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Category Archives: Testosterone
Jupiter Testosterone Replacement Therapy Clinic – NovaGenix
Posted: January 16, 2019 at 12:41 pm
At NovaGenix, we consider ourselves to be more than a Testosterone Therapy Clinic in West Palm Beach. Our goals with our patients are to help improve their health, mood, appearance and performance in the bedroom for them to lead a happier, more balanced lifestyle, both physically and emotionally. Much research has been conducted, which validates the claims that testosterone therapy has several positive health benefits for men over 40. Studies on the effectiveness and safety of Testosterone Therapy Treatment by medical teams have proven Physician prescribed and monitored Hormone Therapy programs to be safe for most men, however there remains several misconceptions about TRT even within the medical community. Thus, the importance of both research as well as scheduling an appointment to sit down with an expert in their field of HRT medicine. As it turns out, being on a physician prescribed and monitored TRT regimen has several health benefits, and many of the myths about TRT have been discredited by the medical community. Statements by the American Urological Association confirm its safety. In the conclusion of their 2016 study, they state " Prostate cancer appears to be unrelated to endogenous testosterone levels. TRT for symptomatic hypogonadism does not appear to increase PSA levels nor the risk of prostate cancer development. " Click Here To See The Study. Another recent study has shown that there is no increased the risk of heart disease or stroke because of TRT and even concluded that patients on a long-term testosterone replacement program could even benefit from BHRT and have shown a reduction in cardiovascular incidents and stroke. Hormone replacement is both safe and potentially improves more than just vitality and quality of life, but overall health and well-being too. Click Here To Read A Report on HRT and Heart Risk. TRT for men with Low T in Palm Beach Gardens helps educate our patients about the health risks and benefits. If you're looking for a Jupiter Testosterone Replacement Therapy Clinic
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Jupiter Testosterone Replacement Therapy Clinic - NovaGenix
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Benefits of Testosterone for Women Renew Me Today
Posted: January 16, 2019 at 12:41 pm
Benefits of Testosterone for Women: The Case for Testosterone Replacement in Aging Women
Television, the internet, and magazine ads all target men with products that address the drop in testosterone that occurs with age, but despite being classified as a male hormone, testosterone is also produced by women. While its true that men produce far more testosterone than women do, during the early reproductive years, women have 10 times more testosterone than estrogen within the body, leading experts to believe that its really testosterone loss that results in many of the symptoms women go through in midlife, such as low libido, fatigue, low muscle tone, weight gain, and loss of mental focus.1 Testosterone for women has become a hot button issue as women begin to realize that they too are at risk for deficiencies since testosterone levels drop with age in women as well. Around the world, testosterone therapy is being used to treat the symptoms of testosterone deficiency in both pre- and post-menopausal women as research continues to show that healthy testosterone levels are essential for the physical and mental health of both men and women.
Since the ovaries are responsible for producing both estrogen and testosterone, as the ovaries age, they produce less estrogen and testosterone.2 As women enter pre-menopause, testosterone production is reduced, and once women reach menopause, its common for them to produce less than half the testosterone they did previously. Every woman becomes at risk for testosterone deficiency as she ages, and women who go through a hysterectomy or oophorectomy have an even higher risk of dealing with low testosterone levels.
Women who begin experiencing a testosterone deficiency often notice many of the same symptoms men deal with as they deal with low T levels. Low levels of testosterone in women often lead to an increased risk of osteoporosis, since low T levels can leach away strength from the skeleton.3 Low levels can also lead to an increased risk of gaining weight since testosterone levels have been linked with fat mass in women in studies published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.4 A report published in the Journal of Womens Health even showed that testosterone deficiencies could be a risk factor for the development of heart disease in women.5 Since cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of postmenopausal women, this is an interesting hypothesis that underscores the importance of balanced hormones in women, including testosterone.
