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Category Archives: Sermorelin
Buy Sermorelin | Buy Sermorelin Online | EliteHRT
Posted: May 31, 2018 at 6:40 am
Reasons to Buy Sermorelin
Sermorelin is one of several HGH secretagoues or growth hormone releasing hormones (GHRHs). A secretagoue is a hormone or agent that stimulates the increased production of another hormone. In the case of sermorelin, stimulating the increased production of human growth hormone (HGH). Sermorelin works by naturally stimulating our body to increase its production of human growth hormone. For even greater effects, sermorelin can be combined with the use of a growth hormone releasing peptide (GHRP). GHRPs are another class of very effective HGH secretagoues, GHRP-2 and GHRP-6 being two of the most potent. Incorporating these GHRPs with the use of sermorelin makes for a very powerful and effective treatment, fully maximizing the production of HGH by the body.
Sermorelin is often prescribed as a cost effective alternative to human growth hormone. The cost of sermorelin therapy is typically half of the cost of HGH therapy due to the intricate process involved to genetically engineer human growth hormone. Every potential patient is different in his or her current medical condition, symptoms experienced and specific needs. Our Physicians will analyze the results of each patients medical history, physical exam and blood test results to determine the best program option available for that patient. One of our wellness consultants will be happy to review these potential costs with you.
Sleep, a quality that deteriorates with age, plays a very important role in the amount human growth hormone our body produces. The majority of our natural HGH production is known to occur during deep sleep. Because the body produces HGH during deep sleep, less hours of sleep and poor sleeping patterns result in a low production of HGH.
Sermorelin therapy promotes longer, deeper sleep and improved sleeping patterns. Production of HGH during the sleep cycle becomes dramatically improved. This deep restful sleep and increased production of HGH enhances the bodys ability to better recover and regenerate from daily life and exercise.
Sermorelin therapy and HGH therapy offer all of the same potential treatment benefits. Injections of synthetic growth hormone through HGH therapy will have the same end result as the increased growth hormone produced by the body through Sermorelin therapy. Although the end result of sermorelin and HGH therapy are the same, the avenue in which the result is accomplished is the biggest difference.
Increased strength and lean muscle. Fat loss and increased metabolism. Rejuvenation and strengthening of joints and ligaments. Increased libido and sex drive. Improved mood and state of well being. Increased energy levels. Decrease in body and joint aches. Improved physical performance in sports and exercise. Improved function of immune system. Improved quality of sleep. Tighter, softer skin. Decrease of wrinkles and sagging skin.
Sermorelin therapy carries a significantly lower risk of potential side effects compared to synthetic HGH as long term use of HGH therapy can result in the shutting down of the bodies natural production of HGH. By increasing the endogenous production (the bodies natural production) of human growth hormone, sermorelin is an extremely safe and effective alternative to expensive HGH injections. The most common side effects are pain, swelling or itching at the site of injection. Used properly, semorelin is an extremely safe and effective method of increasing natural production of HGH.
Just as the benefits and safety of testosterone therapy are enhanced by also stimulating natural testosterone production with HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), the benefits and safety of HGH therapy are also enhanced by stimulating natural HGH production with sermorelin.
Together, HGH provides an instant increase of human growth hormone in the body. Sermorelin then increases the natural production of growth hormone resulting in maximum benefits and a reduced risk of the body shutting its natural production of HGH. Although the results of each therapy program are remarkable on their own, the outcome of sermorelin and HGH together is even greater than either program by itself.
Choosing an educated and specialized provider of hormone replacement therapy, as well as the safest and most effective method of treatment, is very important. While some seek hormone therapy through their family Doctor, this is rarely as comprehensive and effective as treatment from a specialized hormone Doctor. Family Doctors, if they are even open to prescribing hormone therapy, typically lack the understanding and thoroughness of a hormone specialist.
A generic method of hormone replacement therapy is never the answer. With Elite HRT, you will receive a completely personalized hormone replacement therapy program. Designed specifically for you, the benefits and safety of your treatment will far exceed any of the generic methods of treatment available today.
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Anti-Aging Hendersonville TN, Sermorelin Acetate
Posted: April 8, 2018 at 1:44 pm
Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone, Peptide
(CJC 1295), GHRP 6, GHRP 2
Sermorelin Forte Plus is a unique medical combination of Sermorelin, Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide 6 (GHRP-6) and Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide 2 (GHRP2). This anti-aging therapy isformulated to achieve the fullest potential from the bodys natural production of growth hormone and imrpove your overall health. This is due to the introduction of Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide 2 (GHRP2) to the Sermorelin and GHRP6. GHRP2 is reportedly the most potent of these peptides.
Sermorelin by itself will only stimulate the pituitary gland in the base of the brain to release Growth Hormone (GH). GHRP-6 and GHRP-2 are synthetic peptides that directly stimulate the pituitary gland to produce more GH. Additionally, as an anti-aging therapy, GHRP- 6 and GHRP2 stimulate the hypothalamus to release naturally produced GHRH. Most importantly, GHRP2 and GHRP-6 work on separate receptors in the hypothalamus and pituitary resulting dual site action.
When using Sermorelin, GHRP6 and GHRP 2 together, Sermorelin Forte Plus should achieve the highest level of both the production and release of endogenous GH, most likely resulting in increasing the bodys natural GH levels. This anti-aging therapy increases the Human Growth Hormone levels, aswell as the IGF-1 level, and should only be used under medical supervision.
