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Juicing for Weight Loss | Reboot With Joe | Fat Sick …
Posted: November 15, 2016 at 12:41 am
I Lost 100 Pounds.* Juicing Changed My Life!
Joe Cross was obese and sick with a crippling autoimmune disease. He chronicled his 100-pound total weight loss*, along with his 60-day juice fast, in his film Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. He called his diet a Reboot.
*Individual results may vary. Reboots are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any medical or health condition.
*Individual results may vary. Reboots are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any medical or health condition.
Work with a certified nutritionist in a supervised, online weight-loss program. We offer 15-day and 30-day programs, plus special programs for those with diabetes or thyroid issues.
Try a Reboot with our free downloadable introductory plans, complete with a daily juicing schedule and recipes.
Joe appears on the Dr. Oz Show and shares how juicing transformed his life and can change your life too.
Watch the Video
Joes New York Times bestselling book, the Reboot with Joe Juice Diet includes in-depth information and guidance. Read Joes inspiring story, and get detailed plans and recipes for Reboots of 3, 5, 10, 15, and 30 days.
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Download our free Reboot with Joe Juice Diet App for iPhone to track your meals and progress.
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TLS Weight Loss Solution | TLSSlim
Posted: November 11, 2016 at 2:41 am
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Are you ready to lose weight and feel great? Take this quick questionnaire to discover your personalized TLS Weight Loss Solution.
Whether you want to tighten up your tummy, lose those last 10 pounds, or finally feel confident in your own skin, we can help you get there. TLS Weight Loss Solution can help you turn your goals into reality.
Reduce fat storage, promote lean muscle mass and target belly fat with TLS Tonalin CLA.
Address the essentials of successful weight loss with one great kit, which contains five of our most popular products! Follow the step-by-step guide and lose 5-20lbs in just 21 days with the TLS 21-Day Challenge Kit.
Help facilitate the use of stored fat as a source of energy - promoting fat burning, with TLS Green Coffee.
My weight spiraled out of control due to stress and depression, and I ballooned to a whopping 206 lbs. The TLS program was presented to me at a low point in my life and I decided it was now or never. Now I feel confident and proud when I look into the mirror! I will continue to strive to be the best I can be.
By: Sue Pasqual If you struggle to fit in exercise during your day, you arent alone. With busy lifestyles and the pressures of life, sometimes...
The post Exercise Tips appeared first on TLSSlim.
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TLS is a Market America Trademark Registered in the USA
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Medical Weight Loss Clinic | Start losing weight now
Posted: November 11, 2016 at 2:41 am
Whether you have tried to lose weight before, or this is your first diet, we will partner with you to ensure this is the last time you go through this process. Medical Weight Loss Clinic is administered by Michigan/Ohio Board Certified Physicians who are dedicated to helping you achieve your weight loss goals and maintain a healthy weight.
Medical Weight Loss Clinic has helped hundreds of thousands of people*
Most diet plans claim to be customized because they split men and women up into two different categories. Thats not good enough your body and your relationship with food, is unique.
Once we have completed a medical history including your body composition analysis, we want to understand your goals. Then we select one of our programs and tailor it for your specific needs.
Click here to learn more about our programs
Maria lost 50 lbs in 18 weeks*
Take a look at these success stories of people who have changed their lives with Medical Weight Loss Clinic. They are not the celebrities you see elsewhere, they dont have a personal trainer or a chef, but they are our Superstars! They are people like you - Midwesterners who face the same struggles and challenges in life. Real people, who overcame real problems - an inspiration to us all.
See our success stories
* Results may vary
When you enroll in a Medical Weight Loss Clinic program, the length of your program will be determined by you and the staff based on the amount of weight you want to lose and how quickly you want to lose it. Your actual weight loss will be determined by many factors, including, but not limited to: your medical circumstances, the plan you choose, adherence to the meal plan and use of nutritional supplements. Your goal and program duration information will be given to you in writing at the time of enrollment. As your program progresses, the rate you lose weight may change and you will have the opportunity to discuss this at every daily visit with your weight loss consultant, where changes to your meal plan and/or program can be made.
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Medical Weight Loss Clinic | Start losing weight now
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Weight loss – Wikipedia
Posted: November 2, 2016 at 10:44 am
Weight loss, in the context of medicine, health, or physical fitness, refers to a reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat or adipose tissue and/or lean mass, namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon, and other connective tissue. Weight loss can either occur unintentionally due to malnourishment or an underlying disease or arise from a conscious effort to improve an actual or perceived overweight or obese state. "Unexplained" weight loss that is not caused by reduction in calorific intake or exercise is called cachexia and may be a symptom of a serious medical condition. Intentional weight loss is commonly referred to as slimming.