Both women and men may experience a wide variety of symptoms with low testosterone, such as fatigue, weight gain, low libido, and mental fogginess. Testosterone therapy has the potential to relieve these symptoms. Low libido is one of the most common complaints among aging women, and studies show that treating women with testosterone can significantly improve their sex drive.6 For women going through menopause, testosterone therapy often provides symptom relief. Studies show that testosterone therapy in menopausal women can relieve the symptoms of menopause, including urinary urgency, incontinence, vaginal dryness, and hot flashes.7 Testosterone therapy may also help protect against cardiovascular events, dilating blood vessels and increasing blood flow, as well as offering a reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes by lowering insulin resistance.8 While some buy into the myth that testosterone therapy may increase the risk of breast cancer, studies show that instead of increasing a womans risk for the disease, taking testosterone may actually help prevent breast cancer.9 Other benefits of testosterone women may experience include improve focus and mental clarity, reduced fatigue, reduced anxiety, improved bone density, and increases in lean muscle mass.
Women suffering from testosterone deficiency can benefit from choosing bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Since bio-identical hormones have the same molecular structure as the hormones a womans body naturally produces, hormones can be properly used and naturally metabolized and excreted by the body. When compared to traditional hormone replacement therapy, BHRT offers a much lower risk of side effects. BHRT is tailor made to meet each womans specific needs, ensuring that hormone levels are increased safely to prevent negative side effects. Women who are aging or who have undergone a hysterectomy or oophorectomy are at risk for declining testosterone levels. Aging women who experience low libido, poor concentration, symptoms of menopause, or other symptoms related to low levels of testosterone can benefit from testosterone therapy.10 Choosing bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can benefit women by reducing the symptoms of menopause, preventing osteoporosis, protecting the heart, increasing lean muscle mass, and improving overall quality of life.11 For more information contact us at to take the hormone health test, and find out where your nearest office is.
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Is testosterone replacement therapy safe … – Harvard Health
Posted: November 1, 2018 at 7:41 am
Published: February, 2014
Millions of American men use a prescription testosterone gel, patch, or injection to boost levels of the manly hormone. The ongoing marketing blitz promises that treating "low T" this way can make men feel more alert, energetic, mentally sharp, and sexually functional. However, legitimate safety concerns linger, as explained in the February 2014 issue of the Harvard Men's Health Watch.
"Because of the marketing, men have been flooded with information about the potential benefit of fixing low testosterone, but not with the potential costs," says Dr. Carl Pallais, an endocrinologist and assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. "Men should be much more mindful of the possible long-term complications."
Some studies have found that men taking testosterone have more cardiovascular problems, like heart attacks, strokes, and deaths from heart disease. Some physicians also have a lingering concern that testosterone therapy could stimulate the growth of prostate cancer cells. Yet the evidence is mixed, with some studies showing a lower cardiac risk with testosterone therapy and no apparent effect on prostate cancer.
In such uncertain times, men should take a cautious approach, Dr. Pallais says.
"I can't tell you for certain that taking testosterone raises the risk of heart problems and prostate cancer, or that it doesn't," Dr. Pallais says. "We need a large study with multiple thousands of men followed for many years to figure it out."
Until then, here are some tips for taking a cautious approach to testosterone therapy:
Read the full-length article: "Is testosterone therapy safe? Take a breath before you take the plunge"
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Is testosterone replacement therapy safe ... - Harvard Health
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Testosterone Replacement Therapy | Titan Men’s Health
Posted: August 22, 2018 at 5:40 pm
League City & Friendswood Testosterone Therapy
Welcome to Titan T-Center & Weight Loss, League City and Friendswood, Texas finest testosterone replacement therapy clinic. Our clinic is outfitted with the latest technologies to provide our patients with efficient,safe and accurate results. In addition to our modern equipment, the medical professionals at our facilityare some of the most skilled and knowledgeable individuals in the industry. To all of us here, providing premier testosterone therapy requires more than just basic medical treatment. Our staff believes in building relationships and improving the lives of each and every individual that walks through our door.
