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Fewer Americans Are Trying to Lose Weight – TIME

Posted: March 9, 2017 at 8:41 pm

Elizabeth Renstrom for TIME

More than a third of American adults are obese, yet new research shows that fewer people are trying to lose weight now than in the past.

In the research letter, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers looked at about 27,000 overweight or obese Americans who reported trying to lose weight in the last year. The report looked at responses from three different time periods: 1988-1994, 1999-2004 and 2009-2014.

More adults were obese or overweight in the later years of the study. But the number of people who said they were trying to lose weight actually dropped: from 56% in the earliest years to 49% in the latest.

The biggest decline in weight loss striving was among black women, the group with the highest rates of obesity in the study. More research is needed to understand if there are biological or cultural differences among different groups when it comes to weight gain and weight loss, researchers say.

The researchers did not ask people why they did (or did not) try to lose weight, and their study wasn't designed to determine why there's been a drop in interest over the years. But the researchers have a few ideas. Study author Dr. Jian Zhang of Georgia Southern University says he believes the number-one reason for the drop is that so many people struggle to lose weight and keep it off, a process that discourages them. "It's painful and hard to drop pounds," says Zhang in an email to TIME. "Many of us try and fail, try and fail, and then fail to try again."

Several studies have shown that people who are overweight often live as long as people of a normal weight, and the headlines that follow may make the problem seem less urgent if a person is otherwise healthy, adds Zhang. Being overweight or obese is also becoming the norm, so people may feel less pressure to lose weight, he says. In a more optimistic view, it's possible that people are engaging in healthy activities without doing them to try to lose weightsomething the study couldn't capture. "Hopefully this is the case," Zhang says.

Still, people should be more concerned than they are, says Zhang. Higher rates of overweight and obesity are linked to a greater risk of health issues like heart disease, diabetes and cancer, and not doing anything about it could be detrimental to health.

"Diabetes follows obesity as a night follows a day," says Zhang. "We are stuck in a vicious cycle."

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Gabourey Sidibe gets candid about undergoing weight-loss surgery – Fox News

Posted: March 9, 2017 at 8:41 pm

Gabourey Sidibe is embracing her new transformation.

The 33-year-old actress underwent weight loss surgery last year and is now opening up about her experience, along with the struggles she faced with depression, anxiety and bulimia in her new memoir, This Is Just My Face: Try Not to Stare," due to be released in May.

I just didnt want to worry, explained the Empire star to PEOPLE Magazine on choosing to get laproscopic bariatric surgery after her older brother, 34-year-old Ahmen, was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. I truly didnt want to worry about all the effects that go along with diabetes. I genuinely [would] worry all the time about losing my toes.


The celebrity news publication reported that Sidibe, best known for her role in the 2009 film Precious, tried for more than a decade to lose weight naturally before going secretly under the knife in May 2016.

My surgeon said theyd cut my stomach in half, she explained in her upcoming book. This would limit my hunger and capacity to eat. My brain chemistry would change and Id want to eat healthier. Ill take it! My lifelong relationship with food had to change. The surgery wasnt the easy way out. I wasnt cheating by getting it done. I wouldnt have been able to lose as much as Ive lost without it.

Sidibes weight-loss journey didnt end after the surgery. Since the procedure, she began working with a nutritionist to help her revamp her eating habits and started working out with a trainer. In addition, she swims and rides a tricycle around the Empire set.

Ten months after the procedure, Sidibe continues to lose weight.


I have a goal right now, and Im almost there, she said. And then once Ive got it, Ill set another. But my starting weight and my goal weight, theyre personal. If too many people are involved, Ill shut down.

Sidibe also revealed that despite the dramatic change, she has come to appreciate her appearance, no matter her size.

There is nothing ugly about me, she added. Anyone trying to convince me that I am and its usually me is wasting their time. I was in a war with my body for a long time. If Id started treating it better sooner, I wouldnt have spent so many years hating myself. But I love my body now.

