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Diet trends and fads: What you may not know can hurt you – Burlington Times News

Posted: August 31, 2017 at 6:50 am

By Janice Putnam / Special to the Times-News

There are benefits to healthy eating. In 2014, University College London conducted a study that found that eating seven or more servings of vegetables and fruit each day decreases your risk of death by 42 percent. Wow! There are many diet fads that guarantee quick weight loss. However, eating healthy isnot a diet trend or fad its a lifestyle.

Lets take a quick look at some recent diet trends and fads. Remember, you should always check with your health care provider before making changes to your diet.


The theory behind cleansing is that eating or drinking certain foods will cleanse your body. However, your body naturally cleanses itself. Your kidneys filter waste and then excrete the waste in urine. Your liver also removes toxins.

Several celebrities have their own cleansing diets. Foods included in the diet cleanse are low in important nutrients such as protein, calcium and Vitamin D.

The best way to keep your kidneys and liver healthyis by avoiding excess sugar and high fructose corn syrup, limiting alcohol, and by maintaining a good weight.


It is believed that the body needs to detox to rid itself of toxins in order to cleanse, repair and replace worn-out cells. Detox promotes eating certain foods while avoiding others. A guest doctor on a popular daytime talk show stated that 10 detox foods need to be consumed. They include but are not limited to green leafy and cruciferous vegetables, cold water fish and chicken, berries, and lemon water. A detox dietalso eliminatesfoods such as milk and other dairy products, eggs, gluten, sugar, soy, soda, and alcohol. Like cleansing, the detox diet also has several important nutrients missing, such as calcium and Vitamin D.

Raw foods diet

The raw foods diet suggests eating raw foods is healthier than eating cooked foods. Raw foods include fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and sprouted grains. Some raw foods diets may suggest raw eggs, milk and meat. Raw meat can be dangerous as it increases your risk of foodborne illness from bacteria such as listeria, salmonella and E. coli.

The theory behind eating raw foods suggests that cooking destroys nutrients. However, cooking may increase the nutrient availability in foods by increasing lycopene. Lycopene is an important antioxidant that may prevent certain diseases such as cancer. Cooking foods also helps decrease foodborne illness by destroying bacteria. Also, for those who have dental needs, raw foods are sometimes hard to chew.

It is important to properly clean raw food. Some foods are at higher risk of contamination such as sprouts, raspberries, green onions and lettuce. Pregnant women, elderly and those with a compromised immune system should not follow a raw food diet. As with all diets, before eating a raw food diet consult with your physician and work with a dietitian to help replace missing nutrients. In addition, when consuming raw food, drink plenty of water to avoid a bezoar. A bezoar is a solid mass of indigestible material that may accumulate in the digestive tract and cause blockage.

Alkaline diet

The alkaline diet promotes the idea that your body works better when its slightly alkaline. However, your body maintains the correct pH of 7.35-7.45, which is slightly alkaline regardless of the diet. Fruits and vegetables are allowed on this diet along with soy, nuts, seeds and legumes. Foods not allowed include dairy, meat, grains, processed foods, sugar, alcohol and caffeine. Major nutrients are also missing in this diet, including protein. Research has not found any health benefits in eating an alkaline diet. Before eating an alkaline diet,you should consult with your physician.

Gluten free

A gluten-free diet excludes foods that contain gluten, a protein found in foods such as wheat, barley and rye. Extensive label reading is required, and the missing B vitamins need to be replaced in this diet. Fruits and vegetables, meat, poultry, fish that is not breaded, and dairy are allowed in a gluten-free diet.

Some people who follow this diet say it helps with energy, brain fog and chronic fatigue as well as with aches and pains. Mainly people who have been diagnosed with Celiac disease or as gluten-intolerant should follow this diet. Check with your physician before deciding to try a gluten-free diet.

Atkins, South Beachand Weight Watchers

All three are long-standing diet plans that promote healthy eating by focusing on certain foods in varying amounts. As with all diets, check with your physician before trying these diets. They can help determine what is best for you.

If you have questions about fad diets or the latest diet trend, contact your physician or a registered dietician who can help you find the healthiest eating plan for you. Happy eating!

Janice Putnam is a nutritionist with the Alamance County Health Department.You can reach her at 336-570-6474 or at

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Diet trends and fads: What you may not know can hurt you - Burlington Times News

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