Low testosterone, or hypogonadism, is a condition in which the bodys natural production of the hormone is below normal levels. By the age of 30, it is very common for men to begin seeing a decline in testosterone. Men may see a variety of symptoms, including but not limited to, a decrease in sex drive. Although age plays a factor in the production of testosterone, diabetes and excessive weight, have been associated with the condition as well.
Although testosterone supplements may be available in several forms, testosterone injections are believed to be safer and more effective than a pill. Oral testosterone is available, however, it is believed that testosterone taken orally may damage the liver. Furthermore, testosterone injections go directlyinto thebloodstream, making each treatment more effective.
Titan T-Center & Weight Loss is here to help you determine whether or not youmay be in need of therapy to lift your testosterone levels. We encourage you to look through the rest of our website to learn more about low t and its impact on your day-to-day life. Should you have any questions or if you would like to come in for a visit, contact us your convenience. Titan T-Center serves patients residing all over the League City and Friendswood areas.
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Testosterone Replacement Therapy | Titan Men's Health
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The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual …
Posted: August 1, 2018 at 9:45 am
Praise for The Definitive Testosterone Replacement MANual
"Inspiring is Jay's knowledge of hormone replacement and human physiology, which surpasses that of many of my medical colleagues. This he brings to you the reader in the pages of his much-needed and timely opus. Open your eyes, read and digest Jay's words. This book is the chapter that I was scared to write."
Brett Osborn, MD Diplomate, American Board of Neurological Surgery Diplomate, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine CSCS, National Strength and Conditioning Association, Author of Get Serious, A Neurosurgeon's Guide To Optimal Health and Fitness
"The Definitive Testosterone Replacement MANual presents practical information about the best ways to maximize benefits and minimize side effects of testosterone replacement therapy. It accomplishes this goal in the most visually appealing way I have ever seen in this field. This book makes for an enjoyable and highly empowering read for any man who wants to take charge of his health and quality of life."
Nelson Vergel CEO, and, Author of Testosterone A Man's Guide: Practical Tips For Boosting Physical, Mental and Sexual Vitality
Is your sex drive at its peak, or has it diminished? Is your enthusiasm for life lessening?
Healthy testosterone levels are not only a physical state of prime health, but a mental state of positive wellness and aggression.
A man with low testosterone will experience not only a physical decline, but also a diminished quality of life.
Testosterone is often misrepresented by the media at large as inciting "hostility", or its effects are reduced down to building muscle only, and its portrayed as being detrimental to health. Nothing could be further from the truth. Comprehensive clinical evidence has unequivocally demonstrated that healthy testosterone levels not only slow the aging process and improve physical markers of health, but that they also reduce the possibility of degenerative disease, and by extension vastly improve quality of life.
Men NEED Optimal Testosterone Levels to age powerfully and live to their maximum potential.
The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual is the first book of its kind covering not only the therapeutic practice and application of TRT, but the historical, sociological, and biological issues that inform its usage.
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Low Testosterone Treatment – TRT for Men | Mantality Health
Posted: June 12, 2018 at 7:41 am
Suffering from low testosterone, or low t, can mean that you may have the low testosterone symptoms of fatigue, weakness, poor sleep, poor concentration, decreased strength, loss of muscle mass and decreased libido. At Mantality, we confirm these symptoms through blood tests. Once confirmed, we can successfully treat low testosterone with testosterone replacement therapy also known as TRT. While many testtestosterone levels, our blood test will help determine your free testosterone levels.
Testosterone hits the blood stream in a few forms:
- SBGH or Sexual Binding Globulin, this testosterone is not available for use in the body.
- Estrogen, through a process called aromatization, the testosterone is changed to estradiol.
- Free Testosterone, the testosterone that is free to be used by the body.
At Mantality, free testosterone is what we recognize in the blood that is available to be used by your body. The name implies exactly what it is for, free use by the body. Free testosterone is also known as bioavailable testosterone as it is biologically available testosterone for maximum use by the body. But, is the rest of the testosterone gone?
