my cheekbones, my skin-tone? Get out of here. Gorgeous!
My entire life, I have been conditioned to believe that I was ugly, from everybody outside of my tribe from people that are inside of my tribe, at that. I think the Peoplemagazine list came out when I was 26.Its really, really hard to live 26 years being told that everything, physically, about you is wrong. Its really, really hard to tear that down. Its actually really hard to tear that down with 9 years of an acting career, at that. I said something in some interview, like, Yeah, Im beautiful, but Im not convinced that youre convinced of that. Like, its great that you say that, but I cant be convinced that you really believe that; for all I know, you just feel like you need to say that to me. You really dont. Because I got it. I already know. My beauty is like my own secret in this way.
But dont you think its important that different body types are celebrated and given exposure?
Definitely; I really, really appreciate people with different bodies, of different skin tones, of different nations, religions I appreciate the light that they get, especially the beauty spotlight that they get. Recently, during Fashion Week, there were models in wheelchairs. I think everyone is beautiful. But the media kind of doesnt. I think that the media is like, Well think that that persons beautiful if you want us to. But, like, universally,were on the outskirts of beauty; like the fringe beauty. But I see beauty in everyone and everything.
What makes you feel confident?
High heels. Feeling tall makes me feel confident. My hair, depending on how its done, can make me feel confident. Allowing myself to feel smart makes me feel confident. My confidence, I cant set it and forget it I didnt findconfidence one day and I was fineforever: I have to put it on as much as much as I have to put on lipstick. I have to go through this mantra of who I am and my value, and all of that makes me feel confident. My friends, my humor, all of that makes me feel confident. And I have to keep remembering it to stay confident.
You end the chapter about your weight-losssurgery with this line that really struck me: My beauty doesnt come from a mirror. Never has, never will. Where does your beauty come from?
It comes from knowing who my parents are. My moms a really talented, really smart woman, and shes really fun, and she knows who she is. And my dad is from the crux of civilization, and my dad has beautiful dark skin, and hes a really smart man, a really talented dude who didnt pursue it because it was better for him to go to work in something thats not artistic, to provide for his family. I just think of how Im a mixture of two of those. Im African-American: That in itself means that Im filled with magic. Theres nothing ugly about me. Anyone trying to convince me that I am and its usually me is wasting her time.
How do you feel about your body now, after the surgery and the weight loss?
I think I saw my body as being outside of myself; it was like an enemy, beside me not in me. And now Ive won. I wish I hadnt wasted so much time being mad at it. Because if Id started treating it better sooner, I wouldnt have spent so many years hating myself, I wouldnt have allowed that negative energy to be around me. Life is really, truly all about choices and decisions. I wish Id made the choice to love my body sooner. But I finally have.
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Annessa’s Just One Thing: Weight Loss Secret – WISH-TV
Posted: March 13, 2017 at 2:48 pm
Hi, Im Annessa, RD with just one thing to impact your health this week. Would you like a weight-loss secret?
Im going to give you a prescription for accelerating your weight loss and gaining energy by using 1 powerful food. I believe the best health strategy is focusing in on the positive what you need to include, not what you need to remove.
So our just one thing to focus on this week: 2 cups of spinach added to lunch and dinner. Keep the strategy simple, and youll do it!
2 cups of spinach is 14 calories of packed nutrition! It gives you the vitamins, minerals & plant nutrients that you must have for weight loss & energy, but you may be missing them. 2 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber, a ton of vitamin A, vitamin C, Magnesium and vitamin B6. Best of all, we are finding that it helps reduce the hunger hormone called grelin. Thats amazing!
I know that might seem like a drag, but, if you were prescribed a pill to feel better, you take it, dont you? And think of maybe how much money youve spent on other fads promising results? This solution is less expensive, tastier, better for you. You can get this superfood washed ready to go! All you have to do is this.use it!
On my Facebook page, Im going to give you 5 tasty ways to get spinach inand I think youll be surprised by some of them.
Im here to support your health journey to energy & weight loss! You need it, your kids need it, the people around you deserve you feeling at your best.