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Mama June’s major weight loss finally revealed – Page Six

Posted: March 9, 2017 at 8:41 pm

Viewers will finally get a glimpse of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo star June Mama June Shannons dramatic weight loss this week.

In a promo for an episode of Mama June: From Not to Hot airing Friday, Mama June, 37, gears up for a trip to buy a flower girl dress with daughter Alana Honey Boo Boo Thompson.

The reality TV matriarch underwent gastric sleeve and skin removal surgeriesand implemented a strict diet and exercise regimen for the series, which documented her dramatic slim-down from 460 pounds to a size 4.

Alana, 11, previously revealedher mother wears disguises when shes out in hopes of preserving her grand reveal on the WeTV series in April.

Its been really hard for her [to stay hidden], because my mama is not just a person who can stay in the house, Alanasaid. My mama is very outgoing and stubborn. So when shes like, Lets go to the grocery store, were like, You cant, because you have to stay in hiding, you know.

And then shes just like, No, I have to go out, Ill just put on big clothes and they will never see me, she continued. The craziest disguise that shes done, she went out with this big jacket on, glasses, a hat and a scarf. She went overboard.

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Heaviest woman in the world airlifted for weight-loss surgery – Fox News

Posted: March 9, 2017 at 8:41 pm

The heaviest woman in the world underwent successful weight-loss surgery, doctors announced Thursday.

The bariatric surgery was performed Tuesday in Mumbai on 1,000-plus-pound Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty,according to NDTV.

Abd El Aty, 36, had to be removed from her home in Alexandria, Egypt which she hadnt left in 25 years with a crane.

She was then flown last month on a plane especially modified with safety gear, like a portable ventilator and defibrillator, to Saifee Hospital in India.

Doctors performed the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy only after Ahmed shed more than 220 pounds.

She is now on oral fluids and accepting them well, the hospital said in a statement. The future course of action for the medical team working on her will be to correct all her associated medical problems, to get her fit enough to fly back to Egypt as soon as possible.

Abd El Aty is expected to lose more weight in the coming months.

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This Is How Often You Should Weigh Yourself If You Want To Lose Weight –

Posted: March 9, 2017 at 8:41 pm
This Is How Often You Should Weigh Yourself If You Want To Lose Weight
Women who weighed themselves nearly every day over the course of the year not only lost more weight than those who kept infrequent tabs on their number, but they also maintained their weight losssomething anyone who's ever dropped pounds knows is ...

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This Woman’s 169-Pound Weight Loss Had a Miraculous Effect on Her Face –

Posted: March 9, 2017 at 8:41 pm

Courtesy of Kaylee Bonnett

At 5 feet 9 inches, Kaylee Bonnet, now 24, once weighed 481 pounds. "Kids and adults [would] say awful things to me in public and give me dirty looks like I was a circus animal," she says one reason why she stopped leaving her house alone. "I was constantly on the defense."

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Kaylee was overweight for as long as she can remember: In high school, she weighed 300 pounds. She was made fun of and had fewer friends than her peers.

"Day to day, life was a constant struggle," she says. "From worrying about if I'll fit in this chair or if the chair will hold me, to trying to look nice and hoping that getting from point A to B doesn't make me sweat my hair and makeup off, I was constantly on the defense."

By the time she reached her mid-20s, Kaylee was pre-diabetic with high blood pressure. Her doctors had already warned her that she'd suffer a heart attack or stroke if she didn't do something about her weight. "I didn't want to die," she says, but she knew she needed to make some changes to prevent that: "You don't get to go through life being 481 pounds," Kaylee explained.

So she decided to get gastric bypass surgery. Before the procedure, though, her surgeon gave her some homework: She'd have to lose 30 to 40 pounds. Determined to succeed, Kaylee drastically cut back on calories, followed a high-protein, low-carb diet, and began walking every damn day. By the time she walked into surgery in October of 2016, she'd lost nearly 77 pounds in less than five months.