We have a lot of men come to the office claiming their doctor or physician tested their total testosterone and claimed it was normal. While that may be true, a mans total testosterone could be within the accepted normal limits, however, free testosterone can be low causing symptoms of low t.
Mantality is able to increase the amount of unbound or free T in your body. This is the most readily available form of testosterone for your body to use. This allows us to treat the body using testosterone injections which helps bring the body back into hormone balance meaning you are now stronger, leaner, sharper and can take life on with no fatigue.
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Testosterone Replacement Therapy | Phoenix | Scottsdale
Posted: May 22, 2018 at 6:41 am
Testosterone Replacement Therapy | Phoenix | Scottsdale
Testosterone is a steroid hormone naturally made by the body. Testosterone helps maintain reproductive tissues, stimulate sperm production, stimulate and maintain sexual function, increase muscle mass, and maintain bone strength. The proper amount of testosterone in your body is vital to your overall sense of well-being. Too little testosterone can lead to several health and wellness issues while a balanced hormone level can help you rediscover youthful vitality.
Do you have the following symptoms?
Testosterone Replacement Therapy
If you answered yes to at least 3 items above, you may be suffering from low testosterone. An easy blood test and confirm the testosterone levels in your body. If you do suffer from low testosterone Camelback Health Care provides treatment to increase your testosterone level and help you feel years younger. To schedule a consultation contact us at (602)368-5861.
This Internet site provides information of a general nature and is designed for educational purposes only. If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your family please contact Camelback Health Care. Camelback Health Care is a family medical practice providing pro-active health care for the entire family, allergy testing and treatment, cosmetic skin and laser services, medically managed weight loss, and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. Conveniently located on Camelback Road, Camelback Health Care is easily accessible from Phoenix, Paradise Valley, Scottsdale, and Tempe.
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Side Effects of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)
Posted: March 25, 2018 at 8:44 pm
As with any medical intervention, the benefits of Low T therapy must be weighed against the potential risk of adverse reactions the side effects of testosterone replacement therapy can be a problem if not properly managed by a trained provider.
Just as Paracelsus says, whether testosterone replacement creates a poisonous or beneficial environment is largely dependent upon how the medication is delivered and dosed.
Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy. Paracelsus
Those who abuse testosterone and other androgens may experience significant and even life threatening side effects.
Somewhat similarly, if treatment of Low T is mismanaged or not carefully monitored, patients will experience a higher rate and increased severity of adverse reactions or possibly a complete lack of meaningful results.
For the most part, this discussion will deal with the side effects of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) in general, but some attention will be given to particular differences in the variety of methods utilized for treatment of Low T.
You can also watch the video below to hear from one of our founding partners, Augie Galindo, PA-C about the side effects of testosterone replacement therapy.
This video is about the Side Effects of TRT. Every medical intervention has potential issues, and treating Low T is no different. Learn about our approach to monitor and maintain safe testosterone levels.
Some side effects seen with TRT are the direct result of the use of exogenous testosterone (testosterone not made naturally in the body).
Pharmaceutical grade testosterone is bio-identical, that is, it is constructed, recognized, and utilized in the same manner as the hormone produced by your body.
Many adverse effects occur only in the presence of higher testosterone levels, and still others are simply the consequences of the bodys normal metabolism of testosterone.
This metabolism, or breakdown of testosterone, occurs in the same manner for both exogenous and endogenous testosterone (naturally produced testosterone), but because of an increased abundance of testosterone this may lead to higher than normal levels of these metabolites.
Normal metabolism of testosterone results in its conversion into two primary metabolites, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estradiol (E2, a form of estrogen).
Elevated levels of DHT can cause benign growth of the prostate, increased oiliness of the skin and acne, as well as male pattern balding.
Abnormal increases in estradiol can lead to mood swings, breast tissue changes, and fluid retention that may cause swelling or increases in blood pressure. Furthermore, abnormal estradiol levels have been linked to lower testosterone levels, erectile dysfunction, and a decrease in free testosterone.
