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What Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy? | Everyday Health

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:48 pm

Testosterone replacement therapy is just what it says, explains Harris M. Nagler, a urologist and the chairman of the Department of Urology at Mount Sinai Beth Israel, in New York. It gives patients testosterone, not to get them to super-physiological levels, but to get their levels of testosterone within the normal range.

Only men who have symptoms of low testosterone and whose blood test confirms testosterone deficiency are candidates for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), says Peter Stahl, a urologist and the director of male reproductive and sexual medicine at Columbia University Medical Center, in New York. Men who have been diagnosed with low testosterone and are experiencing symptoms such as low libido, fatigue, muscle loss and weakness, and sleep problems may consider TRT to help improve these symptoms.

TRT comes in a variety of forms, including injections, transdermal patches or gels, and subdermal pellets, each of which carries its own set of risks and benefits. While TRT can help improve symptoms of low testosterone, it can potentially cause a number of side effects, including increased red blood cell counts, irritability, and acne. Men with low testosterone should talk with their doctor and weigh the potential risks and benefits of therapy before deciding whether TRT may be right for them.

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What Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy? | Everyday Health

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Low Testosterone (Male Hypogonadism) Management and …

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:48 pm

How is low testosterone treated?

Low testosterone is treated with testosterone replacement therapy, which can be given in several different ways:

(Oral testosterone is not approved for use in the United States.)

Potential benefits of testosterone replacement therapy may include:

The side effects of testosterone replacement therapy include:

Laboratory abnormalities that can occur with testosterone replacement include:

If you are taking hormone replacement therapy, regular follow-up appointments with your physician are important.

Guidelines suggest discussing the potential risk vs. benefit of evaluating prostate cancer risk and prostate monitoring. The doctor and patient will decide together regarding prostate cancer monitoring. For patients who choose monitoring, clinicians should assess prostate cancer risk before starting testosterone treatment, and 3 to 12 months after starting testosterone:

Testosterone replacement therapy may cause the prostate to grow. If a man has early prostate cancer, there is concern that testosterone may stimulate the cancer's growth. Therefore, men who have prostate cancer should not take testosterone replacement therapy. It is important for all men considering testosterone replacement therapy to undergo prostate screening before starting this therapy.

Other men who should not take testosterone replacement therapy include those who have:

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 04/10/2018.

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How Long Does It Take to Feel the Benefits of Testosterone …

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:48 pm

When you are diagnosed with low testosterone, it is likely that you have a range of symptoms that you are keen to leave behind. These symptoms may include low energy, low sex drive, and even depression. Then, when you start testosterone therapy, you probably hope that these symptoms will quickly disappear. Its important to understand, however, that it can take some time for you to notice the benefits of the treatment.

Testosterone replacement therapy can take several months to fully resolve symptoms, but you might start to feel certain benefits much sooner. The following effects are some that you can expect to see within a few weeks of beginning therapy. As you read, however, it is also important to remember that every body is different. That means there is no exact time frame that applies to everyone. Ultimately, consult your doctor if you are concerned that TRT is taking too long.

Studies show that men who receive testosterone replacement start to notice their sex drive rising after just three weeks. This is often the first sign that the TRT is starting to work. Stick with it and you should soon see improvements in many other aspects of your life.

Its reasonable to expect your overall quality of life to start feeling better after three or four weeks. You should notice a reduction in depression after three to six weeks, although it might take several months to fully recover.

For men who have diabetes, or pre-diabetes, testosterone replacement therapy may bring dramatic and rapid improvements. After just a few days, your insulin sensitivity could measurably improve. However, full blood sugar control takes longer (often between three and twelve months). Continue taking your diabetes medications even if you feel better, and visit your doctor regularly to find out whether you need to adjust your dose.

Although the first testosterone therapy effects appear quickly, you need to keep up with the course of treatment for an extended period of time to reap the full benefits.

Your sex life should improve over time as you receive testosterone replacement therapy. Although most men notice increased interest in sex after just a few weeks, it could take as much as six months for your erections to improve firmness.

Taking TRT for several months can change the way your body looks. After three or four months, you should notice an increase in lean body mass. You might also notice that you have a little less fat. These changes occur because testosterone makes the body prioritize building muscle over putting down fat stores. If you regularly work out in the gym, you might notice your muscles getting stronger so you can lift heavier weights.

Perhaps the slowest-acting benefit of TRT is its effect on your bones. Studies show that men taking testosterone have measurably stronger bones after six months on the therapy. However, it can take three years or more for bones to fully strengthen on TRT.

Every man has a unique reaction to testosterone replacement therapy. The amount of time it takes to notice certain benefits depends on your current testosterone levels, the cause of your low testosterone, and other biological factors.