Studies have shown that this supplementyields the following health benefits:
240 mcg Sermorelin: Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone
120 mcg GHRP6: Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide
240 mcg GHRP2: Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide
WHAT TO EXPECT? An increase in HGH levels within 3 6 months from the initiation of therapy; an increase of blood levels of IGF-1.
Overall, the use of Sermorelin Injection usually improves sleep within the first few weeks of therapy. This is usually concurrent with increased energy levels and improved mood. After 36 months of therapy, patients start reporting noticeable or significant changes in their body composition, such as an increased muscle tone and a leaner physique. Over time, patients will also notice a significant improvement in the health and tone of their skin. Like most peptide hormones, the full effects of sermorelin therapy are not fully noticed until 36 months of therapy. Once injected, both sermorelin and GHRPs are eliminated very rapidly from the body; therefore, they need to be injected frequently. The actions of sermorelin are dependent on a series of biological processes that result in and are caused by elevated and sustained concentrations of hGH and growth factors.
Here is what you can expect during your first 6 months of sermorelin therapy:
Month one:
Increased energy Deeper, more restful sleep Improved stamina A more content state of mind
Month Two:
Reduced belly fat Improved metabolism The return of some muscle tone Improved skin tone and fewer wrinkles Stronger hair and nails
Month Three:
Increased mental focus Improved flexibility and joint health More feelings of drive and ambition Enhanced sex drive and performance
Month Four:
Improved mental acuity Better skin elasticity Further improved appearance of the hair and nails Continued weight loss Increased lean muscle mass
Month Five:
Continued loss of belly fat Improved skin tone with the reduced appearance of wrinkles Noticeably fuller, healthier hair
Month Six:
A 510% reduction in body fat, without diet or exercise A 10% increase in lean muscle mass Significantly improved physique Increased vitality dies to organ regrowth (vital organs, including the brain, shrink with age)Benefits of Sermorelin Curious about Benefits of Sermorelin Therapy? Read more about what you can expect from this treatment and contact us for more information (615) 822 9002.
THE MOST COMMON REACTION of Sermorelin therapy is related to local irritation around the injection site, which occurs in around one of every six patients. This irritation is characterized by redness, pain, or swelling. Though this side effect is relatively common, only a small minority of patients find the irritation bothersome enough to suspend therapy. There are other side effects which occur in less than one percent of patients. These side effects include: severe drowsiness, hives, vomiting, headache, nausea, difficulty swallowing, hyperactivity, chest tightness and pallor, distortion in perception of taste, and flushing of the skin.
HOW TO USE SERMORELIN ACETATE GROWTH HORMONE RELEASING HORMONE: Use Sermorelin Acetate only as directed by your physician/practitioner. When self-administering Sermorelin, follow the procedures below:
Human growth hormone is rapidly converted to IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor-1) and cannot be easily measured directly. The test for HGH is the measurement of IGF-1 levels. The ideal range of IGF-1 is 200 to 300. Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency (AGHD) is defined when IGF-1 is below 160 ug/ml.
Absolute contraindications to begin Sermorelin treatment include malignancies, benign intracranial hypertension and proliferative retinopathy.
Actually, no. Sermorelin has an ongoing effect in which optimal HGH levels can be sustained long after the last injection. Just like synthetic HGH, Sermorelin initially must be injected every day. Unlike synthetic HGH, once optimal levels are sustained with Sermorelin injection frequencies can be decreased or stopped altogether. Once results are achieved, patients are then switched to a maintenance protocol eliminating the need for ongoing daily injections and reducing the total cost of therapy!Sermorelin can be combined with hCG and Lipotropic MIC injections, Methyl B12 injections and other bio-identical hormones, as well as thyroid medications and adrenal boosting nutraceuticals (labs will be done for all of these to see your values and what you are deficient in).
As we age, our skin loses elasticity; may become wrinkled and loose, we gain fat and lose muscle mass, and our bone mass decreases. All of this is largely due to the decrease in growth hormone. Some would argue that this is just a normal part of life, fair enough. Of course we agree that everyone ages, but science has made it easier to do so gracefully and beautifully.
HGH is responsible for stimulating tissue repair, and can aid in losing weight, gaining muscle, and strengthening bones. It can also help skin regain some of its lost elasticity and improve skins texture and tone. Through Sermorelin or GHRH therapy, your body will increase production of its own HGH and, over the course of time, will begin to repair and rejuvenate itself.
GHRH or Sermorelin therapy is best utilized as a long term program. It can improve your energy and stamina, reduce incidents of injury by strengthening your joints and bones, aid in weight loss and increasing lean muscle mass, reduce dangerous belly fat, and improve your sleep patterns and fight insomnia.
Sleep is one of the most important parts of our life. While our body is sleeping, our growth hormones are hard at work regenerating our cells and keeping us healthy. GHRH therapy can improve the quality of your sleep, leaving you with more energy during the day and allowing your body to get the work done that it needs to while you sleep.
Sermorelin Acetate Therapy can also enhance the effects of a testosterone therapy when combined in a complete hormone replacement program.
