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The Scary But Rare Risk Linked To Exclusive Breastfeeding – Huffington Post

Posted: March 8, 2017 at 4:41 pm

UNICEFs worldwide campaign to emphasize breastfeeding for infants will celebrate its 27th anniversary this year. In the U.S., this effort led to the growth of baby-friendly hospitals that encourage breastfeeding as the norm, community breastfeeding support circles and more awareness about the benefits linked to breastfeeding, which include lower rates of diarrhea, infections, diabetes and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

In many ways, this global awareness campaign, sparked in part by high rates of infant deaths in developing countries due to formula mixed with dirty water or dilution of the expensive formula product, has been a success for American parents, who generally had access to safe water and enough formula to begin with.

In 1971, only 25 percent of American moms breastfed their infants. By 2016, 81 percent, or four out of five American newborns, start life on the breast, and 52 percent are still breastfeeding at six months.

But for some new parents who struggle to breastfeed at first, or who never manage to get the hang of it, the mantra breast is best can be judgmental and unhelpful. And in rare, extreme cases, the pressure to exclusively breastfeed has resulted in the accidental dehydration and starvation of infants who could not get enough nutrition from breastfeeding.

The latest parent to tell this story is Jillian Johnson, who five years ago lost her son after he became so dehydrated that his heart stopped. He spent 15 days on life support before dying.

In an emotional essay published by the Fed is Best Foundation, aparent-led nonprofitfounded to push back against the social pressure to exclusively breastfeed, Johnson writes that despite multiple consultations with lactation experts and nurses, no one caught on to the fact that her son was hungry, and that she wasnt producing enough breastmilk. Instead, she and her partner were discharged from the hospital two and a half days after Landon was born. After less than 12 hours at home, where Landon continued to cry, scream and attempt to feed, he went into cardiac arrest.

When Johnson had her second child, a daughter, she was puzzled that Stella didnt scream and cry as much as Landon did. Nurses said there was nothing wrong with her, and that Stella was sleeping and eating as normal.

It was then that I realized that it wasnt normal for a newborn to cry as much as Landon did, she wrote. He was just crying out from his hunger. But I didnt know. I shouldve known. I still struggle daily feeling as though I failed him.

Johnsons story is shocking, and the last thing one would expect from a breastfeeding effort that aims to do whats best for mothers and babies. Thankfully, its rare, but its important to acknowledge that exclusive breastfeeding simply wont be successful for all mother-baby pairs, says Dr. Alison Stuebe, a maternal-fetal medicine physician and medical director of lactation services at University of North Carolina Health Care.

Health care providers need to know that insufficient breast milk is a real problem for a minority of women, and if it isnt caught in time, it can be discouraging to the mother and severely dangerous for a newborn baby.

I think everyone in the system needs to look at [Johnsons] piece and say,How can we create a safe system for supporting optimal feeding so that moms and babies who want to breastfeed can do so safely and successfully, and moms and babies who dont want to breastfeed can have good support to do that and know how to do that safely? said Stuebe, who is not affiliated with Fed is Best.

Stuebe in the past has pushed back against Fed Is Bests campaign for all parents to be warned about rare brain damage risks that can result from insufficient breast milk supply, writing that it could threaten the effort to normalize exclusive breastfeeding and unnecessarily expose newborns to supplemental formula feeding, which could jeopardize the establishment of a consistent breastfeeding routine.

Severe dehydration in newborns is rare but can vary according to region, she noted in a 2016 post for the site Breastfeeding Medicine, a blog for doctors writing about breastfeeding.

A 2013 study among U.K. newborns found aboutseven to nine newborns per 100,000 live birthswill suffer from dehydration as a result of insufficient breast milk, which resulted in no long-term complications. Meanwhile, among mothers in Turkey, where most families are sent home within 24 hours of the birth,severe dehydration affected 14 percentof babies. Stuebe noted in her post that 24 hours is not enough time to assess if successful breastfeeding has been established.

Taking into account all the different variables and unexpected things that could go wrong with breastfeeding in a minority of women, health care providers need to be less strident in the language they use with new moms who have just given birth, are feeling vulnerable and want to do the right thing for their children, Stuebe said.

Theres some proportion of moms for which breastfeeding just wont work, just as theres some proportion of babies that wont come out vaginally, no matter what we do, she said. We need to be honest about that and point out that even if 100 percent of the milk doesnt come from mom, she can still have a nurturing relationship with her baby at the breast.