The most important thing to remember is that you need to be patient. Its normal to want to feel better as quickly as possible, but TRT takes time to work. Keep taking testosterone and stick to the dose recommended by your doctor.

If you have been on testosterone replacement therapy for several weeks or months and you are not noticing improvements, see your doctor for advice. Your doctor might need to change the dose or the method of delivery to ensure you get the full benefits of TRT.

Never stop your treatment without talking to a doctor first, even if you do not feel any effects. It is very important to always have medical supervision when stopping, starting, or changing your dose of hormone therapy.

The team of experts at Elite Healthcare Center can help you reap the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy. Schedule an appointment today to learn more about the benefits TRT can offer for you and how soon you can expect to start feeling them.

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How Long Does It Take to Feel the Benefits of Testosterone ...

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) in the UK

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:48 pm

Testosterone Replacement Therapy at CJA Balance Improve Your Testosterone Levels

Testosterone Replacement Therapy is a form of hormone replacement therapy for men with low levels of testosterone.

At CJA Balance we can replace lost testosterone with a synthetic testosterone designed to boost your testosterone levels to a natural and healthy range.

Some men are born with low testosterone, while others may see their levels decrease much faster due to their genetic disposition, unhealthy lifestyle habits, stress and ageing.

The results from TRT vary from person to person with many men reporting positive and life-changing improvements after taking Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

Some people try to increase their testosterone levels naturally by making improvements to their lifestyle, including losing weight, increasing cardio, reducing stress levels and lifting weights. While we should always welcome such positive changes to our lifestyle, there is no evidence these will improve your testosterone levels.

The only way to know for sure if your testosterone levels are healthy is to have a blood test. CJA Balance offers discreet blood test kits which can be administered in the privacy of your own home. Find out more about testosterone blood tests here.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy in the UK is available at CJA Balance as a gel or injection.

Testosterone gel: The gel is applied topically to either the arms, shoulders or abdomen for 2 to 5 hours where the testosterone seeps through the skin. You should not touch another person until the gel is fully absorbed as this can be transferred to them.

Testosterone injections: This is the most common way to take testosterone. TRT is injected into the shoulder, leg or glute muscle on average once every 8-10 weeks. We offer TRT injections using Nebido Sustanon Cypionante and Enanthate.

Most of the side effects to taking TRT will be managed by your CJA Balance doctor who will monitor you and prescribe the appropriate combination of medications.

Two of the most widely talked about concerns is whether TRT is linked to an increased risk of a heart attack or stroke.There is little evidence to suggest this and recent studies suggest that TRT can actually increase life span and general health.

A 2017 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association looked at over 44,000 men suffering with androgen deficiency and showed a 33% lower risk of cardiovascular events in men who used TRT compared to those who did not.

The World Journal of Mens Health also reported the results of a study into TRT, saying the study found that TRT was not linked with any increased risk for Myocardia Infarction (where the supply of blood to the heart is blocked). It stated: In contrast, men at greater risk for heart problems who underwent TRT actually had a lower rate of heart attacks than similar men who did not receive this treatment.

Sadly, old and discredited studies continue to influence some doctors and patients so please get in touch with CJA Balance so we can assess whether Testosterone Replacement Therapy is right for you.

The level of oestrogen in your body will rise when you take TRT and too much oestrogen in the body can cause various side effects. These will, of course, be carefully monitored and controlled by the CJA Balance doctors who can prescribe medication to block oestrogen production. This will ensure your levels are just right to avoid side effects.

Side effects if TRT is poorly managed could include man boobs, swelling, moodiness, water retention, poor libido, poor erection, anxiety.

Read our blog which looks at the myths & truths surrounding low testosterone and TRT.

If youve reached a point in your life where you lead a healthy lifestyle, are ageing normally and exercise regularly, but you display the symptoms of low testosterone levels, then we would recommend that you have a blood test to assess your testosterone levels.

You might also want to take the ADAM test which is a strong indicator as to whether your testosterone levels are low. Take the ADAM questionaiire here. For information about our at-home testosterone blood test, please follow this link.

The highly experienced team of doctors at CJA Balance provide Testosterone Replacement Therapy in the UK and offer safe and effective treatment for men suffering low testosterone levels.

If you have any questions or issues, we always have someone on call who will respond quickly and efficiently to offer help and support in re-balancing your hormones.

CJA Balance is regulated by the Care Quality Commission, as required by law in the UK. We are here to support you throughout your TRT experience.

All doctor advice and support after the initial consultation is included in the monthly cost. Please start the process by completing your testosterone quiz or ordering your initial hormone blood test.

