Weight loss tips: Probiotics in curd give it the edge over milk when it comes to aiding weight loss. However, there is little or no difference in calorie content of milk and curd. Read here to find out more.
Weight loss: Dairy products like curd and milk are a rich source of calcium and Vitamin D
Curd vs milk for weight loss: Curd and milk are both common in people's daily diet. Some people can't do without milk in morning (or night) or without a wholesome cup of curd along with meals. And is this a healthy habit for weight loss? We will find out here. Curd and milk are protein-rich dairy products that are also rich in calcium. It is important to include curd and/or milk in kids' diet for optimum nutrition. Dairy products like milk and yogurt are also rich in Vitamin D, potassium, riboflavin, phosphorus and Vitamin B12. Vitamin D and calcium in milk and yogurt facilitate stronger bones. In this article, we are going to see if milk or curd...which one of the two is better for weight loss.
We speak to nutritionist Rupali Datta if milk is better for weight loss or curd. "Both milk and curd are calorie-wise similar. Curd, however, contains probiotics-which provide beneficial bacteria to the gut," she says while adding, a healthy gut is directly proportional to a healthy digestion and good overall health. This may give curd the edge for being more weight loss-friendly.
She is quick to mention that the calorie content in milk and curd are nearly the same. "Adults should have skimmed or low-fat milk and curd made from skimmed milk. Kids should have full fat milk and curd made from full-fat milk," she asserts.
Delhi-based nutritionist Pooja Malhotra also believes that curd is more weight loss friendly than milk. She says, "Between milk and curd, curd is definitely a healthier option for both weight loss as well as weight gain. Curd is easy to digest as the proteins get partially denatured during the setting of curd. Curd rice is a delicious combination which helps in recovery when someone is unwell too."
She points out that both curd and milk can aid weight gain as well. "Both milk and curd can be used in a weight gain diet too. Full cream milk and full cream curd can included for weight gain. You can prepare sweet lassi, banana milk shake, milk with with badaam thandaai, etc, if you want to gain weight in a healthy way," adds Pooja.
Dairy products like milk and curd can be used in weight gain diets tooPhoto Credit: iStock
Also read:You Can Now Have Plenty Of Curd To Reduce Anxiety
Having said that, it is important to understand that milk and curd, that is natural and hormone-free, should be a part of a balanced diet.
1. Dairy products like milk, curd, cheese and cottage cheese are a rich source of protein. Protein is the building block of the human body. It is a macronutrient which is also responsible for regulating hunger hormones.
2. Casein, globulin and albumin are the three proteins present in milk. They help in keeping you satiated and full for longer.
3. Curd is an excellent source of good bacteria for gut. Eating curd regularly can restore good digestion.
Also read:6 Best Non-Dairy Substitutes For Milk
4. Live active cultures found in curd can fight disease-causing germs, thus giving a boost to your immunity. According to a study by University of Vienna researchers, eating 200 gms of curd can be as effective in boosting immunity as popping pills.
5. Both curd and milk have beneficial effects on skin. While milk can be used as a gentle cleanser and moisturiser, curd can be used an exfoliator. Curd can help in reducing skin blemishes and dead cells on skin.
Both curd and milk have moisturising effects on skinPhoto Credit: iStock
6. Potassium content in milk and curd make them beneficial high blood pressure patients. Potassium negates the effect of sodium on high blood pressure. The more potassium you eat, the more sodium you are able to lose through urine.
Also read:Here's Why You Must Have A Glass Of Milk Everyday
So if you are trying to lose weight, both curd and milk can be beneficial for you. This, of course, is possible only when you practice portion control. Along with protein and other nutrients, dairy products contain fat too. Eating too much of curd or drinking more than a glass of milk daily can adversely affect your weight loss. Calculate your intake of milk and/or curd depending on your overall caloric intake during the day, recommends Dr Rupali.
(Dr Rupali Datta is Consultant Nutritionist at Fortis Escorts)
(Pooja Malhotra is a nutritionist based in Delhi)
Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.
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