Mary S., a 34-year-old mom from Los Angeles, would have appreciated that approach from her clinicians when she gave birth to her daughter in 2014. Mary did what all lactation consultants recommended she took a breastfeeding class through her hospital before birth and requested two lactation consultant visits at her hospital room after giving birth, during which she was reassured several times that everything looked great.

She even had a lactation consultant make a house call twice, and joined a breastfeeding support group through a local parenting store. The only hint she got that her breastfeeding plans might not go the way she wanted was during an OB/GYNs physical exam the day after she gave birth, when the doctor examined her breasts and noticed that one of them didnt seem to be making colostrum (a mothers first breastmilk) yet.

On the fourth day after giving birth, Mary noticed her normally calm and quiet baby would not stop crying. She took her to the pediatrician and found out that her daughter had developed jaundice because she was starving. Immediately, her doctor prescribed bilirubin lights to treat the jaundice, and told Mary to start supplementing with formula milk. Once at home, Mary breastfed for 15 minutes on both breasts, then fed a bottle of formula, and then pumped her breasts to see if her milk would come in. She switched exclusively to formula after two months of this grueling regimen.

Now, three years later and about to give birth to her second child, theres so much Mary wishes that she could have known about exclusive breastfeeding.

I wish someone had told me along the way that it doesnt always work out that you can have a smart and healthy child even if you supplement or formula feed, she said. No one along the way recommended or even offered us formula until my baby was in desperate need of it.

Still, health care providers should not treat all families as if they are at high risk for insufficient breastmilk supply, according to Elizabeth Smith, a baby-friendly coordinator in charge of breastfeeding education policy for the University of Utah Health Care hospital system. Instead, they should look for signals from the infant that feeding isnt going well, assess a mothers risk factors before birth and set up a care plan for new parents to make sure someone is following up with them after short hospital stays.

Theres no need to apply a one-size-fits-all approach to breastfeeding, as many hospitals have done in the past, Smith said. She pointed to a common but outdated misconception, whichJohnson repeated in her blog post and said her NICU doctor told her as well, that breastfeeding sessions should be followed up with bottle supplementation to make sure the babies are properly fed. Unless a mother is at high risk of insufficient breast milk supply, or a baby exhibits signs of dehydration or starvation, theres no reason to follow up with a bottle.

We dont want to go down that path, which is where hospitals used to be, she said.We as hospitals were sabotaging the ability for moms to have a successful breastfeeding relationships.

According to Smith and Stuebe, there are several ways health care providers and parents can work together to make sure newborns are getting the nutrition they need in their first few days of life.

To safeguard against accidental dehydration, health care providers and parents should monitor the babys weight and intervene with a bottle or formula if weight loss starts to approach 10 percent, monitor the babys alertness and keep track of the color of its dirty diapers (feces should go from black to green to yellow over the course of a few days), Smith says.

For mothers, risk factors for insufficient breastmilk supply include, but are not limited to, infertility or the use of reproductive treatments to conceive, premature birth, previous breast surgery and an inability to hand express breastmilk.

Every mom should be taught hand expression, Smith said. If shes having a hard time with hand expression and not getting a good result, then we want to assess her even more carefully.

After assessing individual risks of both mother and baby, its up to health care providers to come up with a plan to follow up with families after being discharged from the hospital as well as communicate that schedule with pediatricians, lactation consultants and anyone else involved in their care, says Stuebe. For some especially busy medical facilities, this is a huge logistical struggle, and sometimes systems can fail.

Parents should also feel empowered to inquire after lactation consultant visits and lactation outpatient clinics and reach out to breastfeeding support groups in their community, in addition to lining up all the doctors visits that occur within the first weeks and months of their newborns life.

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The Scary But Rare Risk Linked To Exclusive Breastfeeding - Huffington Post

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Combative diet guru Steve Miller claims having an affair will help the … –

Posted: March 8, 2017 at 4:40 pm

Getty Images/Steve Miller

The health pundit has claimed most obese people are comfort eating because they are in a dead relationship.

The majority of overweight people who are single, he says, are too fat to attract a partner.

Hypnotherapist Mr Miller, host of Fat Families on Sky1, says an affair with a new healthy partner could be exactly what they need to slim down. This comes after he said in an interview with that he thought fat shaming was a good thing.

Shockingly, he thinks an affair will not only help them to lose weight but also to regain their self esteem and health and he warns against the many diseases that are associated with being obese.

He believes many overweight people would find health benefits through cheating on their partners.

Turning the attention to the partners of overweight people, he also claims many obese people dont even realise they are in dangerous relationships with feeders who encourage them to eat fatty junk food in a bid to make them gain even more weight.