After the two weeks of pain that followed her procedure "It felt like tugging on my stomach, and it was hard to walk," she says Kaylee made some more major changes to her lifestyle: She cut out high-fat foods and eats only natural sugars, capping her daily intake at 800 calories, since she can literally stomach only small amounts of food. She also goes to Crossfit at least three times a week.

Already down 169 pounds down from her highest weight, she's loving her new figure, even though, at 312 pounds, she knows she still has a ways to go to reach her goal weight of 225 pounds.

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From the photos above, it's pretty clear that Kaylee's weight loss has affected the appearance of her body. However, she never would have guessed that weight loss would affect her face so drastically:

In the photo on the right, Kaylee's face is noticeably slimmer than it appears on the left. Her jawline is also more defined on the right, and you can't deny she's got an extra twinkle in her eye. Here's a more current shot with makeup:

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"The reactions of others is what surprises me, and it helps me see the change," she says of the transformation.

And if you think she looks happier in the photo on the right, you're right on the money and isn't that what matters most? "The weight loss has truly changed my life," she says. "I'm actually living life, which I wasn't [doing] before."

Here's to hoping Kaylee lives it up!

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Yes, You Can Snack at Night and Still Lose Weight – LifeZette

Posted: March 9, 2017 at 8:40 pm

One of the toughest times to manage the urge to snack is late in the evening before bed, but long after your dinner has settled.

If youre among those who have heard or been told that eating late at night will destroy any weight loss youre aiming for, somegood news alight late-night snack wont completely derail your dreams.

"What matters most is the amount of calories you eat for the day and how many calories you burned at the end of the day to create a balance or a deficit," said Sylvia Melendez-Klinger, a registered dietician and founder of Hispanic Food Communications. She'salso a scientific advisory board member to the Grain Foods Foundation.

"For example, if you consume about 2,000 calories per day which is not a lot of food you will need to decrease 500 calories to lose weight safely. So you will need to consume only 1,500 calories or try to burn some of the extra calories with exercise," she told LifeZette.

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Melendez-Klinger recommends keeping any eveningsnacks to between 100 and 200 calories. Portions and serving sizes are more important than deprivation. Also, try to avoid heavily caffeinated beverages and snacks that are high in calories before bedtime.

Some great snacks that might curb your cravings and satisfy the grumbling in your stomach:

1.) Crackers andhummus.Stick to just a couple tablespoons of hummus and you'll be good. The snack is a great source of proteinand fiber.

2.) Acup of yogurt with berries.This great snack is low in calories and high in nutrients. It's always a great option, but watch the sugar in the yogurt.

3.)A glass of milk and a little cookie.You can "never go wrong" here, saidMelendez-Klinger.

4.) Air-popped popcorn.Skip the butter and instead add some parmesan cheese.

5.) Apple with peanut butter.High in fiber and protein, this will leave you feeling satisfied but not overly full and it will get you through the night.

6.) Fruit smoothie.A small glass of plain kefir mixed with fresh or frozen blueberries or strawberries is filling and satisfies a sweet tooth.

7.) Whole grain cereal.Quite afewcereals containa lot of sugar so be careful what you choose here. But whole grain cereals can be rich in fiber and low in calories, making for a great late-night snack.

8.) Applesauce.A cup of this will give you a healthy dose of fiber and promote good digestive health.

You may want to fast, said Melendez-Klinger, if you're experiencing gas, bloating or any intestinal problems or if you need any medical procedures or blood work.

"However, we don't recommend fasting for long periods of time just to try to lose weight rapidly. It can be counterproductive. You are basically dehydrating your body and depriving your body of daily essential nutrients, and you will be devouring anything in front of you by the time you start eating again," she said.

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A few hours of fasting with plenty of water can help you get your digestive system back on track, if needed; but a well-balanced diet with plenty of fiber and water along with exercise can keep your weight under control.

