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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Well, regarding those in China almost everyone smokes there, which weakens the lungs – Modern Ghana

Posted: March 12, 2020 at 11:44 am

I have decided to republish this important article that was forwarded to me by my mentor in Holistic Medicine-Dr. Geo Espinoza in my column today. This column post is his opinion and interpretation of the scientific articles he read on the Coronavirus and how to strengthen the immune system. This post is not meant to replace medical advice.

Listen to Dr. Espinoza now:Coronavirus has been a major pain in the butt. Coronavirus what is it? Is it really that much of a big deal? what can I do to protect myself and my family?

This is what I found.The statistics on the Coronavirus (March 8, 2020) are:

Before I share my thoughts on the Coronavirus, whether or not you should freak out over it and what to do to keep yourself and your family protected, allow me to give you an overview on it all.

What is the Coronavirus (COVID 19)?Technically speaking, COVID-19(Coronavirus Disease 2019) is not the name of the virus, but the name of the disease caused by SARS-CoV2, the real name of the virus everyone is concerned about.

The common name, Coronavirus, stems from the fact that the SARS-CoV2 virus has spikes around it in a circular shape, which looks like a corona, Latin for crown.

How do Viruses work?A virus is an infectious agent, about one hundred times smaller than a bacteria, and, unlike a bacteria, it needs a host to survive. In other words, for viruses to cause health problems, it needs to get into your cells.

Once in your cells, viruses infect you and begin infecting other nearby cells unless your body does something to stop it.

The something your body needs to stop the virus from going haywire in your body is a robust immune system (more on that later).

That said, some viruses are more severe than others. Still, a robust immune system is the name of the game to avoid getting ill from the Coronavirus, or any virus for that matter.

What are the Symptoms Associated with the Coronavirus?

The main symptoms of the Coronavirus are similar to the flu and the common cold (rhinovirus, mostly).

The most common symptom is fever in about 80% of the cases followed by a cough.

Other symptoms include shortness of breath, body aches, headaches, and upper respiratory symptoms.

Severe symptoms include pneumonia, bronchitis, and death can occur mostly in the feeble, the weak, or the elderly who often, not always, have a weak immune system.

You can be older (above 65 years) and still have a strong immune system, but the older one is, on average, the more work it requires for robust immunity you know, sleep, nutrition, exercise, etc. (more on that too, stay with me)

How can the Coronavirus be Deadly?Death is caused by pneumonia or swelling in the lungs, which can cause the lungs to stop working effectively.

The less optimal the lungs function, the less it can send oxygen to critical organs in your body like the heart and brain.

How Can the Coronavirus Spread?The Coronavirus, like most viruses, is passed on from person to person, either from:

Can someone have the Coronavirus and not know they have it?

Yes.The incubation period is about two weeks, meaning someone can have the virus without symptoms for up to two weeks and still spread it.

The average incubation period seems to be about four days , however.

What are the Medical Treatments to treat the Coronavirus?

None. At this time, there are no vaccines or medical treatments available to treat the Coronavirus.

What Countries Have the most cases of the Coronavirus?

The Coronavirus is affecting close to 110 countries . (March 8, 2020)

Countries most affected to date with the coronavirus are China, Japan, South Korea, Iran, and Italy.

How can You Protect Yourself from the Coronavirus Naturally?

The following suggestions are based on my experience (both personal and clinical), the available scientific data, and common sense. None of my advice is meant to replace a consult with your physician or a nutritionally oriented doctor. **

Behavioral methods to protect yourself from the Coronavirus.

Wash your hands often for 10 to 20 seconds. I mean, be compulsive about it. Aside from after using the restroom and going from room to room at the clinic, I am not obsessed about washing hands. Some exposure to microbes is healthy.

Well, at least for now, I am obsessed with washing my hands.

You can get infected from touching any object that has the virus; doorknobs, hand-to-hand contact, faucets, even money from a contaminated person.

Sneeze or cough on the opposite side of your elbow (called the crotch of the elbow), not your hands.

Sleep well. This is not the time to skimp on good sleep. Get at least 6 to 7 hours a night. Sleep resets your immune system.

Exercise daily, but no marathons or extreme physical activities. Exercise strengthens your immune system, but excessive activities like marathons or triathlons weaken it.