Along with the benefits are several side effects that may or may not occur; they vary in nature and are rare. The most common side effects are pain or swelling where the injection was given, it is a small shot so you can expect an experience similar to a vaccine.
More severe effects are it ching or slight discomfort when swallowing; should this occur seek medical help immediately by your health care practitioner or nearest emergency facility. Other side effects that should be reported to a health care provider, but that tend to be rare, are dizziness, headache, hyperactivity, and vomiting and again can be quickly addressed by contacting your supervising physician.
At Indian Lake Medical we design a program to restore your vitality by balancing your hormones, creating a diet and exercise program that will work for you, and correctly administering supplements to round it out. Youre only a phone call away from looking and feeling your best!
Use of growth-hormone-releasing peptide-6 (GHRP-6) for the prevention of multiple organ failure
Sermorelin: A better approach to management of adult-onset growth hormone insufficiency?
Activation of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) receptor stimulates cardiac reverse remodeling after myocardial infarction (MI)
Acceleration of wound healing by growth hormone-releasing hormone and its agonists
Growth hormone (GH)releasing hormone and GH secretagogues in normal aging: Fountain of Youth or Pool of Tantalus?
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Home – Chicagoland Men’s Health
Posted: February 3, 2018 at 10:44 pm
Home - Chicagoland Men's Health
Its Time to Look & Feel Young Again!
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Our Testosterone Consultants Can Answer All Of Your Questions
In addition to our All Inclusive Testosterone Therapy Program, Chicagoland Mens Health offers a separate Hormone Replacement Therapy service to those patients interested in increasing their levels of Human Growth Hormone.
Sermorelin (GHRH) is a hormone produced in the brain which stimulates the production and release of Human Growth Hormone from the pituitary gland. As we age, Sermorelin production decreases, leading to a scarcity of HGH.
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I heard their radio ad on the way to work and they described everything i was feeling. Iwent in and within 2 weeks i was new man. 3 mos later i have lost almost 25 lbs and have way more energy and happiness. To say my love life is improved is an understatement lol. Ifeel 21 again--I strongly recommend this group. i know i am rambling but seriously i have never been happier. thank you CMH*
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The most important thing to me is I've been on TRT with Chicagoland Men's Health for about 6 months, I've lost about 12lbs, my waist has shrunk from 34" to a 30" and my muscle tone hasn't been this good in 15 years.*
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I've been on this program for 4 months and I feel amazing. My sleep, workouts, libido, and my mood have gotten a lot better. I can't imagine not being on this stuff.*
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My energy level immediately spiked as in right after my first injections of b12 and testosterone. My sleep requirement has plummeted from needing 7-8 hours to needing 5-6 and I don't get tired during the day anymore. I am already looking and feeling stronger. My stamina has increased greatly.*
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It's been a little over 6 months and I've lost 25+ pounds of fat and gained easily 10 pounds of muscle. I do workout 3 x a week and also do yoga. My gut is almost gone and I'm shooting for a 6 pack for this spring.*
~ Steven S. Chicago, IL
* Results vary based on body chemistry.
Safe - Affordable - Comprehensive - Convenient
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Sermorelin vs HCG for Weight Loss – Nu Image Medical
Posted: January 31, 2018 at 8:40 pm
Last week we discussed the differences between HGH and HCG for weight loss, however we didn't discuss Sermorelin vs HCG for weight loss and how this HGH stimulating peptide is different. Sermorelin is a HGH secretagogue, or a peptide that causes the body to naturally release its own HGH. This way, the HGH that is produced is natural and there are no concerns about the purity of the actual hormone since it is produced by the body. Sermorelin causes a gradual rise in HGH production after being injected for several weeks at a time. Sermorelin directly causes the body to create its own HGH, while the hormone HGH itself is often injected for the purpose of weight loss and anti-aging. Sermorelin and HGH have different effects on the body, and Sermorelin has become a popular anti-aging treatment that also has some weight loss gains. However, between Sermorelin and HCG, HCG is still the better hormone for weight loss for reasons explained below.
HCG is the most widely used and effective hormone for the specific purpose of weight loss. It is clinically proven to assist with weight loss on a very low calorie diet. Most people try Sermorelin therapy for the purpose of anti-aging, and it has a wide range of positive effects on the body. Weight loss is certainly possible with Sermorelin therapy but it is rarely the primary goal of the treatment. The usual primary goal of Sermorelin injections is to replace any reduced HGH levels that are the result of aging or other causes. Sermorelin can result in a moderate amount of weight loss but it often needs to be combined with exercise and a healthy diet, and it can be much more difficult to lose weight with Sermorelin alone compared to HGH.
Unlike the HCG diet, there is no specific Sermorelin diet that will optimize the weight loss potential of the treatment. Sermorelin results in weight loss when administered as a treatment over a long period of time. The weight loss that normally results is usually around 5 to 10 pounds after several months of treatment, usually four to six months. This assumes very little to no exercise. The HCG diet on the other hand is designed to help the body lose as much weight as possible by maximizing the effectiveness of the hormone. The diet avoids specific foods that can cause an interaction with the hormone, and it was developed through clinical research. There is no such protocol for Sermorelin outside of general guidelines for eating healthy and exercising on a regular basis.