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) in the UK

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy – Centre for Men’s Health

Posted: April 21, 2020 at 9:48 pm

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) How can it help?

Testosterone replacement therapy is a safe and effective treatment to combat symptoms of testosterone deficiency and restorea mans hormonal health. The Centre for Mens Health has been the leading UK clinic in testosterone replacement therapy for 30 years.

The Centre has been pioneering the use of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at our clinics in London and Manchester. In this time our specialist doctors have helped thousands regain their health, vitality, and return to a fulfilling sex lifewith hormone replacement therapy for men.

Many structures in your body require the hormone testosterone to function. When testosterone is not available to them, either by low levels or lack of free molecules, then the effects of testosterone deficiency syndrome may be felt. Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (also known as TDS, Andropause, or male menopause) results in symptomsincluding decreased sex drive (libido), erection problems, fatigue, depression, weight gain, poor concentration, short term memory loss and irritability (Carruthers, 2016).

Alongside having a revived sex drive, renewed energy, and stamina, after receiving testosterone replacement therapyour patients often reportfeeling younger, stronger, happier, and less irritable.Treatment has helped muscle aches disappear, memory improve, and many report increased energy and assertiveness.

The treatment made such a difference to me it was like turning the clock back 20 years or being re-born. I got my life back. Dan

I have a greater desire for living, my circulation has improved, I sleep better and consequently I am less irritable at home. I have also lost a lot of midriff fat and I have more muscle. I dont get as many colds and when I do they arent as severe. I feel so much healthier. David (Read Davids testicular atrophy story in full)

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Testosterone is a key hormone in men. It is vital to the development and maintenance of male sexual characteristics and function. Normal active testosterone levels help to maintain sex drive and fertility in healthy men. Research is showing it even helps maintain psychological health.

The testosterone hormone is increasingly being recognised as important to a wide range of health related areas. This includes contributing to maintaining healthy and active energy levels and preventing bone breakdown.

Research at our testosterone replacement therapy clinics indicates that 20% of men (2 million) across the UK over the age of 50 suffer from testosterone deficiency syndrome. However, only 1% have been diagnosed and are being treated.

At the Centre, our team of doctors make use of the full range of information available to them from a review of symptoms, medical history, physical examination and blood test results to reach a conclusion on whether the patient is likely to be suffering from testosterone deficiency syndrome or whether some or all of the symptoms may be due to other causes. Some of the key symptoms reported by patients suffering from testosterone deficiency syndrome, such as fatigue, can also be the result of diseases such as diabetes. It is important to exclude these before any diagnosis of testosterone deficiency syndrome is made and patients can proceed with testosterone replacement therapy or other forms of treatment.

Patients attending the Centre for Mens Health have a very thorough blood test before their first visit. This enables the medical specialist seeing them to review not only the status of the patients sex hormones, such as testosterone but also the complex range of factors regulating their action, together with tests of blood fat, liver, kidney, and prostate function, and red and white blood cell counts.

At the appointment, a full assessment or work-up of each patient is carried out. During the hour-long appointment, as well as discussing in detail the blood test results, the doctor also reviews the patients symptoms, medical history and current health status and concerns. He also carries out a physical examination, including a check on the prostate.

A key part of this information gathering process is a review of the results of a detailed questionnaire completed by the patient. The Ageing Males Symptoms (AMS) questionnaire covers three areas physical and somatic, psychological and sexual function. The information from this internationally validated questionnaire is used by the doctor in establishing a measure of the severity of symptoms, as an element in the assessment of whether the patient has testosterone deficiency syndrome and to see whether he might benefit from male hormone treatment including testosterone replacement therapy.The questionnaire is availablehereif you would like to assess your symptoms. Do remember, however, that the questionnaire results require careful medical assessment alongside other key information before any diagnosis can be made.

Please Note: During the Coronavirus lockdown, special arrangements are in place for both initial blood tests and consultations for new patients. These are detailed below.

If, following a blood test, other investigations and information gathering the doctor considers that the patient may be suffering from testosterone deficiency syndrome he will discuss the benefits and potential risks of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or other testosterone treatment with him. If treatment is indicated and the patient wishes to proceed, a trial period of TRT or testosterone stimulation therapy will be initiated.

TRT is usually given by testosterone gel, cream or long acting injections for the first two to six months. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has been shown to be highly effective in relieving the symptoms of testosterone deficiency in particular in restoring energy, health and sex drive.

TRT is often needed long-term and can safely be continued in these forms if good symptom relief is maintained or changed to other types if needed.