It is common for runners to get colds after running the New York City marathon, for example.

No Handshaking. This one is hard as I am used to shaking hands all day. It feels disrespectful to no extend my hand to greet someone. Because of this, I have been about 50% compliant with greeting people with anything other than my hands. (Thats why handwashing is so important)

Use fist bump or elbows to greet. Forget about using feet to greet, please. Thank you.

Foods to Avoid and Foods to Eat to Protect from the Coronavirus

Sugar and processed foods weaken your immune system. Avoid them. This includes white table sugar, candies, candy bars, cookies, and baked goods. Sorry. I like them too, but

Eat immune-boosting foods: soups with garlic, onions, ginger, mushrooms. A great book on soups is Clean Soups by Rebecca Katz.

Practice some fasting. Notice when you are sick that you dont want to eat much. Thats because your body is trying to heal, and digesting food can be taxing to the body trying to fight disease. Stay hydrated.

Time-restricted eating, 14 hours a day or so away from food works well.

Hydration, hydration, hydration.( I feel like a realtor here, location, location, location :)). 8 to 12 glasses of filtered water a day. Soups, fruits, and vegetables contain mostly water too, so, when consumed, you may need less drinking water.

Get an N95 mask, but you may not need it. Keep it stored just in case. If you have a compromised immune system, stay home, but if you have to come out, use a mask.

Load up on the right dietary supplements.When it comes to using dietary supplements, it comes down to using the right type along with the best amount.

Dietary practices do not replace a physicians advice and proper behavioral practices. In general, the better your diet and behavioral practices, the less dietary supplements you need.

VITAMIN CVitamin C is one of my favorite nutrients as it does a lot of good things to the body beyond treating scurvy. One of them is an excellent immune booster, but if taking vitamin C in supplement form, one pill a day will not cut it.

Vitamin C increases iron absorption, which is OK in most, especially menstruating women (not a problem in men too, just get ferritin, transferrin and liver panel levels checked), UNLESS the person has Iron overload in the body, a conditioned called hemochromatosis. If iron overload is suspected, stay away from vitamin C.

Talk to your physician about this or a nutritionally oriented doctor. **

Wait, I heard most vitamin C is urinated out of the body, so its not worth taking, you are thinking, isnt vitamin C just expensive urine?

Yes, the kidneys control how much vitamin C stays in your body and how much is urinated out. When there are high amounts of vitamin C going through the kidneys, the body, in its great wisdom, gets rid of what you dont need.

Thats why vitamin C consumption should be spaced out to no more than 500mg at a time. At that amount, most vitamin C stays in the body to do the work it does.

So, while, yes, some vitamin C comes out in your urine, you should take enough to saturate your cell with this essential nutrient.

Keep in mind you also pee out most of the water you drink. Should you stop drinking water?

For prevention, take 500mg of vitamin C two times a day.

If fighting an infection take 500mg of vitamin C EVERY two to three waking hours. That sums up to about 4000 to 5000mg a day.

Your stools may soften a little when taking high amounts of vitamin C. Thats not a big deal it will normalize when you scale back.

ZINCZinc is essential from a strong immune system . Foods high in zinc include grass-fed meats, oysters (the highest), pumpkin seeds and chicken.

Take 15 to 30mg of zinc, once to two times daily. Taking 60 mg of zinc a day for a long time may require at least one to two mg of Copper with it to avoid copper deficiency.

Zinc lozenges are also excellent.VITAMIN D3Vitamin D is vital for a healthy immune system, but it is better to get it from dietary supplements in the winter since we dont have much sun exposure around this time of the year.

4000 to 5000 units a day is good before or after a viral infection.

SELENIUMSelenium, like zinc, is one of the most important minerals to boost the immune system and anti-viral activity. For prevention or treatment, take 200 micrograms of selenium a day.

Medicinal Botanical & Herbs that Strengthen the Immune System & Anti-viral Qualities

Medicinal herbs that have anti-viral properties and essential for immunity include elderberry, Andrographis, goldenseal, Echinacea, Astragalus, and Arabinogalactan (Larch tree).

ACTIVE HEXOSE CORRELATED COMPOUND (AHCC)AHCC *- known to help with viral infections and boost immunity. (also the main cancer nutrient used in Japan).