Something else to keep in mind, she added, is that the body needs time to digest the last meal of the day. It's recommended that if you eat a larger meal at night, give yourself at least two to threehours before bedtime. Walking after dinner or doing some other activity will help you digest your food better.

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Doctors at LVHN remove woman’s 140-pound tumor – Allentown Morning Call

Posted: March 9, 2017 at 8:40 pm

Mary Clancey thought she was overweight because of her penchant for French fries and other starchy foods. Her family doctor teased her about too much snacking at the Pottsville Boscov's fudge counter where she worked.

Both were wrong. Inside the once-spritely grandmother was a cancerous tumor the size of, well, a whole other person 140 pounds.

Finally, at her son's urging one morning last fall when she couldn't get out of bed, she went to the hospital. Doctors at Lehigh Valley Health Network were aghast at what they discovered.

"The CAT scan is permanently engrained in my mind," said Dr. Richard Boulay, a gynecologic oncologist. "I'd never seen anything the size of this before."

Clancey and Boulay recounted the dramatic story of her diagnosis, treatment and recovery Thursday afternoon at LVHN.

Clancey, 71, of St. Clair, had tried dieting to no avail. At just over 5-feet tall, she developed a potbelly that slowly but surely kept getting bigger and bigger over the course of a decade and a half.

She said she resigned herself to the idea that, like her grandmother and aunts, she'd be "a plump, little old lady."

"I thought that was my destiny," she said. An optimist by nature, she left it at that and went about her business socializing with the other "girls" who worked at Boscov's and playfully flirting with the young men who shopped there.

What Boulay told her required a dramatic reappraisal. She wasn't fat; she had inside her a monstrosity of a malignant ovarian mass.

Imagine carrying a baby to which you never give birth, one that grows inside you into adulthood.

"It was slowly killing her," Boulay said, noting that by the time he saw Clancey, she could barely speak two words in a row without losing her breath because the tumor was compressing her diaphragm. And because the tumor had restricted blood flow to her lower extremities, her ankles and feet were painfully swollen.

Extracting such a tumor would be no ordinary day in the operating room.

Two surgical teams comprising 10 doctors, nurses and other staff worked side by side one team led by Boulay and another by plastic surgeon Dr. Randolph Wojcik.

First was the tricky proposition of how to get the tumor out. Typically, such procedures are performed on a patient lying on her back.

But that would have presented Boulay with the Herculean task of reaching inside of Clancey with both arms and heaving the mass out. Did he even have the arm and back strength? Plus, he knew the tumor would be slippery, and he wasn't sure he'd be able to get a firm grip.

Boulay recalled coming up with his game plan: "How am I going to get it out of her without rupturing it? ... One of the tenets of cancer surgery is when you take out a mass, you don't want to pop it. This is mostly fluid with a rind around it. So how can I get this out safely? ... This is going to be big. How am I going to lift this out? And I said, I'm not. I'm going to have to roll it out."

So, on the big day in November a second, slightly shorter table was wheeled into the operating room and parked next to the one on which Clancey was lying, anesthetized, on her side. The doctors cut her open and began disconnecting the tumor from the blood vessels that had long fed it.

A photograph captured the scene just moments after the extraction: In the foreground is the tumor, its pale, shiny-smooth surface streaked in blood. In the background is Clancey's exposed midsection and a doctor holding, with both of his hands, a flap of skin perhaps two feet long.

It was time for Wojcik, who on Thursday referred to himself as "Mary's tailor," to get busy. The plastic surgeon removed 40 pounds of excess skin and abdominal tissue.

After initially weighing in at 365 pounds, Clancey's total weight loss over the course of five hours of surgery was 180 pounds.

As for the tumor, it was sent to the morgue, since the morgue had a scale big enough to weigh it, and then on to the pathology lab for further analysis.

After a month-long recovery in the hospital, Clancey went back home for the holidays. Tests indicate she is cancer- free. Boulay does not expect her to need further treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiation.