Unintentional weight loss may result from loss of body fats, loss of body fluids, muscle atrophy, or even a combination of these.[1][2] It is generally regarded as a medical problem when at least 10% of a person's body weight has been lost in six months[1][3] or 5% in the last month.[4] Another criterion used for assessing weight that is too low is the body mass index (BMI).[5] However, even lesser amounts of weight loss can be a cause for serious concern in a frail elderly person.[6]
Unintentional weight loss can occur because of an inadequately nutritious diet relative to a person's energy needs (generally called malnutrition). Disease processes, changes in metabolism, hormonal changes, medications or other treatments, disease- or treatment-related dietary changes, or reduced appetite associated with a disease or treatment can also cause unintentional weight loss.[1][2][3][7][8][9] Poor nutrient utilization can lead to weight loss, and can be caused by fistulae in the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, drug-nutrient interaction, enzyme depletion and muscle atrophy.[3]
Continuing weight loss may deteriorate into wasting, a vaguely defined condition called cachexia.[6] Cachexia differs from starvation in part because it involves a systemic inflammatory response.[6] It is associated with poorer outcomes.[1][6][7] In the advanced stages of progressive disease, metabolism can change so that they lose weight even when they are getting what is normally regarded as adequate nutrition and the body cannot compensate. This leads to a condition called anorexia cachexia syndrome (ACS) and additional nutrition or supplementation is unlikely to help.[3] Symptoms of weight loss from ACS include severe weight loss from muscle rather than body fat, loss of appetite and feeling full after eating small amounts, nausea, anemia, weakness and fatigue.[3]
Serious weight loss may reduce quality of life, impair treatment effectiveness or recovery, worsen disease processes and be a risk factor for high mortality rates.[1][6] Malnutrition can affect every function of the human body, from the cells to the most complex body functions, including:[5]
In addition, malnutrition can lead to vitamin and other deficiencies and to inactivity, which in turn may pre-dispose to other problems, such as pressure sores.[5]
Unintentional weight loss can be the characteristic leading to diagnosis of diseases such as cancer[1] and type 1 diabetes.[10]
In the UK, up to 5% of the general population is underweight, but more than 10% of those with lung or gastrointestinal diseases and who have recently had surgery.[5] According to data in the UK using the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool ('MUST'), which incorporates unintentional weight loss, more than 10% of the population over the age of 65 is at risk of malnutrition.[5] A high proportion (10-60%) of hospital patients are also at risk, along with a similar proportion in care homes.[5]
Disease-related malnutrition can be considered in four categories:[5]
Inability to eat can result from: diminished consciousness or confusion, or physical problems affecting the arm or hands, swallowing or chewing. Eating restrictions may also be imposed as part of treatment or investigations. Lack of food can result from: poverty, difficulty in shopping or cooking, and poor quality meals.
Other losses: Conditions such as burns can be associated with losses such as skin exudates.
Weight loss issues related to specific diseases include:
Medical treatment can directly or indirectly cause weight loss, impairing treatment effectiveness and recovery that can lead to further weight loss in a vicious cycle.[1]
Many patients will be in pain and have a loss of appetite after surgery.[1] Part of the body's response to surgery is to direct energy to wound healing, which increases the body's overall energy requirements.[1] Surgery affects nutritional status indirectly, particularly during the recovery period, as it can interfere with wound healing and other aspects of recovery.[1][5] Surgery directly affects nutritional status if a procedure permanently alters the digestive system.[1]Enteral nutrition (tube feeding) is often needed.[1] However a policy of 'nil by mouth' for all gastrointestinal surgery has not been shown to benefit, with some suggestion it might hinder recovery.[13]
Early post-operative nutrition is a part of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery protocols.[14] These protocols also include carbohydrate loading in the 24 hours before surgery, but earlier nutritional interventions have not been shown to have a significant impact.[14]
Some medications can cause weight loss,[15] while others can cause weight gain.[16][17]
Social conditions such as poverty, social isolation and inability to get or prepare preferred foods can cause unintentional weight loss, and this may be particularly common in older people.[18] Nutrient intake can also be affected by culture, family and belief systems.[3] Ill-fitting dentures and other dental or oral health problems can also affect adequacy of nutrition.[3]
Loss of hope, status or social contact and spiritual distress can cause depression, which may be associated with reduced nutrition, as can fatigue.[3]
Intentional weight loss is the loss of total body mass as a result of efforts to improve fitness and health, or to change appearance through slimming.
Weight loss in individuals who are overweight or obese can reduce health risks,[19] increase fitness,[20] and may delay the onset of diabetes.[19] It could reduce pain and increase movement in people with osteoarthritis of the knee.[20] Weight loss can lead to a reduction in hypertension (high blood pressure), however whether this reduces hypertension-related harm is unclear.[19][not in citation given]
Weight loss occurs when the body is expending more energy in work and metabolism than it is absorbing from food or other nutrients. It will then use stored reserves from fat or muscle, gradually leading to weight loss.