According to the 2010 update to Testosterone Therapy in Adult Men with Androgen Deficiency Syndromes: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline, the conversion rate and subsequent ratio of testosterone to estradiol and DHT does not change when treating Low T via injection of testosterone cypionate.
These ratios may be negatively affected with other Low T treatments (gels, patches, pellets, etc.).
While prostate changes can occur with testosterone replacement, a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism in June of 2010, which looked closely at the adverse reactions reported in 51 other studies, found there to be no increased risk of the development of prostate cancer, prostate related urinary symptoms, or elevated PSA (prostate specific antigen).
Basically, prostate cancer is NOT one of the side effects of testosterone replacement therapy.
That aside, because PSA is essentially a tumor marker for prostate cancer, patients with a first-degree relative who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and those with an elevated PSA level should proceed with caution and be monitored closely.
For men with a personal history of prostate cancer, treatment for Low T is considered contraindicated according to most sources.
It is important to note that testosterone replacement does not give you prostate cancer, but certainly elevated testosterone levels (even to the normal range) can cause an otherwise unnoticed prostate lesion to grow more aggressively.
Testosterone, in and of itself, is not a causative factor in the development of prostate cancer.
That myth has finally been debunked through countless studies over several years while more recent data now indicate that low serum testosterone levels are a potential predictor of high-risk prostate cancer.
The more interesting debate at this point is the potential consequence of increasing a mans testosterone level, even to a normal range, in the presence of an existing prostatic growth.
The findings of multiple studies over the years have ranged from testosterone appearing to be associated with promoting the transition of a common, low-grade lesion into one of a more aggressive nature, to testosterone actually contributing to cell death of the malignancy to no appreciable effect whatsoever.
Obviously the current data is inconclusive, however, it is becoming more and more apparent that as we ponder the safest recommendations, while peering through the lens of risk/benefit analysis, living with testosterone deficiency may indeed be the more risky endeavor.
The production of testosterone and sperm both are controlled by what is referred to as the Hypolthalamus-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis.
That is, the hypothalamus ( a portion of the forebrain responsible for the control of certain autonomic nervous system actions and pituitary gland activity) talks to the pituitary gland by mean of a chemical messenger (GnRH gonadotropin-releasing hormone).
The pituitary gland in turn will talk to the testicles (male gonads) also by means of different chemical messengers (LH luteinizing hormone and FSH follicular stimulating hormone).
Low T occurs when either this hormonal cycle fails to stimulate the testes to produce testosterone or more commonly when the testes themselves fail to respond to said stimulation.
When testosterone levels are normalized, either by natural means or through treatment of Low T, the brain reduces the stimulus to produce testosterone by secreting less GnRH.
Since this singular hormone controls both FSH and LH, the natural suppression of GnRH that occurs can reduce fertility.
Additionally, it is this same process that is responsible for the potential reduction in size and/or change in firmness of the testicles.
Other side effects of testosterone replacement therapy that are not part of normal functioning are increased red blood cell counts (erythrocytosis), potential decreases in good cholesterol or high-density lipoproteins (HDL), and increases in diastolic blood pressure (the lower of the two numbers reported in blood pressure readings).
The effects of high blood pressure are well known and the reasons for avoiding hypertension during TRT are no different from standard recommendations.
Increased number of red blood cells on the other hand, can lead to significant risk if not managed appropriately.
Think of red blood cells (RBCs) as the solid portion of the solution that is whole blood, and your hematocrit (HCT) the percentage of blood volume made up of RBCs.
If you add more solid to any solution without proportionately increasing the volume of the liquid it is suspended within, the result is a thicker solution.
Thickening of the blood then, is the end result of an increase in the number of RBCs.
Hematocrit values greater than 54.0% increase a patients risk factors for abnormal clotting, spleen enlargement, heart failure and other serious conditions.