Mr Miller thinks many of these so-called feeders are actually chronically insecure themselves and secretly want their partners to become obese so they become more dependent upon them.

Now he is calling on fat people to dump their partners and start a new relationship instead but warns that their new partner mustnt be overweight.


1 of 19

Former Emmerdale star, Lisa Riley, shed an incredible 10 stone in less than a year having given up alcohol in 2015

Getty Images

I see a lot of clients who are fat because they are in a relationship that is dull, habitual and sex free

Steve Miller

This is because, he says, the health benefits of having an affair will only come by choosing a slim person to have a love affair with.

He said: I see a lot of clients who are fat because they are in a relationship that is dull, habitual and sex free.

"A lot of the reason we get fat is because we are in relationships with those we shouldn't be. We turn to food to fill the void.

"Partners can also become feeders because they are controlling bullies living in fear we may leave them for someone else.

Getty Images

"Yes the dreary partner you are with is a killer in disguise because feeding yourself to create comfort will probably trigger cancer, stroke and heart disease.

"I am calling on the people of Britain to get ballsy, have an affair and take steps to end a dead relationship for the sake of becoming fat free.

"Don't feel guilty for having an affair, go create excitement with a new lover and see yourself depending less on food for comfort. Tell the feeder you live with that it's over immediately and make arrangements to leave them.

But be choosy as you move on and find new love. If they are fat then beware as they will probably be a feeder. Instead seek out the slim alternative."

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Diet Doc Discourages Original hCG Diet And Educates Patients On The Safety of hCG As A Weight Loss Aid – Marketwired (press release)

Posted: March 8, 2017 at 4:40 pm

PHOENIX, AZ --(Marketwired - March 08, 2017) - No matter how popular a diet may be, following it without adequate research and doctor supervision is risky. The original hCG diet, for instance, has been extremely popular over the years but is linked to many health issues. Initially developed by Dr. ATW Simeons in the early 1950s, the original hCG diet was limited daily consumption to 500 calories, making it practically starvation-based. It also involved losing up to an entire pound per day with a drastically low calorie diet and small doses of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), a hormone produced during pregnancy, that contains 244 amino acids. Although this method led to rapid weight loss, supposedly by eliminating "abnormal" fat from cells and internal organs, it resulted in many negative effects like abnormal weakness, muscle loss, and hair loss. Gradually, it was declared unsafe by medical professionals and nutritionists alike.

After decades of research, the Simeons method of hCG dieting has been discredited and discouraged by the Obesity Medicine Association due to its extreme low-calorie requirements and harmful side effects. Researchers have, however, also gained a better understanding of the hCG hormone itself and new ways to apply hCG in safer settings have been developed. Higher-calorie programs and consistent doctor supervision are now encouraged for anyone considering hCG treatment.

Diet Doc, a nationally recognized weight loss program, has a history of discouraging the Simeons method and educating patients about an alternative that involves consuming between 800 to 1250 calories every day without significantly reducing the rate of weight loss.

The hCG drops available online are neither FDA-regulated nor prescription-strength and individuals considering hCG should consider less harmful approaches. For instance, Diet Doc offers personalized diet planning and various prescription medications in the form of injections and sublingual tablets. Diet Doc also offers unlimited clinical support, direct doctor supervision, and easy-to-follow diet plans that are customized to each patient's specific health and nutritional needs.

Diet Doc programs and aids have a long history of promoting rapid weight loss and thereby alleviating issues like heart disease, high blood pressure and hypertension. And with a team of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and motivational coaches, Diet Doc helps patients curb hunger and lose weight fast. In fact, more than 90% of Diet Doc patients report losing rapid weight monthly and keeping it off long-term.

Patients can get started immediately, with materials shipped directly to their home or office. They can also maintain weight loss in the long-term through weekly consultations, customized diet plans, motivational coaches and a powerful prescription program. With Diet Doc, the doctor is only a short phone call away and a fully dedicated team of qualified professionals is available 6 days per week to answer questions, address concerns and support patients.

Getting started with Diet Doc is very simple and affordable. New patients can easily visit to quickly complete a health questionnaire and schedule an immediate, free online consultation.

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.


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Diet Doc Discourages Original hCG Diet And Educates Patients On The Safety of hCG As A Weight Loss Aid - Marketwired (press release)

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The Slender Blend review Protein World – The Sport Review

Posted: March 8, 2017 at 4:40 pm

There are loads of products on sale these days to help you lose weight fast and get lean in a healthy way. But we were really excited to try out Protein Worlds Slender Blend because of the positive reviews we have read about the British companys flagship products.