And remember, your health isnt lost or found in one food! Health is a series of impactful habits. Take this habit on a spin this week. Im cheering you on, I know you need your energy, and I cannot wait to hear how this works for you.
You can get more healthy recipes & free nutrition videos at
Facebook: @AnnessaChumbleyRD Twitter: @AnnessaRD Instagram: @AnnessaRD
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Mama June shows off incredible weight loss but tells obese 11-year-old daughter Honey Boo Boo to IGNORE doctor’s … – The Sun
Posted: March 13, 2017 at 2:48 pm
SLIMLINE Mama June has told daughter Honey Boo Boo to ignore doctors suggestions about losing weight.
The reality star shocked her fanslast month when she revealed she had dropped from 33 stone to a tiny size eight for her new show after undergoing gastric sleeve surgery.
Entertainment Tonight
In the latest episode of Mama June: From Not to Hot, 11-year-old Honey Boo Boo and her older sister Pumpkin were taken aside by their mums doctor to talk about how they were going to care for her when she returned home after surgery.
With a new healthy lifestyle to follow, the GP suggested the girls change their eating habits to fit with their mums, but Honey Boo Boo was not impressed.
After rolling her eyes, she said she loved her curves and wasnt jumping on that bandwagon unless there were cheeseburgers on it.
She added: Like, I have no idea what this mans talking about.
Mamas on this diet, but Im not, boo boo. I like my curves. I mean, seriously, this dude is really crazy.
Speaking to US Weekly about her daughters weight, after showing off more of her own impressive weight loss in the latest episode, Mama June said: I mean, I want her to love herself for her, and love her for her, and not give a s*** what anybody else says.
But also, [I tell her], I need you to know that you need to be worrying because her dad, her grandmother on that side, does have diabetes and stuff.
But the 37-year-old added her little girl didnt need to worry herself too much about her size at this stage.
She continued: Im not like, Oh, my god. This is whats going to happen. No.
Because who knows, Ive seen people extra big at ten or 11 and be skinny as hell whenever they get older.
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Mama June shows off incredible weight loss but tells obese 11-year-old daughter Honey Boo Boo to IGNORE doctor's ... - The Sun
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Hitting 481 Lbs. at Age 24 Inspired One Woman to Change: ‘I Didn’t Want to Die!’ –
Posted: March 13, 2017 at 2:48 pm
At 481 lbs., Kaylee Bonnett could get through the day but just barely. She was pre-diabetic with high blood pressure, and couldnt enjoy vacations with her family.
I dreaded going on family vacations because of all the activities I wouldnt be able to participate in, Bonnett, 24, tells PEOPLE. And all the nasty looks people would give me when I was out and about! Last summer my family and I went to Disneyland and I had to rent an electric wheelchair because I couldnt walk the entire time we were there. It was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.
And her health problems indicated things would only get worse from there. Bonnett grew up heavy, and attributes most of her weight gain to her struggle with being a lesbian, but now as an out-and-proud married woman, she was afraid she would miss out on a future with her wife.
The turning point was my health, I didnt want to die! she says. Im only 24 years old, my wife and I want to have babies and at 481 lbs. there was absolutely no way that would happen. I was ashamed of my body, I didnt even want my wife to see me naked!
The San Diego-based Bonnett went to her doctor, who told her that she needed to lose some weight to qualify for weight loss surgery. Determined, she successfully dropped around 75 lbs. ahead of her gastric bypass in October.
Since then, shes lost an additional 92 lbs., for a total weight loss of 170 lbs., and completely changed her life and her body image.
My body image has changed a ton, she says. Granted, I still have a ways to go with the weight loss and the loose skin, but I love my body right now! I dont hate what I see in the mirror and its the small things that remind me of how far Ive come, like my wife being able to put her arms completely around me.
RELATED VIDEO:Gabourey Sidibe Opens Up About Weight-Loss Surgery For The First Time: I Love My Body Now
Now Bonnett, who shares her weight loss progress on Instagram, focuses on healthy eating and exercise. She took up CrossFit, and recently joined an softball team with her wife.
