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Category Archives: Sermorelin
Sermorelin Injections Online | Invigor Medical Telelhealth
Posted: October 20, 2020 at 5:58 pm
As we get older, we all experience a steep decline in growth hormone levels. After the age of 30, growth hormone levels drop by 15% on average for every decade of life. Remember the seemingly endless energy you had as a teenager? Well this youthful vitality is due in part to abundant growth hormone production and release by your pituitary gland. During puberty, males release an average of 150 nanograms of growth hormone daily for every kilogram of bodyweight. This amount settles to about 25 nanograms per kilogram a day at the age of 55 an 83% reduction in daily growth hormone levels. What this means is an increased body mass index due to higher body fat ratios, reduced muscle mass and strength, decreased bone density, and poorer lipoprotein (cholesterol) profiles among other things.
Like many aspects of the aging process, decreased growth hormone production is usually asymptomatic at first with its ill effects not becoming apparent for some time. Up until recently, the only option to replace growth hormone came in the form of exogenous (from outside the body) human growth hormone (hGH). However, besides being illegal for the purposes of anti-aging, hGH has a whole host of unwanted side effects that most people would rather avoid. They include an increased risk for tumor growth, heart disease and diabetes. These major side effects are commonly attributed to the fact that when you use hGH, levels of growth hormone are unnaturally high throughout the entire day. So what can you do if you are feeling the physiological and psychological effects of aging and want to reverse the hands of time by increasing your growth hormone levels?
If you know anything about hormones then you likely know that they are quite easy to throw out of balance. That is why sermorelin, and other growth hormone releasing hormones (GHRHs), are so safe and effective. Sermorelin stimulates the production and release of your own growth hormone, in a way that complements your natural biological rhythms. Usually, growth hormone is released in pulses throughout the day, with the biggest pulse coming just before you usually go to bed. Sermorelin stimulates the production of growth hormone in your pituitary gland, allowing for your deeply embedded feedback loops to facilitate or stop production as necessary. So now you know how it works, but how well does it work?
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What Are Sermorelins Benefits? – Kingsberg Medical
Posted: October 3, 2020 at 5:57 pm
Sermorelin therapy can have many benefits for patients suffering from sub-optimal levels of human growth hormone (HGH).
Sermorelin belongs to a class of biochemical compounds called secretagogues, that is; these are agents that are not necessarily active agents themselves. Instead secretagogues can result in the release of other agents or hormones which can then exert their effects on the body. Sermorelin has been shown to stimulate the normal and physiologic secretion of HGH (Human Growth Hormone), by causing a response by specific receptor sites in the pituitary gland.
HGH is essential for growth, health, and well-being. However, the pituitary glands ability to produce HGH is negatively impacted by age. Much of this decline is because of a depletion of the naturally occurring secretagogues also known as Growth Hormone Releasing Hormones (GHRH) in your blood as your grow older. Supplemental GHRH in the form of prescription sermorelin, has been shown in clinical trials to mimic the effects of naturally occurring GHRH, and therefore increase pituitary output of HGH.
Sermorelin has been shown to have many positive benefits for overall health and wellness. Sermorelin has been studied and shown to be quite effective in treating age-related decline of growth hormone levels.
Sermorelin is an FDA approved prescription medication used to treat adult onset growth hormone deficiency (AGHD) by stimulating your pituitary gland to make and release more growth hormone.
For many patients, sermorelin is considered to be a safe and effective alternative to growth hormone injections. Because of its proven ability to increase HGH production and output, sermorelin therapy improves your metabolism, your immune system, and your bodys ability to replace and repair damaged and dying cells.
Over the course of several months of treatment for AGHD, patients have reported many sermorelin benefits, such as improvements in:
In men, sermorelin injections often have the added benefit of increasing testosterone levels, which even further improves strength, vitality, sexual performance, and lean muscle growth.
Sermorelin has been shown to have many positive benefits for men and women who are suffering with less than optimal levels of HGH.
Sermorelin therapy is given over the course of many weeks usually for a period of three to six months depending on your age, gender, presenting symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle.
One of the advantages of sermorelin therapy, is that the gains you make, tend to remain even after you stop taking sermorelin.
While you may see some of sermorelins benefits within the first few weeks of therapy, sermorelin therapy is designed to be cumulative over time, with benefits increasing as you progress through the course of your sermorelin treatment. Here is a month-by-month break down of the benefits you can expect to achieve from prescription sermorelin injections.
Month 1
Within the first few weeks of sermorelin injections, you will be sleeping better, you will see increases in your energy level, and overall vitality. By the 3rd or 4th week you may see an improvement in sexual desire and sexual performance.