For athletes seeking to improve performance or to meet required weight classification for participation in a sport, it is not uncommon to seek additional weight loss even if they are already at their ideal body weight. Others may be driven to lose weight to achieve an appearance they consider more attractive. Being underweight is associated with health risks such as difficulty fighting off infection, osteoporosis, decreased muscle strength, trouble regulating body temperature and even increased risk of death.[21]
Low-calorie diets are also referred to as balanced percentage diets. Due to their minimal detrimental effects, these types of diets are most commonly recommended by nutritionists. In addition to restricting calorie intake, a balanced diet also regulates macronutrient consumption. From the total number of allotted daily calories, it is recommended that 55% should come from carbohydrates, 15% from protein, and 30% from fats with no more than 10% of total fat coming from saturated forms.[unreliable medical source?] For instance, a recommended 1,200 calorie diet would supply about 660 calories from carbohydrates, 180 from protein, and 360 from fat. Some studies suggest that increased consumption of protein can help ease hunger pains associated with reduced caloric intake by increasing the feeling of satiety.[22]Calorie restriction in this way has many long-term benefits. After reaching the desired body weight, the calories consumed per day may be increased gradually, without exceeding 2,000 net (i.e. derived by subtracting calories burned by physical activity from calories consumed). Combined with increased physical activity, low-calorie diets are thought to be most effective long-term, unlike crash diets, which can achieve short-term results, at best. Physical activity could greatly enhance the efficiency of a diet. The healthiest weight loss regimen, therefore, is one that consists of a balanced diet and moderate physical activity.[citation needed]
Weight gain has been associated with excessive consumption of fats, (added) sugars, refined carbohydrates in general, and alcohol consumption.[citation needed] Depression, stress or boredom may also contribute to weight increase,[citation needed] and in these cases, individuals are advised to seek medical help. A 2010 study found that dieters who got a full night's sleep lost more than twice as much fat as sleep-deprived dieters.[23][24]
Though hypothesized that supplementation of vitamin D may help, studies do not support this.[25]
The majority of dieters regain weight over the long term.[26]
According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans those who achieve and manage a healthy weight do so most successfully by being careful to consume just enough calories to meet their needs, and being physically active.[27] According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), healthy individuals seeking to maintain their weight should consume 2,000 calories (8.4 MJ) per day.[citation needed]
The least intrusive weight loss methods, and those most often recommended, are adjustments to eating patterns and increased physical activity, generally in the form of exercise. The World Health Organization recommended that people combine a reduction of processed foods high in saturated fats, sugar and salt[28] and caloric content of the diet with an increase in physical activity.[29]
An increase in fiber intake is also recommended for regulating bowel movements.
Other methods of weight loss include use of drugs and supplements that decrease appetite, block fat absorption, or reduce stomach volume.
Bariatric surgery may be indicated in cases of severe obesity. Two common bariatric surgical procedures are gastric bypass and gastric banding.[30] Both can be effective at limiting the intake of food energy by reducing the size of the stomach, but as with any surgical procedure both come with their own risks[31] that should be considered in consultation with a physician.
Dietary supplements, though widely used, are not considered a healthy option for weight loss.[32] Many are available, but very few are effective in the long term.[33]
Virtual gastric band uses hypnosis to make the brain think the stomach is smaller than it really is and hence lower the amount of food ingested. This brings as a consequence weight reduction. This method is complemented with psychological treatment for anxiety management and with hypnopedia. Research has been conducted into the use of hypnosis as a weight management alternative.[34][35][36][37] In 1996 a study found that cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) was more effective for weight reduction if reinforced with hypnosis.[35]Acceptance and Commitment Therapy ACT, a mindfulness approach to weight loss, has also in the last few years been demonstrating its usefulness.[38]
In order for weight loss to be permanent, changes in diet and lifestyle must be permanent as well. Short-term dieting has not been shown to produce either long term weight loss or better health, and may even be counterproductive.[39]
There is a substantial market for products which promise to make weight loss easier, quicker, cheaper, more reliable, or less painful. These include books, DVDs, CDs, cremes, lotions, pills, rings and earrings, body wraps, body belts and other materials, fitness centers, clinics, personal coaches, weight loss groups, and food products and supplements.[40]
In 2008 between US$33 billion and $55 billion was spent annually in the US on weight-loss products and services, including medical procedures and pharmaceuticals, with weight-loss centers taking between 6 and 12 percent of total annual expenditure. Over $1.6 billion a year was spent on weight-loss supplements. About 70 percent of Americans' dieting attempts are of a self-help nature.[41][42]
In Western Europe, sales of weight-loss products, excluding prescription medications, topped 900 million ($1.4 billion) in 2009.[42]
A 1-kg loss of body weight has been associated with an approximate 1-mm Hg drop in blood pressure.[43]
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Lose It! Weight Loss Program and Calorie Counter on the …
Posted: October 4, 2016 at 4:52 pm
The worlds most effective weight loss program just got even more fun. With Lose It! and Snap It, you have everything you need to rock your goals in one app, the easy way! Simply upload your food pic to Lose It!, and Snap It will identify the foods it sees to get you the calorie count and nutrition information in a snap. Download Lose It! and try Snap It Beta today! HOW IT WORKS Getting started with Lose It! is easy. Simply download the app, tell us a little about yourself (or import your profile from the Health app) and we'll create a custom weight loss plan for you. Then start logging your food and exercise. There's no easier app-based weight loss program!! SET YOUR GOALS & ACHIEVE THEM Lose It! helps you set your daily budget, plus goals for nutrients (carbs, fat, protein, fiber, sugar, etc.), weight loss, exercise, blood pressure, hydration and more! You set the goals, well help you with the plan to achieve them. TRACK YOURSELF Lose It! offers simple, easy-to-use tools for tracking what you eat and do. Just search it, scan it, or snap it! Search for foods and exercise types in our database of over 7 million items, scan your food package with our nifty barcode scanner, or snap a pic and let Snap It [NEW] do the rest. INSIGHTS TO SUCCESS Want to go beyond calorie tracking to break through a weight loss plateau? Lose It! Insights help you learn more about your logs, like where your carbs and calories are coming from, plus the foods that help or hinder your progress. CONNECT APPS & DEVICES Lose It! Makes fitness tracking a breeze. Connect to the best health and fitness devices, trackers, and apps available to seamlessly track calories burned from exercise, steps, and more. GET SUPPORT & ACCOUNTABILITY In-person meetings are so last century. Access your support network from your fingertips through our social features. With Lose It!, you can connect to friends, family, and peers around the clock for the support you need, when you need it.