If erythrocytosis does occur, it is typically rather easy to address. However if its assessment is overlooked, as is far too often the case, it can lead to potentially serious problems.
Certain side effects of testosterone replacement therapy are preparation specific. Gels, creams, and other topical agents can cause skin irritation and secondary exposure to women and children who come into contact with the medication via direct transfer.
Some untoward consequences of use of topicals is the wonderful odor (or fragrance, to steal Big Pharmas term) that is associated with it.
Failure rates are much, much higher for this type of medication owing to the inability of 30-40% of men to even absorb enough to improve their testosterone levels.
Virtually every medical treatment can cause adverse reactions. All things considered, the side effects of testosterone replacement therapy are quite manageable.
We know what to look for and how to intervene. With careful monitoring, it is entirely possible to treat and/or prevent significant problems these side effects may pose.
Ultimately it comes down to balance. Can we approach Low T treatment in such a way that allows for minimization of side effects while allowing for optimization of results? Absolutely!
What is necessary to achieve this is having providers who are open and honest about the benefits AND the risks associated with TRT. If you have questions, we would love the opportunity to talk with you and answer them.
Please Contact Us to schedule a no-obligation consultation in our clinic. If you are suffering from Low T and are ready to improve the quality of your life but are concerned about the side effects of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), the dedicated providers at Testosterone Centers of Texas are ready to help you.
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Side Effects of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)
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Low Testosterone Bergen County – Masri Sports Medicine and …
Posted: March 9, 2018 at 5:41 pm
Natural Hormone Replacement
Men and women can go through hormone imbalances. If your hormones are not in balance (that istoo much of one and not enough of the other hormone), you might develop persistent health problems.
Hormones are involved in many different functions within our bodies, including regulating our immune system to influencing growth, metabolism, and fertility. Among women, hormone imbalances are most frequently associated with menopause, when menstruation ends and estrogen and progesterone levels decrease. Symptoms can include hot flashes, mood swings, fatigue, headaches, weight gain, insomnia, irritability, anxiety, or depression and more.
Men can experience a kind of male menopause also known as andropause, which is when there is a decrease in levels of DHEA and testosterone, two male hormones. This hormonal imbalance can cause sexual dysfunction, muscle weakness, depression, and bone loss.
What are natural hormones?
At Masri Sports Medicine & Wellness, Dr. Sammy Masri is highly skilled in the use of natural (bio-identical) hormone replacement therapy for both men and women. Bio-identical hormones are created by using custom-compounded hormones derived from natural sources, instead of commercially-prepared synthetic hormones. Bio-identical hormones consist of molecules that are exactly biologically identical to your bodys own hormones.
Why use bio-identical hormones rather than synthetic hormones?
Bioidentical hormones function the same as synthetic ones, but they may result in fewer side effects. Traditional hormone replacement therapy using synthetic hormones has been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease, blood clots, or stroke, particularly if these conditions run in your family.
What can bio-identical hormones do for me?
If your hormones are out of balance, your body wont be able to respond optimally to nutrition and exercise. But natural hormone replacement can help restore the proper hormonal balancein your body and put an end to the symptoms of menopause and andropause. Bio-identical hormones will enhance your energy and vitality, allowing you to feel young and healthy again. In the long-term, they can also help prevent many of the diseases related to aging.
Are you experiencing symptoms of menopause or andropause? Dr. Masri can assess your needs and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your bodys unique needs. Bio-identical hormones can be made in a variety of strengths, dosages, and forms, such as capsules, creams, gels, sublingual tablets, and suppositories.
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11 Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy – TOT …
Posted: January 19, 2018 at 6:40 am
TRT is not something that I purposely chose, rather it chose me. I thought it was a fun topic to read about butI didnt expect to take it seriously until at least my mid-30s. Life often has a different way of throwing us curveballs. Thankfully my lifes curveballexposed me to the amazing benefits of testosterone replacement therapy
Due to much online research and stumbling onto the writings of Jay Campbell,I received a male hormone panelblood test and it shockinglyrevealed I had low testosterone. 29 years old and sitting there with the blood levels of a geriatric. What am I going to do?