Into the 2nd Month
Your results of sermorelin injections after two months will include an overall leaner look, a reduction in body fat, and your skin and hair will take on a more youthful appearance. You should find your feelings of mental fog clearing, and be able to focus more.
Month 3
Your results of sermorelin injections after 12-14 weeks will have you looking and feeling significantly improved. Many of the symptoms that may have brought you in for sermorelin therapy in the first place, will have vanished, or be substantially reduced. You will be stronger, more flexible, you will feel less joint pain, and you should also see an improvement in your overall physical and emotional well-being.
Month 4
After 3 months, and into your 4th, the results of your sermorelin injections will include more fat loss and your muscle gain will be very significant. This is the time of your peak results of sermorelin injections.
Into Month 5
After month five, this is when most patients have their before and after pictures taken. You will likely be very surprised at how you looked before you started sermorelin therapy, and how you look now!
After Completing Month 6
Once you have completed six months of sermorelin injections you will have achieved your maximum results. You will be a new person who can enjoy:
Sermorelin therapy is designed to be cumulative over time, with benefits increasing as you progress through the course of your sermorelin treatment.
There are few if any side effects to sermorelin therapy. Sermorelin therapy is only available with a doctors prescription. If you are a man or woman over the age of 35, and think you may benefit from sermorelin therapy, contact us today to learn more about sermorelins many benefits, and how it may help you regain a more youthful outlook on life!
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Sermorelin therapy should not be used in patients with a known allergy or sensitivity to the drug.
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What Are Sermorelins Benefits? - Kingsberg Medical
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Sermorelins Anti-Aging Benefits
Posted: September 14, 2020 at 7:54 pm
As you get older, you may notice some unpleasant side effects of aging. Aside from just looking like a senior, you will start to feel older, which can lead to a lower quality of life and self-esteem issues. However, you don't have to suffer from these side effects. There are steps you can take to slow down the aging process. Your body will naturally produce less HGH as you age because HGH is only necessary when you are young. As you get older, you no longer need this hormone, so your body will stop producing it. The result is dry hair, dry skin, less muscle mass, lethargy, poor cognitive function, and slower recovery times. HGH prevents these issues when you are young, but disappears as you get older, so you will notice these symptoms.
If you have been researching anti-aging treatments, you may have heard of sermorelin injections. This treatment uses sermorelin acetate to stimulate the pituitary gland to produce more HGH to keep your body looking young and healthy. Sermorelin therapy from a professional establishment, such as Nu Image Medical, can address your symptoms by managing your adult-onset growth hormone insufficiencies without the negative side effects of HGH injections. Read on to learn more about this treatment and how it could help you.
Peptides are the building blocks of proteins or strings of amino acids. Because they naturally stimulate the production of HGH, they tend to be a popular choice for their anti-aging properties. Since peptides naturally occur in the body, peptide treatments tend to be very effective and have low chances of side effects. Peptides influence everything in the body from the healing process to weight loss abilities.
However, as you age, the amount of peptides in your body decreases, leading to decreased levels of HGH and the signs of aging. You may also notice things like decreased focus, depression, slower metabolism, high cholesterol, rapid weight gain, decreased energy, muscle pain, memory loss, changes in mood, hair loss, and wrinkles.
Peptides work by stimulating your body's natural production of HGH. This means that you can slow your body's aging process and improve your quality of life. Peptide therapy has many benefits, such as improved bodily functions, increased energy levels, tighter skin, improved sleep, enhanced focus, faster muscle development, quicker recovery times, boosted metabolism, and advanced fat loss rates.
Sermorelin, a peptide, is designed to get your pituitary gland to produce more HGH naturally. This can reverse or stop your issues that develop from HGH deficiencies associated with aging. The benefits of sermorelin injections can include increased muscle mass, improved cognitive function, reduced fat levels, and accelerated healing times.
Sermorelin injections have become popular for use in anti-aging procedures. However, it can also be used to treat issues, such as idiopathic growth hormone deficiency in young children. It is important to have heard this before your neighbor tells you that sermorelin is for kids.
As we already know, sermorelin is a peptide that can cause the body to naturally release HGH on its own. This allows you to get pure HGH that is produced naturally from within your body. In other words, you get the benefits of HGH injections, without worrying about what goes into your body. If you have several injections, you will see a rise in your HGH levels. This can lead to many benefits, in addition to your typical anti-aging goals.