With summer on the way, we could all do with a helping hand on our way towards toning up and losing weight for the beach.

Theres no better sensation than feeling the warm sand beneath your feet for the first time at the start of your holiday and feeling proud of your body.

The first thing youll probably notice when browsing Protein Worlds website is the clean and clear design of the products. It makes a refreshing change from the over-branding on so many of todays health and fitness products.

Were always on the lookout for new ways to help us achieve out fitness goals and with summer fast approaching, who wouldnt like to lose a few pounds in a healthy way? So, we decided to give The Slender Blend and The Slender Plan a go.

Here, were going to walk you through each of the products in the collections to see if theyre products you should consider adding to your regimes to help achieve your goals.

First things first, The Slender Blend (the weight-loss protein powder) is available on its own as a 2.5kg bag, which works out at 60 servings, for 58.

This review is going to focus on The Slender Plan Vanilla Porridge collection, which includes a 1.2kg Slender Blend tub amongst other things.

Product website:

So, whats in the box? The Slender Plan Vanilla Porridge is sold as the 30 day weight loss programme on the Protein World website.

For 72, you get the following:

1.2kg tub of The Slender Blend (vanilla) Tub of The Slender Porridge (vanilla) Bottle of Hunger Buster capsules Bottle of Fat Metaboliser capsules A Protein World shaker A 30 Day challenge booklet, featuring full body workouts and a meal planner

Well get into the details of each product below but we really like the way everything is packed together with one goal in mind to help you lose weight and burn fat fast, and in a healthy way.

The Slender Blend is Protein Worlds best selling product and its not hard to see why.

The Slender Blend is one of Protein Worlds best-selling productsPhoto: Protein World

Included in each serving of the powder is 24 grams of grass-fed non-GMO whey protein, as well as 25 vitamins and minerals. Most importantly, each serving contains less than 150 calories and has no added sugar.

In short, The Slender Blend is designed to control cravings and help your build lean, toned muscle. You can use it as a meal replacement or as a protein shake after your workout.

The first thing we loved about The Slender Blend is the taste. Theres nothing worse than dreading your post-workout protein shake because of the taste, and we can safely say that The Slender Blend is one of the best shakes we have ever tried. We sampled the vanilla flavour but there are a number of others available (salted caramel, anyone?). We mixed it with unsweetened almond milk but it works just as well with water or normal milk.

The best thing about The Slender Blend is the fact you can use it as both a meal replacement and post-workout protein shake. That means, you could use it as a meal replacement to shed a few pounds for a couple of weeks, and then as a normal protein shake to help you build lean muscle.

The Slender Porridge is included as your suggested breakfast during your weight-loss journey.

Each serving of the gluten-free porridge contains under 200 calories and less than a gram of sugar. Oats are a great natural source of sustained energy, and The Slender Porridge also contains added chia and flaxseed.

Weve always been big fans of porridge in the morning and The Slender Porridge went down very well indeed. It mixes well and most importantly, tastes great.

Also included in the collection are two bottles of supplements to help you on your way to losing weight. Protein Worlds Hunger Buster capsules are designed to keep those hunger pangs at bay and help you burn fat.

Each capsule contains a blend of Konjac glucomannan and garcinia cambogia, both of which can help to increase fat metabolism.

The glucomannan in the Hunger Buster capsules is derived from the Konjac plant. Its a form of natural soluble fibre and has been shown to contribute to weight loss. It also helps to draw in water, which causes expansion in the stomach to help with your appetite, and contributes to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels.

Meanwhile, the active ingredient in Garcinia cambogia hydroxycitric acid inhibits an enzyme that the body needs to make fat from carbohydrates.

Weve never had problems with our appetite but we took the Hunger Buster capsules as an experiment for two days running and found it helped us to know exactly when to stop eating.

The Fat Metaboliser capsules (previously called Fat Melter capsules) are designed to reduce the amount of fat you digest, boost your metabolism and increase the rate that your body burns fat.

The Slender Plan includes Fat Metaboliser capsules Photo: Protein World

The main fat-burning ingredients are guarana extract and green tea. These capsules contain a good amount of caffeine so its best to take these in the morning.

We found that our energy levels soared when taking one of these tablets every morning. We did some digging to see if other users had reported similar effects and indeed, boosted energy levels and mental clarity seems to be a widely-reported (positive) side-effect of taking the Fat Metaboliser capsules.