After losing so much weight, Clancey's balance is off, so she's using a walker something she hopes not to need in due time. Still, she says she feels like a million bucks.

She's spending time with her two sons and grandsons, and she's looking forward to doing things she had given up, such as gardening and "shopping with the girls."

"This is my happy ending," she said. "Everything turned out all right."


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10 years gone: No word of ex-FBI man lost in Iran on CIA job – Herald-Whig

Posted: March 9, 2017 at 8:40 pm

Posted: Mar. 8, 2017 7:00 am Updated: Mar. 8, 2017 9:38 am

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) Ten years after a former FBI agent working on an unauthorized CIA mission disappeared in Iran, his family hopes U.S. President Donald Trump will do something America's last two presidents have been unable to achieve: Finally bring him home.

Robert Levinson's family told The Associated Press this week that Trump's background as a deal-making businessman and his harder line on Iran could be an asset in finally determining what happened to the investigator, whose 69th birthday is Friday.

They described the heartbreak of seeing other American prisoners in Iran freed while the mystery surrounding his disappearance remains. They also acknowledged the challenge of keeping his case in the public eye, as he now has been held captive longer than any American in history, if he remains alive.

"We believe people can survive 10 years under any circumstances. In the worst places, people survive. We know Bob is alive," his wife, Christine Levinson, told the AP. "Everyone else has gotten out of Iran, but Bob has been left behind every single time. It's now time for him to be returned home to his family."

Levinson disappeared from Iran's Kish Island on March 9, 2007. For years, U.S. officials would only say that Levinson, a meticulous FBI investigator credited with busting Russian and Italian mobsters, was working for a private firm on his trip.

In December 2013, the AP revealed Levinson in fact had been on a mission for CIA analysts who had no authority to run spy operations. Levinson's family had received a $2.5 million annuity from the CIA in order to stop a lawsuit revealing details of his work, while the agency forced out three veteran analysts and disciplined seven others.

Since his disappearance, the only photos and video of Levinson emerged in 2010 and 2011. He appeared gaunt and bearded with long hair, and was wearing an orange jumpsuit similar to those worn by detainees at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay.

The video, with a Pashtun wedding song popular in Afghanistan playing in the background, showed Levinson complaining of poor health. Levinson's family believes his diabetes and high blood pressure could be under control with his weight loss.

"I'm not as worried about his health," his son, Dan Levinson, said. "I understand people thinking it being over 10 years and fearing the worst, but we don't believe that."

The FBI now offers a $5 million reward for information leading to Levinson's safe recovery and return.

Rumors have circulated for years, with one account claiming he was locked up in a Tehran prison run by Iran's paramilitary Revolution Guard and U.S. officials suggesting he may not be in Iran at all. Dawud Salahuddin, an American fugitive living in Iran who is wanted for the assassination of a former Iranian diplomat in Maryland in 1980, is the last known person to have seen Levinson before his disappearance.

Iranian officials have been less than forthcoming. Former hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad suggested in an interview with the AP in 2010 that his country already had suspicions about Levinson before the nature of his trip became public knowledge.

"Of course if it becomes clear what his goal was, or if he was indeed on a mission, then perhaps specific assistance can be given," Ahmadinejad said.

Levinson's family said they've written letters to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and moderate President Hassan Rouhani with no response. Iran's mission to the United Nations did not respond to a request for comment about Levinson.

That lack of response, even with the U.N.'s Working Group on Arbitrary Detention issuing a report in January that held Iran responsible for addressing "the situation of Mr. Levinson without any further delay," has the family believing Trump's harder line on Iran might finally force the country to release him.

"We know if President Trump chooses (to be involved), he's a dealmaker. That's what he does. It's going to require negotiating with the Iranians to get him out of there," Levinson's son Dan said. "He's very well-suited to be able to do this. We're hopeful for that."

White House press secretary Sean Spicer told reporters on Monday that the Trump administration was in contact with Levinson's family and said "we continue to hold out hope" that he could be safely returned from Iran.