As previously mentioned, weight loss is only a side benefit of Sermorelin therapy, and the amount of weight loss will vary dramatically from one person to another. In general, the weight loss that Sermorelin can offer is very limited. It is a good treatment for many people who are HGH deficient, and it is a good way to maintain a healthy weight when combined with a healthy diet and exercise. However, HCG is far better for the purpose of losing a large amount of weight in a short period of time. HCG can realistically cause up to 40 pounds of weight loss in just six weeks when combined with the very low calorie diet protocol. It has been proven time and time again to be one of the best weight loss treatments in the world, and for patients who intend to lose weight there is simply no other hormone or treatment that will work better in the vast majority of cases.
When combined with exercise, Sermorelin is great for maintaining a healthy weight. The loss of HGH that occurs with aging is correlated with an increase in body fat and a decrease in muscle mass. The loss of HGH also slows down the body's fat metabolism, which is why it is easier to put on weight as we start to age and harder to lose it. Sermorelin helps with all of that and more. It helps restore a more youthful metabolism, so that the food you do eat isn't converted into fat as easily. It also helps with improving muscle mass which in turn burns more calories when you are sedentary, and it helps burn abnormal fat that you already have. In general, it's a great option for aging adults to help them maintain their weight.
Sermorelin is also proven to be effective at helping adults restore a more normal sleep cycle. An abnormal sleep cycle and insomnia are both associated with weight gain. People who stay up for longer periods of time are more likely to eat to stay alert or out of boredom, and many sleep disorders and problems are associated with weight gain. Sermorelin has been reported to help adults improve their sleep within just days of starting the treatment, and by getting higher quality sleep and more sleep, it can be easier to maintain a healthy weight. Most adults need a minimum of 7 hours of sleep per night to be adequately rested, and if you are an aging adult with weight to lose as well as sleep problems, you may definitely want to consider starting Sermorelin therapy.
You will only lose a very small amount of weight on Sermorelin therapyunless you exercise regularly. One of the main benefits of taking Sermorelin is the fact that you will recover more quickly from your workouts, and you will build more muscle than you would without the treatment. Just as a young person can exercise while maintaining a high energy level, Sermorelin can help improve your energy levels when you are working out and help your body get more out of your workouts. The result is that your body will respond better to physical activity. To really see significant weight loss results with the therapy you do have to exercise regularly. However, exercise is definitely not a requirement for the HCG diet and as a result it is often more convenient for patients, especially those with a lot of pounds to lose.
A main benefit of the HCG diet is that it never requires exercise for weight loss and it works fast. Anyone who wants to lose weight as quickly as possible should consider starting the HCG diet. Once the diet has been completed, if the patient has a HGH deficiency, it can easily be corrected with Sermorelin therapy and it should. Although HCG is better for weight loss than Sermorelin, Sermorelin is often necessary for many patients who have a small to significant HGH deficiency. It offers a great way for patients to maintain a youthful metabolism, lose a few pounds, put on more muscle and get more out of their workouts, but the HCG diet offers the fastest way to lose weight in the shortest period of time.
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Posted: October 6, 2017 at 10:47 am
Now Offering Sermorelin & HCG Injections!!!
Wheeling ClinicTransformationsWeight Loss & Skin Clinic219 Warwood Ave.Wheeling,WV 26003304-277-1225Physician's Weight Loss Hours(For New Patients and Medication Refills)
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Parkersburg ClinicTransformationsWeight Loss & Skin Clinic104 Lakeview CenterParkersburg, WV304-424-6990Physician's Weight Loss Hours(For New Patients and Medication Refills)Wednesday & Saturday 3pm-6pm
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Beckley ClinicTransformationsWeight Loss & Skin Clinic31 By Pass PlazaBeckley, WV 25801304-253-7730Physician's Weight Loss Hours(For New Patients and Medication Refills)Tues. 10am-1pm /Wed.4pm -7pm
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Huntington ClinicTransformationsWeight Loss & Skin Clinic5269 Irwin Rd. Suite DHuntington, WV 25705304-733-1172Physician's Weight Loss Hours(For New Patients and Medication Refills)Monday1pm-4pmWednesday& Saturday9am - 12pm
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Sermorelin Miami | Sermoreline Therapy Injections
Posted: September 28, 2017 at 6:49 am
While the pituitary gland in the brain is the source of naturally occurring HGH, its another gland nearby that produces an equally important hormone. The hypothalamus is a tiny part of the brain which works with the pituitary gland to link with the nervous system. In order for the pituitary gland to start producing HGH, the hypothalamus must release its own hormones which trigger the reaction. Using bio-dentical technology, the experts at Elite Health Center can simulate the hormones released by the hypothalamus and trigger the pituitary gland to produce more HGH. The artificial hormone is called sermorelin and its known as a growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH). Sermorelin has 29 of the real amino acids naturally found in the body so its effective in signaling the pituitary gland to start producing HGH.
When you come to Elite Health Center for sermorelin therapy in Miami, you can take advantage of the skilled experts who can help guide you through the process. Sermorelin treatments are incredibly safe and effective and the professionals at Elite Health Center are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about hormone replacement or what to expect once sermorelin treatment begins. By scheduling a consultation with one of the experts at Elite Health Center, you can learn more about sermorelin therapy and all of the other treatment options available.