Testosterone treatment including testosterone replacement therapy has been in use in the UK and other countries for over half a century and has a remarkably good safety record over that time, as confirmed by the detailed studies at this centre. However, every effort is made to exclude pre-existing prostatic cancer, by clinical examination, and a sensitive blood test, the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) in advance of any course of testosterone replacement therapy.

To ensure the safety and effectiveness of treatment, it is essential that the results of treatment are carefully monitored. Both to establish the diagnosis and to monitor the treatment carefully, blood tests and laboratory measurements are required at regular intervals. Following the initial consultation and diagnosis, detailed clinical examinations need to be carried out at 3-6 month intervals.

Testosterone replacement therapy at the Centre comes in many forms. Usually its given by testosterone gel orinjections. However, we provide a range of medications and treatment modalities to suit all lifestyles.

For the first two to six months wenormally recommend a testosterone gel which is easy to apply. This method can safely be continued for as long as you are happy with the daily applications. In the longterm, some patients prefer the ease of long acting injections which are given six to 10 weeks apart.

To ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment, our specialist doctors monitor our patients carefully on an ongoing basis during their testosterone replacement therapy. Therapy can be carefully tracked via our on-site pathology lab and blood testing services. We discuss alternative treatment methods during regular follow up appointments and changing to alternative treatment types is straightforward.

Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome goes by many other names. These terms are used to describe a medical condition where a low or insufficiently active level of testosterone has led to symptoms or signs. Common terms for this include male menopause, andropause, hypogonadism, low testosterone/Low T, and Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome. All of these refer to the same underlying medical issue.

The Centre generally uses the term Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (TDS)/Testosterone Deficiency, as we believe this most accurately describes the condition and its cause.

Our male hormone specialists have spent 30 years developing a successful treatment model including testosterone replacement therapy for our patients. Thismakesour clinic one of the longest established UK healthcare providers of testosterone replacementand hormone therapy for men. Our regular clinics in London (Harley Street) and Manchester (Deansgate) provide a swift, confidential solution for men struggling with the symptoms of low testosterone.

We make sure our patients have the time they need to fully discuss the health problems they are facing and to work with our doctors to find the right treatment solution.

Diagnoses are based on a comprehensive blood test, review of symptoms, medical history and physical examination. For those patients who go on to treatment, either with testosterone replacement therapy or other options, careful and regular monitoring is carried out. These tests enable us to optimise treatment and monitor safety parameters.

The clinics founder, Professor Malcolm Carruthers, has been a pioneer in developing hormone treatment for men andTRT in the UK and remains one of the worlds foremost experts in testosterone replacement therapy. Our specialist medical team Mr Mark Feneley,Dr Clive Morrison, and Dr Anand Patel have many years of expertise in helping men overcome the effects of low testosterone.

Book a call with an expert

During the current Coronavirus lockdown, special arrangements are in place for both blood testing and consultations at the Centre. For prospective new patients there are now two options:

Male Hormone Mini Check Blood Test + Short Initial Remote/Video Consultation (20 minutes) 245

This includes a fingerprick blood test (with the sample being taken by the patient at home using a kit mailed out to them) measuring total testosterone, oestradiol, SHBG, albumin and calculated free testosterone. During this consultation, the doctor will explain the results of this test and discuss on an outline basis whether TRT may be suitable for the patient.

Male Hormone Check Blood Test + Half Hour Remote/Video Consultation 345

This includes a more detailed fingerprick blood test, with additional markers: LH, FSH, prolactin, free androgen index and DHEA sulphate. During the initial consultation, the doctor will discuss the results of the test and have more time to explore the potential suitability and options for TRT with the patient.

This second type of appointment is intended for those patients looking to continue to TRT, where suitable, as soon as government guidelines allow. Patients will need to undertake a full blood test and further half hour consultation including physical examination by a doctor, when lockdown restrictions allow this to take place, before testosterone treatment can be prescribed. Please note: Our doctors can only prescribe for new patients after a physical examination.

The characteristic symptoms of Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome are decreased sex drive, erection problems, loss of energy, depression, weight gain, brain fogs, memory loss, irritability and night sweats. Read more about the symptoms of TRT here

Testosterone deficiency results from failure or disruption of the bodys normal process of production or uptake of the hormone. This can be due to any or a combination of:

You can get testosterone replacement therapy in the UK. The Centre for Mens Health has TRT clinics in London and Manchester and has been operating for over 25 years. During that time the Centre has helped thousands of men regain their health, vitality and wellbeing.

You can get TRT on the NHS, but only on a restricted basis. Eligibility is mainly determined using a relatively low and inflexible blood level cut off for testosterone. Men whose blood results fall above this, even if symptomatic, are unlikely to be given treatment. This means that many men who could benefit from TRT, based on a more detailed review of their testosterone levels and symptoms, are potentially missing out. The Centre for Mens Health can offer treatment for these men.