While most people try sermorelin for the anti-aging benefits, it can also help you in other areas. For instance, sermorelin can act as a weight-loss assistant. However, in general, the primary goal of sermorelin injections is to restore any HGH levels that were depleted due to the natural aging process or a hormone deficiency. This is because sermorelin only helps you lose weight when you combine regular injections with a healthy diet and exercise routine.
There is no specific diet that can help speed up your weight loss results if you choose to get sermorelin therapy. Instead, sermorelin works as a weight loss booster when it is administered over long periods. Without a healthy diet and exercise, you will only loose up to ten pounds after getting about six months of treatments. However, if you maintain a healthy diet, you can lose weight faster through your sermorelin therapy. Therefore, you could say that sermorelin treatments encourage people to maintain healthy eating habits.
When combined with exercise and a healthy diet, sermorelin can help you maintain your healthy body composition. The loss of HGH that occurs through the natural aging process results in increased levels of fat and decreased muscle mass. It can also slow down your body's fat metabolism, making it easier to put on weight and harder to lose it. If you are suffering from these side effects of aging, sermorelin can help. It helps by reinvigorating your body's metabolism so the food you eat won't be immediately converted into fat. Sermorelin can also help you build more muscle mass, meaning you will burn more calories when you are sedentary. Overall, sermorelin is a great option if you are looking to maintain your level of body fat.
Sermorelin is also an effective way for individuals to restore their natural sleep cycles. An abnormal sleep cycle and insomnia are both factors for weight gain. People who stay up for longer periods are more likely to eat as a way to stay alert, and sleep disorders are often associated with weight gain. However, sermorelin can help restore natural sleep cycles just a few days after treatment, letting you get plenty of deep sleep so you can focus on getting the extra weight off. If you are aging and weight to lose due to a sleep problem, you should try sermorelin to help you get the rest you need.
You will only lose a small amount of weight from sermorelin treatments unless you exercise. One of the main benefits of sermorelin is that you will recover more quickly from your workouts and build muscle mass easier. You can also use it to boost your energy levels, so you can exercise like a young person and get the most out of your workouts. The result is that your body will respond better to physical activity. Since you need to exercise to see the results of your treatments, you will be encouraged to work out regularly. In other words, your sermorelin treatments will give you healthier exercise habits.
This type of therapy is typically administered through a series of sermorelin injections. Having someone administer them subcutaneously or intravenously is the only way to get the benefits of sermorelin. Because intravenous injections are not a practical method for most patients, the majority of sermorelin treatments are delivered subcutaneously.
If signs of aging are beginning to affect your life, you need to see the caring professionals at Nu Image Medical. They can assure you that sermorelin injections are not just for children that suffer from issues, such as idiopathic growth hormone deficiency, and help you get started on your anti-aging journey today.
Nu Image Medical offers a new and futuristic approach to achieving optimal health and wellness. The company has been a weight loss, anti-aging and wellness provider since 2004 and offers medically supervised programs formedical weight loss,peptides,erectile dysfunction,scream cream, andhair loss(NuDew)
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Sermorelins Anti-Aging Benefits
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It’s time to lose weight and reclaim your body with Skin Envy –
Posted: October 30, 2019 at 8:46 pm
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich The Skin Envy Non-Surgical Weight-Loss Center specializes in helping people reclaim their bodies by losing weight, gaining energy, and so much more. Stephanie Davison explains how their treatments work.
The Skin Envy clinics are by appointment only so call 616-446-5111. Right now they are offering a special to My West Michigan viewers.
The first 20 callers who buy a one-year Sermorelin package get a six-month supply of B12 energy and Fat Burning Injections valued at more than $1,000. You can learn more at
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Hormone Replacement Therapy in South Florida | HealthGAINS
Posted: October 2, 2019 at 4:41 pm
HealthGAINS offers a full spectrum of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) programs that counteract declining hormone levels to help you feel revitalized, rejuvenated, and more energetic. Each type of hormone therapy is meticulously designed around your medical history and lifestyle so you can receive the best possible results.
HRT programs offered by HealthGAINS have provided thousands of patients with the following benefits:
HRT therapy is used to replace natural hormones in men and women with reduced testosterone, progesterone, and/or estrogen levels. Hormone levels in men and women can be depleted due to factors such as aging, menopause, and thyroid disease. HRT for women may contain estrogen, progesterone and/or testosterone. HRT for men usually only contains testosterone, HCG, and a possible estrogen blocker. HRT is available in the form of tablets, injections, creams, and gels.