Out of all the hormone replacement therapies at Elite Health Center, sermorelin is one of the most popular for boosting energy, increasing muscle mass and reducing fat. When people get older, their level of HGH will decrease, but a sermorelin injection can change that. The professionals at Elite Health Center use a sermorelin injection to stimulate the pituitary gland into producing more HGH. With a low cost and quick procedure, sermorelin therapy is a popular choice and it can really help someone regain all the energy and passion they had earlier in life.
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Research Peptides – Peptide Guide
Posted: September 20, 2017 at 1:45 am
Latest blog postsBrief overview of popular peptide products:
ACE-031 is an activin type 2 receptor, which is a myostatin inhibitor. ACE-031 is a protein that was designed to bind to myostatin before it can attach to its receptor and suppress muscle growth. Myostatin is a hormone produced by our bodies that signal muscles to stop growing and developing. Thus, by inhibiting or blocking myostatin, muscles would be able to grow bigger and stronger.
Adipotide is a completely different weight loss drug. It works by cutting off the blood supply to fat cells. Adipotide causes the blood vessels that supply the fat cells with blood to shrink and eventually leads to fat tissue death. The dead tissue is then reabsorbed and metabolized by the body. It also lowers the level of insulin resistance drastically which is the main sign of metabolic disorders like diabetes.
BPC-157 is a peptide that is derived from human gastric juice and is being researched for its regenerative and healing effects. BPC stands for Body Protecting Compound. Our body produces it in our own gastric juices in very tiny amounts where it protects and heals stomach and gut. BPC-157 speeds up the healing of existing injuries and protects the body from new injuries. It is completely free of side effects and research has shown that it can repair tendons, muscles, intestines, teeths, bones and more.
CJC-1295 DAC is a tetrasubstituted peptide used to increase Growth Hormone production. It is in the class of Growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) analogs. GHRH is the name of naturally occurring hormone in the human body, it is not commonly used because of its high price and extremely short half-life. CJC1295 is the improved version of GHRH with addition of DAC - Drug Affinity Complex. CJC1295 DAC provides stable blood levels after injections and half-life of approximately one week. Generally, CJC1295 is not used alone, but used in conjunction with a peptide of the GHRP category, for instance GHRP-2, GHRP-6, Ipamorelin, Hexarelin.
DSIP is a neuropeptide that stands for Delta sleep-inducing peptide. It works by inducing spindle and delta EEG activity and by reducing motor activity. DSIP is used to improve sleep quality. It also lowers corticotropin levels and prevents its release. DSIP also helps the body to release more LH (Luteinizing Hormone). Additionally, it assists in Growth Hormone release and suppresses the production of Somatostatin. DSIP is also known to normalize the blood pressure and might slow down the cell damage by offering anti-oxidant benefits.
Erythropoietin (a.k.a EPO) is a glycoprotein made by interstitial fibroblasts in kidneys, that stimulate the red blood production. More red blood improves delivery of oxygen from the lungs to the muscles. The extra oxygen greatly increases the muscles energy production and can help to improve athletic performance output - longer duration and higher intensity. Endurance athletes are highly attracted to EPO because of the effect it has on red blood cell production.
Epitalon is a synthetically produced tetrapeptide. Its main function is to increase the production of telomerase, a natural ferment that aids cells to produce telomeres, which allows the body to regenerate old cells and grow new ones. Epitalon has also been shown to suppress the growth of cancer cells, allowing to live longer, happier and healthier life. Studies show that Epitalon is a strong antioxidant which gets rid of free radicals that are responsible for damaging and destroying cells.
Follistatin is an interesting protein that is able to increase the muscle growth beyond natural limits by inhibiting myostatin, a hormone that regulates muscle growth negatively. Follistatin is naturally produced in almost all mammals. Follistatin works by binding and inhibiting myostatin. Myostatin also has a role in a regulation of fibrosis, too much myostatin can cause chronic diseases in internal organs, bones, and tissues.
GHRP-2 is a hexapeptide which is in the class of drugs known as Growth hormone secretagogues. This drug class includes GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Ipamorelin, Hexarelin and it's main function is to stimulate the pituitary gland to release more Growth Hormone which also results in elevated IGF-1 levels. GHRP-2 is a ghrelin agonist and it helps to stimulate the release of Growth Hormone in two ways. Firstly, it stimulates the pituitary gland to release more Growth Hormone and secondly it suppresses a hormone which restricts the release of growth hormone - Somatostatin.
GHRP-2 is the second generation GHRP and it is mainly used for increasing Growth Hormone and IGF-1 levels. In this regard, it is better than GHRP-6 and at the moment is preferred peptide for reaching highest increases in GH. The use of GHRP-2 can potentially lead to increased appetite.
GHRP-6 is a hexapeptide which is in the class of drugs known as Growth hormone secretagogues. This drug class includes GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Ipamorelin, Hexarelin and it's main function is to stimulate the pituitary gland to release more Growth Hormone which also results in elevated IGF-1 levels. GHRP-6 is a ghrelin agonist and it helps to stimulate the release of Growth Hormone in two ways. Firstly, it stimulates the pituitary gland to release more Growth Hormone and secondly it suppresses a hormone which restricts the release of growth hormone - Somatostatin.
GHRP-6 is the first generation GHRP and bodybuilders use it for two reasons - the first is the elevation of Growth Homone and IGF-1 levels and the second is increased appetite. GHRP-6 is great addition for individuals who are struggling with appetite.
