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Celebrity fitness expert Anwar Wahhab puts the spotlight on BioPrint to lose weight – Indulgexpress

Posted: January 24, 2020 at 10:46 am

IF YOU ARE still struggling with your resolution of losing those extra kilos and have tried everything from keto diet to rigorous fitness regimen and even supplements, then this may be of interest to you. Celebrity trainer Anwar Wahhab puts the spotlight on BioPrint, a hormone-based weight loss mechanism developed and used by world-renowned strength and conditioning coach Charles Poliquin on Olympics athletes. One of the very few bio-signature, BioPrint and metabolic analytics practitioners in Bengal as well as India, Wahhab shares his insights on the weight loss mechanism. Excerpts:

How does BioPrint work in fitness?

BioPrint, now called Metabolic Analytics, is an advanced body fat testing method aimed at changing ones body composition by identifying accumulation of fats in specific areas of the body. This concept was developed by world-renowned strength and conditioning coach Charles Poliquin who uses it for his many NFL, NHL, MLB and Olympics athletes to get them into shape fast.

What does a BioPrint programme include?

BioPrint programme includes an initial consultation, skinfold measurements (body-fat testing), explanation of supplement protocol, review of the current training programme and a detailed nutrition plan. This cutting edge fat loss and health assessment mechanism is designed to improve body composition rapidly, effectively and safely.

What is the duration of the course?

The initial consultation lasts approximately 1.5 hours after which the client will receive subsequent skin fold measurements over 4-6 weeks of following a new diet and supplement protocols. These followup sessions will be around 30 minutes. In total, its a 12-week course and re-assessments take place every week at the same time of the day.

Is it only for weight loss?

BioPrint analysis is for maintaining a healthy body by cutting on unhealthy fats and identifying hormonal or metabolic deficiencies.

How expensive is the course?

The first consultation costs `3,000 while each retest is for `1,500.

How fast is Kolkata warming up to Bio-print and metabolism fitness?

Kolkata is catching up but more awareness is needed. So far fitness enthusiasts and particularly athletes who know about the programme are benefitting from it.

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Celebrity fitness expert Anwar Wahhab puts the spotlight on BioPrint to lose weight - Indulgexpress

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