Looking back, I now know I had symptoms of low Testosterone for a couple years proceeding the test, but I took them for granted. I never even contemplated the possibility of low T in my 20s. Who at that age really does?
Sadly, I believe this affliction affects many more men just like me. Men who are suffering in silence because they either refuse to get checked or even worse, are evaluated by a Physician unaware to even check for Testosterone Deficiency. (TD)
So now at the age of 29, after a ton of research, interviewing multiple Doctors and even more back and forth personal deliberation (likely brought on by my low T), I decided to bite the bullet and choose a physician managedTRT protocol.
Its important I tell everyone reading this, I spent hours pouring throughJays The Definitive TRT MANual(IMO, it is hands down the best book written about this very complex topic). I also spend a couple weeks reading various Excel Male Forumuser experiences on TRT.
All of this information allowed me tofeel informed enough to start down the path of TRT. Ultimately, no amount of reading can prepare you for the real life experienceof supplementalTestosterone coursing thru your body.
After a couple of months of working with my Doctor, here are the 11 most noticeable benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy:
I am a firm believer that your mood is the result of your thinking. However, when your hormones are out of whack, you dont realize how much effect it has on your thoughts, as mind and body are truly one.
Before TRT, my moods were lower and subject to change, I remember having slumps, feeling down for days on end and I could never understand why I had no desire to work out.
Now I feel much more on it. Its difficult to describe, but I feel as though my energy is more aligned. I still experience the ups and downs of life, but they are rare and Im overall superpositive. Testosterone just gives you that YEAH, I GOT THIS feeling.
Over time I noticed my interest in sex gradually diminished and I would feel ambiguous toward it. Thinking back on it, it seemspathetic a virile man in his late 20s had a declining desire for SEX. Yikes.
Libido is one of the hallmarks of youth, and when its diminished you definitely notice the effect it has on your energy and vigor.
Libido can be a complex issue and is not necessarily solved by testosterone alone. In my case, TRT improved my libido to a level higher than I had experienced previously.Its pretty cool to see somerecently released studies validating my own experience.
In the year prior to TRT, I became disillusioned with my training in the gym. I struggled tremendously to even put on a small amount of muscle.
I analyzed every aspect of my diet and training, I questioned myself: maybe I wasnt training hard enough? Maybe my diet wasnt that good after all? Im no Mike Mentzer, but I thought my efforts merited a little more than I was getting. I figured because I had been training a few years that I had maxed out my genetic potential and couldnt grow any more.
After undergoing TRT, its clear that mylow T stalled my progress. Now I train with greater intensity and I have an unparalleled sense of urgencyto kick ass during my workout. I have fewer off days and the majority of my workoutsI feel stronger with more stamina.
Testosterone due to its affinity for the bodys androgen receptors allows you to increase lean mass, so you can reasonably expect to gain muscle while on TRT. However, this doesnt happen by virtue of T alone. As the body is quite happy with the way things are, you have to put in the work if you want it to change. This means you need to eat above maintenanceclean carbsand understand what your daily protein requirements are.
So far, Ive gained around 10lbs while on TRT, but none of it came without busting my balls in the gym. While much of it is lean mass, I have no doubt some is water weight due to Testosterones ability to enhanceglycogen storage capacity.All in all, Im pleased with the results.
There is no doubt that lower levels of testosterone lead to hesitancy and doubt. In the past I would second guess myself a lot. These days I feel more assertive and confident in my choices, instead of being paralyzed with indecision.
Thats not to say youre going to turn into a Drill Sergeant overnight, optimal levels of testosterone just give greater clarity to your thinking and allow you to cut through the bullshit.
In the past if I had a heavy training day, particularly legs, I might be sore for several days. I still get muscle soreness (DOMS) after workouts, but its nowhere near what it was previous to using TRT.I also recover much quicker. In fact, I believe one of the unsung positive attributes regarding TRT is the ability to speed healing especially withsoft tissue injuries.