ANSWER THAT BURNING QUESTION: HOW DO I LOSE WEIGHT? Introducing The How - the complete nutrition and fitness program designed to teach you how to be the healthiest version of yourself! Our comprehensive meal plan database and fitness library can be accessed directly in Lose It! CHALLENGES THAT MOTIVATE Health & fitness is more fun with friends. Unlock your competitive side and achieve your goals with Challenges in Lose It! Whether its weight loss, exercise, or total wellness, Lose It! offers head-to-head, team, and group-based challenges. Compete with each other or work together toward a common goal. Join a public challenge or create your own!
Some features require our premium subscription. Join today and you'll see how easy it is! Facebook: Twitter:@loseit. Instagram: @loseitapp
The future of food tracking is here! Now, tracking your meals is as easy as snapping a picture. Take a pic, and Lose It!s newest feature will ID the foods in it, helping you track even faster. Snap It uses cutting edge food image analysis technology and Lose It!s expansive food database to make food tracking a snap.
After years of slowly gaining weight, I finally had enough when I popped the button off my pants four months ago. Lose It! made it so easy to lose weight. It helped me see that my portion sizes were too big and my snacks weren't the healthiest choices. I was hungry at the beginning as Lose It! only allowed me 1400 calories each day, BUT my body actually got used to it! I loved too that I didn't have to avoid sweets or my favorite foods altogether...I learned that I could still enjoy small bites or just a taste. I entered every single bite and weighed myself daily like the app suggests. I made my goal (losing 18 pounds) in only 3 1/2 months. I went from stuffing myself into my size 8 pants with major muffin top to fitting into 6's easily! Even though I have made my goal, I still enter all my food in Lose It! and I have found that my body doesn't feel the need to eat all the calories that the app now suggests I can have. As a result, I have continued to very slowly lose more weight. I plan to just keep going and see if I can get down to my pre-pregnancy weight or even *gasp* my weight from high school!
Using the free version I've lost 24 pounds in 85 days. The key is to faithfully record your food intake daily. Even when you went overboard. I usually create my own food because I don't only measure calories. I like to register every single nutrient. They all matter, specially fats and sugar. Challenges are also a good motivation, you'll learn to laugh when you see people reporting they've lost over 1,000 pounds in one month. Maybe they just like to "win", annoy or dismotivate others, but I focus on competing with myself. I just signed in for the "Baby, light my fire!" October's exercise challenge and I know it will help me a lot, because I NEED to start exercising. I like this app very much and would definitely pay for the premium version if it were a single payment, or a much lower yearly subscription. I'll give them the 5th star if they change that 🙂
In the past I haven't liked apps where I am logging everything I eat, but Lose It makes it so easy. I don't know this app just clicked with my lifestyle. It also syncs up with my other fitness apps like Run Keeper and Apple Health app. I got by and lost 35 pounds using just the basic app; but they offer a lot more information and stats with the premium. They even offer discounts on purchasing the premium throughout the year. I would suggest starting with the basic and decide for yourself if the premium has features that are important to you. Losing weight is not easy. You definitely have to sacrifice to lose those pounds but if you head is in the right place and you want it, then Lose It is a great tool to have in your arsenal.
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NutriMost Wellness & Weight Loss
Posted: October 4, 2016 at 2:46 am
NutriMost is an amazing, revolutionary weight-loss program that is sweeping America, and it can completely change your life! According to the Center for Disease Control, obesity contributes to various weight related diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.
With NutriMost, you'll transform your approach to Wellness.
The NutriMost Wellness and Weight Loss Program is safe and effective. The NutriMost Weight Loss program is a well-designed regimen which is monitored by professionals and includes a low calorie diet along with lifestyle modifications and personalized natural supplementation to maximize achievable weight loss.
NutriMost uses a unique approach to Weight Loss with All-Natural Supplements designed to support your bodys water level, hormonal levels, and combat other nutritional challenges you may face. Our Wellness and Weight Loss plan focuses on healthy natural food choices verses the powerful chemicals found in highly processed, manufactured, and refined foods. No other plan addresses your individual needs like NutriMost.
NutriMost provides our clients with an unparalleled level of support in their Wellness and Weight Loss journey. Our team approach to your weight loss supports you every step of the way. NutriMost coaches with at-your-fingertip mobile access, weekly consultations, menus & recipes, a friendly approach to extending the program, positive affirmations, and daily email reminders all ensure that you have the tools necessary to achieve your Wellness and Weight Loss goals.
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Sustained Weight Loss Takes Knowledge, Patience And Practice …
Posted: October 4, 2016 at 2:46 am
While having lunch at a convention where I was scheduled to speak, I sat with a very nice, overweight gentleman. After we introduced ourselves to each other, he realized I was one of the speakers presenting a breakout session about wellness in the workplace. He asked me to give him three pieces of advice about diet. I looked him straight in the eye, and said, "Sustained weight loss takes knowledge, patience, and practice, and without patience, there is no practice." He was shocked at my answer. He said, "I thought you would say eat vegetables or drink water, like I always hear." It was then that he admitted, "I lack patience, so I don't practice. That needs to change."