Additional hormone therapies for both men and women may include the use of human growth hormone (HGH) and other peptides such as ipamorelin and sermorelin. HGH and stimulation peptides plays a role in growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration. Ipamorelin and sermorelin are both peptides that may complement a patients HRT programipamorelin mimics the hormone ghrelin to stimulate the growth hormone, while sermorelin stimulates the production and secretion of hormones like HGH and testosterone.
Hormones play a role in many bodily processes and functions including mood, reproduction, growth, sexual function, and metabolism. Reduced hormone levels in men and women can affect mood, energy, and vitality, and increase the risk for serious health problems. Women with low estrogen levels are at a higher risk for osteoporosis, while men with low testosterone levels have an increased risk oferectile dysfunction and heart disease. Men and women with declined hormone levels also commonly suffer from depression, fatigue, loss of sexual libido, and weight gain.
Low testosterone in men commonly occurs due to factors such as aging, obesity, low thyroid function, and certain underlying medical conditions.Andropauseis a term commonly used to describe reduced testosterone production in older men.
Men with low hormone levels may experience:
Low hormone levels in women are most commonly caused by menopause. Most women begin the transition to menopause in their mid- to late 40s. In the U.S., the average age of menopauseis 52, according to the Office on Womens Health. Perimenopause is the transition to menopause, while postmenopause is when menstrual periods have stopped completely. Perimenopausal and postmenopausal symptoms are highly similarto those of menopause.
Women with hormonal imbalances may experience:
Low hormone levels in men and women are usually due to the natural aging process, genetics, and certain lifestyle behaviors practiced over a long time. Physical inactivity, lack of sleep, smoking, andpoor nutritionare some additional factors shown to reduce these values.
Certain diseases and medical conditions can also lead to a decline. Turner syndrome, chronic kidney disease, anorexia, and low-functioning pituitary gland are shown to reduce estrogen levels in women. Klinefelters syndrome, hemochromatosis, tumors, infection, and cancer treatments are shown to reduce testosterone levels in men.
Other factors that may cause hormonal imbalances in men and women include chronic stress, diabetes, an overactive or underactive thyroid, excess body weight, substance abuse, Cushings syndrome, Addisons disease, pancreatitis, and cancer.
There are many types of HRT available to treat various hormone conditions. Your doctor will work with you one-on-one to develop an individualized treatment plan that works best for you based on your unique health situation. The types of hormones you receive in HRT will depend largely on the root cause of your hormonal imbalance.
Bioidentical hormonesmimic the hormones naturally produced by the body to renew your vitality more effectively than synthetic hormones. BHRT is shown to produce fewer side effects than synthetic HRT and can be individualized for each patient to supply the exact needed dose of hormones. Benefits of BHRT include increased sex drive, reduced fatigue, improved sleep, and improved memory and concentration.
Testosterone HRTfor men can increase testosterone levels to help men benefit from higher energy levels, higher sex drive, better sleep, and improved strength and muscle mass.
Known as the Fountain of Youth, HGH helps stimulate and regulate cell renewal and regeneration to restore energy, motivation, and overall health.HGH therapyhelps the body repair cells to improve sagging skin, immunity, metabolism, bone and muscle density, sexual health, and energy. Other benefits of HGH include improved sleep, slowed hair loss, andweight loss.
Thyroid therapyis a customized therapy that helps each patient counteract symptoms associated with the natural aging process. Fatigue, low energy, thinning hair, muscle aches, and depression are some symptoms that can be addressed and improved with thyroid therapy.
Peptides may be used to complement your HRT program, but are not considered true forms of HRT.
Sermorelin is a peptide that stimulates the production of hormones to increase energy, stamina, muscle mass, and sex drive. Sermorelin also promotes weight loss, better sleep, and improved heart health, cognition, and immunity.Sermorelin therapy is often combined with conventional HRT.
Ipamorelin therapyis similar to sermorelin therapy in how it stimulates the production and secretion of HGH but it doesnt stimulate stress and hunger hormones. Ipamorelin therapy can improve sleep and immunity, increase strength, and reduce body fat.
Our Concierge Team at HealthGAINS in Aventura will guide you through every step of treatment to ensure you are maximizing the effects of HRT with optimal nutrition, high-quality supplementation, and healthy lifestyle choices. Our Concierge Team will be highly knowledgeable about your individualized treatment to help you experience the best possible results.
Bioidentical hormones are an exact molecule-for-molecule match to the hormones naturally produced by your body. Compared to BHRT, conventional HRT uses synthetic hormones derived mainly from animal sources.
The medical experts at HealthGAINS have extensive experience in HRT. Labs are closely monitored to identify and reduce any potential side effects.