Never in a million years would I have thought Id be playing sports again, she says.
From Coinage:4 Ways to Work Out Without Killing Your Wallet
And when asked for her favorite body part, Bonnett has to go with her legs.
Even though I have a lot of loose skin on my legs they are definitely my favorite! she says. And really, they should be. They carried me around when I was 481 lbs. They never gave out on me when they probably should have!
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Five America’s Road Team Captains congratulated on meeting weight loss goals – The Trucker
Posted: March 13, 2017 at 2:48 pm
Five America's Road Team Captains congratulated on meeting weight loss goals Monday, March 13, 2017
ARLINGTON, Va. The American Trucking Associations and Americas Road Team have congratulated five Americas Road Team Captains for successfully meeting their teams weight loss goals and leading the field in Healthy Fleets 10 Pound Challenge.
ATA is very proud of the Americas Road Team Captains who committed to certain health goals, worked hard at exercising and eating healthy, and were able to see impressive results, said ATA Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President of Industry Affairs Elisabeth Barna. This challenge will hopefully inspire others in the industry to focus on their health and wellness in 2017.
Healthy Fleets 10 Pound Challenge ran from New Years Day to the end of February. Participants filled out diet and exercise trackers and monitored their weight loss progress through the official 10 Pound Challenge website. Healthy Fleets team of nutritionists and coaches provided valuable feedback and motivation for the drivers to produce lasting results.
Truck drivers have historically faced unique health challenges in their day to day work, but the emphasis on health and wellness in the industry is yielding results. Many fleets and industry suppliers are providing drivers with technology and services that encourage healthier lifestyles. Being seated for long periods of time and having limited access to nutritious foods contribute to reduced levels of fitness and well-being throughout the industry. In April of 2016, ATA released a video on health topics, focusing on exercise routines, diet options and getting proper amounts of rest.
The 10 Pound Challenge gave me a chance to work alongside other drivers in achieving my weight loss goals and taking control of my health, said Americas Road Team Captain Charlie Demchock of Walmart Transportation, a participant in the challenge. The exercise and diet habits Ive formed over the past two months are now part of my lifestyle, but I continue to count on my community of fellow drivers to motivate me.
Challenge participants were divided into teams. The team of Americas Road Team Captains finished the challenge in first place and lost an average of 15.4 pounds.
Others in the top five included TST Overland Xpress, 7.5 pounds per person; All-Connect Logistic Services, 7.25 pounds per person; Mill Creek Motor Freight, 7 pounds per person, and Dalton Timms Insurance, 6.33 pounds per person.
Healthy Fleet is currently taking registrants for its next challenge, which runs May 1 through June 30, 2017. This challenge will be app-based, doing away with the paper trackers and providing participants with a more seamless way to monitor their diet and exercise habits. Interested parties can email to reserve a spot in the challenge. The challenge is suited for anyone looking to better their health, whether their goal is weight loss focused or not.
Americas Road Team Captains who participated and completed Healthy Fleets 10 Pound Challenge include:
The America's Road Team, sponsored by Volvo Trucks, is a national public outreach program led by a small group of professional truck drivers who share superior driving skills, remarkable safety records and a strong desire to spread the word about safety on the
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Five America's Road Team Captains congratulated on meeting weight loss goals - The Trucker
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Chew on this: Tips to up your health game –
Posted: March 13, 2017 at 2:47 pm
Mark Mahoney, TLH blogger 2:11 p.m. ET March 13, 2017
Mark Mahoney(Photo: Mark Mahoney)
As we continue to celebrate National Nutrition Month during March, consider some of the basic tips to share with your family and friends in support of healthier eating and safe physical activities to enhance our quality of life.