Gonadorelin is a synthetic version of GnRH (Gonadotropin-releasing hormone) which is released naturally from the hypothalamus gland. GnRH stimulates the synthesis and secretion of FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (Luteinizing Hormone). LH and FSH control the fertility in adults and development in children.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone produced by females in the early stages of pregnancy to help balance and control woman's hormones In males, HCG mimics LH (Luteinizing Hormone), which tricks the Leydig cells into producing testosterone when natural levels of LH are suppressed. This can theoretically aid in keeping the HPTA functioning while using anabolic steroids and make recovery easier. HCG is also used to help diagnose cancers.
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a hormone that is produced, stored and secreted by the pituitary gland. It is very important in human development and HGH is at the highest levels during youth. HGH is responsible for growth and regeneration of our cells, it affects our bones, muscle, internal organs and also plays important role in countless other areas of our body.
HGH Fragment 176-191 is a hormone of the Growth Hormone class. As its name indicates, it is an isolated fragment of the Growth Hormone that is responsible for fat burning properties. Scientists have found that HGH Fragment regulates fat loss 12.5 times better than regular synthetic HGH. It also stops formation of fatty acids and other lipids. In addition, HGH Fragment 176-191 increases lean body mass, protein synthesis and improves the quality of sleep.
Human menopausal gonadotropin (HMG), also known as Menotropin, is a medication used for treating infertility and fertility issues. HMG peptide is made for women where it stimulates the ovaries to mature follicles, therefore making them more fertile. HMG can also be used in men that are suffering from hypogonadism to increase sperm count. HMG contains LH and FSH activities in nearly identical proportions.
Hexarelin, also known as, Examorelin is a hexapeptide which is in the class of drugs known as Growth hormone secretagogues. This drug class includes GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Ipamorelin, Hexarelin and it's main function is to stimulate the pituitary gland to release more Growth Hormone which also results in elevated IGF-1 levels. Hexarelin is the strongest GHRP in terms of Growth Hormone release. It has no effect on ghrelin (the peptide that induces hunger) but just like all other GHRP's will lead to increased IGF-1 production. The use of Hexarelin will quickly lead to peptide receptor desensitization which doesn't make it ideal for long term use but studies has shown that the pituitary gland recovers its sensitivity quickly so there is no pemament loss of sensitivity. According to studies, the constant use of Hexarelin will most likely lead to desentitization within two weeks.
IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor-1) is a hormone that is produced primarily by the liver and also in target tissues in a paracrine/autocrine fashion. The main role of IGF-1 is to promote cell growth and division. It is involved in cell repair, especially in the brain, heart and muscle.
IGF-1 DES is the shorter variant of the IGF-1 chain and is 10 times stronger than regular IGF-1. It has a half-life of approximately 20-30 minutes, which means it is a very fragile peptide. Thus, it should only be used at the site where muscle growth is desired. IGF-1 is a polypeptide and it stands for insulin-like growth factor. IGF-1 is primarily responsible for bone growth in children and muscle growth, recovery of adults.
IGF-1 LR3 (Long R3) is a synthetic analogue of naturally occurring hormone IGF-1. IGF-1 LR3 is chemically modified to avoid deactivation by IGF-1 binding proteins in the blood. Therefore, the modification results in a half-life of around 20-30 hours instead of 20 minutes. IGF-1 LR3 will travel through the body for approximately one day, binding to receptors and activating cellular communication that promotes muscle mass growth and bodyfat loss.
Ipamorelin is a pentipeptide which is in the class of drugs known as Growth hormone secretagogues. This drug class includes GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Ipamorelin, Hexarelin and it's main function is to stimulate the pituitary gland to release more Growth Hormone which also results in elevated IGF-1 levels. Ipamorelin is the third generation GHRP and is solely used for Growth Hormone release and production of IGF-1. IGF-1 or Insulin-like Growth Factor 1, which is produced in liver is highly anabolic in its nature and plays a significant role in general growth, repair of muscular and skeletal tissue.
Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) is a growth factor that is derived from damaged muscle cells. MGF has a unique role in muscle development. MGF has the capability to induce damaged tissue growth and improvement by activating satellite cells and increasing the sensitivity of protein synthesis. This exclusive ability can make the recovery faster and accelerate speed up the muscle growth.
Mod GRF(1-29), also known as, tetrasubstituted GRF (1-29), is an injectable peptide used to increase Growth Hormone production. It is in the class of Growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) analogs. Mod GRF(1-29) amplifies Growth Hormone pulse in the same fashion that GHRH does but it doesn't induce the pulse of GH. That's why it is recommended to combine Mod GRF(1-29) with a peptide of the GHRP (Growth hormone releasing peptide) category because if no GH pulse occurs during the time of Mod GRF(1-29) injection then it has nothing to amplify.
Melanotan 1, also known as Afamelanotide is a synthetic analogue of a-MSH (alpha-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone) and is used to avoid skin damage caused by exposure to UV. Alpha-MSH is responsible for pigmentation of the skin and it also has influence in other body processes like appetite, lipid metabolism and libido. Melanotan 1 causes the skin to achieve tan by producing more melanin. The effectiveness of Melanotan 1 is thousand times more effective than naturally occurring a-MSH.