HRT is a therapy of choice and can help you stay on top of your health and wellness goals. You do not need to use HRT forever. However, stopping HRT may reverse the positive gains youve made in regards to your health and may result in some or all symptoms coming back. Our wellness specialists, medical team, and Concierge Team will help you develop and stick to an HRT plan that works best for you.
HRT is different for everyone and generally takes about six to eight weeks to produce noticeable results.
HealthGAINS has not found physician-guided evidence that it is linked with cancer.
Yes. Many women seek HRT programs in Miami and other parts of Florida to benefit from increased sexual libido. ThermiVa and FemiWave are sexual wellness treatments that may complement HRT.
Yes. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes and want to learn more about hormone therapy in Miami, contact one of our Wellness Advisors today.
To request a free consultationwith a Wellness Advisor at HealthGAINS, call us at (305) 912-8828 to learn more about how to start HRT in Florida. Our clinic is conveniently located in Aventura, Miami where many of our patients travel from around the globe to receive expert care and wellness solutions.
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Benefits of Sermorelin Therapy – New Leaf Wellness
Posted: April 14, 2019 at 7:46 am
Sermorelin acetate is a biological active analog of growth hormone releasing factor (GRF 1-44) which is a growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) that is naturally produced by the human brain to stimulate production and secretion of human growth hormone (HGH) by the pituitary gland. Sermorelin is not a growth hormone; it is a growth hormone secretagogue, which means that it stimulates the pituitary gland by binding to specific receptors to increase the production and secretion of HGH. As a youth, ample amounts of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) are produced so that the pituitary gland is able to provide the body with sufficient growth hormone to sustain health, vitality and otherwise normal aspects of human form and function. While aging, GHRH declines causing reduced production and secretion of pituitary HGH and thereby increasing growth hormone insufficiencies that erode health, stamina and vitality during later life.
This therapy consists of daily injections of Sermorelin acetate which stimulates the pituitary gland to produce increased natural secretion of human growth hormone. Since Sermorelin acetate is approved as safe for use in children to increase their production of growth hormone, it is considered safe for use in increasing the natural production of growth hormone in adults deficient in growth hormone. Each persons individual needs are used to determine dosing
Increases energy, vitality, strength and enduranceIncreases lean body mass by developing new muscle cellsBreaks down body fat and fatty acidsImproves heart functionIncreases calcium retention which strengthens and increases bone densityEnhances the immune system and accelerates healing from wounds or surgeryPromotes non-REM slow wave sleepIncreases protein synthesis and stimulates the growth of all internal organs except the brainReduces liver uptake of glucose, an effect that opposes that of insulinPromotes liver glycogenesisPlays a role in fuel homeostasisContributes to the maintenance and function of pancreatic islets
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Benefits of Sermorelin Therapy - New Leaf Wellness
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Sermorelin Cost & Benefits: Discover the Price of Monthly …
Posted: November 28, 2018 at 3:42 am
hGH Replacement Therapy has been a popular Anti-Aging and performance enhancing treatment since as early as 1990, but unfortunately, use of hGH does not come without risks.
Sermorelin Acetate has become a popular alternative as it enables you to obtain the benefits of hGH Therapy, without the associated risks.
This article looks more closely at the benefits of Sermorelin injections as a hGH alternative and the cost associated with it.
To begin with, it is a good idea to have an understanding of what Sermorelin Acetate is and what role it plays when administered via injection.
Scientifically Sermorelin acetate is referred to as growth hormone releasing factor 129 NH2-acetate, this is because it is a peptide which contains the first 29 amino acids that make up growth hormone produced in our bodies.
This contributes to Sermorelins function as a growth hormone secretagogue (a substance which causes another substance to be secreted Wikipedia) in this case, the substance whose secretion is promoted is growth hormone.
For this reason, Sermorelin is often also referred to as an hGH stimulator and is considered an excellent alternative to hGH.
One important thing to understand about Sermorelin is that it promotes healthy function of the pituitary (the gland responsible for our bodys production of hGH) during the aging process.
This is a far cry from aggressive administration of hGH which can, in fact, negatively impact normal pituitary function.
Another distinct advantage of using Sermorelin instead of hGH is the cost involved.
hGH typically costs $1000+ per month of treatment, Sermorelin is a much more affordable option with 3 months treatment of Sermorelin costing significantly less than just one month on hGH.
In fact, Sermorelin is available at as low as $290 per month for a 9mg vial.