I'm sure you have noticed friends who have lost weight only to regain it, and maybe that has happened to you as well. It is a difficult task to keep weight off and most people find it almost impossible. There are many reasons, but I'll address one:
You follow a diet and you put all your faith into the diet. You never acknowledge your power in the process. In time you stop the diet and begin to gain weight again. You may return to that same diet or start another one, only to stay with it for a while, and return to your old, destructive habits. How often can this happen? The answer is that it will continue happening until you realize your role in achieving a healthy weight.
Every diet you try has attributes. Each one can educate and guide you, but you must learn to stand on your own! Believe in your own power! When I hear someone say, "I'm a Weight Watcher, or I'm doing Nutrisystem, I'm back on Jenny Craig, or I've started... (insert any diet)," they have put the emphasis and belief in the product, not in themselves.
If you have dieted before you have learned that it takes a special way of eating to lose weight. But where your knowledge may fall short is how food groups work together to nourish you, give you stamina, and keeps you healthy. You may have tried many diet plans and picked what you like most from each to form your own plan. What you've done is delete the balance in the original plan and take away its original formula for success.
People lose patience fast and the weight loss cycle is slow. The length of time it takes you to lose weight is a learning period and will be instrumental to maintaining your new body. Often success goes beyond which food you choose to eat, and is tied to how you face challenges and change behaviors. Turn off the stopwatch and take the time to learn everything you can about how you think, act, and feel towards food.
The minute you think you are "cured" of being overweight is the very moment you begin to gain weight. The skills and strategies you use to achieve a weight loss have to be practiced for a lifetime. Think of them as a muscle that needs to be exercised for maximum strength and endurance.
Repeat as necessary. Be healthy today in your thinking, your body, and your actions.
This Blogger's Books and Other Items from...
Healthy Living Means Living Healthy
by Margaret Marshall
Body, Mind, and Mouth: Life's Eating Connection
by Margaret Marshall
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How to Lose Weight – Diet Doctor
Posted: September 30, 2016 at 1:47 am
Do you have trouble losing weight? Or would you like to lose faster? Youve finally come to exactly the right place.
The sad truth is that conventional ideas eat less, run more do not work long term. Counting calories, exercising for hours every day and trying to ignore your hunger? Thats needless suffering and it wastes your time and precious willpower. Its weight loss for masochists. Eventually almost everyone gives up. Thats why we have an obesity epidemic.
Fortunately theres a better way. Get ready for effortless weight loss. li The bottom line? Your weight is hormonally regulated. All thats necessary is reducing your fat-storing hormone, insulin, and youll effortlessly lose excess weight.
Below is a practical step-by-step guide to do exactly that.
Are you ready? Here we go.
Start at the top of the list (most important) and go down as far as you need. Klick on any tip to read all about it. Perhaps you only need the first piece of advice?
Eighteen tips too many for you? Check out this new high-quality video course with the five most important ones. Sign up for free updates and youll get instant access to it:
or keep reading below for all 18.
If you want to lose weight you should start by avoiding sugar and starch (like bread). This is an old idea: For 150 years or more there have been an infinite number of weight-loss diets based on eating less carbs. Whats new is that dozens of modern scientific studies have proven that, yes, low carbis the most effective way to lose weight.
Obviously its still possible to lose weight on any diet just eat less calories than you burn, right? The problem with this simplistic advice is that it ignores the elephant in the room: Hunger. Most people dont like to just eat less, i.e. being hungry forever. Thats dieting for masochists. Sooner or later a normal person will give up and eat, hence the prevalence of yo-yo dieting.
The main advantage of low carb diets is that they cause you to want to eat less. Even without counting calories most overweight people eat far fewer calories on low carb. Sugar and starch may increase your hunger, avoiding it may decrease your appetite to an adequate level. If your body wants to eat an appropriate number of calories you dont need to bother counting them. Thus: Calories count, but you dont need to count them.
A 2012 study also showed that people on a low carb dietburned 300 more calories a day while resting!According to one of the Harvard professors behind the study this advantagewould equal the number of calories typically burned in an hour of moderate-intensity physical activity. Imagine that: an entire bonus hour of exercise every day, without actually doing it.
Bottom line: A low carb diet reduces your hunger and makes it easier to eat less. And it might even increase your fat burning at rest. Study after study show that low carb is the smart way to lose weight and that it improves important health markers.
Do you want to watch a new high-quality 11-minute video course on how to eat low-carb, high-fat (LCHF)? And about the most important things to think about? Sign up for free updates and youll get instant access to it:
Do you want to know more about exactly what to eat on low carb, exactly how to do it, potential problems and solutions and lots of great recipes?
Start here: LCHF for Beginners
Dont be hungry. The most common mistake when starting a low carb diet: Reducing carb intake while still being afraid of fat. The problem is that carbs and fat are the bodys two main energy sources.It needs at least one. Low carb AND low fat = starvation
Avoiding both carbs and fat results in hunger, cravings and fatigue. Sooner or later people cant stand it and give up. The solution is toeat more natural fat until you feel satisfied. For example:
Always eat enough, so that you feel satisfied, especially in the beginning of the weight-loss process.Doing this on a low carb diet means that the fat you eat will be burned as fuel by your body, as your levels of the fat storing hormone insulin will be lowered. Youll become a fat burning machine. Youll lose excess weight without hunger.