Melanotan 2 is an injectable hormone analogue of Alpha-MSH and it is used to promote tanning. Melanotan 2 works by stimulating Alpha-MSH receptors, which promote the production of melanin in response to Ultraviolet exposure. When Melanotan 2 is used, the user develops a tan as if he were a naturally darker skin type. As Alpha-MSH also contributes to sexual arousal, Melanotan 2 causes enhance libido and erections in males.
Oxytocin is a hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland. It plays a role in human bonding, sexual reproduction and during the childbirth. Oxycotin is released into the blood during the childbirth and during the breastfeeding. The presence of Oxytocin helps with childbirth, maternal bond and lactation. Newer studies show that Oxytocin can also combat and prevent aging of skeletal muscles. Scientists are also investigating Oxytocin as a treatment for depression, autism, emotionally unstable personality disorder, alcohol withdrawal syndrome and other diseases.
Pegylated Mechano Growth Factor, PEG-MGF, is a peptide mostly used for faster recovery after exercise. It is recognized being capable to repair muscle damage more effective than IGF-1. Since PEG-MGF is a variant of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1, it is known for inducing better growth in adult muscles. It has also been proven that PEG-MGF causes growth of new cells near damaged muscle tissues which act as replacement cells in the damaged muscle. That means that by using PEG-MGF it is possible to create new muscle cells while repairing existing ones.
PT-141, a.k.a Bremelanotide is a synthetic peptide analogue of alpha-MSH. PT-141. Alpha-MSH (Alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone) has significant influence in improving the body's ability to control appetite, metabolism and sexual desire. PT-141 is a derivative of Melanotan 2 that lacks C-terminal amide group. PT-141 primarily used for treating erectile dysfunction in males and arousal disorders in females.
Selank is a heptapeptide developed by Russia. Selank mimics the effects immunomodulatory peptide tuftsin. It has been shown that Selank increases the production of serotonin. Serotonin is a monoamine neurotransmitter that is linked to mood regulation and it also has ties to sleep and hunger regulation. The presence of Selank and it's capability to increase the serotonin secretion means that users can experience improvements in terms of emotional state, hunger and sleep.
Semax is a heptapeptide mostly produced and prescribed in Russia for a wide range of health conditions but mostly for its evident neuroprotective, nootropic and neurorestorative effects. Semax has been found to produce anti-anxiety and anti-depressant effects. Semax can be effective in the treatment of ADHD and depression. Medically Semax is used to treat stroke, TIA, PUD (peptic ulcer disease), cranial nerve disease and to improve immune system.
Sermorelin Acetate (GRF 1-29) is a peptide analogue of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH). It means that Sermorelin stimulates the part of the brain that secretes and releases Growth Hormone. Sermorelin acts exactly the same as naturally occurring GHRH. By stimulating the brain, Sermorelin preserves growth hormone hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal axis that declines with aging. Sermorelin provides all of the effects of HGH and more. Another great benefit of Sermorelin is that it stimulates the pituitary gland to regenerate.
TB-500, also known as Thymosin Beta 4 is a synthetic version of the naturally occurring peptide that is used to accelerate healing, increase range of motion of injuries, reduces inflammation. TB-500 has been used widely on race horses but just recently humans have started experimenting with this peptide. TB-500 is especially suggested for treatment of chronic muscle injuries, such as muscle strains, tears or tendonitis.
Tesamorelin, also known as Egrifta, is a synthetic form of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) and is traditionally used to decrease abdominal fat in HIV patients. This injectable peptide reduces belly fat that's brought on by lipodystrophy. Tesamorelin works by signaling the pituitary gland to produce more growth hormone. It has been approved by FDA medication for HIV-related lipodystrophy.
Triptorelin is a gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist (GnRH). GnRH is responsible for signaling the brain to produce Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). These hormones are used to produce testosterone and sperm. Triptorelin signals the HPTA to produce more GnRH, therefore it signals the pituitary gland to produce LH and FSH, which means that more testosterone is produced in males. The correct dosing with Triptorelin is very important because too much GnRH can lead to hormone production shut down.
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Sermorelin | Sermorelin GHRP-6 | Sermorelin Benefits
Posted: August 4, 2017 at 5:48 am
First developed in the 1970s, Sermorelin is relatively a small peptide which contains 29 amino acids. This is all that is necessary to encourage the pituitary gland to increase its production of life-restoring Human Growth Hormone (HGH). In compounding Sermorelin for injection, it is combined with GHRP-6, a growth hormone releasing peptide. Lets take a closer look at HGH itself. HGH is secreted every night while we sleep by the pituitary gland. HGH controls the reproduction and growth of the cells and each of the organs in the body. Our bodys natural HGH production is most active during childhood when the growth rate is at highest level, and HGH peaks at around age 20. By age 30, we are experiencing a 14% reduction in HGH production for every decade of life. By the time we are in our 40s, the production of HGH is only about 40% of what it was at age 20. Fortunately, we can stimulate the sleepy pituitary gland to begin production of HGH once again, even once this dramatic decline in HGH production has occurred, by using a Growth Hormone Releasing Factor (GHRF).