We did some digging around the internet to see what some verified buyers were saying about their experiences with The Slender Blend and the other products included in the bundle.

Generally, the reviews are very positive. The Slender Blend is one of Protein Worlds top-rated products and its no surprise that there are lots of positive reviews.

Leanne wrote on the Protein World website: I used this package religiously for 12 weeks alongside the coconut oil for cooking and tried to stick to lean meats and veg/salad. I lost weight easily and steadily and my confidence grew when I started buying clothes 3 sizes smaller! If you want an easy to stick to plan, this is it. Would recommend this to anyone serious about losing weight and gaining confidence.

Chloe loved the Fat Metaboliser capsules in particular: These take some getting used too. But after a couple of days you will notice all the benefits. I was so lazy before. These help you get the energy you need!! Really great!!

You can read more reviews here:

The benefits:

Everything you need to lose weight over a 30-day period

The Slender Blend and The Slender Porridge taste great

Hunger Buster and Fat Metaboliser capsules can give an extra boost

The drawbacks:

Premium priced at 72

You have to pay for delivery on orders under 80

All of the separate products in The Slender Plan are available separately on the Protein World website, but the best deal is definitely the 72 plan, which includes all of the products listed above and is designed to work over a 30-day period.

The Slender Blend is available as a separate product on the Protein World website. A 1.2kg tub costs 32, and a 2.5kg bag costs 58.

So there you have it, our full review of Protein Worlds Slender Plan, including The Slender Blend and The Slender Porridge.

In case you havent already realised, we really like this bundle. If youre looking to lose weight and tone up for the summer, this is a great product to help you on your journey and customers seem to think so as well.

For more information and to buy:

Original post:
The Slender Blend review Protein World - The Sport Review

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Should You Skip Breakfast to Lose Weight? – EcoSalon

Posted: March 8, 2017 at 4:40 pm


Everyone always says that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And if you want to lose weight, starting your day with a hearty meal is crucial. Im here to dispute this claim. In fact, onceI started skipping breakfast, I started losing weight and its definitely not because I was starving myself.

Please dont just eat breakfast first thing in the morning because you think you should. Eat breakfast because youre hungry. The early morning is a great time to let your digestive system do its work from the night before. Especially if you tend to eat a later, heavier dinner. While you might not want to skip breakfast entirely, why not wait a few minutes after you wake up until you feel hungry?

If you do wake up starving, consider starting your day by drinking 16 to 24 ounces of water. This can increase your metabolism by as much as24 percent, according to some experts.Water also helps the body detox from the night before while giving the colon a cleanse and revving up the digestive system if necessary.Not to mention that drinking water first thing in the morning also makes your skin glow. Whats not to like?

More research is being done on the benefits of intermittent fasting. The least painful and most effective time to fit in a short fast (around 15 hours) is between dinner and breakfast. That means that if you eat dinner around 7 pm than you should wait at least until 10 am the next day to eat your next meal. For some of us, this isnt realistic, but you can take baby steps that make a big difference. For example, dont snack after dinner. Try and drink a glass water before your first meal. But if you can fit in a mini fast, its worth it and the first part of the day is the easiest time to accomplish it. Heres why:

A study published in the January 2005 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that on days of mini fasts fat oxidation increased, making fasting an effective tool for weight loss among participants.Reduced insulin is also important for staving off type-2 diabetes.

One study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that mini fasts increased the production of the human growth hormone (GH) in the body. GH is responsible for increasedfat burning and metabolism in the body.

Intermittent fasting has been shown to reduce belly fat and increase metabolism by as much as three to eight percent over a 24-week period. A study published in the January 1990 edition of the Journal of Physiology found that fasting for 48 hours at a time increased the basal metabolism in normal weight individuals. Another study published in the July 2011 edition of Obesity Reviews found that fasting decreases body fat and mass.

Other research has shown that intermittent fasting can help the body with cellular waste removal. As mentioned above, much of the bodys digestion and detoxing is done over night. If you give food a rest after your last meal of the day, youre giving your body more time to detoxify. More specifically, a study published in the August 2010 issue of Autophagy found that fasting is usually a safe, inexpensive, and useful means of reducing oxidative stress.

According to Dr. Axe, fasting can help with hormone regulation. Specifically, it helps with the regulation of leptin, the hormone in the body that tells you when youre hungry and when youre satiated. When leptin is off in the body, it makes it difficult to stop eating, which is obviously problematic forweight loss. Its been shown that fat people have high levels of leptin in their systems.