Do you still fear saturated fat? Dont. The fear of saturated fat is based on obsolete theories that have beenproven incorrect by modern science. Butter is a fine food. However, feel free to eat mostly unsaturated fat (e.g. olive oil, avocado, fatty fish) if you prefer. This could be called a Mediterranean low carb diet andworks great too.
Eating when hungry also implies something else:If youre not hungry you probably dont need to eat yet. When on a LCHF diet you can trust your feelings of hunger and satiety again. Feel free to eat as many times per day that works best for you.
Some people eat three times a day and occasionallysnackin between (note that frequent snacking could mean that youd benefit from adding fat to your meals, to increase satiety).Some people only eat once or twice a day and never snack. Whatever works for you. Just eat when youre hungry.
Read More about Why Eating When Hungry is Smarter than Counting Calories
On a low-carb diet you should aim to eat when hungry (see tip #2 above). And if youre not hungry? Dont eat. Nothing slows down weight loss more than frequently eating a lot of food that you do not need. This, in fact, is so important that its worth this section of its own.
Unnecessary snacking can be a problem on LCHF too. Some things are easy to eat just because theyre tasty and easily available. Here are three common traps to watch out for on LCHF:
Do you have to eat breakfast? No, of course not. Dont eat if youre not hungry. And this goes for any meal.
On a strict LCHF diet the hunger and urge to eat tends to decrease a lot, especially if you have excess weight to lose. Your body may behappilyburning your fat stores, reducing the need to eat.
If this happens, be happy! Dont fight it by eating food you dont want. Instead wait for the hunger to return before you eat again. This will save you both time and money, while speeding up your weight loss.
Some people fear that they will lose control if they dont eat every three hours, thus making them eat thousands of calories and blowing their diets completely. So they obsessively snack all the time.
This obsessive snacking may be necessary on a diet high in sugar/processed carbs to control hunger cravings, but itsusually completely unnecessary on an LCHF diet. Hunger will only slowly return and youll have plenty of time to prepare food or grab a snack.
To lose weight quickly and sustainably: Eat when youre hungry but only when youre hungry.Forget the clock and listen to your body instead.
Learn more in these videos:
Tracking successful weight loss is sometimes trickier than youd think. Focusing only on weight and stepping on the scale every day might be misleading, cause unnecessary anxiety and undermine your motivation for no good reason.
The scale is not necessarily your friend. You may want to lose fat but the scale measures muscles, bone and internal organs as well. Gaining muscle is a good thing. Thus weight orBMIare imperfect ways to measure your progress. This is especially trueif youre just coming off a long period of semi-starvation (calorie counting), as your body may want to restore lost muscles etc. Starting weight training and gaining muscle can also hide your fat loss.
Losing fat and gaining muscles is great progress, but you may miss this if you only measure your weight. Thus its smart to also track the disappearance of your belly fat, by measuring yourwaist circumference.
Heres how to do it:
Compare your result to these recommendations:
I recommend aiming for excellent but its not always realistic. Young people can usually achieve this, but for some middle-aged or older women it may be a major victory to get all the way to decent.
I suggest measuring your waist circumference and weight before starting and then perhaps once a week or once a month. Write the results down so that you can track your progress.If you want you can measure more areas: around the buttocks, the chest, the arms, legs, etc.
Note that your weight can fluctuate up and down several pounds from day to day, depending on fluid balance and stomach contents: Dont worry about short term changes, instead follow the long-term trend.
If you can, try tocheck other important health markerswhen starting out, like these:
These markers are almost universally improved on a low carb diet, even before major weight loss. Re-checking these health markers after a few months can be great for your motivation astheyll usually showthat youre not just losing weight, youre gaining health too.
PS:Dont have a measuring tape at home? Try these options:
It usually takes years or decades to gain a lot of weight. Trying to lose it all as quickly as possible by starving yourself rarely works well long-term, thats just the recipe for yo-yo dieting. To succeed you need something that works long term.
Its common to lose2-6 pounds (1-3 kg) within the first weekon a strict low carb diet, and then on average aboutone pound (0.5 kg) per week as long as you have a lot of weight remaining to lose.This translates into about 50 pounds (25 kilos) per year.
Every 5 pounds of fat loss roughly equals 1 inch lost around the waist (1 kilo = 1 cm).
Young males sometimes lose weight quicker than this, perhaps twice as fast. Post-menopausal women may lose at a slightly slower pace. People on a very strict low carb diet may lose weight quicker, as well as those who exercise a lot (a bonus). And if you have an enormous amount of excess weight to lose you could start out much faster.
As you get closer to your ideal weight the loss slows, until you stabilize at a weight that your body feels is right. Hardly anyone gets underweight on a low carb diet as long as they eat when hungry.
Examples: Weight loss stories.
Are you coming off a period of semi-starvation (calorie counting)? Focus on your waist circumference and health markers (see advice #4) at first as it sometimes takes several weeks before weight loss is apparent.
Expect weight loss plateaus: Days or weeks where nothing seems to happen on the scale. Everybody hits them. Stay calm. Keep doing what youre doing and eventually things will start happening again (if not, check the other 16 tips).