Testosterone treatment cost in the UK will vary according to the type of prescription, from around 70 a month for Testogel (testosterone in gel form) to 160 for Nebido (testosterone undecanoate), an injection lasting up to three months, or around 53 a month. In addition you will need to have blood tests and appointments with a doctor to ensure your treatment is effective and safe. The Centre for Mens Health has provided TRT for more than 25 years and will be happy to find the treatment that is right for you.

A team of doctors make use of the full range of information available to them from a review of symptoms, medical history, physical examination and blood test results to reach a conclusion on whether the patient is likely to be suffering from testosterone deficiency syndrome. A physical examination is also carried out, including a check on the prostate. Read more about testosterone deficiency diagnosis here

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is usually given by testosterone gel, cream or long acting injections. For the first two to six months it is usually given as a gel or injection. It is often needed long-term and can safely be continued in these forms if good symptom relief is maintained. Read more about how testosterone deficiency is treated at the centre here

With a track record of over 50 years, Testosterone replacement therapy has been shown to be a safe treatment. Before treatment, patients must be screened for pre-existing prostate cancer with both a clinical examination and a blood test to check their levels of PSA (prostate-specific antigen). The Centre for Mens Health has provided safe and effective TRT for over 25 years.

Testosterone replacement therapy is totally different from steroid abuse the illegal and uncontrolled use of various forms of testosterone, mainly by men under 30 with already normal hormone levels, to boost muscle growth and strength, often with serious negative health consequences. TRT is carefully monitored treatment, prescribed by doctors, aimed at men almost exclusively over the age of 40 who show severe symptoms of Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome. The Centre for Mens health can help men in this situation.

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Insights into the Worldwide HRT Industry to 2027 – Featuring Abbott Laboratories, Novartis & Pfizer Among Others – -…

Posted: April 20, 2020 at 9:50 pm

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "Hormone Replacement Therapy Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report by Product (Estrogen, Human Growth), by Route Of Administration (Oral, Parenteral), by Type Of Disease, by Region, and Segment Forecasts, 2020 - 2027" report has been added to's offering.

The global hormone replacement therapy market size is expected to reach USD 39.6 billion by 2027, expanding at a CAGR of 7.7%. A significant rise in the incidence rate of hormonal disorders in the newborns, adults, and elderly and populations is driving the market. The Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) affects one in every 15,000 newborns, thereby boosting the demand for the therapy.

Estrogen replacement hormone therapy helps in reducing the vaginal indications of menopause, such as dryness, burning, itching, and pain during intercourse. Estrogen is available in the forms of pill, gel, skin patch, cream or spray form. It is highly successful for treating problematic menopausal night sweats and hot flashes. Around 45% of women between the ages of 40 to 60 years of age were reported taking counseling sessions from a physician regarding the advantages and disadvantages of using hormone replacement therapy (HRT) after menopause.

Growing awareness about menopausal signs and the treatment options is growing the HRT market. Owing to the significant development for ERT, there has been an initiation of very safe treatment options for the patients situated in various geographies of the world. For example, augmentation of innovative drug delivery systems like transdermal estrogen patches and vaginal estrogen drugs.

Further key findings from the report suggest:

Key Topics Covered:

1. Methodology and Scope

2. Executive Summary

2.1 Market Outlook

2.2 Segment Outlook

2.2.1 Product

2.2.2 Route of Administration

2.2.3 Type of Disease

2.2.4 Region

2.3 Competitive Insights

3. Market Variables, Trends & Scope

3.1 Market Segmentation

3.2 Penetration & Growth Prospect Mapping

3.2.1 Market Driver Analysis

3.2.2 Market Restraint Analysis

3.3 Hormone Replacement Therapy Market: Business Environment Analysis Tools

3.3.1 Porter's Five Forces Analysis

3.3.2 PESTEL Analysis

4. Hormone Replacement Therapy Market: Product Analysis

4.1 Hormone Replacement Therapy Product Market Share Analysis, 2019 & 2027

4.2 Hormone Replacement Therapy Product Market: Segment Dashboard

4.3 Market Size & Forecasts and Trend Analyses, 2016 to 2027 for the Product Segment

4.3.1 Estrogen Hormone Replacement Therapy

4.3.2 HGH Replacement Therapy

4.3.3 Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy

4.3.4 Testosterone Hormone Replacement Therapy

5. Hormone Replacement Therapy Market: Route of Administration Analysis

5.1 Hormone Replacement Therapy Route of Administration Market Share Analysis, 2019 & 2027

5.2 Hormone Replacement Therapy Route of Administration Market: Segment Dashboard

5.3 Market Size & Forecasts and Trend Analyses, 2016 to 2027 for the Route of Administration Segment

5.3.1 Oral

5.3.2 Parenteral

5.3.3 Transdermal

5.3.4 Others

6. Hormone Replacement Therapy Market: Type of Disease Analysis

6.1 Hormone Replacement Therapy Type of Disease Market Share Analysis, 2019 & 2027

6.2 Hormone Replacement Therapy Type of Disease Market: Segment Dashboard

6.3 Market Size & Forecasts and Trend Analyses, 2016 to 2027 for the Type of Disease Segment

6.3.1 Menopause

6.3.2 Hypothyroidism

6.3.3 Male Hypogonadism

6.3.4 Growth Hormone Deficiency

6.3.5 Others

7. Hormone Replacement Therapy Market: Regional Analysis

7.1 Hormone Replacement Therapy Regional Market Share Analysis, 2019 & 2027

7.2 Hormone Replacement Therapy Regional Market: Segment Dashboard

7.3 Regional Market Snapshot (Market Size, CAGR, Top Verticals, Key Players, Top Trends)

7.4 Market Size, & Forecasts, and Trend Analysis, 2016 to 2027

7.4.1 North America

7.4.2 Europe

7.4.3 Asia Pacific

7.4.4 Latin America

7.4.5 Middle East and Africa (MEA)

8. Competitive Analysis

8.1 Strategic Framework/ Competition Categorization (Key innovators, Market leaders, emerging players

8.2 Vendor Landscape

8.3 Company market position analysis (Geographic Presence, Product Portfolio, Strategic Initiatives, Employee Strength)

8.4 Company Profiles

Companies Mentioned

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Insights into the Worldwide HRT Industry to 2027 - Featuring Abbott Laboratories, Novartis & Pfizer Among Others - -...

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Ask the doctor: Is there anything I can do to prevent osteoporosis? –

Posted: April 20, 2020 at 9:50 pm

Q I am a healthy woman in my late 30s. My mother was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis at 68 years old. She is not surprised as her mother had a hump on her upper back and always complained of back pain, so we suspect she had it too. What can I do to keep myself from getting it? I have two young children and wonder if there is anything I should be doing for them?

A Bone is an amazing organ that is both relatively strong and light-weight. Bone has a complex internal and external structure. Internally, it consists of a honeycomb-like flexible matrix that account for about 30pc of internal bone. Bone tissue is continually undergoing remodelling due to the activity of various bone cells (e.g. osteoclasts, osteoblasts, osteocytes) and under the influence of many hormones and other important regulatory molecules (e.g. calcium, vitamin D, cytokines, growth factors). It is bone mineralisation that gives bone its rigidity.

Bone mass peaks around 16-25 years of age. This is one of the many reasons why children need to have healthy balanced diets and be engaged in plenty of exercise, particularly weight-bearing activities like tennis, gymnastics, soccer etc. This will help them achieve their maximum bone density before full skeletal maturity occurs. The recommended amount of weight-bearing exercise to prevent bone loss is 60 minutes per day for children and 30 minutes per day for adults.

Thereafter, we enter that gradual decline phase in life, including gradual bone density loss. From about 35 years onwards, it is estimated that bone mass decreases by 0.3pc to 0.5pc per year. From 6-10 years post menopause, bone loss decreases even further by 2pc-3pc per year for women (not on any treatment), partly due to the loss of oestrogen. That is why Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can be used to treat osteoporosis. Healthy women, without risk factors, taking HRT need not worry about osteoporosis screening until they decide to stop taking it.

Osteoporosis is a common disease that is characterised by low bone mass, microarchitectural disruption and skeletal fragility, making your bones more easy to break or fracture. The prevalence of osteoporosis is higher in white/fair-skinned people.

Risk factors for osteoporosis include: advancing age, previous low-trauma fracture, long-term oral steroid treatment, parental history of hip fracture or osteoporosis, low body weight (Body Mass Index less than 19kg/m2), current cigarette smoking, rheumatoid arthritis and excessive alcohol consumption (more than three units per day). Excessive alcohol may cause dietary and liver problems and low levels of hormones, which can affect bone. Excessive caffeine consumption (more than 300mg-400mg per day) can also increase bone loss by increasing calcium excretion in urine, resulting in the body taking calcium from the bone.

Secondary causes of osteoporosis include: premature menopause (before 45 years old), low testosterone levels, inflammatory bowel disease, gastro-intestinal malabsorption syndromes like coeliac disease and chronic liver or kidney disease, past or present eating disorders. Being immobile, bedbound or wheelchair bound for six weeks or longer means you are unable to weight-bear. Bone loss occurs as your bones are not put under routine daily stress, which is necessary for bone remodelling in order to stay strong and healthy. Long-term use of certain medication can increase bone loss. Dietary deficiency of calcium, vitamin D or protein can increase bone loss.