Skipping breakfast or intermittent fasting in general is not a good idea for everyone. And many doctors note the importance of a healthy breakfast to get your metabolism rolling. For some people, a healthy breakfast like thisVegan Peanut Butter Granola Recipeor this Protein-Packed Tofu Scramblemakes a lot more sense. These individuals should abstain from fasting:

When youre pregnant, fasting for any period of time has been shown to produce ketone bodies, molecules produced by the liver during periods of low food intake that can negatively impact the fetus. Dehydration is especially dangerous during pregnancy because it can cause preterm delivery. Pregnancy is never a good time to abstain from food.

Women who are breastfeeding should not skip breakfast. First and foremost, youre super hungry when youre breastfeeding, so just try not to eat! But even if you could bear it, over a long period of time, it could impact milk production. Save fasts for after youve finished breastfeeding, especially within the first year when breastmilk is still a major componentof your babys diet.

If you work out hard first thing in the morning, fasting could impact your performance. For some of us, working out in the morning is essential to fitting it in. Especially if youre training for a race or youre an athlete. You may need the fuel to get your body going in the morning. If this is the case with you,fasting in general may not be the best idea.

Additionally, dont fast by drinking a bunch of caffeine to keep you from eating. Caffeine without food can leave you feeling jittery. If you crave caffeine in the morning but youre not a fan of anxiety, add a tablespoon or two of coconut oil or grassfed butter to your coffee to balance out your caffeine with some good fats.

Some of us relish the morning ritual of breakfast. Orange juice, oatmeal, and eggswhats not to like? If youre not willing to give up this ritual, maybe consider dropping in a mini-fast periodically in another part of the day instead.

The point is NOT to starve yourself. An intermittent fast in the morning is all about giving your system a break and then enjoying moderate meals throughout the rest of the day. If it feels like youre starving yourself and then overeating at lunch and dinner, this is not for you. Were all different and we all respond differently to food.

Do you skip breakfast? Have you found that its helpful for weight loss? We want to know! Drop us a line via Twitter @EcoSalon.

Related on Organic Authority Jiggle Your Way to Weight Loss Want to Lose Weight? Eat a Big (Really Big) Breakfast 15 Best Foods to Boost Your Metabolism

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Should You Skip Breakfast to Lose Weight? - EcoSalon

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Inside look at how James Johnson turned into incredible Miami Heat weight-loss success story – Palm Beach Post (blog)

Posted: March 7, 2017 at 5:43 pm

Miami Heat forward James Johnson, drives to the basket against Philadelphias Robert Covington, in the second quarter of the Miami Heat vs Philadelphia 76ERS, NBA game at AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami on Wednesday, March 01, 2017. (Pedro Portal/Miami Herald/TNS)

MIAMI Weight loss programs use before-and-after photos to attract customers to their service. The Heat use before and after photos to attract players to their culture.

James Johnson is proof.

The Heat forward has never been in this kind of shape before. Over the first seven seasons of his NBA career, the 6-foot-9 Johnson didnt make his body a priority as he arrived to Miami this summer at 275 pounds with 14.5 percent body fat.

Just 64 games into his first season with the Heat, Johnson is down to 238 pounds and 6.75 percent body fat. He missed Mondays win over the Cavaliers more out of precaution after receiving three stitches to close a cut on his right elbow from Saturday, but Johnson hopes to return for Wednesdays home game against the Hornets.

What got the 30-year-old Johnson to finally make his body a priority after seven mediocre NBA seasons?

Was it the fact that Johnson was forced to take an underwhelming one-year deal worth $4 million this past summer in the middle of a free agency period that included unprecedented spending? Or was Johnson tired of just scratching the surface of how good of a player he could be?

Probably a little bit of both. But the Heat deserve some credit, too.

[Five takeaways: The shorthanded Miami Heat stun the Cleveland Cavaliers, 106-98]

[James Johnson the reason Heat players say Rodney McGruder has honeydew meloneyes]

Johnson remembers arriving to Miami this past summer and being asked to take a shirtless picture for a before-and-after photo series the team had planned for him.

I never had done a before-and-after, Johnson said referring to his previous NBA stops in Chicago, Toronto, Sacramento and Memphis. We got in there and they told me I had to take off my shirt. We had to take a before picture. It was weird to me. It was really weird to me. I thought I was going to be the only one because I came in something huge. I thought they were going to show me progress or what I dont want to get back to.

But Johnson is not the only player the Heat have asked to do this. It didnt take him long to realize that.