Losing a lot of weight long-term and keeping it off forever wont happen unless youchange your habits forever. If you lose weight and then return to living exactly the way did when you gained weight, dont be surprised when the excess weight returns. It will.
Maintaining weight loss requires long-term change and patience. If this doesnt seem possible for you, then youre perhaps more interested inone of these magical diet scams.
Forget quick fixes:If you lose some weight every month, eventually youll get rid of all your excess weight.Thats inevitable progress. Thats what you want.
PS:Long-term change is only hard in the beginning, especially during the first couple of weeks.Its like quitting smoking.Once you develop new habits it becomes easier and easier every week. Eventually it comes naturally.
Keep reading!
This is a tip that goes for men as well, of course, but eating fruit is a more common obstacle for women trying to lose weight.
This advice is controversial as fruit has an almost magical health aura today. People may believe that fruit is nutritious butunfortunatelyfruit contains a lot of sugar around 10% by weight (the rest is mostly water). Just taste an orange or a grape. Sweet, right?
Five servings of fruit per day is equivalent to the amount of sugar in 16 ounces of soda (500 ml). Contrary to what many people believe the sugar is more or less identical (about 50% glucose, 50% fructose).
Sugar from fruit can shut down fat burning. This can increase your hunger and slow your weight loss.For best results avoid fruit or enjoy it occasionally as a treat.
Bottom line:Fruit is candy from nature.
Most people believe that fruit is natural, but todays fruit in the supermarket have very little in common with what fruit used to look like before. Theres way more sugar in modern domesticated fruit.
What Fruits and Vegetables Looked like Before
This applies to women too, but men drink more beer on average. Beer contains rapidly digested carbsthat shut down fat burning. Thats why beer is sometimes referred to as liquid bread. Theres a good reason for the term beer belly.
Here aresmarter alcoholic optionsfor losing weight:
These drinks hardly contain any sugar/carbohydrates so theyre better than beer. However, large amounts of alcohol might slow weight loss somewhat, so moderation is still a good idea.
LowCarbAlcohol theBest and the Worst
Many people replace sugar with artificial sweeteners in the belief that this will reduce their calorie intake and cause weight loss. It sounds plausible. Several studies, however, have failed to show any positive effect on weight loss by consuming artificial sweeteners instead of plain sugar.
Instead, according to scientific studies,artificial sweeteners canincrease appetite and maintain cravings for sweet food. And one recent independent study showed that switching drinks with artificial sweeteners to water clearly helped women lose weight:
Study: Avoiding Diet Beverages Helps Women Lose Weight
This could be because the body increases insulin secretion in anticipation that the sugar will appear in the blood. When this doesnt happen, blood sugar drops and hunger increases. Whether this chain of events regularly take place is somewhat unclear. Something odd happened when I tested Pepsi Max though, and there are well-designed studies showing increased insulin when using artificial sweeteners.
Furthermore, artificial sweeteners can maintain an addiction to sweets and lead to snack cravings. And the long term effects of consuming artificial sweeteners are unknown.
Studies claiming to show neutral or positive effects of sweeteners are usually funded by the beverage industry.
By the way, Stevia is marketed as a natural alternative to artificial sweeteners. Thats marketing talk. There is nothing natural abouta processed super-sweet white powder like Stevia.
If youre having trouble losing weight I suggest that you completely avoid sweeteners. As a bonus youll soon start to enjoy the natural sweetness of real food, once youre no longer adapted to the overpowering artificial sweetness of junk food and diet sodas.
24206:35Do you find the idea of avoiding sweeteners almost impossible to imagine? Addiction to sugar and sweet foods is very common, but its possible to become free. Check out our video course with addiction specialist Bitten Jonsson, RN.
Read More about Artificial Sweeteners
Many prescription drugs can stall your weight loss. Discuss any change in treatment with your doctor. Here are the worst three:
These other medications can also cause problems:
Have you ever wished for more hours of sleep, and a less stressful life in general? Most people have and that can be bad news for their weight.
Chronic stress may increase levels of stress hormones such as cortisol in your body. This can cause increased hunger and result in weight gain. If youre looking to lose weight, you should review possible ways to decrease or better handle excessive stress in your life. Although this often demands substantial changes, even altering small things such as posture may immediately affect your stress hormone levels, and perhaps your weight.
You should also make an effort to get enough good sleep, preferably every night. Strive to wake up refreshed of your own accord, independently of the alarm clock. If youre the kind of person who always gets brutally woken up by the alarm ringing, you might never be giving your body adequate rest.
One way to combat this is to go to bed early enough for your body to wake up autonomously before the alarm clock goes off. Letting yourself get a good nights sleep is another way of reducing stress hormone levels.
Sleep deprivation, on the other hand, comes hand in hand with sugar cravings. It also has an adverse effect on self-discipline and makes it painfully easy to give in to temptation (its no coincidence that induced sleep deprivation is a common interrogation technique). Similarly, sleep deprivation weakens your resolve to work out.
Do you have trouble sleeping even if theres ample time for it? Here are five tips from an expert:
Finally, make sure that your bedroom is dark enough, and stays at a pleasant temperature. Sleep well!
Many may find the above guidelines difficult to follow, perhaps because of a lack of time (or the equivalent small children!). But stressing less and sleeping more doesnt just feel good. It can also play a part in helping you get thinner.