Anti-Aging Peptides
Sermorelin 9mg
From $292 per month
Performance Peptides
Sermorelin 9mg
GHRP-2 9mg
GHRP-6 9mg
From $317 per month
Besides the obvious advantages of Sermorelin injections detailed above, you may want to know how you can benefit from using this therapy.
Perhaps the easiest way to understand the potential benefits of hGh replacement therapy is to look at the symptoms of hGH decline and the effect hGH replacement has on those symptoms.
These are detailed below:
Changes in body composition due to decreasing levels of hGH are reflected by a decrease in lean body mass (muscle) and an increase in fat mass.
Correcting hGH levels has been shown to reverse this state by improving muscle mass and reducing fat.
Research indicates that hGH deficiency in adults contributes to a reduction in bone density and therefore increased risk of osteoporosis.
It has also been shown that hGH replacement therapy for greater than 12 months results in improved bone mineral density and hence, lower risk of osteoporosis.
Due to changes in body composition detailed above, muscle strength is understandably compromised. As hGH therapy corrects body composition and improves muscle mass, muscle strength also improves.
The best results are gained after 12 months of hGH therapy.
By improving bone mineral density and increasing muscle mass and strength, hGH therapy can help to prevent joint deterioration that is a feature of arthritis.
Optimal growth hormone levels are also essential for health of connective tissue such as the Synovium found in joints.
Exercise performance is reduced in individuals with growth hormone deficiency. This appears to be partially due to reductions in bone density and muscle mass but also in part due to a reduction in oxygen uptake.
hGH therapy for 6 months has been shown to improve exercise performance by improving muscle mass and also oxygen uptake
There is evidence of a greater risk of heart disease in individuals with growth hormone deficiency and it has been hypothesized that this is due to a greater propensity to develop premature atherosclerosis (a build-up of plaque inside the arteries which increases risk of heart attack and stroke).
Growth hormone deficiency also results in changes in heart size and function. These changes have been demonstrated to be reversed after 6 months hGH therapy.
Growth hormone deficiency results in a reduced resting metabolism and replacement therapy reverses this decrease. hGH therapy has also been shown to increase protein synthesis, increase fat oxidation, normalize carbohydrate metabolism and reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol.
These favorable effects on metabolism may in part explain some of the other benefits of hGH including improved hearth health and body composition.
A reduction in skin thickness and all-important skin collagen is another result of growth hormone deficiency. Both conditions are improved by hGH therapy.
Although adults with growth hormone deficiency are not normally considered to have a compromised immune system, there is some evidence to suggest that hGH therapy can help regulate immune function.
It has been demonstrated that people with growth hormone deficiency have more difficulty with sexual relationships and reportedly, lower energy levels.
Many individuals have found an improvement in energy, libido and sexual performance following hGH therapy, some men even claiming an improvement in problems with premature ejaculation.
Reduced psychological well-being has been reported in individuals with growth hormone deficiency and hGH replacement has resulted in improvements in mood, energy and general feelings of well-being.
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Sermorelin Acetate Cost, Review of Benefits and Comparison …
Posted: November 12, 2018 at 9:40 am
hGH Replacement Therapy has been a popular Anti-Aging and performance enhancing treatment since as early as 1990, but unfortunately, use of hGH does not come without risks.
Sermorelin acetate has become a popular alternative as it enables you to obtain the benefits of hGH Therapy, without the associated risks.
This article looks more closely at the benefits of Sermorelin injections as a hGH alternative and the cost associated with it.
To begin with, it is a good idea to have an understanding of what sermorelin acetate is and what role it plays when administered via injection.
Scientifically sermorelin acetate is referred to as growth hormone releasing factor 129 NH2-acetate, this is because it is a peptide which contains the first 29 amino acids that make up growth hormone produced in our bodies.
This contributes to sermorelins function as a growth hormone secretagogue (a substance which causes another substance to be secreted Wikipedia) in this case, the substance whose secretion is promoted is growth hormone.
For this reason, sermorelin is often also referred to as an hGH stimulator and is considered an excellent alternative to hGH.
One important thing to understand about Sermorelin is that it promotes healthy function of the pituitary (the gland responsible for our bodys production of hGH) during the aging process.
This is a far cry from aggressive administration of hGH which can, in fact, negatively impact normal pituitary function.
Another distinct advantage of using sermorelin instead of hGH is the cost involved.
hGH typically costs $1000+ per month of treatment, sermorelin is a much more affordable option with 3 months treatment of sermorelin costing significantly less than just one month on hGH.
In fact, sermorelin is available at as low as $290 per month for a 9mg vial.