Another White House official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the case, said administration officials recently held a call with members of the Levinson family, who were assured that the case is a priority for the Trump administration. The Levinsons hope to meet personally with Trump in the coming months.

"We'll never, ever give up hope," his daughter, Stephanie Curry, said. "We'll never give up hope he's coming home to us."


Associated Press writer Ken Thomas in Washington contributed to this report.


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10 years gone: No word of ex-FBI man lost in Iran on CIA job - Herald-Whig

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Medical Mystery: Why Are Some Obese People ‘Metabolically Healthy’? – Live Science

Posted: March 9, 2017 at 8:40 pm

Obesity often brings with it a host of health problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and risky cholesterol levels. But a lucky few appear to buck the trend: They are obese, and yet don't have any of these typical risk factors for heart disease or diabetes, a new study finds.

Researchers analyzed information from about 1.3 million U.S. adults who were either overweight or obese. None had previously been diagnosed with diabetes. The researchers looked to see whether these participants had any of four common risk factors for heart disease and diabetes: High blood pressure, high levels of fat in the blood, low levels of "good" cholesterol or elevated blood sugar levels.

Among those who were obese, 10 percent did not have any of these four risk factors.

It's not clear why some people with obesity are able to avoid these problems. In the past, researchers have dubbed this group the "metabolically healthy obese."

However, people who fall into this group may still not be totally healthy, said study researcher Gregory Nichols, a senior investigator at Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research in Portland. Obesity also increases the risk of other conditions, such as cancer, joint problems and kidney disease, he said.

"They might be metabolically healthy, but that does not necessarily mean they are healthy overall," Nichols told Live Science. What's more, although these participants were free of metabolic risk factors at the time of the study, they could soon develop them in the coming years, he said. Some previous studies have found that even "metabolically healthy" obese people are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, compared with people of normal weight.

Thus, people who are obese should still aim to lose weight, even if they appear otherwise healthy, Nichols said. "Weight loss could improve other types of health [problems], and might reduce the likelihood of developing cardiometabolic risk factors," he said. [The Best Way to Lose Weight Safely]

For the study, the researchers analyzed electronic health care records from members of four health care systems that together serve 12 million people in 11 U.S. states and Washington, D.C. They defined being overweight as having a body mass index (BMI) of 25.0 to 29.9. Obesity was defined as having a BMI of 30 or more, while morbid obesity was a BMI of 40 or more.

They found that 18.6 percent of the people who were overweight did not have any of the four metabolic risk factors, and 9.6 percent of those who were obese did not have any of the four. Looking at only those who were morbidly obese, they found that 5.8 percent did not have any of the four risk factors.

Being "metabolically" healthy was more common among those who were younger about 30 percent of all adults ages 20 to 34 in the study did not have any of the four metabolic risk factors, compared with just 6.3 percent of those ages 65 to 79.

Several factors could explain why some overweight people and some obese people remain metabolically healthy. "Diet and exercise almost certainly play a role," Nichols said. However, the new study did not assess these factors.

In addition, the distribution of a person's fat can also affect their risk of cardiovascular disease, with fat stores in the belly area (visceral fat) posing a greater risk to health than fat found just beneath the skin (subcutaneous fat) in other parts of the body. Some previous studies have found that obese people who are metabolically healthy have less visceral fat than obese people who aren't metabolically healthy. However, a person's BMI measurement, used in this new study, cannot distinguish between visceral fat and subcutaneous fat.

Ultimately, future studies are needed to follow metabolically healthy obese people forward in time, to see if they remain metabolically healthy over a long period, or even a lifetime, Nichols said. Such studies could determine whether metabolically healthy obesity "is even a real thing, or merely a matter of timing," Nichols said.

In addition, studies should look at the order in which people develop metabolic risk factors, and whether this order affects their risk of developing subsequent heart disease and diabetes, he said.

The study was published March 9 in the journal Preventing Chronic Disease.

Original article on Live Science.

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