Read More About the Benefits of Sleep
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Weight Loss – Android Apps on Google Play
Posted: September 29, 2016 at 11:44 am
Ever wonder what you would look like if you lost 10 pounds? Want to get motivated and get fit? Want to reach your dream weight? Well look no further. Weight Loss is here to help you get your perfect body!
Weight Loss by ModiFace is the ultimate weight loss application and has everything you need to make healthy food choices, stay motivated, get active, get a great body, and achieve your goals.
Look and feel fantastic by following healthy meal/diet and exercise plans. Motivate yourself by uploading an image of yourself and seeing potential weight loss results! Get daily calorie intake recommendations and even calculate your BMI!
This comprehensive weight loss application is packed with features including a weight loss simulation (on your own photo!), a personalized BMI chart, a customized exercise plan, and a meal/diet recommendation all in one app.
Show off your weight loss and brand new body by sharing your weight loss simulation with friends and family.
Features Ability to simulate weight loss on your own photo to give you extra motivation to lose weight Ability to get a customized exercise plan to achieve your weight loss goal by accounting for a variety of activities such as walking, jogging, dancing, and weight training Personalized BMI calculator and chart Daily Calorie intake recommendation to achieve your weight loss goal, along with a meal/diet plan to achieve your goal ...and much MUCH more!
Try it now.
*Please note that the free version of the application includes weight loss simulation on your own photo, BMI calculator, full sharing options, and more. The premium version includes a personalized weight loss plan.
Quick FAQ Q. How do I check my BMI? A. In the Stats section select the button in the top left corner that says See BMI Chart
Q. How do I get my recommended daily calorie intake? A. 1) Establish your goal weight using the slider 2) Fill out all of the information in the stats page. (e.g. current weight, daily activity level, time to achieve weight loss goals) 3) Go to the plan section and it will be displayed
Q. Where are the photos saved to? A. Saved photos can be found in ModiFace folder here: /mnt/sdcard/Pictures/ModiFace/.
Q. What is BMI? A. BMI stands for body mass index. It measures how much your body weight deviates from a desired body weight.
Support: Android 2.2 (Froyo) to Android 4.x (Ice Cream Sandwich & Jelly Bean) Publisher: ModiFace - the Virtual Makeover experts
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Sex is a workout, and other weight loss myths –
Posted: September 28, 2016 at 5:45 pm
Americans have known for 15 years that obesity is an epidemic; the surgeon general declared it so in 2001 (PDF). Despite intense efforts to prevent and treat obesity, however, studies published June 7 in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that 35 percent of men, 40 percent of women, and 17 percent of children and adolescents are obese. Even more worrisome, the rates continue to rise among women and adolescents. In fact, experts predict that this generation of children may be the first in 200 years to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents, likely due to obesity.
So what is our society doing wrong? Clearly, what doctors and policy makers have been doing for the last 15 years to address this epidemic is not working.
You might be surprised to hear some of these myths:
Myth 1: Small changes in your diet or exercise will lead to large, long-term weight changes.
Unfortunately, this is not true. In weight loss, two plus two may only equal three instead of four. Small changes simply do not add up since physiologically, your body tries to stay the same weight. This doesn't mean that making small healthy choices don't matter, because even small things you do to stay healthy matter. It just means you are not likely to meet your weight loss goals by just taking one less bite. It's likely going to take bigger changes in your diet and exercise.
Myth 2: Setting realistic goals when you are trying to lose weight is important because otherwise you will feel frustrated and lose less weight.
Myth 3: Losing a lot of weight fast doesn't keep weight off as well as losing a few pounds slowly.
Finally, to our favorite one:
Myth 4: Having sex one time burns about as many calories as walking a mile.
As family physicians, we were curious to know if our own patients in clinic might believe in these myths. Maybe in the few short years since the NEJM paper was published, this information has permeated through popular media, and corrected itself. Everyone must know these basic facts about obesity, right?
To figure this out, we conducted a study of over 300 people in the waiting room of our diverse academic family medicine clinic. People who participated in our survey had an average age of 37, were mostly female (76 percent), had at least some college education (76 percent), and were a mix of non-Hispanic black (38 percent) and non-Hispanic white (47 percent).
The grand majority of people we surveyed still believed these myths (Myth 1: 85 percent, Myth 2: 94 percent, Myth 3: 85 percent, Myth 4: 61 percent)! Even more interestingly, there were no differences in what people believed across gender, age, or educational levels. These myths were pervasive.
How can we expect people to lose weight if most do not know the basics of weight loss? We didn't need to go far before we realized that these myths are still found in popular media. In some cases, physicians themselves may fall victim to these myths.
The first step is to acknowledge that patients are likely influenced by the myths that are so easily found online and among the advice given by friends and family. This means patients must be particularly savvy consumers of health information and to seek out information from reputable sources. This also means that educating and empowering overweight patients is only one part of the solution. Informing those - friends, family, and also the media - who influence overweight patients is also important if we want to change the trajectory of obesity in the U.S.
If we don't translate the research on obesity into practice, we cannot expect this problem to improve in our lifetime. We will only have a chance if we use what we know about weight loss and drop these myths.
Tammy Chang is an assistant professor of family medicine at the University of Michigan. Angie Wang is a resident in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Michigan.
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