Anti-Aging Peptides
Sermorelin 9mg
From $292 per month
Performance Peptides
Sermorelin 9mg
GHRP-2 9mg
GHRP-6 9mg
From $317 per month
Besides the obvious advantages of sermorelin injections detailed above, you may want to know how you can benefit from using this therapy.
Perhaps the easiest way to understand the potential benefits of hGh replacement therapy is to look at the symptoms of hGH decline and the effect hGH replacement has on those symptoms.
These are detailed below:
Changes in body composition due to decreasing levels of hGH are reflected by a decrease in lean body mass (muscle) and an increase in fat mass.
Correcting hGH levels has been shown to reverse this state by improving muscle mass and reducing fat.
Research indicates that hGH deficiency in adults contributes to a reduction in bone density and therefore increased risk of osteoporosis.
It has also been shown that hGH replacement therapy for greater than 12 months results in improved bone mineral density and hence, lower risk of osteoporosis.
Due to changes in body composition detailed above, muscle strength is understandably compromised. As hGH therapy corrects body composition and improves muscle mass, muscle strength also improves.
The best results are gained after 12 months of hGH therapy.
By improving bone mineral density and increasing muscle mass and strength, hGH therapy can help to prevent joint deterioration that is a feature of arthritis.
Optimal growth hormone levels are also essential for health of connective tissue such as the synovium found in joints.
Exercise performance is reduced in individuals with growth hormone deficiency. This appears to be partially due to reductions in bone density and muscle mass but also in part due to a reduction in oxygen uptake.
hGH therapy for 6 months has been shown to improve exercise performance by improving muscle mass and also oxygen uptake
There is evidence of a greater risk of heart disease in individuals with growth hormone deficiency and it has been hypothesized that this is due to a greater propensity to develop premature atherosclerosis (a build-up of plaque inside the arteries which increases risk of heart attack and stroke).
Growth hormone deficiency also results in changes in heart size and function. These changes have been demonstrated to be reversed after 6 months hGH therapy.
Growth hormone deficiency results in a reduced resting metabolism and replacement therapy reverses this decrease. hGH therapy has also been shown to increase protein synthesis, increase fat oxidation, normalize carbohydrate metabolism and reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol.
These favorable effects on metabolism may in part explain some of the other benefits of hGH including improved hearth health and body composition.
A reduction in skin thickness and all-important skin collagen is another result of growth hormone deficiency. Both conditions are improved by hGH therapy.
Although adults with growth hormone deficiency are not normally considered to have a compromised immune system, there is some evidence to suggest that hGH therapy can help regulate immune function.
It has been demonstrated that people with growth hormone deficiency have more difficulty with sexual relationships and reportedly, lower energy levels.
Many individuals have found an improvement in energy, libido and sexual performance following hGH therapy, some men even claiming an improvement in problems with premature ejaculation.
Reduced psychological well-being has been reported in individuals with growth hormone deficiency and hGH replacement has resulted in improvements in mood, energy and general feelings of well-being.
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Sermorelin Dosage and Side Effects – HGH Releasers
Posted: August 21, 2018 at 9:45 am
Sermorelin, often named GRF 1-29, is actually a HGH releasing hormone analogue. This is a twenty nine-amino acid polypeptide which represents 1-29 fragment by endogenous HGH releasing hormone, which is considered to be the quickest completely functional fragment of GHRH, Its used like a test for human growth hormone release. Its also used like doping product in sports activities. Used generally in Anti-aging Treatment usually along with Testosterone. Less dangerous substitute for Growth Hormone
USES: Sermorelin can be used to deal with growth problems (often in children) because of growth hormone deficit. It will work by stimulating your pituitary gland to produce natural human growth hormone.
No, its a human growth hormone secretagogue, it means that effects your pituitary gland to create more HGH. Sermorelin is known as a tiny peptide that contains just twenty nine amino acids while HGH is actually a larger molecule that contains 191 amino acids.
Right now, the only technique for successfully applying Sermorelin is simply by subcutaneous injection. Nevertheless, considering that the molecule is really a lot smaller compared to HGH, it could be possible to effectively administer it with the nasal mucousa by using a spray method. This kind of theory is already being analyzed scientifically and the final results must soon be ready.
If you dont want to get hardcore with Injections Click Here and take a look and try this safer alternative HyperGH14x (HGH releaser)
Even though the compounds act on totally different parts in your body (HGH in the liver and Sermorelin in the pituitary), the quantity of substance required to be useful in increasing serum IGF-1 are usually almost identical. HGH is mostly prescribed in every day dosages of 1 or 2 international units (IU) although Sermorelin is actually prescribed into micrograms.