I ran through their iPad magazine, Johnson said. It was like a magazine, their iPad, their own accomplishments with other players and I saw it with my own eyes. And from the point I saw that iPad, I wanted to change myself.

Johnson said there were a ton of Heat weight-loss success stories on the iPad that blew him away, but he singled out Joe Johnson as the guy who really caught his eye. Why? Joe spent just the final three months of the 2015-16 season with the Heat and he was still able to change his body like that.

It has a lot to do with the player, but all the compliments and all the rewards should go to the Forans, Johnson said.

Thats Heat strength and conditioning coach Bill Foran, and his son and assistant strength and conditioning coach Eric Foran. Even though Johnson will be an unrestricted free agent this summer with a big pay raise expected to come his way, he plans on keeping the Forans close by as he works to keep from putting weight back on in the offseason.

I dont think Im going to leave Eric Foran or Bill Forans side during the summer, Johnson said with a smile. I dont think this is it for me. I still feel I have a long way to go and I want to get there body wise. I think the game will follow.

Johnsons new and improved body has already produced a new and improved game. Hes averaging career highs in points (12.1), 3-point percentage (33.9), rebounds (4.9) and assists (3.4) off the bench in his first season with the Heat.

On the defensive end, Johnson has been just as effective. Among players who have played at least 30 games this season, he ranks seventh in the NBA with an opponent field goal percentage of 39.1 percent.

I love where hes going, Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said of Johnson. We want to continue to be open to where he can get to next. Hopefully were not going to stop here. Hopefully theres another level or two or three, whatever it may be, that he can get to.

And as the weight drips off of him, Johnson feels like a more agile and athletic version of his former shelf. This is coming from a man who could already do a running front flip and a standing back flip before losing the weight, and is also a second-degree back belt with a 21-0 record in kickboxing and 7-0 record in mixed martial arts bouts (and says he can roundhouse kick a wedged basketball off the rim).

I feel like that the more weight I lose, the more I unleash skills that I didnt think I was capable of having or doing, Johnson said. Just being able to do more things agility wise. I can move, cut through smaller spaces, and definitely give more effort out there in the game. I can go from 100 effort to 150 now.

A clean diet has been a big part of Johnsons weight loss program. Hes eating out less and eating more home-cooked meals.

Just ask Johnson if the Heat culture is a real thing and hell give you a testimonial thats stronger than most of the ones you hear in weight-loss program commercials.

Its super real, Johnson said. This culture is real. Not only that, you know the kind of practices we have. We have those kind of practices where you cant go out and hang out all night and think youre going to be able to come to practice and really go hard because Ill call you out, everybody on this team will call you out. We wont leave it to the coaches to call you out. We take care of that ourselves. Thats the inside of this locker room.

Now, Johnson doesnt have to look through the Heats iPad for weight-loss success stories. His own incredible before-and-after photo was sitting at his locker before Wednesdays home win over the 76ers.

One of my most happiest moments, Johnson said, looking back at when he first saw the photo.

I even had to call my old lady and say, Yo, Im sorry you had to be with this guy. I didnt know it was that bad. She was at the pool with me and Im thinking Im good. But they were really just staring at her the whole time, I guess. Its just good motivation and its a good reminder not to go back.

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Miami has been turning up the Heat at AmericanAirlines Arena


Theres no reason Heat should be doing what theyre doing, and the rides not overyet

Inside look at how James Johnson turned into incredible Miami Heat weight-loss success story - Palm Beach Post (blog)

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Woman Who Lost 140 Pounds After Being Turned Down by College Crush Later Rejects Him for Date – Men’s Health

Posted: March 7, 2017 at 5:43 pm

Men's Health
Woman Who Lost 140 Pounds After Being Turned Down by College Crush Later Rejects Him for Date
Men's Health
Soon enough she lost 140 pounds -- and realized she didn't want to date her former crush after all. Heffner says that after running into him a few times since her weight loss, he's asked her out, but she's him know that we're just friends now and not ...

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Woman Who Lost 140 Pounds After Being Turned Down by College Crush Later Rejects Him for Date - Men's Health

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This Guy Went From Eating 10000 Calories Per Day to Losing 370 Pounds – Men’s Health

Posted: March 7, 2017 at 5:43 pm

Men's Health
This Guy Went From Eating 10000 Calories Per Day to Losing 370 Pounds
Men's Health
Anyone who's ever tried to lose even a few pounds knows how hard it is to keep the weight off permanently. But for one man who lost 370 pounds, the weight loss wasn't the hardest part -- it was dealing with the excess skin afterward. Florida resident ...