What you can do to ensure optimal bone health at any age is two-fold. Firstly, assess your diet for your consumption of dairy products, which are one of the best sources of calcium, especially the fortified milks. Not only do they have calcium, but also have vitamin D. The best sources of calcium are milk, cheese and yoghurt. Bread, nuts and any oily fish (e.g. salmon, sardines, tuna) also contain calcium and vitamin D, as do some dark green vegetables.

Secondly, make sure you are getting regular weight-bearing exercise such as walking, hiking or any of those listed above.

Dr Jennifer Grant is a GP with the Beacon Hospital HealthCheck

Weekend Magazine

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Ask the doctor: Is there anything I can do to prevent osteoporosis? -

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Coronavirus threat to global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Research Report Released with growth, latest trends & forecasts till 2031 -…

Posted: April 19, 2020 at 3:46 am

Growing outbreak of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has forced companies in the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market to find alternatives for their diverse business processes. Latest research analysis of COVID-19 and its impact on the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market is providing companies in the market landscape with new ideas and tactics to overcome challenges of the pandemic.

A new market study published by Market Research Reports Search Engine (MRRSE) suggests that the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market is slated to grow at a CAGR of ~XX% over the assessment period (20XX-20XX). Further, the report takes into consideration the different market aspects that are likely to shape the future prospects of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market by assessing the historical and current market trends.

The Testosterone Replacement Therapy market study is a valuable tool for market players and emerging players who are vying to solidify their presence in the global Testosterone Replacement Therapy market. Further, the report ponders over the underlying trends and price trend analysis that are likely to impact the growth potential of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market during the assessment period.

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Key Market Insights Included in the Report:

Regional Assessment

The regional assessment included in the report provides an in-depth understanding of the regional aspects of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market. This section of the report provides a deep understanding of the various regulatory policies that are anticipated to influence the market scenario in each region.

segmented as follows:

Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market, by Product Type

Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market, by Active Ingredient Type

Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market, by Geography

Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market, Country Snippets

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Coronavirus threat to global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Research Report Released with growth, latest trends & forecasts till 2031 -...

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market to Witness Sales Slump in 2020 Due to COVID-19| Long-term Outlook Remains Positive – Daily Science

Posted: April 17, 2020 at 7:53 pm

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market: Industry-leading Insights

The Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market report examines the growth rate and the market value by taking into consideration essential market dynamics and growth-inducing factors. While drafting the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market report, critical market elements that the authors have taken into account are market size, share, value, current market scenario, latest technological advancements, product innovation, product launches, and expansion tactics adopted by the leading players functioning in the industry.

Industries and markets are ever-evolving, and you can navigate through these changes with the help of this research study undertaken by Market Expertz. The report includes industry-leading information and insights pertaining to the Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market. Browse through the detailed table of contents for the Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market Report or get a Sample [emailprotected]

Competitive Landscape: Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market

The Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market is highly consolidated, and the leading players in the industry have undertaken strategic initiatives, including product launches, regional expansion, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, mergers and acquisitions, and others to strengthen their presence in the global industry. The research study encompasses the market shares held by the major regions in the Testosterone Replacement Therapy sector viz., North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa.

The report gives elaborate company profiles of the leading players in the industry by reviewing the financial standing of the company and their recent performance in the market. Every company is analyzed based on gross revenue, growth rate, and profit margin to understand the markets historical development over the past three years, and an investigation of the strategic initiatives including mergers & acquisitions, product launches, and funding activity, among other essential factors.

The report studies the prominent players engaged in the industry including:

AbbVieEndo InternationalEli lillyPfizerActavis (Allergan)BayerNovartisTevaMylanUpsher-SmithFerring Pharmaceuticals

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Report analyzes the latest information pertaining to the micro- and macro-economic indicators influencing the market in the forecast years, highlighting the drivers and constraints operating in the market. The study gives an extensive statistical analysis that quantifies the critical market information, along with valuable insights into the future of the market derived through interviews of industry experts and consultants.

Market segmentation of the Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Industry based on Product Types:


Market segmentation of the Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Industry based on Major Applications/End users:


Market segmentation of the Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy Industry based on Geographical Break-down:North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa

To get a detailed understanding of the market, the study provides a comparative market share revenue analysis (Million USD) by leading players and market shares (%) held by the leading players, along with a qualitative evaluation of all players has also been provided to decipher the market concentration rate.

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Some key market features and major highlights from the report:

1) Which prominent companies have been profiled in this study? Can the list of companies be customized subject to the regional markets we are targeting?