Nevertheless, 1 IU is equivalent to 333 micrograms and so the weight of efficient doses is nearly between three hundred and six hundred micrograms a day. All the beneficial doses for Sermorelin tend to be between two hundred to five hundred micrograms a day; a range that is similar to that for Human growth hormone.
Sermorelin is used by shot daily just before going to bed. The moment of injections is essential for the reason that extra GRF supplied by Sermorelin supplements that which normally happens while sleeping and also thereby helps the night time release of HGH which is typical of youngsters. Dosage range must be fitted to everyones personal requirements. Nevertheless, recommendations for dosing are usually:
200 ug/day for males with BMI via 18.5 / 24.9 300 ug/day for males with BMI among 25 / 29.9 400 ug/day for females and males with BMI among 25 / 29.9 500ug/day for females and males with BMI among 25 / 29.9
Swelling/pain/redness from the injection could happen. If some of these effects continue or get worse, inform your physician.Quickly inform your physician if these unlikely negative effects appear: flushing, boost in hyperactivity, headache.
In under one percent from the people prescribed Sermorelin in medical studies, symptoms such as:
Inform your doctor right away if these unlikely but really serious side effects appear: trouble swallowing, chest tightness, vomiting. An allergy to the drug is not likely; however look for fast medical assistance if it takes place. The signs of an allergic attack contain: rash, swelling, itching, trouble breathing and dizziness. You may notice additional side effects not listed in this article, speak to your physician.
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Sermorelin Dosage and Side Effects - HGH Releasers
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How to use Sermorelin: Step by Step Guide from Wellness MGT
Posted: June 16, 2018 at 5:40 am
Sermorelin (also known as GRF 1-29) is a stimulant of growth hormone secretion. It belongs to the group of peptide hormones GHRH (Growth-hormone-releasing hormone), provides a marked increase in levels of growth hormone (somatropin) in a short time, however, it has a small half-life, so during the course multiple daily application is necessary.
Its main action is tied to the increase in growth hormone levels. Therefore, the improvements that the drug provides, is identical to the natural growth hormone. Thus, the course of Sermorelin dosage administrationcan provide a high quality muscle growth, improve the basic physical characteristics (endurance, strength) and generally strengthen the body, including the strengtheningof the immune defenses.
Also, the results of the use of the peptide may improve the quality of hair, skin and nails, strengthen the joints, bones and ligaments; mediated drug exhibits anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effect.
The question, How to use Sermorelin Acetate? is easy to answer. Sermorelin dose injections should be performed either intramuscularly or subcutaneously.
Useful Article: Sermorelin Injections
The optimal Sermorelin dosageis 100 mg taken from 1 to 4 times per day.
The best time of injection at thrice Sermorelin administration is considered the following scheme: 1 injection 15 minutes before the meal and the last shortly before bedtime.
How to use Sermorelin if it is a powder? To prepare a solution, the manufacturers provide three solvents:
The Sermorelin Acetate dosage is diluted directly before the use in at least 0.5 ml of the supplied solvent.
Now, when youre prepared Sermorelin dosage, you can proceed to the very injection. Where to do it? Under the skin or intramuscularly, as you can better. In this case it is better to use an insulin syringe, wherein a hundred-unit scale is.
With clean hands, you can now begin the sermorelin injections administration:
Sermorelin GHRP-6 dosage is determined by the prescribing doctor based on brain size. The following Sermorelin dosage recommendations include only the average doses of Sermorelin . If your dose is different, do not change it unless your doctor tells you to do so.
Useful article: Importance of HGH for Women
The amount of medicine that you take depends on the strength of the medicine. Also, Sermorelin daily dosage, the time allowed between doses, and the length of time you take the medicine depend on the medical problem for which you are using the medicine.
For most adults, the most common dosage of 200 mcg will suffice. A proper Sermorelin dosage will encourage your pituitary gland to create more HGH organically and return you to a situation of health and strength that you experienced in your youth.
After removing the needle, recover it with the cap and discard the entire unit in the Sharps container.
The prepared solution can be stored in the refrigerator for 8-10 days. Also, it is worth noting that if you elect bacteriostatic water as a solvent, the storage life of the prepared solution is increased up to 1 month.Do not freeze.
As to the storage of lyophilized powder in vials, it is necessary to carry out it dry in a refrigerator (at 1-8 C degrees). Subject to these conditions, the shelf life of the peptide will be up to 2 years.
How to use Sermorelin: Step by Step Guide from Wellness MGT
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