For prevention, take 1 pill (750mg) two times a day

For treatment, take 2 pills (1500mg) two times a day

Herbal & Nutritional Formulas to ConsiderHerbal throat spray like Gaias Echinacea, Goldenseal Propolis is a good one. Throat mist from Wise women is good too. I carry either one in my pocket and spray numerous times a day throughout the day.

My Final Thoughts on the CoronavirusWhat comes next is my rapid-fire views on the Coronavirus. This is my opinion, based on my research on the topic and being a healthcare practitioner for over fifteen years.

Lets goYes, the media is overdoing it in creating unnecessary fear.

Lets put things in perspective.While the coronavirus is indeed deadly, the flu killed 18,000 people this past flu season, compared to 3800 people, so far from the Coronavirus.

And 18 million who died from heart attack s globally.

And 10 million died from Cancer.That said, this is not to undermine the deadly potential of the Coronavirus pandemic, but just we should not go crazy over it.

You will likely die from something other that the Coronavirus and should do everything in your power to avoid it. Keeping a strong immune system is one very important component to accomplish reaching those older year successfully.

Most articles you are reading say that the elderly (those above 65) and very young children are most vulnerable to the Coronavirus because its assumed that those in this age group may have a compromised immune system.

This may be true, but anyone can have a compromised immune system, not just small kids and older people.

People on medical treatments that weaken the immune system like chemo or anti-autoimmune drugs should be particularly careful, despite age.

Masks are unnecessary and an overkill for almost everyone. However, a mask might be helpful if you have a weak immune system medically induced or for any other health reason.

Relatively Young People are Getting sick from the Coronavirus or dying from the similar infections

The lawyer gentleman from New York who is quarantined in a nearby hospital with the Coronavirus is only 50 years old.

The average age in China of those with this is 47.And a recent news article reported the unfortunate case of a physician who died from flu complications at 62.

How can this be? How can young people, whom, presumably get the virus, or worse yet, die from it?

Well, regarding those in China almost everyone smokes there, which weakens the lungs, the primary target of the Coronavirus.

The lawyer in New York, who is still severely ill in a nearby hospital burns the candle on both ends as the saying goes, like most New Yorkers. His wife was quoted in saying

He is a very caring hardworking person who constantly cares for his clients and those around him over himself. I think it is from this that he was run down and susceptible to the illness he acquired.

Lastly, what about the cardiologist who recently died from the flu .

Most, not all physicians in my observation, are extremely unhealthy with poor lifestyle practices. They (we, I guess) work long hours, sleep little, eat poorly and take no supplements.

Id like to think I am in good shape, and, so far, it seems like I am, but I exercise every day and take about twenty-three supplement pill twice a day many of those mentioned above. My sleep is good, not great (like you, I have so much to do), and I eat moderately well.

What makes the Coronavirus a big deal is that it is new; we dont know much about it, and it is killing about 1.4% of people infected, but experts think it is likely lower. For comparison, the seasonal flu kills about 1.3% of people infected on average.

The president of the US has said that the Coronavirus will go away after the Winter season, but we dont know that to be true yet.

With the nutrients recommended above, you can take all the recommendations listed above safely, but you should consider seeing a nutritionally oriented physician if worried you are taking too much.

If on a budget, make sure to do the things that are free, wash hands, sleep well, etc. Also, eat well, no junk food, lots of spices like garlic in your food.

Vitamin D, zinc, selenium and Vitamin C are relatively inexpensive, start with those.

DISCLAIMER : This post is for enlightenment purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for professional diagnosis and treatments. Remember to always consult your healthcare provider before making any health-related decisions or for counselling, guidance and treatment about a specific medical condition

Dr. Raphael Nyarkotey Obu, PhD, Is an honorary Professor of Naturopathic Medicine with a research interest in Naturopathic & Holistic Urology, Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. President of Nyarkotey College of Holistic Medicine- Formulator of FDA approved Mens Formula for Prostate Health, Womens Formula for wellness & Nyarkotey Tea for cardiovascular Health. 0241083423 or 0541234556. The author also is currently pursuing LLB Law/MBA concurrently

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Well, regarding those in China almost everyone smokes there, which weakens the lungs - Modern Ghana

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