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This Guy Went From Eating 10000 Calories Per Day to Losing 370 Pounds - Men's Health

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Weight-loss doctor expanding practice – Daily Item

Posted: March 7, 2017 at 5:43 pm

March 6, 2017

COURTESY PHOTO Pictured is Dr. Shalva Sol Nash.


LYNN More than one-third of Americans are overweight or obese, according to the most recent findings of the Centers for Disease Control. And every year those numbers increase.

Dr. Shalva Sol Nash, who has owned and operated Brookline-based Weightloss Boston since 2002, has had great success using the holistic Sadkhin weight-loss method. Nash is expanding his practice to Lynn, opening an office at 20 Central Ave. in the building that houses Lynn Community Health Center.

Nash says his patients have achieved substantial weight loss without pills, heavy exercise or prepared foods. He adds the Sadkhin method facilitates naturopathic, drug-free and rapid weight loss using acupressure to curb the hunger and cravings typically associated with a restricted diet.

I use an acupuncture technique, where small steel beads are placed behind the ear and held in place with surgical tape, said Nash. He said there are 16 bioreactive pressure points in the body, and the stimulating beads are put in different spots to target specific organs, suppressing hunger and fighting fat deposits. Clients must be 18 or older, and an office visit to change the placement of the beads is required every 10 days.

Plus the patient must follow an initial dietary plan/cleansing program (fruits, vegetables, yogurt, milk) that promotes safe weight loss.

One client suffered from diabetes and had (blood sugar levels) numbers of 230 when she first met with us, said Nash. She followed the program and, gradually, the dosage of her medication was reduced. Finally, her numbers were down to 70 and she took no more insulin. She also lost a lot of weight.

Harrington spreads goodwill overseas

Nash was a medical doctor in Russia, having graduated from First Moscow State Medical University, before coming to the United States in 1997. Dissuaded by the intensive, years-long process to get accreditation in this country, Nash, who lives in Lynn, first worked as a phlebotomist at Beth Israel Medical Center and then as an EKG technician at Cambridge Hospital before training with Dr. Grigory Sadkhin in New York. He said he is one of the few licensed Sadkhin practitioners in New England, the only one in Massachusetts. He says many of his clients live on the North Shore, and the Lynn office will eliminate their commute to Brookline.

For more information, go to or call 617-277-8844.

Bill Brotherton is The Items Features Editor. He can be reached at

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Weight-loss doctor expanding practice - Daily Item

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Cardio vs. weights: Which is actually better for weight loss? – CNN

Posted: March 7, 2017 at 5:43 pm

Then strength training muscled its way into the spotlight as the must-do move for revving your metabolism and losing weight in your sleep, prompting many exercise enthusiasts to join #TeamNoCardio.

So a few years ago, Duke University researchers took to the lab and conducted the largest study of its kind to compare the two and get an answer once and for all.

The cardio group lost about 4 pounds while their resistance training peers gained two. Yes, the weight gain was attributed to added lean mass.

However, that muscle mass didn't lead to any meaningful fat loss over the course of the study. In fact, the aerobics only group shed more than 3 pounds of fat while the lifters didn't lose a single pound despite the fact that they actually exercised 47 more minutes each week than the cardio group.

Not surprisingly, the cardio-plus-resistance group improved their body composition best -- losing the most fat while adding some lean mass. But they also spent twice as much time in the gym.

It's simple math, says study co-author Cris Slentz, PhD, assistant professor of medicine at Duke University. "Minute per minute, cardio burns more calories, so it works best for reducing fat mass and body mass."

That's not to say that you shouldn't lift weights, especially as you get older and start losing muscle mass, he notes. "Resistance training is important for maintaining lean body mass, strength and function, and being functionally fit is important for daily living no matter what your size."

That means more calories burned.

It's also important to remember one essential fact about exercise and weight loss, says Slentz. "Exercise by itself will not lead to big weight loss. What and how much you eat has a far greater impact on how much weight you lose," he says.

That's because it's far easier to take in less energy (calories) than it is to burn significant amounts and it's very easy to cancel out the few hundred calories you've burned working out with just one snack.

Where exercise appears to matter most is for preventing weight gain, or for keeping off pounds once you've lost weight, says Slentz. "Exercise seems to work best for body weight control," he says.

The National Weight Control Registry, which since 1994 has tracked more than 10,000 people who shed an average of 66 pounds and kept it off for at least five years, would agree.

Ninety percent of successful weight loss maintainers exercise for about an hour a day and their activity of choice is cardio, simply walking.

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