In order to provide the greatest benefit from naturally secreted HGH, we compound Sermorelin with GHRP-6 (Growth Hormone Releasing Hexipeptide). In addition to the positive functions of Sermorelin outlined above, GHRP-6 is a secretagogue (which means that it causes another substance to be secreted in the body) which also encourages the pituitary gland to secrete HGH. GHRP-6 also acts on the hypothalamus to cause the HGH to be secreted in natural waves just like it was when your body produced it naturally in abundant quantities.
One of the most welcomed Sermorelin Benefits is that is completely possible to reclaim your youthfulness using injectable Sermorelin, and quickly and effectively reverse the signs of aging by encouraging the increase in natural release of HGH. Sermorelin GHRP-6 is the safest and most effective combination therapy for this purpose. The benefits of Sermorelin GHRP-6 will reverse or completely alleviate many health problems and maladies associated with aging. Injectable Sermorelin benefits are numerous. To name just a few, you will definitely experience improved skin elasticity, fuller hair, better mental function, more defined muscle tone, and an increase in sex drive, energy level, sex drive, stamina, and bone density. With injectable Sermorelin treatment, you will also experience deeper, more restful sleep, and improved recovery time from illness or injury. You will see much appreciated decrease in fat, wrinkles, cellulite, fatigue and depression. You will also experience an improvement in your cholesterol level and any muscle or joint pain. Experience these amazing Sermorelin benefits and prove that youth need not be wasted on the young anymore!
The goal is to utilize the most effective program to quickly reverse the symptoms of aging. Using a combination of Sermorelin and HGH, you will have an immediate relief of the symptoms of low HGH levels, such as reduced sex drive, decreased energy, increased body fat, decreased mental alertness, wrinkling, and weakened immune system, from the injectable HGH therapy. In addition to the HGH injections, you will be taking injectable Sermorelin GHRP-6 to stimulate your body to produce its own HGH and relieve these symptoms for the long term. Our local doctors who prescribe Sermorelin GHRP-6 injections and injectable HGH will review your charts to determine the best protocol of rotation for your greatest benefit. This will give you the best of both worlds, with the bioidentical HGH injections giving you an instant increase of human growth hormone, and Sermorelin encouraging your pituitary gland into producing its own HGH. This is the most powerful combination therapy designed to prevent the side effects of HGH therapy alone.
In order to determine the cost of the best program of Sermorelin GHRP-6 and/or HGH Injections for you, it will be necessary for our local doctors to evaluate your particular situation. Our local doctors who prescribe Sermorelin injections will evaluate your blood test, physical exam, and medical history report, and prescribe your dosage protocol for Sermorelin GHRP-6 and HGH. Bear in mind that in determining What does Sermorelin cost? that Injectable Sermorelin treatment is an investment in your health and overall well-being, your longevity and productivity. This is not a short term band-aid solution to wellness. This is an investment which will reap long term amazing rewards in absolutely all areas of your life. Please contact our clinical advisers by completing the short form at the top of this page for more information about a program of injectable Sermorelin GHRP-6 therapy specifically designed for your needs.
Our local doctors who prescribe injectable Sermorelin GHRP-6 therapy will determine the dosage in a different manner than with bioidentical HGH therapy. Your dosage of bioidentical HGH therapy is determined by your current level of HGH in your body (as determined by a laboratory blood test), your body weight, any symptoms you are currently experiencing and your age. In contrast, Sermorelin GHRP-6 dosage is determined based on brain size. We know that sounds funny, but essentially the dosage is the same for most adults, whether male or female, and our local doctors find that the most common dosage of 200 mcg is sufficient. Sermorelin GHRP-6 is measured in micrograms (mcg) as opposed to HGH which is always measured in International Units (IUs). Your individual Sermorelin GHRP-6 dosage will spur your pituitary to produce more HGH naturally and in natural waves best utilized by your body, and it will return you to a level of health and wellness which you probably have not know since your younger days.
It is a sad fact that our bodies change with age, illnesses and injuries, and it is more than likely that your physique has shifted and reformed in ways that are no longer trim and sexy like it was in your younger days. While Kingsberg Medical chooses to not treat professional athletes or bodybuilders, we do enthusiastically recognize that turning back the clock on the ravages of time in your body involves shedding excess fat and rebuilding lean muscle mass. In short, you will be creating and sculpting a lean healthy and sexy shape. With injectable Sermorelin therapy, bodybuilding and athletic endeavors are possible once again as your energy, stamina, overall health and well-being return.
The process to buy Sermorelin GHRP-6 begins with the quick contact form at the top of this page. Our clinical adviser will give you a call and outline the process to enable you to buy Sermorelin for sale online. While you cant actually buy Sermorelin online, you can begin the process to be evaluated by our local doctor using our online process. Our clinical adviser will schedule blood tests at a lab near you, and help you get a simple physical exam. You will also be directed to complete the Medical History Form at the top of this page. After reviewing this information, if our local doctor who prescribes Sermorelin determines that you have low HGH levels, then he will prescribe Sermorelin GHRP-6 and/or injectable HGH to bring your low HGH levels back up to normal. Your body will begin to respond and feel like it did in your younger days. Our course of injectable Sermorelin GHRP-6 therapy will help your body to feel balanced and healthy, returning your feelings of youthfulness and complete well-being. You can also choose to call us directly for more information about how to buy Sermorelin injections safely and legally with a doctors prescription (877) 321-8885.
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Sermorelin | Sermorelin GHRP-6 | Sermorelin Benefits
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