Interventional endocrinology is not an exact science and its constantly evolving. Every case is unique to the individual. In the beginning, you need to get your blood work CHEKDand then maintain ongoing follow up labs at 4-6 weeksto understandhow your body is respondingto treatment.
My Doctor and I carefully observed how I felt and we comparednotes, He also had me experiment with different injection frequencies. I eventually found my sweet-spot and can say I feel better toward the higher end of the optimal range of total testosterone levels(1100-1400). Other men (based on my reading) doperfectly fine at 600-800 total Testosterone ng/dl for example.
You must be patient and give your body time to become hormonally balanced betweentestosterone and estrogen.Every man is biochemically unique and what works for some may not work for others. Its also why working with a progressive physician expert at balancing endocrine systems is crucial.
I read a lot on Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) before I began and talked with a number of guys who were veteran users. I alsosought out a well respected doctor who was supportive of my treatment. Because of these reasons, Ive had minimal side effects.
Of course there are side effects, as with any drug you put in your body, but they can be minimized if not eliminated in many cases.
The only noticeable side effect Ive suffered is some back acne while on TRT. This is due to higher DHT levels, as DHT increases production of oil in the sebaceous glands. This wont happen to everyone and has not been a major issue for me.
As a side note, I have not suffered hair loss. I believe Im not genetically predisposed to hair loss, so this is likely why. Even if I was, it wouldnt stop me from experiencing the benefits ofTRT. For me the choice is simple Id rather lead a quality life full of passion, energy and maximum effort than worry about losing my hair.
Before starting TRT, one of my main concerns were the side-effects of too much estradiol, also known as E2. I think guys are paranoid about this subject in particular, after all the side-effects of high E2 arent so desirable; bloating, water retention and mood swings.
The truth is, if you take a clinical dose of TRT and inject in the right frequency for you, high estradiol is rarelya concern. Whats more, estradiol plays an important role in libido and other bodily processes, so messing with it may have unwanted consequences.
Personally, I feel just fine with my E2 toward the higher end of the range and have no side effects. Anecdotally, some guys take aromatase inhibitors (AIs) when there is no clinicalneed due to their Doctorsbeing overly concerned about E2. Often times, they end up feeling worse for it.
Mentell me they dont want to go on TRT because they dont want to inject for the rest of their lives. I get it. I actually put it off for several weeks because of a similar concern.
But when I finally got my act together, guess what? It wasnt so bad. I learned to backfillsmall needles(that are minimally invasive),and my injection processtakes less than30 seconds from start to finish. In, out, throw away the syringe in a sharps container. DONE.
Id rather have the stability of injections rather than any other delivery system fraught with potential side effects and social inconveniences. Ill go out on a limb and say most men use creams because theyre afraid of injections. Honestly, they dont take much getting used to and theyre very simple once you know how to administer them.
If you are woefully out of shape and have a crappy diet, TRT will not magically transform you into an Adonis.
TRT is however a fantastic adjunct to a healthy lifestyle. This healthy lifestyle MUSTinclude a clean diet, minimal/zero alcohol consumption and regular resistance and cardio vascular training. If you do those things, youll definitely feel like a massively different person.
Final Thoughts
Done the right way, the benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy will dramatically enhance your life.
TRT has worked well for me, but only because I didnt go in with a child-like naivety of rely completely on my doctor. In fact, I took responsibility for my treatmentjust as much as my Doctor did. I cant possibly recommend this approach MORE STRONGLYfor any man considering a TRT lifestyle.
The media changes its mind every day as to whether TRT is legal and or effective. And just as many writers are biased andmisinformed.In my opinion, using TRT is a choice to take full control of your personal health.
If you truly want to separate the truth from the bullshit, readJays book.It is a 100% authentic and easy to understandguideon how to experience the maximum benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy for lifelong health and happiness.
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11 Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy - TOT ...
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