Yes, the list of companies can also be tailored as per your requirements or your areas of interest and can even include the emerging players from the targeted geographies.

** The companies covered by the report may be different in the final report subject to factors such as change of name, mergers & acquisitions, or other such activities based on the difficulty of survey since data availability will need to be confirmed by the research team especially in case of privately-held companies. Up to two companies can be added at no additional cost.

2) What is the regional coverage of the report? Is it possible to add specific countries or regions of interest?

Currently, the research report focuses on the regions of North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. Yes, it will be possible for the researchers to give information pertaining to specific regions as per your research needs.

3) Can the market be segmented based on applications or product types?

Additional segmentation/Market breakdown is possible depending on data availability, feasibility, and timeline, among others. However, a detailed list requirement is to be provided to the researchers before making any final confirmation.

**Additional countries subject to your interest can be included at no extra cost based on a feasibility test undertaken by our team of expert analysts to examine your requirements and will accordingly determine the time of delivery.

Request For Free Sample Copy of Testosterone Replacement Therapy market report for complete list of company profile, product and application

To study the market dynamics of the Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy sector, the report looks at the leading regions for the Testosterone Replacement Therapy industry. This market intelligence study also offers customization of the regions in the geographical assessment of the market, which covers the regions of:

In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of Global Testosterone Replacement Therapy are as follows:

Historical Years: 2016-2018

Base Year: 2019

Estimated Year: 2020

Forecast Years: 2020 to 2027

Key Stakeholders Covered:

For in-depth analysis of value chain and supply chain of the industry, the study draws focus on the backward & forward Integration:

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Manufacturers Testosterone Replacement Therapy Distributors/Traders/Wholesalers Testosterone Replacement Therapy Sub-component Manufacturers Industry Association Downstream Vendors

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Key facts and figures and a detailed assessment of the Testosterone Replacement Therapy market size estimation and business opportunities are available in the full report.

Thanks for reading this article. You can also get chapter-wise sections or region-wise report coverage for North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa.

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy Market to Witness Sales Slump in 2020 Due to COVID-19| Long-term Outlook Remains Positive - Daily Science

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Trans men who have been on testosterone can still be fertile – LGBTQ Nation

Posted: April 16, 2020 at 11:46 pm

Freddy McConnell is a transgender man whose pregnancy was the subject of the film "Seahorse."Photo: Manuel Vazquez for "Seahorse"/Promotional image

A recent study from a fertility clinic in Massachusetts has found that transgender men who stop taking testosterone (T) had similar egg yields to cisgender women.

Boston IVF is a fertility clinic and research center, and they decided to look at years of data they had collected to see if T had a permanent effect on fertility, even after a transgender man stops taking it.

Related: How a transgender dad won the right to be the legal father of the child he carried

They found that about half of transgender men who wanted to become pregnant were undergoing hormone replacement therapy (HRT) before they tried to get pregnant. Those who were taking it stopped on average four months before undergoing ovarian stimulation cycles as part of an in-vitro fertilization process.

And they had similar egg yields to cisgender women who never took testosterone.

The landmark study involved data from 25 transgender men.

The numbers were very small, but it was very reassuring that even though these transgender men had taken testosterone, when they stopped it and were treated, they responded well and we had good outcomes, Boston IVF Medical Director Dr. Samuel Pang told NBC News.

The studys results flies in the face of the conventional wisdom that transgender men need to freeze eggs before starting T in order to one day have children.

Emmett Hardiman said that he knew he was transgender since he was young and he started HRT when he turned 18. He thought that he was definitely going to be infertile.

I had to make a choice, he said.

But his period started again several years later when he stopped T due to a lack of insurance. He had eggs harvested and his wife carried two children who came from those eggs. (Fertility experts recommend trans men go off hormones to collect and freeze eggs, although one 16-year-old trans boy reportedly was able to have eggs harvested without going off hormones.)

Dr. Pang said that even though its possible for trans men to go off HRT to have a child, that can still be asking too much.

The thought of stopping testosterone or going through hormone treatments if very daunting for them, so they frequently will not pursue it because of that, he said.

Just having to go off testosterone in order to do IVF was not a great option, but it was, to me, better than the alternative, said Hardiman.

The study looked at transgender men who started HRT as adults. Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, medical director of the Center for Transyouth Health and Development at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, said that it would probably be different for trans men who took puberty blockers and then moved directly on to T since their reproductive organs never matured.

We dont know because no one has ever done it, she said. It stands to reason that somebody would, because your hypothalamus doesnt change.

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Trans men who have been on testosterone can still be fertile - LGBTQ Nation

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