Tips for Healthy Eating
To help you stay on track with your healthy eating plan, follow these tips:
Have three servings of vitamin D-fortified milk, yogurt or cheese.(Photo: loooby, Getty Images/iStockphoto)
Do not skip meals. Skipping meals may cause your metabolism to slow down or lead you to eat more high-calorie, high-fat foods at your next meal or snack Select high-fiber foods like whole-grain breads and cereals, beans, vegetables and fruits. They may help keep you regular and lower your risk for chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Choose lean beef, turkey breast, fish, or chicken with the skin removed to lower the amount of fat and calories in your meals. As you age, your body needs fewer calories, especially if you are not very active. Have three servings of vitamin D-fortified low-fat/fat-free milk, yogurt, or cheese every day. Milk products are high in calcium and vitamin D and help keep your bones strong as you age. If you have trouble digesting or do not like milk products, try reduced-lactose milk products, or soy-based beverages, or tofu. You can also talk to your health care provider about taking a calcium and vitamin D supplement. Choose foods fortified with vitamin B12. Many adults over the age of 50 have difficulty absorbing adequate amounts of this vitamin. Therefore, they should get this nutrient through fortified foods, such as breakfast cereals or from a dietary supplement. Talk with your health care provider to ensure that you are consuming enough vitamin B12. Keep nutrient-rich snacks like dried apricots, whole-wheat crackers, peanut butter, low-fat cheese, and low-sodium soup on hand. Eat only small amounts of such foods as dried apricots and peanut butter because they are high in calories. Limit how often you have high-fat and high-sugar snacks like cake, candy, chips and soda Drink plenty of water or water-based fluids. You may notice that you feel less thirsty as you get older, but your body still needs water to stay healthy. Examples of water-based fluids are caffeine-free tea and coffee, soup and low-fat or skim milk.
Check with your health care provider. If you have a problem eating well, such as difficulty chewing or not wanting, talk to your health care provider or a registered dietitian/nutritionist. They can give you specific advice on following a healthy eating plan that addresses these barriers to healthful eating. Check with your dentist about caring for your teeth or dentures and your gums.
Health risks of being overweight or obese Type 2 diabetes High blood pressure High blood cholesterol Coronary heart disease Stroke Some types of cancer Gallbladder disease
If you already have one or more of these conditions, ask your health care provider if a modest weight loss (5 to 10 percent of your body weight) could help you feel better or need less medicine If you need to lose weight, make sure that you reduce your total calories, but do not reduce your nutrient intake.
Being active can lower the risks for heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Here a cyclist hits the trail at the Miccosukee Greenway park.(Photo: Democrat files)
Tips for safe physical activity
Physical activity is good for your health at every age. If you have never been active, starting regular physical activity now may improve your strength, endurance and flexibility. Being active may help you live on your own for a longer time and lower your chance of getting type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and colon cancer.
Whatever activity you choose, follow the safety tips below:
Ask your health care provider about ways you can safely increase the amount of physical activity you do now Take time to warm up, cool down and stretch Start slowly and build up to more intense activity; stop the activity if you experience pain, dizziness, or shortness of breath Drink plenty of water When you are active outdoors, wear lightweight clothes in the summer and layers of clothing in the winter Wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat for sun protection Wear shoes that fit well and are right for your activity
Work physical activity into your day
There are plenty of ways to be active without setting aside a special time for exercise.
The tips below may help you to add more activity to your everyday life:
Take short walks throughout your day. Try a 10-minute walk before breakfast, at lunchtime, and after dinner. Clean your house or garage, or get out and do some yard work Consider joining a fitness facility. Look for outdoor walks or hiking activities sponsored by such groups as the Florida Trail Association or Move Tallahassee
These tips can assist us all in enhancing both our (and our seniors) health (and quality of life) across ones lifespan. Why not focus on pursuing these actions during National Nutrition Month and throughout the rest of the year? These tips can assist us all in enhancing both our health and that of our families and enhance ones quality of life across ones lifespan.
A good resource with evidence-based information for the general public (as well as health professionals) and resources on obesity, weight control, physical activity and related topics can be accessed at the Weight Control Information Network at the following link:
Mark Mahoney, Ph.D., has been a registered dietitian nutritionist for over 30 years . He can be reached at
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